80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Warrior, 80 Mesmer, 80 Engineer.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
Oh,and the Dev’s account name is Astrea.1794.You can check the you tube video for the account name at around 22 minutes where the uploader moved his cursor over the dev’s character.
He takes his WvW seriously. Classic ANet for ya. They show their true colors when they aren’t selling shiny turds.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
Very same problem.
I think there’s a little too much redundancy with your movement speed because you have swiftness, signet of the locust, and rune of the traveler. I don’t think three are necessary in WvW. Two would suffice. But, idk. You can figure that out. I’d drop signet of the locust or the last tier of travelers. You might want an extra well, so dropping locust for the last well would be your best bet.
Another alteration I would recommend is to get bonus power upon killing someone as that would likely happen with wells.
Sometimes I feel like anet has no idea what they want the necromancer to be.
To answer your question, I don’t think it would fit. Necromancers already have plenty of tools that punish thieves: marks, wells, channels, and life transfer all hit thieves in stealth. You can even use reaper’s mark to knock them out of shadow refuge, which is a pretty strong “anti-stealth” mechanic as is.
Hitting thieves in stealth is a guessing game even with marks, channels, and life transfer. If you are trying to hit a stealthed thief with wells then you deserve to die to the thief.
Fearing for one second out of shadow refuge if you cast it so that they exit shadow refuge for a pulse does very little in the scheme of things. You merely deny the thief one pulse (3 seconds of stealth and 355*.18HP of healing) of the five pulses they get (15s of stealth, 5*355*.18HP of healing) all the while your reapers mark is on cooldown.
Thieves aren’t punished for going stealth – those who want stealth reveal are punished for being forced to select that skill to do such. Rangers will have to take “Sick ’Em” if they want stealth reveal and the Necro would likewise have to take a certain skill that reveals a thief. My suggestion is to make Shadow Fiend’s Haunt have the reveal.
Anet has an ideology that a necro is a chase class?
With additions like Tainted Shackles ANet is still pursuing the whole chase aspect of the Necro.
With ANet’s ideology of Necromancer as a chase class, should the Necromancer get a reveal skill like the soon-to-be Ranger’s “Sick ’Em”?
If so, what skill should it be on? It shouldn’t have a short cooldown to avoid abuse, mind you, so most weapon skills should be out of the question (maybe staff 5 because its cooldown is long).
Welcome to MMO’s. ANet can’t fix stupid. Frankly they can’t even fix things they should be able to fix. It’s just the nature of the beast.
It’s also spelled affect because the context is influence not a resulting condition.
This isnt about Asura having an advantage in combat.
This thread was intented that Asura being a hard race to spectate. Its less enjoyable to watch, surely particle effects play a part in this aswell.
But even if that was fixed, Asura would still be the least viewable race in the game.And thats really all that matters if you’re taking your game to esports. You need to have a game that people will watch. Its not about the pro’s, its about the viewers.
Wrong. People with their own agendas are making it to be that way. The thread was originally:
asura are popular for pvp because their small size makes it harder to read their attacks. also makes watching the game less enjoyable because all you see are little asura running around without really seeing their animations well.
We’ve said it a few times before, but I want to just re-iterate we’ve heard folks feedback on this and will be doing a much larger mix of permanent, recurring (content that can occur again in the future), and more world impacting releases as it relates to living world in the second half of the year.
So you think recurring content is permanent? Typical ANet jargon.
Recurring is recurring.
Permanent is permanent.
People want permanent content as in content that’s added that will exist year round. Not this “permanent, recurring” content that only comes every blue moon. That is not permanent no matter how many “living world” teams you have.
Statements like these make me think people are just jumping on the necro bandwagon.
This is exactly what’s happening and people can’t realize this.
Marks are fine as they are. They can be dodged into, completely nullifying the mark. You also have to trait to get them to be greater and unblockable.
Do you really think that 50% of the classes in sPvP right now are necro because you’re “finally viable?” no, thats ridiculous. its because lots of people play whatever is the fotm, and this month necros are OP.
Just because a class is FotM doesn’t mean it’s OP, let me make that clear. There are too many factors at play to claim that the recent patch made Necromancers OP, i.e. the addition of a new condition to the game to the Necromancer.
