Sign Ups:
Are SEA countries under Asia? If so, why are we only allowed to participate under EU? Our ping on EU is much worse than our ping on NA.
You qualify as NA, unless I’m really having a massive moment and SEA doesn’t = Oceanic Countries.
Since SALT lost to MC why are you not letting them play against orng for the 2nd place ? Thats really unfair
I have absolutely no love for SALT what-so-ever but even I think that maybe they should at least get a shot, especially if they were affected by the MC stuff too.
Hey sorry this is late – but this continues for any roster changes moving forward – whisp or mail them to me in game anytime before brackets are released and i can get those changed for you. Thanks.
a useful advice i can give to anyone planning on playing the ag tournament out there:
dont use a mesmer, if he is bad you wont win, but if he is decent you will get banned cause the admins will think its an alt: they wont even try to get any proof.
happened to us, “we know what to [do]”
if you think we were alting, just spectate our mesmer and compare it to frostball, misha, helseth or even xerrex. then think again.Nice try but they just admitted, in a way..
It’s also funny you know we were targetting the mesmer, while we didn’t say the name nor the class on stream or PM.. So that just gives us more proof while we actually just had enough.
Every alt where we had 100% proof of, talked same way like u did. Untill we showed the proof eventually.
So ye, you’re not the first trying to convince us. Truth always comes out eventually.
actually brunners told us you were targeting the mesmer, but ok…later on he even gave us hints on who you think it was.
ill just say it again: you are lieing, there is no proof, cause there cant be any proof, cause we didnt alt.
its the wrong forum post i was writing in anyways, sry for that.
Hey; just thought I’d pop in and mention my side.
We had enough evidence for ourselves to make the decision we made. We don’t make any decision like this lightly but we felt there was enough evidence to act – you can hate on me all you want because I’m the one that delivered the news but that doesn’t change the fact that we felt we made the right decision.
Regarding me spilling the beans; I mentioned to your team captain the class only in a conversation to clear the air in which he accepted that it was done and dealt with and nothing was going to happen so there was no point arguing about it; we cleared the air and I thought I’d repay good faith by answering one of the questions he kept repeatedly asking – clearly I chose the wrong one. This was a good 30 minutes after the tourney ended.
I did not mention any names; nor give any hints; regarding the player until he was outright called out in party chat after your team invited me to a party and spent 20 minutes verbally abusing me; while I tried to be gracious and listen to your complaints. Again, I repeat, the guy we had named internally was NAMED IN CHAT without me spilling any names.
Also; I do have screenshots regarding the verbal harassment so please don’t try and act like that didn’t happen.
On top of this; the class was named in the twitch chat by the guys known co-alter about 3 minutes after the DQ was announced and about an hour before I made the class known to your team captain. Considering the people involved that is not a coincidence.
Like I said multiple times yesterday – I really am sorry that you are upset but we as a group stand by our decision and will continue to make them if necessary in future.
There is a certain tier of player in this game that think it’s acceptable to ruin other peoples hard work as well as other peoples practice environments for their own selfish end and honestly, I think that’s pretty disappointing. There are certain people that seem to be actively working against us trying to help this community grow.
This will be my only message on the subject – thank you.
Just wanted to make a post to convey my disappointment with this tournament. Two weeks in a row now my team as been denied a spot in participating in the Monday night competition. First time we were all signed up and ready to go (3 out of 5 of our players having taken work time off to make it) when we relieved a whisper sayings we could not participate due to a “miscommunication”. Being very discouraged we proceeded to whisper storm to ask if there was any way to for us in, but found the admins to be extremely unaccommodating despite the “miscommunication” which was admittedly on their side of things. Thus we didn’t get to play and we accepted that but decided to sign up for the next one (tomorrow’s). Again, we signed up, everyone tried to work their real life schedules around participating in the tourney, but then received a notification the night before that, again, we would not be able to play in it.
