+1 simply for the “Dreamer Mute” thread. It’s long overdue.
I’ve always disliked them. Feel the same about Asurans and Norn.
The playable races in game should be Humanity, Charr, Centaur, Krait, and Tengu.
Signed in purely to agree with this.
Because this makes just as much sense, possibly more, than PvP in PvE.
Dead horse is dead, guys. It’s still the same 3 people INSISTING they need dueling, all this time later.
We should start a gofundme, and buy them mortal kombat.
Hearts, noncombatant status. Of course, PvE players ought to bump others from the queue, because they wouldn’t be taking part in the combat, thus wouldn’t be changing anything.
Also, to make it more fun, allow use of consumables in PvP.
There will also have to be nodes added, for farming of ore, wood and cloth.
You look like you could handle some drakes!
I find myself siding with the OP. No more key purchases here, until they un-nerf the rewards.
Do you mean until they add boosters back in? Because much as I like boosters, the current rewards are much more valuable to me, despite the multiple layers of RNG.
They removed one possible reward slot. We went from three random rewards to two, plus a seasonal reward. They also removed quite a few possible drops.
In effect, our chance of getting anything at all has been reduced by a third, and the possible rewards have been greatly reduced.
By any possible way of looking at this, it’s a nerf.
I’ve always argued that one person’s “junk” is another person’s useful utility item.
Usually those who keep using “junk” when referring to the common drops from BL Chests either didn’t understand the “gem store sampler” concept behind chests from their introduction before BL tickets/scraps or expect every chest to include some highly valuable item they could sell, which if true that item would no longer be highly valuable.
Or, option 3: we understand what a skinner-box is, and equate getting what we see as “junk” as equivocally the same as getting no grain pellets when we pigeons peck the buttons.
Getting something still feels better than getting nothing… but that feeling is the only value to “junk,” and is why this black lion skinner box is a bit more sophisticated for our pecking pigeon selves.
Familiar with the Skinner box (rats, not pigeons) which was an experiment set to show the value of positive reinforcement. I’m also familiar with the colloquial usage found online to describe addictive behaviour.
What you’re missing is that a great many people, myself included, found value in getting the boosters. Not enough value, perhaps, to outright buy them with gems, but certainly enough to mitigate any disappointment from not getting a BL ticket scrap or dye.
I’m fairly sure that the boosters, if you check their value against gems on the TP, hover around 1-4G a piece. (Not in game atm) Removing that option and replacing that chance with a “festive” bag that has a value of 3-4 silver, is an insult.
I find myself siding with the OP. No more key purchases here, until they un-nerf the rewards.
I’ve literally contemplated deleting the Dreamer sfx from my GW2 files
Can we actually do this? Where is this sound file located?
To anyone who has crafted this weapon: your enjoyment of this item shouldn’t be hinged on whether or not the rest of us have to see/hear it as well. Seriously this item is annoying to be around, and I genuinely don’t care if that makes some of you upset. Hearing neighneighneighneighneighneighneighneighneigh nonstop in Lab shouldn’t be remedied with “just turn the sound off”
Uh… people were paid money and spent a lot of time working on the sounds for this game. I want to be able to enjoy that. I don’t want all of the ambiance drowned out by a bad horse sound file that won’t stop playing.
There really needs to be an option added to turn off legendary particles and/or sounds separate from one another, so those with lower end graphics cards can still enjoy the game, and those who want to farm in zergs aren’t frustrated that someone’s trying as hard as possible to fire their bow eighty-five thousand times per second because horses.
I don’t understand the need to have it make noises on fire anyway. It already shoots little rainbow darts or whatever else it’s got going on. Why does it have to keep announcing it’s presence to everyone in the area?
I actually target and point out the people with the trollbow now. (I’ve been referring to it that way for ages.)
As someone who primarily plays using headphones, I’ve rage-quit more than once due to the horrifically irritating noise it produces.
Someone at Anet must enjoy trolling, since there’s no reason I can see that this has the effect it does, and has been left un-muted for all this time.
Ele during the beta. Staff damage was at least 60% higher than it is now, and there was no 5 man cap.
You could actually kill things at range, without having to circle strafe or kite.
Now, we’re glass cannons, and it’s painful.
To be fair, there has only been ONE change made purely for the needs of PvE in the entire history of GW2, and that was the FGS nerf.
