Showing Posts For zerospin.8604:

100% map = Travel Discount

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604



That would be awesome. The costs are crazy right now and it’s no fun porting knowing how much it costs ;/

Why Fighting in the Jumping Puzzle Makes You Look Like and Idiot

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


At the moment the jumping puzzles are apart of WvW, therefore the same rules apply and anywhere on the map. You see the enemy, you fight. It was designed this way, with the traps and stuff.

Jumping puzzles are the ONLY way I’ll get my blueprints. I sit on 25g, and no I will not spend any of it on blueprints, sorry, I have other expenses, more permanent than wasting it on taking a tower that will be taken back in the night.

I would agree that jumping puzzles should be placed on a separate WvW map, with a separate queue.

Please match servers based on night time activity.

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Makes sense, the algorithm should be adjusted to take into account the activity curves during 24 hour periods, and attempt to find servers that have similar looking curves, and player numbers online.

The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I haven’t played much WvW because of all these complaints, but with my pretty fast SSD and 16GB of RAM, it shouldn’t be too bad according to HabibLoew… right?

Since the client already knows where other players are, why doesn’t it just use a placeholder model while the real one loads? It can use the basic pvp armor of each type with the player’s race, gender, and team colour, and their profession’s animations and this can all sit in RAM from when the map loads. An option to never load accurate character models for the opposing teams or all teams would also help low-end PCs with their framerates (because the CPU and HDD aren’t loading textures the whole time).

This, exactly. I already suggested that before. Using instancing graphic cards can render thousands of models incredibly fast, as long as the models are the same. Use placeholders, 5 models, one for each race, with same PvP armor, keep these in memory at all times, and display as soon as the position is reported, then queue loading of the actual model and textures in a background thread if the enemy is very close and there aren’t too many players/mobs around. If there are lots of players/mobs around, use simplified models, simplified textures, because again, none will even notice any details with 20+ people running around.

Noone cares what the enemy looks like in a huge WvW battle. There is no time to admire the details. All that is necessary is the location of the enemy, and enemy count.

Stuck at 99% World Completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerospin.8604


So I’ve arrived there, 99%, missing just one single POI. And there is the problem. Apparently the game can’t show me the completion status of the zones without being there.. this means I have to go to every single zone again, porting falls out, since it would cost me like 1 gold :S Why has no one thought about showing the % of completion next to the zone name on the map? To those who level let this be a warning – do not leave a map before it’s at 100% or you may end up as frustrated and disappointed as me ;/

retaliation needs internal cooldown on the person it deals damage to

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Agree something needs to be done about retaliation, reflection or whatever it’s called. Either fix the AoE coming through keep doors, so defenders can repair in piece, or remove retaliation against ranged weapons, so defenders can at least bombard the gate from within, safely. I was killed way to many times throwing grenades at the gate, from the inside, from a safe distance – it is ridiculous, illogical and frustrating.

Changing underwear.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I think ANet could make a fortune selling sexy underwear for the game characters.

Day/Night Cycle

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


The night should really be darker.. it would be nice to have special events happening at night, such as wolves hunting prey in the forest, more undead haunting the ruins etc.

True Autoloot - Looting is a chore!

in Suggestions

Posted by: zerospin.8604


There is an Auto-Loot system in options and items do stay on the corpse for a moderate amount of time if your bags are full. It’s not hard to press “F” to loot a corpse, don’t be lazy.

It’s not hard?

How many times did my character stop to start reviving an NPC while I was surrounded by 10 Risen in Orr? I just kept spamming F to get the loot and run away. Do I need to mention it takes a few seconds for the character to cancel reviving?

How many times do I get dialogue popups during escorts when I try to loot, obscuring vision and hindering combat?

How many times does my character start to mine a node next to me, when I only tried to loot, and got clobbered by a mob or five?

How many lootbags did I loose in WvW during chases and escapes, fighting on the move?

Right now the F key has to go, needs to be split into Talk, Collect, Interact buttons. Autoloot needs to be implemented for WvW. Pressing Collect should collect all items in the area.

Unpleasant lvling experience, so very very few Dynamic Events...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: zerospin.8604


If you’re only looking at the orange circles then you’re missing many events. Look for the NPC’s with orange “wheels” above their heads, these can start events if you talk to them. Some NPC’s may run around calling you, they can point you to events. Some events can be started by other means. For example, if you kneel before a certain shrine, a challenge will activate and it’s not a skill point, but a DE. Another example is reviving certain NPC’s that will initiate another event (in Orr for example). It’s not always clearly marked as a possible event. And I like it this way.

