Showing Posts For Aeri.1452:

Everyone sad = everyone happy...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aeri.1452


This is actually incorrect. I went through the other forums, precisely to see what was going on, and if the response was as bad as it is for mesmers. This is what I found:

Elementalist: As bad or worse than mesmers. They had a massive mechanic completely removed, with no warning.

The way I’m reading the patch notes and the trait description, this seems like it was an actual bug that got fixed, rather than a straight-up skill nerf, that caused another bug. The only spell that the trait casts which has an actual blast finisher is Churning Earth, and considering they said it won’t cast ‘unintentional’ finishers, I see a possibility of that finisher actually being added back in per the normal spell.

The way I figure it, it’s somewhat similar to the iZerker being fixed for requiring LoS, yet the ‘bouncing attack’ fix causing a bug that reduced it’s damage considerably. The LoS for that did, IMO, need to be fixed, due to the way the phantasm spawns (right next to the target, compared to near the player). The devs already said they’re looking into bringing the damage back up to par.

It’s one thing to fix a bug in a skill or trait, and have said fix cause other bugs – like the iZerker damage, and possibly the lack of an intentional blast finisher. However, it’s a whole other can of worms to alter literally the biggest mechanic of a class – illusion generation – without a significant amount of testing. Since there’s only 2 devs working on skill changes, from what I understand, I seriously doubt they alone could properly test a major mechanic change.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Well, took about 2 days, and 7 different Support Team employees, along with shoving my ticket over to the NCSoft Account Admin Team, but I finally got my account back.

Big thanks to ‘Marlin’ and ‘Vides’, who seemed to be the only ones to actually understand what was wrong with the account, and get something done about it.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


I was hit with the botting ban, and have received a couple of replies so far from the support team. Actually, I’m sitting at 5 different team members responding, without anything actually getting resolved:

First time was asking for more information, then the same person inserting someone else’s account info into my ticket for no apparent reason.

After replying to this response, stating that said information wasn’t for my account, a 2nd support team employee responded asking for additional information.

Third response, from yet another employee, was giving an “Access Restored” message for the account that was not mine in the first place. This account name and password provided appeared to be a functioning account, since it sent me to the email validation prompt when trying it through the launcher. As I don’t have access to said email account, however, I can’t verify the login, so it should hopefully not affect the rightful account owner.

The 4TH response was yet another “Access Restored” message, this time for my correct account name. However, this appeared to do nothing, as the password provided just brings up an invalid account/password combination. can still logon to the forums using my old password, and when trying it in the game launcher, I still receive the message that I was banned for botting.

Finally, the 5th response, which was 3 hours ago, was a 3RD “Access Restored” message. This time, they had changed the account name, and given me another random password. However, neither the new account name, nor the password worked. I DID receive an email – at the address my account is registered under – that was ‘confirming a new email address for your Guild Wars account’, but it apparently did nothing as well.

Wondering if I can make it up to 10 different support employees responding before my issue actually gets fixed or not. =/

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Figured I’d post another time, since Gaile seems to be in this thread pretty often in the last while.

I’ve gotten a couple responses for my ticket (12113-000275). The subject was changed to ‘Access Restored’ a short while ago. However, and I’m putting this in caps so hopefully someone will see this and correct it,


I cannot log into said account due to the email verification, but it is still a very big issue, considering this is not my account, and I can almost guarantee it is a valid Guild Wars 2 account, since it does go all the way through to the email verification.

I believe I was also given the 25-digit serial code associated with this account, the display name the account is using, and the owner’s date of birth.

Gaile, if you or someone besides ‘Rivas’, ‘Barrientos’, or ‘Carlos’ from the Support Team (since they were the ones who posted this incorrect information to my ticket) could take a look at this and clear it up, I’m sure both myself and whoever owns this other account would appreciate it.

Authenticator Questions/Concerns [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Not sure if this is related to my issue (which I will be posting in the Blocked/Suspended/Terminated — Player Comments thread), but my ticket was recently updated with account information from someone else’s account. Seeing as I have no access to their actual email account, it makes no difference to me, but I was given a working email address and reset password for this other person’s account. Perhaps this is what happened in your case, where someone else was given your account info.

Blocked/Suspended/Terminated -- Player Comments

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Had my account banned sometime earlier today, between when I fell asleep at 4 a.m. Pacific, and when I woke up around noon. Reason stated when attempting to login as for botting. I can still log in to the forums, but apparently can’t get in to the support site using my normal login, nor can I reset the password, so I had to use another email to submit a ticket. Incident number if 121113-000275.

Seen quite a few people in the last couple of pages who appear to have been banned in Sparkfly Fen (where my character was last logged in). Not sure if something odd occurred there, and a huge wave of people in the zone got banned or what, but it was definitely a surprise to me when I woke up.

