Showing Posts For Highlie.7641:

S/D Core Power Legendary

in Thief

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Yup, that’s pretty much what i run.

Do yourself a favor, Drop IR. pick up PR. people underestimate the healing capacity of thieves. These two traits coupled with evade frames and withdraw make it possible to survive teamfights.

I ran into you on my last game, (3 placement match) awhile ago. using this spec. i was running seekers, not mara. you should try that next. (All about the boons) and um i guess i’m sorry for giving you a loss (friendly poke)

rotation questions

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Drop your inf return at mid, sb5 up the slope, Shadow step to home., Rip his boons and down him, Shadow return, Inf Return. IF your team is going to drop, go far (your just luring as many people from mid to far as possible, which will make your two teamates at home heading mid have an easier cap. OR, Evade/kite at mid until your home defenders get to mid. Then either disengage and head far (provinding there home defender left) or take the teamfight.

Your choice would of worked out if your teammates left a bunker at home to fight the enemy bunker (providing it was capped in your favor) while the other one went to reinforce mid, So don’t be to hard on yourself. as it wasn’t your fault.

System to que 3+

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


They listened to the whiners at the top. This is all caused by a snowball effect.

The matchmaking system used to be much better for solo and teams. But the endless whining about Que time from the premade teams, made AN change things up. Premades vs solo player’s became a constant thing. so people obviously complained. and since solo player’s are the majority it was only common sense that they would change it again (to what we have now)

You seem to be new tinnel, i will say this as nicely as possible, take everything you see/read about gw2 on here with a grain of salt. People tend to leave out valid part’s of an argument just to get there way. (even if it costs the overall health of the game)

Missing Statues for Monthly

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


you guy’s do realize they just made this thread just to seek attention right? Noone cares about statues, titles or Pvp in general anymore.

Deadeye gameplay spvp

in Thief

Posted by: Highlie.7641


I ran into a ton of dual daredevils on sunday while running deadeye. The only times i died where a direct result of a user error (i kittened up).

Dual rolls, Shadowstep ( i tried the new lesser version but it sucks) And s/d offhand. Not only are you a kiting genius but you can easily bait them to block your rifle shot’s swap to s/d and murder them with unblockables.

You guy’s do realize you have more boons then a glint rev right… obviously not.
Now let me ask you a serious question here.. a long time ago when s/d was meta. did they perform the same roll as d/p? Of course not.

*i should clarify a bit and say i ran s/d power, who in there right mind runs condition on s/d,

Damaging evades hurt pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


1. What’s your point?
2. I’ve killed Lot’s of your so called ESL players with a zerker build. i guess you don’t consider them High tier.
3. IF i can fend off another burst thief with 11k life (Thats two hits ) you shouldn’t be having a problem with any profession. do you need a hint? IT’s all in the sound ques.
4. Change system clock, alter file. done.

Try and use some intelligence the next time you post. One word answers and a meme? Yeah what are you 8?

whats some new PvP additions in PoF?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Nothing but Fluff.

Hot gave us less balance patchs per year. That is more then enough of a reason not to buy the expansion.

Damaging evades hurt pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


load of kitten.

First off: That thief is running Zerker (It’s the only way to get those numbers) he is also targeting another zerker spec (as the numbers clearly show)
Second: That thief either went with a full might stacking build, OR, he used a +dmg modifier spec, both of which require the thief to pick 9 offensive traits.
This leaves him with 11k life. and limited sustain.

Third: His 9 trait choices are completly negated by ONE auto procing passive. and with the added channels, Aoes, CC’s and dot’s that where increased with hot, i’m honestly really scratching my head trying to figure out how you(or they) lost to this thief.

and finally, since i’ve been running a core thief (sometimes zerker other times seekers) and i don’t have a problem fighting glass specs or this condition specs, i can honestly say its a you issue. (i will also point out i have had about 34 games this season. other then that i haven’t played at all)

In all likely hood this ss is from WvW or shortly after Hot launched the anti thief crowd have a habit of using misinformation to get there way. (look at the size of the black box, most server can easily fit into that space.

