Showing Posts For skinnyb.5920:

Portal Bombing Negates Small Defences.

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Portal Bombs are causing issues with sides which are defending against larger numbers. We are finding that despite having a Lord’s Room full of siege, bottlenecking and good tactics, a simple portal bomb will completely bypass everything and give us no way to battle this larger force.

You’re upset that the opposing team is using a strategic tactic to give them the upper hand?

Maybe we should just give you invincibility because you’re in the Lord’s room?

Jesus, what next?

What class is optimal for commander?

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Even though the commanders in my guild are an Engie/a Thief/a Mesmer, a Guardian commander just feels right.

They can tank and support their squad.

Reviving - Aarrrghghh

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Don’t try and stomp them the second you down them. Keep attacking to reduce their downed health so an ally cannot res them quicker than your stomp.

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Whats that TC? You’re going to golem rush our garrison when we only have 10 people on? Oh… how cute, you gotta get some combat skills before you think you can just seige your way to victory silly guys.

TC likely has only about 10 people there as well. ^.^ Looks like this time of day will be slow for all of us. New tactics to figure out. Fun!


It’s going to be so nice when I log on tomorrow and we actually still have our keeps and garrison <3

Jan 11-18 | SBI vs SoR vs TC

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


The queue tonight for TC BL is ridiculous. I’ve been sitting here for an hour and a half.

Pleeeease add more servers in the Jan/Feb update, ANet. This is dumb.

Why 1000+ Omnomberry Bars on the TP?

in Crafting

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


“I farmed the materials myself so they’re free!”

I don’t get why everyone makes fun of this statement.
It takes me 20 min to hop on my two 80’s and run around Orr. I usually end up with around 60 omnomberries which means 120 bars for only spending ~70silver on vanilla beans. I then sell all those bars for ~2g profit. If I hopped on a lowbie alt and spent another 20 min harvesting young herbs, that’d be close to a 3g profit for 45 minutes of simply running around and enjoying the game’s atmosphere.

Can we talk cooking?

in Crafting

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


You would think they would add a collection spot for your Bakers Dry, Bakers Wet, Divinity Herbs stuff. Storage is finite…

They are trying to force you to buy more space.

I think they were just short sighted. Look at all the collections space they added over the holiday for things like ectos and loadstones.

common boss issue or just me?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


It happened to me at Kholer and some other boss fights. With so many damage effects on the boss (like fire from guardian F1) you can’t see some of the bosses animations. Don’t know if this is bad design or intended, but i see it being a problem for new comers that aren’t aware of all the boss animations.

I agree. I’m pretty experienced fighting Kholer and have no problem dodging his pulls but I find that if we have, say, too many ele’s laying down AoE, it can be hard to see him charge up properly.
I love the visual effects from AoE’s though and I don’t know how Anet could fix the minor obstruction without degrading the visual quality.

Dealing with shady players in fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I run high lvl fotm with mf gear on as a guardian, got a problem with that?

yes, you are a drain on the group. might as well take off some agony resistance, because it is the same thing.

he could have tanky stats keeping him alive. As long as you don’t go full glass cannon build (stats, powers and gear) you should do just fine.

He still has 1/3 less stats than everyone else.
MF is selfish and for morons. 100% more of a 5% drop rate is still only 10%. That is not enough to justify gimping yourself.

Please just make it a log out timer.

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Blame the kids that ruined it for you. Yeah, it sucks that you DC and die but it sucks even more to spend a few minutes fighting or hunting someone down only to have them log out.

Noobs scared of dying are why we can’t have nice things. God forbid you spend 3s on armor repair…

I have never even seen a dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


It takes minutes to find groups for any dungeon in any mode. Instead of complaining and demanding, make due with the tools you have in front of you.

Condition thief or power/precision thief?

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


If you’re going to WvW, be forewarned that there are some enemies that a condition thief just can’t kill. Guardians and elementalists come to mind. They have too much regen/condition removal and without a burst attack, you won’t be able to do much damage.

Sigil of Battle

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Well it happens every 9 seconds I think, so you can’t exactly get 12 stacks by running through all 4 attunements…

Idk, I use Sigil of Battle and Bloodlust and they both work for me.

