“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
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Tier 0:
1st Tier:
2nd Tier:
3rd Tier:
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For lack of meaningful answers, we can close the thread ;(
I apologize in advance, if it sounds rude, but to get meaningful replies to a thread, one has to make a meaningful opening post first.
You can’t honestly expect to be taken seriously, if you want to change a skill because that skill can be used to “troll people”.
There are many skills, which can be used to troll and are wasted if used for that purpose, so it’s a non-issue.
The ranger’s 1H-Sword can be one big troll weapon, now put the Axe#4 and Lightning Reflexes into the mix and enjoy your bath in the enemy’s rage.
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While we’re at it let’s make our arrow blunt tipped so they don’t hurt poor mobs and pvp opponents too hard. I mean bows aren’t meant to kill stuff, right?
Even better, give the ranger literally nerf-guns instead of bows.
No, i meant LB#3.
Ranger vets will remember, like when we had to manually revive our pets
This little guy up there channeled the power of Skyrim horses.
By the way, he’s perma ooc relaxing there, means insta regen if attacked.
I left him alive. Even NPC mobs need a break sometimes.
@S/A vs GS discussion, that started here:
Sword AA = pet might&perma cripple (ensures Predator’s Onslaught)
Don’t get me wrong here, i love the GS of the ranger and it’s usually my to-go weapon for hurr-durr-PUGs, but the difference in damage IS very noticeable to me and many others.
Just take a stop-watch with ’ya and kill some risen giants on orr or ettin-champs and compare yourself.
But what makes the Sword the optimal choice for me, are the off-hand flexibilities.
Guide for hardcore dungeoners, with overused commas
It would sometimes be nice to know who’s behind these guides through an introduction, especially when it’s a long one.
You’re almost as cynical as “those” hardcore dungeoners. :P
Also, hello, i’m wauwi and i like playing some GW2 once in a while.
I play for sooooooo long, that i still sometimes open fights with LB#3, because i just can’t completely get rid of that pesky habit.
K, bye.
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And i want more than 1 of my 5 Spirits being useful.
I also want more than 1 of my shouts being useful.
I also want cookies to be in my mouth.
I wonder, which of the above things i will get first.
Tip: I only got one of the above during the past 2 and a half years.
Now take a guess what will not happen to your banner of tactics (as well as my spirits and shouts, aka half my utilities) anytime soon.
The LB only excels in terms of DPS on 1k+ range against single targets.
If in a dungeon, you range only very rarely, let alone on 1k+ range. Arah/Melandru and CM/Turmaine are the only ones, that are coming into my mind and some fractal enemies as well, such as the ice thing in snowblind, Subject 6, Thaumanova, Mossman etc.
Maybe that’s why i start to really like fractals lately…i can use the bow alot and not feel useless.
When using S/A, you also have to take Path of Scars and Whirling Defense into account, which are both significant DPS increases over the swords auto-attack.
In a meta group, most bosses melt either fast enough, before things get too dangerous or their heavier attacks channel or are telegraphed enough to dodge without sacrificing much DPS.
For everything else, there’s the GS.
I’ve bound “Swap Weapons” to the “Shift”-key and “Dodge” to the left “Alt”-key, two buttons, i can reach very easely, so if i realize, i can’t chain up a dodge-attack on my sword AA in time, i swap weapons, to insta-break the chain and dodge (shift -> alt) or i simply use “Lightning Reflexes” to dodge, but a rarely have to do that.
It’s like i’ve said, know your encounters (<—- I feel like i can’t stress this out enough) to maximize DPS. I won’t use S/X and prefer the GS, if i know, that A; i can’t mash 1 for at least 90%, of the battle, which doesn’t happen as often as you might think and B; if the boss takes longer than a minute to kill or C; i absolutely need the mobility from a GS throughout the fight.
I’m not saying, i particularly like the Swords AA – it’s annyoing in PvE and by dwayna, did i fell down into my death alot, because i’ve pressed “1” one too many times, when the enemy died, but as a matter of fact, S/A features the best DPS by a good amount, especially if you have some competent party members.