(edited by Highlie.7641)

RIP Signets and Crit Strikes

in Thief

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Use a different variant

Shadow trap (traited) 15 stacks of might.
The new fury trait (which is sick) will replace Signet’s of power (which is now useless).
There is your 25 stacks, plus fury.

If you didn’t play since the patch it’s not surprising you would think the change to Daggerstorm and Signet’s are garbage. before i tested them i would of agreed with you.
(The signet change is horrible yes, but like i said, it’s replaceable now)

s/d thief’s are going to be monster’s if this new traitline has boontheft like the rumors say. count yourself lucky that most s/d thiefs are running some ridiculously condition spec atm.

*Edit had 20 instead of 15

NA July Monthly Tournament Investigation

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


HIlarious, I’ve been telling you gentlemen this for years. unfortunity they had an army of twitch kiddies defending them,so you all just assumed i was full of salt. where my apology

You know abjured, if you get a job you can make your measly 400 dollars in a day or two of work you know…. (depending on what you do)

though i doubt bottom feeders get paid very much…

(edited by Highlie.7641)

Can you fix pvp by nerfing condi?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


What are you even talking about silv, your way off topic dude. I’m not talking about total damage dealt. Do your self a favor and open your combat log, i can garentee That most of the spaces in the box are condition damage.

If i was talking about total damage dealt i would of brought up the fact that i’m using a thief build with a +67% dmg modifier and it’s still possible for con spec’s to be on par with my TTK. you do realize that’s like 10-14k crits without might / vuln right?(depending on target),

You should already see the diffrence if you even play this game. one spec is rightfully super squishy, while the con spec (again same TTK) has a buttload of sustain. Anyone who hasn’t figured out that this is the problem with con specs is mental.

Let me simplfy it even more, one has to go ball’s deep into dmg modifiing traits at the cost of defensive traits, while one doesn’t, one has to Target and get into range (180) , while the other spams Aoe’s and and channels.

conditions specs are braindead. it really is that simple. If you want thief like burst damage on a con spec, that is completly fine. but they should also be just as squishy

(edited by Highlie.7641)

Can you fix pvp by nerfing condi?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Lol No kitten….

So clueless, when you open your list and there is 0 dmg from powerdmg it’s pretty obvious it’s a problem with conditions keep trying though with your meaningless rants
when you lose 3/4 of your life and then die to the last hit from power, you probably consider that a power spec right hahah my god man give you head a shake.

(edited by Highlie.7641)

The Reason I don't play any Ranked Arena

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


This is why you should never put easy to use builds in a Pvp game mode.
It doesn’t teach you how to PvP, and since most meta build revolve around slaming your face against the keyboard you don’t even learn the very basics. Now what happens when that player run’s into someone who has played for years?


No matter what they do to there MMR algo, It will never function properly, It simply can’t figure out that So and So on meta build A with a rating of 1600, is in reality a player who should have the rating of 1000.

OP do yourself a favor, play gw2 one or two day’s a mth. anything more then that is just going to make you salty.

Can you fix pvp by nerfing condi?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


You can tell the people that use con specs as a crutch, the write page long replies in a effort to defend it.

It’s rather amusing honestly, It’s like they think we don’t know there is this thing called a combat breakdown, which very clearly states all incoming damage.

Pathetic, almost as bad as them “pro’s” trying to defend the down mechanic (pre nerf)
Or the 5 man queues,
Or some of the other stuipidity we’ve seen over the year’s to defend a virtual title.

And they wonder why we all quit.

The new PvP Lobby! I love it!

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


So… If you manage to get under the map, do you end up in the original HotM?

Since this map seems to be on top of it?


Dragonhunters NEED to be toned down ASAP

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Just queue at 5 in the morning, then you too can be great.

You forgot

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


This is what happens when you give professions way to much stability, They don’t even realize how much CC there is now.

“how often do you get immobed, dash away and instantly get immobed again?”
Every Time you Engage an opponent, What kind of players do you fight? even in bronze tier NA they know enough to stack CC. It’s like you don’t even play this game.

Stability doesn’t even effect immobilizes though, stability access is completely irrelevant when tolking about immobs.

