Showing Posts For CMM.6712:

Needed update for Large Achievement Chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Anything to make these better. I would definitely like the armor choices to be more streamlined like the other reward skins. Options are always the way to go.

These chests have needed love for a long time now. Removing the PVP skins was a kick in the

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I’d like to think they are keeping a huge list of all our best ideas and putting them all into GW3.

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


“I think in the grand scheme of things, given all the other projects, we have going on, sitting, as important as it is, is not something we’re currently working on.”

I have to side with Colin (yes I know) new projects are infinitely more interesting to me than sitting or eating or drinking.

I dont think it would be too hard to add, both mugs and Belchers Bluff are already in the game! Just set it so that when a player double clicks on a drinking item, it changes to the mug in hand that you would get from the guild kegs. For the mini game, have it like costume brawl, where you press a hotkey showing you are available to be challenged by other players. Can’t be more work than maybe an hour or two tops.

How many people realistically do you think are going to do this? I’m not against it (just rather see other things)

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


“I think in the grand scheme of things, given all the other projects, we have going on, sitting, as important as it is, is not something we’re currently working on.”

I have to side with Colin (yes I know) new projects are infinitely more interesting to me than sitting or eating or drinking.

Drinking and Eating animations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Would it be fun… maybe?

Would much rather see more emphasis on Guild Wars than the sims.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


So, Cantha’s isolationism is a reference to the real world Sakoku period of Japan, right? In real life that ended because Matthew Perry opened Japan to trading with the West.
Who knows, maybe we’re going to need help with Bubbles or something and we’ll end up being Matthew Perry or something…
Just a thought.
And also, MAN, would I love to go to Cantha. I only started playing early spring of last year, but I would love to run around Kaineng City and the like, and just see everything in person.

I want to GLIDE thru KC and the like!!

Would Largos ever be a playable race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


they were supposed to release tengu as a race, and great axe. RIP expansions that are worth buying.

Do you have a link/source for that?

I dont have a link on hand, but theres plenty of footage/interviews out there. They were scrapped as a playable race during development, instead we got big humans.. really.. if I got to choose between norn and tengu and norn as a playable race, it would be tengu a hundred times.

I havent ever heard anything about axes being part of the base design, and I doubt they wouldve scrapped it if it was already in development

I would have liked to have seen Tengu too. I always enjoyed the Factions storyline on the island and the Bonus Mission Pack with Master Togo in GW1.

Don’t really care about the axe though.

Crystal Wings- When will it re-release?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


It’s a secret (really) of course they will be back “sometime”, but no one knows just when

Halloween boost removal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Character slot limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


It’d be nice for a cap increase. I’m missing some base skins (lol starter skins) because I have 70 chars and don’t want to delete any

With 70 characters how did you not get those skins already?


Bandits vs Mercenaries (Activity Game)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Perhaps your title which says OPEN WORLD PVP should be modified further then to reflect what you actually are meaning.

Would Largos ever be a playable race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


they were supposed to release tengu as a race, and great axe. RIP expansions that are worth buying.

Do you have a link/source for that?

Good class for ascended armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I suppose that’s true. Mesmer is a good suggestion I think. Still, the stats cannot be changed anymore and the vigils also cost a lot. I doubt I can go in full Berserker gear to raids.

What do you mean “Stats cannot be changed anymore” ? Has the mystic forge thing to restat ascended gear been removed ?

still works…
so OP just choose the 3 classes (of the same weight) you would like the best, then if you need to switch use the recipe

Well OP is correct if they are buying their ascended for spvp currency those cant be stat changed at this moment.

Hmm wasn’t aware of that, glad I didn’t find it out the hard way

Good class for ascended armor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I suppose that’s true. Mesmer is a good suggestion I think. Still, the stats cannot be changed anymore and the vigils also cost a lot. I doubt I can go in full Berserker gear to raids.