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Before combat, place your Frostspirit out of reach of the enemy, but close enough for it’s effect to hit your party.
I see people mention this from time to time, so I’m just gonna say it as it is.
Against most dungeon bosses it’s 100 % OK to simply place the frost spirit at the boss’ feet. The boss will melt down before your spirit will, or at least before the effect is gone. That’s my experience, with both pugs and speedrun teams.
That really depends on the group (PUG or coordinated/dedicated speedrun group) and boss.
But yeah, more often than not, you can place it relatively near to where the action takes place, but it can’t hurt getting into the habit of good spirit placement, for when you fight something like Bloomhunger or Malrona (My average PUG takes at least 1 and a half minute for that one…even, tho all you need is to get her to spray her venom load all over you).
Edited that part, btw, thanks for pointing that out.
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this issue was raised before, if you’re not going to spam sword AA, won’t that hurt your overall dps? what makes it better than GS AA with the evade on the chain?
The GS does a whole lot less damage than sword even when not AA with the sword. It’s extremely noticeable to me.
From my experience, in fights, where you need to stay mobile, the GS is equal or better in terms of DPS and keeps you alive much longer.
You can AA with the GS and dodge, while you often need to stop attacking completely with the Sword, to reliably dodge attacks, if you don’t/can’t use Lightning Reflexes.
Most of our DPS comes from the Sword’s AA, so what’s the point of equipping it, if you can’t effectively use it.
As i’ve mentioned in this guide, knowing when to use what to maximize damage is key to remain useful in dungeons.
When fighting lots of elite-trash/stacking, you heavily rely on your party, to proper blind, CC or buff aegis, or you die pretty fast, that’s why i often use S/A&GS in these scenarios, when i’m PUGing. I open with Axe#5 and camp GS.
Swapping weapon’s during the Sword’s AA instantly cancels the animation.
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I just finished the guide: As you couldn’t see earlier, i considered the Sword’s AA during encounters, where you need more mobility in the most recent part of the guide.
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Finally about the red glow…how would removing it make it OP? What our class has a ‘avoid me’ signal like that?
I never said anything about the red glow.
I guess it was directed at me.
The red glow’s important, because the stability lasts for quite a while. Compare it to other stability skills from other classes.
Warrior’s elite “Rampage” is the closest one to our RaO and is also nicely visible to other players and they get their weapon-skills swapped with a terrible moveset during it’s duration.
You gotta think about what other classes need to sacrifice in order to achieve the things, we can do by simply using RaO and some brain.
Tho, i wouldn’t mind if RaO would be also a stunbreak and remove immobilze on use.
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So… I don’t really get it.
First, AC story mode is super-duper easy. It’s simply the easiest dungeon you can run in all of GW2.
Really, you can solo it with a fully geared lv80 char, even if you’re bad at this game and a group of 80’s simply runs through that thing in not time.
Second, if you want to open explorable dungeons with your toon, simply LFG with your main and switch characters, when the group fills or LFG with your toon and only switch to your main, if nobody can open.
And third, there isn’t even a token reward at the end.
I don’t see any reason why people would wanna spend gold on buying story mode dungeons, except maybe for arah.
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I open with LB2 then hit LB5 then melee the rest of the time.
I guess you meant LB5 and then LB2?
But Vitality and Toughness make my Wall of Reflection last longer right? no? Well it lowers the cooldown on Purging flames! No? not that either? umm… well healing power makes my shared Virtue of Resolve heal for 20 more every 3s! got you there! I’m support!
Reminds me of the war, i’ve had a few days ago in my “CM full run lv zerk only” party.
Noticed how little damage he dealt, even with 20+ might and asked “do you even zerk , bro?” and he answered “only half zerk” and i had to ask “why?”.
“Because my phalanx strength build doesn’t work with full zerk”
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OP much?
As much as i like to see some serious ranger buffs, the one, you suggested goes way overboard.
Not to mention, that “Wilderness Knowledge” would make it even more powerful during longer fights.
10 instant might stacks are overdoing it by far, not to mention, how much the lack of red glow would cause it to be even more OP in PvP.
