Showing Posts For spellchekc.5409:
Hey all! Returning player here: I’m looking to find a guild thats mostly Los Angeles based, something with a teamspeak / vent and an opportunity to possibly meetup and lan pvp / pve on weekends. Anyone have any ideas on where to look?
My thoughts on the patch are:
I would really like for a developer (or multiple) to openly talk about where they want to get the ranger, and what they think is a reasonable timeframe for getting the profession to that place.
Rangers got hit in the feels with this general mechanic change, and even though many will still lash out towards the devs response, I think we can all agree that trapping us for one-to-X-months in what is a very clear transitory state (and is sub par), merits some incentive to continue to play the profession. Right now players are frustrated and without direction. Giving us a picture of what the overall plan is will at least let us know if we need to re-roll or stick with the profession. All the major topics have been yelled to death in the forums. I’m saying this just as a matter of fact: let your customers know now where things are headed so that we dont have the scenario where X time is invested in something that is just going to be overly frustrating.
I would prefer to play my ranger, but I’m playing my guardian. I would prefer to play my ranger. I know I’m not alone in this.
Maybe a mod can politely nudge a dev and ask them politely if they are willing to talk with (or even AT) us?
I think the hardest part is that we have to wait for at least another month before anything happens… and realistically it’s going to be much longer than that :-(
I really feel like the quickness nerf should have been announced prior to the patch. My jaw was on the floor when I got home and realized it’s not worth playing my ranger at all.
I think you guys have gone above and beyond to try and patch things up with how the lost shore went down. Realistically it’s very clear that due to the design of the event, there will be no fair way to balance who got what, when where and why. The fact that you’ve been diligent about attempting to balance things out reasonably means a lot.
But I have to say when I see anyone saying something to the tune of “don’t worry what other people got, it doesn’t affect you,” I know that is just blatantly false. One person getting X+1 chests means exactly that the supply and demand of the legendary economy (not just precursors but everything associated with legendaries) is changed, and that matters to everyone… even people not playing for a legendary.
The urgency for the chest is largely centered around people wanting to win the GW2 lottery.
With respect to future one time events: I sincerely hope the dev team decouples economy fixes / alterations from events that exclude players.
And yeah, I was hoping to get a chest from my alt who was running the event when the servers closed :-(
I would really really like to see less RNG, and more UI elements to better inform the player about what is going on with themselves and others.
The exception is obviously with the engi. Just dump every ability with RNG and let them be the WILDCARD profession.
The lottery analogy doesn’t hold for this event.
When you purchase a lottery ticket you know you’re participating in a lottery. No one knew massive amounts of precursors were going to spew from a one time chest, let alone multiple times throughout the day on the overflow servers.
They also don’t change the lottery odds right before a drawing.
What I’m most interesting in finding out is whether or not the One time event was meant to have chests lootable by alts, and if the event was meant to run in the overflows throughout the day. I know people who parked alts and made extra toons to farm chests… getting 3-4 chests from a single overflow, deleting characters and re-positioning them etc. I did not personally participate in that behavior because it wasn’t clear to me whether or not that was intended or exploitable. Seeing as how people didn’t get banned for doing this, it looks like once again I’m stuck sitting behind the curve.
Really if they wanted to flood the market with precursors, there are better more equitable ways.
same here. really disappointed. 2 hours wasted etc. Not very happy about how this played out.
Hey Folks,
The mention of Magic Find for the sub bosses, is to say that we have given them unique loot drops, and that Magic Find is a factor in what you get from them. That is no different in the past as it has been in the future. The more Magic Find you have, the better chances of obtaining a rarer item.
I don’t think people were majorly confused about the MF mechanic in dungeons- it’s that we have issue with MF’s core philosophy when applied to dungeon groups.
MF is a risk vs reward scenario that is perfectly acceptable for solo play. This just doesn’t extend to group play where individuals choose to decrease their group contribution (capacity for contribution) in order to gain better personal rewards. That’s a philosophy that runs against all of the other collaborative and social aspects of GW2 that make it wonderful (downed mechanic, event’s, team tagging, nodes for everyone etc)… and putting incentives (ultra rare boss loot influenced by MF) behind bosses is just going to cause discomfort in dungeons (or alternatively people will gear swap for bosses, which is something you guys didn’t want).