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Winged gear as well. I think it looks a bit better on that Asura though.


Arcane Resurrection

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Arcane Resurrection: You have 10% increased revive speed. When you revive an ally, you and the revived ally gain an aura based on your attunement.

I’ve been using this trait lately because I always try to revive my allies in WvW. Too few seem to understand that more bodies=more fighters and will more often than not, pass over a downed ally instead of reviving them, even when I mistform or shadowstep directly to their feet.

I think a 10% buff to revive speed is a pretty good increase but the problem I have is with the auras. I notice they don’t give me nor my newly revived ally boons from the Zephyr’s Boon trait. I’m wondering if this is intended? Giving us our associated boons would give a huge incentive for elementalists to spend time getting their teammates up.

Any thoughts?

Chasing that kill...

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Hmm hope ranger gets a new down skill call “pet medic”
“Pet will drag you for x distance and heal your injury for x sec”

That actually sounds super cool.

Support builds unwanted in dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Can someone explain to me what “healing power doesn’t scale well” means? I see the phrase thrown around a lot on the forums but it doesn’t really make sense. More HP points = more HP, right?

Citadel of Farm speed runs not for newbies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Even though I love those 7 minute runs, path 1 definitely needs a do-over.

I played CoF story for the first time last week and I was really impressed. That final boss fight had some of the better mechanics I’d played against in GW2 so far. Inserting him in there somehow could make the path a lot more fun and challenging.

Fire Mages

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Just lol… I promise you bro, if you only stay in fire, even though you’re traited glass cannon and I’m traited more as a hybrid semi pewpew/tanky tank I’m gonna do more damage than you are.

I take it as you play with staff, if I’m wrong feel free to correct me. Myself, I play D/D.

Now you spam your no.1. Throw in a burn once in a while. Maybe drop down metor shower. Hitting your awesome wicked badazz damage. Cool cool.

I keep constant burns and bleeds on my target. Even if they may not be ‘perma’ burns and bleeds I always have atleast one of em’ up. Ontop of that my max crits with stuff like Cunning Earth, Fire Grab, Burning speed is ~6(when I got no might stacks)- ~9k when I got 25 might stacks. And on top of that I hit 1,2k-1.5k with each auto attack in lightning (as lightning being the auto attack I find myself using the most). And just as a side note, dagger auto attacks are twice as fast as staff.

You ask yourself how you’d do more damage by changing to another attunement? Now you play staff, and I think staff suck so I don’t play it so can’t tell you much about the combos you could use there but with dagger.

Starting out in Earth throwing down a Cunning Earth – BAAM 9k+8 stacks of bleed. Ring of Earth BAAM another 2.5k and another stack of bleed. Change to fire, Bruning Speed BAAM 9k plus burning. Fire grab BAAM 9k, Ring of fire another 2.5k and change to lighting RTL BAM 2k plus spamming auto attacks for 1.5k each hit with bleed and burning on. Repeat and repeat and repeat. So by the time you spam your no.1 skill in fire I’ve been doing kitten load of damage.

AND beyond me doing more damage I also provide support to my group.

So have you acctually put your hands on an Elementalist?

And what’s that crap about “the traits are realy not that hard to figure out.”? Did you know that there’s more than 1 glass cannon build? Amazing isn’t it!! woooo.
if you’re gonna be a smartass atleast have the brains for it.

Interested in what gear and traits you’re running for this, and how squishy you are if you get caught in an attack.

Not being hostile here, I’m interested because I run a more support oriented build, and am wondering how this would work in FotM to increase damage.

(hey, I like big numbers too!)

I’m not him but I have a pretty good idea what he’s running.

Probably 0/10/0/30/30 or perhaps 0/20/0/30/20 for higher crits and CD’s on air skills.
p/v/t gear with Monk & Water runes. Knights & Clerics accessories.

Along with Sigil of Battle which gives you might on attunement swap (every 9 secs), you can throw down Ring of Fire and then Arcane Blast for area might, and then Earthquake & Churning earth within RoF for two more area might blast finishers bringing you to 13 stacks in ~5 seconds. With that and the perma-fury from auras, you get around 2000 power and ~45% crit chance.

put best battle screenies here

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Not my image, but Maguuma hopes to reach these heights in the future.