What do you mean “Stats cannot be changed anymore” ? Has the mystic forge thing to restat ascended gear been removed ?

still works…
so OP just choose the 3 classes (of the same weight) you would like the best, then if you need to switch use the recipe

(edited by CMM.6712)

why i 100m-net downloard only100kb

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


why i response to this posty

becuasue u r very kindly

Happy New Yearrrrrrrrrrrr

why i 100m-net downloard only100kb

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


why i response to this posty

Bandits vs Mercenaries (Activity Game)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Gamers have gone too soft to allow this in games today. Personally I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see open world Pvp in GW2.

Some of my best gaming memories are with impromptu fights in cities and while questing. I always found it fun.

Q: Were you the guy in Diablo 2 killing people when they waypoint in hardcore mode?

Bandits vs Mercenaries (Activity Game)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Gamers have gone too soft to allow this in games today. Personally I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see open world Pvp in GW2.

Some of my best gaming memories are with impromptu fights in cities and while questing. I always found it fun.

Some people (I would venture to say the vast majority IMO) just don’t want it, why is it so hard to accept that?

Bandits vs Mercenaries (Activity Game)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


PVE in this game was specifically designed not to have conflict with other players.

Do no want. Ever.

Bandits vs Mercenaries (Activity Game)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I want mounts and a new race.

Capes! Alchemy, you forgot the capes!

darnit I knew I was forgetting something

Bandits vs Mercenaries (Activity Game)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I want mounts and a new race


Can Winters Presence work with outfits please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


/signed for options and customization

A Happy New Year Toast for us ALL!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CMM.6712


Happy new year to all.

My wish for this new year…..

If you get a PM or just map chat that is reasonable …reply.

Some of my fondness times is speaking with people that just wanted to say hi, thanks for help, or just saying your armor looks cool.

Friendly chat is what I live for…..

Love this post, I’d like to take it a step further and say talk to people face to face. Say hello. Technology is trying to steal this away from us. Trips me out seeing couples eating dinner together and not even paying attention to each other, their faces lit by the glow of their phones. Sad.

Suggestion: Auto hide UI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Any UI improvements are very high on my QoL changes I’d like to see.

This one sounds particularly useful and interesting to me.

A Happy New Year Toast for us ALL!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CMM.6712


Little early but what the heck

Happy New Year forum and GW community!

Would Largos ever be a playable race?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


race threads are becoming mount threads

An Idea To Revamp Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I actually did read the epic wall post, and I do agree with several of the points made. I would like to see some new dungeons someday. Honestly I think the decisions made regarding dungeons have ran a lot of people off. After consideration, I am not sure how on board I am with the revamping old content, but for sure I would like to see new dungeon content.

(edited by CMM.6712)

The Dreamer and You (Suggestion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


More annoying than the hero tron backpiece?

Easily the most obnoxious backpiece ever designed

Can’t forget to put ol’ hero tron on the annoy-o-meter too

The Dreamer and You (Suggestion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


More annoying then the full volume Troll Mini and its heavy breathing?

By far.

Super Banana wants a word with you both

An Idea To Revamp Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I actually like dungeons and think it would great to see more, (or old ones reworked) but I would add it is probably unlikely.

Fractals and Raids have become the dungeons in the world of GW2.

Please Update the ArenaNet Dev Tracker

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


She must have worked on some pretty terrible forums, because I don’t see any special qualities on the GW2 forum, and every one I’ve used has a working search engine.

Most forums have every single thing GW2 forum has, thumb up, even thumbs down, we’re like facebook… people too sensitive to be thumbs downed lol need their safe spaces. Search bar, view user posts, etc.

So what makes GW2 forums so unique? Oh that’s right… non working functions lol

If Blizzard can revamp their forums entirely, why can’t we? (and it wasn’t even needed.)

I have asked for a -1 button about a thousand times, for those pesky recurring threads we all love to hate. I say bring it on I will wear either + or – proudly.

Gem store Aura wardrobe idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I don’t have any infusions or aura-makers, but if I did I would want the choice to be able to use as many or as few as I felt necessary. Options rather than restrictions are always the best way to go.

