Wanna know the reason why ANet doesn’t give a flying truck for WvW?
Today was the biggest WvW update since launch right?
Find me one topic that mentions WvW in here:
/r/GuildWars2 has always been a joke regarding any content that isn’t lore or garbage fluff. Any mentions there of WvW that aren’t from their karma hero Intigo are usually ignored.
Personally, I hope ANET is right. If so, forum users need to learn to trust the dev team. If the forum users are right, then ANET needs to get a clue and realize they do not understand WvW at all.
We’ve given our trust to ArenaNet for over a year now. During that time, they’ve demonstrated through actions and speech that they do not deserve said trust.
If you want balance, go play sPvP/tPvP.
Some of you mihgt now want to argue that its always faster with 80s.
And I will argue that afew guys on this forum allready found out that low level actually make slightly more dmg then 80s.
This is just not true. It’s simply not mathematically possible so I’m calling you a liar until you post some proof.
There’s a very simple solution to your problem: create your own group. Invite only low leveled players. If you don’t have the time or social skills to do this then it’s your own problem.
Elementalists are top dmg atm.
Lightning Hammer OP.
Stream for GF vs Agg
My god that necro’s clicking physically pains me.
Coming Soon: Ascended Backpieces in WvW! Only 250 badges and 50 laurals!
Hooray for getting gear at the same rate as PvE! Not time gated at all ><
I believe that Applied Fortitude and to a lesser extent, Guard Leech, are becoming more and more vital to a standard guild raid. An additional 2500 health can be as much as a 4%-5% increase on some classes which isn’t exactly negligible. I know a lot of our guildies depend on the extra health when fighting massive blobs that are two to three times our number.
However, if these massive blobs start all obtaining the buff as well, (which they will, it’s only a matter of time) then we might be looking at what can only be called a Mega Zord.
As a roamer, I feel that Applied Fortitude is a bit overpowered and I won’t run with it if I’m soloroaming looking for decent fights.
Thanks a lot to the guys of [VotF] for the awesome duells
was a great opportunity to test out my new build :P
Here is a pretty balanced d/d build that will work well in pretty much any situation be it PvE or WvW. It’s all with exotic gear.
You were right for the most part that it’s pretty simple. Just soldier armor with zerker/valk and knight’s trinkets.
If you find it to be too tanky and you want more burst, you can swap out some of the soldier armor pieces for either valkyrie or berserker. You can also ditch the boon duration runes for beryl or ruby orbs for more damage. If you find it too squishy, you can change some of the zerker/valk trinkets to either full valkyrie or soldiers.
Dear ArenaNet,
Fix this because it’s urinating me off.
If you’re mid-harvest and you have a trait or rune or anything with an automatic effect that procs, whatever you’re harvesting turns into ruined logs or ruined ore, even if you’re using a top tier harvesting tool.
It’s stupid and I’ve wasted hundreds of mats because of your bug. Please fix it and refund the mats/gold I’ve lost.
hurr living story hurr
That is all.
So much qq in this thread. I just wanted to read about Petting Zoos being countered…
10 in Arcane.
5 arcane gives you a crap tonne of fury (esp with fresh air)
10 nets you perma vigor or boons on swap weapons.At least consider that.
So I would go something like:
0 30 10 20 10I think that the 10 in earth would be better suited in water. You can gain quite a bit of condi removal from choosing Cleansing Water while there isn’t much from 10 in earth sans Earth’s Embrace.
I play SPvP, so Cleansing Water has a horrible cd attached. Also depending upon what heal he uses will tell you how much he can cleanse. 0 unless he takes Glyph of Elemental Harmony and / or Elemental attunement.
As fresh air is burst, 10 in earth opens up Stone Splinters. +10% damage when in main hand dagger range.
His utilities will most likely be Arcane Blast + Wave + Lightning Flash. So cleansing water would give nothing to this build.
While everything you said is true in sPvP, the OP stated that he’d like a build for WvW roaming and zerg, which would make the condi removal from Cleansing Water much more useful due to the AoE condi spam found in WvW.
Going for a full burst build in WvW = death. You need a bit of sustain.
10 in Arcane.
5 arcane gives you a crap tonne of fury (esp with fresh air)
10 nets you perma vigor or boons on swap weapons.At least consider that.
So I would go something like:
0 30 10 20 10
I think that the 10 in earth would be better suited in water. You can gain quite a bit of condi removal from choosing Cleansing Water while there isn’t much from 10 in earth sans Earth’s Embrace.