Haha we were trying to do that on a much smaller scale tonight near Bluevale in SoR BL.

They’re good for soaking up AOE.

Got Whispered By Enemy in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I think that being able to invite or join the party of the enemy team is definitely a good thing. However, the party request should always be a generic picture along with a generic name so you still have the option of retaining your anonymity if you choose to decline.

Please leave the feature, Anet.

Elementalist So Weak Help!

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Elementalists can deal quite a lot of dmg, but they die really fast. I cannot create that many allies to help me. 1 utility and 1 elite but those are weak. I also cannot stealth like a thief can and whenever I get attacked by someone, it doesn’t matter I have mist form, lightning flash and 5 minutes of swiftness, I just can’t get rid of them. The biggest problem with eles is that once they’re the target, they can’t redirect the attention to something/someone else.

My ele is the exact opposite. I can’t kill much but it takes 5+ to bring me down usually. More often than not, opponents will realize my heals outlast their DPS and run.

the last straw

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


There are two types of thieves:

The ones that spam HS and DB, hoping the mob dies, and the ones that provide constant DPS while also throwing down decent CC:
Caltrops for very long cripple durations granting the mob stands on it the whole time. Smoke screen for projectiles.
Dancing daggers for more cripple and more projectile reflection.
Signet of Agility for condition removal and endurance refill.
Stealth ressing. I find myself ressing my entire team from stealth more often that I find myself downed.

Thieves can be great additions to a party if played right. Sadly, not too many people manage to do more than spam two buttons.

Make pets sense cloaked enemies.

in Ranger

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


As a thief, I support the idea that ranger pets should be able to “sniff out” stealthed players. Definitely not constantly, but a trait or a utility skill that allowed certain pets to do it would be great.

It would definitely give rangers a good use in WvW

Healing Elementalist Built for Dungeons good?

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Ele healing for party is terribad, Ele healing for yourself is good.

I completely disagree. With a combination of the healing I get when attuning to water and D/D #2 & #5, I can burst heal myself and my party for close to 7k HP. Not counting regeneration & soothing mist.
With staff you can do water #3 > #5 and then quickly lay down earth #2 for a blast finisher in your healing field.

Obviously elementalist =/= healer. But we do have good support healing.

Fire Mages

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Staying in one attunement for an entire fight is limiting yourself to a quarter of your skills.

When I come across Staff “Fire Mages” in dungeons, I either politely ask them to help their team by providing DoT, CC’s, and heals or to please leave the group.

Elementalist armour

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I haven’t really found anything that looks great on my sylvari male :/

I transmuted the Winged set onto the AC gear and dyed it Blue/Gold.


Party Perma Regen?

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


This is something I’ve been meaning to find out and this seems like the appropriate place.

Which affects my ally’s boon duration? My runes/stats or theirs? Same with healing power?

Elementalist Healing

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I am another proponent of Ether Renewal.

I find with GoEH, it’s a bit redundant because I can keep up boons just fine through attunement swapping and auras.
With the Signet, I find that I just don’t heal enough per hit.

Ether Renewal is just great. With 700 Healing Power, it heals me for around 5000 plus 5 or 6 conditions. Plus that 15 second CD.
If you’re worried about being interrupted during casting it, throw on Armor of Earth beforehand for stability. (I know the CD for that is longer, but it helps in a tight situation.)

Akimbo Assassins

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Haha, yeah, I did P/P until around lvl 25 just because Unload looked so cool when strafing to the side.

Unload is awesome but I just couldn’t get past the P/P auto attack :/

OMG Stealth...

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I agree, OP.

When I’m on my thief and I see my opponent start backing away, making sure to be facing where I was when I c&d them, I know I’m going to be facing a decent opponent.

When they just stand there and wait for me to reappear, I don’t even feel like I really earned the kill and half the time, I’ll let them back up to try again. (They usually run).

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


All of these comments about “wasting everyone’s time” by dueling disappoint me.
God forbid we sacrifice a whopping 10 more points to doing something fun in WvW that doesn’t involve zerging or camp flipping.