Every single other balance pass has been based on PvP or WvW.
Take your entitlement elsewhere, OP.
OP is simply asking (actually demanding, but let’s pretend he’s vaguely polite) to get something he didn’t pay for, simply because he wants it.
No different than a three year old looking at a candy in a store and screaming because they’re not allowed to eat it.
By the “logic” (ha) that OP is using, I can go into Toyota with my 2013 matrix, and demand to drive out with a 2017 model because I already paid for one.
Can we let this die now, please?
I’m on board with this purely because I like the AC skins in daytime, but the night ones are purely horrible.
What ranger needs is to finally be separated from our pet, so that we can get our damage balanced up there with the other classes.
Until that happens, anything else done is a useless gesture.
I also stand by my original assessment of the Druid specialisation – we’ve been trolled by Anet.
Enough confirmation boxes already!
My dearest wish for the elite slot is being permitted to slot a utility skill instead.
I’m curious – in what context is the ranger pet overpowered? They cannot hit moving targets, the F2 skill still takes an eternity to cast, and they constitute the only class mechanic that can be disabled by simply auto-attacking.
Add to that the fact that all ranger skill damage is reduced when compared to the other classes, to offset the theoretical damage done by the pet. Since pets don’t scale off of the player stats, the advent of ascended gear constituted a nerf to the entire ranger profession.
Peter Jones, who was the lead game designer (may still be, for all I know) posted in the forums, stating that not only did the Ranger pet constitute a serious handicap, but with the current setup, couldn’t be made to be workable. Literally, the mechanic is designed to fail.
Hoping the balance patch cleans up those unkillable builds.
They are onyly changing things that has no impact for pvp what so ever, so no, still great army of necro minions, still 1shot dh, unkillable eles and 40block/evade mesmers on pvp.
Onyly thing this patch does is try to kitten raiders in the kitten , cos raids became easier than they thought.You don’t even know what you’re talking about, right?
First, this nerf is because of WvW boonshare builds that were making unstoppable melee trains.
Second, people who raid are complaining because the nerfs will reduce build and class diversity for what are considered good comps. Revenant is basically losing its main function so there is no point into taking one anymore, druids are being forced into the exclusive healer spot, mesmers can get 100% boon duration alone and can still have 100% quickness uptime without SoI.
The problem is that, it might be better to have two Mesmers now instead considering the overall group DPS, and having two mesmers means having much higher Alacrity uptime for all group, putting auto-attack based builds (mainly daredevil and hammer guardian) in disadvantageous position compared to elementalists when right now they are very viable considering the DPS and utilities they bring, but with Alacrity elementalists are just too strong to pick these instead.
tl;dr – Raids are still easy. They are just killing class and build diversity. Blame WvW.
You have to admit, it makes a novel change from 99%+ of the balance changes, wherein you can blame PvP.
It’s extraordinarily rare for them to balance around PvE. (The only time I can remember it happening was the FGS nerf.)
I must have missed something, I thought the only update we were getting on Tuesday was Halloween.
What changes are you so worried about?
Big ole marked post by Gaile, titled “Upcoming balance changes”.
I support the complete removal of all effects that don’t originate from me. I want to fight bosses, but lately, all I see is discoballs surrounded by fireworks. And yes, thats with the toned down setting
This. It’s long past time that this is an option.
The current control in-game does little/nothing to make the problem better.
We need to have a mute option for all particle effects originating with another player.
Also note that GW1 is far larger than GW2. Three continents, instead of 1/3 of one.
You forgot to list the entire pet mechanic of the ranger. Even the company has admitted that it won’t work right, but they still refuse to make the pet optional.
Also, death shroud on necro is fail. It’s very existence is why necromancers can’t have nice things.
Simpler idea – have the BLSK stack.
Hey, I don’t want to punish them (though having /emote fixed so we CAN report someone would be awesome.) I just want a way to remove the blocks of text that doesn’t hinder my general gameplay.
Turning off /map, /say and /emote is basically locking yourself away from the world, just to avoid people who are a bit too into the game.
Blocking them just for being themselves seems unfair – also, it’s not inconceivable that at some point they’ll have useful input, instead of just just spamming the chats.
