Showing Posts For Cerby.1069:

Waypointing or gliding to escape combat...

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Learn to play issue. Learn to look weak, that way they won’t run. Put more mobility in your build, that way you can chase them. Use a ranged weapon, melee only holdouts are holding themselves back.

I’m sure if you do these 2-3 things you will resolve the issue to the extent that you aren’t here complaining about it.

Then we can get back to focusing on the zombie apocalypse where everyone is pretty much instant respawning ontop of eachother.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

We need help to fix domination in NA

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I think it would be a good idea to bring this discussion back to the key points of my original post:

  • When one server (any server) is so dominant that other servers actively change their play so they won’t be in the same tier then this means less fun for everyone.
  • There has been more than enough time and opportunity for players to voluntarily spread out and avoid a permanent dominance. This has not happened. If we as players won’t fix this then we need help from outside.

A Solution(s):

1. Make winning more meaningful, and do something about server transfering. Paying gems to win doesn’t seem right. But….if we make them pay ‘enough’ gems, and limit the transfering, AND add incentive towards winning across all servers……we can ‘eventually’ create a setting where all servers are more balanced and playing for keeps rather than throwing a week so they can win the next 1-2 weeks easy.
Another solution is to relink servers in a way where all servers are ‘equal’. Then create a tournament style where moving up consecutively awards higher rewards. As it stands, people who move up are generally facing much higher population servers…and are inclined to slink down again. The exemption to this is servers who were not properly balanced to begin with….who just win every week for the first 1-3 weeks, or who are at the top to begin with and always win (ur blackgate or whatever…since they don’t rely on pairings to begin with). For servers that are so big to begin with…..this may require gutting their playerbase via sanctions or something longterm. Otherwise the only solution is to pair in such a way as to match them….but that will create even fewer pairings likely. Anet really screwed their own system.

2. Do something about the “life after death” and revive system in wvsw. The skills and everything allow for ridiculous snowballing, to the point where its more sensical to abandon entire maps than try to fight. I mean its like fighting a boulder with a stick alot of the time….even the efforts of the best of players only serve to feed the enemy more points. I don’t know of any other game where ‘not trying’ is the best way towards winning….
People need to die when they are killed. I cannot repeat that enough times. The waypoint system and downed system are so hand holdy to begin with. If you want to be revived after dying you should have to ‘giveup’ something to do so. They even go one step further and prevent their second death, should they somehow manage to be that incompetent, from amounting to ANY point for the enemy at all with their cooldown on ppk. Just ridiculous…if we are playing the game as we are meant to it means we should NOT kill the guy they just mass rez’d. So you just ignore the guy you killed, as he gets up and starts running around fighting again…..can we at least reskin him as a zombie or something? lol.

Could be as simple as giving the revived player the effects you get from using a revive orb. Downed state penalties are laughable, they might as well not even exist.

Feels like anet is one of those people who play rts with the “infinite resources” option on. They ruin the game by creating a spamfest. All strategy in an otherwise eloquent complex game, is dumbed down to the point of mass building barracks and slotting an infinite number of troops……setting their waypoint and just cranking out the most production in the least amount of time over the least distance possible to overwhelm the enemy barracks/production.
I mean these are the people who thought it was a good idea to let 80 people rally off of 1 dead guy. Just look at three way fights today, and you’ll see the same mindset IS STILL engraved into the gameplay.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Broken makes right

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I think might makes right is absolutely ridiculous… in PvE. That much energy regen is nuts on a class that already has unreal amounts of passive survivability, and I doubt A-net is happy with turning power warriors into daredevil-lite.

k cool….we are almost ranger level kitten when it comes to being unkillable in pve now?

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Nerf AOE range in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


WvW actually has a name for the type of engagement that goes down when two zergs run into eachother: a pirate ship battle. This is largely due to the way you can throw out an AOE damage skill or spell at quite a long range, leading to people not wanting to get close to eachother due to having to run through a red field of AOE markers.

The difference between a ranged missile skill and an AOE is that there are counters to missile skills in the form of reflecting and blocking walls, however there is no such counter for an AOE skill.

It is in my personal opinion that WvW battles should be more close range focused than it is now, and there are two ways i can think of making this happen, by either:

-Nerfing all AOE ranges to be much lower in WvW

-Creating AOE cancellation skills and giving them to a class or spreading them over mulitiple classes

Hopefully either method will cause there to be less ranged potshotting.

I actually agree with this. I find it ridiculous a necro can cast aoe as far as my 1200 projectile shots and not be subject to any drawbacks. This aoe can go over cliffs and whatever…..its not impacted by terrain in any way, its like a homing missle that hits alot of people compared to single target projectile shots that are blocked by player skills, terrain, and everything inbetween.

If anything it makes sense to reshape aoe so it does something like:
-extreme high damage
-extreme short range ( 900 or something lesser )
-delay on the activation, so you can walk/dodge out of it before it goes off. I just don’t find it fair that these single attack aoe can condi me for 15k hp…and they have no projectile or anything midair for me to time my dodge. Its just the cast animation which is rly generic and you have no idea what they are using really. With a projectile shot like gunflame for example….you have the cast….AND you have the projectile. So you have 2 things to tell you when/how to dodge/block/counter. Aoe only really gives you a single thing. THe exception is stuff like ele meteor. I’d like all necro aoe to work like meteor…you see the giant circle….you have a chance to get out of it before you get hit.