Usually if I find a cool invader/defender to mess around with and a teammate gets a little jumpy, I usually stop fighting and just tell my teammate to lay off cause we’re trying to 1v1 and he can have the next turn if he wants.

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


To the BG D/D ele wearing exalted gear that was dueling me (a TC ele in winged gear) in front of Ogrewatch tonight, touche. You were simply better than me

We had a fun few fights until SoR came and chased us all off :/

I don't avoid any class except...

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


go ahead try to run big boys and lemme watch you limp away like my granpa because you stacked so much criple time on ya ^^ lol

And I just keep running after my dodge removes cripple/weakness

I don't avoid any class except...

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Mesmers get easier with practice. Next time you come across one in WvW, (and you’re not alone), hang back and watch it fight. You’ll notice that the clones only auto attack and have very stiff movement patterns. You can almost always find the mesmer once you realize he’s the only one that will dodge, heal, use utilities, etc.
The real problem I’ve been having with them lately is when they create an illusion on their dodge. I’ll c&d them and they’ll dodge and create an illusion so that I waste my backstab on it.

Red Falcon’s right, though. D/D ele’s can be a pain if they survive my initial burst. They can reset a fight almost as easily as we can plus their heals and condition removals…

I don’t really have trouble with much else except bunker guardians that are nearly unkillable for me and zerker warriors that stomp me before I stomp them.

Cool Daggers

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Whisper’s daggers would be really cool if they didn’t clip against your gear when they’re folded up :/

They have lil gears on them too.

Not sure how to gear my ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


My ele was my first character. I got him to 80 and tried a glascannon build which didn’t work at all. I got frustrated and put him on the backburner for a thief.

Now that I’m bored with how easy the thief is, I’ve focused my attention back toward my ele and started gearing him into a bunker build.

I chose p/t/v armor and weapons along with 2 superior monk, 2 superior water, and 2 major water runes for healing and boon duration.

However, I’m having trouble choosing accessories. I’m not sure if I should go all clerics for best survivability, or if I should throw in 2 emerald earrings so I can pack a bit more of a punch. Would those 2 earrings be worth the tradeoff from the healing power?

Also, sigils. I’m not a fan of sigils like Bloodlust or Restoration where I have to spend time in WvW killing mobs to get my stacks if I’m not in a zerg. I was thinking sigils of Battle & Energy would be good for my daggers because of all of the attunement swapping?
I have no clue what I would put on a staff. Maybe superior sigil of Water?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Solution for Thief in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I die to every class every day while stealthed.

It takes like 5 hits to down me, I’m pure glass. If you can’t manage that, then L2P, cry more, etc.

Elementalist or Ranger?

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


You actually need to kill opponents to get bags, just tagging them isn’t enough.

Are you certain about this? Because I can drop into a zerg, throw on Dagger Storm, run out, and come back once it’s clear and pick up 5-20 bags depending on how many people I hit.

A ranger will do more AOE damage but an ele just plain has more AOE and will tag more, doing less damage.

The Truth About Thieves

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


OP, I totally agree with you about everything except your part about dungeons.

I’m full glasscannon. 20/30/0/20/0/ and I find myself resing my whole team far too often.

No one will run XP with low lvl char

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I didn’t try dungeons until I hit level 80 on both of my characters and I honestly couldn’t imagine being too successful at each dungeon’s “recommended level”.

I just ran AC with my friend who’s leveling up his engineer alt. He’s around 45 now and while he did okay because he knew the dungeon, I was finding that the other 80’s and I had to res him a lot more than we had to res each other.

I play a glasscannon thief so I’m no stranger to being one-hitted. But if those gravelings can knock me down multiple times (I only have so many stunbreakers) and nom me to death in 3 secs being fully traited and in full exotic gear, I can’t imagine what it’s like for the “recommended level” in greens/rares.

HP sponges + one-hit kills =/= a fun, challenging dungeon.

There’s a reason people have ALREADY found another spot to hop through the mountain in CM. People would rather take the time trying to find a glitch than to kill all of those kitten bandits for a “Bag of Purloined Goods”.

Were jumping puzzles always camped?

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


A better question would be, have people always went to the jumping puzzle rather than help their team ?

