Showing Posts For August.2678:

Forum: A "general" section for topics not related to GW2?

in Suggestions

Posted by: August.2678


This has probably been asked earlier, but;
how about a forum section where we members can discuss general topics and hobbies, like comics, music, books etc?

I think it would be a good way to make friends and find people with other similar interests.

Or would you say this is unnecessary, and this forum should be kept for GW2 related topics only? I also understand that there are many more pressing matters atm, but how about somewhere in the future, when possible?
What do you guys think?

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

IMO This game is not anti social, but lacks social aspects.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


The thing is that, sure you yourself need to start being social if you want to have that in GW2.
But, as I’ve myself experienced, I found that it took quite some time to actually find a group of players interested in talking and not just grouping up and nobody said anything to anyone. They seem to be in the minority of the overall playerbase.

Compare that to a sandbox MMO, where everyone is in many ways pretty much required to talk, and the most important thing, encouraged to talk with each other.

That’s something important in an MMO I think. When you are encouraged to be social, you will tend to find that the community in general is more tightly nit, it’s more friendly, more welcoming, more exciting.
You just really wont get that if the game itself doesn’t kind of invite you in, then most people just wont bother.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

GW2 book and app?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Also waiting for that 3rd book ANet. Amazon has it listed for Feb in 2013 I believe.

Speaking of books, it would be cool if there eventually came out GW2 comic books, with that lovely artwork. Would be a cool way to explain the story and lore too.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

IMO This game is not anti social, but lacks social aspects.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Yeah I agree with this thread.
But this is the sort of MMO concept you’ll be seeing now.

I’ve compared the social aspects to MMO’s like these to sandbox MMO’s, where there frankly is a big difference when it comes to the community and necesseties for socializing.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Why does no body "Sit" in chairs in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Hm, I haven’t thought about that, true though. It doesn’t make sense if you think about it, and it would be neat to see some variety there.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

3D display O.O???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: August.2678


Yeah I’ve been thinking of buying a cooling pad. It is really heating up while playing GW2.
Thanks for the help Rengadeimp!

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

I fear guild wars two will wane unless they bring out new stuff soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I love how people are like show me you world completion blah blah blah. Maybe some people don’t enjoy exploring just as much as some people don’t enjoy the so called gear treadmill. Why should they be forced to do something if they don’t enjoy it? Because you tell them too? ……….Please

Nobody’s forcing them to do anything. If they don’t like a game absent of that stupid gear treadmill, they can go back to pandas. Doesn’t mean they should come in here whining about it and expecting ArenaNet to change a core idea the game was founded on.

But we are not talking about changing the core idea or anything like that.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Tired of reporting gold spam ...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


We cannot do much other than report/block, and trust that ANet is working on it.
It is annoying I agree. And it’s probably a tricky situation for them, otherwise it would have been effectively handled with already.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Variety in Daily Achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I also agree. It would make it a lot more fun and interesting.
Good idea.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

I fear guild wars two will wane unless they bring out new stuff soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I love how people are like show me you world completion blah blah blah. Maybe some people don’t enjoy exploring just as much as some people don’t enjoy the so called gear treadmill. Why should they be forced to do something if they don’t enjoy it? Because you tell them too? ……….Please

This is true. As I said before, not everyone wants to do everything in this game.
The whole point is that some people like to do some content and some other, and that there is enough content for everything in the game.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

3D display O.O???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: August.2678


Alright. I have a i7 processor and 8gb RAM however, it’s a laptop, so not as powerful as desktops processors.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Max Level 20 vs Max Level 80: which you enjoy most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Algreg: Perhaps in Prophecies, but getting to 20 in Factions went as fast as a hungry kitten getting to his food bowl.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

3D display O.O???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: August.2678


Renegadeimp: Cool. Thanks for answering. I think I will look up on those glasses and order a pair.
I believe it’s doable from the NVIDIA site, assuring that I’m getting the right ones.

Do you know if enabling 3D vision would affect the overall performance? Meaning, processor power and such.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Reported someone for exploiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


And him teleporting effects your gameplay how?

I’d say it’s more about the exploiter himself than about other players.
It’s unjustified, simply put.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Don't Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


If many people complain about a certain class being overpowered, and ANet decides to nerf it, the blame should not in my opinion be pointed at the players who complained.

