Don’t blame the negative feedback about a poorly designed gimmick map on a bad community.
There are so many different aspects to SPvP that can and need to be improved. It is disappointing to see the developers waste time and energy on new maps, when they will obviously never be played in Tournaments.
We have received 7 maps, but only the original 3 are playable in Tournaments.
When you say the community needs to adapt their playstyle, have you though about new players we still need to learn the gametype? They are being flung of this map and they don’t understand why or how to counter it, because they don’t get a chance to learn.
And why is it not playable as a Tournament? Why only the 3 first maps?
Temple is pretty much the same like those imo, and way better than
Foefire, which is the worst, and most boring map.
Devs alrdy said that they will nerf necro, so I see no point in thous posts.
Cool story, is there more stuff like this?
Where have been the last few days?
They still do QQ, but now about the map, and not the professions.
Where have you seen those Warriors?
Plz tell me their names asap!
Someone mentioned making it harder, but not impossible, to knock people off the edge. Would something like that make you feel better about sticking to your class?
One little thing, juming over a needle trap should activate it like walking over it,
not deactivate the trap, and ignore the imob. That’s not nice imo.
Well I love the map though.~
Lol, I agree, what about temple?
Actually as a Thief I feel way more powerful on this map than somewhere else.
Necro as an enemy → steal → gg up to 5 people (well only 3 is my record).
Then we might not have stability, but we have teleports as stunbreakers,
the work well enough, also you can easily use them to trick enemies on those
breaking glass pads. And don’t forget about needle trap (tripwire?) and
scorpionwire → those destroy enemies and a thief can easily defend a point.
Well for now that is, who knows how much the meta on this map will evolve.
Remember that good thieves will stealth every 3-4s. Interrupt the heart seeker.
Maybe, but a lot of the best thieves almost never steath.
Evasive classes such as Ranger and Thief get immediately put at a disadvantage because of that. It’s Battle of Khylo, but bad.
As a thief i don’t agree.
Excuse me if I believe that if a single map requires you to either use 2 types of builds, or be completely unviable/suck, that map is designed poorly.
And again, no problem using my old build.
If your team does not control the laser.. YOU LOSE.
Well, then get the laser yourself? Besides, it’s not true either.
We won a game without having the laser at all, and the enemy attacking us with it.
Just quickly run out of the circly, the laser has quite a long CD.
There is skill involved, in order to not get knockbacked off the map fight with your back to the wall, watch when your enemy uses up his knockbacks.
If you follow your enemy over a glass floor your an idiot because it’ll break when your on it.
You can dodge the cannon, its called getting out of the AoE.This map is all about skill and common sense. Because when I bunker side nodes, I always take the glass off, so idiots run right into the pit. I just wish I got points for them falling, so hard to tag them when they run straight into it.
If you run into a pit, you just don’t have any skills.
Positioning is a big big thing in this map and only the most skillful have the best positioning.
Yup, this!
People hate to addapt, especially when it’s for one map only.
But well, to me it’s the best map ever. I don’t even want to play
any other map anymore, and I say this without having any cc
or stability.
If this becomes a tourny map so many tpvpers will quit because of how unbalanced the map is /thread
It is a turney map right now… /thread
Best map ever, even when you play without any cc or stability!
Thief + enemy necro = gg whole enemy group
Oh no, the bunkers aren’t as viable anymore as they were before, what now?
Srsly guys you just need to watch were you are standing right know, but whatever
qq more….
Imo it’s the best map ever, and all others should be reworked to something simmilar.
BUT Fighting while in Air needs to be improved, since it doesn’t feel/work right. =/
Yeah, some non-targeted AOE might help a little, since a P/P Thief will get totally pwned by any stealth-build thief.
What? No!
Just use 5 and stand in the circle, and then shoot at where he might be~
Really those are not the Problem if you play p/p.Do that and I’ll stand outside of the ring and auto-attack you down. The field isn’t large enough to stop people from meleeing you from outside of it or it’d be OP, so it’s horrible for countering any melee player who knows about it.
