I’m not happy the update isn’t out either, but kitten happens. A storm happened. They can’t do anything about that. Stop being crybabys and shut up. You’re all pathetic.
They can tell us in a timely manner. It’s simple.
Would you do this to your friends? No. ‘Hey lets meet at 6’, and then you just dont show up and dont tell them until 2am
And even say ‘i basically knew this since yesterday, but I didnt tell you. Also idek whether Ill make it until tomorrow.’
Was it that hard to say this earlier? You’ve really wasted so much of peoples time and energy by not saying this earlier.
You should have said this before!!!
Maybe you should’ve made this statement about 4h ago ,speaking as an EU player
all of you should re-think what you saying…. for kitty sake… make a game…. try to make it stable for world wide , realese patches every 2 months with content… and then complain….
Your Kitty saltiness is boring… whiners and cry baby all over forum because patch didnt go live today… end of the kitty world… be happy that servers are still running and u can play the game.
No, first of all the information was out there already, but anet worked in “good hope” and us without information having many people waiting for hours, and taking a day off tomorow (more like today now), while not having any idea themselves if they can even make it at all. They should have just set the release date to friday since they can be sure to release it there, and tell us so in a timely manner. The way this was handled is extremely unprofessional.
Edit: As it stands now they wanna repeat this charade tomorow as well….
Just set it to friday, or next week even.Well its ppl problem that they took the day off tomorro(today) and patch isnt live. Accident happend. You can`t do anything againts the weather. oh maybe if u a wizard and u can call the sun sure why not do that …
They knew it happend and hoped that they’d fix it in time. They should have told us that it went rip and that they simply can’t fix it in time and delay the release. That would have been the correct move. Simply hoping that they get something done which apparently take more than 2 days, working fulltime is simply wrong.
Was it that hard to say this earlier? You’ve really wasted so much of peoples time and energy by not saying this earlier.
You should have said this before!!!
Maybe you should’ve made this statement about 4h ago ,speaking as an EU player
all of you should re-think what you saying…. for kitty sake… make a game…. try to make it stable for world wide , realese patches every 2 months with content… and then complain….
Your Kitty saltiness is boring… whiners and cry baby all over forum because patch didnt go live today… end of the kitty world… be happy that servers are still running and u can play the game.
Mike’s post implies the problem was pretty dang severe but all messages were things like “just a little bit later than usual” or implying it was always just around the corner, that’s why many players, especially EU players have a legitimate gripe here.
I`m EU player and i dont see the problem… yes patch is delayed… but what? should i cry and DEMAND like other to know where its on?… its on when its ready… I kitty hope its gonna be delayed for next week… it their stupidity and high demanding that make them like that…
Yes if you don’t get the problem with open and vague statements that’s your own issue. And don’t worry a good chunk of people would have prefered a guarnateed release next way to this here.
Was it that hard to say this earlier? You’ve really wasted so much of peoples time and energy by not saying this earlier.
You should have said this before!!!
Maybe you should’ve made this statement about 4h ago ,speaking as an EU player
all of you should re-think what you saying…. for kitty sake… make a game…. try to make it stable for world wide , realese patches every 2 months with content… and then complain….
Your Kitty saltiness is boring… whiners and cry baby all over forum because patch didnt go live today… end of the kitty world… be happy that servers are still running and u can play the game.
No, first of all the information was out there already, but anet worked in “good hope” and us without information having many people waiting for hours, and taking a day off tomorow (more like today now), while not having any idea themselves if they can even make it at all. They should have just set the release date to friday since they can be sure to release it there, and tell us so in a timely manner. The way this was handled is extremely unprofessional.
Edit: As it stands now they wanna repeat this charade tomorow as well….
Just set it to friday, or next week even.
It’s terrible in open world, but it’s eye killing in raids. The birds take over like 30% of your screen, and even cast wierd shadows on stuff like markers. It was a finde legendary, why did did have to happen?
I beg you, end this suffering T_T.
Shadow shot is a dual skill, the skill that changes depending on the weapons equipped. They tend to incorporate both weapons. So for me when I use it, quip fires my incinerator.
Which makes no sense visually, and even then the muzzle effect should go off anyway.
Yes I do get how it works, but it doesn’t mean that it’s how it should work.