Also few builds can apply immob twice.
Warrior – has no immobs
Guard – has one on scepter, zero otherwise
Power rev – none
Condi rev -none
Ranger – 2-3 depending on build
Thief – 1 if traited, a spammable one if and only if they have mainhand pistol
Scrapper – none
Necro – none
Ele – none
Mesmer – none.

True, but you might notice how i state CC farther down the line. Before hot you didn’t need this trait but to many professions atm have access to to much CC, unless they limit it to 1-2 per profession (some professions can obviously be an exception) Thieves will always run dash.

You cut down the amount and by all means add an Icd to dash, until then it just can’t happen.

You forgot

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


This is what happens when you give professions way to much stability, They don’t even realize how much CC there is now.

“how often do you get immobed, dash away and instantly get immobed again?”
Every Time you Engage an opponent, What kind of players do you fight? even in bronze tier NA they know enough to stack CC. It’s like you don’t even play this game.

Random bug or changed mechanic?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


yeah i missed a queue earlier in the night i believe. Thanks for the info

Random bug or changed mechanic?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


So i got kicked to the character screen, And when i rejoined, it didn’t load me into the PvP match (i would of made it back before the gates opened) Instead it put me into the heart of the mist, with the caption “A match is in progress” at the top of my screen, As an added bonus i got 22 mins of dishonor and some random rage mail from (i’m assuming) a player in the match. (What’s with people block mailing in this game anyway)
So.. Bug or Feature?

(Either case it created a nice 4vs5)

Please remove daze component of Choking Gas

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


They should probably consider increasing the stack size required to proc daze. With potent posion or even psn duration, It’s a bit to easy to apply.

Aoe dazes shouldn’t exist in the first place imo though.

No the proc requirement is fine. The ICD should just apply to all targets, not be specific to each target.

The issue isn’t that it can daze spam one person. The issue is that can stop entire group power rezzes by CC spamming the entire rez.

If a thief puts 2-3 CG on a down the only way to get the rez is if a Mesmer does a 3-clone Distortion.

That could work. Chances are it will get toned down eventually, most thieves that i’ve talked to admit it’s a bit too good.

Please remove daze component of Choking Gas

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


They should probably consider increasing the stack size required to proc daze. With potent posion or even psn duration, It’s a bit to easy to apply.

Aoe dazes shouldn’t exist in the first place imo though.

Let's talk about the new patch, here.

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Ahhh muffins, are you salty because you can no longer stand still and negate burst damage by using a random passive. poor baby….

Or are you afraid of the big bad wolf con rev, who get’s melted like butter?

After weeks of not playing I ran around all last night with a grand total of one condition removal (SS) on a core zerk thief spec, your all a bunch of drama queens.

This is like the change to the rally mechanic, we had a bunch of Esl players flood the forum because they wanted to keep there advantage vs pugs.
And Then Premades….
and now there precious little passives…
They don’t want balance, they want an advantage.

Is Vault bugged or are people DPS hacking?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


I would just like to point out that not many thief will drop shortbow for staff, Anymore. Before you could weapon stow during vault, to cancel the “Down animation” at the end. This would speed up your travel time between points.

Obviously it was never as fast as shortbow, But it did give thief’s a choice they had lacked since the inception of this game. A decent replacement for SB. (mobility wise)

Pregame copypasta

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Send the thief far or mid, never home.

Go Mid, blast someone into the downstate (or impact strike) Target and disengage, take the long way to far, IF it’s foefire there home defender is cresting the slope close to mid, (he won’t turn around if he’s smart), you get a decap while your team is fighting 4vs4 on mid. If your team is tanky you get a 3 cap. that’s about 150 point lead by the time there off re spawn.

Now it’s possible to send the thief home on maps like SKyhammer, Temple and Khlyo. but that is entirely do to map size / layout. and it’s still a horrible idea.

Why is my match making raunchy lately?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


A lot of these bad match ups are due entirely to the builds in play. Every single hot build is so forgiving that it’s allowing people to place higher then they should be. which in turn is screwing up the matchmaker.

People forgot how to play, but they refuse to admit it. Since there mistakes are rewarded, they start to think there “pro’s”, I’ve seen alot of base commanders since my placement matches last week. you guy’s know the ones, they spend half the game on respawn and still think they know your class better then you do.