If you wanna skip trash, use SotW and bring a stunbreak just in case and equip sword/horn for swiftness and Sword#2 leap and then switch to GS for swoop and block.
Seriously, don’t waste RaO for skipping trash in dungeons…
I only wish for “Two-Handed Training” to be in “Skirmishing”, instead of “Nature Magic”.
Makes no sense to me as it is right now.
Not only gs, nop.
What did i do to you, to deserve a “Dood”.
only, cuz i’m a filthy dual axe PHIW now? (temporarily during lupi)
Don’t tell me how to play, mom.
Also, did you tried the Sword AA on ranger…DID YOU!? (I know, you did <3)
Either don’t DPS or die tryin’…hard choice, i know.
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Would kicking more rangers help?
Most definately.
Kicking rangers even brings the world’s peace and it’s been said, it cures the flu permanently.
So wait, does this ONLY happen with the GS AA evade or ANY evade?
Well, i guess i’m getting a second axe for my mainhand now…at least i could trait for the +150 ferocity then, during lupi to make my reflects hit a bit harder.
Thanks for the explanation.
Relisted my lfg 3 times because nobody was joining my arah p1/2.
On 4th relist, “Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging”.anet pls… ;_;
Can you explain in-depth again, why my GS AA evade messes things up at lupi?
Is it a “working as intended” mechanic or a bug?
I was the ranger who came to your rescue, btw.
I mostly use it as an opening strike, to apply cripple for the “Predator’s Onslaught”-trait, followed by Rapid Fire, before i move into melee range.
So, you guys want the old burrows back, with lousy hit detection, more health, less time between each burrow to spawn and more gravelings, who spawn in insanely high numbers?
I’d be all for it, if i’d be egoistic, but ask youself, if it’s necessary to up the difficulty for a lv35 dungeon, which newer players usually tackle first.
Please, help, i’m getting bored of the meta.
“Meta” is such a weird word…meta…meta….metaaaaaaaaaa~~~.
Yea but you made it sound like thats what people do mostly in dungeons. If i can recall there is very few occasions where stacking is actually a good strategies, and most of them are used to deal with ads rather than the boss.
Well, this is a thread about the zerker speedrun in PUGland.
In PUGland, that’s what people do. Alot.
I remember, when i started arah a long time ago, people wanted me to stack on crusher.
You can imagine, how that turned out.
Stacking is generally the best strategy for spread-out trash mobs, that you can’t skip. There’s always some corner/pillar or whatever, that breaks the line of sight nearby trash and if you aggro all and stack around a corner, they’ll eventually stack up as well.
So, what’s faster: Dealing with each elite one at a time or cleave down all at once?
But you are wrong if you think the reason speedrun don’t stack is because boss burn down quickly. Take AC for instance, the final boss can be killed in an average pug on open field for every single path, I have done it many times with pugs yet some of them insist on stacking it. COE alpha can be done in the same manner, dodge appropriately and dps the boss, in fact I would say that stacking for most of the bosses are usually detrimental to the team since the aoe attacks will always be concentrated on all 5 people. The healing from the elemental does not matter as well if you keep the boss poisoned or you cleave appropriately.
Alpha is kind of a bad example of stacking being detrimental, because it actually helps. Some of his AoEs have minimum range, which you then don’t have to worry about and with everyone’s cleave, his crystal prison is trivial if everone’s sticking close enough to each other to be within their weapon’s cleave range.
You also took my previous statement out of context and prematurely assumed, i meant all bossfight’s in every dungeon/path.
Please don’t do that, thank you.
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I think you are interpreting more deeply than neccessary, basically they will have to make it easier for some people to get into the dungeon facet of the game. They may have to create special systems, or filters or whatever for that purpose, but if it increases dungeon participation and satisfaction without reducing the current community, or alienating them, its worthwhile, in my opinion.
Nerf all the mindless farming to oblivion, then maybe raise the rewards for story mode, and you’ll see people far more willing to learn dungeons. The game has encouraged them to be lazy players, and lazy learners, and there will be no place for them in dungeons until they realize they need to shape up.