Even single target necro attacks….most of them don’t have any projectile of any kind. Just a hand wave and immediately your toon is subject to 15k worth of bleed and chill.

In essence create a melee train. Are you going to make all classes heavy armor also? Those light armor classes can only take just so much toughness.

I think changing AoE damage, would lead to a complete proliferation of heavy classes. Drop the damage amount by maybe 10% and reduce CCs, but it’s not nearly as much of the pirate ship as you note.

Always that 1 person who uses utter nonsense to convince us things are fine as is…

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Explain Pips and Rewards like I'm an idiot

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


As REQUESTED, 5 year old explanation:

-REWARDS AND PIPS are the same thing. You start GETTING PIPS after you get a certain number of REWARDS.

-You get them by attacking and defending the coloured objectives on the MAP. Those circles are either blue/green red. You get MORE by attacking though.

-YOU lose rewards/pips by NOT attacking/defending frequently. YOu Will seee red stuff in the BAR just above your minimap when this HAPPENS. RED IS BAD.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

The stunfest has to stop

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Go warrior with rousing resilience then. You’ll have a seriously hard time dying to anything other than extreme focus fire if you put enough stun breakers into your build and enough condi clears.

I’d say run saffron bread, and you kno you probably should run it since even condi attacks do power damage. I feel like there needs to be a condition variant of saffron bread. That does 20% condi damage reduction when stunned, knocked…etc…


I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior Rifle and Longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


GW2 is a melee oriented game: with melee weapons we do at least 100% more dmg than on 1200 range ranged weapons and about 50% more than on 900 range weapons.
Can you find any other range weapon with 1200 range which can compare with melee weapons? I don’t think so, with exception of Ele’s Staff in Fire attunement, but you need to stay in melee anyway and it sucks for PvP as dmg weapon.
Anyway LB is probably the best as hybrid weapon, some mixture of power, crit and condi. As full condi is not that strong imo.

Wut? We playing the same game? There are no true melee weapons in this game anymore. Warrior and thief are the last holdouts, having some meta builds that are true melee. Everyone else’s ‘melee’ is some special particle they fling out of their weapon with 400-1200 range….I don’t consider that melee.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

create a new weapon but can't participate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Is it so they don’t have to deal with French as a language? Or is there some law in Quebec not related to the language thing that makes inhibits it?

I would guess that anything open to citizens of Quebec would mbe have to include a French translation along with the english.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Its time to migrate to Discord

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


i for one will not use discord for privacy reasons

I recommend that you remove your probably modern intel processor, and uninstall your copy of either windows or OSX. And you should probably unplug your router.

Oh, and never use your phone. In fact, you should probably avoid VOIP entirely, at least for another few years.

I recommend getting an old thinkpad, you know. One of the ones that has been fully reverse engineered. And running OpenBSD on it.

Oh, and by the way.

The TeamSpeak privacy policy isn’t the only privacy policy you agree to when using TeamSpeak.

The server host? You know, the third party server host?

The one that stores & transfers all your messages & VOIP communication?

Yeah. Every server you hop onto is a gamble as to whether or not they sell your information.

Have fun with that!

Just a case of choosing “maybe they are spying on me” vs “yes they are spying on me”. Most people would opt for the maybe scenario.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Time to make Fast Hands baseline for Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


ya but what does discipline really offer without fasthands in the mix?

It’s basically:
-remove immobilize with movement skills
-clear a condition on weapon swap
-always have enough adrenaline to f2.

I mean arms can replace the third thing there. sigils can replace the second thing there, or cleansing ire can, and removing immobilize is already glitchy and unreliable most of the time anyways so…..

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Are there unstated 'standards'?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Tag culture is completely messed up. Anyone who is doing ‘something’ that could use other people should be able to tag up and outline what they doing etc.

People see 1 tag as ideal though for the whole map cause of how numbers work in a fight. SOme people see the only tag role as fighting, and dismiss everything else has roamer work that shouldn’t include a tag EVER.

If you disagree with that tag on how to fight/do things, you have the option to make your own tag. But then you split the group in most cases (or people see it that way anyways)…and you risk putting the entire bl in danger, and other people can do the same vs your command making 3 tags or 4. Then once you have THAT many tags doing fights its pretty much a case of: you can’t tag if you don’t like either 3-4 of these tags cause you are definitely seen as trolling the bl despite your intentions. Plus it gives a bad commander an ‘out’ if they are losing every fight…they can just blame numbers and too many tag stealing their zerglings. Even if others tagged because the commander was doing such a bad job…..they can use that to make them look good and save face.

So you can’t tag, you can’t criticize or offer to help change things… can only go into outcast really and try to change bl.

And when you offer criticism no matter how constructive, tags and others may say something like “tag up or sh+tup”. At which point you can tag up but then nobody would follow you and would intentionally jeopardize your command and then they would complain how ineffective you are….repeating the cycle outlined above.

Plus most wvw players are inexperienced and have no idea about this tag culture. So they will often place all their failings on ‘someone’ higher than them. They don’t realize that tags are just normal players like themselves…..they hold them to a very high degree of scrutiny. The more inexperienced they are the more likely they are to blame the tag for their own failings on the bl whether the tag is there or not, whether they follow the tag or not, whether they are in the squad or ts or not. Many think tags are leaders of very large groups by default and don’t realize many have to snowball.

