Showing Posts For Blazer Hellsing.9184:

Yeah I get they're assassins... but really?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Kynx is that a DBZ reference? Then it should be green eyes :p I agree with you though, these “nerf” Thief/Mesmer/Guardian threads are getting silly.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Guardian block bug needs to go

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

christ…. Blazer, mace 3 is supposed to 1 attack but IF after pressing 3 and before it getting triggered you spam 1 it`ll bug and block for 3-4s straight.

And it`s not about some noobie throwing 100b in a block. It’s about that guardian has 3-4s block on mace 3 instead of “blocks the next attack”.

I see, good that you explained it.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Guardian block bug needs to go

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer obviously doesn’t do much pvp. This bug will go soon, I’m sure of it.

What unlimited block are you talking about? Aegis and block on heal are working as intented, stop crying, learn what your opponent’s ability do.

I don’t know how you don’t know about the block bug. A guardian will use mace 2 and immediately attack something and will then block everything for the next 5 seconds.

So? the ability says: block attacks and it does. Oh ma gawd, instead of not attacking the guardian and waiting it it out, lets drop our killer damage on it and waste it, then run to the forums and ask for Guardian nerfs just because we are bad.

No thanks, not my style brah.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Team compositions

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

I was in a 5 thief team and we lost, such teams will get stomped by teams with a clue.

2 Bunkers, 2 sustained damage dealers and 1 roamer demolishes all.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Guardian block bug needs to go

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

lol, there is no bug. They are using abilities, learn the other profession before calling bug. Guardians are fine.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Perma stealth thieves?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

ofc it happens in spvp but you are the pro here huh?

Prvoide proof, oops you can’t. Bads always cry with no proof. This is an issue in WvW not sPvP, learn other professions mechanics before calling bug.

lol @ haters, I am pro Thief, Warrior and Necromancer Not good as Mesmer but don’t need to since my phantasms give me free kills. Not that good at bunker Elementalist either, recently started playing one.

Stay jealous.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

In Defense of Arena Net

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Great post and totally agree, love Arenanet <3

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

P/P In events?

in Thief

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

P/P single target = best
Shortbow aoe = best

Really simpel

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

PVP game? no way now

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Down system is fine, you just need to get used to it. I lol so hard when people say that the downed state of the thief is good. Thief and Mesmer downed state are nothing special if you have a clue about what they do and what “aoe” means.

Warrior, Necromancer and Guardian have really strong down state, but even they have their down sides. Learn to adapt to them and it won’t be a big deal.

Haha, not even remotely close to true, the down state system is not fine.

Thief and Mesmer downstates leave great opportunities to greatly delay the enemy or even get yourself up or hidden until you have to be abandoned, at which point you get up. People rarely even bother trying to stomp them because of the futility of it. These classes can easily delay long enough to nail their #3 ability.

Warrior, Necromancer, Ranger and Guardian are relatively more balanced. They aren’t going anywhere, and aside from their single interupt style ability they just don’t have a whole lot of chance. They pretty much have to be neglected to make it to their #3.

The elementalist downed state is flagrantly underpowered and laughable, the engineer isn’t much better. Once down they’re dead. You can stomp them with relative impunity and virtually no delay.

It’s not a matter of “getting used” to anything, some of them just plain work better than others and that’s pretty much the definition of imbalance.

You don’t have enough experience, as simple as that. Mesmer and Thief are the most vulnerable and controlable characters when they are downed. Why stomp them? are you bad? Let them bleed while you take the node like a boss. It is clear that you have not had enough experience at serious PvP level. Thief and Mesmer can be stomped before their third ability is up, if you are fast and don’t have snail reaction time.

Warrior, Necromancer and Guardian have overal more viable downed abilities than Mesmer and Thief. Necromancer demolishes anyone in a downed fight except warrior and has a fear to hold off aganist low opponents and win. Warrior has an interrupt and usually gets stomped after that, but oh boy if you get vengeance up in group fights, you change the flow of the game and don’t even get me started on downed vs downed which is auto win for Warrior. Guardian has a bunker aoe ability when downed, if that isn’t good enough he also has a powerful heal which makes him win most downed vs downed fights.