Other than “it would take effort”, I don’t see why having a new selection of /Roleplay, that limits anything in it to itself is such a big deal.
Because in GW1 it was a powerhouse of a class. One day, Anet will pull their heads out and actually give us options that aren’t full condition or stay in death shroud.
Folks, if we don’t fundamentally change Shroud, then power necro remains borked. Literally, our whole skillbar exists for no reason except to survive while we power up shroud.
That is a kitten poor design, right there.
I’m an RPer who likes seeing the stories others are telling and I don’t feel corner-shoved by this. I really like it, so long as there are still custom emotes as they exist today. Then I can still see all the silly and fun stuff people do with custom emotes that aren’t part of RP scenes, but partition those from the narrative tales by customizing my tabs.
I fully empathize with those who don’t want to see the long blocks of text scrolling away the channel information that they do want but still want to see the occasional silly stuff. An additional channel designed to hold those blocks of text adds a good deal more flexibility to the chat system. If it starts out toggled on by default, then new players can spot the RP without having to be told where to look, and it’s a couple of quick clicks to remove it from view for those who find it irrelevant to their interests.
/repeats her call for a shorter range and brighter color because, gosh darn it, ANet needs those two things hammered home.
/RP Claps at Donari
Thank you, kind sir/madame/other!
I actively use emotes. Regularly. I sometimes use /me emotes. What I don’t do is pretend I AM my character, and write essay length diatribes throughout the /emote and /say channels.
A separate channel for roleplayers doesn’t hurt anyone, and reduces bother for those who use the provided channels for non-roleplay purposes.
Right click and report for the wierdo’s who spam /sit a thousand times in a minute would just be icing on the cake.
Look, what’s been asked for is if an emote is used in the /RP chat, it only displays in the /RP chat. Ditto custom emotes, plus all general chatter.
That way, the bulk of the playerbase, who salute and wave at friends and guildies, don’t have to slog through five billion lines of extremely niche players posting their fantasies for the world to see, be they fantasies about how pants in Tyria work, or the ERP that tends to be the most notable, if only for its content.
Nobody is asking RPers to stop – we’re more asking that they don’t forcibly involve the entire instance in their niche activity.
So, those opposed are just against letting people not-involved opt out of the activity.
Everyone else MUST watch them do their thing, no matter their opinion of it. If they don’t want to, they can shut off /emote (which is used by people who don’t just RP) and /say (Which again, is used by people who don’t just RP) and give the RP crowd their own space, because having a system to let others opt-out is repressing them.
Did they just transmute from vague annoyance to professional victim?
Travelling between the TP pickup and crafting stations in DR, because it’s the least irritating setup in-game. I’m not sure where the RP folks are, but they’re still at it. I shouldn’t have to shut off both /emote and /say to avoid it.
Why are you in DR for crafting and TP pickup when you could be in Rata Sum and have all your crafting stations a dodge, savage leap and rush away?
Or Hoelbrak has everything huddled around the TP.
Whether RPers are an issue or not, one has to wonder if many of the people complaining are in the same group of overly sensitive professional victims that are making society look like a pile of crying $@*^. Those people don’t need extra consideration or attention.
Maybe because he likes DR the best.
Maybe because he hates DR the least of all of the cities.
Maybe because when most of the seasonal activities come around, they’re in DR now and he likes not having to switch his home turf when that happens.
Maybe he cycles between them and he has noticed the issue he brought up in DR more often than in the other cities.
If the RP he saw was truly inappropriate and against the TOS of the game, it’s really not unreasonable to ask for ways to avoid seeing it. Since it’s done on emote and you can’t report on emote names and the range of the emotes are so large that it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the player who is actually breaking the rules to report them.
Add to this, it’s where my home instance with all the nodes are.
Also, earlier I pointed out that I’m not particularly offended by it. I do, however, agree with the OP, in that it would be nice to be able to filter out the static, as it were, from the general conversation.
I honestly don’t understand why anyone would oppose the /rp channel. The reasons against it amount to nothing except for “I don’t want to!”
Ranger’s next elite spec should allow offhand sword use.
Any fan of old school DnD will understand why.
This – please, THIS.
Have perma-stow for the pet, and off-hand sword!
I personally dislike that Death Shroud works as a form. I envision it as working as a cross between the Guardian’s Virtues and the current Life Force usage when using DS skills.