Having the normal projectile coming out of HOPE is simply HOPEless.
Hey, there isn’t a single effect of HOPE on Shadowshot, not even the muzzle effect all other skills have. Please add that to it.
And maybe to the downskill #1 too? It’s nice on engi but would also be pretty nice on thief.
Have nice day.
The day has come, the best part of Mystic Builds has finally arrived!
The ultimate showcase of Skill and RNG, which one of these traits are more important to reign over 100% competitive and certainly unrigged E-Sports?
Today we will find an answer to this ancient question!
Grand Final – Structure
Participants in the Grand Final will be given a link to a page to draft a build, this is to reduce randomness to more reasonable levels as there is more at stake!
The draft system operates in this order:
Specialisation 1
Specialisation 2
Specialisation 3
Major Trait 1
Major Trait 2
Major Trait 3
Major Trait 4
Major Trait 5
Major Trait 6
Major Trait 7
Major Trait 8
Major Trait 9
Utility 1
Utility 2
Utility 3
Weapon set 1
Weapon set 2
(Ranger Pet 1)
(Ranger Pet 2)
At each stage three random possibilities will be offered from each category. Traits are not selected in any particular order, and options are not guaranteed to be from the same specialisation or category.
For exceptions such as Revenants choosing legends or Elementalists and Engineers only having one weapon set the order is identical but with appropriate amendments. (Revenants get random legends – this is due to the inherent favourability of not having to pick utilities but instead a single archetype of abilities)
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/mightyteapot
Up to date Schedule: http://mysticbuilds.com/#schedule
Oh I do but they need to lessen visual noise adding it makes it worse, best change in the game was making standard models in unranked
Just add options, it’s never bad to add them. Also it’s harldy worse compared to what’s allready possible in pvp, so that argument is moot.
#MakePvPFashionWarsAgain !! I agree lets shine bright like a diamond in PVP as much as we do in PVE! I 1+ this.
Indeed, you truly understand how important these aspects are in psychology and therefore in winning the battle!
Legendaries work, so do aura shoulder pieces and glowy armors. There is no reason that infusions don’t.
Please enable it, seeing as gw2 is cosmetic driven.
(On that same note please disable forced team colors in pvp too.)
In spectator mode are not a good thing, they are a pretty terrible thing. This game revolves around cosmetic progression and this just destroys it. It was an option back then , why not anymore?
Sure the people who use the spectator mode are few, but I can certainly speak for MysticBuilds that this change certainly takes away from our experience greatly since the outfits and such was a very important part of it all.
Please just reenable the choice.
And reincrease the radius tbh. At least on trait, since the might was removed anyway.
Today is the day of the Grand Final!
This one uses the draft (pick one out of three) system.
While the participants of the tournament have the chance to win gems and true glory,
this time the viewers will be able to participate in a Precursor giveaway.
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/mightyteapot (20:00 CEST)
Never got passed the first round
And that’s the beauty of rng, you might win the next time just because of your totally not rigged build!
Anyway in about 19 hours ~1.5h from now (20:00 CEST) the Revenant MysticBuilds 1v1 Tournament will be held!
The webpage is finally fixed again!
Edit: For some reason I actually failed to mention it, but we are actually on EU.
NA players can join (though not today) with f2p accounts since winning with non Elite Specs isn’t that unusual here. And the prices are transferable to your main account!
(edited by Cyhann.2609)
Oh you can get back there? How so?
Cyhann!!!! I watch every week. Say hi to Teapot and Jernert.
The message was delivered dear viewbot!
I want to sign up, it sounds really awesome. It says the website is down though
Might just be the time I am trying to get to it, or it might be client side.
There where some issues with the DNS servers, and it seems to take a while to be completely updated in every region. Try tomorrow again, and if it doesn’t work just tell me or Teapot in time so we can figure something out. We could just make one for you and give you the build over stream or something along these lines. Once it’s fixed the webpage should be online 24/7 anywhere though.
MysticBuilds is a Guild Wars 2 PvP tournament like no other! Participants will enter the fray with completely random weapons, traits and skills. The only thing they will likely have in common with their opponents are their professions! In order to reduce the probability of one contender being exceptionally unlucky players who don’t make the final the first time round can enter any of the remaining rounds to secure a place! Players who have already qualified for the final can also play in any additional rounds if they so desire. They will still receive monetary rewards and in the event that an already qualified player places 1st or second again the place in the final will be given to the next non-qualified player.
