Showing Posts For trytonianYeti.4389:

So Anet, what do you think of that

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


So Anet, what do you think of that

I hate to break the news to you but, Anet doesn’t know how to think

Bigger secret to fast legendary division??!

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389



Nothing new here, just an OP in denial that he got farmed by a broken league. You ain’t goin’ nowhere with gettin’ gud son.

Secret to Fast Legendary Division????

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Currently TOP post on reddit. Didn’t know reddit folks cared more about pvp than the official pvp forum. I’m sure it’ll die quickly but it would be nice to expose this so people know the monster they are fighting against and not waste their time on this pos league.


Secret to Fast Legendary Division????

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


but many house hold chores await so my ranked arena hours are really very limited.

your house is already clean. dont keep your friend waiting.

but that’s ok, it wont take you long to get to the next division.

sapphire was the fastest division for me. I completed the entire division in under 4 hours.

Secret to Fast Legendary Division????

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


LMAO, word spread fast on holidays. Here is my original text:

I’ll spill everything I did and spare the generic details about conquest that everyone SHOULD already know about.

If not, then refer to this thread:

The OP may sound like a whiny little cry baby but the stuff he and others have shared might help. He has been on my team a few times and all I can say is that he at least knows what he’s talking about and play rotations well.

I will share exactly what I did without disguising myself as someone better than I really am. Honesty isn’t preferred in these forums but w/e

I. Don’t be a noob. Have good mechanics and control of your character. Don’t be a useless scumbag that dies quickly. Dying quickly will make you burden

II. If you soloQ, do it upto sapphire and ruby.


Why? Because the matchmaking and reward algorithm is broken. Having a lower division person in the team offers a TREMENDOUS OUT OF THIS WORLD UNFAIR ADVANTAGE of rewarding you 2-3 pips per win and a much reduced penalty of only losing 1 pip for every loss. This alone is all you really need to breeze through the divisions. This alone is something none of the other legendaries will tell you.

IV. The second half of diamond may be overwhelming for duo queue and it will help if you team queue as a full pre.

I’m generally seen as a bitter person but that’s because I’m just being honest.

My intent is to expose how ridiculous the league is designed.

My intent is for people to not associate division with skill.

No Legendary will ever tell you how they breezed through divisions by manipulating except me because I don’t want this implemented next season.

(edited by trytonianYeti.4389)

Very good system 10/10

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


What they do is similar to school bullying.


and anet rewards this kind of behavior
and solo players are punished

this is my last one
i am done

I get teamed with him soloQing. He was good on his thief and Mesmer.

Everyday, we lose veteran pvpers. They are replaced by noobs so if you solo q, there will be a shortage of experienced players ending up in your team.

The Irony w/ Chaith & Minstrel Ammy

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


While I appreciate the direct call out, could you stop linking your dead end, no-point topics to me, forever? Clearly it takes a mind like yours to see the irony you promised here.

Don’t worry about the haters man, we both know that if anet took balancing advice from you guys we wouldn’t have this kittenty meta today. Good luck on your practice.

LOL hate. One of the most overly and incorrectly used term of this generation.

If you’re not a diamond or legend or a member of these guilds on the roster, I cannot comprehend how you still manage to suck-up to them after being farmed over and over.

Very good system 10/10

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


What they do is similar to school bullying.

The Irony w/ Chaith & Minstrel Ammy

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


The argumentation from Pro ESL Player is so shallow.

This what we got, that is what we have to play. We are playing for 200 000 $ here and we will do every disgusting thing to earn that money.

This thing is boring, do you think ESL sponsors will continue to pay that money for 5000 viewers in Twitch channel.

With that number of viewers, this will go max 3 seasons, then there will no money again.

If you will have a product that everybody enjoys and gets the viewers numbers, it will go for 5 years.

Current state of mind is so shortsighted, it is unbelievable.

Whoever is financing the cash prize just flushed money down the toilet. They probably would get more relevant views if they spent that money on a billboard in West Virginia.