Can't use utilities underwater?

in Engineer

Posted by: zerospin.8604


You’re right, I’m getting senile xD For some reason I expected the utility skills to stay the same through the transitions. Never really needed them anyway, so I assumed that’s how it is. Consider the topic closed.


What's the deal with the gems-gold exchange rate?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


At one point it was 1g for 400g now it’s 1g for 300, and the curve is constantly rising. At this rate in a week it will be 1g for 200g.. is it related to the number of lev 80’s? The more lev 80’s the more gold there is in the system, the less value gold has, the more expensive the gems get? Is that it? Because then we can expect a huge rise in gem price as more and more people hit 80 and start getting rich by farming Orr etc. It’s like inflation, 80’s producing gold just like banks can print money?

Event Participation Problems In Large Groups

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I’d like to hear from a dev if reviving people does or does not contribute, because there are split opinions on this one. If it does not, it should, for example if you heal someone for 8k, it should count as 8k damage dealt to the enemy.

Does Zhaitan deserve a world event?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Just fix the fight in the Story mode, and make it epic, not like it’s now, that will be enough.

A hilarious piece of dialogue in a dynamic event.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: zerospin.8604


In Blazeridge Steppes there’s a man named Wark who gets kidnapped by a Harpy Matriarch under a time limit. At one point he moans and says:-

That was a totally hilarious event I agree xD The inventor of a perfume that attracts harpies, gets kidnapped by one, and after many intimate perils too terrible to mention, he says “Who would buy a product who gives you harpies?” loled so hard on that one and many other lines in that event.

The Shatterer - In my opinion.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I find the event way to easy, too predictable, very much not like I thought it would be.

I expected:
- a TOUGH and STRONG dragon
- a fight that is long and not easy
- an event that happens randomly, unexpectedly, “I was running around and suddenly Shatterer landed on me!” – type of reaction.
- lots of objectives that needed to be done during the fight in order to defeat the dragon.

Instead, what we got is:

- a weak, shy kitty, unable to deal any damage, and dying so fast that when I turn around to hit an add, the dragon is almost dead by the time I turn back to him.
- he arrives more precisely than an atom clock, there is no surprise, you know when and where he will come and land. This leads to constant and annoying map chat “When will Shatterer land?”, “Is the dragon down?”, “Is Shatterer up?”
- a fight that lasts few short minutes, all you have to do is stand in front of him and shoot him in the face with autoattack. He won’t harm you, he’s too kind.
- there are no significant objectives that need to be done, just shoot him down. Unless you count the crystal wave that gets crushed in under 3 seconds? Last time I had no time to hit one.

What needs to be done:
- random timer on the dragon, its 3 hours now, make it between 1 and 5 hours. This should stop people from camping him or asking for the time.
- buff the dragon, make him a menace, tough to kill, add Accumulated Damage to some of his attacks. It means, the more people close together, the harder they will be hit by the attack. For example, his breath could do 2k damage to a single player, but if 5 people stood next to each other, they would be hit for 5×2 = 10k damage EACH. It could be scaled in more fancy ways, but you get the picture. It would instantly add an element of strategy to the fight – positioning would be key.
- make the dragon tough. I mean tough, it is a BIG dragon. He should not die within 10 minutes.
- create dynamic events that can happen during the long fight, making it more interesting and not a carbon copy of the last one. If say too many players have arrived and the dragons health is dropping too fast, a new event may start, the dragon may roar sending a blastwave pushing everyone against the ruins behind, crushing some to death by fall, crippling others. Then he would go after the canons, destroying some of them. How many would be dependant on how strong the player zerg is, so in some cases all canons would be destroyed simply because the players do enough damage as it is. There could be so many events that could happen.
- remove the canons from fixed positions. Add one or two more spots where Shatterer may appear. It will be up to some of the players to build canons in predefined spots, the trick would be limited supply of parts, so only a few of them could be constructed. The building would be done in the same way as siege machine building in WvW. Go to a NPC, take 10 parts, go to canon slot, and build. Now this is what I call an objective that needs to be done in order to have a chance to win against a dragon. Now, the pre event where you gather the parts would still be in, BUT, the more parts you got in after the bar was filled, the more parts you would have during the fight. The gathering event could happen often, and the accumulated parts would then be available during the dragon event – since this time we have no fixed timer.