Entering is simple; all you need to do is enter your account name (AccountName.1234) on http://mysticbuilds.com/#home and you will receive your build! If you don’t want to enter you can still get a random build to mess around with. Simply check the ‘I don’t want a random build’ checkbox and select the profession you desire!
Matches have a maximum length of 5 minutes. In the event of a tie (i.e. time runs out) up to two limitations may be applied: if one player is able to escape the other constantly players will be confined to a central location of the map to avoid this. If neither player is able to kill the other due to too much healing or defensive stats etc amulets will be limited to one defensive stat. Both of these limitations will be applied simultaneously if the need arises. In the unlikely event that these restrictions still don’t produce a victor amulets will be limited to only aggressive stats.
MysticBuilds runs on a roughly 8 week cycle with a single round of 16 per week as to cover all professions every two months. Leaderboard points are awarded based on placement within each round like so:
1st 300
2nd 200
3rd 20
4th 15
5th 12
6th 10
7th 8
8th 6
Note that due to the nature of a best of 3 round of 16, distinct places from 0-16 are not possible, indeed it’s highly unlikely that all possible places will be filled and therefore most places will be ‘joint’. Prize distributions are also simple:
1st 20
2nd 10
3rd 4
4th 2
The prize pool is open to contributions of any size, mail them to MightyTeapot.2093 with a subject of ‘MysticBuilds prize pool’ and they will be added to the prize for the current tournament.
Grand Final
Participants in the Grand Final will be given a link to a page to draft a build, this is to reduce randomness to more reasonable levels as there is more at stake!
The draft system operates in this order:
Specialisation 1
Specialisation 2
Specialisation 3
Major Trait 1
Major Trait 2
Major Trait 3
Major Trait 4
Major Trait 5
Major Trait 6
Major Trait 7
Major Trait 8
Major Trait 9
Utility 1
Utility 2
Utility 3
Weapon set 1
Weapon set 2
Ranger Pet 1
Ranger Pet 2
At each stage three random possibilities will be offered from each category. Traits are not selected in any particular order, and options are not guaranteed to be from the same specialisation or category.
For exceptions such as Revenants choosing legends or Elementalists and Engineers only having one weapon set the order is identical but with appropriate amendments. (Revenants get random legends – this is due to the inherent favourability of not having to pick utilities but instead a single archetype of abilities)
Link Overview:
Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/mightyteapot
Sign up: http://mysticbuilds.com/#home
Up to date Schedule: http://mysticbuilds.com/#schedule
Interested in the glory of former battles instead?
Enjoy some of the summarized highlights:
Highlights S3: Warrior, Ranger and Elementalist
Highlights S1: Mesmer, Thief and Engineer
Highlights S1: Elementalist and Guardian
Highlights S1: Warrior and Ranger
Overall MysticBuilds ‘feel’ introduction
Or the full VOD’s:
Revenant 21/5
Break 28/5
Final 4/6
Break2 11/6
Warrior 8/6
Ranger 25/6
Elementalist 2/7
Guardian 9/7
Thief 16/7
Necromancer 23/7
Mesmer 30/7
All days are Saturdays on which the tournament will take place at 20:00 CEST.
All games take place on EU servers!
NA players can join with f2p accounts since winning with non Elite Specs isn’t that unusual here. And the prices are transferable to your main account!
I hope we can see you soon in Mystic Builds, either as an avid viewbot, or as a glorious participant!
(edited by Cyhann.2609)
big l2p
And that’s not even joking. Also there are no ranged classes anymore since engi can now use a hammer too. Also come on you should be able to watch your enemy and figure out which of your attacks are actually reflectable, and if you die because of that, you deserve it. Same story about stealth.
The best way to understand some of these things is playing them yourself btw, so go out, play for a while and tell us if you actually still believe in what you just wrote.
The Fonts look terrible and only add to the clutter, since when was it relevant to read the names anyway?
Also it was pretty readable anyway
And why can you only see stuff in teamcolors even if you disabeld that? It ruins the main point of gw2.
These are not the fixes the game need, at least add options for people who don’t want it like that.