After all, in the end it’s ANets decision how to proceed with what people complain about. In that aspect, I do agree that they should not “cave in” simply at the amount of people complaining about a certain thing.
They should always look at it, and use their own knowledge about what would be best to do…

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

3D display O.O???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: August.2678


Renegadeimp: I believe my monitor can also handle 3D. It’s NVIDIA’s 3D system I believe.
Looked it up and their one is called “3D Vision”

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Don't Cave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I disagree. It’s not caving in for ANet to listen to their playerbase.

We players are the most important voice here. It’s us they should always listen to.
Especially to listen to our criticism. We are the ones playing the game and we are the ones experiencing the good and the bad.

And of course they should evaluate what we say and make up their mind with a “non-biased” and logical approach. But this speaks for itself.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

(edited by August.2678)

3D display O.O???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: August.2678


I have a GPU supporting 3D viewing, just need the glasses.
Do they cost much by the way?

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Reported someone for exploiting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


The answer to that would probably be that ANet has a lot on their hands, many goldsellers, scammers, exploiters to ban.

But I agree that it’s not very reassuring that a guy is still exploiting after 5 days of having being reported for it.
Assuming he’s really exploiting.
EDIT: Piccolo: Sounds like he is then.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Gold Selling SPAM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


ANet hasn’t spoken up clearly regarding this subject of late. Maybe if they did that, it would reassure many people that they are on top of things. (Assuming of course, that they are)

And yeah, best thing to do when seeing it ingame is to report and block.
I forgot about the block function before, works pretty good regarding goldsellers, though new ones pop up just a bit later.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Gold Selling SPAM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I guess all these people complaining about gold spam are new to MMO games. They are inevitable, can never be completely defeated, and aren’t going anywhere. Report and move on, or better yet don’t sit in LA and stare at chat I mean really…

Not just in LA. I’ve seen a lot of the spam in zones not that populated.
And I’m not personally new to MMO’s, and yet I complain about it.

I think everyone understands it cannot be completely dealt with, but what people also understand is that it’s an issue of right now. The amount of spam in mail and chat, it’s an issue that needs to be dealt with. To stop complaining about it and just ignore it would be disastrous.
The whole point is that we keep bringing it up to let ANet know that it’s something that is annoying to many of us players, so that they can do something about it, and I’m sure they are in the process.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I previously enjoyed GW1, Ultima Online, Lineage 2 and yes I actually played and enjoyed some Tibia before it got infested with botters.

Also played a very unknown game called Auteria.
Though it’s certainly not massive in terms of players, there are just a tight bunch of people still playing.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

I fear guild wars two will wane unless they bring out new stuff soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Well I’ve heard ANet team say they will be bringing out some free content updates soon, so let’s hope on that.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

What is ArenaNet doing about gold vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Right click on their name , report them and forget about it. Why is this such an issue?

Are you saying that seeing goldeslling spam in chat and getting tons of spam email in your mailbox is not an issue?

Not after you block/delete/report.

I always do that, it doesn’t change the fact that new ones pop up all the time and I still see the spam, and I still get the spam mail.
So it is still an issue.
There needs to be some efficient filter implemented or something to make all this stop.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

What is ArenaNet doing about gold vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Right click on their name , report them and forget about it. Why is this such an issue?

Are you saying that seeing goldeslling spam in chat and getting tons of spam email in your mailbox is not an issue?

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

What is ArenaNet doing about gold vendors?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I’m guessing maybe they can’t tell exactly what hey are trying to do to prevent it, because then goldsellers could try to get around it.
As long as the ANet team is really working on it, let’s hope.
Because it is getting worse.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Gold money gold money

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Pay for gems maybe, and then convert them into gold.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Is Botting bad everywhere?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


One would think there should be a good reason for him not being banned yet.
Lets hope it’s not because no mod has taken their time to look at the reports yet.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

The Golem conspiracy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Best thread. I’m laughing my kitten off here.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

The Golem conspiracy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Haha I’m loving this. Be careful though on taking on ANet and the hidden conspiracy, you might be over your head here! May need to gather some more people. Would be a shame if you were to…“disappear”..

My krewe have been noted of the situation and my whereabouts.
If anything should happened to me or my golems they will notify the authorities.

Sounds like you got it covered then.
I can only wish you good luck sir, on your journey to uncover the dirty truth.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

The Golem conspiracy.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Haha I’m loving this. Be careful though on taking on ANet and the hidden conspiracy, you might be over your head here! May need to gather some more people. Would be a shame if you were to…“disappear”..