Yeah if he uses a sword, but not with a dagger, and even if it works with dagger,
even if he knows nobody can react to everything, also you can always stand on
the other edge of the field, use finishers to spread the blind, dodge, attack…..
So no it’s not horrible, it’s highly efficient against meele users, no matter the
pvp format …. at least it was for me, and I used it for 7 months or something,
and the only meele attacks that actually hit me were those who are faster than
the blind ticks.
you can stop dagger storm by sheathing your weapon. i learned that recently it’s pretty useful
This, more people should learn about it, since it’s very usefull.
The only things you can’t interrupt are things like leaps, but that makes sense after all.
I don’t really care about the Idea too much since I don’t rely on
stealth with my builds, but :
In my mind, it seems logical that if your attack is dodged or blocked you should be revealed to the eyes of anyone, but well things are how they are, and although it surprised me first time , i didn’t really mind.
How is it logical? You are revealed on hit, because when you attack one he knows
where the pain comes from, but if he dodges randomly there is no pain = no revealed.
Same thing with blind, when one is blindet he can’t hit the enemy because he doesn’t
see him. No hit = no pain = no revealed. But you are right with blocked imo.
Why not make block/aegis only work when players strike from in front?
In my mind it only seems logical that you can’t block someone who hits you in the back.
This would lead to a reward for a good blocker, as you won’t be able to mindlessly
smakitteno your block and stand around like a braindead baboon.
Actually this is a nice Idea, and it would raise the skill ceiling of the game a little.
(edited by Cyhann.2609)
Lol no, if people want to use something like this, they know how to do it.
I can’t even imagine the kittenstorm if a “feature” like this would be implemented.
At least it won’t be nice, that’s for sure.
Yeah, some non-targeted AOE might help a little, since a P/P Thief will get totally pwned by any stealth-build thief.
What? No!
Just use 5 and stand in the circle, and then shoot at where he might be~
Really those are not the Problem if you play p/p.
The agro will move to somebody else from your party
no, it doesn’t
If they just watch you, and don’t help, then you are true.
Black Powder is one of the best skills, thieves have, if anything it will get nerfed, just
because of one weaponset where ppl abuse it’s combofield power. >.>
Withrdaw does this. Activate the skill, wait 3 sec. dodge and heal.
A nice instant cast, istn’t it?
The agro will move to somebody else from your party.
You don’t have a party? Well, gg.
Oh finaly, no it’s a fix, since it was nearly impossible to use the Blind part of the
Skill since the Daze part had something like an 340° angle. Now you can easily
prevent Guardians form pushing you away, when you want to finish them off.
Well, at least I like that change.~
Same thing with Withdraw, and since it’s a heal skills, it’s reaaaly dangerous.
All this talk of whips…do we have some Runescape players in here?
There was like one whip in that game afaik, so I doubt this is the case here.
Also there are already whips ingame, used by some npc’s (CoF/ Nightmare Court)
and there is at least one environmental weapon, which is a whip.
B2T: Something like the Dimensional Anchor would fit the Shadowsteping/Evasive
Theme of the thief, and would be really fun … well at least using the Anchor was imo.^^
Unlike most people on these forums I can see the logic behind the cluster bomb range nerf,
Would you mind elaborating on that?
I already commented this in another thread.
Ranger’s short bow is also now 900 range. Same weapon, same range. Sounds logical. I know rangers have long bow as well, but thief has better mobility. And I would still argue that thief’s shortbow is better than ranger’s longbow in most circumstances (I got both level 80 ranger and thief).
This is a terrible argument. You are comparing them because they are the same weapon? Really? Grenade has 1500 range and more conditions, why wasn’t that brought down to 900? You know to compensate for nerfing ranger SB. The same could go for necro staff, but at 1200 range.