Guess what, you are using the skills that do the DPS the most.
But if people ONLY do that, you won’t have a hard time with them anyway.
Unless you are even worse than these people.
Heh, I like your aproach to the topic, nice thinking there op, I hope one or another player actually read it and improve themselves by doing it.
I don’t play the game, I play the players.
Wow that’s a gread quoute right there!
Im concerned: I havent checked it, but can it be seen by other players to determine how much initiative we have?
It’s different now, for every Ini used you get a stack that lasta for a few seconds. You can get up to 15 stacks and it’s visible like most (all of them by now?) traited stat changes.
Anyway no they shouldn’t be able to know your ini values unless they keep track by every attack you use, and know their ini values since in a fight you should be sitting on 15 stacks the whole time.
Stronghold definitely isn’t going anywhere, but our priority right now is conquest – both old and new.
I came back to this game mainly because of the stronghold news, I got 20 minutes+ q times even in ruby and and mostly Legacy maps which is a poor mans stronghold.
If you didn’t get it by now after 3,5 years, Conquest has no future to be a solid gamemode that actually works as something people enjoy to watch, but at least the mode itself is fully implemented. Stronghold is yet another unfinisheded product, and many people seem to have no clue how to play it all. Also how come archers are still useless? There was more than enough feedback on that even back in the first beta test. Also at least get some tools into the game to actually teach new Stronghold players how to use stuff / play it. Hotm still has many empty places, for example the place where you were able to use underwater golems.
Together we grew the active player-base for PvP by 135% last year – and that’s pretty awesome.
Well I’m pretty sure it tanked hard before that though.
Seeing that and the delted post here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Huh-What-happened-to-the-200k-thread/first#post6076186 makes me very sad. :,(
Lol, you guys really need to lighten up. Juba’s got it right.
Not sure about that, Grouch released a post on about how the balance team works, which seemed kinda wierd, and then it got deleted: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Huh-What-happened-to-the-200k-thread/first#post6076186.
I just noticed that too when I wanted to cross reference how the balance team is set up.
I didn’t think anet can dissapoint me even more in these days, but they actually did.
Although I liked that 100b idea lol
They didn’t say it’s speed uped tho, so either it would take a while, or retaliation would just eat you up.
in fact, the finishing blow got nerfed. a while ago, when u hit the downed with FB while invul. the charakter would just start a second fb (like the first one didnt hit). i duno if this nerf was intended
Ohhh so that’s why I did the thingy twice back then. I kinda thought it just visually bugged out or something. Alltho this would be an alternative I could live with tbh.
“Fixed a bug that allowed gw2 to prosper as an esports”
There I corrected their typo.
Now it all makes sense. Thank you kind stranger!
“Fixed a bug that allowed warriors to get kills in Ranked PvP.”
So apparently anet thinks warriors are a joke. This game is done for bois.
RE: Balance -> Contrary to popular belief, the PvP team (or wvw, fractals, raids, etc) doesn’t actually handle profession balance. There’s an entirely separate team dedicated to handling balance for all core areas of the game (appropriately named the Balance team). The PvP team (and the other aforementioned teams and more) gives regular feedback on balance issues, but the balance team is ultimately in charge of maintaining the design vision across the game.
This might be the key to the biggest problem this game is facing.
“The last strike will hardly ever hit while the enemy is in downsate invuln.”
Well it happens way more frequently than promised, so please fix Impact Strike so that it ignores said invuln. frames.
Not a bug, but certainly a mistake.
Who is this SALT guy and why is he so good at RNG?
Why are they green all of a sudden? It’s a bit confusing since green tags did only happen in special situations.
Why can’t I just buy pips instead? Same thing.
A hero that goes down the defensive lane instead of the offensive one.
You have it wrong. Fix Stronghold so that it actually is a part of the team leaderboard.
Remove conquest. I still can’t get around the fact that people these days actually prefer
that gamemode. Sure there are some issues with Stronghold, but it’s still overall way more fun than conquest ever is going to be. But well whatever.
This and many other skills in the game are that, it really should be a top priority to fix.
Both comparisons are for traits in different tiers and thus make no sense, but more importantly Diamond Skin is just silly anyway. Nobody should have a trait like that, and I’d rather not Thief get one like it. It’s just poor design.