And so I believe that there needs to be some way of telling instantaneously upon signing up wether or not the tournament is full or not. Looking at the signup page, there is absolutely no indication of how many teams have signed up, which, in contrast to the go4gw2 ESL cups signup page, is terribly misleading.
All and all I feel that this tournament is put together in a very unprofessional manor. And, as such I can simply refrain from participating. BUT, this tournament does count for seeding points in the upcoming ToL. So it presents a conflict as how our team can obtain seeding in a lower-medium level setting without participating in the AG weekly.
Hey there, Brunners here, head of AG:EU.
I can confirm that for at least one of these weeks you had signed up for the EU tourney instead of the NA tourney.
Conveniently that titbit of information appears to be missing from your post.
It’s good to see that you’ve signed up for future tournaments however, and getting in there early to guarantee your place is really the way to go.
With the speed we’re growing (especially on NA, EU is still a little bit behind growth wise) it’s not going to be viable to be signing up last minute anymore because we’re regularly filling up with 2+ days to go.
Thank you and good luck in coming weeks!
Why is waiting 2-4 minutes for an unranked game such a terrible idea for you? You’d have to be like one of the top ranked players in game to end up with queues of “10-20” minutes, realistically.
Great games. I really enjoyed watching. The comebacks between oRNG and Abjured were nail-biters. Dankening looked really improved since the WTS qualifiers and China had a good showing too.
like wtf get a LAN client pls.
It was a private server.
I am 99% certain they were not. Jebro was using his actual live account and had all his contacts logging in and out, you could see it in the first game when his chat was up, indicating they were playing on the live servers.
It’s not exactly limited to guild wars 2 though, most competitive games have stuff like this.
LoL, for example, is awful community wise.
The sign ups for the next tournament will open upon completion of this weeks tournament!
I’ll just leave this here:
Where are all the good players at yo?
Define good? Your rating is average, so you should be getting matched with the average player.
lmao! All this months reading his posts everywhere, and I always assumed uberkingkong was a raging good player! Fact is he’s a raging average player! Do you play in EU uberkingkong? I’d love to see you in one of my game, since we seem to belong to the same skill bracket!
He’s obviously a troll or I suppose just very very up himself.
His post continues with this gem:
“Same with engies on my team. I let everyone know that my engy best be a turret engy because every other engy is garbage.
If they aint a turret engy and I see them getting wooped. I let them KNOW they should’ve played turret engy.”
No one serious would ever make that claim.
Really liking this initiative
Thank you
I hope you continue supporting and watch in future, we’re hoping for big things!
It’s been pretty obvious for a while that the EU WTS will be at Games Com, Anet always have a huge presence there and it just happens to fit perfectly with their schedule for the WTS.
Grouch talking about an event in Cologne (if he did, I haven’t heard the quote personally) would basically be confirmation.
Hey guys.
So this past weekend we hosted our first ever edition of the Tournament of the Gods. This was our beta test and it went very, very well with 7/8 teams showing up, and the one missing team was because the team captain had an SSD failure that evening.
We had three rounds of intense games culminating in a super exciting final.
I was lucky enough to have Jebro cast this along side me, so thanks again to Jeb for being an awesome dude.
Semi Final: Aston Martin Meta vs Evris Luvz Russians
Final: Succulent Sensations vs Evris Luvz Russians
So, on the 14th February we are hosting the true Tournament of the Gods #1 with 3/8 teams already signed up. We have a prize pool at the end of this one as well as some great interest from some awesome people at Guild Mag and in regards to helping fund that prize pool.
If you are on EU, are around Saturday 14th from around 6.30pm GMT, are an amateur player who wants to experience tournament play, please form a team and join up at this link: and the stream will be hosted at:
Thanks <3
U freaking serious anet? 5 pugs vs 4que gg
I’m not familiar with MMR as I went away from spvp for a bit while most of the changes were being made. am I missing something from your screenshot that shows if you’re up against a premade or not? the only way I’ve been able to tell is after the game starts I look at enemy nameplates as we’re fighting and see if multiple players have the same guild acronym. This doesn’t seem practical especially if they’re not in the same guild. Is there some indication on the team list that shows this that I’m not seeing?