Lol VoTF, what was that about, chasing me 30vs1 across our entire third?
Took you long enough though.
Lol were you running around with those legendaries listed in your signature? I wasn’t there but I can imagine our comms “That guy has Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, AND STACKS. HE MUST DIE”
i’m concerned about possible lag between NA and EU guilds… does anyone know what pings are like when playing on the wrong side of the ocean?
I play on Augury Rock [FR] from California and hardly notice any latency issues. There is a ~50ms delay that you can notice when using insta cast skills such as Shouts or Cantrips but it’s so slight that it doesn’t impact actual gameplay.
I do not want someone to be able to interrupt my game play with some message that I care little about.
They’re working on it.
Devon… Is that you?
They already confirmed the servers can’t handle bigger maps. sorry to dissapoint you.
I don’t think the maps need to be made any bigger. The borderland’s maps have huge amounts of wasted space that could be taken advantage of.
The northwestern and northeastern parts of the map are nearly completely bare sans some silly PvE fluff that could be easily replaced with either a tower/keep or maybe a couple of the new capture point systems they’re unrolling soon.
Capture points that far north would help break up a zerg. They could open up other little bits of strategy such as holding north camp (a camp that’s usually only flipped on non-home BL’s) to prevent reinforcements from reaching the northern capture points.
@DevonCarter for this
Do you have a time when you will be having this WvW announcement or what panel event it is before or after? I plan to watch the whole panel but some may only have time to just catch your announcement.
inb4 their “huge announcement” is simply the new map revamp that everyone already knows about.
No. Please do not do this.
I use a Glyph based scepter/dagger build and use the Glyph of Elemental Power regularly to stack near perma chill and cripple on my targets. I love the CC it offers. Ele’s are not a condition focused class so another mediocre access to bleeds is not as advantageous as crowd control.
- Celestial will stay as it is minus the MF bonus on it.
- MF food will work as it is working now.
- Utility Infusion will still work.
I’ve heard rumors that the Magic Find stat on celestial gear will be changed to boon duration. Can you comment on this?
Lately it’s been working for me with online players. Not when they log off and don’t leave party though.
It’s in the works.
Soon to come.
Closer than you think.
Right around the corner.
Watch this Friday’s livestream.
Inb4 there’s nothing said about WvW sans the upcoming krait thing and new WXP masteries.
Oh plus all the things coming “in the near future” and stuff that’s “in the works”.
So very lethal.
Here we witness 2 of the 12 shadows fighting 1 staff ele. Could they down him? See for yourselves.
Thx for this funny vid.
I’m still wondering how they didn’t get him
Oh hey there! Long time no talk
Monitor his better Dolyaks because the Order of Shades (OdS) travels in search of blood, killing to everything the one that intervenes in the way (except the zergs). We do not have piety. OdS is be very accustomed to fighting and gaining combats in numerical inferiority, we are lethal and let’s wait that surgan good combats.
So very lethal.
Here we witness 2 of the 12 shadows fighting 1 staff ele. Could they down him? See for yourselves.
anet making random changes to wvw that no one asked for? just what the heck is going on around here?
When they remove the lake, I think they should fill the entire area with the ruin like structures in front of the blue keep in ebg. That would be fun, like praag in WAR.
Oooooh this please. This sounds fun.
Ooh wouldn’t I be fancy if that were true
I have two accounts, one on NA and one on EU …. I’ve checked ping/fps/latency on both at various times and they’re pretty similar. Maybe it’s just really good Internet in the Great White North :p
I guess my main point is that the hype about EU latency is mostly that …. Hype.
i do as well, however i’m gulf coast central. if you live in the north east US, you would actually have a similar ping to both datacenters. you would have probably 80ms to the NA servers and 120ms or so to the EU servers, depending on local routing.
saying there is no lag difference is relative to where you live.
“Technically” there might be a difference, but you don’t feel it. My instacast skills such as Shouts and Cantrips go off the instant they’re selected. I live in the western part of the states but play on a French server and don’t have any problems with latency.
LilMcGinley had it right, the time difference is the issue with NA GvG guilds coming over. Our guild raids start at 11 am for me so people with normal jobs/schedules would be kind of screwed over.
Is this only affecting EU servers? I ask because most of you replying seem to play in EU.
I agree with him. There’s no reason people who enjoy things like dueling and GvG should be crammed into a map alongside people who enjoy capturing and defending towers/keeps.
I would love to be able to queue up in a way similar to sPvP where I can 1v1 with someone (in my PvE gear of course. I’m not a fan of sPvP amulets >.<).