I love it when a thief is downed, just put some conditions on them and stop their heal and you can lock them out of the battle for as long as 30 sec LOL, same for mesmers, not always the best option but a lot of time it is depending on the situation.

Pro up brah.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Let's talk about what fun is.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Some explore mode dungeons are really hard, I would much rather have each boss reward tokens instead of when you complete the dungeon. Some last bosses are too hard for your averege pug.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

First Game Ever I have not enjoyed instanced pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

arena, rating, ladders, matchmaking = competitive and fun e-sport like pvp. That is why WoW arena was very good for a long period of time.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

'Heart of the Mists', A *mist* opportunity?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

sPvP game modes are fun, I like conquest.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

I love Guild Wars 2 sPvP!

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184


sPvP does have strategy but it comes down to a personal level, not a group level. I see a lot of good group fights when the numbers are equal and below 3 if sPvP is 5v5 then it will be so good, trust me.

Variety in game modes is something that they will adjust in the future, they clearly stated that conquest would be the mode for release and a lot of people enjoy conquest. Personally I enjoy death match and conquest more than kill the lord or capture the flag.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

I love Guild Wars 2 sPvP!

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Your title says spvp, your arguments scream tpvp.

Well tPvP is the same as sPvP only with better organization and 5v5 instead of 8v8. Would love sPvP to become 5v5 as well. Not all of my arguments lean towards tPvP, maybe one or two.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Why Transparency is paramount to success.

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

You misunderstood me, there is an entire group of people working on balancing the game as I write this…

Wait, and no-one thought quickness was a bad idea? I am dumbfounded.

Quickness is on demand burst which is a good thing, stunbreaker + dodge and it’s 0 damage. Pro up, speed up reaction is key.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Do we want to see our PvP armor on character select?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Yes I do, hope arenanet implements the feature that you see your PvP gear during logg in screen if you are in the mists.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

I love Guild Wars 2 sPvP!

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

@ehtom, I don’t play backstab build :p I also spend a lot of time on my alts, especially warrior just love norn male warrior. Have been practicing as bunker elementalist too but I am not that good at it lol.

@aexy, I think that casuals would enjoy this game a lot more if the sPvP was 5v5 so it doesn’t feel as zergy, also the better players would be in tournemants so they would have fair and fun fights. I am actually quite happy with the way things are going for a non subscription fee mmo, in 1 more day we have new update and PvP information go Arenanet!

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Why Transparency is paramount to success.

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

@mjharrison, what do you call this thread then? they keep their players in the dark? don’t make me laugh man. Eve is not an ace quality mmo like guild wars 2 is, arenanet is the best mmo company I’ve experienced, they actually respond and care about what their player base thinks unlike other mmo companies out there.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

does spvp get better?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

I dont think its just about being strong…

whats the easiest class to learn to on? thief?

Mesmer was the easiest profession to learn for me. Warrior was a bit hard at start, but after some practice it wasn’t a big deal. Thief is double edged sword untill you learn to evade/reset at the right time.

I would suggest you try Mesmer phantasm build, then warrior greatsword build and then thief which has three builds you can play, backstab, condition or venom share.

Necromancer and Elementalist would come after those three, though my Elementalist is a bunker, not damage.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Why Transparency is paramount to success.

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

We’re working on another upcoming PvP stuff update detailing what our plans are in the near future for SPvP, as well as posted a blog post that summarizes what’s coming shortly

The OP’s point (which surely you can’t have missed) was that the communication to date has been devoid of any real detail, and if I may say so, fairly condescending. I’ve read hundreds of posts about balance issues, the wvw snowball effect, downed state being really unbalanced and generally horrible in pvp, spvp stagnation… but to date, none of these have been materially addressed, it’s always “we’re working on it”, or “balance is fine”.

Well, being transparent would mean providing actual balance data, earnest discussion of problems and the solutions being trialled, etc. The communication to date seems more motivated by an intention to placate rather than inform.

