I LOVE the wiki, and use it frequently. Thank you wiki contributors, you rock!
Prophecy of the Flameseekers
Seems fine. Reasonable value and reasonable to obtain.
The game has been really odd for the last little while. Rarely have an issue with it but lately it has been erratic.
It is the main reason I use an addon to alter background and text.
Maxed, except for Scribe
LFG 2 Monks to go
+1 to this idea
I have had the game hard freeze up my pc multiple times in the past week.
It has been the most rock solid game a good percentage of the time, with no complaints really. It hasn’t occurred in any other circumstances, so I don’t really know what to think.
Your problem, it seems, is that you spent way too much time exploiting the mm runs and now that it’s fixed you don’t get the same thrill. This is not a problem with the game, but a problem with your mindset. Might I recommend taking some time doing something that doesn’t involve gathering loot as the primary goal? Level an alt, do the first tier of a legendary journey, get in on a raid training run.
100% on target. Was waiting for the post-nerf post to come, and here it be.
Do not want
Nice a disguised mounts/race thread
Okay. It’s not disguised. Some new mechanic will without a doubt be implemented. Mounts are an option. Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.
Legendary rifle that doesn’t stink. New elite specs. New maps. New monster types rather than reskins of old ones. New earn-able armor sets. New earn-able weapons skins. Longer epic story. To name a few.
You’re literally mentioning obvious things that are suppose to come with an Xpac….lol they even come with quarterly updates, but at a smaller scale. As for the rifle, yeaaaaaa I don’t like it, super basic, but that’s just lack of creative design.
You said “Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.”
So I did
Nice a disguised mounts/race thread
Okay. It’s not disguised. Some new mechanic will without a doubt be implemented. Mounts are an option. Here’s a better idea, how about you provide your expectations instead.
Legendary rifle that doesn’t stink. New elite specs. New maps. New monster types rather than reskins of old ones. New earn-able armor sets. New earn-able weapons skins. Longer epic story. To name a few.
Nice a disguised mounts/race thread
Honestly, on some of the more audio annoying ones, I think they should make the legendary noise happen on a crit and the default weapon type noise by default.
A lot of build have a 100% crit under fury buff, so no, please. Do as with Nevermore. You hear ravens only when you draw it out (and it is a subtle sound, not as loud as Dreamer’s ear horserape), and on crits there is a neet visual effect. They should do the same thing with the Dreamer, cause now it is untolarable to have a person with it in party.
For the win
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ He’s right you know
You guys hit the nail on the head: A power failure has a reverberating effect on things. It takes some time to power everything up after a outage, and the time lost in inaccessibility to the servers and the build can roll out to cause delays longer than the simple period of the outage. By that, I mean, if the power goes out for 10 minutes, recovery takes longer than that 10 minutes.
The team is continuing to work on this and thanks for your patience. (And your chocolate
While we wait…reGaile us with some adventure stories of times gone by
There was once a frog, it told stories and made everyone happy. The End.
I, too, think it would be nice to earn my paycheck without having to go to work.
I get your sarcasm but unfortunately a lot of people feel that way these days. We live in a time that way too many people feel they should be rewarded simply for existing.
I could not agree more. Thankfully people are waking up to the madness.
Log in rewards are for :O GASP SHOCK LOGGING IN
Do not think this is a good idea at all.
Should be cool if DR is destroyed and humans rebuild their lives in the Stronghold of Ebonhawke. It should make sense since the next xpack is elona and the crystal desert gate is on the south of this city.
But I don’t think it will happens since there is the Royal Terrass pass and without DR they have to do something about it.
Got a source or a link for that expac knowledge? I think the “leak” pic was fake personally.
that_shaman datamined new humans faces/hairstyles with the Elona style. There is that post on reedit saying some future content (available now) such as Eurêka, new fractals & new pvp maps while they weren’t even released yet.
Edit: Deleted the link. Do a search on google don’t know if it’s allowed since the reedit post has been deleted two times and the last one is locked.
Aha I wasn’t aware of new datamined stuff. Guess I should check out reddit a little more often. Thanks!
Should be cool if DR is destroyed and humans rebuild their lives in the Stronghold of Ebonhawke. It should make sense since the next xpack is elona and the crystal desert gate is on the south of this city.
But I don’t think it will happens since there is the Royal Terrass pass and without DR they have to do something about it.
Got a source or a link for that expac knowledge? I think the “leak” pic was fake personally.
Phew. Although I’m not sure anyone has ever really lusted after a statue of a chicken.
I will admit to hoping for shiny lanterns though.
Yay tomorrow is secured!
I loved old LA. New LA is not awful to me, but seems VERY spread out, and yes theme park like. I would not mind a DR redo. (sans lobster)
Ok, so I looked, I really looked, but I think I was parsing for “Episode 4” and not the episode’s title, “Head of the Snake.” In the meantime, someone else made a thread, so we’ve engaged Merge-o-Tron™ and we have one big ol’ thread here in GW2 Discussion on the topic of the next episode of Living World Season 3!