Cluster Bomb is good damage, but it does not give as much as the above weapon sets that I just stated. What you are arguing makes no sense. If they are going to balance weapons, balance them within the class, not like this.
No, it is actually a 100% legit argument. Shortbow skills for the thief have been normalized to have a maximum range of 900. They have been ‘balanced within the class’ so to speak.
Then tell me, why is the range of Axe skills from the Ranger 900 long, whille it’s 600
for the Necro, and 130 (aside from one skill) for the Warrior?
No, your argument is not reeeeeaaaaaaly legit, since Rangers have nothing to do
with thieves.
All Runes need a revamp tbh.
Rune of Vampirism should add a lifetap similar to Omnomberry Pie.
And then everybody who crit’s will run it, since it deals extra dmg, and heals you.
No, that would be way too OP.
Right now I am experimenting with a S/P Build, atm with 0/30/0/10/30 in sPvP
but I am not sure if I really will be able to do well with it, but at least interrupting
the enemie is fun. But on the other hand conditions really eat me away right now
and with the new necro meta this isn’t a good weakness to have.
So right now it looks bad for build diversity…
Warriors have a permanent +25% speed with melee weapons with only 10 points into bursts line, and tons of mobility with GS. They aren’t slow anymore.
What? O_o I want this too!
But even if they aren’t they can’t keep up with a thief, who is using teleports,
Heart Seekers, and evasive utility skills to advance.
on the more realistic not i would love to see a whip / shield added to a thief, a shield would add a completely different dimension to the gameplay, center it around blocks and interrupts or something.
Pistol OH is your shield then.
Headshot’s only purpose is to interrupt.
Blackpowder is a good meele shield.
Well I too would love to see a whip!
If you can hit the button in that state, then yes.
Btw, somehow Steal and Inflitrators Signet work the same way,
since a Month or so…
Don’t, they are way too slow, and their skills are too straight forward,
and therefore boring. Tell your friend to play something more interesting,
like a mesmer or an engineer.
But let’s answer the question, any build goes well with any other build,
but then combinations like a direct dmg guy, and a condi dmg guy are
nice. And if he plays a CC/Hammer – Warrior, let him lock the enemies
while you quickly finish him of. And be sure that your friend gets the
focus of the enemie, since he can take much more than you as a warrior.
Both + Shadow Refuge = Pretty fast Healing → Win.
Initiative is a special mechanic too, therefore we have 2, not 1~
Not counting the Dual Weapon (nr3) Skill.
That sounds like a horrible bug that got fixed. Weird it isn’t in the patch note though.
It was only really useful to travel or to hunt someone in WvW. It was a bit strong tho i agree because you were able to travel really really fast (Shortbow 5 or Dagger 2 dont even come close), but had it’s limits because you needed a target and you were required to be out of combat otherwise 9 sec CD. It was really nice on double S/D because you were able to decide between “do i want that shadow return or not?”.
Didn’t they talk about “we want to push thief mobility” a month ago or so?
d/p skill 3 ….. therefore it’s not “a bit strong”
Just don’t fall below 25% HP → WiN ! =D
Well, you should at least wait until tomorrow, but even in it’s current
Form LR can (well mostly it isn’t) be usefull. (Ranged attack from
behind, you havent noticed etc.)
If you are doing a duell in an open space with the thief, you already are in an dissadvantage, so there is no need to think about stuff like this.
(edited by Cyhann.2609)
problem with trickery is all the builds that use steal/stun are power/crit builds. nobody with condition dmg as a thief cares too awfully much about a 1 sec stun.
Well I have seen some few efficient direct dmg builds with 30 trickery, but you are right
malice isn’t well placed in that traitline, just look at some traits:
Lead Attacks Increases damage by 1% per initiative.
Flanking Strikes Increases damage by 5% when attacking a foe from behind or the side.
Ricochet Pistol shots have a 20% chance to bounce to an additional target.