He said that they don’t share what they have in mind before they have tested it so they don’t have to go back on their word, read the thread before posting. Also “arenanet doesn’t communicate with their playerbase” something that complainers like you like to imply, is false… this thread is direct proof why

Arenanet is doing a fantastic job!

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

A very interesting point about ESports that ANet should keep in mind

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

What are you talking about Kazzuki? downed state is balanced, both teams can stomp/rez and assist, simpel as that.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Open challenge: 1v1 anyone, any class! Elementalist!

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Is that US or EU?

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

A very interesting point about ESports that ANet should keep in mind

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

@ Zatria, I want the down state what do you have to say now? The downstate stops bads from 1v2’ing people. I 1v2 and win against people even witht he downed state, don’t always go for the stomp mate, sometimes aoe is the answer

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

does spvp get better?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

So you played the strongest class (mesmer) and still didn’t have fun? I don’t know man, maybe you don’t like Guild Wars 2 combat? Mesmer should be pretty strong if you have the correct build, Phantasms.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Hammertime - what's the deal with Hammer Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Ok, maybe I’m missing something but it seems like if they catch me without a stun-breaker I die without being able to do anything.

It goes stun into stun…into another stun, at the end of which I am typically dead.

Most of the time I can’t use a single ability because of this kind of chain CC.

Is the only counter to such a thing a stun-breaker? I mean even if you do use it successfully the fact that they can chain one stun into another…with the recipient unable to move or act….just seems stupid.

I’m asking for help here. Maybe there’s something I don’t know, some mechanic I missed. How can I not be caught in this kind of CC stun chain?

It’s the Anet model. Allow classes to completely obliterate other classes while those other classes are unable to defend themselves. They really don’t have a clue about class balancing for PvPs situations not involving PvE intermingled. But who cares, they have your money.

I’m not sure if I should laugh at you or be angry at your stupidity. Every single build/class/setup/play style/game mechanic is countered by multiple builds/classes/setups/play styles/game mechanics. Name ONE CLASS that “completely obliterate[s] other classes while those other classes are unable to defend themselves”. I dare you.

Phantasm mesmer takes anything in 1v1.

My grenade engineer kills every single phantasm out in 2-3 normal grenades. My staff ele has ice spike, lava font, eruption, arcane blast. 2 examples off the top of my head. Not only that, but Phantasm Mesmers can only burst on single targets. Zatria says there are classes that completely obliterate other classes and the other classes are UNABLE TO DEFEND THEMSELVES. This is completely untrue.

Good luck with that, unless you kill the phantasm the second it is summon I still get a 4-5k damage off per phantasm.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

PVP game? no way now

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Down system is fine, you just need to get used to it. I lol so hard when people say that the downed state of the thief is good. Thief and Mesmer downed state are nothing special if you have a clue about what they do and what “aoe” means.

Warrior, Necromancer and Guardian have really strong down state, but even they have their down sides. Learn to adapt to them and it won’t be a big deal.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Hammertime - what's the deal with Hammer Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Ok, maybe I’m missing something but it seems like if they catch me without a stun-breaker I die without being able to do anything.

It goes stun into stun…into another stun, at the end of which I am typically dead.

Most of the time I can’t use a single ability because of this kind of chain CC.

Is the only counter to such a thing a stun-breaker? I mean even if you do use it successfully the fact that they can chain one stun into another…with the recipient unable to move or act….just seems stupid.

I’m asking for help here. Maybe there’s something I don’t know, some mechanic I missed. How can I not be caught in this kind of CC stun chain?

It’s the Anet model. Allow classes to completely obliterate other classes while those other classes are unable to defend themselves. They really don’t have a clue about class balancing for PvPs situations not involving PvE intermingled. But who cares, they have your money.

I’m not sure if I should laugh at you or be angry at your stupidity. Every single build/class/setup/play style/game mechanic is countered by multiple builds/classes/setups/play styles/game mechanics. Name ONE CLASS that “completely obliterate[s] other classes while those other classes are unable to defend themselves”. I dare you.

