Showing Posts For Aedrion.6483:

How to fix Spirit Weapons

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Year 3 and these are still useless? How in the name of a fat Koda’s bum is that possible?

Just do this.

Spirit Sword: Increase movement speed by 50% so it can move swiftly from foe to foe. Add a target zone to the active command so you can choose where it lands. Upon use, make the sword blink to that location so it’s nearly, but not completely, instant.

Spirit Hammer: Increase movement speed by 50% so it can move swiftly from foe to foe. When activated, make the hammer quickly leap to the targets location. Allowing a foe to dodge but making it more reliable.

Spirit Bow: Make it cast a ray of light that bounces, cleasing a condition on allies and applying vulnerablity on foes. Reduce cooldown time on the skill itself. The active is fine.

Spirit shield: Make it pop the bubble on top of the guardian and stay there so it won’t spawn somewhere in nowhere. When used, apply weakness to foes and protection to allies within the shield’s radius or inside the dome.

Spirit weapons cannot be critically struck.

BOOM! And now thery’re useful, woot… all it took was 5 minutes of thinking instead of slacking on lunch breaks and having chats about your cat near the water cooler. :P

Rate my pvp build

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


As a guy who’s played PvP as guard since launch I have to say this build is pretty solid but has some big weaknesses or lack of cohesion. Here’s my tips

- Replace the Radiance line with Zeal, yea you’ll lose the 15% crit but you don’t need that much anyhow. Radiance scales terribly with GS/mace. Zeal empowers your symbols and grants you increased damage with your chosen weapons.

- The Centaur runes are okay but with a lack of skills granting swiftness you’re still dead in the water. Runes of the pack however will not only offset your lesser crit change with a big precision boost but also grant you fury AND swiftness on a regular basis. Try this instead

- Bane signet is bad in my personal opinion. The power is okay but the active will rarely matter in a teamfight. Light shield is also too weak to go for with active traits. I’d grab CoF, people saying it’s bad because a necro can corrupt it are wrong. If you know your class, you know that you don’t use it until he’s used Corrupt Boons. SYG is also always a good choice in PvP. I’d forego Bane signet.

Overall I think this build can be solid but the weapon choice inevitably leaves you open to kiting – even with swiftness – and condi bursting. Still a good build and one that can work if your goal is to rapidly melt your opponents with AoE pressure and large nukes. Ignore the people saying mace is bad because it’s slow. Mace destroys people and still they don’t know it can crit for 4k+ on AA

Rock on!

(edited by Aedrion.6483)

Get to da Choppah! - Shouts we need in HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Has there ever been a tread where players invented their own shouts, with quotes from movies? I’m sure there has been but I’m far too lazy to go look for it so I’m making one.
Personally, here’s what I want for new shouts in the Xpack.

Get to da Choppah!
Grants nearby allies swiftness and causes their projectives to randomnly fire at nearby targets, including allies.

You shall not pas!
Knocks down enemies in an area around the caster and creates a zone enemies or projectiles can not enter. Upon end, die and respawn with white hair.

I AM the law!
Gain fury and protection so long as you wear a helmet.

Get back in line, you maggots!
Grants nearby allies protection and Aegis. Moves all nearby squadmates on top of the commander in charge of the squad

Sometimes removes the targets weapon from its hand, sometimes fires a beam of energy, causing damage over time and knockback and sometimes shoots a disintegration laser.

Unlimited Powah!
Fires a lightning bolt of out of your hand, throwing enemies out of nearby windows. Rapidly ages the caster for some reason.

I have the power!
Gain 15% of your health as power for each slot in which you do not have any piece of armour equipped.

Rallies nearby Scotsmen to fight for the caster. After 5 seconds, instantly downs the caster.

Tome Replacements?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I love the shout, it basically does what we used ToW for anyways, big damage.
The signet, I feel, might need some tweaking. The healing is strong but extremely unreliable and the active is useful only for PvE, where you can pull it off.

Signet of Courage:
Passive: Heals nearby allies for 500 every 5 seconds. Radius 450
Active: Gain stability for 10 seconds (5 stacks) and restore 5 nearby allies to full health. 4 seconds cast time, can be cast while moving.

That’s just my two cents to make it worthy of being called Elite.

Zeal trait line

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Like Jerus said. Zeal is the symbol line. The real question is :

Anet Why did you put a sceptre trait in the Symbol line?

I love the trait line. But this is such a good question.

Smiter's Boon/JI bug fix...?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


And what is bugged about this? :p

Renewed Focus Getting Interrupted?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Binding Blade pulls or anyone CC effect that is unique in that way can interrupt it too.