The necromancer representative on last weeks SOTG said flat out that his class was OP and he suggested to jon peters that they tone his class down a notch.
Zombify is a jerk and I detest that some refer to him as the best Necro. There is no “best.” He, too, shouldn’t call Necro OP as per what I mentioned above. If anything he should have mentioned specifics that are OP like the Terror/Dhuumfire combo. Zombify calling the class OP is just a bandwagon statement and holds little testament, but it unfortunately rings in the ears of Jon. There shouldn’t be a lone representative for an entire class especially when he is brain-dead statements that hinder the class more than it helps.
Him poisoning the ears of Jon only gives access to future ruin. Necro does need adjustment. However, someone who boasts being the best at Necro gives Jon the false illusion that he is an expert and this makes him more influential. This, I hopefully stressed enough, is not constructive to balancing Necro. Necro will be adjusted because it is “op as per the BEST”, but it will be over adjusted because of the misplaced influenced of one person.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
What they need to do is reduce the overwhelming offensive pressure from burning/terror combo, and then give us the survivability we need. Right now the only thing making us work better is that there is so much damage going out its a game of chicken as to who wants to stay in the fight longest; first one to stop attacking loses.
Agreed, but Jon, ever so foolishly, said that they’re looking at giving more weapon skills the ability to generate life force at the cost of offensive capability. This is the wack-a-mole kind of thing that they said they’d never do. Go figure they break another promise they set from the beginning. (No gear treadmill *cough*ascended*cough).
One thing to note is that ANet did this to themselves. They should have known that adding a new condition and making it so that Necros are the first to have it will make Necros FotM. A class that’s FotM will see cries for nerfs and people feel more inclined that the class is op, whether it is or not.
I’d expect to see either the life force % for existing weapons to go up or maybe adding life force into off-hand skills. Jon also mentioned that Necro’s have too many skills that offer bleed and that they’re going to tone this back. To that, I bite my thumb at him and spit on the floor. If anything that needs toning back is the Terror/Dhuumfire build and Necro’s need to keep their attrition power. Bumping survivability and nerfing bleeds kinda defeats the attrition purpose. I guess that’s ANet being ANet; take 3 steps forward than 5 steps back.
It’s hard to see how they could nerf Dhuumfire (it’s already just a 10-point Engi trait), but nerfing Terror is going to seriously hurt Condi builds and Terrormancers without any real point. I wonder if they’re going to reduce Terror’s damage but then increase our access to Bleeds or Poison to compensate.
Jon said they’re toning the bleeds back so if they do nerf Terror don’t expect anything else adjusted to compensate the nerf.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
Blame ANet for adding a new condition to the game only for the Necro first. It’s made Necro FotM and are now seeing a lot more use.
What you are saying, however, is the potential of the Necro long before last patch. Necro’s just never saw a lot of use (if any) in tournaments because they are horrible for tournaments. But, a pair of Necro’s mean that one person should not be able to cleanse all the conditions alone. If you’re suggesting that a Warrior should be able to cleanse all the conditions from 2 Necro’s then you need to learn how balancing works.
I think your case was that the other team was a lot more coordinated – a premade. You can also blame ANet for horrible matchmaking.
I wouldn’t make a build solely around condition removal. Just have some and join a team that you can coordinate with to help remove conditions (also because coordinating is key for everything.)
I’ll be the first to say: you’re wrong and l2p. sPvP meta is condition heavy. Learn and adapt.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a stealth nerf. I also wouldn’t be surprised if it were intended.
ANet has a nasty reputation for both. ANet also has a nasty reputation for fixing these kind of bugs.
(DS weapon swap for example.)
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
It’s ridiculous how easy it is to spam stealth. I counted 11 times that Thief stealths in that 1 minute video.
tbh I’d much rather have vigor
We’re not getting vigor or any other damage reducing ability or more mobility. It’s not the dev’s view of the class. Hopefully we’ll have DS boosted to compensate this (which Jon already said something to that effect.)
I just hope Corrosive Poison Cloud becomes awesome. Right now its about as effective as a fart.
Absolutely agree here, but given the upcoming changes to weakness it would be best to hold off any any tweaking. CPC, however, definitely needs to be improved.
No i think it needs 3 more months of tooltip fixes. I think if they continue to fix water tooltips this game will really take off!