Phantasm mesmer takes anything in 1v1.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

First Game Ever I have not enjoyed instanced pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

@NJS, no, no more new “maps”. Remove raid ont he capricorn and have these 3 maps for conquest. Thats more than enough.

If they add any more maps it should be for other game modes like capture the flag etc.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Hammertime - what's the deal with Hammer Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Well stun breaker on first stun if you can’t dodge it, then try to dodge his second stun. I only die to hammer warriors when they are in groups and I have no stun breaker, they don’t do much damage on their own.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Hammertime - what's the deal with Hammer Warriors?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Dodge and stun breaker is enough to survive.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

I love Guild Wars 2 sPvP!

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Arenanet and fellow sPvP’ers, I see a lot of negativity on the sPvP forums regarding Guild Wars 2 sPvP and I disagree with most of them. I actually like conquest, there is a lot more strategy in conquest than a lot of people are willing to admit. I am going to name the things I love about Guild Wars 2 sPvP!

1. Action Combat: What other mmorpg has this? Tera, but Tera doesn’t have the E-sport potential Guild Wars 2 has, nor the popularity! I love Action Combat, to be able to dodge, evade, use abilities to move cross the map quicker… the combat is good and addictive.

2. 5v5 Conquest: With a real team, voice communication and good players it will make for an excellent PvP experience.

3. No leveling, no gear grind: Instantly I can make any profession I wish and play it on an even playing field with others, I can learn and experiment and improve as a PvP’er.

4. Different roles: Yes, I actually like having super high damage Thieves and Warriors, I like having super defensive Guardians and Elementalists. Now we need some increase in some professions condition potential and roles, like necromancer and ranger and the team setups and meta will become even better.

5. Amazing maps: Excluding raid on the capricorn of course, which is the worst map I have ever seen in any game, even worse than WoW’s alterac valley. The other three maps are amazing, I like them all and they all feel unique and have their own little differences in tactics.

6. Awesome group fights: The group fights in Guild Wars 2 are amazing compared to other mmorpg’s, the added strategy and tactics for the downed state and the decisions you make when an ally or enemy goes down can be massive. Sometimes it is better not to stomp, sometimes it is better not to rez, it all comes with experience and I enjoy it a lot.

7. Rewards: No stats, just pure looks. Sure it has a bit of a grind feel to it, but once you get the ones you want you know you are going to feel epic and play epic. Also the sPvP mystic forge gives you something to do with items that you don’t need

It’s time we show some positive feedback, people only talk about things they don’t like, what about things you do like? Please share what you do like about Guild Wars 2

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

(edited by Blazer Hellsing.9184)

The new Metagame: 5 Bunkers

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

bunkers are epic and in my opinion fine

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

First Game Ever I have not enjoyed instanced pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

All maps of GW2 are amazing except raid on the capricorn, they seem “zergy” because hot join is dumb thanks to 8v8. It should be 5v5.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

First Game Ever I have not enjoyed instanced pvp..

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

You don’t enjoy E-Sport is what you mean, since GW2 instanced PvP is E-Sport material and WoW arena was an E-Sport. Don’t play sPvP, it is for pro’s and competitive players. Try WvW seems more like WoW battlegrounds, no skill zergs.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Raid on the Capricorn: make it an Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

That map is just utter failure on every level for both conquest and deathmatch, just remove it.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Moa Morph

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Moa Morph is fine man, trust me I play a mesmer

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Facing a good thief

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

BS thief has 14k hp usually

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Glory boosting.

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

lol rank has nothing to do with how good you are, but how much time you have.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Playing bunker Elementalist for 1 hour = Revelation :D

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Guys that 1v3 was becuase the other players were bad, I don’t have much problem against Bunkers on my Necro, Mesmer, Warrior and Thief. Sometimes I can’t down them if they are really good but with 1v2 I can. The fact that I did 1v3 against those guys only shows that they couldn’t coordinate for kitten and I actually mistformed mesmer shatter sand hb from warrior at the same time.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Playing bunker Elementalist for 1 hour = Revelation :D

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Yes it procs when you switch attunements, very good with Evasive Arcana.