"Hold the Line!"

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I like it but I would also have settled for the following.

“Stand your ground, men of the West!”

“If I see you run, I’ll kill you myself”

“Get in line, maggots!”

“Valar Morghulis”

Torch 5....why...

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Because balance. It cleanses condi’s on allies, which is pretty kitten powerful if you use it right. It also does quite a bit of damage on its own. Add to that that it can – moreso if traited into virtues for AoE burning – proc VoJ very fast means it’s a pretty solid skill for AoE bursts.

If it ALSO applied burn on its own, think of the value this skill would have if combined with full burning guardian. Nyea… no.

Feel My Wrath a little too much

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I feel all-powerfull with this skill. But yes, it needs either a longer cooldown or to apply fury for only 5 secs or not at all.

Why don't sword and scepter have symbols?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Because they’d have to convey another boon and all boons that aren’t already given by other symbols would be far too powerful to have as an AoE weapon skill.

Also, because that’s why you choose either Sw/Sc or the Mace. I like it this way, makes weapons feel different

Finally Symbolic Avenger is fixed

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Symbolic Avenger: Increases damage done to enemies standing in your symbols by 10% and has a 33% chance to cause cripple for 2 seconds to targets taking damage from your symbols.

Boom, done. Seriously. How hard is it to balance a game? :P

Mobility - suggestion: Signet of mobility

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Unscathed Contender: Increases damage done by 20% for 6 seconds after blocking an attack, increases movement speed by 25% while under the effects of Aegis.

BOOM done. How hard was that?

Looking for suggestions: Condi Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I’ve been running burning myself and if there’s one must-have it needs then that’s meditations that heal you. You must absolutely go 6 into valor, it also has a trait that applies burning on block, which is pretty great. Without that healing, you’re simply not going to last long enough in a team fight where you get spiked by 2-4 people.

Runes of the krait are also great, to negate the one big weakness your build currently has: lack of cover conditions. Any skill that removes 1-2 conditions has a good chance of removing your burning. And while you have good re-apply-abilities, you just want to make sure that burning is hidden in a row of condis. That way, if they cleanse, it might cleanse something like blind or vulnerabilty or bleeding. And that burning sticks right on them.

If you combine, Krait runes, with sigil of doom x2 and sigil of geomancy x2, you’ll be able to apply bleeding, poison, burning, blind, vulnerabilty, immo and torment. Even celestial eles need to watch out ifyou drop this on them right after they leave water attunement.

My suggestion is, change the traits into 6 1 6 0 1 and equip three meditations – purging flames is great burning so if you want to really use that, go 6 0 6 0 2 – equip doom and geomancy in both weapons and krait runes for constant bleeding. Each bleed lasts for 18 seconds, which is awesome cover for burning.

Don’t forget to use your elite because krait runes apply a big condi bomb on 5 nearby enemies when you use an elite skill.

Good luck!

Permeating Wrath and Supreme justice?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I tried it once. The AoE radius is so small that unless your enemies are stack on top of eachother, it won’t hit them all. Not very good outside of PvE and even then it’s not the best way to deal damage.

It sounded cool but doesn’t live up to it.

Q: The Glowy Eye Masks In Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I’d be on this so fast! I’d be the Lich King in under a day xD

Medi Guardian & Condi Bombs

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


The only advice I can give you is to look at the condi’s closely before you cleanse them.

Some are not worth cleansing, others maybe be but don’t last long anyway. Generally try to cleanse a single condition only if it’s one that’s going to hurt you. Poison, immo, burn. And also look at how long it lasts. Smiting a 2 second bleed is a waste.

When you see them use utilities to condi bomb you, generally you’ll end up with all condi’s in the game, then use MoP. If the necro is condi, he’ll try to corrupt boons. Dodge or block to assure his spell is negated. It’s hard but if you don’t, you’ll die anyway.

I used to die a lot too until I learned when to cleanse and when to ignore. Still, versus some professions teamed up, you’re going to die. Two condi engies and a condi necro is nearly impossible to beat unless your team can also cleanse.

Rifle engineers are not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Mouseheart pretty much sums up the whole problem.
It’s very powerful 1v1 and if they don’t move, they can be ignored. Sadly, the better ones actually move where their team needs them. At this point the fight generally turns into a “stability or get dead” scenario. At least that’s what happens when I run it. Only a bunker guard with blocks and stability lives, really.