One time I tag on ebg on reset, then the next day im untagged and just roaming to get pips. So I tag for a tower on an enemy alpine bl, just to rally some greens to me without having to utter a word. I get this guy commenting while we take the tower without problem: “I would call you a scrub if I didn’t know how epic you were last night. Your a great tag though, That was a really great night!”. The reason he said that was I had no command, there was really noone in my squad, just a bunch of greens following me. What he saw was very few people and lack of coordination on any level, since I wasn’t on ts or giving commands in chat, and he saw my tag….in his mind he sees this as my fault.
I wanted to tell him off right then and there with something like “I don’t much care for the support of someone who doesn’t know anything, and would just as easily actively troll me”. This is how most zerglings are though… just gotta accept that without mass condemning them since you DO need their support to do certain things.
I can’t just give commands to random people who aren’t in squad as we take a paper tower that requires hardly any work to do, they would run away or get annoyed at me, or mute me.

Anyways if you want to tag without issue you need a large group of people that are on ts. People will NOT mess with you, and if they do you won’t have to lift a finger since everyone will label them as a troll for you. The larger you run, the more will follow you. The larger you run, the more cult members you will recruit. You can do the stupidest commanding ever and get away with it. Meanwhile that small group or solo tag doing stuff will be labelled an idiot and a noob for doing more work than your 50 man squad does. Most people THINK that the number of people in a squad is proportional to how good the commander is. “That many people wouldn’t follow them if they weren’t doing a good job”…..if you consider what I wrote above its just…..a headache of oxymoron logic. Thankfully the game is setup so if you have everyone on the map following you close enough you can be as incompetent as possible and still enjoy success…..or if you consider the big picture its more so ‘unfortunately’ since it sticks us in this cycle of self hate.

Its the same reason why people always trashtalk the enemy the same exact way regardless of your bl…..its just tiring. Wvsw players are generally not smart people. So tag accordingly if you want their respect.

I see all the above as reasons why wvswers are full of such unconditional hatred. Plus even if they do a good job or better job than you commanding….you actively look for even the smallest mistakes that you wouldn’t have made, aka you get jealous, so its really a no win situation when it comes to generating this ‘unconditional hatred’.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Health Pool - It's far too low

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


This is a learn to play issue.

So I will give you some advice to help you learn to play through this issue:
1. Choose your class wisely, necro is just a large hp pool….it is exactly the problem you describe here. Whereas something like warrior offers you this “IMMUNITY” you seem to think doesn’t exist….it can be 50 vs 1 and the warrior has access to 2x endure pains (9s ttl when traited), berserker stance for 9s resistance distributed as 3s pulses 3x, you also get defiant stance which is a heal on hit….so this offers even a set immunity for even the worst condi boonstrip bombings.

2. use food. I shouldn’t even have to say it at this point. If you are angry at something related to fighting in wvsw and you don’t use food…..just what are you doing?
Dmg reduction food is the most blatantly powerful food ingame stat-wise, and anet gives it nothing but love and support while nerfing everything else.

3. dodge. use sigil of energy. dodge. it offers full immunity from dmg 2× won’t find something like this just blatantly provided to all classses by default in many games.

4. be map aware. there’s no way a zerg of 50 will just appear out of nowhere ontop of you if you are paying attention to where you are and whats around you.

5. you have downed state, learn to take advantage of this.

6. be aware of how the game works….anything goes in a fight, and numbers determine most outcomes. So choose a build that allows you to pick where and when the fight will be in your favour, and allows you to withdraw otherwise.

7. Be VERY aware that the reason you are able to mow through a group of 20, regardless of how well they are playing, with a group of 50, without even trying, is because of target caps. Infact its kinda hilarious your whole post is about getting ‘1shotted’ by any number of players, and your solution is to increase something like your hp. I mean what if you could 1 shot 50 people who were trying to 1 shot you? How would that change things do you think? Instead you just want to be able to kite/survive longer without sacrificing your damage/utility. You ever kinda wonder what you propose would do to the gameplay of wvsw? What would increasing everyone’s health pools DO to the game do you think….can you honestly say there is more positive than negative to be had if its implemented into the current gamemode (cause i definitely can’t….)?

8. you even got invulnerability when you get put into downed state…..I mean cmon.

9. Numbers…..bring more to a fight, you will tank exponentially higher just by having more people around you due to how downed state functions.

If you want more, just ask. I can give you my trailblazer warrior build….and you will never die to anything less than 4+ medium skilled fighers, or 2+ highly skilled fighters. Why do I not run my trailbalzer warrior build you ask? Cause it is the most boring thing ever to play, you can’t get anyhting done cause you kill so slowly. And the longer you sit there fighting the more likely more enemies will come and you just get swarmed. You can 1vs1 a pro burst thief indefinitely without either of you dying……its just ridiculous.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Latest Relinking 8-25

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I don’t get it. What are you asking for? What are you raising awareness for? You are simply telling us a story, with a rather easy to see solution, as far as I can tell.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Disabling Public Tactivation -Bugs

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


And by bugs I mean “working as intended”.

You need to fix this. YOur ideas of putting it back to public after anyone in THE GUILD LEAVES THE MAPPP OR SWAPS THEIR REP is so ridiculously flawed.