Also to chime in on the OP throughout this month that I’ve started spvp again I felt like my win ratio was reasonable a little over 50%, but like others have stated this last week I really feel like I hit a wall and continually end up in horrible matchups. Last night I think I even had a game where I didn’t kill anyone. not even stomping another players kill.
Sometimes when you recognise all the names on the other side it’s a safe assumption they’re a premade. That team has Blackmoa, PHD, Amsterkitten in it and Got Gruntled and Henry are no slouches either.
You can also right click them and see if you can add them to party. If you can’t, they’re queueing with at least 1 other person. If you can’t add anyone it’s either a 5 man or a 3+2.
People target Caed because he’s good. If he wasn’t good people wouldn’t bother pointing it out any time he dies or makes a mistake.
Really, it’s almost a compliment that people are bothering to heckle him so regularly.
Hey guys.
We are an EU based PvP team called Five Average Guys [FIVE]. We are looking for an experienced Necro or D/D ele for a permanent 5th spot in our team.
Requirements are:
- Fluent in English, able to use TS3 regularly
- Over 18 – Just in case we get good enough for future tournaments
- Willing to commit the time for practice on a daily / almost daily basis.
- Decent level of Knowledge on their own class mechanics also with good knowledge of how other classes operate. (Basically, we’d like a decent level of experience. No need to be like a top 100 player or anything, just know your class )
We are not a “pro” team yet, but we have dreams to be. So what we’re looking for is a guy with a solid knowledge base who’s willing to improve and get better as a team while we work our way up the PvP scene.
Our current line up is:
Cele D/D Ele
S/D Thief
Cele Shout Warr
Cele 3 Kit Engi
Contact any of these names in game to contact us for further discussion:
Puffo Killer.6893
Both use the same MMR as far as I’m aware so as far as your competition goes, it should be the same in both.
The difference between Unranked and Ranked (after the leaderboards are on anyway) is one is…well, ranked. Your ladder position will be at stake and I believe at the end of the “season” they are going to trial there will be prizes, although those prizes are usually for the top 200 and upwards.
Unranked is much more casual, there’s no pressure of a bad game ruining your ranking but you still get the same set up as ranked so the games will still play exactly the same way, only the result at the end doesn’t matter.
Oh and you have “practice” but that’s just hot join and isn’t really viable to learn pvp, which is what the new unranked mode should do very well.
The leaderboards aren’t active until the 16th Dec.
These guys might be your best bet.
No, when dishonor will hit you will get the debuff (AFAIK)
Really? That doesn’t make sense if I switch char but keep same profession why would I be penalized?
because going to the character select screen gives you dishonor, regardless of who you log back in on.
You could come back on the same character, you’ll still get the loss and dishonor.
That is one hell of a tangent there buddy.
So we were winning a 4-5 and were just about to win when you kicked everyone back to heart of the mists.
You then slowly let us back into a NEW match, slowly though, 1 by 1, while we still had a regular dc so we were still max 4 anyway.
We lost massively, so cheers for that.
The main thing is: if it is so powerful, instead of complaining, put it in your build. But it isn’t that powerful. Celestial has its drawbacks too. You won’t do spike damage with it, neither will be a bunker. It’s far from being an OP amulet, where you’ll kill everyone and won’t dye.
You can have differing versions of OP.
Two celestial classes 2v2 is OP IMO because they carry each other so hard. Two eles, or an ele an engi for instance will be almost unkillable 2v2 on a point because they’ll just keep healing each other.
Stuck in Legacy as well. The loading screen never ends and then I get locked out of the game.
They have taken away the option to pick your own amount of gems.
If you want the 500 gem grave finisher, go ahead and buy 800 gems because that’s the only way to do it without paying cash.
It was a shame to see Cognitive Gaming and Hashtag Believe ended in a GG called after a DC though
Since we are not allowed to play wts we obviously lost motivation.
