Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Sorry. You can TRY to petition them to have it undone, but your odds are slim to none. Best to just chalk it up to a learning experience.
EDIT: Also, this is the bug report part of the forum. Your post will probably be moved to a more appropriate area since it doesn’t involve a game bug.
The attunement indicator around my Elementalists wrists are always ON now, even when I don’t have my weapon out for a fight. This is one of the things I really hated about the Revenant.
This had BETTER NOT be a new “feature”. (I am not up-to-date on the game changes, and I didn’t see this post in the last 5 bug report pages). I hate effects blocking the sight of any little bit of my hard-earned armor.
Please make them go away when I sheath my weapon.
I asked ‘em over 3 weeks ago. You would THINK it’d be a “natural” to return to the Gem Store at this time, especially with the Living World storyline headed into the Far Shiverpeaks.
Go ahead and MERGE this one, Mods. Then walk down the hall and remind the Gem Store manager that he still has several dozen crates of these in the back of the warehouse getting moth-eaten, and now is the time.
it wont help at all mate.
we still got people trying to search the forums even with said sticky
Did you read my last sentence? I know that there will still be people who don’t see the sticky. But I also know that a lot of people will still appreciate it. To say it won’t help at all is patently absurd.
And the best thing: it doesn’t take any programming. They can hand the dates to someone’s secretary to post when she has a few minutes. Why be so negative about giving us a game resource that takes almost no effort or time for them to implement?
So what if it won’t be seen or used by everybody? Many people will see and use it. And it’s super easy and quick to do.
Put a sticky topic at the top of the Forums that gives us the start and end dates for all the upcoming years’ Festivals. You can include a disclaimer, of course, that the dates are subject to change. (The Living World has interfered with them before. And who knows – you might surprise us with a new festival if the mood strikes you! )
This would help alleviate the number of “When does Santa come?” and “Will the Festival of the Four Winds be back?” threads. It will also reduce the number of complaints from people who wanted to finish Festival content, and felt blindsided when it ended without notice.
It won’t STOP those threads – there will always be people who would rather ask than look for themselves. But it should help.
Obviously, from the picture, our Guardians have vastly different “themes”. But preview the Ebon Vanguard shield; you might like it. It is dark, and the Aegis aura fits it rather nicely. And since you have little gold remaining, you’ll be pleased to know you can get one in the Stronghold of Ebonhawke for mere KARMA!
Here’s a screen shot from tonight’s Tequatl. This is getting pretty commonplace. It doesn’t help that this particular chest makes you stand real close in order to collect from it.
To make matters worse, someone’s Job-O-Tron backpack was yakking all during the fight. Please, ANet. I’m here to fight dragons, not trolls.
…Another Tuesday and no warm Arctic Explorer’s Outfit. Looks like I’ll have to stay indoors during the Wintersday festival.
(It also appears as if Wintersday will only be in Divinity’s Reach again this year too. Booooo! Bad decision, ANet! Wintersday is for EVERY race, not just Humans! Bring it back to LA!)
The time is long overdue to give us control over sound effects originating from other players’ equipped items.
The Replica Job-O-Tron backpack is the fingernails on the chalkboard of my sanity. It has gotten to the point where whenever I hear that infernal voice (apologies to Yuri Lowenthal), I just have to leave the area. I feel like ANet itself is trolling me, trying to get my dander up. Well it’s working. I actually left in the middle of a Boss fight the other night, forgoing any reward just because that thing wouldn’t shut up. It has really become that annoying to me.
Don’t get me wrong. I know some people enjoy it. I am not trying to take anything away from them. I just want the ability to put on some noise-cancelling headphones with regard to other peoples’ sound effects. This includes lots of mini pets (nearly all SAB pets, the Ho-Ho-Tron constant jingling, etc.)
You already gave us the ability to control the volume of other players’ musical instruments, since they were being used as trolling devices. Bravo! Now take it a step further and finish the task by letting us adjust the other troll-like noises emanating from other characters’ equipped items. (Some players do jump around with the obvious intent of making their backpack chatter as much as possible. This is, in some cases, deliberate trolling).