Kind of an odd thing to say, if stacking and mashing “1” is pretty much what you will do half the time in dungeons.
Ever wiped on Fyonna? Yeah, me neither. There isn’t to say, that there aren’t more crunchy fights in between, but finding groups for these paths (like CoE p3 or all of HotW) demands alot more patience, which pretty much nullifies the aspect of speedclearing for profit/gold per hour.
Even in dungeons…no, ESPECIALLY in dungeons, ppl also tend to go for the easiest way, because it’s more often than not the fastest.
At any daytime, i have no problem finding an AC full run group, for example.
On the other side, mashing “1” or AA/AFK at some more demanding open world PvE content, like tequatl gets you killed pretty fast.
But sadly, such events are rare.
There pretty much is only tequatl or jungle wurm…
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Urgh, just got kicked mid fractals for having a DC.
I wasn’t being kicked during the DC, when i got back and apologized, i got the kick in my face.
I’m pretty sure, they’ll do just fine without me – with the warrior, who claims to have a consistent DPS of 35k.
Sure didn’t looked like it, when he started rifling, but what do i know, i’m just a ranger peasant.
“How to NOT get kicked – guaranteed!”
Don’t PUG.
Just completely forget about SotH. It’s not even that useful for skipping.
Use SoS (very helpful for p2 spider skip or as last resort when CC’ed) or Lightning Reflexes (turn around, press sword #2, Lightning Reflexes, turn around, press sword 2 again, switch, swoop with GS).
Go with SoS, SotW and Lightning Reflexes and swap “Steady Focus” for “Signet Mastery” and go S/A & GS during Lupi.
Since a FS is useless here, you can go 6/4/4/0/0 with offhand training too during this boss, otherwise, just swap Vigorous Spirit’s for Strengh of Spirits.
Always have Jungle Stalker as one of your pets and use a Drake, if you need the cleave, a Red Moa, if your party lack s fury or really whatever you feel like, man.
For my average PUG, i’ll go with a Fern Hound for active defense, but keep in mind, some pets have CC’s as their non-F2 skills, so be careful, if you don’t want to mess up a boss’ defiance.
Another word of advice: Know your encounters.
The 1h-Sword got a great DPS – on spreadsheets.
In actual battle, you need to manage your AA chain to properly dodge, either by stop attacking or by switching to the LB, which then you’re stuck with for 10 seconds, effectively crippling your DPS.
If you know, that you can’t vigorously mash #1 for at least 80% of the battle, use a GS instead.
Or just forget about the LB entirely and rotate between S/A and GS.
The ranger’s LB is a bad weapon anyways, because god beware if the Ranger gets a good Ranged weapon and in arah, it only really comes in handy when doing melandru in p4.
Another funny thing to do, before starting a boss is, open hero menu, equip torch, #5, equip horn, #5 and equip axe again. Paired with the jungle stalker, 9 stacks of might initially.
Not too shabby, right.
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Well lets be honest, The Dungeon team wasn’t given much of a chance to learn from their mistakes and build upon the structure.
The TA Aether-Path sure was a step in the right direction.
More of that, please.
Though, they can iron out their design flaws on existing dungeons, without shaking up the zerk-meta’s comfort-zone too much.
I’m speaking of adding “Hardmode”.
The PvE community is already heavily split between meta and anti-meta (i’m kinda both), so not implementing one, even tho the resources and know-how is there (like fractal instabilities), taking both sides and say “NOW KISS!” isn’t really gonna help.
But that’s a discussion for dungeon discussion thread. Sorry i brought it up, back on track:
“Sell AC Story 1,5g, Boss @0,1%”
Reading that interview with tentonhammer I’m not suprised, Sounds like they know and accept the meta as what it is. They sounded like they actually like that there is a way to go “hard mode” being squishy but more effective. I really hope what I read it as is true. I think it’s a wonderful game design.
Yeah, the only problem is, dungeons were announced and on release intended to be most efficiently completed with a specific composition of classes and builds with diversity between each dungeon and path.
Each path would have it’s own meta, with room for experimantions.