Why aren’t you allowed to?
Actually, nevermind, if “give me motivation or I won’t play” is your attitude, I don’t even want to watch CM vs TCG anymore, thanks
Cheese Mode have at least one under 18 player and one american.
So that’s 2/5 of their roster couldn’t play. There may even be two under 18s, I’m not sure.
Man EU needs to start doing this stuff, this is amazing!
IMO the devs should lead the class balance towards the NA meta. After 2 years people still keep running thief+mesmer. They need to make comp without this 2 classes more viable too. Either nerfing mesmer and thief or buffing everything else. This game is an mmorpg, the fights should focus more in people fighting at points and not in just run fast force numerical advantage in one point kill enemy in 5s and keep moving around. If people wanted a game with everyone 1shoting everyone killing the enemy in 3seconds we would be playing a FPS like cod or bf.
Long fights with combo field, finishers, group support and class sinergy are much for fun than watch enemys that drop in less than 10s to a thief or shatter mesmer.
This is where we differ massively.
Massive long drawn out 2v2s with two teams set up to skirmish 2v2 is boring as hell to watch.
Watching a well played mesmer and thief burst (or any burst for that matter) is so exciting. The mesmer/thief combo is a much more high risk play style and that comes with way more exciting game play, IMO.
On EU, Cheese Mode were so successful and yet were by far the most boring EU team to watch on stream and it wasn’t even close.
Bros, no lie those games today were so fun, and exciting to play in. The lag was on EU was kittening me off a little but that’s to be expected : D. Hope we can do more soon, well played both teams.
I’m surprised it felt laggy for you – all of NCSoft’s servers are in Texas afaik, so it shouldn’t make a difference for you playing on EU servers.
Unless ANet have some sort of peering deal happening meaning your data has to get bounced across the Atlantic and back…
You really shouldn’t speak on matters that you know absolutely nothing about. EU servers are located in Germany, at least some of them, I can only assume they are all in one location.
14 175 ms 172 ms 170 ms []
15 172 ms 168 ms 178 ms []
16 171 ms 171 ms 171 ms []
Yep, I Believe the log-in servers are all based in NA, but the game servers themselves are in Germany.
The one thing to remember and that I keep pointing out and get shouted down for is that TCG regularly go weeks without playing with each other. Last night was the first time TCG had played together in over a fortnight.
I spoke to both ROM and Helseth last night, and after the third game when they went 2-1 down in the “series” Helseth told me to watch the next game. It was obvious that TCG started taking things more seriously. ROM went back to warrior, their rotations were quicker, Helseth seemed to be on every point at once due to his portalling and they won the match fairly comfortably in the end (prompting a “told you” from Helseth). Denshee seemed to have something of an off night though, not sure if he’s changed his build or what but he seemed to drop really quickly.
I know it wasn’t full Abjured (but come on, it’s not like they picked up random pugs, their “pugs” were some of NAs top players) and I know they had to deal with the EU lag, but those of you that think TCG will get stomped need to think again. These are going to be some incredible WTS matches (provided both make it obviously, I’d be surprised if they didn’t)
I would like to see TCG go to NA to repeat though, just to see how big the difference is. With the precision the mesmer/thief burst needs to use at times that server lag may cause all the difference, but I still want to see it happen!
The games were great, The abjured comp is a tough one to fight against and they are incredible players. I’ve never watched Nos stream before but some of his condi spiking was incredible, and his awareness and moving is second to none.
Still, Helseth asked me to remind people that there will always be a difference between the peasants and the kings. (chat log:
WTS is shaping up to be entertaining as hell.
tinfoil hat on
TCG were incredibly secretive pre ToG about their discussions and they didn’t want anyone outside the team learning anything. They then proceeded to play ToG with the same comp and style we’ve seen them play countless times before (it’s not a secret ROM has been playing ranger for a while now).
They were also a lot slower looking in ToG than I’ve ever seen them be before, and their matches were a lot closer (mostly) than I think anyone was really expecting.