In the meantime, it’s terrible in WvW and situational at best in PvE. Weird design choice. I’d vote for squishier turrets with a lower cooldown if they’re picked up. That way a fast nuke in PvP will deal with them, wheras a skilled engie can try to save them if they get low.

Will also help being more usefull in PvE because you can place them down faster if they not killed. They won’t be viable in WvW ever I think, simply due to the burst.


/ • Message Body length must at least be 15.

You had nothing better to add? I don’t get people who spam this message and assume that explains everything. I play a turret engie. And it’s not fun nor balanced.

Profession Style Finishers :D

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Wouldn’t this be a great idea? Sell finishers in the style of a certain profession on the gem store. I’d buy that stuff so fast, you don’t even know!

Elementalist: A lightning bolt hitting the corpse with a fire explosion.

Engineer: A stack of dynamite rigged to explode then KABOOM!

Guardian: Blue fire pillar scorching the body with blue fire on the ground.

Thief: A guild assassin slits the targets throat in a pool of poison.

Warrior: Landing a big sword or spear in the targets corpse with a warrior symbol on the pommel.

Ranger: Pounced by a predator and ripped to pieces.

Mesmer: A clone – pre-made one to avoid confusion – is created on the body, kneels and explodes in butterflies, like a shatter.

Necromancer: Putrid ground and grabbing arms ravage the corpse.

I’m just saying, possiblities are endless and would be totally cool to show off a finisher related to class

Rifle engineers are not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


By this I mean turreteers who bunker down a point and are extremely hard to kill while still dealing excellent damage.

Before you call this QQ, I actually play this build these days when I’m tired and still want to win. My point is that this build is very braindead. You put down your turrets and pop their skills as you see fit, and just use rifle to immo, knockback and deal heavy damage. It’s easier than playing the warrior and deals even more damage.

Compared to others classes, this build is almost impossible to counter 1v1 and becomes even stronger in teamfights, when the healsplosions also heal your team while throwing enemy players around to get bursted. Drop down a supply crate on top of them and you’ve got even more turrets and healing. I’ve literally never lost a team fight with this combo.

I really don’t know why Anet decided to buff turrets this much. It’s too much, for too little effort. It isn’t a lot of fun to play nor is it fun to fight, because you know the other player’s having the AI do all the work.

Most AI dependant builds allow the AI minions to be AoE nuked if another player is able to deal enough damage. This build does not, the turrets actually survive a lot of punishment. Armour or HP should be decreased to allow a player with big AoE to focus on taking down the turrets so there’s actually a counter. Not all classes are able to deal huge AoE damage.

I know I’ll get flamed by people who disagree but I really feel like this build detracts from the game.

Fixing the medi-guard - Burning, son!

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


You can check my video on how play burn guard properly. It is not what you think, but then again I’ve never lost with this build. WATCH AND BE FOREVER CHANGED

I hate to say it but all the people you fought were extremely bad. :P
The necromancer did nothing and just ran, that ranger walked backwards while spamming 1 on longbow… the warrior never even tried to attack you. They all suck. I can kill people like that while naked. Also, if you link videos like this and don’t link the build, that helps nobody.

Still, the ticks prove that burning guardian is legit.

Fixing the medi-guard - Burning, son!

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


That’s the ’ol classic build.

See my problem with medi guard was that once you begin meeting people who really know their kitten, landing burst becomes significantly harder. Guardian moves are quite telegraphed and anyone with eyes can see when he’s about to get the GS burst landed on him. Sword skill 3 is terrible to boot.

Add to that the ability of some classes to slow you like elementalists and engies, or the ability to hide from you, like mesmers and thieves (though thieves die to any medi-guard worth his salt) and the reliance upon keeping up the pressure really begins to show.

Burning alleviates some of that and allows you to deal damage even when you’re not in range. Hence this build. It performs less well versus some classes but much better overall.

Fixing the medi-guard - Burning, son!

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Medi guard is stronk! But there’s some professions that slap them about like nobody’s business. Engineers, mesmers, rangers. Yes, you can beat them but good luck beating one who knows what he’s doing. You’ll be chasing them forever most of the time.

So I began using this:

So what does it have? It relies less on stacking might and nuking fast as other builds do and instead relies on keeping up burning to increase damage done. It’ll deal less damage on burst but adds a lovely 850 dmg per second in the form of burning. Goodbye annoying evasive classes and hello mesmer corpse!

Best of all is that this burning is AoE, have some condis? Pull some ‘friends’ in with binding blade, pop purging flames, use leap or WW and wham, tons of damage!