Are the orbs coming back? No. Are we bringing back the buff? Yes, although the way you get it and hold it is going to be drastically different. Are you going to see a major map change in concert with this? Yes. Is it coming soon? Most definitely.
We’ve been asking for update info for ages and while a little vague, you’ve finally delivered.
Thanks, Devon. Let’s hope “coming soon” is a matter of weeks and not months.
Pre-Rune: My warrior could easily stack 8-12 Confusion, a bit more with effort.
With-Rune: The exact same build stacks 21-25 Confusion easily.I enjoyed the build before the rune… seemed to catch people off-guard with the 12 stacks of Confusion. I saw the new runes and thought that would be perfect, adding an extra stack of confusion on each interrupt… but it added more than one. I thought my quirky build was getting better, but it seems to have gotten overpowered which completely eliminates its quirkiness. (shakes fist)
tldr: I was playing confusion warrior before it was cool.
Even worse, there is a potential for Anet to nerf your build instead of the rune — they seem to like nerfing around the problem point.
So much this. Be careful what you wish for.
Normal keyboard, normal mouse.
My skills go 1-2-3-4-5-Q-E-R-X-C // F1/F2/F3/F4
V for evade, B to look behind myself. Allows me to press all my skills very easily.
Listen to this guy. Having most of your utilities bound closer than 5-0 helps a lot with responsiveness. Keeping your profession skills on the F keys is usually fine unless you’re an elementalist I think.
Keep in mind that you can bind keys to use Shift + [insert key here] to broaden the amount of keybinds close to home.
Lol GJ yaro god fobid anyone have a relevant discussion on the forums.
This thread is not a discussion. This thread is a dumping ground for all of your ignorant opinions with everyone else telling you why you’re being selfish.
Lol in our match up this week “GvG” caused us to lose a whole map we were wiped off of it. Yesterday during another it caused TC to lose there T3 garry because they were "GvG"ing when they had the people to defend it on that map.
Rednick don’t say your one of those guys because if you were you wouldn’t be ok with destroying your own work and further more if you are a real wvw you know that these changes can change the outcome of a wvw match up delegitimizing your effort; if you guys manage to ever win again.
Lastly the only thing blah blah blah blah I’m talking out my fanny blah blah blah.
No one cares about PPT or some keep with upgraded walls that can be reacquired in an hour. You’re a fun killer.
Ohhh, Coral. U so silly.
Still, +1
If you have an issue with this new quality of life improvement you are not required to use it. Go ahead and turn off ‘Effect LOD’ in the graphics settings.
I don’t think you understand.
I’ve been having trouble seeing red AoE circles and spell effect since Tuesday’s patch WITHOUT having Effect LoD selected.
I’m not the only one either, half of my guild was having the same problem today in EB vs arrow carts. I was moving and dodging all around in what looked like safe ground but I was still hit by constant damage. It’s been the same with Lines of Warding, I get constantly knocked down by what seems like nothing.
If you really care, I have it fraps’d and can upload it.
Would be nice to see Agg and other NA guilds in the EU, but start 20v20s then pls :o
our preference is 20v20
but we also do 15v15sbut yeah we would love to go to EU and learn from you guys
Oh hey there. Long time no talk
Now I know that you’re in [AGG] you have to come to EU
GvG being compared to trading kills?
Reading this post gave me cancer.
All I’m going to say is there’s nothing more delicious than a 5 signet warrior who pops all of them as he’s about to die.
Surely if it had been asked for previously, they would have delivered the feature request. Maybe you are mistaken?
Can’t tell if trolling or just very naive.
Instead of just coming in here and spewing out a bunch of garbage, Bill Freist gave us a detailed description of how they’re tackling the problem. That’s more than Devon Carter has given us in months.
I have been very disappointed with the almost complete lack of attention given to WvW and to general technical issues such as this skill lag but Bill’s couple of paragraphs have actually given me a bit of hope that there are a few attentive and focused devs still remaining at Anet. Here’s to hoping I’m not wrong.
Thank you Bill for working on something other than WXP Masteries.
Devon: Get your kitten together.
Teach us how to put crossed swords on towers/keeps by only attacking tower guards :P
It would be awesome if we could just completely gear up in WvW with the badges.
Ahhhhh, another young dreamer.
So cute.
Why is this in the WvW forums and not in the mesmer forums?
Paging Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows.
I’m currently lonely in EB and would love to fight you and your gang of darkness. Please whisper Çheng if any of you are online <3