They even have such a hard time with that. They’ll add more bugs with the supposed fixes.
They’re having a hard enough time fixing tooltips. What makes you think they’ll fix culling in PvE?
I vouch to boycott all ANet tournaments and to call up the their sponsors and convey my disgust in their sponsorship.
As far as I can tell, the combination still works for Chillblains.
Somehow, Chillblains has always gotten it right in regards to these traits, while the others have been all over the place.
You would think that they would all be uniform and that the only difference would be their cooldown.
Thanks guys, we’ll fix it.
How about that 1/3 down hp bug?!
It is possible so long as you keep selecting the skin to replace an item for its stats.
It has been always like this. I think I submitted some bug reports to ANet during BWE about this. Either ANet is too lazy to fix it or it is working as intended (like ANet’s view on DS weapon swap. My money is on the latter.
Most other classes with AoE skills do hit downed characters (like Ele’s Meteorshower, Dragon’s Tooth for a couple of examples.)
much of what you listed is misleading/just flat out wrong lol. I don’t really even know what you mean by half of what you listed “classes that can’t prevent being stomped” -you list everything but thief ele and mesmer, perhaps you meant “classes that have access to mobility in downed state”? every class has a way to prevent stomps, ranger has an aoe interrupt, engineer has an aoe knockback + a pull/knockdown, warrior has an interrupt + vengeance, guardian has an aoe knockback, and necro even has a fear.
lets go through your list and debunk some of this shall we?
Classes with no access to invulnerability:
-Necromancer: death shroud, plague form + blind spam.
-Thief (but stealth breaks targeting, so still in a better spot): would have been more relevant to list pistol whip spam or something like that.
(-Warrior): endure pain, shield block.
(-Ranger): protect me.Classes with no access to vigor:
-Necromancer: this one is actually correct, but only a few classes can get enough vigor to rely take advantage of it (ranger, ele, guardian, engi-sort of).Classes with no disengage mechanic on their weaponsets:
-Necromancer: death shroud 2 can theoretically be used as a disengage (use it on conveniently placed clones or rock dogs that are attacking your friends).
-Engineer: rifle 4, rifle 5Classes with no access to swiftness in viable builds:
-Necromancer: spectral walk?
-Thief: swiftness on dodge roll + evade heal + trait into getting vigor when healing = perma swiftness. (new defensive s/d build)
Guardian is probably the only class that has no viable way to take a swiftness granting utility or trait, imo.Classes with no Block/Evade skills:
-Necromancer: again, death shroud = most imba block mechanic in the game.Necromancer is perfectly fine where it’s at in my opinion, ranger just needs to be brought down a little to make it a more viable option for teams. Even if ranger doesn’t get nerfed, necro is just one of those classes with a higher skill floor than the other condi classes out there, and can bring a lot of things to a team comp that ranger simply cannot (aoe blind spams on point, epidemic, boon hate, WELLS, insta clutch fears, ect…). Just because it’s harder to play doesn’t mean it’s not viable.
Now build diversity is a whole nother matter.
You are so wrong on so many levels:
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
They said they’re both being seriously looked at for the next balance pass, and that we can expect some changes next month. ANet unfortunately moves rather slow, but i believe them when they say they’re on it.
They also said that there would be no gear progression in the game; or that there would be no farming; or that guesting will be released at launch; or that bar brawls would be released at launch.
ANet says a lot of things and they’ve always said they have balance on their minds. What happened to their minds these past almost 9 months? Face it, ANet have been coming short on what they say and when they do as they promise it’s either lackluster or outright disappointing.
Honestly? Best place to go would be to the character select screen, deleting the necromancer, and creating a mesmer so you can actually be useful and wanted at 80. If you intend to stick with necro for some unfathomable reason, then just learn very quickly that you won’t be wanted, AT ALL, for dungeons. Good luck. :X
Telling someone to delete their character isn’t constructive criticism. And what’s the point? You can accomplish the same by making a new character without deleting others.
As for Necro with dungeons you are not unwanted but rather less wanted than other classes.
AoE trumps minions and you should expect to find a lot of AoE in pvp.
retains decent burst, and brings some nice team healing.
There is no such thing as burst for MM Necromancer and team healing isn’t exclusive to MM.
I want to clear up the “free 200% MF” thing right here.
