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Anyone rekt a zerg w/ Comunal+Shattered yet?

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


Ok actually this may not be viable, I believe that the damage that’s applied from shattered aegis is affected by retaliation… Quite a few times last night the shattered+communal combination would go off in the enemy zerg, and I would instantly be downed. Nothing in the combat log indicated such a massive spike (20k+ hp).

Hopefully someone else can test to confirm.

Anyone rekt a zerg w/ Comunal+Shattered yet?

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


I’ve been testing it out for a few days now, and it’s certainly impressive when it does go off, even if the individual aegis’ damage is a bit underwhelming (I haven’t seen more than ~1k hits).

The biggest issue is getting it to trigger when you want it to, and that when it does trigger, those that have aegis applied get into the enemy zerg to damage them. It works well if you stay in a melee train, but the risk goes up considerably, since you’ve got to survive frontline dives.

Much Power - Low Fps?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


This video I linked talks about getting a higher FPS in GW2, and he mentions your problem as well, if you don’t watch the video he basically says that getting a high FPS in GW2 comes from your processor (your CPU). Your graphics card and RAM look fine, but maybe the processor is your problem, now this isn’t the only solution but I read your post and thought of this video, I recommend watching it.

PS: the internet connecting might be iffy too…

I think these claims are bogus. If you simply monitor your CPU and GPU load while playing you’ll see them peak nowhere near maximum. Personally I’ve never seen over 65% load yet fps rarely exceeds ~35.

Rework Downed State

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


This is a part of the larger problem: thieves in general.

They require a lot of attention from Mr Peters and co.

Thieves are fine.

If by “fine” you mean “overpowered”, I agree.

Thieves are a trash class that was overspecialized into doing one thing in the most game breaking and simple manner possible: press 2 a lot and have near permanent access to invisibility…!#$%ing infantile…

The class is otherwise totally worthless in WvW. You run in a zerg with a glass cannon thief and what happens is you go down, you die, and then half the enemy zerg rally’s off your stupid little thief !#$, and they proceed to straight up curb stomp your allies.

The Thief represents a total failure in core class design by being neither challenging to play, nor encouraging of build versatility, nor presenting options to fill other roles in a party, and makes itself infamous for the only thing it can do well: being a no-skill-required pain in the #$% amounting to little more than a bunch of petty trolls.

The entire class needs a MAJOR overhaul, primarily in changing the whole no-skill-required stealth and spam-2-till-it-dies mechanics of the class.

I’ll leave you kids with this

hahaha that video, too good! how can you guys honestly state things like ‘thieves are fine’? now i’m not talking about overpowered, but the class design… i mean really…

[Guide] WvW/PvE new AH Guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


Kjeldoran, the issue is that builds in games like these usually come down to numbers, as combat is literally simply mathematics. Now i realize that theorycrafting can’t always take into account everything, but in the case of foofad’s builds it would be nice if you could quantify and explain why you hate it so.

foofad seems to have been very helpful throughout the thread, and comparing the builds, i too don’t understand what your issue is, nor why you seem incapable of explaining why 1500 toughness is the break-even point, or why you think effective hp and effective power are completely meaningless, and what metric you use instead to quantify damage and survivability.

For someone claiming your build is best and/or better than others, it’s kind of on you to explain and show why, in greater detail than ‘try it, you’ll see, once you read between imaginary lines only i can see’. Also, resorting to simply insulting others who are attempting to be helpful or critical isn’t doing anything to help your case.

(edited by whiskyjack.7962)

Purging Flames?

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


You used to be able to remove multiple conditions with it by moving in and out of the circle..

The same question was posted last month here. 1 Condition remove on activating, 1 Condition remove everytime you enter the circle. Burning behaves the same

do we know if this intended behaviour, or is it bugged? if bugged, has there been any recognition from the devs that they’re aware of it?

Post-patch--Celestial vs Zerkers

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


he probably meant 3k armor and 3k effective power as per

i don’t know why there’s so much hate on celestial. i use a few trinkets in my builds as i’m unable to get the same numbers with any other trinkets with the build/runes i use. believe me, i’ve tried, and while i can get close, a few celestial always beat out anything else.

yes, the mf is a complete waste of stat points, but i just consider the condition damage to be a bonus to everything else they give.

Balance changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


just tried things out on the test server, and it seems well bala… oh wait.

WvWvW Algorhythms, Any Reasoning for Change?

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


while i understand their reasoning for the changes (current rankings incorrect, flawed tier system), i think they should have reduced the matches to 3 days instead of weekly.

reason being that they’re obviously trying to get new rankings to determine how much to reduce the RNG in the new method, but it may take a few months for this to happen at this rate.

unfortunately, seeing how long it took to simply setup different reset times for NA vs EU, i’m guessing it’s not worth the resources to change the match duration. we’re just going to have to suck it up until they figure they’ve gathered enough information to make a decision.

2/11 Miller's sound [DE] vs Baruch Bay [SP] vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


the dedicated WvW groups/guilds on FS do a great job when they’re around, it’s actually really enjoyable! however that said, i think the competitive spirit was broken for a lot of people as we were constantly matched up against servers with a strong 24 hour presence. it’s very demoralizing to wake up to an insurmountable lead every day and try and claw back as many points as possible, only to lose them all again the following night.

that combined with the other problems plaguing WvW recently (performance issues, rendering problems, orbs, etc..) also caused a lot of people to take an extended break from WvW, myself included. the recent removal of orbs was a step in the right direction, however a lot more attention needs to be given to WvW before it will bring back players who desire a more competitive atmosphere.

hopefully there are still many players like myself who are just biding their time, waiting for some WvW patches before jumping back into the fray, rather than transferring to another server.