Thanks for your understanding of the merged thread, and my apologies for starting an unnecessary new one.
Sorry didn’t mean to steal anyone’s thunder, was just excited and wanted everyone to see. <3 you Gaile!
Well… maybe we have another tomorrow until February 7th?
The downside to influence is the pressure of guilds to get people to rep. I’m happier now because it doesn’t matter if people rep. I never wanted to care about guild rep and I never had a rep policy but there were times when fewer people were repping than not repping and it could be frustrating.
If you’re going to have a multi-guild system, why make the guidls compete for rep?
Also agree here, good points. I did think it was fun getting a few points here and there for events and what not, that system was kind of fun to me.
Can we please get an official answer to the OP’s question? Thanks!
It did not end today, which was tomorrow. There’s your official answer.
I agree, it was interesting to see.
Are you volunteering for the first infraction?
Yes. I want to maintain my considerable lead on the infracted/bans leaderboard.
Where would I find that leaderboard?
Right beside the fractal leaderbo….oh.
He’s right you know ^^^^
Are you volunteering for the first infraction?
Yes. I want to maintain my considerable lead on the infracted/bans leaderboard.
Definitely something fishy or some trolling of some sort going on here.
Easily the most requested QoL feature in the history of GW2.
32 GB flash drive specifically for GW1 and 2 backups is my solution now.
100% agree with you on Win 7 too OP
I always save my GW2 folder now when I have to format. That is one hell of a long download. Only took one time for me to learn that lesson.
Reminds me of attempting to play on a USB smartphone tether connection with 15kb of bandwidth , all I could do was gather.
So OP, we went to the Fire Islands, Ember Bay, we visited a Mursaat stronghold, we met Lazarus, we are the guardians of Glint’s egg! Hellooooo how is that not dealing with GW1 lore?
I feel you are wrong.
The fireworks are great for leveling up year round since they give bonus experience for everything you do pretty much. Very useful.
sometimes in the middle of fights
… and sometimes they immediately go down because of it.
all part of the experience lol
I like typing the ty it is like tradition now, part of the community vibe.
+1 to mutable weapon sounds
Hm thanks,well that “simple fix” changes everything,AB is just worthless to do now.
I agree. I just don’t understand why people are against ABML. It’s like being against winning money in a contest. They hate big prizes so they seek to ruin it for everyone. This is why we can’t have good things…
Posts like this make me even more glad I did not participate. I would rather earn my way than ride the exploit train.
ANet folks repeatedly said it was not an exploit. The only reason it is being patched is because of complainers.
Obviously it was not as they intended it to be. One area should not be so much better than everything else at rewards. No, I am not one of the complainers either, I just think the whining is funny because people’s cash cow is going away.
Hm thanks,well that “simple fix” changes everything,AB is just worthless to do now.
I agree. I just don’t understand why people are against ABML. It’s like being against winning money in a contest. They hate big prizes so they seek to ruin it for everyone. This is why we can’t have good things…
Posts like this make me even more glad I did not participate. I would rather earn my way than ride the exploit train.
I need a new fur rug in front of my fireplace in Salma. So do what you must.
Hi all,
This release will include the promised fix to AB multi-looting. The fix is simple: you can loot each of the great and grand chests once each time you complete the meta, once per map cycle.
This release will also include a new, challenging group-farming spot for leather.
Both of these are good news to me, but now I’m wondering what the leather farming spot is. Kill a champion dolyak?
DiabloGW2 cow level confirmed.
My buriza-zon is ready, let’s do this
Am I the only one
Yeah probably are.
Nah, I don’t really mind the speed either. It’s very rare that I need to craft enough repetitions of anything that it matters.
I’d like some quality of life improvements, but those are around reducing the number of clicks to craft-on-demand things: basically, the “queue” feature from the various “advanced crafting” mods for other games.
That is, my goal is to make, say, “Yassith’s Viper’s Stabbitator”, so I go to the recipe for it and …
… right now, I click the little magnifying glass beside the first missing component, then the first one in that, and on the third level deep have to craft 15 of something — but I need to remember it was X requires 3 Y which requires 15 Zs to be made.
I’d much prefer to click “make me one of these” on the stabbitator, and have it say "you gonna consume 45 glitter ores, 17 thermofizzles, a pile of glittering dust, and some cotton candy to produce this, shall we — and then just do it in one big shot.
eg: I’m fine with time gating, just don’t make it click-driven. Let me hit “gather” or “craft” once, and then wait until the entire process is finished, end to end. Pressing “gather” four times to gather the guild ore synthesizer is annoying not because of the time it takes, but because I gotta hammer on that button each time I partially complete the process.
I agree with all that you said, and taking it a step further I would like to see a “refine everything” THEN I would be able to actually take that break without coming back to click the next item that needs refinement.
FWIW, some things (iron ore, to iron and steel) have more than one production, which makes solving this outside “this end product” an mind-reading-complete problem..
Good point , didn’t consider that at the time.
Then the question becomes how much should it be automated?