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Of course I can easily go back to the “traditional” MMO. Honestly this game hasn’t really set any new standards for me in the MMO space. It really wouldn’t feel much different to me going back to playing other MMO’s than this.

I feel the same way. And that’s mostly how it is, I think. Not that it’s a bad thing though in itself.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Gold selling nightmare

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


It is amazing how long it takes to ban gold ad spammer. I have watched now almost hour how two accounts are used to spam Lion’s chat in my server.

They just need to check spam reports and click ban button – in fact – they could do this automatically by using reports from multiple server and simple string pattern matching.

They could implement a filter in which they collect all these well known gold selling sites, because there are only so many of these sites, and block any attempt of typing these sites in chat.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


In my opinion WoW is for people with a lot of free time, who upon login, wait for their guild member, prepare themselves and then commit 5 hours in a raid hunting for gear, while GW2 is for people who play whenever they can, and upon login into the game can siege a keep, take it, get killed, lost the keep, retake it, and do all that in 1 hour of play. Sure the fight will get repetitive eventualy, and there is no gear grind, but the same can be said about Battlefield 3.

Which is why I personally really like GW2. It’s successfully implemented more “casual” players (not to say that these people are your avarage “casuals”, but just not the hardcore, 24/7 playing kind) to be able to play GW2 by jumping in now and then, and still getting things done without having to play all day, every day.

However, I do think there is some truth to some of the complaints from real hardcore players that there is not enough content for them. Now, there is a lot to do in GW2, getting a 100% explored map, the PvP modes, dungeons etc, but not everyone wants to do everything. There should be enough content for hardcore players for each kind of playmode in GW2.
So I hope soon there will be some new (free) content updates, so that the hardcore crowd has more to do.

Thank You sir, out of the majority of posters on this forum, you are perhaps one of the only ones who can objectively look at the good and the bad points and recognize the importance of both.


You give me hope.

And I thank you back for the nice compliment.
However be catious. It may make me big-headed :P

on point, I do personally think some new content regarding PvE may be needed soon. I’m not too sure in what kind of aspects though.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


In my opinion WoW is for people with a lot of free time, who upon login, wait for their guild member, prepare themselves and then commit 5 hours in a raid hunting for gear, while GW2 is for people who play whenever they can, and upon login into the game can siege a keep, take it, get killed, lost the keep, retake it, and do all that in 1 hour of play. Sure the fight will get repetitive eventualy, and there is no gear grind, but the same can be said about Battlefield 3.

Which is why I personally really like GW2. It’s successfully implemented more “casual” players (not to say that these people are your avarage “casuals”, but just not the hardcore, 24/7 playing kind) to be able to play GW2 by jumping in now and then, and still getting things done without having to play all day, every day.

However, I do think there is some truth to some of the complaints from real hardcore players that there is not enough content for them. Now, there is a lot to do in GW2, getting a 100% explored map, the PvP modes, dungeons etc, but not everyone wants to do everything. There should be enough content for hardcore players for each kind of playmode in GW2.
So I hope soon there will be some new (free) content updates, so that the hardcore crowd has more to do.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

(edited by August.2678)

Kitten :3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


That explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

That is a quote worthy of a signature!
Mind if I use it?

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Help beating "Undead Infestation", the Charr Personal Storyline Mission

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: August.2678


I had this same problem. I believe it is a bug with the quest. I searched the internet and really only found that others had simply restarted the event by leaving and re-entering the instance several times.

It took me several, like about 5-6 times, of re-starting the event before I got a Sagum that did not have that buff. There was nothing that I did any different each time, so I don’t believe that it is an intended buff. Hope this helps. It’s frustrating but keep trying.

Thank you very much mbridg! After searching around it seems that you are correct in that it seems to be some bug of some kind.
I will keep trying and hope it will resolve itself.
Thanks again.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Are you kidding? GW2 is a little over 2 weeks old and already people are level capping and finding that there is absolutely nothing to do in this game.

Correction: “some people are level capping”. But some people were level-capping two weeks into WoW too.

Some people level-capping 2 weeks into an MMO is not a measure of anything, because it happens in every MMO.

What matters is how the bulk of the population is faring, and that, only Arenanet have the relevant datamining capability to know.


