Showing Highly Rated Posts By ITheNormalPerson.9275:


in Living World

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


checks body for the sword

kitten ..

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Need a 'Applied Fortitude removal' trap

in WvW

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Applied trap? meh, sounds about as useful as the stealth trap

now, if we had a 30-60s “boons cannot be applied to this group, debuff” trap…

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)


in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


if you need a different answer, it’s “nothing”

as they have said, in anets eyes it is working as intended.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

If GW2 went subscription?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I think, over-all, it would be very negative if they introduced a subscription. Maybe if they started the game with a subfee it would work, but as spoilt as we are, I don’t think it would work now.

Personally, I’d leave. For one, I probably couldn’t afford it right now, and secondly, I’d probably leave on principle… subfees are not for me.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

swap mainhand & offhand weapons in combat

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275



what they said.

I’m honestly not sure if this is a well made troll post, or a serious suggestion..

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Pets buggy?

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I’ve been playing around in Caledon Forest since the patch, just screwing around with camera settings and such, and then i noticed; my pet is attacking things, when I have it set to passive and I’m not hitting F1-F4

Is this a bug? I haven’t gone into pvp yet but if it happens in pvp too that would really suck because the wolf knockdown on it’s first attack is very useful, when you can control it.

P.S. i’ve tried toggling it from agressive and back and it still does it randomly.

P.P.S. I love the new stability change!

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Good work ANET. What happens next?

in Living World

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Personally, I like not feeling like the hero. I’m not paying attention to the story anyways. I’d rather be a hired mercenary instead, just doing my job. at least that way I’d get paid for all this >_>

that said, rewards have, – as you can probably tell by my post – been pretty bad. I want more unique skins like those that were available last living story.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Should Divisions represent player MMR?

in PvP

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Divisions should definitely equate to MMR. If they aren’t doing that, what use are they, other than a mechanic to abuse for a cool backpiece?

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Emo living story love chat gets old

in Living World

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


So basically after reading all the posts the general consensus is people hate the Marjory and kasmeer couple because you believe they are pushing a homosexual agenda.

Now let’s take the gay element out of this, what is Marjory was a man. Do you think people would complain on the forums about this couple?

I think not.

I think people do not like Marjory and Kasmeer simply because they are lesbians; I do not see ArenaNet pushing out a homosexual agenda.

They seem fairly normal to me, so why is everyone so upset about them?

as a bisexual, I dislike them. because they annoy me. sexual preference has nothing to do with a lot of these people being annoyed, it’s moreso that it feels like a sort of cheesy romance novel being shoved into your face in what should probably feel like a gritty war-story

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)

[Suggestion] Can i delete my Q threads ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


that’s a really good idea, actually. And it’s already built into the game (they slowly introduced the megaserver to different maps) so it shouldn’t take too much work.

tl;dr +1

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Concept of Dueling/Party vs Party

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


What i’m curious, aimed towards the people who don’t want it, is “why” you don’t want it? in what way would it negatively affect the game if it were added?

Like, personally, i probably wouldn’t use the feature and i think it’s a bit silly. but i don’t know why i “wouldn’t” want it added.

(And to be honest, i don’t think it’d take “that” much work to implement. I believe they actually enabled open-world pvp for woodenpotatoes? i’m not sure, i’ve just heard that from others)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)

Ways to balance out elite specs

in PvP

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


or they could just nerf the elite specs to be more in line with standard specs, to prevent this power creep in the first place.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Opinions on fan focus skin?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


It’s a very pretty skin, buuut…

-I don’t actually use a focus on any of my characters
-It’s 600 gems

so, probably not gonna get it. Very nice skin though

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


i’m not sure if you’re joking or being serious? honest question here.

a majority of the vistas are already fairly easy to get, assuming you’re the appropriate level for that area. personally i enjoy the ones that adopt a “mini-jumping-puzzle” style. I guess not everyone would agree though. it’s up to personal preference i suppose.

That said, there are so many vistas that to change them all to make them easier to obtain would take so much work it’s not really worth doing, in my opinion.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Thoughts on Stronghold

in PvP

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I actually enjoyed it.

I liked that I could use builds that aren’t designed around points, and I found running defense entertaining, even if I didn’t get to see their lord go down.