It’s useful, not op, but you can call all those ways to maintain a high initiative count
a little bit op, since you can do it via traits and skills. But it’s not really an issue.
Also calling something the best set for something isn’t quite right…..
And don’t forget that the Sword can hit up to 3 enemies, which compensates it’s dmg.
Most of those changes are boring and pretty much useless, aside from those in Trickery.
I don’t see so much new build potential with this, but we will see.
Steal every 18 seconds for 10s F/M/S, 15s Vigor, steal 2 boons for the team, gain 3 ini to supplement LS AND daze. Furious Retaliation for extreme Fury uptime on top. Mug just for some more damage or Sundering Strikes for some longer condition cover time.
IMMENSE potential.
But you are lacking durability … they should put something more universal like thoughness or vitality to the trickery trait line =/
You don’t need durability – high Vigor uptime and plethora of evasive abilities on weapons/blinds etc. It’s more active than playing a Guardian who can tank everything, sure, but it’s no less effective when played right.
Maybe but against a AoE field/ condition enemies, i don’t see too many options atm
(edited by Cyhann.2609)
“Oh No You Don’t” Sword/Pistol Hypersteal build.
Interrupts EVERYWHERE.
Headshot OP, needs nerf!
Steal every 18 seconds for 10s F/M/S, 15s Vigor, steal 2 boons for the team, gain 3 ini to supplement LS AND daze. Furious Retaliation for extreme Fury uptime on top. Mug just for some more damage or Sundering Strikes for some longer condition cover time.
IMMENSE potential.
But you are lacking durability … they should put something more universal like thoughness or vitality to the trickery trait line =/
(edited by Cyhann.2609)
My problem with it is that it is likely intended to support the unpopular “combat medic” style of thief play. While it is great that they’re expanding on that role, most thieves will likely just use it for offense (free/easy stealth+benefits if there’s anyone around to revive). It’ll create an even larger community backlash because thieves will now benefit from their allies being downed and instead of trying to get them up will use this trait to achieve more burst damage.
At the end of the day, it is going to end up kitten ing everyone off and getting nerfed in a couple months because the developers didn’t anticipate how the tools they gave out would be used.
Actually there is an easy fix for this, you just need to make stealth only available while
healing somebody, if he is healed or when you go away, stealth breaks.
If your main reason to use DS is to use reflection then I think you should consider playing other class that has more and better reflection skills.
Uhm, why should I play another class, just because I use one skill in paricular
for its ability to reflect projectiles? It’s not like it’s the reason to play a class
or something. o_O
If your elite skill needs some other skills to help it to use it then I think this elite need some serious look at.
It’s not needed but based on the situation it surley can help, whats wrong with this?
Chaining / Comboing Skills in a usefull way , so that they get more effective, doesn’t make the Skills any worse.
It’s not a nerf, it’s a bug fix. It wasn’t meant to change elevation and avoid obstacles.
Now that said, I would argue that all of the shortbow’s skills should be 1200 so the effective range of 5 in particular wasn’t awful.
That wasn’t the bug they mentioned in the patch notes, also every pvp map was
designed to have a few of those teleports, based on the teleportation ruleset. (No Jumping etc.)
Also if it wasn’t meant to be like that, why is there a difference between leaps and teleports?
Have you tried to teleport lately? (Shadow Step/Inflitrators Arrow)
It’s the worst nerf since release !
Same thing with Shadowstep, yesterday, since Temple of the Silent Storm is in
the Turney right now, it totaly destroyed the most important skill I valued
in the game, and now it’s useless -.-….
Sorry but imo this is a very bad idea because the main reasone to use Dagger Storm is
to refleckt Projectiles, and with a shorter duration you can refelt less. Also you do know
that you can move while using Dagger Storm, right? You also can use any sort of instant
Teleport (which most forms of Shadow Steps are), and if you want to canel it, all you
need is to bind a “sheath weapons” button. Also you shoudln’t forgett about the long
whirl finisher (longest in the game?)