the “guild wars” world is whatever. the problem isnt each pieces individually, the problem is that it doesnt create a nice “whole”.
its a bit like the fractal of the mist; no lore, no logic, no one care.
go get those sunglasses !
As said in other threads; LOTRO had about the perfect system where you could have a set of clothes for stats and another for image. This system misses the mark for me and my entire gaming clique.
I share the OPs opinion. Bringing modern clothing and affectations into this steampunk style universe does look cheap and is thematically breaking for me.
hehe, MOST, if not ALL, post launch decisions have been head scraching for me.
i wonder who makes the “final calls” at anet.
theres a lot of thing they didnt get, yet.
town clothing are as meaningful as the fractal of the mist lore; lame
but they did some good stuff too, that will change mmos forever and ever <3
that other games will take and do better, with more character and story and lore and feel and horizontal progression etc.
when gw2 will be in its grave, remember that it almost went “classic”!
i think my post wasnt clearly made.
i was more talking about the current vibe the current players have. and if youve seen any change on big mmos blogs, newssite, forums, comments, regular writers etc.
definitely need more pvp type of gameplay.
i love the idea of mini open pvp zones, like the awesomness that is the eternal battleground jumping puzzle.
and some moba type stuff.
like 10players + mobs vs 10players + mobs.
anything to stop zergs and make pvp also part of the pve experience like wvw.
i understand the reason for the ascended kitten kitt stuff.
they needed to satisfy the stat progression oriented gamers.
but personnaly, its not my fav thing.
actually, i wished they could have thought of a better horizontal system.
but i cannot blame them too much for stuffing that cheap stuff down our throat.
its needed for a lot of people, and especially since the endgame pvp/wvw isnt yet nailed for most players (my personal biggest gripe with the game, i feel there can be so much things done pvp wise with gw2) and the pve endgame is a “faceroll farming”.
so yeah;
missing fun? add gear progression
its improving i find.
some fractals encounters are really nice.
(fire harpy)
some of the new AC encounters too.
(troll, new kohler)
i see it improving slowly but surely!
Not really a wave of bad press.
not as much bad press as a sentiment of stagnation and disapointement. before it was “hype” but now people are “lets wait and see, not sure, not believing right away, confused about the decisions, cant exactly explain why i feel meh” type of vibe.
but maybe i’m totally imagining that, hence this thread
meaningful pvp:
open world pvp or moba style squad competitions, or huge dungeons with 3 parties from different servers thrown in for some pve/pvp mix action.
insanely difficult pve content
is what successlful endgames have been.
and gw2 is lacking both of them.
but im changing subject now, and im the op, kinda lame!
imo if there is a new soldier profession its gonna be a heavy armor magic user, with cone shaped spells and AoEs centered on himself.
random guess.
im as much negative as positive.
im no hater, and no fanboy.
im a third person.
recently the vibe/hype toward gw2 is getting a lot more negative in about 100% of the mmos websites.
i, like probably a lot of people here, feel like the game needs to find its footing.
whats your level of faith guys?
still believing?
they are a great company.
lacking design direction. they need to hire themselve a “thinker”.
so far its disapointing, not as much as far as qty is concerned, but mostly about the quality&direction of the game.
seems like they dont know how to put the “fun” into it.
wvw and pvp upgrades are make or break it for me too.
this game pve as a “farming” mmo isnt enjoyable for me.
pve is to lvl up alts single player style and doin some dungeon runs for gear.
and give pve reward like rare items etc.
pvp/wvw should be the most rewarding stuff to do.
i think it would be only fair seeing how long theyve been kittened, an it would steer the game in the right direction for a steady future.
a Solid upgrade to the pvp/wvw part of the game.
make some Moba type of wvw matches, some guild vs guild on semi big maps, some guild+mobs vs guild+mobs, duel maps etc, some big dungeons with 3×5man parties thrown inside with different goal (i can only imagine the fun when you encounter another party) etc etc!!
but oviously, anet doesnt get it.
like they dont get “the big picture” on a lot of endgame issues.
they have a great base, but their metathinking is quagganesque.
its the only reason for most people except the pvp chickens who dislike or fear it.
you should expect loot.
again you dont understand, like many of the people; loot is not the issue, the fact that they are easily farmable (on timers, facerollable, etc) is the issue.
some people…. :/
he usually nail the issues but fail to provide a solution.
Well, if AN were to do something like you suggest, like locking down a portion of the map until a boss was defeated, then if anything you’d probably end up with MORE people camping those bosses, or just as many, so the end result would probably be much the same. And I doubt many people would be interested in the buff idea. How many people stay in one zone longer than they have to? I suspect most players are like me, constantly switching from one zone to the next as the need or mood strikes them, so such buffs would have very limited use. And certainly no one would go to a zone/map to kill a boss just to get a buff that necessitates they stay there, when they otherwise had no intention of doing so.
And most of the other suggestions are just as bad. People need the loot to sell/salvage, and without it dropping from the bosses, whether outside or in the dungeons, they’d just end up having to spend more time farming Orr.
Sometimes I think AN should just give every body everything for free, make everyone completely equal and no one has to work for anything or do anything that inconveniences them – just for a month, just long enough for everyone to try it out and realize there’s not much left to play for. During that month, we could all gather in the cities, drink our virtual beer, show off all are latest fashions, and RP the whole night away. Yeah
you my friend, dont get it.
its not a problem of “people wanting everything for free”.
its a problem of “where do you make the farmer farm so that they dont hinder the game”.
cmon, most themepark mmo designer should be “aware” that they have an endgame farming crowd that will seek out the most rewarding event.
no excuse for that desicision and all the cheap gameplay it promotes.