Speaking of which, that feeling when you stomp the opponents lord is really nice.

And speaking of lords, I enjoy that the lord retains it’s hp state after it goes ooc, so a wipe doesn’t necessarily mean restarting completely, and I don’t feel forced to rush the lord in an attempt to keep it in combat.

I do want to say that the archers and trebs felt a bit subpar though. I really wish the treb did a bit more damage against npcs. as for archers, I just feel like they don’t have much use when a player can fill the role of them much much better. I’m not sure what change I would like, but I do wish archers were more impactful.

I’m generally not one for feedback on the forums, but with all the people trashing it, I felt like it’s the least i could do.

tl;dr: it has it’s problems but overall I think it’s pretty cool.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

I am glad!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


a.. positive post.. on the forums!? BLASPHEMY! THIS IS THE REALM OF COMPLAINTS! BE GONE!

but seriously, welcome! I don’t log in much but if you ever have some questions or need something, feel free to mail me in game.

also, if you don’t know about it yet, this topic might be really helpful

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Concept of Dueling/Party vs Party

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


said it before, will say it again.

while i wouldn’t use this feature much, i see no reason why it shouldn’t be added at some point. I would say it should be put on the backburner of things to do, but then again they added first person camera already, and this is just as important as that imo.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

player housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


“this is what the people want”

this is what YOU want, and assume people want.

I’m all for player houses, but I’m against building it anywhere. it would take too much work for the developers to add (time better spent elsewhere) and would possibly ruin the fantastic atmosphere of the game

@fluffball houses are definitely a QoL thing, and that being the case… I just like houses. I am just a fan of having your own building in a game that you can personalize and make it your own.. I can’t explain that feeling, I just feel that way.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


while i agree with some aspects, the way you portray jumping puzzles is a bit rude, just saying.

personally I enjoy the jumping puzzles and such, but i wish it were optional, just as I wish the story stuff (people talking) were optional for people like me that have no investment into the story.

basically, everything should be optional! :P

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Which Profession has the best Mobility?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


thief>warrior>d/d ele>ranger>engineer>guard>staff ele>necro>mesmer

at least that’s what i’ve experienced

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

How to buff Rangers!!!

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I didn’t know I could swap weapons! TY!

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Why do you want to be others?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


because there’s more than one mechanic per class.

for example:
I would looove to be stealthy. but, I absolutely LOVE longbows. but the thief doesn’t have a longbow, and no longbow classes have a focus on stealth.

I always enjoyed archeages idea of having your skill trees determine what class you are. I could grab archery, stealth, AND healing! all 3 of my favorite things.

and I bet if there was another class that was exactly like ranger but without a pet, they would re-roll. but there’s more to being a ranger than just the pet, get what i’m saying?

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


my original joke post aside, as a person that probably wouldn’t use a mount, I’m completely ok with them. I’d be against removing the wp system (at least completely) but aside from that, it’s not necessarily p2w and it could contribute to character diversity.

ts;dc +0.5

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

This thing can't fly

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


there’s also theories out there that could suggest that they wouldn’t need massively large wings if they sported gas sacs in their body, containing a gas that is both inflammable and lighter than whatever gas we currently breathe in the world of Tyria. it would also couple with the fact that they can breath fire, which would work similarly to the bombardier beetle. However they have the trade-off that the more fire they breath, the harder it gets to fly, until eventually they can’t fly at all.

With all that said… it’s a vidya game. I think hippo dragons look cool.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


So the argument is more-so that is has a potential to be bad? that, I can understand as a valid argument. thanks for not just saying “lolno dead horse -1/10”

that being said, just because an idea “could” be bad doesn’t mean that it should be completely invalidated, IMHO.

If I were in control, I would make them 33-50% speed boost, high gold cost, keep wps, and make them un-usable in wvw like most transformation tonics. I could see how complaints could transform that into something potentially bad though.