Will this mean sometimes tactics are disabled and not used? YES, AS IT IS INTENDED TO BE! If you claim something and disabled the tactics you should BE GIVEN ABSOLUTELY CONTROL OVER THEM. THAT MEANS ONLY YOU CAN ENABLE/DISABLE. If you choose not to ENABLE, ITS YOUR CHOICE.

Every second your on the map the claim could switch itself back to public for whateverr reason outside of your guild’s control. And every second it is enabled is a second some1 takes advantage of TO PULLL EVERYTHING.

There are DOZENS if not HUNdreds OF WAYS you could have set this up to re-enable public tactication when some1 isn’t there to manage it. And what do you do? You choose the method that is the absolute WORST OF THE BUNCH. It creates a scenario where only true trolls come out the winners. Kinda like your lfg system….oh who am I kidding, its exactly like your lfg system.

Noone who actually CARES about the mode wants you to keep adding in poorly thoughout reward systems, and then proceed to spend the next 6 months fixing those reward systems.

FIX THE KITTEN GAMEPLAY! Its like recreating the Titanic over and over and sending it into another glacier, but each time adding something like a bouncy ball pit at the top so people have something stupid to spend their last moments in as they sink to the bottom of the ocean!

All I ask is that you start building us some lifeboats.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Gunflame interrupts = no crit

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


You know what? I’ll just say it.

YOU DON’T CRIT AT ALL WHEN YOU INTERRUPT WITH GUNFLAME! The exception is if you have precision mastery or 100% crit rate via some other method like precision.

This is obviously a bug and need to be fixed.

ALSO hitting multi targets with ur gunflame leads to DR on the second and third targets hit! Its supposed to do the same amount of damage!! You seriously gonna tell me the guy I had targetted had INSANELY weaker damage reduction that the other two EVERYTIME? And that the other 2 had some kind of damage reduction exceeding everything I have seen ingame to date when I 1v1 gunflame?!?!??

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

WvW Dueling is an issue, here's a solution!

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


“WvW Dueling is an issue” – wut?

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior Hammer: Backbreaker

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


The auto attack chain already does 30% more damage than the great sword’s.

srsly? that’s messed up. Is that taking into account dps though? isn’t hammer aa slower? idk

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Remove unwanted players from server

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


@OP: Maybe think it through before you make such postings? This can’t possibly ever be implemented into a game like this….I’m hardpressed to think of any game this would be a thing. Do you realize why though? Just think it through on your own and I’m sure you’ll come to one of the many jarring reasons this is not viable.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Toughness as counterweight to ferocity.

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Putting your point aside tho: There is one JaRRRING problem with this.

Name me the armour/gear types that have ferocity in them atm!

ITs assasin’s and zerker’s pretty much, in addition to valkyre, marauder, and crusader. And what do assasins and zerkers both of those have in common? They are allllll power damage stats, because power damage requires 3 stats to get good numbers in most cases. There are already many ways to counter pure raw damage in the game, so much so that we are in a tank meta….an indisputable tank meta. What you are proposing is adding ANOTHER nerf to these gearsets. I mean you have to add something in to balance the system a bit…its already lopsided towards tank meta….and those meta builds run toughness/vitality in them relying on just straight power or condi as the damage. Some run just vitality cause of the condi meta with their dire/trailblazer stats. Many would swap to toughness though as soon as an opportunity to take advantage of it comes into prominence….they are switchable back and forth really without much build change.

Can’t just nerf a power user’s stats more……not when we are in a tank meta where tank > damage. And not when people are already using those tank builds….like lol, why make tanks more powerful?!?!?!? It creates even more reason to go dire/trailblazer and rely on boonstrips and cc bombs to melt sections of the enemy.

You have to consider how underpowered and awkward ferocity is atm compared to all other stats ingame. It relies on precision to even function, and its less powerful than power is regardless of your crit rate values……up until a point of around 3300 power, at which point it becomes equal to power and starts to surpass it.

We would need some serious ferocity buff to implement what you are proposing. Infact it would make sense to buff ferocity and then counter it via something as you described with toughness.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Add: Cancel move for gs5 + gs3

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Both these comments just generate a “wut?”

1. Swapping weapons is kinda a big deal. And it has a cooldown of 5-10 seconds incombat. There should be another way….thus this thread. What if stowing weapons didn’t cancel attacks? Would you be all like “well swapping weapons cancels attacks so its fine”? Cause that’s what you’re saying if this is intended as an actual counterargument.

2. You can’t see what cancelling the skills brings….?…..Well for one it would make me not drive myself off a cliff after my target randomly decides to commit suicide. for 2, it would allow you to end a lunge early to, you know, NOT go straight into a trap or aoe deathstorm. for 3, it would prevent me from accidently hitting the wrong key or targetting the wrong thing and lunging backwards into a giant zerg with no way of correcting the mistake since my weapon swap cd is 10 whole seconds… it is for all untraited warriors. I meannnn even if the weapon swap cd was instant I would sitll advocate for a cancel key, cause having to swap back and forth weapons just to cancel is a bit stupid when you got somehting like stow weapon alrdy there inplace functioning as a cancel for non-movement based attacks.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Tried of full que - open eotm for pve

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Just you kno…throwing it out there: But CD completely threw last week’s matchup so we wouldn’t have to play against mag. Like 1st place for half the week then we threw and were 3rd place in the very end….even got sos to 2nd haha.

Matchups have never been closer than what I’ve seen in the 1up1down phase. Like amazingly close matchups! And consistently close for good periods of time!