There will always be the hardcore crowd in every MMO that is running through the game quickly.
But we shouldn’t forget the vast amount of other people not there yet, still having plenty to do.
What matters is how it looks in general.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Gold sellers: new plague to the word of Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


zannX pointed out that they’re using hacked accounts it made more sense.

Aahh. I did not read that. That makes sense that so many accounts pop up spamming these sites.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Kitten :3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678



nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Guild wars 2 content update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Every month? Well if it’s good content worth the money, then hell yes.
But, every month, that would be quite hard for the ANet team to pump out good content for each month.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

(edited by August.2678)

Jump puzzles are amazing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I really like them. Obviously they aren’t perfect, it’s not 3D platforming quality like Crash Bandicoot/Jak and Daxter/Spyro (take your pick), but it works well most of the time.

I love searching around for vistas, and the diversity of difficulty for them. I do wish that the harder vistas had more rewarding stuff though

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Kitten :3

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I can’t believe this kitten.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Gold sellers: new plague to the word of Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


I hope we don’t have any limits on our block list.

I can’t believe I’ve not thought about blocking any gold seller I see in chat.
Very stupid of me. However, new ones pop up everywhere.

I don’t really get it, with so many new accounts, can they really afford it? Is their businesses really doing that good? I can’t think of any people I know who buy gold from these sites.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Gold sellers: new plague to the word of Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Naive question: is this a scam or spam? There is a way to report either. I’m not sure which to use, although it probably doesn’t matter if the context is clear.

Anet? Any guidance?

I use spamming. Scamming would probably work too. I’m pretty sure ANet sees stuff like this as scamming, as do I. Most of these sites are VERY shady, sometimes you get your gold, sometimes you just gave away your money for nothing.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Sometimes I can't hear my own combat sounds

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: August.2678


Plus this game makes cpu run hotter than any other game before.

Yeah, my laptop is really crying in pain. I probably need to buy a chill pad or something.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Help beating "Undead Infestation", the Charr Personal Storyline Mission

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: August.2678


I’m having trouble understanding how this mission is supposed to play out.
The Objective I’m getting stuck on, “Defend the haven from Sagum and his thralls.”
I’ve tried several times now, I’ve gotten rid of Sagum’s thralls, all other enemies around are cleared. Only Sagum is left, problem is, he has a spell on him making him immune to any damage for 23hours.

I have no idea what to do here, how to get rid of his immune buff.
I really need help on this one to continue with the story.

Any help is much appreciated!

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

GW2 has 10 days and a month~ left.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Did you have to make a thread about this?

If you want to play WoW that’s fine by me opinions are opinions.
I could really care less.

Well. See it this way. Does this thread go against any rules? No.
Dude is just stating his opinion, and it’s quite well stated imo.
We all see this differently. No need with some of the passive agressive comments some people post. Not referring to yours.

Regarding MoP, I think it indeed will affect GW2 in terms of sales/playerbase, that is quite obvious. How strong of an effect, that’s the question.
I’m not too sure myself about the idea of there being that many players playing GW2 just as a distraction. I think there are quite a lot of us playing it and regarding it as our future MMO for quite a while.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

(edited by August.2678)

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678


Of course I could also play other MMOs.

I fail to see the difference to playing different Single Player games. If I can go between Saints Row and Borderlands and TF2 and Sims and so on, without constantly missing something that’s in one game but not the other, why would I not be able to go between FFXI and Ryzom and GW2 and TSW and SWTOR etc? Every game has something unique to it, be it the looks, the characters, the world building, the game play… as long as I find something in a game that truly captivates me, I can adjust to whatever else comes with it.

Very true.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.

Could you go back to a "standard" MMO?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: August.2678



10.2 million active subscribers on WoW and more when Mists of Pandaria comes out in 2 weeks, seems to completely disagree with you.

That’s just dandy. That’s why we have opinions.


Just becuase you are either cheap or poor, doesnt mean everyone else is.

Not a matter of being cheap or poor. Also not a matter of “everyone else”, don’t know why you fancy bringing that up.


You get what you pay for in life.

That’s an extremly naive point of view. You do not always get what you pay for.
Anyone with some life experience should know this.


So dont act as if this Fail Wars 2 is some kind of revolution, when it really isnt.

I’ll act as I see fit when it comes to my opinion, this should be quite clear to you.

nastyjmanThat explains why there were kittens muddled in some posters emotionally charged responses.