Showing Posts For Grunties.6841:

Do you regret pre-purchasing HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Yes I do regret it

From Guild Leader to Guild Beggar in HoT flat

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I don’t think they want small guilds and agree that they are taking the Wal-mart approach.

3 suggestions for a better WvW experience

in WvW

Posted by: Grunties.6841


agree about server balance. I becomes a self fulfilling prophecy where people look at the lineup and don’t bother. Disagree that my pet and my rapid fire against the gate(when I am not taking out other targets) should not count.

Which server to join? >_<

in WvW

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I’d stay away from IOJ, there is no real cooperative spirit in WVW. Huge collection of EGOs in a small playground too.

Please give us an option to turn events off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I don’t think our German friends are appreciating this either. Please shut it off.


Please give us an option to turn events off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Going to play Aoin till tomorrow. This is offensive and poorly thought out.

Please give us an option to turn events off

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Yes please. I also do not like being posed this way right before Easter

Carprace Coat Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Got it and deleted it, along with 90% of “merriment” garbage

Content and Mediocrity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


The events are in the red circles….der der der

Content and Mediocrity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


This is a gift that keeps on giving.

“There is more or less nothing that is completely impossible to avoid in the open world.”

Alright, ANet. We need to talk.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I’ll never forget the day I was playing dead rising 3 and found the Banana Hammock costume… laughed for like 30 minutes.

LOL classic!

[Suggestions] Improving WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Grunties.6841


The only reward I want is meaningful WVW. DAOC had a good model YEARS AGO. This has gotten old, boring, and lackluster

The merry christmas topic!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Happy Amalaguena Gerome, to you, and your people.

Alright, ANet. We need to talk.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


We should be able to make banana hammocks and Mango bippy shirts from all of the Christmas crap we destroy, then that time dragging garbage out of inventory would be worth something

Looking to get into WvW, need builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Tym mind posting your build?

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Literally all they have to do to make lower level content more appealing is make mobs drop crafting mats appropriate to your level. I want t5-t6 mats, not kitten.

This is not a good idea, and would hurt everyone except those who already are past the need for kitten crafting materials.

Oh right, I forgot that it was impossible to make alts and that low level characters wouldn’t benefit from a higher sale value on their materials.

Terrible, terrible idea, aye?

Yes, it is. Because due to how the game works your alts going after Fine items dropped will steadily rise in level. Tiers will, inevitably, pass out of focus. So then you start another character . . . and eventually the only way to handle the problem is to delete a character and start over.

And lower level characters would eventually also pass beyond certain tiers and be unable to earn their materials. So the savvy ones wouldn’t be selling anyway if they ever intended on using them even in the slightest “maybe on a rainy day” way. And of course, if they want it? Better start a character and start farming. And hope you get enough drops before you leave tier 1 drop level range . . .

No. This is, as I said, not a very good idea.

Falling damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Oh, i love how your character lands on his stomach when falls from somewhere high enough… Wouldn’t want to see a change there.

I am afraid to be too specific, I have been infracted twice on this topic. All I am saying, which is probably not news, is that the damage we take while sliding and the damage we take while falling should be scaled. Just my opinion of an otherwise great game. Did I say that right? Will you let my family go now??

Falling damage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I wanted to mention that this game needs to refigure falling/sliding damage,

(edited by Moderator)

Support told me to post here- karma

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


kitten fractals I say

On the supposed issue of endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Pay to win.

You can buy almost anything

WvWvW Commanders need map wide chat color

in WvW

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I think wvw commanders need training in general, no pun intended.

Stomp Farming Guild Members

in WvW

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Those that doth protest too much….

I don't like the cooldown on Spy Kits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I am glad they fixed what was probably an oversight.

Cursed Shore Penn / Shelter Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Seems fine to me. Affects The Zerg flail and tag mobs approach. I am ok with it.

What Is Up With Increasing Prices?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grunties.6841


If gold is really getting harder to earn (I don’t think it is, but let’s run with it), then eventually there will be less gold in the game, and prices will drop naturally.

So your problem, by your own criteria, will solve itself.