(i can excuse stuff like lionguard lyns and pvp paid tourney and karka event and….but, at one point, no more excuse! start to think guys!)
the genius who took the decision to put the best loot at the world event, and the people who approved him were probably high that day.
it was an awful design decision.
but we should start getting used to these kind of decisions.
so far, as endgame service provider, its mostly failed.
i am totally discouraged to play a new toon.
i play 15h a week, 400h so far, and an alt is beyond my capabilities.
once they need to boost the casual players, read: wellfare.
now that they decided to go the gear grind route, you will have hardcore 24/7 players that’ll get everything before the mass.
and then you boost the mass and give the hardcore another impossible candy, and so on.
and sir,
what would be your prefered farming activity?
what do you think should be the most rewarding thing to do in the game?
here is a quesion for all of you;
we KNOW FOR SURE that there is a lot of PVE FARMERS in this game who will always go where there is the MOST REWARD, because they are ok with repeating content for ever.
so, WHERE do we put these guys?
right now its world bosses and maybe some dungeons.
considering itll be impossible to balance everything perfectly, where would you prefer to put the high reward pig pen so that this fat amount of players dont ruin the content, or, even better, improve it?
my answer; an instance, a never ending small battleground with creatures coming in non stop, made for 20 players.
easily facerollable and rewarding.
(edited by Avatar.1923)
teso will probably be allright.
its a big budget and they hopefully learned from swtor mistakes and gw2 success (and mistake).
at first the combat was more “wow-like” but since a bit before christmas they reworked it to be more “actiony” a la skyrim, because, mostly of players complaint and the success of gw2.
the next big “tactical” mmo (in a wow sense) will be final fantasy.
imo both styles are good.
i like a more aarpg combat style (gw2) and a more strategy/tactical combat type a la wow too.
(but imo the strategy type need a solid overhaul like gw2 overhauled the action style).
it comes down to your preference.
i can do fractal lvl 28-29 with my “0” agony resist and i basically just go down at the final maw because i cant dodge the agony dmg wave he does 2-3 times during the fight.
otherwise, all other bosses i have no problem dodging.
and i melee most of the time with my guard.
so again; its difficult but totally doable as you will improve your gw2 skills.
once you learn to dodge, the game is so much easier.
you can basically avoid 90% of the dmg by carefully dodging.
guild mission are for hardcore gamers that are also very socially active within their guild.
you need to know people + be there whenever the majority is there.
i play 15hours a week (which is an ok amount of time for a normal player) and i am in a bug guild (maybe 200), but i didnt do 1 guild mission yet.
dungeons are where the gameplay shine.
open world is for the rpg/exploring part.
and the kitten dailies.
action game with cooldowns.
like diablo, basically.
but more deep.
the interface isnt awkward at all.
while i agree that zergs are this game combat weaknesses.
they are mostly found at high populated events and world bosses now.
or should i say; they are mostly found where the most boring players, farmers, are.
its sad for the regular people that sometimes they have to go thru such pathetic gameplay moment but 95% of the time you can avoid such by simply not hanging out with farmers.
as for dungeons, they are not zergs.
a zerg will often get you killed
a good team should basically be able to faceroll the dungeon solely because they have skills/dont male mistake.
but spamming auto attack and lagging isnt the technique here.
the other place youll find zerg is wvw, but that isnt so bad because its the nature of big scale combat.
this isnt a “strategy” game (combat wise, because wvw can be very strategic
from a commander’s point of view), its a action game.
dude, block the guy if he bugs you too much.
yes for duels.
they take 15mins to do then everybody who was there is done for the week.
good luck to complete them if you re casual or semi casual.
this is for hardcore gamers.
not a complain here, even if id prefer it to be otherwise, i understand the feeding of the hardcores…
its allright, this is for skin grind, so its good.
stat grind should go out. thats all
anyway it sucks.
i cant do an alt now so i faceroll the maps i havent done with my lvl 80, bascially scrapping nice content, because i need (i feel compeled to) do these dailies to get laurels instead of just enjoying these maps i havent done with an alt.
at least give the option to buy them with gems.
it would still suck, but less.
at least i can spend my few time enjoying the game or doing other activities witout feeling rushed “ok gotta finish this quick quick, map chat; any events going on?? any dead people to raise??”
earrings are ridiculous over the top item grind.
sorry, but yeah.
game is about gear grind.
white blue green gold ? vendor/salvage trash.
soon; exo too!
onward to the grind !
geez, take it easy, the majority of the playerbase doesnt even have hope to do the guild missions!
you go me wrong, im ok with a thempark.
i think it should be even more pushed in that direction by giving us fun stuff to do instead of farming and facerolling dailies.
im no sandboxer.
guild missions; dunno, im in a big guild but they only get done by hardcore players anyway. they need it 2 times a week and thats it i think.
so if your not online at the right moment, forget it.
dunno, i did fractal 28 yesterday with pugs, i had 0 agony resist, and we made it thru without any wipe, and cleaned all the mobs.
i only died at the maw (because of agony, gated content, bad design decision).
so, for the OP, its a l2 kitten ue.
Agree 100% with the OP.
As much as I enjoy the new dailies, my overall ‘feeling’ while playing, my enjoyment of the game has…dwindeled.
I just can’t make myself ‘just do what I enjoy, when I enjoy it’ anymore, because it feels as if I’d cripply myself (in the long run) by doing so :/
yes yes and yes
i want to replay the game on an alt, but i feel forced to do dailies and grinds with my main…
its just a weird feeling and it aint good.
the reality is; check the log in data.
xfire can give you a cue, albeit not 100% right.
this game should have fully embraced its pvp side.
make a lot of cool pve with doses of pvp type of content.
5 vs 5 vs 5 in a huge dungeon with mobs and traps, 10 + mobs vs 10 + mobs castle storming etc.