I could go on but don’t know if the devs are interested in changing anything at this point.

Why don't NPCs rez?

in Personal Story

Posted by: zerospin.8604


First time I hear NPC’s can rez me?

Can't use utilities underwater?

in Engineer

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Why is it I can’t use any utilities underwater as an engineer? Is this intended? For all 80 levels, all I had underwater was the 1-5 slot skills + heal and the corresponding F1 skill, nothing else, no matter what I picked. But now I read people are using grenades underwater?? I also noticed in sPvP I can deploy the supply drop underwater, however not in PvE?

Kits do NOT scale with weapons...

in Engineer

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Why can’t we place runes and sigils into the kits just like it were weapons?

What BRAND NEW FEATURE you want to see in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Tunnels! Digging under walls into keeps!

Imagine there would be predefined tunnels filled with sand and earth at start around each keep. Enemies could then come in with shovels and start digging, slowly removing parts of the blocking earth. Say, there would be 3 “parts of earth” to remove, each with a progress bar. If you remove the 1st, you can go deeper in, and start shoveling on the next. Once the third part is removed, the tunel becomes a new entrance to the keep.

This could come with upgrades, for example you could order workers to fill the tunnels with rocks to make it harder and slower to dig for the enemy.

Defeated players as spies

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Why not simply..

“You have 60 seconds until respawn..”

And then you respawn at the nearest waypoint. Simple. Logical. Fixes stuff.

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


What is needed are priority queues. Right now, say, I queue for EB, and wait 2 hours, then I get a message there is a pot for me open finally – BUT, what if I’m not ready? What If I need a short break, am doing an instance, etc? Sure, you say, just press – reenter queue – and wait ANOTHER 2 hours. This is ridiculous. Here’s where priority queues come in.

Once you have waited your time and a slot becomes available – you keep it until you relog or enter WvW. You get into a priority list, and whenever you wish, you can enter WvW. At any time you may press enter the chosen WvW, and you will immediately be placed at the first place of the main queue, and will get the first open slot. This ensures that those who waited hours, will always be able to get in faster than those who queued only now.

Another way to reduce queues is to move jumping puzzles to a separate world, with a separate queue. There is no reason for them to share queues and spots with WvW, and there are often many players jumping there, including me.

Badges need to be awarded for more than just kills.

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Agree that currently the badges are rewarded almost randomly, for silly things. Sometimes I take almost the entire HP of an enemy and get just trash or nothing, another time I shoot someone once while he’s in downed state – and get a badge! What?

No rewards for reviving? No badges for supply runs, upgrading, siege deployment, taking keeps?

On top of that, the loot is dropped in the form of a bag, EASY to miss especially when you’re on the run, so I’m pretty sure people are missing half of their badges this way.

- WvW loot has to be placed in the inventory instantly.
- Give a badge for each x revives, or for a certain number of health healed on another player.
- Badges for taking towers.
- Badges for siege deployment, and building, say 1 badge for each 50 supply used.

BUG: Mobs and players suddenly "appearing" (pop-in)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Ah, the invisible zergs in WvW, who doesn’t love them!

Same issue both in WvW and PvE. It is a serious issue, game breaking. In Orr, during dynamic events, when waves of mobs spawn, I often see them only after they have been killed by the masses of people with AoE. That means I get no loot, since to get loot you have to deal certain % of damage to the mobs health. And I can’t do that since the mobs can’t be seen. Let’s even forget immersion and realism here, invisible mobs are simply unacceptable.

Invisible players in WvW – no need to discuss that one right?

I’m glad to see people with strong rigs experience this, since mine is very weak, and I was afraid it was because of that, but now I see it’s a problem in the engine itself.

What seems to be happening, is that the engine can’t handle memory management very well. It seems to be juggling models, loading them in and out of RAM, as necessary, but it does it inefficiently, and too slow. And so it takes too long to load the textures and model – the object (mob or player) is there, and it does act, attack, move, take damage, but it’s not visible until it’s completely loaded. Since I have only 2 GB RAM I thought this would explain what I’m seeing. However I see people with 16GB RAM and fast disks have the same problem, so I am really puzzled. Is it really servers that can’t handle sending data to the client, informing it about the dynamic objects? Can we have some serious attention brought to this issue, it’s game breaking.