So, in the following, passive skills work regardless of Life Force amount, whereas activating skills uses Life Force the way using skills in shroud does now. Life Force will drain the way it currently does when you’re in shroud.
I’ve re-written all the traits that currently involve DS, and while I have swapped a couple between lines, the number of adept/master/grandmaster traits in a given line remain the same.
Skills -
F1 – Life Blast: Passive – Chill Foe for 2 seconds on every fifth attack. Active – Blast Foe with Life Force.
F2 – Dark Path: Teleport to target area, bleeding and chilling nearby foes. Recharge 20 seconds.
F3 – Life Transfer: Damage nearby foes and steal their life force (3%). Recharge 40 seconds.
F4 – Dark Armour: Passive – Grant 3 seconds of Retaliation every 30 seconds. Active: Gain 5 seconds retaliation. Gain 5 stacks of Stability for 6s. Recharge 30 seconds.
Minor Adept – Reapers Might: Life Blast active grants might.
Major Master – Rending Shroud: Shroud skills inflict Vulnerability on their targets.
Major Grandmaster – Spiteful Spirit: Cast Unholy Feast when activating Life Transfer.
Minor Master – Furious Demise: Gain 3s Fury when a nearby foe dies.
Major Master – Path of Corruption: Dark Path converts enemy boons to conditions.
Major Grandmaster – Weakening Shroud: Dark Armor casts Enfeeble on foes.
(Death Magic)
Minor Adept – Armored Shroud: Gain Toughness (180 at lvl 80) when Life Force is above threshold. (50%)
Major Adept – Shrouded Removal: Dark Path transfers 3 conditions to affected foes.
Minor Grandmaster – Beyond the Veil: When Dark Armor ends, you and your minions gain protection.
Major Grandmaster – Unholy Sanctuary: If Life Force is above the threshold (10%), Dark Armor will activate if you take a lethal blow.
(Blood Magic)
Major Master – Unholy Martyr: Nearby allies gain regeneration when your HP is below the threshold. (50%)
Major Grandmaster – Vital Persistence: Gain regeneration when Life Force is above the Threshold. (90%)
Major Grandmaster – Transfusion: Life Transfer heals and partially revives nearby allies. Up to five downed allies near you teleport to your location when you’re channeling Life Transfer.
(Soul Reaping)
Major Adept – Speed of Shadows: Reduce recharge on Death Shroud skills by 20%
Major Adept – Unyielding Blast: Life Blast pierces up to 5 foes.
Major Master – Foot in the Grave: Conditions expire 33% faster while you are above the Life Force threshold. (90%)
Minor Grandmaster – Strength of Undeath: You deal more damage (5%) while above the Life Force threshhold (90%)
Major Grandmaster – Life from Death: Nearby deaths decrease recharge on Death Shroud skills by 1s.
Major Grandmaster – Death Perception: Increase critical hit chance (15%) while life force is above the threshold. (90%)
Major Grandmaster – Dhuumfire: Death Shroud skills inflict burning on your targets. (1 stack 3 seconds)
F1 – Life Rend: Passive – Chill foe for 2 seconds on every fifth attack. Active – Cleave foes around you, gaining life force for each foe struck. (This skill inherits traits from life blast)
F2 – Death’s Charge: Slide forward, destroying projectiles in your path. Blind and Chill foes at your destination. (This skill inherits traits from Dark Path) Recharge 15 seconds.
F3 – Soul Spiral: Spiral and damage nearby foes, dealing high damage. (This skill inherits traits from Life Transfer) Recharge 40s
F4 – Infusing Terror: Passive – Gain 3 seconds of Retaliation every 30 secons. Active – Gain 5 stacks of Stability for 6 seconds. Foes around you flee in Fear. Recharge 30 seconds.
Minor Adept – Shroud Knight: Death Shroud is replaced by Reaper Shroud, with more melee oriented skills.
Major Adept – Reaper’s Onslaught: Deal more damage to foes under 130 distance. (10%)
Major Master – Relentless Pursuit: Reduces duration of movement impairing conditions. (33%) You move 25% faster.
Major Grandmaster – Blighter’s Boon: Gain Life Force (1%) when you apply a boon to yourself. If Life Force is full, gain health instead.