People say this but honestly the tier aspect isn’t relevant anymore since we have spec lines, so that’s that. And yeah DS is an quite unbalanced trait on a class that is able to heal itself up quite a lot while having little hp anyway.
Hey hey, wasn’t there some kind of p/p fix or overhaul supposed to come “soon”?
Since the next balance patch won’t come in another six (?) months, does that mean
that overall more than 8-9 months is “soon”? Or am I mistaken somewher?“Soon” is between the time they posted that comment and 3yrs from now.
Yeah I forgot, it’s just like with duelling which will be implemented shortly after the original release.
Or a year later if there are actually people asking for it.
How could I’ve been so blind up to this point?Gun technology simply cannot handle Thief. Maybe when Tyria reaches the Golden Age in the Modern Era we’ll be able to use guns effectively. Till then Arrows > Bullets.
Well over time the arrows of the Thief actually got worse. Maybe we have to buy those
glasses from the gem store to retrive our eyesight or something? There has to be some
logical reason for this!Shadow magic is simply a weak, cowardly power. Guardian’s use the power of sunlight to pierce the heavens with 5k~ dmg AA arrows that split and rip apart the universe. So Thief relies more on technology than magic.
So without more advanced weaponry from a new Era of technology, like .44 magnum revolvers and crossbows we will remain weak. We’re like a poverty stricken Batman but with a small amount of magic to assist. Right now gun technology is so weak for us our direct headshots just bounce off them like rubberbands and don’t even bruise them.
Maybe we can get help of the anti-guardians?
I like my rev – but every time I see 5 sec cooldown on gap closer and all the other nice stuff I’m getting slightly mad.
Try Shiro’s #7, it’s quite nice.
Hey hey, wasn’t there some kind of p/p fix or overhaul supposed to come “soon”?
Since the next balance patch won’t come in another six (?) months, does that mean
that overall more than 8-9 months is “soon”? Or am I mistaken somewher?“Soon” is between the time they posted that comment and 3yrs from now.
Yeah I forgot, it’s just like with duelling which will be implemented shortly after the original release.
Or a year later if there are actually people asking for it.
How could I’ve been so blind up to this point?
Gun technology simply cannot handle Thief. Maybe when Tyria reaches the Golden Age in the Modern Era we’ll be able to use guns effectively. Till then Arrows > Bullets.
Well over time the arrows of the Thief actually got worse. Maybe we have to buy those
glasses from the gem store to retrive our eyesight or something? There has to be some
logical reason for this!
Har har har, Thief thinks Anet cares
That’s what we get for stealing our enemies skills Q_Q
Anet: "We removed the Skill Fact “Combo Finisher: Projectile Finisher” from Impairing Daggers."
Yaaay. Inb4 truth.
The wording would be kinda different but that actually might be a possibility
If you want to make D/D better though, what you should fix is C&D.
Backstab has nothing to do with CnD since CnD is just one of many ways to go in stealth. Fixing CnD will not fix backstab if you’re not using D/D.
That’s because there’s nothing to fix on BS.
If you give a kitten about your class, you should be asking for and suggesting meaningful changes. Not nonsense like buffs to BS.
It’s not nonsense at all. BS has been the same since release while other parts of the game received power creeps.
BS should ignore armor and should be unblockable.
You do realize this would cause the skill to deal an upwards of 40 million damage at times, right?
Yea, no. Maug has it right in that stab is fine. The rest of the skills surrounding it need work, though, primarily OH dagger. It’s more of a trait issue than anything and the rest of the game getting a lot of power creep that’s hopefully balanced out tomorrow or in the near future.
When I said ignore armor it doesn’t necessarily mean ignore 100% armor. The actual amount can be tweaked based on the current meta. With too many bunkers everywhere, who can also deal insane amount of damage, Thief needs this.
This is actually a good idea, allthough the argument “you are wearing paper for armor” wouldn’t work anymore.
But hey, it’s been a while since I heard even remotely legit “plz nerf thief” thingies~
The number could be tweaked around the HP – “Level” of the enemy.
Or it could be a skill that deals x% amount of dmg, while x is based on your critrate or something.
This was just a trait note fix. In other words it was already there ?
Apparently, it was discussed in that one thread after all.