But don’t stop there! After you have given us control over other peoples’ sound effects, then RETURN all the noises that have been removed. I want to hear my mini golems clanking footsteps again. I want to hear all their “beeps” and “boops”. I want to hear my mini Princess Doll scream in anguish when I jump off a cliff. I want to hear my riding broom’s “jet airplane” sound without it dying slowly away. The list goes on.
TL/DR: Give us the ability to adjust the perceived level of other players’ equipped-item sound effects, and return all the sound effects that have been removed already (presumably in a quick-fix, band-aid effort to reduce other perceived sound pollution problems).
Make this your New Year’s Resolution.
Do not expect an answer anytime soon. This question is destined to be debated well into the 23rd century, as shown by Captain James T. Kirk’s solution to the Kobayashi Maru training scenario.
Okay… they’ve released the same ol’ same ol’ Wintersday stuff. I guess it’s two more weeks until another chance for the Arctic Explorer Outfit to return? (Sigh).
QUESTION: WIKI seems to indicate that the Festive Hat (Santy Claus) was only available once, and is no longer available even during the season? Is that right? Back when it first came out, I didn’t get one because I was playing a character who didn’t want to be bald. Lately I’ve been playing a character who has no problem with that. Please tell me I’ll be able to get one…?
Golly – between these two issues I don’t know if I’ll be able to properly participate in Wintersday activites or A Crack in the Ice.
How did you get purple undergarments?
Art program magic. I can’t stand those pee-yellow undies.
Go to the east side of Tarir (The Forgotten City), and you will see a waterfall. It drops onto a big SLIDE. This slide lets you actually slide! Step onto it, and your character strikes a pose as he surfs his way to the bottom of the ramp!
This is an amusing distraction for a little while, but I have two wishes:
How about it, people? After a few times down the water slide, what can you do to “spice it up”? Do Legendary Weapons leave footprints or Aura trails? What skills/spell effects make it a more interesting ride? (Tumbling works, but I couldn’t get a decent screen shot). Maybe a Box ’o Fun at the top, so you can PETRIFY yourself in an amusing pose for the trip to the bottom?
Get creative! What can YOU do to spice up the Forgotten City Water Slide?
I’ve been waiting for them to re-release the Arctic Explorer’s Outfit (what with “A Crack in the Ice” and Wintersday). 5 bucks says they do release it, but bundle it with other items I already have. Any takers?
I bought a Mustang, but it turned out not to be a horse. Ford refused to change the name.
I ate Ladyfingers and Girl Scout cookies, but wasn’t arrested for cannibalism.
I watched the Miss Universe Pageant, but none of the contestants were from off-Earth.
Names mean very little. I mean, a “reality” TV show figure will soon be called “Mr. President”. How unreal is that?
My suggestion is that you ignore “Guild Wars 2” and just think of it as “GW2”. That way you can substitute whatever makes sense to you:
There can be no “Imorpving” the game until you imorpve your subject line.
Sgt. Hamfast (Spelling Police)
There is a cosmetic item to change gender.
The Total Makeover Kit is the name of that item.
Once you’ve been with the game awhile, it’s also pretty easy to amass enough level boosters to jump straight to level 80. Or you can purchase the Heart of Thorns expansion and receive a level 80 booster. Either way, you can have yourself a max-level character of a different race in a jiffy.
My goal is to be warm in the new content. So I previewed the Arctic Explorer outfit and Braham’s Wolfblood outfit side-by-side. There’s no comparison.
If it’s all the same to you, I’ll keep asking for the Arctic Explorer outfit to make a comeback real soon.
(edited by Hamfast.8719)
Would “Kaldottir” be acceptable? If so, give that a try. It eliminates the “LSD” problem (assuming that is the game’s problem).
Hamfast where are your eyes? Im a little more than scurred.
Y’know the thing about an Asura, he’s got… lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he bites ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then… oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin’, the ocean turns red, and spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’, they all come in and they… rip you to pieces.
(Sorry – I’m still caught up in Halloween a little I suppose).
EDIT: I have eyes – see picture below. Just nothing reflecting in them in the first picture.