1. 200% MF is given away so people can log in, do some events and pick up some loot then be done with SS for the day. It caters to casuals, directly and pointedly.
2. A free 200% MF only gets you better loot until Anet’s system says no more and they cut you off. When you’re cut off, MF serves no additional function.
3. The 200% MF buff only works in SS. Which means those unique mobs could have their loot table skewed to account for that.I’m tired of hearing about SS. The work you need to put in to get anything of gain is paltry at best, yet Anet wants to shove people into SS like sardines into a can. Even the dailies push you there.
I have felt like ANet is forcing this SS down our throats. I don’t like the enemies, the atmosphere, the story, or anything else about SS. The fact that ANet is spending a great deal of time with SS and not other areas is disappointing.
Again, people need to remember that this is not about adding a new condition to necro, but adding a new condition to the whole game.
Distortion is still exclusive to Mesmers. Necro’s should be able to have their own exclusive condition. I don’t think this will be the case, however, for DS5. Jon Sharp said that the DS5 will be a new condition which will appear first on Necro’s DS5.
To that, I say I am disgusted that Jon Sharp has anything to do with balancing with Necromancer. Whatever happened to Necromancers mastering DS and being this fear-inspiring class? Jon is incompetent and the fact that he has any involvement with DS5 is proof to me that it will be a disappointment and assurance that this new ability will do nothing for Necromancer as a class. The history of changes to the Necromancer is testament to that. … Underwater buffs… really? Because we needed that…
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
I noticed in a run through Orr that Risen Drakes left a unique condition with their ability Ichor Breath. Thing is I don’t know what it does. Does anyone know?
Stealing boons would be amazing…. but it is already a really good skill. I think the justification for it not stealing would be that it chills in addition to the removal and bonus damage. You can hope though.
How did you get stealing boons from his post? He wants Spinal Shivers to be unblockable.
I made a search and couldn’t find anything like the thread I’m creating.
I noticed a lack of both finisher and fields for the Flamethrower kit.
It would make sense to implement a fire field for the 4th skill (Napalm) and maybe a combo finisher blast for the ending of the second skill (Detonate Flame Blast).
Just a suggestion for Engie.
So any news on this? Feel like this thread should be bumped until the fix is implemented. Hopefully in the end of the month patch.
Jon said he’d send it to someone to work on it on the 14th.
Ok we found a good repro case. It has to do with how death shroud and downed used to interact. I will get someone on it today and try and get a fix to you all asap.
Also this month would be the month to fix it as Jon said:
This month will be focused on bug fixes, with balance coming in later patches!
When it comes to ANet however, I don’t set my expectations high and even then I’m disappointed.
@We will never get those kinds of abilities that allow us to be roamers, what we are more likely to get are gap closers/creators. More specifically, ways to be more mobile in combat and not outside of it.
I don’t think ANet will give Necromancer any more gap closers/creators but more movement disabelers as that’s how they define us as a chaser class. If they were to give us something that would enhance us as a “chase class” they would give us something with cripple, immobilize, or chill. I, however, don’t think this DS5 would be any movement oriented ability, though.
Necro: 25 point power trait.
Thief: 25 point power trait.
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exposed_WeaknessCan Devs even see this imbalance???
Even if they do they won’t fix it with the upcoming patch as the patch will primarily fix bugs. I also don’t think they still do.
Thank you for completely missing the point, and being so high up on your horse you missed the completely obvious. Thank you for proving my point.
I berated the man for stating that his 450 hours meant he was qualified to completely run roughshod over a casual players perception. Your inabiltiy to understand that and your history of historonics on anyone who ever disagrees with you is humorous and before you come down on me, you should take a look at every post you have made in every other forum you venture.
I have seen you in multiple forums with never once contributing anything substantial except a litany of complaints against whatever you feel is wrong at that time. You have yet to prove yourself in any form or manner outside of legitimately attacking anyone who feels the need to talk about how good GW2 is currently and where they feel it is going.
Thank you again for once again contributing to another contribution in your amazingly thoughtful and helpful ways.
You just outright prove this:
haha, 450 hours haha, glad that makes you an expert haha. I have 450 hours on my second 80. I have close to 1000 hours on my Necro. You sir are as far from correct as can possibly be.
I am so glad your 450 hours made you an expert, because that means my close to 1000 hours makes me the king of all Necromancer knowledge.