Hello, worst thief eu here

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641



Not due to your game play, I completely ignored that. but due to fact that you butchered a perfectly good song.

Have you no shame!!!!

Bandit's Defense .5 s increase

in Thief

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Anything that adds counter play against d/p must be removed!!
hue hue hue hue.

PRO TIP: On your keyboard, There is a button located between “3” and “5” it should be labeled “4” perhaps it will help you?

No other profession complains about this utility, they have stability and CC which will counter this. They might also realize the transition from block to kick leaves the thief wide open.

What to do 2 Theif won't swap?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


This is only a problem due to arena net’s fascination with d/p. D/p thieves don’t stack well together. and since every thief is running d/p, well it’s an uphill battle.

While s/d and staff are not as optimal when +1ing they make up for that by being a bit stronger in teamfights (they give you enough sustain to prolong a fight to get reinforcements)

Op, convince one of the thief’s to swap his weapon set. If you get the one on staff or s/d to cover home / mid, while the d/p thief cover’s mid / far you will have a higher chance to win.

PVP Dead Again! Anet Great Job

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


My advice is you just go to meta battle in the link below. You don’t have to be any good to run the builds because lot them require you not even think about it! Good Luck!

On positive note if your player like me you make your own builds and play them. Play the game and even if you lose in pvp you still get rewarded with gold!

Wrong pic.


(edited by Highlie.7641)

How do you feel about the state of sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


I stopped playing a few weeks before season 5 ended. so that’s my answer. Though i check the forum now and then to see upcoming balance changes, what they added / removed last time is not enough to get me to log on.

The old quote “same kitten, different day” seems to fit here perfectly. Gw2 is to far gone now, they can’t even attempt to fix it because of raids. They are too cheap for a proper rotation of balance patchs, so this games pvp is just going to keep declining. (this is the one thing pvp players will not tolerate)

It was a good run while it lasted.

Make s/d great again

in Thief

Posted by: Highlie.7641


I’m going out of the box this time:
its also quiet early in the morning so bare with me.

Add a trait that gives +vit while wielding a sword.
somewhere along the lines off + 250 vit would be ideal.
This would open up diversity in are amulet choice, mainly Seekers, and zerkers.
I.e: Wurm (random life rune) 175 + trait 250 = 425, which would be around 16k life.
I.e: Seekers + leadership (random boon rune) Trait = 250 vit which is around 14k-15k life and 100% boon uptime
Mara’s gives you 560 vit and 17,245 hp. which obviously could be a problem with this trait. (your looking at the ballpark of 19k-20k life)
I doubt people would use the other options of Barbian or Valk so they shouldn’t be to big of a concern.

Obviously this is done using Pvp numbers, and are mostly rounded sums

welcome to bronze hell

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


I hear ya Op, I’ve played this game off and on since launch. from 500-600 rating is the worst pvp experience i have ever seen in this game. It’s so completly random. you are forced to take this game as a joke or be driven insane.

The majority of my losses came from those ratings, That win streak after you pass 600 though. easy ride right to gold.

Current state of classes in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


If it where up to me i would just remove PI from the trait list and add it onto certain abilities.

Like swords steath attack
staff stealth attack
IP daggers (if you rupt)
Bandits defense (kick, if you interuppt)
S wire, again if you rupt
s/p 3 is debatable i guess (i can see arguments for both sides)

it would not work on headshot, B/v or Steal.

A bit harder to use, while it would be a bit less spammable, and if the thief is spamming PI abilities at least they all have diffrent animations (easier to dodge)

The problem is AOE healing + far to many boon’s. the Rips are working great for thieves but the sheer amount of aoe healing is making it hard for other set’s to become meta. alot of thieves are using PI to give the extra kick vs these specs.

(tired of typing so if you want to see what i’m talking about roll s/d staff and go to a team fight)

Mesmer go close

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Sending a thief or squishy mesmer home is not a bright strategy. I have no clue where this strategy came from, i can only assume it was created by someone in a team using VOIP. otherwise it’s a near garunteed loss.

I refuse to go home, unless it is certain maps.