Hopefully we can hear some official word on what happened soon for a lot of the people who were affected by this.

Instant death from "unknown"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Sounds like it might have been a Risen Plague Bearer or whatever they’re called. If it’s the place I’m thinking of, you could easily have had 2 spawn near you, and not render properly before they blew themselves up.

Good Laptop for Guild Wars 2 between $700 to $800

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Unless you absolutely need a laptop for other things besides games, your money will almost always be more well-spent getting a desktop for gaming. A laptop will cost a lot more for the same performance, and from the sound of it, you already have a laptop that you could use for non-gaming purposes.

Giant Triangles/stretched meshes, graphics totally unplayable

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Check if you have any forced settings on your graphics drivers. Some games don’t support those as well as others.

Download a program such as FurMark to test your GPU for artifacting. Might combine it with EVGA Precision/MSI Afterburner or such to monitor temps, if you don’t already use one.

If you have any overclocks going (even only on CPU), undo them and test if the problem still occurs. Sometimes overclocking can randomly produce weird effects.

Play around in the F11 graphics options. Set everything to lowest, see if the problem still occurs. If not, test each option one at a time until something breaks again.

Please Help. Game Completely Unplayable.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Do you have any overclocks running on your computer? Those can sometimes produce weird effects in some games, although GW2 seems to be decent about them.

You might download something like FurMark to see if it is indeed your video card. Also, if you don’t use it or similar, something like EVGA Precision or MSI AfterBurner to monitor your card temps.

Since you say your card isn’t very old, if it was a replacement and you still have the older card, you could swap that in and see if the same effect occurs.

Other than that, I’d suggest seeing if you have any forced settings in your video card drivers, like AA or AF. If so, disable those and see if it still occurs.

Go into the F11 graphics tab, and fiddle with the settings. Try everything on the lowest setting. If the effect goes away, test one option at a time until you can reproduce it.

Ranger Warhorn #5 (Call of the Wild) forces combat?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


I’ve noticed this as well, both with autoattacking and with the pet forcing my ranger into combat.

If I have a mob targeted, using the skill will generally start me autoattacking, as well as sending the pet to attack.

If I don’t have a mob targeted, but there is a mob on the screen, within the range of tab targeting, using the skill will almost always send the pet after that mob, even if it yellow. If there is nothing in targeting range, then it will usually be fine. It will also usually not start me autoattacking, from what I’ve noticed, if I don’t already have a mob targeted. I have not, however, tested with the pet on passive, though I would assume this would prevent it.

It does get fairly annoying, especially when it happens with a yellow mob.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aeri.1452


The early levels on my mesmer were definitely the hardest out of any of the characters I’ve tried so far. What made it the easiest for me was building my character towards shattering. At 33, you should be able to do have this build: . Keep putting points into Illusions to reduce the cooldown on the shatters, and stick mostly with Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration.

Mesmer definitely gets better as you get to higher levels, and it does become pretty beastly in PvE after level 50-60, but the lower levels can suck quite a bit, depending on how you’re trying to play.

Mesmer Concept: What Am I Doing Wrong?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aeri.1452


From what I’ve seen, there’s two ways to ‘play’ a mesmer in PvP, when you’re 1v1’ing.

The first is if you’re playing a shatter-spamming build, where you can generate two full sets of illusions very quickly, and create a rather huge spike. This, combined with a Time Warp can win against almost anything in my experience. You can also use a more phantasm-focused build to deal a fairly steady stream of damage, which can be hard to overcome for most classes if they don’t bother to take out the illusions. However, it is not terribly difficult to find the real mesmer when doing either of these, as you either have few illusions up, or the phantasms which don’t look the same as you.

The second way is to play as if you were a clone: move little, don’t dodge unless you absolutely have to, and only use a non-autoattack skill when you are able to quickly generate more clones. This can be tricky to get the hang of, but by timing things right, it can be very difficult to find the real player. Since most clone-generating skills will displace you in some manner – Phase Retreat, Mirror Images, Decoy, Deceptive Evasion, etc – by alternating these skills along with invisibility, and the added damage from Sharper Images (since clones themselves output little), you can fool a fair number of people.

I personally use both, the shatter-spamming spike when on land, and the clone method when underwater, since I find the spear attack subpar for 1v1, compared to the trident attacks. Trident clones are also very awesome, because 3 Time Warped clones + you autoattacking can keep a large number of confusion stacks up on someone, and they will often very nearly kill themselves as they unload their attacks.

Mouse binds vs Key binds - weapon skills vs shatter.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aeri.1452


I’m running both a G600 mouse and a G13 keypad, so my setup is going to be slightly different than most. However, I currently have my shatters bound on the mouse, and all other skills on the keypad. This has been the easiest for me to use out of all the setups I’ve tried.