Faster Mystic Forge options

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Sign me up

Asura: Do They Have Hands or Paws?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Voting for hands, I have an Asuran engi, and he can operate pistols and rifles with his hands, hold and drop bombs, utilize grenades, fire a mortar…

That is enough proof for me, can’t so these things with claws.

But… Charr can do all these things, don’t they have claws/paws?


Paws with thumbs? Haha

Asura: Do They Have Hands or Paws?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Voting for hands, I have an Asuran engi, and he can operate pistols and rifles with his hands, hold and drop bombs, utilize grenades, fire a mortar…

That is enough proof for me, can’t do these things with claws.

(edited by CMM.6712)

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


What I find funny is that some people think that a AAA game such as this that focuses and exploration and diversity wouldn’t add a new race. Yes guys I’m sorry but eventually they will. This game has finally found its format for creating and delivering content. The only thing they are missing is a deep focus on lore and storytelling. The addition of a new race allows developers to focus on lore expansion and story development. I’m sure that most developers in Anet have realized that what the game lacks now is lore and depth. Not only that but we will be going to new continents with different races, and you think they won’t include them into the game??? This isn’t like gw1 that you only played one race. This game needs this. It will happen. No matter what you guys think. Eventually it will come.

Since you are a developer for Anet, with the red logo right over there <———-

we can just go ahead and use this as a source then, right? New continents too, meaning

NOT Cantha and Elona? You heard it here first folks, breaking news!!!!


Telling us soooo confidently that Yes, this will happen. The game needs this. Eventually it will come.

In reality he’s just one more anonymous poster on the forum and he doesn’t have any more insight into whether or not anything will happen than any other person who comes on the forum and gives their opinion.

Foolish remark. New continent to the current map. So yea Cantha and so on. It’s an analytical statement. To me it makes the most sense. If you can’t wrap your head around it, then that sounds like a personal problem.

It only makes sense to your biases. Also, it’s pretty sad when you accuse people of having problems simply because they don’t agree with you. It’s time to come down off your judgmental high white horse.

What is sad? It’s what makes sense to me? Your assumptions are funny. Judgmental high white horse??? Are you sure you’re using the term appropriately? You seem to not get it at all. I dont care about “judging” anyone. What is said is an analytical statement and what makes the most sense??? When did you interpret that as a reality? sigh it seems the judgmental one is you.

Really… what I’ve seen is you making a post and telling people how things are gonna be whether they like it or not, nothing we can do to change it or stop it. So you are being put on notice that this isn’t your game, and you don’t get to make these decisions. Feel free to discuss though!

Its a high probability. When i make those posts its towards people who are adamant on a definite “NO”. Which is wrong. I am speaking in terms of probability. Hell they were even considering it in their first Xpac, which was rather small and heavily rushed. Therefore, you honestly believe that it WONT happen at all for a future PLANNED Xpac? Yea right! I’m not saying YES, im saying its highly possible.

I never said “NO” and I never said “won’t” personally, I said I’d rather see new content, which in my mind is maps, story and lore. Of course a new race is possible maybe even probable, but I will say it isn’t likely for a while, maybe until all the elder dragons are defeated.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


What I find funny is that some people think that a AAA game such as this that focuses and exploration and diversity wouldn’t add a new race. Yes guys I’m sorry but eventually they will. This game has finally found its format for creating and delivering content. The only thing they are missing is a deep focus on lore and storytelling. The addition of a new race allows developers to focus on lore expansion and story development. I’m sure that most developers in Anet have realized that what the game lacks now is lore and depth. Not only that but we will be going to new continents with different races, and you think they won’t include them into the game??? This isn’t like gw1 that you only played one race. This game needs this. It will happen. No matter what you guys think. Eventually it will come.

Since you are a developer for Anet, with the red logo right over there <———-

we can just go ahead and use this as a source then, right? New continents too, meaning

NOT Cantha and Elona? You heard it here first folks, breaking news!!!!