The state of PvP and balance - poll results

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


You have been doing this for 4 year’s now Op.

If that doesn’t fit the definition of insanity I don’t know what does.

Nerf Wish List

in Thief

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Haha, there is some great memories in this thread.
Thanks zero, for all the entertainment this thread has provided over the years. Well done.

PvP Quick Stomp

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


quickness works on impact strike.

What determined skill rating gain?

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Que with someone who has higher rating then you Op.

the MMR system is sketchy, it was trying to normailize my matchs when i had 500 mmr. was getting a whole +8 point per win. when i queued with someone else i was getting +30, after about 20 wins in a row the match maker finally decided i wasn’t incompetent (hah sucker) so i get more rating in gold then bronze cause.. logic.. i guess.

so duo q or suffer.

Engineer needs some love in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


When you can’t run in ever expanding circles and sustain for ever (with an ele) they will probably give you another specialization Until then keep chasing your tail

ALL Thieves are so bad at rotating

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


^ probably because your relying on the thief for your teams burst.

kitten thieves NERF EM. its there fault i can’t do damage to this self sustain wall!!!

ALL Thieves are so bad at rotating

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Ridiculous, you know the problem with thieves? having to play with people that don’t know basic rotations, or worst yet, low mobility classes thinking they can decap faster then a thief..

You see the problem with your example. you are the one losing not the thief. infact he created a nice 4v5, and has a guaranteed decap/full cap at far. Is it really his fault you are to incompetent to win the soon to be 4vs4 mid? you don’t even realize this gives you a 150 point lead and a 3 cap do you?

Arena net please create i guide to “how to play with a thief”

Secret Spots IN Heart of the Mists!!!

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Who play’s pvp?

image 5: before the patched it.

**seem to be missing kitten from the south island, but you can get to the south area by swimming under and using an engine quirk (go to char select, log back in). Stay away from the ruins in the center of the south island, that’s where there auto port wall is.

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


cut AoE reveal is also completely excessive; stealth stacking for all professions – scrapper, mesmer, ranger, and including thief, need nerfs, not more forced reveals.

Off topic but true.

This is forcing the “evade spam” your seeing from every thief. the fact of the matter is in pvp stealth is one of the worst defensive mechanic in the game. changes like reveal, the increase of Aoe / channels and procs. and even small Qol changes like “auto turn before shooting a projectile” have invalidated stealth as a defense.
Evade or die.

Anyway, alot of these posts might seem off topic but there necessary, thieves are a fickle beast to balance

Pulmonary impact or headshot must be changed

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


If they want to fix thieves they need to start pumping out small changes every week or so. If they don’t it will take Years for them to achieve the reward vs risk they had pre hot. without that thieves will never be balanced.

Eventally they will hit a point, where we no longer have to rely on low risk abilities, and then they can remove them completly. if they nerf them now thieves would be in a horrible spot. (worst then s1), while we hate things like PI, evade on vault ect we need them sadly.

ELO hell climb was a complete joke LUL

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Good job helseth, but the arguement was that it takes forever to move up tiers, which you have just proven. good job wasting all that time though…?

DH Spear pull should NOT work on evade!

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Have you ever seen a dog dodge it’s way out of a leash?

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


No you do not fishball.

You just have not learned to read the mini map yet. eventally you will realize someone on your team is also doing what they are suppose to be doing. or you would be losing.

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Well i would of thought the higher you went the more likely it is that people would understand basic mechanics. You can not carry in bronze for the simple reason you are one person. carry with a 1vs3, pathetic , take a look at this SS, it doens’t matter for the simple reason that you can not be everywhere at one time.
(I was a bit slow on getting the 5th person on the screen, but if you look at the mini map you will see where he is. he’s about to get spiked. as for the mesmer he came when it was over.)

keep living in your delusional world by all means. in 10,000 more games when i’m out of this rng hell i’m coming for you


The best players are in Bronze

in PvP

Posted by: Highlie.7641


Ah but assuming is what we do best here at the forums

It takes quite awhile to climb, so really the only thing he needs to worry about are people “gaming” there placement matches.

Also i don’t need to “assume” anything, you are good. you know when to stand in the point, in my books that makes you a hero.