I have noticed, however, that once you get used to using a non-standard keyboard/mouse setup, it can be very hard to play up to par when you don’t have access to them. If I go out of town and have to play on a laptop instead of my rig, I’m very, very bad because I’m not used to using the normal keybindings.

Game disconnects every minute or two

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Having this issue too, only since the recent patch. Never had a problem with my connection prior to the event going live, and I’ve disconnected 5 times so far post update, all with a code 7.


Missing Rewards from 100% map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


You might want to check the Explorer achievement tab, and see if you’ve capped all of the various region explorer tracks. Not sure if they matter, but it could be why some people who have all the waypoints/hearts/etc aren’t getting their completion – some discoverable locations don’t have any of these objects within them, so you may never visit them.

Rune Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


I believe this is a known bug from a combination of runes in your PvE and PvP armor sets. If you used the same runes in both, it will display as having more than you actually do, but you will only receive the benefit of however many runes you have on whichever armor set you are currently using.

Engineer Kits dont "carry" Sigill.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


When holding a bundle – whether through an environmental object or an engineer kit – you lose all the stats of your currently-equipped weapons, not just the sigil effects.

Even though most of the kits seem to output more damage than regular weapons, I can’t comment as to how big (if any) the difference is at level 80 with exotic weapons, considering all the stat points you will be losing (~435, depending on the exact weapon) plus the effects of 1 or 2 sigils.

Jump Casting or in Mid-air (cant swing my sword if i jump?)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


As long as you start casting an ability before jumping, a jump won’t cancel said ability, only a dodge will. Unless you’re fighting in an area where there is uneven terrain that requires you to jump (very rarely from my experience), there is little to no point in jumping around like a maniac, as I am fairly sure it doesn’t help in the slightest (again, unless on uneven terrain which could produce LOS issues).

Is there a hidden /stuck command and if so what does it do?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Having a /stuck command would certainly be nice for the Mesmer Phase Retreat issue. Sadly, I don’t know of any. Usually just have to use a waypoint.

If your WvW queues aren’t too long, you can also sometimes either enter WvW, logout to character select, and log back in, or just head to LA through the portals.

Magic Find not working?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


As far as I know, ANet hasn’t released any actual numbers for magic find. However, considering how almost every other % increase in the game works, having loads of MF may not really help a huge amount.

If you figure that you have, for example, a base 1% chance of getting a rare item to drop (assuming you win the roll for loot at all from a mob), your 173% MF would only give you a 2.73% chance of having the same item drop.

[Exploit] The 6000+ Vanilla Beans I bought in Bulk with Karma are sellable for gold on the Trading Post...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


It doesn’t still ‘work’ in the sense that vanilla beans are no longer sold for karma. If you were lucky and bought a whole bunch before it was changed, I don’t see how ANet could consider it an exploit, unless you somehow knew about the change beforehand.

Bugged World Bonuses

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Just saw this post, and I believe I am not receiving the WvW bonuses for any of my characters. Nothing shows up when mousing over the WvW icon, and I’ve never gotten extra attempts at any nodes. Been on Sanctum of Rall server since the headstart period, and never transferred servers.

Achievements in windowed mode

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


I play in windowed mode with a 5870, running the 12.3 drivers and haven’t had any problems like this. Considering not every tab does this, I’d think it might be more of a RAM issue than something with the video card, unless the crash report specifically details a portion of the driver as causing the problem.

Could try downloading and running Memtest86+ and see if it finds any faults in your memory.

Possible Black Lion Salvage Kit bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Salvaged 3 level 80 rares just a bit ago, and got only a few pieces of mithril ore. Someone earlier also complained about salvaging multiple 78+ exotics and receiving only common materials.

Anyone else having issues with BLSKs?

Do personal story choices have any effect? (Minor) SPOILERS

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aeri.1452


And old post, but figured I’d resurrect it instead of making a brand new one.

Just did Through the Looking Glass tonight, and this seriously bugged me, and it’s very immersion-breaking. Considering your character already has to have some sort of flag denoting that the previous Carys/Tegwen story missions were completed, it would be very, very simple check for that flag and play a slightly-altered cutscene where the two actually seem to recognize you.

I’ve noticed things like this on a couple of missions now, and it’s definitely something that could be fixed as above. I know it’s not a high priority, and people will most likely only play through the same choices once, but it’s a glaring problem when it does happen and should be fixed.

through the looking glass no audio on cutscenes

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Bit of an older post, but this scene was messed up for me as well tonight. During the scene when the Eye appears and approaches the mirror, there is no audio for its portion of the cinematic.

Want to play on campus

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Not sure which ports you’re talking about as needing to be opened. I know I haven’t had to port forward anything to play, so there should be no issue with that.