I’m not 100% convinced they were putting in their top effort at the ToG. I think they may be cooking up something super secret to utilise in more important situations.
takes tinfoil hat off
Idk if it’s intentional but it’s always like this when you dc and relog into a runing game. But why care about those useless rank points anyway?
The only reason to care is because you need 5-10 points to qualify for the reward chests.
Sorry but trash talking is a part of every competitive sport.
Really? I’ve yet to see Roger Federer slagging off Rafael Nadal in the middle of a tennis match. Or Tiger Woods calling James McElroy’s mom a “kitten” during a tee-off. Even for direct competitive sports like boxing or MMA, there’s still a certain respect and decorum that exists, and should exist, between the contenders.
As I’ve said elsewhere, maybe games like League of Legends or Call of Duty may have players insulting the skritt out of each other during the match, but I personally approve of ANet trying to cultivate a better class of player for their PvP scene.
Do you mean Rory McIlroy? Because as far as I can tell, James McElroy doesn’t exist.
Not that that’s important, just bothered me.
(edited by Brunners.7251)
They have publically announce the prices.
I am sad to say that after thousands of responses, reasoning and even begging, we lose as a community and as a gaming family.
Arenanet isn’t here for us – they are here to make moneywalls out of our own suggestions.
Er what?
You realise Anet listened to the people, right?
Didn’t play pvp for a month and was in the 98%.
Played 4 matches, won and got to rank 21.
Oh, and these matches were a mix of: 4v5, afkers, Signet of Malice thieves, PU mesmers. Won by over 200 points each.
And I’m bad.
If you genuinely played four matches and were rank 21 then when you stopped playing pvp a month ago you were also around that area.
There is a visual decay on your pvp rank, hence your 98%, but after just a few games it matches you back to where you were before you stopped playing.
So, again, if you went up to 21, you had to have been around there before.
Because of this tampering with the brackets Team Mist and 55hp might end up boycotting this tournament.
Why should Team Mist boycotting the tourney or do you mean CM?
I’m sure TM don’t like the idea of being hand held into the finals any more than we like the idea of them getting straight through.
I think Ostrich Eggs plays on EU too, I’ve faced him twice in about the last two weeks. (Unless he’s only just gone NA?)
Also, you can add my stream, I’m new to streaming but am always up for a chat and constructive criticism
I stream Solo Q + Team Q matches, Warrior PoV. (EU)
Hey there.
We’re an EU based team, from the UK and Sweden (3 parts UK 1 Sweden)
We are currently looking for a new DD Ele as our previous one has left due to burn out.
We would like someone experienced with DD Celestial Ele in PvP, although there’s no required rank or leaderboard position or anything like that so if you are interested let me know.
We want to all be close as a team as we feel the best team work comes when you’re all friends, so a calm personality with a good sense of humour for banter is 100% necessary.
We are organising a practice schedule and plan on entering the ESL weeklies after some practice with the new full team.
Whisp/Mail me in game or PM me here if you’re interested.
Our current team make up is as follows:
Guardian: Staff / Mace+Shield, Clerics Amulet (Hybrid Support Team Fight Build)
Warrior: LB / Axe+Sword Cele/Valk amulet (Solo Roamer)
Thief: S/D Zerker Amulet (Team Fight Support, Support DPS, Roams to Team Fights)
Mesmer: GS / Sword+Pistol Zerker Amulet (Spike/Burst Damage Shatter Build)
It’s a really good start, a bunch of people already, a number of great discussions.
The more the merrier!
Hey there.
We’re an EU based team that is looking for another one or two members to round out our roster so we can practice regularly with a full team.
Our plan is to play to our best and beat as many teams as possible, but we will always be operating on a fun first basis.
We’re looking for another person or two that fit these criteria:
1. Has teamspeak, a good quality, working microphone and can speak English well.
2. Is looking primarily for a team to play with regularly, hang out on Team Speak, create bonds with and genuinely have a laugh and a good time with.
