Showing Posts For GSTim.8094:

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GSTim.8094


There’s one thing I don’t understand.
Same price for newcomers and GW2 owners? Really?
Why do you call that UPGRADE if it’s the same as buying a new game?

Either give us an option of real upgrading with discount or put your kitten “upgrade” into your kitten kitten kitten. Simple as that.

4 Hours later... any portals?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Choosing players for closed beta based on RNG? lol)
Over 10 hours in SW = 0 portals.
Anet-style, guys, yay \o/

PS: A piece of advice to anet: always prefer experienced and loyal players to lucky noobs.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Ok, “game designer”. Try to open such “my recommendations to you” thread when you earn at least 1/1000 of their income

Week 7: SFR/VS/PS Bis repetita

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


You need to post more. People like you need to post more and drown out your warriors. I know there are a ton of good people on SFR. You’re proof of that.

It’s your problem that you equaling whole server population to forum warriors. We can’t make them stop writing here. Many of them don’t even play GW2 anymore and just trolling here. If you can’t differentiate and build your whole matchup strategy based on some forum attitude, then we’re powerless to do anything. Because there will always be forum warriors and trolls of every side.
SFR never built its fight strategy based on forum. If we focus any server we do it only because of current WvW League state. That’s how we did against Piken, that’s how we did against JS.
But you still refer to some mystic forum warriors from sfr. Who are they? Name them. Report them. But you prefer to hurt ppl who did nothing to you instead. Very well. Stop talking about any good behavior then. Imagine if someone pushed you in subway but you’d yelled at some old man who did nothing. This is how it looks like.

I started this matchup on reset night. The fight at our bl was hard but we did our best. Then one event made me just quit the game. We attacked Piken Hills. Suddenly Viz blob came, wiped us and our siege and just… went back to their keep. Well, I could understand viz not takin some piken objects but I’ll never understand them defending piken stuff like that. Why? You already got your sweet 1st place. We’re the 2nd. Everything is written in stone. Why do you play like that then? I just don’t get it. I wanted some good fights, cuz I thought no one would care much about result which is already set, but nooo… Same old kitten…
You think you teach forum trolls like that? Hell, no, you just making good ppl you were talking about leave this bs and making you have your sweet twosome with trolls.

PS: This is the last thing I check this thread. It’s makes no sense. Same old bs.

Discussion: AOE Stability

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Every good wvw player knows: there’s never too much stability. Seems like OP isn’t one of them.

Millenium hacked?

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


lol, anet advertised them and they got blocked

WvW player limits/ map - confirmed?

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


It seems to me that anet messed the hell up with map limits system at the very beginning and now they don’t reveal numbers cuz they’re afraid to admit they screwed up)))

On a scale of 1 to 10....

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Gold EU. / 1
The 1st week was quite intense but ques ruined even that good thing. Now its boring as hell, and its gonna be like that till week 7.

PS: but who cares, when “New Armors and More Available in the Gem Store!”©

WvW Not Fair - You Shouldn't Expect It To Be

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


I never interrupt 1vs1 fights even if I see my ally losing. Let ppl have proper duels.

But WvW has nothing to do with honor most of the time, I agree with OP.

WvW maps & ques current numbers status

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


I don’t think they have such lame excuses.
2-3 trolls won’t do any damage.
Organized trolling will do it regardless of revealing map limit numbers and current stat or keeping it secret.

WvW maps & ques current numbers status

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


That was 7 months ago. Hope they’ve changed their position.
This is a suggestion.
This feature wouldn’t ruin any of game aspects but will definitely help people. They would queue for less queued map then. And they would also be aware of ETA.

WvW maps & ques current numbers status

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Well, its never too late to change.
Actually, could you point me their exact statement that they won’t tell us map limits? I’ve never seen one. Maybe missed

WvW maps & ques current numbers status

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


It would be very great to have a possibility to see how many ppl we have in each map and your current que position. You could make a chat command.

Green Map:				100 players (20 players queued)
Red Map:				40 players
Blue Map:				100 players (124 players queued)
Eternal Battleground:	100 players (230 players queued)
Your queue position for Eternal Battleground is: 14 out of 230.

Apply sound to wvw queue!

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


My computer will handle one more event listener in the client program. I can assure you, ANet. Pls, give it to us.

Apply sound to wvw queue!