I think a better solution would be to give groups some way to chose a MF mode buff/debuff where their individual stats are lowered by a certain amount in order to gain a group percentage of MF. This accomplishes your intent of allowing MF to occur in dungeons, without penalizing groups that have some individual who plays like a liability, but rolls loot like a king because of his desire to wear MF. Then remove all normal MF from dungeons, and let it be the solo stat it deserves to be.
32 pages of comments, all from concerned players (taking one side or another). A Dev Blog sure would go a long way towards calming people down… or at least focusing us in the right direction! COUGH COUGH
No Dev Blog yet? What happend :-(
So the cutscene wasn’t that big of a deal to miss, but there is a simple way to include everyone in the capacity for seeing it:
Give Magister Tassi an option to ask “what happened earlier?”. Then have Tassi retell the event with the cutscene. Tassi was standing there the whole time anyways.
So the cutscene wasn’t that big of a deal to miss, but there is a simple way to include everyone in the capacity for seeing it:
Give Magister Tassi an option to ask “what happened earlier?”. Then have Tassi retell the event with the cutscene. Tassi was standing there the whole time anyways.
Disappointed by the rewards!
Simply fantastic. Short, difficult but not impossible.
The content in the Halloween event is really good and I’m also looking forward to seeing more of it
Im not claiming anything
yeah, take care
everyone else can get what they want
Love it. Why do you feel the need to have everything given to you?
Thats a pretty big claim when we’re talking about a videogame.
no one, thats the point. some people who like buying keys would buy them, everyone else can get what they want without rng. some of the key ppl would end up with an item valued much greater after the event.
to sell them to the gemless
Did you forget that everyone can buy gems? Why would anyone open boxes when they can just buy them at the gem store?
I don’t know what you mean.
1) Cash→Gems then Gems
2) Gems<→Gold
Account bound gem purchase either through cash or gold conversion
The nonbound versions from chests would be valued at the gem to gold value (during the event) and then go up in value after you can’t purchase the items in the store anymore.
All they need to do is sell the weapons as account bound for 500 – 700 gems, in addition to the random Bind on Use items from the boxes. Then some people will buy keys to sell them to the gemless and everyone that wants one can purchase something.
I’m not going to complain about not getting a skin.
I just won’t be purchasing keys again.
The rest of the holiday has been enjoyable so far. The chest thing detracts from the rest of the event.
thank you. I know I was personally upset over how the chests + keys were handled, and it’s really been the first time I’ve felt anything not-positive towards the game.
The drop rates are terrible. This is the first thing about GW2 that’s actually left a bad taste in my mouth.
The items from BLC should have had a higher drop rate and should have been account bound. Seeing some of the items on the TP for 50g is insane. At least cap how much people can auction holiday items like this off for or something, ANYTHING.
really disappointed at this point.
Complete rip off. I won’t be buying keys ever again under any circumstance.
Thank you for the update!
On behalf of Tarnished Coast I'd like to apologize to Crystal Desert in Dragonbrand Borderlands
in WvW
Posted by: spellchekc.5409
Thanks guys, I was just grumbling in guild after this happened about how destructive hacking is for WvW (renders rankings and participation meaningless). It’s good to see that there are players who are actually interested in participating in the game the way that the developers have envisioned as fair.
Snagged a random group through the overflow server for SE story. All was going well until we got to the end. After a few wipes someone dc’d and didn’t log back in so we snagged another random pickup player. Dungeon booted us and reset to the beginning.
Pretty upset about this, wasted my whole evening trying to get this thing going only to have it bug out at the end
This is still bugged as of 9/28. Not only is it insanely long, but ive ran this several times now when I could have been doing something else (like farming legendary mats!).
Having to redo ANY personal story (but especially the longer ones) is incredibly frustrating. DC’s and bugs happen and are understandable, but if something significant is bugged like this, it would be very helpful to simply have the personal quest disabled with a message saying that “the content is currently unavailable”. At least then players wouldn’t invest X*Y amount of time checking to see if something is broken or fixed. Just a thought :-D
(edited by spellchekc.5409)
Looking forward to seeing all of these features. It will be a boon to the game to have similarly skilled players matched up appropriately, and being able to watch matches (hopefully with commentary or an announcer of some kind) will be entertaining and educational.