Very nice. Why did you go with cantrips giving vigor and regen instead of 20% faster water skills recharge?

Well the vigor uptime lets you roll even more, and those two boons have synergy with the 25 point minor trait that gives you more damage based on the number of boons you have, and I figure that I won’t really need to cast water spells as often with the extreme survivability of three cantrips.

If you want to only take two cantrips, I might suggest switching out the cooldown reduction on cantrips for the water spells, but the vigor and regen are so good (regen also clears conditions if you have the right 30 point water trait).

Going to try your build tomorrow and the build I am playing now (20% faster water recharge, conjure earthshield isntead of that lightning teleport) and see which one I prefer.

I am going to copy your sigil and final arcane trait for dodge combo’s (was using the one that gives a shield).

Thanks for the tips and feedback.

It’s good that this thread is positive. However, it also justifies the complaints of the 3 players when they come asking for nerfs to bunker elementalists because holding a node 1v3 for a full minute just shouldn’t happen in a balanced game. Even more so that OP did this with only 1 hour experience playing the build.

They weren’t that good and I actually did very good mistform and dodges in that fight.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

You know there's an issue when this is your first game of the day:

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

@Sprawl, so what? I have other tools on my Necromancer that I don’t have on my Warrior/Thief/Mesmer. I would love some increase in Necromancer condition damage though… staff is a fail lol, scepter is all right.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

(edited by Blazer Hellsing.9184)

You know there's an issue when this is your first game of the day:

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

We STILL have yet to be able to have people create videos of any other class rolling into pvp (whether it be spvp or tourney play) and randomly smash their fist on the keyboard and collect kills. This can and has been done with the thief class and THAT is really where the problem lies imo.

When I get my western digital harddrive I will make video’s. I get kills just as easy on my mesmer and warrior as I do on my Thief. Necromancer is a little bit harder, but still quite easy.

Oh yes, warrior, mesmer, thief are easy but elementalist, engineer, ranger, etc. aren’t easy right? In pvp necromancer has a tough time sometimes due to broken traits a d a couple buggy utilities- despite that, necro is my favorite class to pvp with, screw the easy mode kitten.

Don’t understand what you are talking about. I only play Thief, Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer and Elementalist. How should I know if it is hard to get kill as ranger/engi or not?

My Elementalist is a bunker so don’t get easy kills, Necromancer is Dagger power/crit, I do get easy kills but it’s not as easy as Warrior, Thief and Mesmer.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Playing bunker Elementalist for 1 hour = Revelation :D

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Yes it procs when you switch attunements, very good with Evasive Arcana.

Very nice. Why did you go with cantrips giving vigor and regen instead of 20% faster water skills recharge?

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

You know there's an issue when this is your first game of the day:

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

We STILL have yet to be able to have people create videos of any other class rolling into pvp (whether it be spvp or tourney play) and randomly smash their fist on the keyboard and collect kills. This can and has been done with the thief class and THAT is really where the problem lies imo.

When I get my western digital harddrive I will make video’s. I get kills just as easy on my mesmer and warrior as I do on my Thief. Necromancer is a little bit harder, but still quite easy.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Playing bunker Elementalist for 1 hour = Revelation :D

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

This is the build I use in tournaments when running staff bunker ele:;TkAgzCmouxcj4G7Nubk3M+A

Get the armour of earth utility and trait for 10 in earth, this stability time is invaluable to holding points against professions with annoying knock backs and disables.

Take evasive arcana for 30 in arcane to make use of blast finishers when rolling in the healing rain field for 2 AoE heals every 10 seconds, since you get 1 from the cleansing wave proc and one from the combo field.

The runes, heal, and utility skills all have great synergy in cleansing conditions, since every time you give someone regeneration, you can cleanse 1 condition.

Rolling in the chill field gives AoE frost armour, awesome in team fights.