(edited by Hamfast.8719)
We got braham’s wintercoat, though
Braham is a Norn. I am an Asura. No way would that fit me! (Besides, what would Braham wear? He would fall asleep from the intense cold, and that would be it. Braham’s Lullaby. Zzzzzz…)
Dear Santa Charr,
Every year, despite the fact that ANet now says Wintersday is primarily a Human Holiday, I always eagerly await the arrival of Tixx, and his many helpers like yourself. ANet can say what they like. They just don’t want to decorate New Lion’s Arch and populate it with Holiday NPCs and festive activities. But you and I and everyone else know that Wintersday is for everybody!
My Mama took the picture below for you. That’s me (in the ball cap), and my best buddy warming up by the fireplace after a long and glorious day of snowball fighting with our friends. Don’t worry, Santa Charr… the fire will be out long before you’re scheduled to drop down the chimney! (And we’ll check carefully before lighting it again in the morning… it’s wide, but your antlers are impressively large as well.)
I don’t ask anything for myself. Rather, I ask that you talk to the people at ANet and see if you can convince them to make Wintersday more widespread again.
Your friend,
Hamfast Hornswoggle.
(P.S. – I think I saw you at Meatoberfest this year, but my Mama said not to call attention to you. If that was you, you sure know how to wolf down those Spicy Moa legs!)
It’s nearly time for the Wintersday festival.
Living Story Season 3, Episode 3 has launched, and takes place in the Northern Shiverpeaks.
So with all these cold-climate events, why hasn’t the Arctic Explorer Outfit been reintroduced to the Gem Store?
A friend invited me to her Home Instance, telling me conspiratorially that I just HAD to do my Daily Harvesting there today. I assumed she had added a new Node and wanted to show it off, but after completing my run I didn’t notice anything else on the mini-map. She ’fessed up that she had a Winterberry Node and was standing next to it near to her Tree of Generosity (from which I had already collected).
I never did note any icon on the mini map, but will look again tonight after reset. ANet probably needs to change it to the traditional “plant” harvesting node icon.
I don’t play my Ranger often, but I wouldn’t say “no” to a penguin mini-pet for Wintersday. Must have scarf and Santa hat.
(If cats in this game follow you underwater, but dogs are considered to be strictly “terrestrial” – unable to even dog-paddle – then does that mean a penguin would be able to fly?)
I don’t get the complaint … there are tons of locations for any given kind of terminal you want. No one is every going to ‘troll’ you out of access to anything.
It isn’t just “terminals”. What sparked my post tonight was a team effort (apparently) to block the Tequatl reward chest with a combination of “toys” on each side. I know I saw the Pirate Cannon and the Witches Cauldron at least. Those things stay up awhile. A deliberate attempt was made to block people from an event reward. THAT, I think, is a legitimate complaint. (Especially with that particular chest, which requires you to be VERY close to it to get the “[F] to Interact” prompt).
Once again, just an annoyance. I can simply mouse-click my target. And I know enough not to acknowledge the trolls in-game. No sense giving them the instant satisfaction they crave, when silence may make them decide it’s not as fun as they thought. But with incidents on the rise, ANet might want to look into doing something.
WIKI “Ascended equipment” for how to do this in the Mystic Forge.
More and more, lately, I’ve been running into “toys” sitting on top of Merchants, Bankers, Boss Treasure Chests, etc. Things such as the Pirate Canon, the Witches Cauldron, Boxes o’ Fun, and even food buffs. This is hi-lariously amusing for trolls, I guess, making it harder for people to access the NPC or reward. We even see our normally helpful Mesmers creating Portals on top of treasure chests, but at least that goes away quickly.
Of course, we can directly mouse-click on our target if it’s not completely buried under other player’s characters. This is not a life or death problem, and I can’t personally understand the mentality of the trolls. They must think that instead of rolling my eyes and breathing a gentle sigh of annoyance, that I am instead screaming at the top of my lungs, startling the neighbors and pulling out my hair.