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


+1 to queues pops alert system. Would be great.
Actually, I’m very dissapointed it’s still not implemented. It’s such an obvious thing considering how long queues are.

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Cut. This. Kitten. Out.
Seriously. Everyone. Esp. my SFR allies. Lets just fight in bgs.

Let me just answer for those who blame SFR for disrespectful attitude to their pugs.
You’re wrong. We were never disrespectful to them. Never. Period.
Prime time tag off was a method to let guilds in the map. And it was only during last few weeks. Assume this as an experiment.
We have great pugs commanders. It’s funny to hear ppl blaming Kresh to be disrespectful to pugs and never trying to make a community. Really? first, make urself more familiar with SFR community before making such statements.
We tried. We really learned a good lesson in summer when lots of guilds left. We tried to create a stable guild-like community of ppl whose guilds are not WvW-oriented or who were lone roamers, etc. We made some progress. Now we have a strong basis of random wvw players who are very experienced in wvw. But this basis just seems not to be strong enough for League. Too many newcomers who we need to help to integrate. It’s really hard to create such community on international server as Viz did. Seriously. PS and SFR are the only ones in Gold League. We both are quintessence of EU international material. We got ppl of different countries and mentalities. We can’t play by some general rules. We should be more flexible than national servers.
Viz did great job though. I thought we already found a key to ultimate anti-viz weapon chest but I was wrong. Reality hit hard))

As I said before I just see it as a new challenge. This keeps me in this game. If we easily won the league I would prob. left GW2.

PS: Please let’s all stop talking about double teaming. Let’s assume Troma’s honest and there’s no alli. Maybe its just PS strategy to get points more efficiently. SFR in its current condition is not a strong enough opponent. I would focus servers like this too. So lets’ just not flame here. Its becoming ridiculous.

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


There’s no Wemil on SFR now, Troma. Sorry =)

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Cazza, did you read my message? I don’t think so.
I didnt give you any single reason why we are losing. Pay more attention to other’s posts and stop talking bs pls.
We’re losing cuz we have our own internal reasons which dont depend on your game actions. And we’re not attacking piken only. Actually we dont have time to attack cuz we have to handle viz push.

PS: Most of those 70% that u showed are just our attempts to take back our home bl spawn towers. Cuz u always attack them when we fight viz in garri

(edited by GSTim.8094)

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


First, you should do your own homework before you’re complaining about doubleteaming . Only 30% of your captures against the first placed server isn’t enaugh to win a matchup.

Could you please translate your words into human language? I can’t see any connection with my message.

18/10 PS/SFR/VZ [EU Premier League Round 1]

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Look at the scores, and tell me what you would do if you were a commander in piken or Vizunah?

It has nothing to do with scores cuz it was like that since the day one.
Wanna double team? Well if you’d asked me, I wouldn’t mind. It just makes it more interesting for me, i’m not pvdoor player. And i got 3k kills per evening. Better than ive ever done. Lots of upscaled meat. Even in bls. But its a real challenge when its 1x vs 2x or 1x vs 3x situation.
So I dont really care if its double teaming or not. But if so… Does it make it interesting for Viz? Would it be true victory feeling when you win like this? Questions. Tonight in our TS someone offered to send a spy to viz TS. But Klm said a right thing: we dont wanna win like this. Even if we had no chance to win then.
Is it really victory or death for you? Seems like times when we pm to Troma about hackers took keep and he gave it back to us are gone (over the top example but u got the message). I miss them.
If we end the 3rd I would congratulate Viz: they win the league’s gold. But it definitely would leave bad taste in our mouths if there’s something dirty behind the scenes.
No offence, just saying.

PS: It’s really.. ummmm… stupid to hate a server cuz of forum warriors. Most of them dont play WvW and just «lfg fotm 10» in LA every day. just saying.

So, this whole don't ress-mentality...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Just an addition to math-n-logic posts.
Its not 5*15 dps, its 6*15 dps. Dead man is still dead man till he’s rezzed
Which makes WP strat 50% more efficient.
Banner rez downed, defeated should teleport WP and come back.

PS: BTW i’m always back there in 20 sec, idk what route do you take. LA transit, maybe?

Obey Lord Tequatl

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Never go your way we will, dark lord’s apprentice!

So, this whole don't ress-mentality...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Every good WvW commander knows this rule: banner rez downed, leave defeated until fight is over. PvE is not an exclusion.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: GSTim.8094


SFR just got him about 60-65%

Can't complete "Hint Completion"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GSTim.8094


I just did it yesterday with no problem. Just asked my friends to send me random letters.