Problem is apples like mag aren’t playing according to anet’s plan. And anet refuses to change their plan for a couple servers….sooooo were stuck in a cycle where its better to end the week with the third place warscore. The ability to do so as well isn’t damaging to you at alll! That’s because the main source of points is your upgraded stuff….so papering it allows it to flip more and generates more loot/rewards for you. So something inherently good like more points for stuff you upgrade/hold…is actually compounding the problems found elsewhere in the game. Stuff like that keeps going on and on.

So we messed up the system and are stuck in an otherwise easy matchup, 1up1down can’t be blamed for this. If we hadn’t have actively undermining the system we’d be fighting some1 who …actively undermines the system lol.

….choo chooooo!

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Ranged roaming class

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Trying to remember the last time I saw a solo roaming dh…its like seeing a cooked turkey running around with the fork and knife alrdy on its head.

Sooooooo…..go Hammer rev? o.O

I mean, don’t do gunflame…that’s a dumb idea. Everyone else was sane enough not to even mention it. It’s just such a bad idea, sry for mentioning it.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Add: Cancel move for gs5 + gs3

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Would be very useful to add things like this. Allow for greater skill floor on an already versatile weapon (gs).

I love my greatsword. Let me love it even more plz. This is a no brainer. Warriors needs more moves in a fight. Stuff like this let them break up their otherwise predictable movements.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Rifle Spellbreakers a thing?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Ughhh save urself the trouble and don’t bother. I tried running vanilla gunblame with the recent buffs/nerfs and it was pretty horrible. The damage IS there no doubt about that. But relying on killshot isn’t practical at all. 1. its slow and it makes you a huge target. 2. its very hard to land on a moving target since u are stationary and the projectile isn’t fast so it often parabola’s wrong and misses. 3. there are so many blocks that you have to time it with ur unblockable….and considering how often ur likely to miss its hard not to waste ur unblockable. 4. you will feel the need to land the burst on anything so long as it grants the 21% dmg increase…..making the whole idea of killshot laughable.

I dont find Killshot laughable, and neither do the many peeps I have stomped who did not respect the rifle. Both my Core Axe/Axe-Rifle main, and a second Core warrior who is built around Rifle specifically (Rifle-Sword/Shield) do well enough for me not to drop it outright.

Killshot becomes much stronger when you use the rest of the rifle, and especially your 2nd weapon set and get good setups.

Some of my best killshots are on thiefs too.

wuts ur builds? rather curious. lack of chase on axe/axe rifle, so im guessing pvp mode build? bulls charge in there too? might be funny.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

disable gliding in combat

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Yes. Gliding in combats needs to be removed. It’s really hurting the mode….

alrdy many threads that debated this. go read whats on them. the verdict was that it should remain as is. I still maintain that other things need to be adapted tho.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Tried of full que - open eotm for pve

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Those who are destined to be perma-linked have to go through at least a trilogy of romance novels together.

Fighting together, fighting against eachother, and once again fighting together.

That third installment is on hiatus still though. The author simply REFUSES to tone down the erotic content that is bound to take place!

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Still need repeatable diamond tickets

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


You get srs DR atm with redoing Diamond chests. U chests r down to 1, u dont get no coins, u dont get no bundles, u dont get no tickets. If you could redo it from the start of wood it would be fine, even without the tickets included 2nd time round..

But atm you redo diamond and they get what you actually get each slot from ur first time round (<- words make no sense). You got more tickets in diamond because you had to fill more pip slots in diamond than any other one. Without the tickets there currently is no reward there that justifies 50 pips per slot or whatever it is for diamond

Tl:DR if you are very high wvsw rank and you are on a competent server…you will max ur tickets over the weekend, and be stuck with much much much lesser rewards than anyone else who is playing if you continue during the weekdays.
Seems fair.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Tried of full que - open eotm for pve

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Trying to figure out if Cerby is trying to make a late joke/troll about CD+links is bigger than BG.

Don’t hijack my srs problems with your srs memes.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Tried of full que - open eotm for pve

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


If the solution is to transfer….

…then I have to pay to play don’t I?


I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Rifle Spellbreakers a thing?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Ughhh save urself the trouble and don’t bother. I tried running vanilla gunblame with the recent buffs/nerfs and it was pretty horrible. The damage IS there no doubt about that. But relying on killshot isn’t practical at all. 1. its slow and it makes you a huge target. 2. its very hard to land on a moving target since u are stationary and the projectile isn’t fast so it often parabola’s wrong and misses. 3. there are so many blocks that you have to time it with ur unblockable….and considering how often ur likely to miss its hard not to waste ur unblockable. 4. you will feel the need to land the burst on anything so long as it grants the 21% dmg increase…..making the whole idea of killshot laughable.

Full glass gunflame isn’t what ur gonna be using with spellbreaker rifle though…..ur gonna be a more tanky kinda role. But as a more tanky role why would you want to bother landing killshots that do 5k max damage? Rather pointless even if you get them to pierce through multiple foes. Better to get a fire field going and all that with power bow.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Revolutionary idea

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Honestly its alot more doable with territories in place. Easy to apply buffs based on numbers within the territory.

Tossing around some stats here and there is fine, but I don’t support substantial increases Presence of the keep is the extreme case already in existence.

Buffs should stick to utility, like making it easier to finish downed players….or preventing enemies from heal botting their dead.