Please, ANet, put a “buffer zone” around important NPCs and treasures that prevents players from depositing things directly on top of them. Don’t STOP them. Just move their toy (or buff or whatever) a short distance away where it doesn’t interfere.
I wanted to “give back” a little to my fellow players. I have used other peoples’ Mesmer portals to complete a Daily Jumping Puzzle in the past, so when we had a JP that I was pretty good at, I decided to use my Mesmer to make Portals for others.
The first time someone said “Thank you!”, I responded “You’re welcome!”
10 minutes later, I had the opportunity again, and scrolled back in my text log to send “You’re welcome!”
Two minutes later, I did it again.
Two minutes after that, I tried and was suppressed for excessive messaging. 4 times in 16 minutes doesn’t seem excessive to me, but I don’t make the rules.
Does anyone know what the rule of thumb is on messaging?
MODERATORS: I’m not complaining about the rules! Don’t take down my post! I am merely trying to find out what the rules are, so that I can play within them.
This solution is not “epic”.
It is “fail”.
Here is the visual evidence:
I’m in the minority, I’m sure, but I hate increased speed most of the time. And when I do want it, I will apply it myself. I despise having it applied to me by other players. For this reason, I will never enjoy the benefits of the “Pact Commander” Mastery, and I will never accept the invitation to leave a zone that is closing. For me, it is more of a condition than a boon.
Speed boosts are a dime a dozen. You don’t need more ways to increase your speed. And you most certainly don’t need to force everyone else to have a speed boost when not everyone appreciates it. We need more OPTIONS in the game, not more changes forced upon everyone.
As for your suggestion that all 6-rune sets have the same feature, how does that give us more diversity? Making all the runes do the same thing gives us less diversity.
Halloween, with it’s special seasonal goodies, has passed.
Wintersday, with it’s once-a-year wondrous toys, is just around the corner.
Somewhere in the interim, I’d love to see the return of the Electromagnetic-Descender Glider to the Gem Store. I was unsure of it when it first came out, and then you hooked me with the Box o’ Fun preview. So now I’m waiting patiently for it to return.
Just sayin’…
Show off your Halloween 2016 costumes! (“Scary-themed” stuff. Not everyday cosplay – there are plenty of other posts for that).
This thread is for Mix ‘n’ Match armor pieces only, please. I’m looking for creativity, not Outfits. And if you can give us a cool, or funny, or otherwise creative scenario, that beats a “selfie” in front of a pumpkin any day!
Newly data-mined! Preview pictures of Heavy Legendary Armor for Asura characters!
I’m not asking for any major art changes to new LA.
What about the simple addition of a Lion statue where the old one used to be?
What about some Storyteller NPCs so all the work that the artists went to is still appreciated?
What about centering Festivals in LA again to restore some significance to the city for players?
See? No huge artistic changes to make. Just a few suggestions to help make the city loved by more people again.
(I miss my Lion!)
What a cute Asura.
Yes, the return to old LA really perked him up and had him smiling and enjoying himself that day.
I too, love the LA from Guild Wars 1.
Yes… Scarlet didn’t destroy much of that. The remains are still in the bay. Thank goodness the game designers didn’t destroy it either when they rebuilt.
I love LA! …The OLD Lion’s Arch, that is.
I finally used my straight-to-level-80 item and have been playing my Personal Story in one continuous shot. (Something you can’t normally do. You have to run around leveling up between episodes before you can continue. It really breaks the story apart. But I digress.)
I got to the stage where I visit LA, and was treated to the OLD Lion’s Arch. So much more character! So less “sterile”! And it somehow doesn’t seem so spread out. (Maybe because it’s emptier of people these days).
Unfortunately, I only got to re-explore the area near the fountain. But that was enough to make me homesick.
New LA needs 3 things:
Okay… I was able to get through. I had previously killed both Peacemaker guards to no effect, but killing one, then collecting a new Amnesia Rifle before killing the second guard did the trick. How on earth did you ever figure that out if the Amnesia Rifle never gave you any problems?
Thanks a bunch!
Note… clicking Skill 1 on the Amnesia Rifle does NOT actually perform a “Drop Bundle”. It does a “Destroy Bundle”. The Rifle disappears entirely. A normal Drop Bundle action leaves the Rifle on the ground for me to pick up again.