+1 for smarminess. Gold has gotten harder to earn since 11/15 and newcomers to the game especially are completely at the mercy of the upper class. Seems familiar somehow.

In my view, gw2 is geartrademill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Not really, as soon as I hit lvl80 on a new alt, I can use all the jugs and drops of karma to spend it on exotics or just buy it with the tokens I got from dungeons. Since I have my legendary, I don’t play THAT much. Maybe 2 hours a day. Maybe 6-7 dungeon runs in a week. It is EASILY I really mean EASILY achievable to get exotic gear. I never, ever, EVER understand people complaining about gear treadmill. The few ascended items are easy to get. If you have problems, shut up and go play your casual mobile game.

Edit: You need a bit effort to achieve something, if not, games like MMOs (and honestl,y most PC and console games I played) are nothihng for you. I really can’t stand the whining anymore, it is just ridiculous.

one might say applying the attribute “only” to devoting almost 2 full work days a week to GW2 while implying that it must have been a lot more before aquiring casually mentioned 2 legendaries doesn´t make you really the go-to-guy regarding the judgement of in game timeframes. Do not misunderstand me, your playing habits are your thing and totally fine by me, I devote a lot of time to games myself, but that is hardly a reasonable perspective you have.

Speaking of perspective, why were people in rares never complaining about the vertical progression of exotics? It’s the same percentage of stat increase, same relative amount of time to acquire (remember that dungeons didn’t always give 180 tokens a day,) as ascended is now.

There were complaints about how long it took to get exotics at first, but nothing about the inherent statistical advantage exotics gave over rare-equipped or downscaled players.

Where was the outcry from WvW players? Where was the outcry from so-called casuals?

Exotics are not new last I checked

Flame and Frost, what is it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I keep talking to the heralds but right or wrong I was under the impression the content was coming in the future

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


You l33ts should start a guild so you don’t have to worry about pUGs. I am sure you and all your friends…..oh wait nvm

I still say no, and I don’t want them to keep changing the game we bought as is to cater to WOW refugees

The "Inspect Gear" Discussion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


You can tell in the responses to this thread who should still be playing WOW. I am against it, there is no ONE way of doing stuff in this game and I do not see why the min/max parsers should be enabled to propagate their elitist behavior. PUGs are PUGs.

Can I delete all of my characters...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


…on one world and start from scratch on another world, or am I forever bound to the world I am on unless I pay $$ to transfer? I don’t have much to lose on my current world and do not mind starting over at all, it is the most fun aspect of the game for me…playing from start on up to 80.

Seems reasonable to me to allow a level 1 character with no assets to pick a home world at creation. Will not be influencing WVW for a long time.

Edit: Thanks for response, please feel free to move or delete this mod.

(edited by Grunties.6841)

"Kill" stealing with dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


It is ugly in Orr, I do the events with the Zerg and the bots because I usually have no choice, but I do the rest of the requirements off on my own. Kittenhats abound.

Are Legendary Weapons Symbols of Achievment?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I certainly do not see them as marks or proof of any kind of achievement. I think it has been completely devalued.

One problem with Asura... Tiny weapons!

in Asura

Posted by: Grunties.6841


may be a stupid question, but will my Asura GS have the same range as a Norn with a GS? In other words if I pop into some pve mobs at hit 100 blades, will my wee little swords not his as many as if I were a Norn?

Sickening market manipulators

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Grunties.6841


It is not a player-driven economy if any of the price-fixing is being done in conjunction with botting. Kudos to the savvy players who invested their time farming (before the November 15th nerf) or otherwise became self-made wealthy players.

Someone can bot for gold or exploit to get gold and then manipulate the market. I’m not crazy bout that. I am sure that as they remove bots this is addressed at the micro level, but I still see bots, and there are plenty of people still selling gold (I even get spam from them on my forum account).