If the money is coming from anet then they would be more punitive towards the behavior of the pro teams and would have balanced this garbage meta sooner.

Its like they threw away the pvp mode of their game and hard focused on pve coz that’s where the $$$ is

NA never reached 5000 views during any ESL week. It was more like half of that

Meta reduced to five builds

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


I wish the developer had more respect to its pvp player base. I cringe when I see people take up their time to post lengthy material about how they feel about the current state of the game. Wake up and don’t turn your back to the people that truly care abt this game.

The Irony w/ Chaith & Minstrel Ammy

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389




Couldn’t say any better. perhaps people need to learn where is the right button to do so, and leave unranked and ranked to those who seek infamy for greater good and less toxicity against the system of course.

This guy needs to come back to planet earth.

Less toxicity against the system? lmao. The community has been far too patient towards the broken system this guy is defending. Prolly doesn’t even know what this thread is about.

The Irony w/ Chaith & Minstrel Ammy

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


It’s not just $200,000. You have to add in promotional costs, administration costs etc. It’s probably more like $300,000. OR. the money comes from the pockets of the sponsors. One things for sure, their lack of response is also costing them brand value depreciation.

Is Anet Ok with ESL players abusing Rank?

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


How come no one from EU is complaining about guys like ROM or Helseth exploiting the system? Oh that’s right, it’s because they don’t. The questionable behavior coming from NA exclusively.

The Irony w/ Chaith & Minstrel Ammy

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Looks like forum ppl suffer from amnesia. He specifically used EU as an example and said scrims in EU had timers ran out, which is why he was against bunker builds. I bet he’s glad he got that thread deleted.

The Irony w/ Chaith & Minstrel Ammy

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Remember how Chaith was so anti bunker, anti Minstrel amulet that he helped to get it removed? That really screwed over bunker ele and guard builds btw.

Now they realized that they cant beat the bunker meta and will now embrace it, moving forward.

Sorry I cant provide screenies or other reference with his comments on Minstrel amulet because he got those threads removed as well.

But here’s a recent one you might enjoy


Only NA "Pro" Teams Exploit. Look @ EU Roster

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


You cant deny one region is far more abusive to their community than the other.

Not whole NA community is like this, but a few guys who got really big shadows.

I commented on your thread about Olrun being one of the few honorable Pro league pvpers. I think individual members of most pro league teams have participated in the exploit pip farming scheme. But it’s not obvious because they would be under one of two guilds.

Only NA "Pro" Teams Exploit. Look @ EU Roster

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


You cant deny one region is far more abusive to their community than the other.

Dear Abjured, Pls Dont Give In to Bunker Meta

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Are you like, 8 years old?

You are asking the former cheese double ele team to not run the most powerful meta?

I’m pretty sure you’re 8 years old. People don’t do “heroic” things like you dream for them to do. They’re not heroes. In fact, they are anti-heroes seeing how they manipulate and exploit NA’s pvp community.

Only NA "Pro" Teams Exploit. Look @ EU Roster

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


It’s been established for a while now that ORNG and TCG are the 2 best teams in EU.

And yet they are not found in the roster. Helseth duo queued to his division.

So why cant these NA pro teams do the same.

EU has 5 guilds on the roster and none are the top 2.

The excuses given by these NA pros are lame. Just reference the other region to put them to shame.

Stuck in Emerald Could Only Mean...

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


It’s great to see people not taking themselves too seriously and laughing a little.

They laugh coz they know they’re hopeless unless they git gud

Why assume you need progress in tiers

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


You make NO sense.

Let me throw this back at you – Why compete in the first place?

Wow, this forum. Why aren’t delusional noob threads subject to infractions? I’m sure they drive a lot of people nuts.

Recent NA ESL Made me <3 Abjured More

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


We are a team who plays the strongest comps first,

So, like everyone else, we’ll be practicing the bunker comp, with the intent to be extremely proficient on that.