Telling us soooo confidently that Yes, this will happen. The game needs this. Eventually it will come.

In reality he’s just one more anonymous poster on the forum and he doesn’t have any more insight into whether or not anything will happen than any other person who comes on the forum and gives their opinion.

Foolish remark. New continent to the current map. So yea Cantha and so on. It’s an analytical statement. To me it makes the most sense. If you can’t wrap your head around it, then that sounds like a personal problem.

It only makes sense to your biases. Also, it’s pretty sad when you accuse people of having problems simply because they don’t agree with you. It’s time to come down off your judgmental high white horse.

What is sad? It’s what makes sense to me? Your assumptions are funny. Judgmental high white horse??? Are you sure you’re using the term appropriately? You seem to not get it at all. I dont care about “judging” anyone. What is said is an analytical statement and what makes the most sense??? When did you interpret that as a reality? sigh it seems the judgmental one is you.

Really… what I’ve seen is you making a post and telling people how things are gonna be whether they like it or not, nothing we can do to change it or stop it. So you are being put on notice that this isn’t your game, and you don’t get to make these decisions. Feel free to discuss though!

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Chances are if we ever do get to go to Cantha or Elona that we’ll get a new race, even of it is just Human – Canthan or Human – Elonian. I just don’t want corners cut with their development of the new race just to say they added a new race. I’d rather no new race if they don’t give them the same treatment as they did to the original races.

That makes alot of sense to me honestly. Why not be retro and go back to GW1 ways and have Canthan or Elonian be the new “race” and tweak the looks of the existing races in minor ways so they have a different look or flair to them. New faces, hairstyles etc. that are only available with a character actually from that respective continent.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


The problem I see is Johnny-come-latelys coming to the forum and trying to tell people how things are gonna be.

Input Requested - GW2 Related RL Problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


As a fellow guitarist and GW2 player I would like to see the finished product!

No way I am doing that to my Jackson though!

QoL Update: Always-Active Guild Buffs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Ikr. If I have a gathering booster on and I want to jump into PvP for a while I don’t want to have to go to the guild hall first, run over to the booster guy and accept and then afterwards, go back to the guild hall, run over to the booster guy and switch to a PvE booster.

If we can’t have them running all the time, let us have a drop down menu on the guild hall UI icon to select from the boosters. If we can’t have that then let us be able to get the boosters in the form of a consumable that we can keep and use. (If you don’t want to carry boosters around you can use the one you select right then and run back to get another as needed. It will be the same situation for you as we currently have if you don’t want to hold on to a booster consumable.)

I love the idea of a drop down menu or a button in the GH menu enabling boost changing on the fly! Definite QoL improvement.

Please Update the ArenaNet Dev Tracker

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Seems like reddit is the forum improvement

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


What I find funny is that some people think that a AAA game such as this that focuses and exploration and diversity wouldn’t add a new race. Yes guys I’m sorry but eventually they will. This game has finally found its format for creating and delivering content. The only thing they are missing is a deep focus on lore and storytelling. The addition of a new race allows developers to focus on lore expansion and story development. I’m sure that most developers in Anet have realized that what the game lacks now is lore and depth. Not only that but we will be going to new continents with different races, and you think they won’t include them into the game??? This isn’t like gw1 that you only played one race. This game needs this. It will happen. No matter what you guys think. Eventually it will come.

Since you are a developer for Anet, with the red logo right over there <———-

we can just go ahead and use this as a source then, right? New continents too, meaning

NOT Cantha and Elona? You heard it here first folks, breaking news!!!!

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Your “shoehorn a race” into the game isn’t what people want from a new race. No matter how you state it or how you portray it.

Don’t speak for everyone.

For one, your “shoehorn a race” argument might seem reasonable to some but from my perspective, you’re just being unreasonably picky. For two, you’re specifically picking out the suggestions you don’t agree with while offering nothing to replace it. For three, I don’t even think all the checkpoints you list off are even wanted by the majority and you only want it there to specifically sabotage the implementation of a new race.