It’s also durable. Yes, it’s less bursty and no, you won’t be nuking somebody down with this all too fast but as far as being all-round great in teamfights goes, this build has worked very well for me.

I think that, in general, this build is better than what most people run these days.

How do I fight an engineer?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I don’t see this killing a good engineer. The power is very low, the crit chance is average and it’s got no condi dmg. It has healing and defensive stats but healing rolls are nerfed in PvP and high HP doesn’t deal dmg. It’s got condi cleanse but no offensive abilities. This’d keep people alive longer yes but wouldn’t kill it in a dual, even a well placed wall wouldn’t return enough damage to actually lower his HP significantly. A good engie or even a turreteer would just walk around and bomb you till you run out of stuff because you can’t pressure him.

How do I fight an engineer?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Thanks for the advice. Basically, what I’m getting from this is: Watch what he does and make him pop his CC and heals and work him down step by step.

Generally, what gets me is that I can’t see what they’re going to do. Much of it is instant and other things are hard to predict. Still, good advice, thank you.

How do I fight an engineer?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I’ve been doing PvP a long time and while guardians often have a harder time fighting mesmers and necro’s, I do well for myself, I like to think.

Engineers however have always been my achilles’ heel. No matter what I try or what I run, they have an answer to everything and unless they’re mediocre in skill, I can’t seem to reliably down them.

For purposes of tips I’ll list what gives me problems:

- Knockbacks, they lauch me all the time. Stabilty helps but they have so many explosions that if I prevent yourself being launched once, I’ll just be launched ten seconds later if not sooner. I can break some stuns but often the continuous launches do me in in the long run.

- Conditions, They get applied so fast, whenever I use a cleanse to get rid of some really bad ones, five others take their place. Dodging doesn’t seem to work since turrets, grenades bombs and weapons all apply more conditions so while I might avoid confusion and cripple, I’ll just get bleed and poison. And unless I can single out poison, cleanse it and heal, they just kill me over time.

- Their healing. Unless I see it asap and manage to get in range – often impossible due to crippe/chill/immo – and nuke their healing turret, the healsplosion heals so much HP that I can’t seem to burst them down reliably. I’ve gotten engies to low HP a lot but they use this and it’s a complete reset. While they do this and slow me, the conditions just wreck me. I’ve often gone down while an engie is in mini form simply because they managed to stack so many condi’s on me and I couldn’t cleanse them all.

Overall, I’m at a loss. Please give me some advice, you fellow guards on how to nuke these technological maniacs back to the stone age.

Skills, utilities & traits that need fixes

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I’ve always felt like they’re too afraid to change guardians in a mayor way become of running the risk of them becoming overpowered. While this is of course a risk, I’d say the guardian could certianly use some minor changes.

Strangely, they don’t seem to mind too much changing other classes, since invariably, one or another becomes OP before being worked on more. You notice this very well in PvP since that class is then everywhere.

Playing a guardian has felt the same for ages, I feel like we’re due some serious hammering to see if it could be made more interesting or make more builds viable.

Love the enthusiasm but i’m fairly certain we’ve made about a dozen of these threads.

indeed, and u can look thru the threads to see all the great dev feedback

This however, sums up how likely that is, I fear.

If you could change one thing on guard...?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I would make all the useless minor traits into actually useful ones. Guardian has way too many bad minor traits.

Gaining aegis when health gets to 50% with a long CD is useless and recharging VoC upon rally also silly because it requires you go down.

There’s some other ones that are really, really bad. I’d change them entirely and actually have them grant some CC to a guard. Like a mild chill or cripple. Anything but a situational and rather poor minor like the ones they have now.

how is this professions: Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


This class is great at protesting. It’s forces on tank allow it to for support and dps role at the same time. Hammer allow for most force on tank while dps role.

I am so going to hell for laughing at this.

Dejected about pvp in this game

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


You’re new to PvP and you complain about the easiest and one of the top tier PvP classes being bad?

Your arguments are invalid. You don’t have experience.

Current Meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Guardian can only be a bunker/supporter, or a bad dps (if not used by a real Pro player).

Thank you! Finally somebody who gets that dps guardian is hard. :p


in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


The skill’s fine, it has rather mediocre uptime and unless you spam a fast hitting ability when it’s active, it’s not going to wreck you. Play smart.

Balance the game

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


What a wonderfully nuanced tread.

Trait ideas for the Guardian.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


While I like most of these, some would be OP though. It’s pointless posting this. Anet doesn’t listen to player feedback.