In short, I don’t think it should be the top of their list currently, as it is just a QoL thing, but I think it “is” something that should be considered eventually

(edit: p.s. I bet a mobility warrior or my perma-swiftness gs/lb ranger could outrun a 50% swiftness boost as well)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)

Why did you stop WvWing?

in WvW

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


simply, the fights got boring. the amount of “stay up all night partying with your friends wvwing” nights slowly dwindled until it felt like they never happen anymore. I still roam occasionally when i get the itch to wvw though.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

tPvP Help

in PvP

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


firstly, i’d like to say that my #1 tip is to ignore the toxic community. (but pay attention to the people who actually want to use teamwork :P)

after that, I enjoyed watching this

i mean, aside from listening to sodapoppin ;P phantaram is a member of abjured (one of the better esports teams imo) and gives some pretty good advice (I even learnt a couple things and I’ve pvped for probably at least 300+ hours)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

What do you have that you're proud of?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


kudzu it took me almost 2 years to make it and it was worth the effort.

also my dolyak mini. I love him.

I’m also proud to be friends with all the cool people I’ve met along the way.

and you guys may laugh, but i’m proud to be max level. this is the only mmo where i’ve done that and it was extremely satisfying

also my ranger. I worked hard and spent a decent amount of time and money to make her pretty and i’m really happy with it ^^

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Stop making outfits!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Some outfits are definitely better as outfits than armor skins, due to clipping and such

but i do agree that the trend lately of releasing a ton of outfits and not many new armor sets is a bit saddening.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Tequatl weapon from ascended in mystic forge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I don’t think it’s cheap when it’s on that level of luck. using the current luck, a person can “earn” a sunless weapon having only done it once, whilst someone else “doesn’t earn” it even though they may have done it hundreds of times.

a rabid ascended weapon and a sunless rune seems a little* cheap for a sunless weapon (excuse me for not being knowledgable, but isn’t the sunless rune one of those trash runes?)

maybe all three of the viridian weapons (the green ones) and something else of decently high value (the 50sp scroll maybe?)

that would give it a value around/above 200g, which is pretty good for a “special” exotic

*had to change it from bit

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Concept of Dueling/Party vs Party

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275



While i’m not necessarily disagreeing with your argument as a whole, a few things

to your first point, as people above have said, dueling already somewhat exists in the game, and in the 2 years i’ve played, only once have i had someone rage at me and demand to duel me. Just because you believe people would demand dueling if it were added doesn’t necessarily mean people will.

to the second point… i’m not exactly sure how that’s an argument against dueling? It’s like saying since i’m bad at dungeons, so i don’t want them to add more dungeons to the game.

for the third point, as i said, dueling already somewhat exists in the game currently. and people “already” complain about how awful the meta and builds are and all that jazz. I doubt adding dueling would increase the complaints much (and personally, i think the amount of builds in pvp and even specifically dueling is far more diverse than pve.)

the fourth point seems like more of a personal attack rather than a counter-argument, so no comment.

no comment to the fifth point either.

Most of the people in this thread against arguments seem to think that it would both interfere with your average PvE activities, and they would get spammed with duel requests or vulgarities.

as for the “interfering with PvE activities” i can’t say for sure, but to be perfectly honest, a majority of pve maps are already sort of dead most of the time anyways. and for the most part, i think duelists would want to avoid involving their duels in PvE activities just as much as you guys want to avoid PvP activities.

and the whole “spamming duel requests/screaming vulgarities” i also can’t say for sure, but neither can any of you. we don’t “know” if dueling would increase or decrease that sort of interaction. GW2 has been known for having a “good” community (at least by MMO standards), and GW2 is also quite different from your average MMO. it would be hard, or near impossible, to tell what effects this would have on the game, as an average player. simply saying “dueling will make people jerks!” is very much a slippery slope fallacy.

Again, I’m not specifically for OR against dueling. but personally, I still fail to see how it would harm the game.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

GW2: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


a few things I personally disagree with

“No Sense of Wonder” some places honestly blow me away (bamboo grove in the grove anyone?) not much i can say to argue that since it’s extremely subjective though :P

“Lack of Meaningful Interaction” as someone who has social problems, this is actually one of the reasons i prefer gw2 over others. you don’t need to communicate to play this game, but if you do, you can achieve better results. perfect for someone like me who wants to play but has a hard time socializing

“No New Expansions” if an expansion came out, I probably wouldn’t buy it (coming from someone who has spent over $100 on gem store items) personally I just don’t like expansions or dlc of any sort. (e.g. I’m not going to buy the dark souls 2 dlc/expansion even though it’s one of my favorite games (though that’s partially because they promised no dlc. that’s a different game topic though :P))

aside from that, and sorta the guild part (i don’t really care about guilds) I agree 100%

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Feyris' Puglife Raiding Build.