Would it be nice to have a “like the original” Personal Story? Sure. How many people actually liked the majority of the PS? Not just the 1st chapter, but going through the orders, making the pact and following Trahern’s lead…How many people like the changes they made to the PS? How many players go out of their way to replay the PS on all their new characters? While I do enjoy the PS on my characters, up to a point, after you go through it once then explore some of the branching options, I don’t tend to go through most of it after that. Even with there being the PS for a new race, it’s still not a big deal (I’m certain it wouldn’t take that long to create…just about 3 Living World updates worth of missions should do it). Regardless of how much effort and time it would take to make a new race’s PS, I’m not dead set that it MUST exist just like it has for every race prior. It can be changed, it can be updated in pieces, it could coincide with living world updates, it could be something completely different. Encouraging Anet to create something polished and unique is good, but suggesting they must follow a stringent formula even if that formula is lined with hiccups and mistakes is not.

I don’t have an issue with there being a new race. I do have an issue with sidesteps and shortcuts and it not being properly implemented. Adding it by Living Story episodes, and it not having the same types of features the other races have… I and “some others” (is that better?) do not think that is the proper way to go about it.

And what would you and others know of proper? You’re not making the content, telling the story or investing the capital to have it made. My point is, if the devs want to seek a different method or outcome, partially because it would be easier, cheaper, faster, make more sense for their choice in delivery or just because they want to do something experimental, who are you to label it as a short cut when ultimately adding a race would still require a massive amount of work? I guess this truly is the age of entitlement where the only time you won’t get called out as lazy is if you take the path of most resistance and still get whined at for not devoting all resources to every individual persons desire. They could try to go above and beyond to add something but if they don’t bend over backwards while also adding some other thing while simultaneously fixing all bugs, they might as well shouldn’t have bothered at all.

Just someone who has been supporting Anet since beta of GW1…

Proper is what we already have in game as precedent.

Go play devils advocate with someone else.

Not playing devil’s advocate. I want the devs to implement a new race and cut out extra BS that barely anyone wants while doing it.

And bravo Mr. “I’ve been with Anet since GW1” on sabotaging creative freedom.

Go play entitled customer somewhere else.

Barely anyone? Got a link for that? No? I didn’t think so.

If anyone is acting entitled here it is you. Not to mention being a little kitten.

Same place you get your generalized statistical proof.

I’m not acting entitled. In fact, I’ve only advocated compromise. Compromise in what efforts could be spent in voice acting, compromise in what efforts can be spent backtracking, compromise in how many areas a new race could introduce, compromise in how armor and outfits can be made, compromise in time and effort spent overall.

I can be a reasonable poster to discuss possible suggestions but you’d actually have to present yourself as reasonable, which you are not. I also don’t want to beat my points to death in a debate so I don’t tend to stick around the forums repeating myself to all arguments.

Run along then , and let the devs do THEIR job.

Wow. Why say something like this?

The condescending tone and Bravo comment to me up there. That user started making things ugly, should I have stooped to that level no. Oh well. It is how I feel, too many indians trying to be a chief when they aren’t that.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Your “shoehorn a race” into the game isn’t what people want from a new race. No matter how you state it or how you portray it.

Don’t speak for everyone.

For one, your “shoehorn a race” argument might seem reasonable to some but from my perspective, you’re just being unreasonably picky. For two, you’re specifically picking out the suggestions you don’t agree with while offering nothing to replace it. For three, I don’t even think all the checkpoints you list off are even wanted by the majority and you only want it there to specifically sabotage the implementation of a new race.

Would it be nice to have a “like the original” Personal Story? Sure. How many people actually liked the majority of the PS? Not just the 1st chapter, but going through the orders, making the pact and following Trahern’s lead…How many people like the changes they made to the PS? How many players go out of their way to replay the PS on all their new characters? While I do enjoy the PS on my characters, up to a point, after you go through it once then explore some of the branching options, I don’t tend to go through most of it after that. Even with there being the PS for a new race, it’s still not a big deal (I’m certain it wouldn’t take that long to create…just about 3 Living World updates worth of missions should do it). Regardless of how much effort and time it would take to make a new race’s PS, I’m not dead set that it MUST exist just like it has for every race prior. It can be changed, it can be updated in pieces, it could coincide with living world updates, it could be something completely different. Encouraging Anet to create something polished and unique is good, but suggesting they must follow a stringent formula even if that formula is lined with hiccups and mistakes is not.