No surprise there, of course your team will go for the cheesiest comp. You forgot to mention how you guys exploit the roster.

Recent NA ESL Made me <3 Abjured More

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Yeah well they almost lost the first match

Stuck in Emerald Could Only Mean...

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


I guess they never got to fix the bug…

LMAO….now we have people that think they were 10 on the roster.

Stuck in Emerald Could Only Mean...

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Op quit whining and git gud

Anet REMOVE 50/50 w/l on the league fix

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Didn’t have any issues getting to Ruby with my one and only account, just keep up with the meta and try your best to carry your team and it works. I lost a lot of matches queueing as a team and was camped on Emerald tier 2 for ages. I went solo and reached ruby the next day.

Emerald to ruby in a day solo? If it is true, it means your MMR was really really really low

Last Laugh on Me - troo story

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Perhaps you’re clueless and haven’t been following what’s going on in NA right now.

People like you are getting farmed non-stop by top pro teams. They are keeping you from progressing.

The EU hero strikes again!

Haven’t really been following what’s going on in EU/NA pro scene except Helseth’s vid about duo/soloQ. Last time I faced an ESL team in NA was Thursday.

Pro teams don’t really bother me. What I’m not too happy about are lower MMR teams surging past me. I seriously want to scream “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” lol.

Umm, have you seen EU’s roster? What I’m saying is you’re stuck at emerald because of pro teams exploiting. If you were in EU, you’d be out of emerald by now.

Last Laugh on Me - troo story

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Perhaps you’re clueless and haven’t been following what’s going on in NA right now.

People like you are getting farmed non-stop by top pro teams. They are keeping you from progressing.

I <3 EU pvp even more

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Some of the children on this post are mentally challenged if they take helseth’s public persona literally. The video he created speaks volumes about his ethics. Something top na teams lack. It’s often wiser to judge ones actions instead of words.

Sad the amount of slow thinkers here that look up to and support fraudulent “heroes” while getting farmed under their noses.

No wonder the government gets away taking civil liberties from the people slowly but steadily. Almost everyone is so gullible

imo worst meta we ever had

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Magi amulet, lol.

Thank Abjured for getting it removed. They spoke against it publicly and to the devs privately. Hugh and Grouch are members of the Mist Initiative.

That team has significant influence on what becomes meta

I <3 EU pvp even more

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Yeah they get faster queue times so they can GO AGAINST SOLOQERS WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING VS THEM.

Maybe they just didn’t knew, they are playing with a new MMR. Maybe farming the other team is just normal for them because on NA there is no difference between playing on new MMR and on top MMR xD shots fired


EU fanbois rise up! Continue to stroke each others egos.

how are we fan bois? we don’t just love a particular team, we love our entire community. And for the most part, our community respects us back. Sorry you cant say the same about NA and top teams exploiting guys like you.

That’s why helseth calls 95% of his soloq teammates trash. Because he respects all of you so much

Youre like the media, you take things out of context to convey your message. He said soloQ is trash when it comes to going against teams (car crashed). That was pretty obvious to everyone except you.

Still, I’d rather have guys like him than guys farming our community. Have you seen how filthy disgusting the NA roster is? And you defend that?

I no longer want to respond to you. Stupidity is contagious.

I <3 EU pvp even more

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


If I were the Abjured, I’d say that too. I hope you weren’t expecting them to spill the beans.

Yeah they get faster queue times so they can GO AGAINST SOLOQERS WITH NO CHANCE OF WINNING VS THEM.

That puts us back to them farming soloQers.

They could simply be like most people and queue solo/duo. That will give them faster queue times. They could follow Helseth’s example. BUT NO. they want to farm, easy farm.

There are motives in check other than what they said.

Do you know why Stronghold is shut down?

Because abjured and pz people were exploiting the hell out of a bug to make farming soloQers easier than ever

I <3 EU pvp even more

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Yup, the whole debate of EU>NA or NA>EU is a moot one. But in terms of decency and fair-play, we can all conclude as of these results: EU>NA.