Ghost Wars 2, Halloween WvW video

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


be careful, lately any attempts at making light of the rendering issues is being met with infractions handed out like orwellian candy.

Lets make crazy ideas for WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


lets make everyone in WvW invisible! yeah invisible armies! it’ll be so much fun! oh wait…

Be careful, I made a joke about being able to see people who kill you in game and got an infraction:
“Please refrain from making posts that do not provide any meaningful contribution to the topic at hand.”

indeed. infraction and post deleted. sad state when a having a sense of humor and cracking jokes results in this kind of moderation. point taken. it’s all serious business from now on regarding this video game.

Players completely invisible post-update (Oct 7)

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


hahahaha that marco polo bit was hilarious!

Quick update

in PvP

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


God kitten … why don’t people just stop Flaming about Pistol Whip Thieves or 100hb Warriors…

because pistol whip combined with some other abilities (like mace head crack etc..) makes it reallllyy hard to avoid the pistol whip, and with over 1900 toughness i’m still hit for over 10k. seems a bit excessive.

Line of Warding nerf. What?

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


it was always intended to last for 5 seconds, but was lasting for 8 due to a bug which they corrected. i wouldn’t have a problem with this fix if they had fixed the issue with players dodging/jumping over the line in the same patch..

Guardian Bugs compilation.

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


- Virtue trait : Vengeful (+25% retaliation) => Not working at all (no retaliation increase)

i’ve also noticed this. it appears it does add the extra duration (tested ‘Save Yourselves!’, ‘Stand Your Ground!’ and Signet of Judgement), but it doesn’t update the tooltips with the increased duration.

i’ve also inquired about right-handed strength and they’ve replied that it does increase the crit %, but doesn’t update the hero pane.

Anet addresses night capping

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


elvy, it’s not condescending to judge someone based on their actions, especially when they’re freely admitting to purposefully acting in such a way, which you’ve just done.

listen, you’ve got the choice to either act like them, and flood the forums with senseless arguing, taunting and pointless ad hominem retalation which is essentially becoming exactly the same poster as you abhor, or you can choose to ignore such posts and continue to try and be a boon to the community.

i hope you choose the latter.

Anet addresses night capping

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


Gwal: you, like many people are focusing too much on the night-time part of the argument. the time of day is irrelevant, the issue is around population.

all they would need to do is adjust the points at the 15 minute intervals to compensate for the current WvW populations. if a server has 10x more players than the other servers, they receive less points. they already try to do this, but it’s with the outmanned buff, which is useless.

elvy: you should try to be more constructive in your posts. i see you posting everywhere in a very derogatory and condescending manner. this will simply cause people to ignore your posts, even when you make relevant points.

Solutions to night capping

in WvW

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


it’s been mentioned many times already; use a sliding point scale. your team outnumbers the other teams by 5 to 1? you get less points than if the teams were equal. this doesn’t only apply to the night time, it can be in place 24/7.

how on earth you people think that capping an entire map without any opponents provides a healthy, fair, fun and competitive environment is beyond me.

lack of WvW roles and possible solutions

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


With this WvW build i can also 1v3 pretty much easily when it’s needed. Maybe you should consider melee a bit because guardian really powerful in melee.;T8AA1ytEaJ1StlSLqbM3Iuxej7G5NrNGbs3A

Just try

i tried out this build for a few hours, and it’s not bad. certainly aided in surviving longer. however, i found the bow pretty weak and quickly replaced it with wall of reflection, especially for siege defense.

i also had to change the mace to scepter for some ranged ability, as with massive groups of players, it’s impossible to jump in without being immediately burned down. i needed some kind of poke capability (or teammates who followed maybe…)

i can’t see going 1v3 against any competent players, but 2v1 might be possible. i think my biggest problem was trying to use the hammer, it seems greatsword/shout (for offense) or consecrations (for defense) are the way to go, at least until the incoming hammer buff.

lack of WvW roles and possible solutions

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


L2P issue here, you have dodge/roll/aegis to avoid taking damage and you have then regen/protection/heal when you can’t avoid damage.

Look at the build i posted as i am truly able to tank in WvW and i always stay in the melee. I honestly feel almost unkillable in WvW, there no way i can lose a 1v1 (i don’t necessarily win all them but opponent just give up).

There are some issues with guardian but survivability is definitely not one of them.

aegis will save you from a single hit, if it’s a multiple hit ability, it mitigates very little. dodging is fine, but you can’t dodge everything due to endurance. a lot of this damage is from thieves mind you, whom attack invisible, so none of the above applies at all.

perhaps these guys way out gear me, or the guys you’re fighting are a lower level than you. i’ll try your build and post back.

lack of WvW roles and possible solutions

in Guardian

Posted by: whiskyjack.7962


i’ve been pretty disappointed in the viability of guardians in WvW. we certainly are not cut out to be any kind of ‘guardian’ (ie. tank). it’s becoming frustrating.

as a guardian i expected to be able tank… well something. this isn’t the case. i’m consistently be taken down in 2-3 hits from dps classes. (7k-10k in a single hit).

if anyone has a build that can actually tank these insane dps classes i’d love to see it, as sadly it seems more and more that you simply MUST go with an aggressive dps build and hope to burn them down before they burn you down. i’ve tried retaliation builds/meditation builds, and it’s just not working.