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I’m seeing a lot of misinformation and bad ideas being spread around like wildfire, practically everywhere, about how druid should be played effectively… So I thought “hey, I should also spread my own misinformation!” so here you have it.

This build is basically designed for people who aren’t in the top 99th percentile of raiding guilds currently. I mostly pug, and while I have ran a couple times with members of decent guilds, I mostly play with casual players.

Anyways, here goes

I ran the rough numbers on the build and I’m too lazy to post all the calculations in here, so feel free not believing anything I say.

First, I’d like to talk about zealots. put bluntly, my build has an inconsequential DPS loss than if you were to replace the armor with zealots (around 3% base damage, or ~7% when considering crits.) The upside of this is that you get a lot more healing (about 10% better) and you don’t have to heal yourself nearly as much what-with the extra vitality (which is even more important since you are using GoTL which is currently pretty insane)

Now, even if you want to complain about my statistics (which even I will admit is using pretty rough math) you’re going to be spending roughly 36 seconds per minute in CAF because as a druid, your goal is to put out as much GoTL onto as many people as possible (more on that later). that means that you’re getting a minor dps boost for a minor amount of the fight, and losing quite a bit of heals. over-all, I just don’t think it’s worth taking until it goes on farm-tier and you absolutely MUST complete the run 20 seconds faster.

also, clerics is terrible. not only are you sacrificing as much damage as you would be in magis, you’re also making the tank take more toughness, which is more of a dps loss. a majority of the builds for tanks rely on just grabbing enough toughness to grab aggro, since nothing puts out remarkable unavoidable damage (and as a druid, you’ll be doing more than enough to keep them good). 1000 healing power is good enough to keep everyone full health as long as they aren’t doing terrible, and if so that’s their fault, not yours

a few more bullet points before this gets insanely long

-Healing spring is great. it’s an insanely large heal to 5 people
-Replace glyph of empowerment with Glyph of the tides for VG (seekers op) or Glyph of Alignment for any fight that you need more heals for.
-Spirits are still great, bugs are buggy, oh well.
-Entangle is good for like, everything. for VG you use it on the seekers, for gorseval you can save it til the spirits get close to the boss and then feed off the praise as everyone is like “omg you just totally saved our booties”

Uhmm… that’s basically all I have to say about the build. feel free to trash my build and me mum and pet hamster for being awful at the game

As a druid on this build, your goal is essentially to sit in CAF as much as possible (36 seconds a minute, not including alacrity which affects CAF recharge rate, and with this build you’ll be reaching full charge in ~5 seconds.) and spam heals to proc GoTL. It it really THAT simple. (well, maybe not THAT simple, but it’s honestly pretty easy.)

./build over.

as an addendum, I’d like to state that no matter how cynical I may seem, I’m not trying to trash anyone else’s build. Feel free to run whatever you want. In the end, having fun is the most important to me, and should be for you too! This is just for those who find winning to be fun ;P

as a second addendum, I’m posting this after raiding for about 12 hours straight (it’s 8am now) so… apologies if something doesn’t make sense.

minor edit: also, I go by Feyris in game. hence the title. Didn’t think that that wouldn’t make much sense until after I posted this

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)

Season 2 Paywall

in Living World

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I honestly really enjoy the new living story design. I spend most of my time in wvw, so I usually don’t complete the living story during the 2 weeks it’s available

I think most people just come on the forums to rage at a-net. that or they’re just extremely negative people… I’m not sure :P

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Drop gw2 shame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Agreed. drop chances I find “fun” in other games. in this game it’s just a steady source of gold to buy the things i want. no fun involved at all in loot tables. (I still enjoy the game, but better loot tables would improve it more for me)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)


in PvP

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


You broke da codez :/

worlds last 81?

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Personal Housing!!!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I don’t really understand why people who are in support of guild halls are not in support of player housing… maybe i’m missing something about it but they just seem like player housing for multiple people?