I don’t have an issue with there being a new race. I do have an issue with sidesteps and shortcuts and it not being properly implemented. Adding it by Living Story episodes, and it not having the same types of features the other races have… I and “some others” (is that better?) do not think that is the proper way to go about it.

And what would you and others know of proper? You’re not making the content, telling the story or investing the capital to have it made. My point is, if the devs want to seek a different method or outcome, partially because it would be easier, cheaper, faster, make more sense for their choice in delivery or just because they want to do something experimental, who are you to label it as a short cut when ultimately adding a race would still require a massive amount of work? I guess this truly is the age of entitlement where the only time you won’t get called out as lazy is if you take the path of most resistance and still get whined at for not devoting all resources to every individual persons desire. They could try to go above and beyond to add something but if they don’t bend over backwards while also adding some other thing while simultaneously fixing all bugs, they might as well shouldn’t have bothered at all.

Just someone who has been supporting Anet since beta of GW1…

Proper is what we already have in game as precedent.

Go play devils advocate with someone else.

Not playing devil’s advocate. I want the devs to implement a new race and cut out extra BS that barely anyone wants while doing it.

And bravo Mr. “I’ve been with Anet since GW1” on sabotaging creative freedom.

Go play entitled customer somewhere else.

Barely anyone? Got a link for that? No? I didn’t think so.

If anyone is acting entitled here it is you.

Same place you get your generalized statistical proof.

I’m not acting entitled. In fact, I’ve only advocated compromise. Compromise in what efforts could be spent in voice acting, compromise in what efforts can be spent backtracking, compromise in how many areas a new race could introduce, compromise in how armor and outfits can be made, compromise in time and effort spent overall.

I can be a reasonable poster to discuss possible suggestions but you’d actually have to present yourself as reasonable, which you are not. I also don’t want to beat my points to death in a debate so I don’t tend to stick around the forums repeating myself to all arguments.

Run along then , and let the devs do THEIR job.

(edited by Moderator)

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Your “shoehorn a race” into the game isn’t what people want from a new race. No matter how you state it or how you portray it.

Don’t speak for everyone.

For one, your “shoehorn a race” argument might seem reasonable to some but from my perspective, you’re just being unreasonably picky. For two, you’re specifically picking out the suggestions you don’t agree with while offering nothing to replace it. For three, I don’t even think all the checkpoints you list off are even wanted by the majority and you only want it there to specifically sabotage the implementation of a new race.

Would it be nice to have a “like the original” Personal Story? Sure. How many people actually liked the majority of the PS? Not just the 1st chapter, but going through the orders, making the pact and following Trahern’s lead…How many people like the changes they made to the PS? How many players go out of their way to replay the PS on all their new characters? While I do enjoy the PS on my characters, up to a point, after you go through it once then explore some of the branching options, I don’t tend to go through most of it after that. Even with there being the PS for a new race, it’s still not a big deal (I’m certain it wouldn’t take that long to create…just about 3 Living World updates worth of missions should do it). Regardless of how much effort and time it would take to make a new race’s PS, I’m not dead set that it MUST exist just like it has for every race prior. It can be changed, it can be updated in pieces, it could coincide with living world updates, it could be something completely different. Encouraging Anet to create something polished and unique is good, but suggesting they must follow a stringent formula even if that formula is lined with hiccups and mistakes is not.

I don’t have an issue with there being a new race. I do have an issue with sidesteps and shortcuts and it not being properly implemented. Adding it by Living Story episodes, and it not having the same types of features the other races have… I and “some others” (is that better?) do not think that is the proper way to go about it.