That being said, I’ve heard top NA teams are abusing the leaderboard to have Anet fix it… which is like killing people to show the government it should be punished & illegal.

They’re doing it to have Anet fix it?

That’s the biggest crock of bullschitt I’ve ever heard. Those na teams have free access to the developers. HELL, the devs are even part of the mist initiative.

Wow, do they think we’re really that gullible?

(at the same time there are probably idiot fan bois that believed it)

Am I the only one who loves this meta?

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


The meta is ok.
The league where you play it competitively, I hate very much.

People refusing to play/tanking MMR.

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


I feel it’s absolutely sickening that this OP who eased his way to ruby by having a low MMR and farming veteran soloQers with higher MMR with his premade. In case you didn’t notice, he’s a rank 68 playing an annoying brainless build that gets carried by AI.

I know rank doesn’t mean skill but it is a filter for the amount of time one has been playing,.

legendary division impossible to hit by most

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


People are already legendary, if you’re good enough you will get there.

Unfortunately I do not have the time nor team to farm solo q-ers as a premade and also I’m not part of team pz and mist initiative so I can’t dodge queues or trade wins.

That was unfortunately just a fairly obvious troll. You can check how many players are in Legendary and the individual leaderboard for it in the PvP tab in-game.

This OP soloQ’s. I know because I ended up teaming w/ his ele a few times. I’d say he knows what he’s doing.

The person he responded to wrote a guide about reaching ruby etc etc. His advice was to form a 5 man Q. Little does he know that his low MMR aside from farming soloQers had everything to do with his progress – and not about “being good enough” (which to me means not-so-good)

This broken game doesn’t award being good on its own

(edited by trytonianYeti.4389)

Significance of Helseth's Video & You

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


1 pip away from getting out of Sapphire into Ruby, just 1. And I enter the game to face a pre-made Team PZ with diamond and ruby division players.

I thought to myself, ok well the game is smart enough to know a team full of sapphires got no chance against this premade diamond & rubies right? I wouldn’t lose a pip, perhaps even gain a pip for taking it raw?

Nope, lost the game, had no chance at all. Lost a pip, and that was just the start of my losing streak. 3 hours later my 4 pips in tier 5 sapphire evaporated, and I’ve been winning 1 losing 3 ever since, going nowhere. I’ve faced pre-mades of 4-5 pro league players at least 4 times in 3 hours. Needless to say no matter how many times I’ve won, I’ve lost pips every single time against these impossible match ups so I’m flat in my tier at the moment not sure if I want to continue.

Oh queue popped, it’s the sunfish crew again, gonna afk while I post this since we aren’t gonna win.

I’d prolly do the same thing just for the sake of my dignity but some idiot from your team could have reported you for botting if you SoloQ’d. Lots of tryhard idiots out there

I m just curious, why Soloqing and wishing to face SoloQ’ers on your team and against you is “tryharding” ?

It’s try harding and having self esteem issues when you soloQ, face a team you are guaranteed to lose to and still run out to feed them points and get yourself farmed over and over and over and over. And then reporting your teammates when they refuse to participate in a struggle destined for you to lose to.

I’m basically agreeing with him that I’d afk too.

That was the context of my comment. Don’t add stuff that wasn’t there in the first place, k

I hate it when people are confrontational about your comment without fully understanding its origin and context

League PvP made me hate PvP

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Can anyone be any lamer than this OP.

There are people that used to love pvp that hate it now. You never liked it so why even care to create this joke of a thread

Noob account Ruby, Main stuck in Emerald?

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


That’s how the cookie crumbles. The higher your MMR when you SoloQ, the harder time you will have. Low to no MMR people with less than 1/10 the pvp experience I have are boasting about reaching ruby.

legendary division impossible to hit by most

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


People are already legendary, if you’re good enough you will get there.