And here we are, today…
Maybe it’s just me. Maybe i can’t see the diversity between each berserker set. Maybe, they meant visual differences.
My zerker set’s purple colored.
I hope, that it’s not true about the dev and the meta, or i have to be seriously worried about GW2 becoming even more the game, that turned out to be the opposite of what it wanted to be.
I know, that there always be a meta and that’s just fine, but the difference in GW2’s PvE between zerker and “all else” is like day and night.
It was all my fault.
I’m sorry.
First rule of #puglyfe, never admit your faults, blame everyone else instead
Can “Warmaster Grast” be considered a part of my PUG?
Because he’s kind of a bad GW2 player.
We started the fight at the endboss, but haven’t noticed, that Grast decided to ditch us and started attacking the gravelings instead – miles away.
I have no idea how they managed to aggro him.
Well, at about 10%HP, we noticed the lack of bubble and got slammed by the rocks, got him down to less than 1% before the wipe, one player surved being downed.
Now here’s the punchline: Grast started to run at supersonic speed towards the boss, gave him a taste of his hammer once and the boss died.
I laughed. Then i flamed at Grast. Sadly, i couldn’t kick him…would be kind of pointless anyways, after the boss.
“It would be a honor to fight alongside you one day again.” – Grast
Yeah, well, i’m calling you then…uhm…bye.
(psshht, i’m not actually calling him back)
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Not the shiniest, but meh.
The armor sure doesn’t seem suited for battle, but isn’t that, what we all like about MMO’s?
Enlighten yourself. There are lots of friendly guilds, dedicated to mentoring dungeon newcomers.
A little tip from me: Get yourself comfortable in melee fighting, because that’s what you’re going to do most of the time in dungeons.
While being annoying like crazy in PvE, the sword’s sticky AA is a godsent gift in PvP.
It takes some time to get used to it, but it’ll be awesome, if someone tries to run away from you – because he/she can’t.
Some truly skilled players loose the target during the AA chain to bounce all over the place, if they need some distance.
Pop a “Lightning Reflexes”, hornet’s sting/monarch’s leap and switch to the GS and swoop for good measure and you’ll be miles away from your opponent.
2 things, that instantly breaks the AA animations are switching to a different weapon set (Tip: Bind weapon-swap to the “Shift”-key) and the skill “Lightning Reflexes”.
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[…]something actually relevant to Dungeons would be a very nice improvement.
It’s just kind of impossible to implement a proper filter, without making things even worse, as they are now.
I often say “Don’t PUG”. (applies to any online game ever)
But i say this with completely hypocrisy, cuz’ i do it all the time. I have trouble finding a guild, suiting my needs, for several reasons, including my lack of a mic and very inconsistent activity.
I just leave a dungeon group when i think, that drama’s getting too big and i’m feeling like i’m in a bad reality show with overblown conflicts.
I had the smoothest dungeon runs with friendly players, including first timers and players, just a bit over the level requirement, so from my experience, leaving the PUG and looking for a new one is even more efficient, than starting a “My meta is correct, your meta is wrong” kind of fight.
Oh – I have dungeoneer …
And you aren’t sick of dungeons yet? Impressive, to say the least.
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Could be a good thing – may be worth trying it to see how many players join the group and if the quality improves.
You realize, that i was joking about the dungeoneer title?
You would never be able, to fill a group with dungeoneers only, because everyone who has that title, which are probably just a handful of players anyway, either doesn’t do dungeons or starts laughing and crying at the same time, when asked “hey, wanna do a dungeon?”.
What if…a Ranger with bows would actually be useful…?
It could be worse.
“Show Dungeoneer-Title or kick.”
Anyways, i agree with the above posters…“tru pro pugs” would just find another arbitrary thing to judge a player’s experience in dungeons, which has not relation or indication to actual experience.
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I guess, we’re speaking of 2 different PUGs here, because i’m also a ranger.
Just PUGged again, no luck, but it wasn’t any players fault…a NPC bugged.
I was inactive for a while… thought they’d fix these kind of things by now.