Seriously guys, listen to the But of Corpse podcasts,
Were you drunk when you posted this? I’ve listened to some of the podcasts and they’re fine, but your post really makes you sound like a jerk.
The colors really show when the gloves come off. I’ve contributed more to the Necromancer than you have in your “podcasts”.
And who set the standard on how many hours makes one an expert on Necromancer? You?
Your ad hominims are going noticed. Even you, I see, edited (seen in bold) your original post because you feel shameful for linking such nasty comments with your precious podcast.
haha, 450 hours haha, glad that makes you an expert haha. I have 450 hours on my second 80. I have close to 1000 hours on my Necro. You sir are as far from correct as can possibly be.
The Necro is crazy strong when played right. It is easily played in every facet of pve, the only reason you wouldn’t bring one past rank 40 in Fractals is because reflects are so necessary.
In wvwvw, you are incredibly strong when playing with the right team.
In mid to low level tournament play, Necro’s will make or break a team. Where they fail, is in highly mobile fights that require escapes in order to survive. I.E. High end Tournament play. That’s the only place that their negatives outweigh their positives. While thieves who most claim own wvwvw are never seen in high end pve except as stealth bots to get you past mobs.
I am so glad your 450 hours made you an expert, because that means my close to 1000 hours makes me the king of all Necromancer knowledge.
Seriously guys, listen to the But of Corpse podcasts, there are players from every facet of the game playing the Necromancer at high levels. The only place they seem to struggle is highly mobile fights. Unfortunately that is tournament play and strike squads in wvwvw two of the most visible forms of play.
You realize of course that this post does yourself, not to mention the BoC podcast, a rather large disservice, yes? Honestly, resorting to Bas-eless (pun intended, this is truly uncharacteristic for you) ad hominem attacks to force your point across is uncalled for.
haha, 450 hours haha, glad that makes you an expert haha. I have 450 hours on my second 80. I have close to 1000 hours on my Necro. You sir are as far from correct as can possibly be.
The Necro is crazy strong when played right. It is easily played in every facet of pve, the only reason you wouldn’t bring one past rank 40 in Fractals is because reflects are so necessary.
In wvwvw, you are incredibly strong when playing with the right team.
In mid to low level tournament play, Necro’s will make or break a team. Where they fail, is in highly mobile fights that require escapes in order to survive. I.E. High end Tournament play. That’s the only place that their negatives outweigh their positives. While thieves who most claim own wvwvw are never seen in high end pve except as stealth bots to get you past mobs.
I am so glad your 450 hours made you an expert, because that means my close to 1000 hours makes me the king of all Necromancer knowledge.
Seriously guys, listen to the But of Corpse podcasts, there are players from every facet of the game playing the Necromancer at high levels. The only place they seem to struggle is highly mobile fights. Unfortunately that is tournament play and strike squads in wvwvw two of the most visible forms of play.
So you think someone who played 450 hours of a certain class cannot have any idea of how that class operates? Or that their opinion isn’t as valid as yours? You have a disgusting view of other’s opinions and that gives merit to my not watching your podcasts. Your advertising of that podcast has no place on the Necromancer forum and even more so when you discredit someone who has devoted 450 hours to a class. At least they aren’t ignorant.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
Don’t expect it this patch. This patch is supposedly intending on fixing bugs and balance issues.
And you don’t think culling is the biggest bug in the game?
It’s not what I think – it’s what ANet thinks. When they fixed it in WvW, they said they had no intention of fixing it in PvE in the near future.
Don’t expect it this patch. This patch is supposedly intending on fixing bugs and balance issues.
They stated a while ago (and I’m not sure how much they are scaling back, mind you) that they want Thief to be by far the most mobile class.
It’s a little contradictory in that Necromancers are supposed to be the chase class by having multiple movement disables (which isn’t exclusive to Necromancers) yet would be unable to chase a Thief. Once a Thief is gone he/she is gone. I would have to devote all three of my utility skills to chasing him/her down (Spectral Walk, Spectral Grasp, and Signet of the Locust). Even if I caught the Thief, I’m already at a disadvantage because I had to expend one or two of the three just to catch the Thief.