This is how I envision the Necromancer and Shroud as working. Discus, crucify me, what have you.
EDITED: Spelling and formatting.
(edited by stale.9785)
Travelling between the TP pickup and crafting stations in DR, because it’s the least irritating setup in-game. I’m not sure where the RP folks are, but they’re still at it. I shouldn’t have to shut off both /emote and /say to avoid it.
That said, I don’t particularly care either way, given my own mindset, but there ought to be a limit on it for the sake of those who really don’t want to see it.
EDIT: Call it what you will, but they’re the same names that turn up all the time. People getting their freak on with their charr, debating the morality of Charr eating the other races, holding court while critiquing the fashion choices of those who pass by.
They’re there basically every evening between 8pm and 12am ET.
Byou the same notion, role players shouldn’t have to stop role playing just because it’s not 5o your taste either. Neither should they be put in a separate box.
Apart from the “getting their freak on” publicly they are not actually doing anything wrong.
I don’t think anyone was asking them to stop – simply limit the range of the /emote and /me commands, since right now their range appears to be the entirety of the centre of DR.
Having a separate field would work as well, since then it would be an opt-in sort of function.
Personally, I don’t find them that offensive, but I can certainly see how 90% or more of this particular groups’ output, at the very least, violate the ToS, and would be off-putting for many.
Also, someone in the chat is reading this thread, since it got referenced in-game. Just because you can fit the quaggan there, doesn’t mean you should.
Travelling between the TP pickup and crafting stations in DR, because it’s the least irritating setup in-game. I’m not sure where the RP folks are, but they’re still at it. I shouldn’t have to shut off both /emote and /say to avoid it.
That said, I don’t particularly care either way, given my own mindset, but there ought to be a limit on it for the sake of those who really don’t want to see it.
EDIT: Call it what you will, but they’re the same names that turn up all the time. People getting their freak on with their charr, debating the morality of Charr eating the other races, holding court while critiquing the fashion choices of those who pass by.
They’re there basically every evening between 8pm and 12am ET.
(edited by stale.9785)
I never asked for less armor skins on the gemstore. I asked for more armor skins in the world. Anet never complied to that.
This. At no point did people ask for the armour to be removed from the gem store. They asked for the same number and quality of armours to be available in-game.
Their response was of the sulky kid who takes his ball and bat home so nobody gets to play.
This, despite the fact that, by thread count, having the pet be optional (so we could at least be functional without it) is the single most requested thing on the forums, ever.
For corruptions, I’ve been bringing up self sacrifice (a la GW1) since before the change to the stupid self-inflicted conditions.
DS, in my opinion, needs a complete rework – have it work sort of like a mix of guardian virtues and shattering.
F1 – Life Blast; Passive; Every 5th attack inflicts two seconds of Chill. Active – Blast a Foe with Life Force (Current Life Blast function). 20 second recharge on the Active. Reaper upgrades this to a cleave skill.
F2 – Life Transfer; Current functionality. Have it inflict Chill when Reaper is traited. 40 second recharge.
F3 – Tainted Shackles. Immobilize up to 5 targets near you (600 range) inflict 10 stacks of Torment. 45 second recharge.
F4 – Dark Armour; Passive – Grant 3s retaliation every 60 seconds. Active; Gain Stability (3 stacks for 3 seconds, repeating), with the option of Shattering to cause AoE Fear. Also, Stunbreak. 60 second recharge, uses LF until the bar is drained or Armour is shattered.
Removing the second life bar allows room to add active blocks and stability to our skills, along with team utility.
ie: Blood is Power. Sacrifice 10% of your total HP. You and your allies gain 15 stacks of Might for 15s.
Spectral Armor – Buff it to add Stability instead of (or in addition to) the Protection.
You know what – stuff it. I had been typing up a response, and realised that you’re approach to discourse is;
So I’m saving the effort.
As someone who plays power builds, I have to disagree with your view on the corruptions. 10% of your HP is going to be ~2300 damage, which is negligible. The self-inflicted condition is a handicap, and makes our one worthwhile condition cleanse actually debuff us so that we take 5% more damage.
Wintermute – there ought to be more to PvE necro than one condition build.
Edit: Fixed numerical typos.