Oh and here my latest LFG gooddie:
“Legit Solo/Selling Arah p3 @boss 5k+AP – 3g”
Dungeons sellers are having quite the high standarts these days.
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Meanwhile soloing ac p1-3 takes about 35 min total.
Don’t take this victory away from me, please. ;(
And welcome Entangle as our new PvE staple.
So i’ve just reinstalled GW2 after months.
One of the reasons, i’ve quit, where the playerbase.
The first thing, i did was an ASC full run, just finished it.
-Took about 40 Minutes total
-No boss lasted longer than 10 seconds
-No leaver
-Forgot to rez grast at p3 boss, didn’t noticed until boss had been zerked down.
Group composition:
Ele, Ele, Guard, War, Ranger.
I think one or two weren’t even full zerk.
Is this…? Can this be…? The faith in GW2’s dungeon playerbase…?
Yes, it has been restored.
Dear dwayna, now the memory of my “simin incident” creeps into my mind again…
Successfully pulled every spark in it’s place, with my pet out, without a problem and get stuff like “Please, ranger, don’t do anything, your pet gets aggro and you can’t pull the sparks”, he said.
Meanwhile, Simin spawned…
Oh and “please don’t attack simin, your DPS is too low, throw tears instead”, said the guardian, as he continued to mash 1 with his staff.
Topic title edited to suit the latest awesome reads of yours.
Love ya all. #puglyfe
There are actually alot more thieves in WvW.
You just can’t see them.
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I think the issue is that some of us wouldn’t trust ANet to provide adequate rewards (which would likely have to include very sufficient amounts of gold and tokens) for finding every last trash mob and killing it.
i dream of a future, where every dungeon mob in GW2 is as rewarding as a dredge/molten fractal mob.
But then again, i also dream of a future, where i win 1 Billion dollars for being the most awesome guitar playing rockstar playboy model, who fights crime with his oversized greatsword.
This is a great idea, until HotW and Arah end up in the Daily pool.
Or aetherblades…
Well Arah isn’t even bad besides path 4, even pugs have been clearing those reliably.
I’d still take a visit at a proctologist over every arah pug doing any path.
TRUEPRO1996: “Dodge the grubs!”
Flamebait69: “uhm, you can’t dodge the last one”.
Flamebait69: “L2P”
TRUEPRO1996 has left the group.
^Somwhere in the world of tyria, this is happening right now.
You have to ask yourself “Why people want to speedclear in the first place”?
Most people, who speedrun want gold, because end-game shinies cost lots of gold.
Alot of these have jobs, wife and/or kids and can’t play hardcore 24/7.
Thes eplayers look for profitable, efficient, fast and relatively easy ways to make lots of gold.
Speedrunning dungeons is one of them.
Of course, you’ll always stumble across an elitist, who thinks the way he/she does things is the pro way. (not to be confused with a player, who just knows his stuff, easely identifiable by the fact, that such a player happily explains you why his way of doing stuff is better, instead of raging the chat.)
There always be those guys, but blaming the whole community for being toxic because of those is wrong.
Of course, some do it for the funzies and recordbooks, but you’ll never see them pugging anyways, so.
Everyone is to blame for the meta. The one’s complaining about it, the one’s, who pray to the holy trinity of Power, Precision and Ferocity every night and the game itself.
I have a few ideas, which might help here in terms of diversity:
Hardmode dungeons: The same dungeons, but with increased rewards and random modifiers on mobs/bosses, which resets everyday, such as “crit resistant” or “high armor, weak to conditions” or “resistant to conditions, low armor”, always indicated somehwere near the hub area of a dungeon, so people can prepare their traits/sets/foods and look for a good composition of players with different armor sets.
Imagine a Subject Alpha, who tanks your zerk blows like a boss, but takes like 2k per tick from burning.
Another thing: Dungeon Mentoring.
You carry a group of players, who are looking for a mentor through a dungeon and get some mentor rewards at the end.
Pretty straightforward.
Make your own groups, say “everyone’s welcome”.
~2 days later~
Welcome to the dark side.
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Poor guard just wanted friends. #puglyfe
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