Supportive/Healing Roles During Events...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


In Orr especially, events are completely overrun by 5 signet GS warriors and other AOE’ers hellbent on tagging every mob and preventing you from doing so by moving further and further out from the event hub and decimating mobs before they even get a glimpse of the walls of the settlement they are supposedly attacking. I have seen bots who appear to have Penitent Path timed perfectly. Anyway, that is the behavior this game rewards. I suggest becoming a troglodyte chainsaw wielding 5 signet warrior. I wish I saw more people like you out there. I have been downed trying to get to an event to have an entire zerg run over me, no one daring to lose mob-tagging time to rez a player. I love the Orr changes, but more than the zone is changing.

As much as I am not for the trinity, this game seems perfectly designed to reward the wrong kinds of behaviors.

Revamped Orr = more fun for this player!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I like the changes, it is fun instead if tortuous. AOE zergfest notwithstanding. Karma is secondary to tagging mobs for loot so you see the “best” in humanity.

That said it is now very possible to explore and hunt solo and that is a nice change of pace.

Suicide jumps for res daily

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


There are a ton if Npc’s to Rez. I don’t understand this crybaby kittenpants nonsense about the dailies.

Thank you, ANet.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I love Orr now. I like the patch overall, good job.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I love lamp. Seriously though, optional is optional, sounds like 3 out of 5 is coming in the future for those that are incapable or unwilling to complete them now.

New Dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I like them fine and was able to complete 2 different sets, including combo and dodge. It is optional anyway. I like it.

Stealth update: pet F2 skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Grunties.6841


At least explain it in the patch notes for pete’s sake…

MMO Dynamic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


What you are seeing are rats in a maze looking for the next piece of cheese. Some mindlessly try to “beat” these games the moment they start. Others enjoy the content. I experience the same thing as the OP. I had a small guild of friends who I have played other games with over many years, unfortunately they all left shortly after Nov 5th, or out of boredom, so I run alone. My choice, not a complaint.

But this does feel like the least social out of all of the games I have played over the years, and I have been on several servers.

so many people with map completion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


45 minutes to an hour per zone – hearts, vistas, POIs, WPs. Not likely unless you have certain “special” abilities.

philosophy on raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Guild wars 2 is as advertised when we bought it. They should fine tune and improve the game and not re-engineer it because people want hugely complex additions to the game that run against the stated philosophy.

Any new Anti-bot/Player Friendly methods?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I do hope they do something, it definitely feels like we are being punished because they cannot handle bots.

So Triforge?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Vertical progression as requested.

Sometimes I just want to farm...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I am like the OP, sometimes i like to just kill stuff and see what i get, or kill stuff that drops what i need/want.

DR was implemented under the guise of a bot deterrent, as we the players all know, bots were quite rampant in the past and Anet has gotten a pretty good handle on it now with their dedicated team of bot detectors and some new code. DR will and has never stopped botting, bots will just add a line to their code to switch areas every hour. DR will and has only ever hurt the legitimate players.

Ask yourself this. Now that bots are fairly rare and there is new code and a dedicated team assigned to banning them, why is DR still in effect? The amount of mats required for the best infusions and some other high end gear is ridiculous, 250 of this 100 of that, but you can’t farm for it. They want you to need gold, and they limit your ability to make gold or farm the mats directly. It makes the fastest and easiest option the Gem Store. It’s not an accident.

Bots are far from rare

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I don’t understand why people are fighting over “concrete data”! It isn’t players’ job to do, it’s Anet’s job. And thousands of users posting here for the past 2 months aren’t idiots to keep on bringing their experiences already. People have shouted for one full month and then they come back asking for concrete data. Which map? Every map. Which mob? Every mob. A cave spider can drop a rare, rarely, and a champion risen priest can drop kitten if at all. There’s no consistency or anything to analyze. The drops are screwed…that’s been talked over – we don’t have to give our everyday experiences with numbers whereas Anet can detect Dye drops within hours and fix it.

Yup, makes you wonder

Share your data about perceived strange drop behavior here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


I perceive that I quit this broken bug infested gem store, I mean game. You cannot have my stuff, nothing dropped since 11/15

Forge your legend(ary)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grunties.6841


Agree with OP. There is absolutely no status I attach to anyone with a legendary because of all of the reasons stated. Most bought it. Those that earned it are tainted by the majority of folks who bought it. I’d be mad if I earned mine and people could just buy it.