Waiting for a chilling fog that is poison instead of chill tbh.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

offensive build vs defensive build

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Game balance sucks. Until they make defensive builds do more damage than offensive ones it will continue to suck. This is why I hate the game. K thxs. KITTENSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS make money.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Tried of full que - open eotm for pve

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Give pips to eotm. Give pve players a mode where they can do dedicated pip farming. relieve the QUE ON EVERY FRIGGIN MAP problem at primetime. K THXS.

Or if you wanan be real jerks about it with the sob story of how your world will die (well mbe it deserves to die then, u ever think of that?)….well then just add pips to eotm during primetime..okay? OKAY.

Problem solved. I won’t have to play forum wars 2 anymore. k thxs.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Feedback on Beta Specializations

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


It’s funny seeing history repeat itself. Everyone’s saying their main profession’s elite is terrible, just like the first HoT beta weekend. I guess if there’s another one of these weekends the devs will probably buff everything across the board. Then we’ll have a year or two of whining about the PoF power creep.

Pretty much.

ENGINEERS been pretty quiet though …hehe

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

After two demo weekends what do we think?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


POF doesn’t interest me at all I’ve decided.

1. played the pve demo. Story was very disappointing and bland with the exception of the first 10 seconds where i got to jump off a flying ship and be all gun hoe about stuff. Its gonna be an on the rails “#NOTMYGOD” emulator using pve we’ve done over and over and over again…I hate the story, I hate my main character’s stance on balthazar, I hate how everything is closed instance on rails and nothing I do matters….why can’t I make decisions ingame that affect my story?!?!?
The pve is dated, nothing has changed since 2012 really. Gw2 was amazing….truly amazing when it launched. BUT ITS BEEEEN 5 YEARRRRRS. The cracks have shown! Let’s innovate a little better here….okay? Or at least copy the competition so you offer the same amount of immersion! Feels like i’ve gone from playing gw2 to gw1 again….amazing looking environments that I got nothing interesting to do in or interact with.

2. WvsW/pvp beta. Was exited for deadeye thought I would change from gunflame to it. Rather disappointed, its not for me and it relies on cheap gimmicks like instant unblockable stuns ontop of basilisk….and more stealth kitten…just not fun to play or to fight. Scourge I didn’t like for wvsw since its method of tanking is HP rather than dodges/invulnerabilities….and that is bad for some1 who likes to do everything in wvsw on their own. portal also disappointing i thought. Spellbreaker was completely disappointing as well, but whatever it just doesn’t appeal to my playstyle….its FINE i guesss. I thought the ultimate would be OP, mbe it won’t tho since unblockables penetrate it fine….honestly I can’t even see if being used en masse in wvsw, just cause of how bland the class is to play lol.
Now, holo RANGER!! GO GO HOLO RANGERRRRRS! Holo ranger is what warrior shoulda gotten, its flippin sweet! I could see myself spending 1/4 of the PoF cost just for this guy. I’d buy it individually if i could.

So I did both the things that it offers. ANd both were nada. So would anyone in their right mind go out and buy it on those merits? nope! I feel no need or desire to buy PoF. My existing builds work in wvsw fine against the new classes so far. So hopefully this will be nowhere near as painful as playing vanilla in hot wvsw.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Our elite specs are lame compared to core

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


9 adrenaline bar for a mega burst……ummm ok. You realize the problems with that tho right? It can’t do more damage than the best burst does currently….cause this game doesn’t officially support 1 shot abilities. So the act of putting in 3x as much adrenaline……it has to yield something 3x as good, but it can’t be more powerful damage wise….mmmkay. So that leaves 2 options: 1. utility, 2. we just increase the amount of adrenaline you get by 3x and make using lesser adrenaline strikes some new kinda mechanics (mbe melee kicks/headbutts whatever use x many strikes).

OK im bored.

Anyways the full counter provides an evade window when you counterattack. So just think of it as an extra dodge really.

You absorb……dodge…..daze (300 radius 5 targets unblockable).

Honestly I’m sickened by the amount of unblockable dazes and stuns being tossed around. It completely kills counterplay and makes a bland meta where everyone either uses stability or they become a deer caught in the headlights.

Anyways ur just a ‘might makes right’ kinda vanilla warrior when you take spellbreaker. You tank alot, and your bonus is that your utility skills allow some better groupplay abilities.

You gotta admit we were the class that lacked the most when it came to group stuffs. This seeks to remedy it in a rather boring tasteless fashion, BUT THATS JUST MY OPINION. I got nothing but love and support for the people who do like spellbreaker, you have the right to love it!

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Gunflame interrupts = no crit

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Whenever a gunflame interrupts it hardly ever crits regardless of your crit rate. You will get some crits 95% and over crit rate, but they seem to affect the ferocity/power scaling as they are wimpy everytime.

If you use precision mastery though there isn’t a problem, I don’t seem to get any interrupts at all when I use it but w/e.

Now ur probably thinking im an idiot and its just chance. ITS NOT. Test it urself in wvsw. There is something overwriting ur crit and dmg values. Its almost like u get weakness applied to ur attack.

I’ve never had a full dmg gunflame that interrupted. NEVER
Reposting cause its annoying me to no end atm.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

why are both legendary maces so lacklustre

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Are you kidding me? Who the heck wouldn’t want an Entropy, or whatever its called, version for the weapons they use? I’d jump at the chance for a rifle like that. Or a greatsword like that.