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


If these roles were explained in detail, with proper tutorials and information then I’d happily welcome a system that brings some measure of synergy to Soloq!

No rewards for losing on arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Another one of these threads. sigh

Imagine you’re fighting a rough fight, but due to a little mistake, you end 460-500 or closer. Then you get 0 reward.
Imagine you’re carrying hard because there’s a newbie in your team, but you can’t pull it off and lose, 0 reward.

Do you see how frustrating it would get to invest time and effort into attaining victory and at the end have nothing at all for your trouble?

how to duel against cond or decap engi?

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Hard CC and burst or GTFO


[POLL]Would you pay an entry fee for a tourny

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


1v1 isn’t balanced. The cheesiest builds would win, you’d have to ban entire playstyles to make it viable. Also, paying money for something you can arrange between guilds or friends is just a bad idea.

Warriors in PvP and WvW, what's wrong?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


This smells like Soldiers+Sigil of Intelligence to me.
Normally not OP, but hilariously overpowered on warriors because of Evis having such huge base damage.

Nerf and Buff Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Used to be you got noting but glory and rank points. Leaderboards are a farce and highly unaccurate.

The system is fine as it is. Good rewards for winning, moderate rewards for losing. Nothing would be more frustrating to go into a game, lose because somebody is new and get nothing for your effort.

Weapon switch cooldown should be low!

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


You argue a good point but lowering the weapon swap CD would only break it.

- Warrior 4sec weaponswap is on every warrior because of the way their traitlines are set up. It’s simply so easy to trait for it that every warrior does it. Trait has to be revamped.

- Engineer kits need a small cooldown, I have been saying this forever, infinte skills rotations with no cooldown or penalty to swapping kits is the main reason engineers have no skill ceiling and are thus stupidly OP if played by a pro.

- Ele’s are fine as is, they swap often and keep in mind that attunements are their class mechanic. It’s important this not be nerfed of buffed too much.

Weaponswapping is a huge part of balance because it decides how skills can synergise and which rotations are feasible. High cooldowns enforce smart and carefully timed skills but can also hamper gameplay and synergy. Lower cooldowns encourage immense spamming of all manner of synergising skills, to the point where there’s an infinite loop of skills that never stops.

Issues with the Guardian Profession

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Almost everybody thinks Medi guardian is OP and easy >_<

Must be why we see so many… oh wait…

[pvp]Toughness Vs. Vitality

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Toughness / condi cleanse is best.

Your HP will be harder to drain and smaller heals help you more.

Why is healing power a stat?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Actually dodge heals scale extremely well with healing power, almost a 1:1 ratio. With that you wanna maximize your dodges to heal up. That means vigor and energy sigils are really important

Except in PvP where it’s been nerfed by 50%


Seriously: Why no arenas?

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


I’d like the return of the Raid on the Capricorn! For some reason, even the most seasoned players cannot deal with verticality, I was a beast underwater. ;D

Issues with the Guardian Profession

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


It is simply so that once you fight people that are very good at the game, it doesn’t matter how good you are, your obvious telegraphed moves and lack of CC will hamper you immensely.

As pointed out by SundayTrash, in low level PvP, hotjoin and Soloq, dps guardian can be very powerful because too many people facetank it. Experts at the game will not make those mistakes, and suddenly, the giant gaping hole that is lack of even 1 reliable soft CC becomes apparent.

Issues with the Guardian Profession

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Most of the replies in this thread but few leave me to suspect I’m the only person here who actually duels pro players on various classes. Dps guardian is only OP if the other player is slow and fails to dodge.

If you think guardian should pick easy fights versus mesmers, engineers and necro’s, I dare you to fight the people I fight when trying that out. I doubt 85% of players commenting here could even scratch people from top 3 EU guilds.

Issues with the Guardian Profession

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Dps guard is OP, please don’t turn this into faceroll too. It’s boring.

If you’re struggling roll a warrior, they’re much weaker as a zerker, but easier to start with.

Dps Guard OP? You play as a class versus which they perform rather well then, because there’s no way you’d be saying that if you played a ranger, necro, engie or mesmer. Unless you’re not very good at PvP xD

Warriors struggle as zerker, if that were the punchline of a joke, it might actually be funny. Warrior is literally faceroll. When I’m too tired to focus up and play Ele, engie or dps guard, I play warrior because I don’t need to focus on that class, everything happens automatically.

My thoughts on the trait unlocks.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


We get it, they’re useless, you may stop spamming your own thread now.

Could anyone give me a guide for Guardians?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


Look at the sticky forum posts, there’s penty of guides there.