3. We’re no experts ourselves, but we’d like people with a basic knowledge of map rotations and are competent on their class of choice.
4. Available most evenings, we’re all EU based (majority of us are from the UK) so available at some point in the window of 5pm – 1am (obviously you don’t have to be around for all those hours, but they’re the hours most of us are active)
I will repeat again that while we are aiming high, we will always take this as fun first. After all, if it stops being fun or you’re not enjoying the players you’re playing with, what is the point
So, if this sounds like the team for you, hit me up here, or in game, I’m always open for a chat.
How do we report people who are abusing this exploit?
I want to know this. I also want to know how to report people who abuse warrior signet exploit.
You have to be a bit more careful with that one, because not every warrior knows they’re doing it.
celestial items still have more stats on them than other sets, you and everyone else who are complaining about this are doing so completely without merit. If you bought celestial stuff for the paltry magic find gain, that’s your own fault
This is such a bogus argument. Celestial items have more stats but not all stats are equal, regardless of build. You really have to stretch to make it semi-worthwhile and the magic find was the extra bit that it took for some people. Seriously, how is that not hard to understand?
Maybe we should take all those berserker rings and nerf the crap out of them so that their +crit values are in line with armor. Then it would be “your fault” for buying them in the first place.
The only people who should have bought celestial items in the first place are people with builds which can use all stats. The removal of MF did nothing to affect that. Anyone crying about celestial gear is beyond hope.
Using all stats doesn’t mean they are all equal in value.
And LOL @ thinking this game is nothing but combat. Oh wait, there’s the TP and crafting and all the other things you might spend money on where MF matters.
Um…other than in combat and affecting rolls against the loot tables after you kill a mob, MF literally affects nothing else..
yes but will Champion loot bags we already HAVE drop them
Well if the bags work the same way as other chests, if the loot table is updated the unopened bags will have a chance of containing those new items because it’ll roll against the loot table only when you open the bags, not when you get them.
So that’s why I’ve been saving mine because I THINK ascended mats should be in them, but I’m just nervous they’re going to be changed in the next patch and I’ll miss out on mats, blues and greens or the silver from them.
I would really like to know this. I’m saving mine up but I get so impatient
Yep my loads are feeling a little longer too, it’s frustrating. I just recently got an SSD and was super excited to get shorter loading times and then this happens typical!
Using Superior sigil of corruption on my scepter and on kills it does not give me the visual stack (it does not seem to be a visual bug as my stats do not ever increase).
The work around for this is to switch weapons in combat and then your stacks will start working.
SFR it is time to learn how to command PuG. VS and Deso do it from the very begining of the GW2 release.
You really are in a league of your own. A very special person. Just remember the game is called “Guild” Wars 2 and watch you don’t bang your head as you walk through the door.
That old bullkitten again.
The name guild wars 2 has absolutely nothing with your ability to make a guild in it.
This world vs world suck atm ! How can you enjoy to zerg like that, everyone ?
Blob, queue, crash, lag, freeze, all around the map, we can’t use skill/siege weapon even if we are not on fight. Really guys, who like this ?
Stop this asap please!
Let’s just wait until Deso drop tier. They seem to enjoy blobbing from their last TS meeting, let’s them have some fun farming their 30 first ranks to get +1 supply.
So Sfr blob at night, in the morning, during the day and at prime time.
But we are the cause of all blobs in the game? Grow up.
How dare can you answer with your 80 IRON blob? Such a pity. Have fun spamming one mate. I don’t care about pugs gathering on a commander when their guild is not online, but seeing all guilds on prime time sticking eachother is just ridiculous.
We just lost garrison to what must have been quite seriously at least 100 SFR. It was the blobbiest of all the blobs.
So…yeah. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
You just got what you deserved, let’s smoke together.
So your server does the EXACT same thing that you’re complaining about, and it’s justified because we “deserve it”?
Also, we popped over to Vizu BL afterwards and immediately wiped 20+ RG at least twice.
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.