Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
Im back playing from a hiatus, and find that once i get to a match, ping ms goes all over the place.
Just tested a 100+ ping request to yahoo and get my usual 200-250ms.
On matches it randomly fluctuates from 199-2000+.
Is this a known issue?.
If you lose, you lose rating. The ‘rewards’ have nothing to do with pvp.
The only person acting entitled is the OP who demands that an entire online game be rolled back to year 1 to conform to your personal worldview without any regard to how that would kill the population.
Have to agree, back then pvp was almost dead. Now at least has some if very small player pool.
You still have to be good to win, im average and get to gold but not further.
Still no Anet comment….
Max fire damage before HoT around 800
Max fire damage post HoT over 5k
Enough said.
It’s not zero interaction. All the interaction happened when they activated their skills and you don’t avoid them.
Not sure what you mean by completely defensible either. If they are don’t doing anything they should be visible and attackable.
If we are to assume that the whole offensive interaction happened at the moment 0 and the damage is instead spread over the condition duration ending at say the moment 10.
Then that means that from moment 1 to moment 10 the condition bomber can play defensive.
In contrast, power classes have to play offensive from moment 0 to moment 10 and if they play defensive, then they are not doing damage.
Its too big of an advantage and it shows.
Not to mention that even if both classes where forced to keep up the offensive pressure, condi easily does comparable if not higher damage. I for one know that being fully offensive with the zerker condi build i used to tic as high as 8k per second, power cant reach 8k per second damage, nowhere near close to it.
But power builds have more upfront damage. So power classes would be able to play defensively after moment 4, because they would have killed you by then.
Srry no, that was true before HoT, has not been true for a long while now.
May be they should cut burning damage to half and that would cut back on condi op.
Its kittenedly easy to tick for 5k with burning damage, not surprising given that fire damage was intended to stat duration, not damage.
Oh you guys don’t like condi?
Prepare yourselves for 9/22/2017.
Lol, so sad, so truth
First off, I’ve made condi burst builds that can stack 4-5k ticks worth of burning within seconds. Most players will drop before they even know what hit em, especially if they are otherwise engaged which is what you want with this builds. Condition builds shouldn’t be able to burst. If we are to differentiate them, lets.
This says it all. In fact, if condi runners were not being shamelessly defending their opness they would acknowledge the blatant and simple fact that everywhere where condition is viable, its always worth it to run it over power.
Warrior. check
Thief. check
Mesmer. check
Necromancer. check
Elementalist. Check
kitten even Dragon hunters run burning builds.If Thief Warrior and Dragon hunter dont run power, which are the quintessential power icon classes, who the kitten is supposed to run power?.
Lol. Power thief is considered better and most run power. Necro and Mesmer are condi but not always. Warrior it’s about 50/50. Elementalist mostly power. Most DH are still power.
Like more than 50% are running power but condi needs to be nerfed? Lol.
Keep telling your self that.
Reality on the other hand shows that the only classes running power are Scraper and SOME Dragon Hunters. Thats it.
if 5v5 required 5 man parties i think there would be very low amount of condi builds if any. but the way it is we some some here and there and definetly there is more power builds in the meta than condi, dont embarrasses yourself by disputing that.
Lol, come back when you are out of bronze
First off, I’ve made condi burst builds that can stack 4-5k ticks worth of burning within seconds. Most players will drop before they even know what hit em, especially if they are otherwise engaged which is what you want with this builds. Condition builds shouldn’t be able to burst. If we are to differentiate them, lets.
This says it all. In fact, if condi runners were not being shamelessly defending their opness they would acknowledge the blatant and simple fact that everywhere where condition is viable, its always worth it to run it over power.
Warrior. check
Thief. check
Mesmer. check
Necromancer. check
Elementalist. Check
kitten even Dragon hunters run burning builds.If Thief Warrior and Dragon hunter dont run power, which are the quintessential power icon classes, who the kitten is supposed to run power?.
Lol. Power thief is considered better and most run power. Necro and Mesmer are condi but not always. Warrior it’s about 50/50. Elementalist mostly power. Most DH are still power.
Like more than 50% are running power but condi needs to be nerfed? Lol.
Keep telling your self that.
Reality on the other hand shows that the only classes running power are Scraper and SOME Dragon Hunters. Thats it.
Just need to double the damage of counter, buff the base damage of several weapons (especially daggers) and it might compete with at least core power warrior.
Right now counter for PVE is not worth giving up level 3 bursts, and dagger isn’t worth using over axe. Especially mainhand dagger.
I would say that power-discipline-spell is the only sort of viable thing for pve and only for the crit healing from wielding Axe+dagger.
Dude, balance has been atrocious since day 0, gw2 is notorious for that. If it really is that important for you, i would suggest not participating in spvp or wvw.