Btw do you know that personal story letters, heart mission awards don’t count?

Difficulty is a bad joke

in Personal Story

Posted by: GSTim.8094


If personal story is too difficult for you to solo it then you just suck at mastering your chosen class. Simple.
For me it was easy both for my ele and for my guardian. You just need to learn your class mechanic, learn your class advantages and weak points and find viable build. The personal story development gives you that opportunity. The game even gives you opportunity to lvl up your char to 80 before doing that.
Actually I would make personal story even more difficult and more challenging.

Fire flows are not rendered in JP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Fire flows are not rendered in aetherblade Gendarran Fields JP. I tried different settings but no luck.
My video is geforce gtx680. I tried different drivers also. Now I have 320.49
Here’s the video
This is annoying because its hard to evade the fire if its not rendered

How to get Subject 7 Achievement

in Guardian

Posted by: GSTim.8094


I did it pure powa style =)
My build was 30/30/10/-/- (II, VII, XI – III, IV, VIII – VI)
Gear absolutely full berserk with fighter runes.
Trinkets full bers too
Weapon GS and Staff. I didn’t change my sigils cuz its my main WvW weapon set, didn’t wanna waste money
Skills: Signet of Resolve, Sword of Justice, Shield of the Avenger, Save Yourselves and my little puppies Hounds of Balthazar
Strategy: when you’re inside summon everything (sword, shield and dogs), buff yourself and them with Staff4 and Save Yourselves then switch to GS and go!go!go! GS3 – GS2 and spam GS1 and 3 pushing it away from its healers till you kill it. I did it in like 10 seconds (I also had gambits cripple, Exhausted and On Fire on me) =)

(edited by GSTim.8094)

Thank you Devon and company.

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


And obviously it can’t be that 90% of forum is VoTF. Use ur brain and think b4 writing anythin here.
If I tell u that the whole russian community is against this bs, I won’t be wrong. Our ppl lost their interest in this game because anet wvw support is horrible.

WvWvW Guild Mists

in Suggestions

Posted by: GSTim.8094


So here’s the idea.
1. Create guild-missions (e.g. upgrade cliamed object to T3 or kill definite number of invaders). Let’s call them WWW missions.
Every WWW mission will give some WWW merits to the guild.

2. Create separate instances with WWW objects and players count cap at 25 ppl for each server (as an example). Let’s call it Heroes Mists and assume there’re 3 different maps smaller than usual borderlands.

3. Make it so that guild have to collect some WWW merits and do some kind of upgrade to be able to enter Heroes Mists. Also make it so ppl should be active WWW players (wxp rank 20+) to enter Heroes Mists.

4. The points balance should be made so all objects captured in Heroes Mists bring to server the same amount of ppt as 3 server borderlands’ objects captured. It shouldn’t be done by increasing the number of objects and map size in Heroes Mists but increasing the number of ppt each object gives.

5. Heroes Mists objects should be able to be claimed as usual www objects. But another ally guild can reclaim this object if this new guild has more ppl in the map.

6. Make Heroes Mists Guilds Charts based on points given by the Heroes Mists objects claimed by the guilds, total wxp collected in the Heroes Mists by guild members. Sort these charts per tier, per server.

7. Reset all the guild’s charts’ points, www merits, Heroes Mists Entrance upgrades every time guild changes the home server.

This will not solve the blobs problem but at least in will turn game into Guild Wars not Blob Wars. The point balance will make Heroes Mists battles as important as usual borderlands fights are and make every strong guild very valuable for server community.

PvP is too fast.

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Watch a bunker Guardian fight a bunker D/D Ele and you may change your viewpoint.

lol) At least u’ll know where to spend ur next half of hour))

Blob Wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


1) Add two more maps with important objects like SM.
2) Make 5 min CD for map changing
These two will destroy strategy zergs.

3) Divide frag WXP between all the ppl who dealt damage to killed player before his death (during his last combat mode ofc).
This will destroy WXP-zergs.