Learn to chain your CCs to give teammates opportunities to get easy kills in tough fights. For example in air, use the static field into gale to knock them into it, switch to earth, use 5th skill to immobilize, drop the 4th skill, unsteady ground to cripple, switch to water and drop a chill field, then switch to fire to do some damage.

The elementalist is all about chaining your abilities together effectively to give the most synergy and deal the most damage to your opponent, so it is important to not get stuck in a “rotation” and learn to use the skills when the time is right, while adapting to the situation (this comes with lots of practice).

Even if you are in bunker spec, you cannot stand in 100 blades or pistol whip spam and expect to live, backstab can still make your life hell as you have learned. You need to dodge these high damage skill combos with utilities, rolls, or by CCing the enemy. This will extend your life drastically since when they fail their haste, they become an easy glass cannon that even you can whittle down with your mediocre damage.

Final thing, do not get discouraged with ele, if you find yourself getting frustrated or bored or what not, I would gladly give you advice, or you could always switch up the weapons for a more aggressive damage dealing build.

Thanks mate Don’t think I will go offensive build on Elementalist anytime soon, want a defensive build and couldn’t really do that with the other professions I played.

That dodge blast finisher is really cool, didn’t know that. We almost have the same build. You have sigil of superior energy, does it work on Elementalist? You don’t have any weapons to switch to, do attunements proc it?

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Where's the pvp info? Paid tournament feature delayed?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

You do realize that Arenanet has an Ace card in their hand? They can announce anytime they want that they will remove Raid on the Capricorn and make 99% of the PvP’ers happy :p

Don’t think they got anything special planned, if they do I hope it is rating and matchmaking ladders for tPvP.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Some food for thought

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Great post, I don’t think we can make any legit claims about balance untill we have a rating and matchmaking ladder for tPvP +1 bro.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

Playing bunker Elementalist for 1 hour = Revelation :D

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

I just played bunker Elementalist for 1 hour and it was the first time I played an Elementalist, won every game. It was such a different experience compared to my offensive characters, it was awesome. I did 8 1v1 against a Thief and he killed me 6 times with his backstab combo, I could survive him for around 10 sec but couldn’t win the fight. Two times I dodged and mistformed his damage and survived him and made him run. Besides him I didn’t lose a singel 1v1. Also had some team fights against Thieves and it was a lot easier to win against them in group fights.

I also held a point for 1 min against 3 people, as I got downed a team mate showed up killed one of them and I rezzed and we killed the enemy group off. Elementalist was a lot more fun than I expected, not only could I bunker but also support my Team with healing and a lot of AoE’s are very good in group fights. Another game I teamed up with an offensive Elementalist and together we killed of 3 people at the same time while keeping the same node the entire game as people kept coming and dying haha.

Last match was raid on the capricorn, I went to ruins without even knowing what my abilities did and just spammed them with my bunker utilities and I killed off 3 people alone thanks to sharks xD some abilities put me out of the node because I didn’t know what they did lol.

I am going to learn to play bunker Elementalist and get real good at it!

Any good bunker Elementalists that read this thread, please drop some tips and tricks, thanks!

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

(edited by Blazer Hellsing.9184)

Is burst damage really this bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

7.5k Heartseeker? 9k Cloak and Dagger? in sPvP? Right, maybe in WvW but no way in hell in sPvP.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

I’m genuinely surprised to see so many warrior QQ threads.

Generally you see 2 warriors:
Hammer/xyz control builds.

You’re not being lit up fast enough with a hammer build to cry nerf, and once a warrior blows his load on HB, he basically sucks until the cooldowns are back.

This is not the case with a thief. I agree that thieves SHOULD hit hard and be elusive. I have absolutely no problem being outplayed by a thief, thats part of pvp. What sucks about them is they attack from stealth, if you don’t die they re-stealth and try again. If that fails, they pop thieves guild and they run away. Too much cannon, not enough glass.

I don’t know why people think warrior needs Enrage to drop people, I don’t even need that to drop people with hunderd blades and axe/shield. Warrior has the best burst on demand and the best high sustained damage of any profession. They sacrafise mobility for that.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)