First off, I’ve made condi burst builds that can stack 4-5k ticks worth of burning within seconds. Most players will drop before they even know what hit em, especially if they are otherwise engaged which is what you want with this builds. Condition builds shouldn’t be able to burst. If we are to differentiate them, lets.
This says it all. In fact, if condi runners were not being shamelessly defending their opness they would acknowledge the blatant and simple fact that everywhere where condition is viable, its always worth it to run it over power.
Warrior. check
Thief. check
Mesmer. check
Necromancer. check
Elementalist. Check
kitten even Dragon hunters run burning builds.
If Thief Warrior and Dragon hunter dont run power, which are the quintessential power icon classes, who the kitten is supposed to run power?.
It’s not zero interaction. All the interaction happened when they activated their skills and you don’t avoid them.
Not sure what you mean by completely defensible either. If they are don’t doing anything they should be visible and attackable.
If we are to assume that the whole offensive interaction happened at the moment 0 and the damage is instead spread over the condition duration ending at say the moment 10.
Then that means that from moment 1 to moment 10 the condition bomber can play defensive.
In contrast, power classes have to play offensive from moment 0 to moment 10 and if they play defensive, then they are not doing damage.
Its too big of an advantage and it shows.
Not to mention that even if both classes where forced to keep up the offensive pressure, condi easily does comparable if not higher damage. I for one know that being fully offensive with the zerker condi build i used to tic as high as 8k per second, power cant reach 8k per second damage, nowhere near close to it.
Its very difficult to justify a mechanic that mid combat with 0 interaction can tic for 5k per second, while being completely defensive.
They can bomb you, go defensive and burn something like 80%+ your hp. That is a bit much.
Warrior having a lot of access to invulnerability, is a MYTH.
Warrior has access to 3s on shield, instances of 2s through Endure pain and 2s through Defense trait line.
It is very comparable to the BS amount of doge from Thief, Blocks from Engineer (hammer, shield and wrench kit), mesmer shield and so on.
We lack gap mobility and damage compared to more offensive classes, the trade of is healing, as simple as that.
Srry NO. The pvp population just simply is not big enough to warrant the overwhelming advantage a 5 man team offers. The compromise could be to have a SEPARATE 5v5 queue and let the waiting times be what ever it has to be.
Reality is a very small segment of the gw2 population does pvp, the balance just isnt there, and an even smaller still does 5 man teams.
To be honest, i dont see much point of running in general pve, may be some boss fight/raid/dungeon, other than that, spell breaker offers no damage increase over berserker.
Axe raw damage is much higher than daggers and spell breaker offers no benefit to condition damage.
Por Spvp i like Axe/Shield + Rifle, with strength, defense and discipline.
Its a good bruiser build, has access to a good amount of condi cleanse and makes your effective max Adrenaline cap at 15 instead of 30.
WoW does this much better. Skills that are meant to be high effect and to be interrupted have 3s casting times. Skills that are meant as interrupters are instant cast. Skills that can be interrupted but are meant to be spammed have around 1.5s cast. That of course does not work for a game where you go from 100% to 0% in 5 seconds flat.
I disagree. Though it has been several years since the last I played WoW, playing a caster back then in PvP was annoying as hell since you spent half your time fakecasting which, in the end, was a gamble between you and the other guy. In GW2 it’s kinda reversed, you have more frequent access to interrupts but in turn your timing and your reactions have to be better. If you prefer the WoW system, that’s fine but I personally enjoy the GW2 playstyle a lot more.
Though you’re right that blinds with high casting times are just as much of a gamble.
GW2, could have similar system to wows but in reverse, you could have the high impact skills be either long casting or channeled and have more access to interrupts instead of blinds
As it stand right know, in general, there is little difference between high impact skills and low impact skills other than the effect them selves. There are certainly exceptions, but they are not the norm. GW2 is notorious for keyboard dancing.
the concept is simple, asume the following sequence of numbers is a skill cast and its impact (the number it self).
GW2 looks something like this:
WoW would look something like this:
Both in the same amount of time.
Blindness much like Aegis,
Are in THEORY intended to work as counters to powerful attacks.
However in PRACTICE, when you take into account, unclear casting animations, real short interrupt windows, latency, multiple hit skills so on and so forth, end up becoming proactive and minimum damage mitigators with wild variation in regards to their effectiveness. You might end up blocking a warrior burst skill around which revolves a large amount of their mechanic or you might end up blocking an auto attack, its mostly random.
WoW does this much better. Skills that are meant to be high effect and to be interrupted have 3s casting times. Skills that are meant as interrupters are instant cast. Skills that can be interrupted but are meant to be spammed have around 1.5s cast. That of course does not work for a game where you go from 100% to 0% in 5 seconds flat.