In terms of disco ball….it is what it is. At least its not as expensive as the hot ones… want a more expensive boat rifle? Mace is in a good place atm by comparison.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Emergency waypoint fails to load

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


New guild upgrade: Za Waruldo

Upon pulling, an ewp spawns and applies za waruldo, creating a timestop across the entire map for 30 seconds. Players from all maps have 30 seconds from which to use the ewp.

The map ques all incoming players who clicked the ewp. After the initial 30 seconds is over, time will move again. During the NEXT 30 seconds players will start to spawn ontop of the ewp according to when they clicked the ewp over the first 30 second interval.

i.e. I’m on ebg and I click the ewp about 20 seconds after it spawns. I spawn 20 seconds AFTER Za Waruldo has ended. So it gives me 30 seconds (10+20) to load the map after clicking the ewp, where 10 of those seconds nothing on the map is moving….allowing for faster load times.

i.e. I’m on the map the ewp is pulled. Time stops, I immediately click the ewp. After 30 seconds of starting at myself I spawn ontop of the ewp and time moves again. Over the next 30 seconds people will spawn there as well.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Is WvW really only about numbers?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


WvsW is about, mbe, 80 vs 80 vs 80. At such high numbers, the more you focus ur personnel in a specific spot the more you win.

You’re not wrong but you’re not right either becaused you missed an important part – the more you focus your personel at the relevant time.

This is strategy, as opposed to tactics. Ceasar got it right.

To simplify the point, if two groups of 80v80 are fighting for 30 minutes across the other side of the map, the third side running with an 80 man squad is a complete waste of resources. They could run as three 25 man groups and dominate the map in 30 minutes. Can each group beat an 80 man? Unlikely if not impossible. Thats why when the 80 man come to cap a tower, all three groups form up to equal the enemy.

Unfortunetly much too complicated to pull off in WvW most of the time as people cant think further than they can throw their commander, but hey sometimes it happens and when it does, its not just about zerging.

I addressed that already. read the entire postings.
‘Win’ is based on entire ppk and ppt stats combined. Its not a subjective pick and choose. You win the game through both, because warscore is based on both.

Read my full postings before you nitpick at them.
“You’re not wrong but you’re not right either” – you describe yourself very well.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Warrior Vengence (Down 3) should be replaced

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Hard fact: You’d survive more times when downed with a normal skill replacing it.

Sure, 1/10 times it will provide an amazing one of a kind way to save you, maybe even in a 1-sided manner. But those other 9 times…
if a warrior is downed, u can start ur flagplant….he can stun you. Then you have enough time +2-3 seconds extra to restart and complete the flagplant before vengeance is even usable. And when its usable it has a cast time as well that sometimes gets u killed before it activates.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Why testing on live servers ?

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Woulda made more sense to do it on closed servers, like they did last week. Easy to monitor. Easy to gather data. Easy to streamline the experience to players don’t have to kitten around to do what they wanna test out.

They coulda just hosted a dozen ebg maps and gone from there. Or even easier….use eotm to do it lOL.

Srsly poor eotm….anet given it the cold shoulder so hard lately. Won’t be surprised when its removed completely, the groundwork is layed.

So enjoy your crashing everyone….lol

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

spellbreaker longbow burst

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


That is just hilarious. ahhahah. They can pucker around in their little fire puddle tilll they tire themselves out

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Spellbreaker feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069



Here’s the preliminary feedback for evening 1 of the demo weekend.

Spellbreaker is bland, boring, low mobility, low sustain and low damage spec.
All it can really do is remove boons, but that doesn’t stop the train of damage comming your way.
I am terribly disappointed. Especially when I looked to other specs like Deadeye.

Thank you ArenaNet for allowing us to have this demo weekend that way we can know weather to buy the expansion or not. And it’s the later for me.

LOL! Awww man. You actually cause a metaphorical tear to fall from eye with the contrast from ur OP. Felt like seeing a kid see his hero irl for the first time, and getting kittened on with every conceivable reality of the world.

I’d give you a hug if I could. I’d even put on a fluffy furry costume and give you a hug if it would help

Life leets you done sometimes, huh.

Holosmith srsly was swwwwwwweeeeeet tho when i tried it. It sucks we gotta relearn an entire new class and synergy but….its an option (so long as we get past the adventure box theme)!

why are you provoking other people?

I’m not? Why are you misinterpreting things in such a negative way?
Are you trying to provoke me? I srsly would feel inclined to give him/her a hug if I could…..the contrast and disappointment I felt between their posts really made me feel bad for them.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

If not spellbreaker, what class should try?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


SO before the beta ends, what class should I invest some srs time in trying out?

-I liked using power warrior in pve, although I could get by with condi warrior (and its what I use for all pve now…vipers bow/sword-torch) I get upset with the slow tick rates sometimes. So I’d want fast tick rates if I was fighting another player. I shelved my amazing trailblazer impossible to die build just cause how bored it made me, dragging fights on indefinitely sometimes.
-I play wvsw mostly. I use a gunflame, formerly vanilla melee warrior, I do/did everything withh my builds from solo roam to command to small group play. So I like having a build that is roamer competent and doesn’t rely on a zerg or whatever, and can contribute to a zerg to some degree as well as a standout kinda member (sniping enemy commanders works atm). I want to be able to do everything on the map by myself basically, while still being a standout attraction in a group fight (achieveable by subbing in defense traitline for pve lords atm).

main problem with spellbreaker as you can see is its support spec’d, and I dont want that. I like doing things on my own.