(edited by stale.9785)
I wvw on both necro and my guardian. Unless something is drastically different on other servers, being pulled is something that doesn’t happen. Outside of necro, every class seems to poop stacks of stability on the exhale.
Maybe it comes up in roaming or small scale skirmishing, but it’s certainly not a problem with ZvZ or organised groups…
Dude – I hate to be that guy, but Spear of Justice is heavily telegraphed, (3/4 cast time, PLUS the animation), and it’s dodgeable.
Beyond that, what gameplay are you engaging in where a pull that leaves you mobile afterward is an issue? It’s not like you’re being stunned or hit with immobilize after being pulled, you’ve simply lost your gap.
This is coming across as someone who got beaten by a guardian, and is blaming is doing the standard forum "I lost, therefore “opponent” is too powerful. NERF!" whining.
IE: Rock is too powerful, Paper is fine. Sincerely, Scissors.
These are precisely what I would mean by quality of life changes. Literally, things that are missing or don’t make sense, fixed.
1 – Putting the retaliation granting skill on the melee weapon, where it’s actually useful. Ditto the immobilizing, boon stripping skill, on the ranged weapon.
2 – I’ve never seen this skill used, ever. Anyone who runs power necro knows we need more stability outside of DS and our forms. Model after the Guardian shout “Stand Your Ground!” Not only does it encourage using the skill, but it addresses a general issue with Necros.
3 – See the above complaint, but address condition removal instead of stability – another issue with the necro that just doesn’t make sense – we’re the master of conditions, yet we lack outright condition removal skills. Leading into;
4 – Corruption skills. The whole “add a condition to yourself” is stupid. Even more so, when it’s appended to one of our best potential condition removal skills. HP sacrifice is very necro-centric, taken directly from GW1. It also adds a risk to using the corruption skills that isn’t currently there. Lore friendly, and making the skills more universally useful, while maintaining risk. I don’t get your objection. (Hard to get anything from “Just no.”
5 – The whole reason this hasn’t been done yet is an animation issue. The devs have talked about this a number of times, and never addressed it.
Things I would love to see done for the Necro:
1 – Swap Unholy Feast and Dark Pact so that Unholy Feast is now on dagger, and Dark Pact on Axe.
2 – Spectral Armor grants 5 stacks for 6 seconds of Stability instead of Protection.
3 – Spectral Grasp no longer chills foes, instead transfer 3 conditions to targetted foe.
4 – Master of Corruption is changed to: Reduces recharge on corruption skills. Corruption skills no longer inflict conditions on you; instead, sacrifice 10% of your total HP when using a Corruption skill.
5 – Flesh Golem functions underwater.
(edited by stale.9785)
Your guardian DOES blast lightning. That’s the in-game animation from the staff skill 4. (I forget what it’s called, but it stacks might on yourself and allies.)
(For whatever reason, it’s impossible to glide during the Mordremoth fight. Was on release, and still is, as of 20 minutes ago when I tried again.)
You’re doing it wrong if you are trying to glide like you do normally.
For the Mordy fight you just walk into an updraft, it flings you up and you press glide.
Everywhere else you would run/jump and hit jump again.
Not here.
No idea why but that might be your issue, you’re doing it wrong because the mechanic is different for this fight.
What I had is different. On my Guardian, I’d go to the updraft, and nothing would happen. Neither jumping in (like one would expect) or merely walking to it did anything. I did the same mission with a guildy and my wife, on a different character, it worked fine. Go back with my Guardian, and the updraft/gliding didn’t work.
Got through by taking a friend with me, and spending the entire fight in the holding area for recently dead.
Medium armoured archer who isn’t kitten by an NPC character.
Guardian – 899 hours
Ranger – 607 hours
Ele – 353 hours
Necro #1 – 150 hours
Warrior – 89 hours
Necro #2 – 29 hours (Because I’ve come to loathe the sylvari, but I like Necros)
Mesmer – 28 hours
Thief – 4 hours
Revenant – 1 hour
Total playtime according to /age command is 2557 – so among the characters I’ve deleted, there’s an unlisted 499 hours that have been on Ranger.
Suppose that makes Ranger or Guardian my main, though I feel I play the Necro more.
Still nothing compared to gw1, in which I accrued over 7000 hours, primarily on my Necro.
So, I’d say the GW franchise is alt friendly, allowing that some people flat out won’t like some classes.