I’m extremely in support of player housing. As cosmetic as guild wars 2 endgame is, it also makes a lot of sense to add it to the game, in my opinion (a cosmetic addition to your character that has little to no effect, mechanically). I was excited at pax south when they announced guild halls, because i was hoping for player housing as well. I suppose i’m a minority, but I don’t enjoy guilds in MMO’s, so aside from wasting hundreds of gold on my personal guild to make a guild hall and call it my house, I’m completely missing out and it saddens me.

They should have both.

Guilds should buy a structure and be able to buy upgrades for the inside and outside with guild merits and influence.

Each guild structure should have a public face and a private face.

The private face is an instanced ‘hall’ where the guild can gather privately and a an instanced ‘barracks’ where guild members have individual housing that acts like I mentioned in my post above.

The public face is what others see. In a perfect world all guild structures would share a common base archetecture for the public side that way if ANet ever improves on the system, 2 guilds could go to war with one another, each guild’s structure would spawn on opposite sides of a map, and since they share a common design, they’ll be balanced. We could get some 2forts action in GW2!

of course, i didn’t mean to say i don’t want guild halls. i’m completely in support of them, i just lack the interest in them that i have towards player housing

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Good ranger Pve/dungion long bow build?

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Here’s our current meta build for dungeons

By no means do you HAVE to run it to a T though. I run something similar, but I changed mine up to allow for more team support that isn’t always available in pugs (e.g. a lot more mightstacking, even though a good group will have a phalanx warrior and pre-stacking, not every pug group does it)

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Add Karma tax to buy orders?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I have nothing against this idea. I rarely put in buy orders so it wouldn’t effect me much, and even when it does I have such a surplus of karma it wouldn’t be a big deal.

but as a bunch of people seem to not have too much karma than they know what to do with, what about adding a new currency? granted, I admit I’m probably pretty bad at economics so I’m not saying this idea is fool proof, just something to get the stones rolling.

the currency could work in multiple ways

-The first idea I had would be that you earn the currency via sell now/buy now. say, 1-5 tokens per item sold/bought. then when you put a buy order/sell order and that order is filled, it costs 1 token. It would lower the profit that tp flipping is so notable for, without destroying it completely. the problem I see is that it wouldn’t “force” them to “play the game” like so many people seem to want (personally I don’t mind if it’s all they do.) which brings me to my second idea

-Tokens earned by just playing the game. fairly self explanatory. it’d have to be semi-decent drop rates, possibly an 80% chance to get 1 for every bag opened or item salvaged, or 1-5 per enemy killed

-My last idea is that you can convert any currency (excluding gold) into it. the main idea behind this is semi-selfish, and that is that it would make WvW more profitable in comparison to other gamemodes, due to the abundance of badges and lack of anything to spend them on. Of course, it would have to be different for every currency, but we could use the same Idea that you used in the OP, I’d think.

Of course this might put a focus on tp flipping that wasn’t intended, and due to that I think we should be able to use this currency for other things as well. special skins, materials, or even a static way of converting every currency into gold (vendor X currency into the new currency, then the new currency into gold)

tl;dr wanze to replace evon gnashblade

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

(edited by ITheNormalPerson.9275)

NPC-only armors and faces compilation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


would pay good money for the yellow/blue sylvari outfit 4 rows down, 6 rows right, as armor (not an outfit, because i’m not a fan of the skirt)

I’ve always been jealous of that top when I pass by her in the grove

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Your wishes for 2016?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


More specializations

more of… gw2. just more of what we have, and I’ll be happy. more skins, events, things to do, etc. etc. I don’t really care what it is, I just want more things to work towards

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

To anyone who's starting to hate the game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I pretty much agree with you OP. While I have no problem with other MMO’s and don’t think they’re bad… I’ve recently gotten burned out on gw2 and decided to try some other mmo’s (most notably; wow’s free trial, rift, tera, and archeage) and while doing that I realized that while GW2 isn’t perfect.. I don’t think I could leave it. a few things to add to the least of things that i really like about this game

- IMO, gw2 just explains everything better. there were a few things that i didn’t get when I started, but over-all I wasn’t nearly as “omg i’m so ovewhelmed _” as I was in other mmos.