Im srry but no, it can not be toned down, both from a balance and design perspective.
From a balance perspective, warrior is designed around sort of soaking damage, that is why its damage output is lower.
From a design perspective, this game heavily leans towards glass cannon builds, that is NOT what you want, you want diversity both in builds and strategies, in a game which meta revolves around glass builds and invulnerabilities, having a class that is designed around being able to soaking damage and extend fights to win, brings diversity to a very stale meta.
Warrior much like Necromancer are built around soaking damage. Learn to deal with it instead of doubling down on your preferred meta.
Necromancer is paper compared to a warrior…… just saying..
and warrior can dissengage fights not like necro…..
also a warrior has better mobility…
and 43672447 CC
something needs to go…..
Dissengagin with warrior is arguable, the only weapon with access to mobility skills is the GS. As for necro being paper thin, i whole heartedly digress, that is the again the glass canon mentality that plagues this game.
I play necro and warrior both, if you build them for sustain, they are both comparable.
The real problem comes from people running full zerker/vipers, trying to come up and blow up a tougher necro or warrior and bouncing off.
This is good for the game, you want to run a full offensive build, that is ok, but you should not be able to go toe to toe against sturdier builds, you should be a target of opportunity assassin.
If glass cannons would be able to go 1 on 1 against everything, then where would be no reason to build anything else.
In an ideal world you would have.
1- Assassins aka, full offensive builds that can not fight sustained combats neither and only sort of fight 1v1s but that can close up and take out targets of opportunity reliably.
2- Duelers aka, mid rage bruisers that can reliably engage 1v1. This is where warriors and necros built for it currently stand.
3- Tanks aka, damage soakers and support buffers, much like the druid is/was (have not played one in a while).
Sadly, the mentality of the developers and players in general has been to promote (1) in detriment of everything else. I mean, this is not rocket science, mobas/action games have been based around this, since like forever.
Im srry but no, it can not be toned down, both from a balance and design perspective.
From a balance perspective, warrior is designed around sort of soaking damage, that is why its damage output is lower.
From a design perspective, this game heavily leans towards glass cannon builds, that is NOT what you want, you want diversity both in builds and strategies, in a game which meta revolves around glass builds and invulnerabilities, having a class that is designed around being able to soaking damage and extend fights to win, brings diversity to a very stale meta.
Warrior much like Necromancer are built around soaking damage. Learn to deal with it instead of doubling down on your preferred meta.
Anet, you do not need the power creep, spell breaker can stand on its own, you do not need the Berserker gutted to sell it.
Have to agree, condition thief is way over the top, the perceived difficulty of its game play is in no way a free pass o steam roll other clases.
Ever going to balance it?.
I’m by no means saying that they’re doing an ideal job of it, but the idea is that you can find synergy across multiple trait lines to put together a functional build. By allowing the synergy across multiple trait lines + multiple weapon combinations + multiple utility combinations + gear stats + runes + sigils + food/wrench you get what I believe they’ve sold from the beginning – diversity, flavor, endless options (even if they aren’t all “meta”). Build wars if you will.
You should have to choose your traits wisely, not commit to an entire trait line based solely on the preferred damage mode.
This is a BS argument, if you can find synergies, then you can find the optimal choice for what you want to run, it makes no difference what so ever if they are in a single line that is easier to balance and makes much more sense over all or 3 spread around that force you to run them because they are the optimal choice but make no sense what so ever.
The real problem, and i have been saying this for a while now, is that trait lines are generally speaking, a complete mess with no archetype/gameplay in mind what so ever.
Take warrior. You have traits that directly impact your power based damage on at least 3 lines out of the top of my head. Why?.
STRENGTH should afect power based builds EXCLUSIVELY.
ARMS should affect conditions builds EXCLUSIVELY.
As it stands:
STRENGHT has a grand master that directly affects conditions builds through appliying confusion.
ARMS has several traits that affect power through crit, fury and burst crit and attack speed.
DISCIPLINE has a grand master that increases crit damage by 20%
This dessign is attrocious. You have to mix and match trait lines that might have nothing to do with your build in order to get access to traits that should be focused on a single line.
Lines should define AND encapsulate bonuses as to not overlap with each other and offer on the same column 3 variants of the same “bonus/utility”.
For instance you would have to choose betwin a grand master in STRENGTH.
- 30% damage for your self for 10seconds every 20seconds. (burst/pvp)
- 10% damage for your self for 10seconds every 10seconds. (dps/general)
- 5% damage for your group sustainable. (raid/wvw)
noc noc, anet? still there?.
Basically, what’s happening is that elite specs are being turned into OPTIONS for characters, rather than straight upgrades. Even Spellbreaker is limited to TWO adrenaline bars, which means it STILL won’t have the sustain of three bar bursts. It’s a good direction for the game to take, even if it has immediate consequences that are difficult to predict.