No luck.
I sat through a repair cycle and I’m still having the same thing happen.
Key bindings are unchanged. I haven’t opened that panel in at least half a year, but I checked anyway. (Besides, as I mentioned, mouse-clicking skill 1 causes “Drop Bundle” to execute too. Not just keypresses.)
I am an Asura character. I have just joined the Order of Whispers, and cannot complete my very first episode “Lines of Communication”. Agent Batanga gives me an Amnesia Gas gun with one skill. When I press 1 (or click the icon for skill 1) it acts as a “Drop Bundle” command, effectively removing the gun instead of firing it. If I cannot use the gun, I cannot continue my Personal Story.
The Asura mining animation makes them look painfully slow-motion. But that is just cosmetic. Not really a problem.
What IS a problem is that they take a FOURTH swing of their mining pick after all the ore has been collected – a full extra swing more than any of the other races. I find myself watching the progress bar and then moving my character when it reaches the end in order to break the animation and be on my way.
Please either adjust the animation speed so that it matches the speed of the progress bar, or chop the animation off after 3 swings. I must have wasted a couple full minutes of play time over the past few years when you add up all those extra pick swings. Minutes I will never get back.
I guess they believe the game is perfectly balanced as-is. (I would certainly like to see the Elementalist Staff skill #2’s recharge speed restored to something closer to where it used to be. It seems sooooooo slow now. I have been doing a lot more of “1111111111” since it got nerfed).
I would desperately love to get a staff that acts as a LIGHT SOURCE (for the Sharkmaw JP, and the couple of other totally-dark areas about the game). There are exceedingly few light sources available to Elementalists. My “Flames of Kryta” have been broken for a long time, and I couldn’t fight while carrying that anyway.
“Lightning Rod” could definitely produce a glow. So could a staff consisting entirely of flames (“Hot Rod”?)
I love cats. I grew up with them, and can hardly remember a time when I didn’t have cats. So when the game gave me the opportunity to add them to my Home Instance, I jumped at the chance.
As much as I love cats, I was shocked to discover that Tyrian cats do not return the feeling. I stepped into my Home Instance this evening only to have one of my cats “give me the bird”.
How disillusioning.
The Verdant Brink!
So tell me…
Why is it so hard to acquire 10 lousy pieces of wood in the Verdant Brink in order to complete my Daily Lumberer achievement when that’s what everything consists of as far as the eye can see?
I would love to be able to dye the Job-O-Tron backpack. Whenever I hear one of those confounded things nearby, I find myself constantly muttering “Dye… dye… DIE!” under my breath.
Beggars were hot and heavy in GW1. I always just told ’em that there are plenty of monsters out there that are dying to give them money.
If that Betty White clip is what you mean by a “dab”, then I don’t see anything “epic” about that. Maybe a Dabney Coleman video is needed instead. Or this old commercial for Brylcreem, featuring their slogan “A little dab’ll do ya”:
I was adamantly against the idea of playing a Charr character, having come from GW1. Then I saw some preview videos for GW2 and fell in love. I love the look. I love the way they run on 4 legs. I think they are great as-is. My secondary character is a Charr. (He used to be my co-main character, but he’s a Warrior. I’ve had him pretty much tabled since they nerfed Adrenaline retention time. That took the life out of Warrior for me.)
I don’t mind additional body style OPTIONS, but if they ever take away my current look, that will be the last nail in the coffin for me.
One of ANet’s biggest problems is that they can’t seem to wrap their minds around the concept of OPTIONS. Everything has to be an all-or-nothing CHANGE with them, and it has kittened me off many times since GW1. I think forcing a change in how peoples’ characters looked would anger a large portion of their fan base and result in more folks leaving the game.
In answer to your question then, “When will Charr get a posture fix?” I would say that it isn’t broken. It doesn’t need to be “fixed”. Ask for additional body types. But if they “fix” something that isn’t broken, they’ll only wind up with more problems than what you perceive now.
(edited by Hamfast.8719)
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.