Going to the JP for some people is helping your team – You get 2 blueprints, a couple of items you can sell to get a bit of cash to help pay for building upgrades and more Badges of Honour than several hours of fighting will often get you (The drop rate is really variable – I have gone 10 straight kills recently without a drop and then 5 off the next 3). The Badges will eventually help your team whether they are used to purchase better items for the character or more blueprints.

You and I both know that 3/4 of the people that sit around in those jumping puzzles do not actively participate in WvW.

Are all Thieves glass cannons?

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


It is most certainly possible once you learn how to play the dungeons.

My thief is d/d & SB.
20/30/0/20/0 with full berzerker’s with ruby orbs on everything. I chose the trait in critical strikes that converts a % of my precision to vitality and along with the points in acrobatics, I ended up with 13.7k HP.
I rarely get one-shotted in lower level dungeons such as AC if I’m at full health, but it’s definitely very easy to die in two or three hits. Therefore, learn the enemy animations and when to dodge their attacks.

For example, right before Kholer’s going to throw out his scorpion wires, he slowly crouches down over a period of 2 seconds. Learn to dodge at that time and use your ranged and it’ll be no problem.

Wrongful Perm Ban? Address Your Issue!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Arenanet supposedly has this philosophy of player-player interaction but it all seems like a phony charade to me.

I cannot count the number of times I’ve been muted for “excessive messaging” for simply carrying on a conversation with others in the Lion’s Arch map chat.
Also, just the other day, I had come upon a large amount of garbage dyes that I’d already identified, so I linked them all in map chat asking who wanted free dyes. After sending the THIRD (not 10th or 20th) dye, I was unable to send anymore mail for “excessive use”.
PLUS, how many times have I been in WvW only to have some second-in-command have to speak for a Commander in map chat because the commander was muted for excessive messaging?
And don’t get me started on the lack of a dungeon finder…

These are seemingly small problems, but when they happen, they are extremely inconvenient and hindering to the social atmosphere that MMO’s are supposed to have.
I don’t like to descend to insults but banning/muting people for interacting with others in a massively multiplayer game is downright stupid.

Literally can't afford to make a mistake.

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I think you’re going about acquiring gear the wrong way if you’re that concerned with money.
I’ve never had close to 60g’s yet my thief and elementalist are both in full exotics.

I ran CoF and Arah a few times for my thief to get power/prec/crit dmg gear and stuck ruby orbs on everything because divinity runes are stupid expensive. Luckily, I have 400 jewelry so I was able to make each trinket for only the cost of ectos. (I farm ori a lot).
I paid 5g’s for a superior sigil of fire and my quiver cost around 30g’s in mats, but they weren’t exactly necessary.

For my ele, I ran AC for power/vit/toughness gear and CM for vit/healing/cnd damage daggers. The AC gear came with two of the superior monk runes I needed so the last four major/superior water ones were less than 1g. Again, I was able to craft my jewelry again for only the cost of the ectos.

tl;dr: Dude, just run dungeons. You earn tokens for the gear plus gold and loot.

22/12 BG - SoR - TC

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


To the tiny Asuran necro from SoR that teamed up with a thief in Arah gear and a scaled engie from [DIS] (Tarnished Coast) to kill some BG:

You were a total bro.

Rune Help for Crit thief!

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I have full berzerker’s everything with ruby orbs.


2200 Power
2000 Prec
900 Tough
13.7k of HP.

Catching thieves

in Thief

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Even though this is sort of apples and oranges, what would you say about an elementalist’s Ride the Lightning?

Skipping getting out of hand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


How is killing stuff which drops t5 and t6 mats (and greens, yellows and very rarely exotics) not viable? Only people who play the TP can claim that.

Yes, a lot of mobs in CoF COULD drop T5/T6 mats at lvl 75… If they dropped loot at all…

The Skipping culture

in Suggestions

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


Trash mobs don’t have too much hp, stop making parties with “tanky dps” and they go down very quickly.

That’s just not true. I speed run AC and CoF a lot with a group of 3 glasscannon thieves (pure DPS. C&D for 5k, backstab for 8k.) and either 2 warriors or 1 warrior/1 guardian and we still find that a lot of trash mobs are better skipped because they’re HP sponges.