Leaderboard Bans

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Because the management team thinks that esports will save the game. So ESL tourney teams get to basically do whatever the hell they want. Farm soloQers, Exploit, you name it.

The management team prioritizes something that has proven to be a failure so far (esports) instead of creating a fun game that everyone enjoys playing and tell their friends about

What's Going On w/ Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


I really just want this class to be healthy again because in pvp, the absence of warriors are making necros and rangers, especially necros arrogant. Some of them even forgot that warriors countered them. I really just want to put them back to their place.

Need more pvp warriors.

Condi Reapers = Really Not That Great

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


My feelings are mixed on this.

A third of me says “OP is bsing, Condi Reaper is amazing.”
A third of me says “necros deserve it for being bagfodder for the longest”
A third of me says “why is this necro losing to a warrior”

Absolute 100% of me says “THIS DUDE MUST BE A BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD WARRIOR If he loses to necros regularly”

Make Revenants Unable to Queue

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


OP is a major a**f*c* . He boasts about farming soloQ. Complain about how many pips are in a tier, demanding for a shortcut and now, disallow revenants from queuing.

That’s right, deny all of you revenants from playing so he could go on easy street. every thread he start is either a whine/complain (coz too noob, no skill) or to boast and gloat.

Reduce the amount of tier pips?

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Interesting. The same guy boasting about farming soloQuers now demanding for a shortcut. Guess it’s not going to be easy to weasel yourself out of this one.

Reaper sPvP: Power or Condi?

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


you already answered your own question

A Message from the PvP Team

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Guild Team MMR Workaround

Today we fixed an issue that allowed high-skilled players to constantly spin up new guild teams and have themselves matched with lower-skilled players because of how personal MMR and team MMR worked together. This gave them faster queue times, faster league progression, and allowed them to climb the Guild Challenger League more quickly than intended for each team created.

What really puzzles me is why top tournament players commit to doing this in the first place.

You’d expect shady, unscrupulous hacker types to do this sorta thing. But seeing WTS winners that your company support, shamelessly exploit in front of our faces reflects poorly on the image of your company.

When your colleagues communicate with these “top” teams behind closed doors it rubs off as being extremely unprofessional to us. Even more so than ever after seeing that they lack maturity and integrity for not resisting the exploits.

I’m sure your colleagues will continue their private, intimate discussions with these teams. But when doing so, please don’t make it look so obvert. Your colleagues even use their guild tags. That to us, screams conflict of interest and lacking in business ethics.

Not all tournament level teams have sunk to the level of the exploiters.


Abjured and PZ flooding top 25

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


This is why it’s hard to respect and take seriously the “top 2” NA pro teams. The most respectable team in NA is Never Lucky. It was heart warming what they did last Monday.

(edited by trytonianYeti.4389)

Abjured and PZ flooding top 25

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


I would wait longer than 3 days and at least until after we enable decay before making a judgement on how the team leaderboard will settle out. It is not our intention that a single team of players has the time to possibly keep that many entries at the top of the leaderboard.

It’s not going to settle out. With that 3 days of waiting you will offend and lose a chunk of your user base. I’ve seen people from PZ team with abjured and vice versa. They know how to game your system because they keep in touch with people in your company with a higher position than you. You didn’t lose 3 of your co-workers to amazon for no reason

Abjured and PZ flooding top 25

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Not to mention they are also using the top ten spots to advertise the name of their twitch channels. I really doubt anything will be done though. The PvP Dev team and The Abjured are so far in bed together. It’s really unprofessional the way they do business together. Personal skypes, leaked balanced doc, minstrels amulet..

OMFG, that’s what I’ve been trying to say for the longest time that started with Abjured getting the Minstrel amulet removed.

Absolutely unprofessional. The idiot employees that conduct this behavior is destroying Anet, the company. I wonder if the bosses in Korea even know what’s going on here.

Whenever I call this out, yes-man fan bois of the abjured who lack the intelligence to think for themselves would lash at me with dumb “insults” on a personal level.