4) Create point multipliers for outmanned maps. E.g. Server X has 2 towers, 2 supply camps and is outmanned, Server Y has a tower and supply camp and is outmanned. Server Z has everything else and isn’t outmanned. Outmanned multiplier is 2.
Server X gets 60 pts per tick (30 w/o multiplier)
Server Y gets 30 pts per tick (15 w/o multiplier)
Server Y gets 100 pts per tick
32%/16%/52% (20%/10%/70% w/o multiplier)
This will not allow easy domination of night shift zergs. They would have to put effort into taking pretty much everything in the map to dominate. This will also make NPC events much more important for outmanned servers, cuz 2 homeland towers would bring them 40 pts instead of 20.
Its a matter of dispute though. But I think it could help.

I’m against AoE cap disabling. In that case the turtle QQ saga will continue, ACs will become useless also.

(edited by GSTim.8094)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Harsh but honest confession. Honesty is such a rarity nowadays.

Seperate reset times for NA and EU

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Actually I still can’t understand what’s the problem making separate reset times.
I don’t know the code but let me guess. What could depend on time:
- boosts and nourishment timers
- event (PVE and WvWvW) timers
- WvWvW reset timer
- chat and map timestamp
Atm I don’t see the problem in ingame mech. Every value is server-based. Nothing global what all the servers depend on.
Now DB. If it’s solid and global I would laugh at ur developers. But I don’t think it is. Account DB (with login, pass, email, gem count, etc) could be global and used only on login-logout actions. I guess every ingame server has its own server cluster (I don’t think one machine can server all maps actions) and every server cluster has its own game DB with all timers values, accounts ids, etc. Still don’t see the problem.
So… What’s the problem making separate reset time? Some ppl assume that some kind of engineer’s doing it. Why couldn’t it be automated? Every software process can.

Mesmers dying on gate

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Is it really so hard to fix?
Make gate thicker. That’s it. Done.

Back to top link

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Its not a bug but a suggestion.
Please add «Back to Top» link to every message (icon in quote-edit-report area) not only bottom of the thread.
I noticed that I often need to get back to top when I’m in the middle of the page. And it would be great to have such possibility.

Thank you

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


you angry bro? Enhanced image shows ur name on one of them bags? Also can you get all your loot bags to circle you as nicely as the picture above from your open field fighting? i think not :P

Yeah, i’m angry. Frog in Super Adventure Box is too strong for me
And i’m fast enough to push F every time i get wxp :P If ur not, well… try to learn

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Is this all u could get by using AC? lol u suck m8. They’re not reason to show off, I get much more in open field fight and don’t even make screenshot. My advice to u: do not disgrace your guild. No offence))

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Let us slack a bit, ok?))

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Omg.. EVERYONE using this method stop QQ

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Its really dissapointing when bunch of kitten ruin all fun for two or even more servers just for self-affirmation.

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Deso bay was hacked by VS. I thought its all in past guys, but ur really pathetic.

People trying to GvG in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Got one remark. The worst place for GvG) Why not Hero’s lodge or similar 0600 hrs supply camp? EB always has queues so why do u occupy a slot while server borderlands are usually easier to get to? =)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Vs forum warriors pls stop telling bs about 2vs1. That is pathetic.
U couldn’t take bay in ur own borderland with 50ppl blob against 15 sfr — that is ur problem and not some made up server alliances.

PS: Tell ur «we’re 1vs2» joke to IRON, they will laugh at u)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


That’s the difference between us. Most of us (rus guilds) think that winning fight is the one and only fun in this game.

[crazy idea] 2 VS 2 WvW Server Matches?

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Regular season and playoffs =)))
And Cup of Arena. =)

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


SFR plays for fun and not for points? That was never a secret. =)
Personally, I don’t understand all this ranking fever. It’s all about 24/7 coverage and not about your strength. Guilds transferring here and there all the time. Today your server is No1 but tomorrow its No11. If I transfer to VS can I really be proud that I’m No1 or something?

Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU

in Match-ups

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Can anyone in seafarer’s explain how they took Garrison tier 3 keep just now on Deso border without ever contesting the kitten place? Not one piece of siege up at any gate.

Golems, my friend. It was really fast – that’s why u had not noticed

Spike in full bunker popularity?

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


imo bunker ele is the most balanced build for this class. Decent damage and good defence with nice healing.

Show me more balanced build.

Grand Cross, Vizunah alliance position

in WvW

Posted by: GSTim.8094


Too late, Troma. Too late to play role of noble knight. And u know it :P

btw SFR couldn’t care less about VS. They’re after IRON, GH and VoTF. That’s for sure