This would great reasoning, if it only applied to any other class besides warrior. No class got hit like warrior.
Besides, even if you could rotate through weapons and burst, something you cant neither mathematically or realistically do in combat.
It would further increase the button mashing on a game that already has a kitten ton of button mashing.
You would not switch weapons because it is the strategic thing to do, but because you hace to keyboard dance to stay alive and do damage. kitten design if there ever was one.
(edited by Apolo.5942)
7.5k views, everyone saying essentially the same thing, and ANET still has nothing to say about it…
Going back to gs/axe+shield
Going full might boons + might makes right
(mending+5might on heal / Bulls for the extra evade also / SoR (signet of rage)
This trait feels 10 times more Elite compared to Elite berserker.Too bad i used to love gs/rifle berserker but its crap now.
What are you guys planning to do? waiting for spellbreaker?
Do you guys think spellbreaker would be a good power/pvp build?
Spellbreaker + str/disc??
You are soon to get your face stomped, 3 adrenaline bars are simply too much of a ramp up time for a game that ends its duels in 10 seconds flat.
Im boycotting the expansion until they roll this back.
Warrior is dead until they roll back the 3 to 1 burst skills nerf.
^ and they call that “balancing”. Streamlining what they want to be OP, so everybody gravitates towards that.
Yeah, i was just about to order the expansion, but i am not encouraging this behavior.
I just made a post about this, but want to bring the issue to light here. Berserker’s Power does not refresh the duration of the previous stack, meaning it’s impossible to maintain 3 stacks of Berserker’s Power as a Berserker. On average, you get 2 stacks, which results in a 6% damage nerf.
It’s not impossible, it’s just difficult.
Its mathematically impossible.
You are not factoring in that even if you assume 100% full rage up time AND 100% hits (0 misses) on burst skills, you skill have to account for primal bursts own CD.
Im considering runing Axe + dagger with strength discipline and spell.
Depends what you want out of it.
-Power based warriors are a No go, considering you have no elite spec to back it up.
-Condition damage warrior are sort of more viable, but the Burst skill nerf hit them as well.
For the time being and until they roll back the nerf, i would stay away from warrior.
Just to be clear. The burst skill nerf did the following.
-66% reduction to adrenal health.
-66% reduction to cleansing ire.
-66% reduction to berserker power.
ALL pretty kitten central to playing warrior in general. Condition zerker is marginally better because you dont run berserker power, but it still sucks.
(edited by Apolo.5942)
Same thing needs to apply to adrenal health.
anyone find it weird that the tooltip on the primal burst still says that it gets 3 stacks of berserkers power? seems like a stupid thing to mislead people with.
I just made a post about this, but want to bring the issue to light here. Berserker’s Power does not refresh the duration of the previous stack, meaning it’s impossible to maintain 3 stacks of Berserker’s Power as a Berserker. On average, you get 2 stacks, which results in a 6% damage nerf.
Same is true for adrenal health as far as i know.
People say this is power creep and now you need spellbreaker, but spellbreaker isnt going to get you back your cleansing ire or berserker power…
it is not about making spell breaker better, is about making berserker so bad you cant play it
This nerfed Killed
-Adrenal health.
-Cleansing Ire
-Berserker’s power.
All core to playing warrior. But you know, now you have a reason to power creep to the expansion.
Primal Burst: These skills now count as level-1 bursts for the purposes of traits that scale on adrenaline level.
Nerfs SUSTAIN and condition removal to begin with.
6635261My main problem (and what I mean by “one-sided”) is that I feel that modern GW2 sPvP evolve around “dodge or explode” philosophy.
Pretty much yes. The game is balanced around temporary invulnerabilities, call them dodge, reflect, block what ever have you.
Thus the ever present balance train wreck this game has been.
Still pushing this BS line? people play conditions in WvW AND PvP thats how kittening kittened they are.
Yeah, you go from 0 to 5k per second with a couple of kittened skills, but sure, my 45s cd cleanse will take care of it after if taken 225000 points of damage from it.
You dont even have to remain offensive, conditions stay there, face it dude, conditions are kittened right now.
Conditions tick harder and more often than melee characters can actually hit you, that should tell you how kittening kittened they are.
Like they told you above, the game is designed around temporary invulnerabilities, call them blocks, dodges, reflects, what ever have you.
Its part of the reason the damage has always been so spiky, they have had such a hard time balancing and pvp in general flopped so kitten hard.
For the game to be better it should have been much more stat based.
like ever? its been how many season now?.
500ms inside pvp maps is kittening unplayable.
+1 Warrior is paper thin after the nerfs.
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