And what would you and others know of proper? You’re not making the content, telling the story or investing the capital to have it made. My point is, if the devs want to seek a different method or outcome, partially because it would be easier, cheaper, faster, make more sense for their choice in delivery or just because they want to do something experimental, who are you to label it as a short cut when ultimately adding a race would still require a massive amount of work? I guess this truly is the age of entitlement where the only time you won’t get called out as lazy is if you take the path of most resistance and still get whined at for not devoting all resources to every individual persons desire. They could try to go above and beyond to add something but if they don’t bend over backwards while also adding some other thing while simultaneously fixing all bugs, they might as well shouldn’t have bothered at all.

Just someone who has been supporting Anet since beta of GW1…

Proper is what we already have in game as precedent.

Go play devils advocate with someone else.

Not playing devil’s advocate. I want the devs to implement a new race and cut out extra BS that barely anyone wants while doing it.

And bravo Mr. “I’ve been with Anet since GW1” on sabotaging creative freedom.

Go play entitled customer somewhere else.

Barely anyone? Got a link for that? No? I didn’t think so.

If anyone is acting entitled here it is you.

(edited by Moderator)

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Your “shoehorn a race” into the game isn’t what people want from a new race. No matter how you state it or how you portray it.

Don’t speak for everyone.

For one, your “shoehorn a race” argument might seem reasonable to some but from my perspective, you’re just being unreasonably picky. For two, you’re specifically picking out the suggestions you don’t agree with while offering nothing to replace it. For three, I don’t even think all the checkpoints you list off are even wanted by the majority and you only want it there to specifically sabotage the implementation of a new race.

Would it be nice to have a “like the original” Personal Story? Sure. How many people actually liked the majority of the PS? Not just the 1st chapter, but going through the orders, making the pact and following Trahern’s lead…How many people like the changes they made to the PS? How many players go out of their way to replay the PS on all their new characters? While I do enjoy the PS on my characters, up to a point, after you go through it once then explore some of the branching options, I don’t tend to go through most of it after that. Even with there being the PS for a new race, it’s still not a big deal (I’m certain it wouldn’t take that long to create…just about 3 Living World updates worth of missions should do it). Regardless of how much effort and time it would take to make a new race’s PS, I’m not dead set that it MUST exist just like it has for every race prior. It can be changed, it can be updated in pieces, it could coincide with living world updates, it could be something completely different. Encouraging Anet to create something polished and unique is good, but suggesting they must follow a stringent formula even if that formula is lined with hiccups and mistakes is not.

I don’t have an issue with there being a new race. I do have an issue with sidesteps and shortcuts and it not being properly implemented. Adding it by Living Story episodes, and it not having the same types of features the other races have… I and “some others” (is that better?) do not think that is the proper way to go about it.

And what would you and others know of proper? You’re not making the content, telling the story or investing the capital to have it made. My point is, if the devs want to seek a different method or outcome, partially because it would be easier, cheaper, faster, make more sense for their choice in delivery or just because they want to do something experimental, who are you to label it as a short cut when ultimately adding a race would still require a massive amount of work? I guess this truly is the age of entitlement where the only time you won’t get called out as lazy is if you take the path of most resistance and still get whined at for not devoting all resources to every individual persons desire. They could try to go above and beyond to add something but if they don’t bend over backwards while also adding some other thing while simultaneously fixing all bugs, they might as well shouldn’t have bothered at all.

Just someone who has been supporting Anet since beta of GW1…

Proper is what we already have in game as precedent.

Go play devils advocate with someone else.

Why A New Race Is Highly Possible [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I have a problem with it permanently adding to the work load of the game with no added gameplay.

and this, I would much rather have new content

Question about cultural skins/transmute

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Is this even possible? It shouldn’t be if it is.

Condition request

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Ahh, I wasn’t sure if you were agreeing with me or misunderstood what I wrote.

No worries. To me, being crippled or chilled is one of the worst things that can happen in GW2! LOL