About the Zhaitan Fight [end game spoiler]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Just completed it and man was it a fizzle ;/ For one he is small, yes I know there are scale issues, hard to guess, nothing really around to compare – BUT you can approximate it from the speed of his motions (same as the other small dragons), and from how fast the guns hit him, he is not THAT far away, therefore he is small. Maybe 1.5, 2x bigger than the lieutenant dragons. Compared to what he was supposed to be, looking at the concept art, he is an ant. I was expecting him to be half as big as Orr at least. I doubt he could rise a ship from the bottom, not to mention a whole continent.

Then the fight itself. Man was it unpolished. Cutscenes popping up randomly in middle of combat, millions of adds spawning, pushing us back to the spawnpoint. After many deaths and adds finally killed, we find the Elder Dragon sitting there on the spire, small as he is, waiting for us to kill him. How? By standing still and pressing ‘2’ for 2 minutes! He did nothing, had no attacks, did 0 damage, was less dangerous than a risen chicken. I knew they are the real threat in Orr :P

I noticed a distinctive lack of dramatic music, or sound effects for that matter, in cutscenes, mostly Zheitan making some noises, that’s it. If there was epic music, it may have at least mitigated some of the disappointment.

You have to rethink and remake this entire ending. You can still do it, resize Zheitan, make him crush some Mountains, Make the ship fly around his head, like if he was King Kong. Add other ships – seriously, are we the only ship attacking him? Show us how he crushes some other ships, let us loose some friends on those other ships to add drama. Make the guns more interesting, give us time to actually use them instead of getting swarmed by 100 adds. Make us aim more actively with the guns, not just spam 1 and 2. The dragons could dodge. Make Zheitan a real threat, sure he is weakened, that does not mean he’s a pushover now, before he was unstoppable, now we weakened them throughout the story, but he still should be almost impossible to kill.

Gold sellers: new plague to the word of Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I wonder if they get instantly banned for this. I got a few similar looking messages, of course reported every one of them. Butt keep getting them. If each message costs them 60$ (to buy a new account) how are they making any money?

What we need is the ability for players to do “light-bans”, in other words I get a goldspammer mail, I press the ban button, and the account of the spammer is flagged and banned from posting any mail until a GM reviews the ban.

Of course if someone abuses this tool he will get banned, so that should not be a problem.

How does one get a set of rares to start out with?

in WvW

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Nah it’s more like 1.2-1.7g a piece for exotics if you make them yourself. Even less if you already gathered mats during leveling.

New Hairstyle? Skin?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Agreed, need more hairstyles badly ;/

Player to Player trading

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


While we understand the want for P2P trading, we feel that the Trading Post works well for accomplishing fair deals and keeping individual users protected from those with less-than-pure-intentions.

Again, while we know that the majority of players would use a P2P system within its intended design, creating they system may place the global economy at risk, as well as some players.

Um. Yes. The problem is, TP is not working 85% of the time TP is not working at all. At least add a CoD option for mail please.

Looking forward to a "Make-Over" Option For Re-Customizing Your Character's Look

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I’m definitely interested, some sort of token that enables character look tweaking for a hour.

Q . Does the magic find buffs work ?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I have just made a +75% MF set, and so far the results are stunning, items drop like crazy. But will need more testing to see if this keeps happening consistently.

[Solution] How to solve the dead Trading Post?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Why does trash items being sold for “trash” bother you? If it’s trash then why would anyone pay more for it then they do now?

If you had to run or port across zones only to TP items, you would be forced to start analyzing the item value, to know what is worth keeping in your bags. Most wouldn’t bother doing that, instead vending items. This would naturally increase the value of greens and even blue items, making it worth for people who spend the time analyzing and running to TP to make some extra coin above what the vendor offers. Why reward those who don’t think instead those who do think? At the moment those who do not think, can dump everything on TP, hurting everyone. And yes, in GW2 lowering prices does hurt everyone, unlike in most other MMO’s. Because the less items cost, the less gold you can earn, the less you can buy from the gem shop, without having to pay real money. I’m talking here mostly bag space, which is very important.