I don’t know of anyone who thinks Necro should be a chase class. Given ANet’s view of how a Necromancer should be, I would not expect DS5 to be any kind of movement ability. It would be, most likely, some kind of ability to supplement attrition especially since DS already has Dark Path(DS2).
I would like to make a side-note that I’m utterly disgusted with the direction ANet is taking Necromancer based on their description in the December patch.
(edited by BobJoeXXI.2493)
Moa form killing minions is way as intended, unfortunately. Not only does it kill minions, but it also stops plague and lich form. This is not, however, exclusive to Necromancer as Warrior’s Rampage, Guardian’s Tomes, and Engineer’s Elixer X all end when transformed into a Moa.
I’m getting this bug everytime when I go through path 3 with my Engineer.
Two not great players managed to do it completely on accident without really trying, against a fairly good team. Unless you are trying to say Bas is better than the top Necromancers in the game, and their completely uncoordinated luck is better than a fully coordinated team that can do things like AoE stealthing and gibbing a guardian.
The Necromancer as a class is suffering completely from this hidden potential I’ve yet to reproduce myself. A simple epidemic that is a mere nuisance to those playing tPvP is no justification to make Necromancer weaker than all other classes.
I’ve heard this before from none other than Jon himself. The Necromancer has this hidden power that no one has yet to tap or master. They boast the most HP in the game and for that they need to be weaker. Well, it turns out that Jon had no idea of what he was talking about when a video of him playing Necromancer was leaked. Yet remains is the mess Necromancer is in.
People, who happen to be affiliated with BoC, that are masochistic and tell others to concede to the Necromancers shortcomings are a cancer to the class. We can never improve the Necromancer if you spout poison saying “we are balanced” or “we’re close to our happy place” when there are gamebreaking bugs yet to be fixed and balance issues galore.
I’m sorry you disagree with it, but frankly SOAC and BoC have been helping at least a few people in the community. Its hardly spam when we have at most 2 topics active at once per forum.
It is 2 topics too many on the Necromancer forum. It either needs to be in the guilds forums or in sPvP forums and has no place in the Necromancer forums as that is for the profession itself. I also believe that it is merely advertising of third party sites and your YouTube page. If you are going to post anything in the Necromancer forum it needs to have complete relevance to the Necromancer as a class – not “check out our youtube” or “look at our twitch” or “we’re hosting a podcast”.
About halfway through the video you will find evidence of three Necro’s destroy a leaderboard leading team. (Acandis got rofl’stomped)
I wasn’t able to find it in that video. Saying halfway doesn’t help. I also disagree with your obsessive need to advertise your YouTube page and other things and I also disagree with your frequent spamming of the Necromancer forums with your guild and other third party websites.
Take a look Two corrupt boons and 2 epidemics an entire party wiped off the map. That’s what anet is scared of.
So what you are saying is that the Necromancer should be nerfed to be subpar to the rest of the classes because when the stars and moons align you get this annihilation?
For this to happen you need:
Brought up an oft-repeated sentiment of “The AI is already there on other classes why not minions?”. It bothers me, because people are ignoring reasons that minion AI not only is different, but must be different from Ranger pets and illusions. So I felt compelled to post.
Absolutely. Rangers are meant to have the most control in dealing with their pet. Their pet is supposed to be an extension of themselves. It’s their class feature. I’m not advocating taking that uniqueness away from the Ranger.
However, look at where minions are on the spectrum. Mesmers have the most simple AI with their illusions where it’s summon and attack then die. Rangers have smooth response and command of their pet and the pet has a wide range of features and functions.
Necromancer’s minions is the kitten child of the two with conflicting niches. Minions have horrible, unresponsive AI yet need to fulfill the role similar to that of the Ranger’s pet. Minions are obviously meant to be disposable since ANet refuses to give all of them regeneration after combat, but they are also supposed to maintain continuous fighting like the Ranger’s pet.
No, but health has a bearing on the role of the summon, and as such how its AI is designed and coded.
You’re wrong. Health has no bearing on AI. Educate yourself on what AI is. It sounds like your confusing AI with functionality. Think about it: would increasing the health of the minions improve their AI? If that were the case, some Ranger’s pets would be smarter than others.
If you want to tell me to get back on topic, feel free! Just start talking about the topic and I’ll follow that conversational thread.
Please do. As I stated, you’re confusing yourself and are going off topic.
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