If your campus IT department is locking down outgoing ports, it’s probably more of an issue for file sharing and whatnot, rather than specifically for games. Since universities (I’m assuming you’re talking about a college campus) are generally so big, they get constant subpoenas for detected file sharing, so a lot of them close off ports to help curb this, and there’s nothing you can really do about it.

wrong gender audio

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


I’ve had this happen on my female sylvari character. It doesn’t happen often, so it is very hard to figure out what is causing it, exactly.

Guilds lose upgrades and guild banks with server transfers.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Guilds can have players on different servers, I believe, but each server would have it’s own influence rank. So, even if your whole guild transferred servers, the influence would be different on Blackgate compared to NS. If you transferred back, I would think you would retain all of the influence on NS that you had previously gained.

Elementalist skill lightning flash needs to be fixed or description updated

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Mesmer Blink skill is the same way. It seems to be that it will not teleport to any area that requires any jumping to get to – across gaps, on rocks, etc.

Considering all the things that stop it from actively working, it does seem almost a waste of a skill slot compared to nearly any other ability.

For the love of all that is good in the land, plz shut up vendors!

in Crafting

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Not sure if it’s been said before, but I would find it nice if the greetings from an NPC were only played for the character that activated said NPC. The Asuran tailoring master in LA does get kind of annoying when a lot of people are crafting.

I don’t mind the random conversations much. It would, however, be kind of nice if these varied more. I don’t know how they’re programmed currently, but I could imagine different sets of topics for certain NPC group sizes (i.e. a single NPC might say things from one list of topic, a pair would have different topics, and groups of 3+ would have still different ones). This would make it easy to add/remove topics for groups of NPCs based on flags, and could work globally to some extent – after all, with the Asura Gates, news from LA, for example, would realistically ‘reach’ the other cities in a short amount of time, so all city NPCs could have the same lists.

Gargantula Invulnerability/Health Regen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


From the single time I fought this boss, I believe this is an intentional effect. It seemed to occur the first time you knocked off each increment of 25% of it’s HP – get it down to 75% > regen to full > down to 50% > regen to full > down to 25% > regen to full > finally able to kill.

It may be a problem if you’re trying to solo the mob, considering the timer, and it did seem a little inane compared to just giving it more health to begin with, but it never really seemed like it was bugged to me.

Mesmer clones pushing character under terrain floor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Thanks for response Jason.

A quick question to help make reporting this easier: The bug report window states that an automatic screenshot is attached, so is this sufficient information as to where the problem occurred?

Also, as a fix for having to use a waypoint when we shouldn’t in this situation, is it possible to get some sort of trinket or skill change that produces a Phase Retreat-like teleport effect (minus the clone) that can be used underwater? For example, change the Blink skill such that underwater, the effect is similar to Phase Retreat (since it normally can’t be used underwater).

Kiting Exploit

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


While I could see this being an exploit at lower levels, I think it’s mainly because of the lower skills of the mobs at those levels. Once you get a bit higher, most melee mobs have some sort of skill to get to you while kiting, whether it be a charge-type skill, Pounce, teleports, or something else.

Whether these are actually effective or not is something else, but they do gain the ability to at least catch up to you for a short time. Even if you find a group of melee-only mobs to kite, you will almost always have multiple types of these skills present throughout the group, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem once you hit the mid levels.

Mesmer clones pushing character under terrain floor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


@Alyssa.3419: While using Phase Retreat can pop your character back above the terrain, I have found that most of these areas have no accessible land masses to switch back to the normal weapons. Out of 15+ instances of this problem happening to me (all of which were bug reported), there were only 2 where I could actually stand on a rock or other outcropping and use Phase Retreat.

Mesmer clones pushing character under terrain floor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeri.1452


Been reporting this since the headstart, and haven’t heard anything or seen a resolution for this problem.

When casting some mesmer clone skills that cause a short teleport – specifically, Phase Retreat, though I have had is happen with Mirror Images as well – the caster will sometimes teleport under to floor. This usually occurs in areas that have terrain seams with objects underneath you, such as in underground area, or indoors, but it also happens regular when around rivers/streams or any hilly/mountainous area.

This wouldn’t be quite so much of an issue if we had some way to resolve this besides utilizing a waypoint – forcing the player to spend money that they shouldn’t have to. However, the areas that under the terrain floor are often filled with water, so we are swapped to our underwater weapon sets, which have no skill similar to Phase Retreat. Blink is also disabled underwater.

The one forum post that got a response said it would be handled on a “case-by-case basis,” but I have experienced this so many times in so many areas, that I believe it to be more of a global issue with these skills. I have also seen a post regarding the apparent use of this in WvW, which was not responded to.

I’m attaching a screenshot of the latest occurrence of this, after swimming around in the vast ocean that is apparently under the Iron Marches zone. I could not get the exact position it occurred in due to mobs following me under the zone and continuing to fight.