I spent sometime with deadeye……hard for me to get into. Sometime with the necro one…..i don’t like this shield thing being my sole defense mechanism, i think dodges are better than it for wvsw.
Holosmith looked flippin amazing. Gonna be hard to learn though, and the animations and zony look of it isn’t necessarily appealing to me.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Spellbreaker feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069



Here’s the preliminary feedback for evening 1 of the demo weekend.

Spellbreaker is bland, boring, low mobility, low sustain and low damage spec.
All it can really do is remove boons, but that doesn’t stop the train of damage comming your way.
I am terribly disappointed. Especially when I looked to other specs like Deadeye.

Thank you ArenaNet for allowing us to have this demo weekend that way we can know weather to buy the expansion or not. And it’s the later for me.

LOL! Awww man. You actually cause a metaphorical tear to fall from eye with the contrast from ur OP. Felt like seeing a kid see his hero irl for the first time, and getting kittened on with every conceivable reality of the world.

I’d give you a hug if I could. I’d even put on a fluffy furry costume and give you a hug if it would help

Life leets you done sometimes, huh.

Holosmith srsly was swwwwwwweeeeeet tho when i tried it. It sucks we gotta relearn an entire new class and synergy but….its an option (so long as we get past the adventure box theme)!

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Spellbreaker.. Cheapest/boring elite?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


It doesn’t appeal to me specifically. Its a support spec…no denying that. Its like being the healer in a party or something. I mean the auto attack is only for 2 targets….and ur gonna be using this attack alot if you use the dagger/dagger. So its not made for my style of gameplay, fair enough. I found the damage to be fine, its a good middle ground for what it does do as a spec…so im fine with it as is, can be rather powerful.
I like the heal it gives, I think its great since it clears all your conditions and gives a sizeable heal buff (unlike mending). And having a complete condition clear is something the new spec really needs from my gametime….so its a good heal where I’m standing.

My complaints:
-very little chase ability…..that 2 ability honestly seems half as effective as sword 2 is when it comes to catching enemies. And that’s it! That’s all you got with the exception of the new utility skill that grants 5s superspeed and 5s resisitance (which might i add has a rather long cd on it), which honestly seems pretty necessary if you yourself are doing the chasing. dagger dagger….all the attacks (1-5 + f1) are very short ranged, making it seems more like a support brawler you take in a pub fight. whereas the utility/cast skills are more aoe like in nature, just I want my warrior with his weapons to be cleaving multiple people in half with a huge sword is all (berserk style) lol not casting magic to do so.
(edit I forgot to try the tether thing, so I guess that will fix my problems)
-dagger dagger animations don’t feel warrior like….I feel like a magic caster who rides a camel around.
-The skills very much mimick existing skills in the game, as people have alrdy mentioned (very disgusting imo). dagger is just thief ripoff….infact entire spec feels like a thief minus the stealth, dodges, and high dmg lol.
-the ELITE skill is STUPIDLy op. It says that projectiles entering are destroyed… should say “all projectiles in the aoe are destroyed”. There is no counterplay against this skill. YOu fight back using melee/aoe or you are in real trouble. Its ‘only’ 10 targets people say. Well its literally a HUGE guardian bubble that will negate 80 players projectile attacks……which is NOT something we need more of, especially not on THIS HUGE SCALE. It needs to be changed to projectiles can be fired from inside of it (as it should based on what the tooltip says already. This ability needs to have counterplay! its that simple!
-f2 is just….boring. I get the idea, and appreciate the style of it, just it doesnt really trench itself in counterplay as well as it should. It’ll help you flagstomp with that stability/block and has other uses like that….but it needs something else ontop of all that. I don’t see it doing much in the other weapon. I can’t see anyone taking this spec without the dagger/dagger in one weapon slot, and I can’t see anyone taking rifle either with this.
-berserker seems to be geared exclusively for our condi warriors now. There is no condi synergy to be found on our new spec, its for power warriors clear and simple.

So I won’t be using the spec….clear as day I won’t be using. Will be a great blob build for wvsw no doubt! I can see people just spamming 1, 5, and all their utility skills as they mow people down. But that bores the kitten out of me.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Damage question

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


their tremors hit as hard as a gunflame will, one of them hit my warrior for 16k,

so dodge dodge dodge!

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

WvW Servers seem to need upgrading

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


A simply solution would be to slow down server time (which happens actually, but far too late)
Eve online does it as well, if massive fights break out.

It would mean fighting in slow-motion, but since the servers then have more time to compute all player-actions, it would be way more responsive.

This seems very reasonable. Would be like erecting a dome over smc (if hundreds of players) and slowing the player speeds when they cross into it.

This is a good idea, would save everyone alot of heartache.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

WvW Servers seem to need upgrading

in WvW

Posted by: Cerby.1069


have to pound on my keys, over and over, everynight in smc now just to get them to register. ridiculous. Literally as you walk through outer… starts…..then you move through inner and ur in the thick of the problem.

they dont have a way to que up commands (can que one future skill max but only DEPENDING on what the previous skill is….just stupid)….so everyhting just erases itself. its like in many fps games where they erase ur bullets as soon as you die….its just a horrible system.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]