I think the tagging system ruins Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Agree it is pretty awful, had experienced this in the Cursed Shore. AoE classes like Elementalists deal such insane AoE damage over such large areas, I end up with 0 loot even though I see people claiming they have full bags already. Add 5 fps to the mix and I can barely land one or two hits before all the mobs are dead. They are basically insta-killed by the aforementioned AoE. This has actually driven me to use the flamethrower and grenades to tag mobs in events, these are no match to the kind of AoE certain other classes can deal. Grenades especially are vulnerable to lag.

Every mob you even touch should count as yours. Fighting with other players over % is against what this game stands for.

Add NPC's who want your cooked food!

in Crafting

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Now I’m not talking about simple vendors. Add NPC’s in cities and on the landscape, who, when talked to, express a desire for certain foods. If you give them the treat they need/want, they will reward you, tell you a secret, etc.

This would add a new layer of meaning to cooking. There could be dynamic events such as a royal party, where players need to supply certain dishes to fill the bar, and then observe the Queen and royalty have a meal.

NPC shops could order certain number of food items, that cooks would provide, for a price. Sort of like daily quests.

A lonely hermit who expresses his desire to eat a meal he used to taste decades ago, once you give him what he desires, he would open a door to his garden with rare cooking mats.

List could go on.

How to fix the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


The current implementation and interface is simply stating – less than bare bones.

Here are a few of my suggestions:

- send a mail to the player informing about each item sold, stating the name, price, posting fee, tax, and time of the transaction. This is simply a necessity, you can’t just dump all the gold on one pile with no information whatsoever what was sold!

- remove the Filters tab, instead place all filters above and below the search panel, so people can use them without opening clumsy tabs and windows. More advanced option such as AND/OR filters can go to an advanced tab)

- add the filter to search for medium/light/heavy armors

- add the filter to search for items that have a certain +stat on them

- add the ability to drag drop items from anywhere onto the Search field, instead of having to manually type in the sometimes awfully long names

- add a Find on TP option for all item popup menus (bank, inventory, collections, character page – AND chat)

- when you offer an item for sale, you should see not only that 1 person is selling it already for x gold, but also see the other 99 people who sell it at a higher price. Just like on the Buy screen. Otherwise you may be led to believe there is only 1 item available, which is misleading.

- remove the ability to post from anywhere. It destroys the market, people who farm events dump everything on the market using it as a omnipresent vendor. They do so even if it would be more profitable selling it at a vendor, because they don’t want to run all the way there, since staying and farming is more profitable still.

Add your suggestions below

[Solution] How to solve the dead Trading Post?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerospin.8604


And more importantly – remove the ability to post from anywhere! This is the real culprit, people who farm events have full bags and dump it all on TP as if it was a omnipresent vendor!

If players had to go somewhere to sell items, the prices would instantly rise and most of the trash would be removed from TP, natural selection would kick in and vendor items would go to vendor, leaving only valuable items on the market. People would not carry a few copper items halfway across the map to sell on TP under vendor price when there were a vendor next to the market NPC. Simple.

Trading Post still not working (can't buy/sell/preview)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Third week underway, and TP is still down 85% of the time for me. Sometimes it works, at odd hours, but usually all I can do is search for items.

Some sympthoms:

- the Sell window is empty, nothing from my inventory is showing up. The loading circle appears for a moment but then it’s gone and nothing changes anymore.

- My Transactions window is empty (but there are items posted from the time when TP did work)

- I can search for items, but can’t preview them, and can’t buy them either (Buy button is gray, even though I have the gold and room)

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zerospin.8604


Happened to me again just now in WvW, large scale zerg battle. It happens each time I’m in WvW, always forcing me to quit – and that’s no small thing considering how long you have to wait for getting in. It is obviously related to the sound system crashing due to way too many sounds. Can’t you simply put a limit on how many sounds can be played at the same time or something? ;/ As well as auto-quality reduction etc the more sounds are playing, since no one can distinguish between a cow and a canon sound in the middle of a large scale battle anyway.

Lion's Arch hidden area / daily loot chest

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I’ve just completed it and it was beyond fantastic! It had the mood of Goonies, totally epic Haven’t seen anything as elaborate in any MMO yet! I’m going to do it often

Funny thing, at first I was running like a blind bat in the dark part, then I saw some other guy using his fire spells to light the way, and slapped my head – I had a flamethrower!