- The waypoint system. Every mmo has it’s modes of transportation, but personally, I liked waypoints the most.

- The amount of customization. freely change your dyes on a moments notice? skin over your gear whenever you want (for basically free)? and, I find that almost all of the armor in this game is actually cool! (even if other mmos have more armors and stuff, personally i’ve found that the armors are never as neat, there are a lot of armor that is basically identical, and the lack of dye-ing is painful..)

-Being able to move while attacking. OMG THIS IS SO GREAT. another mmo got close to capturing that for me… but it just ended up feeling like an offbrand version of gw2. again, not that it’s bad, but “why would i play this when I have gw2?”

-jumping puzzles. put shortly, i love jumping puzzles. other mmos rarely have them.

-no sub fee (self explanatory)

-As much as people complain and rage and talk about how awful this game is (and still keep playing it, amusingly..) I really like the community in this game. we’re kinda quirky, and most of us seem to be pessimistic, but I’ve met a lot of really cool people in this game. I can’t say that for every game i’ve played. (I do think we’ve gotten to the point of a spoilt child asking for second servings of cake though)

- the lack of gear grinding. this is a major turn-off for me that almost every mmo seems to do.

I could literally rant about this for days, so I’ll cut it here

I must reiterate, that i’m not saying “omg gw2 is 10/10 all the other mmo’s are poopy heads!”. These are just my opinions on why I enjoy(note, not “why i think it’s better”) GW2 more. wow has to be doing something right to get such a large playerbase.. but whatever that is just doesn’t appeal to me i guess

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

realistic ranger adjustments

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


SoS i don’t really have a huge problem with because most classes generally have some form of block/stealth/etc, that they could use, or their own invulnerability. but at the same time i don’t really care that much because i don’t even use it on my build (even in it’s current state, there’s other skills i’d prefer over it. e.g. muddy terrain is basically a 2 1/2 second invulnerability if you can get behind them (unless they waste something condi clearing) and also allows you to get more range on them.

as for the longbow, i feel the current problem isn’t that it’s too strong, it’s that it lacks a skill investment to learn well. currently it’s fairly easy to use it effectively, the only things you could really screw up are hunters shot and using barrage poorly. right now, spamming #1 and pressing #2 when it’s off cooldown is basically the ranged variant of a warrior. high skill floor, low skill ceiling.

what i’d like to see is a rework of skills, so it has more utility and it’s damage is more spread out along the other skills so #1 isn’t your primary source of dps. I’d like to see it be harder to use, but the payoff is better if you take the time to learn it

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Love the new mobs and AI

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I wish it’d get even harder (at least for optional content. maybe a NG+ mode for the story instance so you can replay it at a higher difficulty for more rewards?) it was a bit tougher – especially that veteran golem thing, but probably because I didn’t understand what it was doing so I just dpsed it down – but I didn’t really have any trouble for the most part.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Which Zone design is your favorite?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Labyrinthine Cliffs is my favorite. it brought me back into the game from a 6+ month hiatus and I spent nearly the entire time it was available there.

of the current maps though, caledon forest always holds a special place in my heart

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

How much work does each profession need?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


from a wvw standpoint


Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

[Suggestion] New Legendary Shortbow

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Personally I think arachnophobia looks just as “silly” as the dreamer, outside of the projectiles.

I do agree that a darker or nature-ish shortbow would probably be the best idea though, what with the dreamer already fitting the role of shiny/pretty.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Character designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


Excuse me for being an idiot, but can someone give me a TL;DR for this? not that I didn’t want to read it (just spent about 10 minutes on it) but I don’t get the point of the post?

do you think gear choices look too silly?

do you think ugly armor is too bad?

do you dislike ugly but also want ugly in the hopes that other people will use it?

I feel like I’m missing the point and just reading an argument about… something.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Racial Back Pieces

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I’m all for more race-based stuff. it makes the different races stand out more which I like

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Pay with GEMS for new story??

in Living World

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


here’s an idea anet, for anyone complaining about it, just revert it back for those accounts where if you miss it, you don’t have an option to buy it. now we can all be happy, except for people who are greedy jerks that don’t want anyone else to access the content either because “it’s not fair” that the new system gives EVERYONE a chance to play the content.

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)