Showing Posts For KaporHabakuk.6219:

Fix. Necro. CONDIES!

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


i think he means overall 60k dmg,and than spread.Maybe with reaper 5+2+4,and geting hit by some multiattack channel while under frost aura,might be possible i guess.140-150 per bleed tick for 10s.Uhm,does chill aplication from frost aura have ICD?

OTAN guild,WSR server

Fix. Necro. CONDIES!

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


isnt 75 bleed stacks like 12k dmg?4 ticks would mean like 48k hp at least,what on earth you runing if you survive 4 sec with that?

OTAN guild,WSR server

Fix. Necro. CONDIES!

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


want to beat a nerco up just run a con spec tick him up when he leave reaper form intrup heal skill he instantly dies.

apart of condie reaper being able to run like 30k hp,with passive condie transfer and some active too,uhm,does it work,lol?u probally talking about power reaper,which indeed can die easily.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Add map or pop. increase

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


actually many ppl will be in PVE first months,if its gonna be as last expansion at least

OTAN guild,WSR server

Population is dying, low chance of revival

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Struggle to kill anything on the power based scrapper. Log on my condi chrono, roll my face across the keyboard whilst watching netflix on my second monitor. Collect bags and not die for over an hr.

condie mesmer was always like that.used to be even more passive,thou they at least werent that deadly like nowadays.shatter condie bombs which generate even more clones which results in more condie shatters…. .Hard to say which one is worse.Long time ago,i tryed condie pu mesmer,killed i think 2 warrs and 1 guard just with clone aa and clone death trait.Thou it at least took a while,but i could chat with friends during this thriling fight.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Stat changes coming in Q3 balance.

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I just hope it wont end with more condie overload with one button and traits which will proc even more condies upon inflicting condies.I understand that new pve content will probally ask for higher dmg overall,just dont bring that stuff into WvW/PvP please.This game seriously lacks the most basic formula high dmg = low survivability,and vice versa.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Population is dying, low chance of revival

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Whenever i jump into WvW,there are tons of ppl around.Many times queve on some map and skill lags.If this is dieing i really dont know what you await from WvW.

New content was delivered,but ppl rant about it 24/7.New map?too big,too small,too spread,too tight bla bla bla.People want more siege,than less siege,better fortification,worse later on.Even einstein in game development couldnt ever please this wide audience.

OTAN guild,WSR server

rank change

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


“harder to reach Platinum and Legendary. As such, we’ve revised the tiers for each rank”

Pretty sure that’s the entire purpose of the tiers? That legendary is really hard to reach?

It was harder than intended in season 6. Basically the volatility change in at the end of season 5 removed mmr inflation resulted in what we had in s6 where only two people got legendary.

When a entire division is more exclusive than the top ten you’ve got a issue.

Maybe only 2 players were truly legendary?If everyone would be legend,whats the reason for that rank anyway?

OTAN guild,WSR server

So, Axe or Dagger for PVE?

in Necromancer

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Runing with only single target range wep can be a pain and boring in open world,especially if you dont have reaper shroud,just basic death shroud.Also you can still run both dagger and axe,thanks to weapon swap…. .Still dagger hits harder,is faster,and hits more targets.

OTAN guild,WSR server

PvP Feels Utterly Broken For Necros

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


If you got problem with CC chains on necro,maybe slot more stun breaks,or trait to fight CC chains.Also as said milion times,you have to positiion with lil brain activity involved,dont charge into big fights without shroud or great support.The reason ppl target necros,isnt cause they are that vulnerable,its cause they are most dangerous of all in group fights.
Same as ppl dont target support cause they are easy to kill,but its just important to take support down in certain cases.

i feel after last patch,necros got much easier time in pvp,especially stabil change on warrior,and some sigils removed helped a lot.Overall good balance,i would maybe do something with gravedigger,cause honestly 1,1/4 cast time for 170 range aoe,which aint even hiting that hard is bad.Or focus is very bad with the long cast times.

OTAN guild,WSR server

[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


funny thing,you can kill ppl if you get frost aura,just by being attacked

OTAN guild,WSR server

So, Axe or Dagger for PVE?

in Necromancer

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


As some dudes already posted,dagger is really good for power necro in open PVE.Fast attacks,cleave and solid dmg.Also boosting might stacking with spite tree.Axe is good for single target,thou i believe dagger is higher dps there aswell.Just try it out,equip dagger,clear some npcs,than try the same with axe and you get the feeling.

OTAN guild,WSR server

95% is running glass cannons

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Am not seeing any zerker amulet guys,and am playing pvp almost every day.Guess you guys talk about NA,or?Didnt even saw ppl geting one shot for quite some time,last i saw this was during the shatter mesmer era.Not even killshot warrs truly one shot ppl in pvp at least.Maybe some zerker ele?but havent seen those either in ages,most take mara if they go FA or some funky staff build

OTAN guild,WSR server

Whats the plan for necros?

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I guess its a matter of playstyle,i rather take extra stunbreak+stabil with lower RS CD and lower RS decrease while in shroud,it playes well,and is funn.Thou i was mainly pointing out,if someone got trouble with CC,there you go,pick that nice trait and life is easier.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Whats the plan for necros?

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


actually,necros got stability in the spectral tree line,on DS/RS you can get stun break and stabil,with traited DS/RS we talking about 6sec CD on stun break with stabil.not bad at all

OTAN guild,WSR server

(edited by KaporHabakuk.6219)

Something has to change

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Thats actually a good point.Having pre-set few builds and easy swaping between em would be a nice thing indeed

OTAN guild,WSR server

Something has to change

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


- if this game had a smell it would be fetid

as far as I’m concerned it’s all corpse carts and calls of ‘bring out your dead’ untill the next expansion hits.


stronghold is more PvP than conquest? smh
all of the mechanics and objectives in stronghold are PvE lol. a game mode based around summoning AI and kill AI is not a very good PvP mode.
conquest is a tactical game of map control. you use tactics and combat prowess to win, and all bar two maps have no AI. it’s much better for PvP than summon AI to kill gates so u can kill AI lol.

still, I’d much rather have For Honor’s gamemodes. 2v2 is excellent in that game.

Actually there was only one pure pvp map,which was removed “hello courtyard” cause ppl dont like just PvP that much as they say…..With this in mind,talking about conquest which you can win by sitting on nodes,or a dude with high mobility caping empty nodes as a true pvp compared to evil stronhold where you get points by channel spawning npc or destroying gates,is just ridiculous.If you want to say you like conquest more,just say it,no need to live in self-deception and talk about SHs being more pve than conquest maps …. .

OTAN guild,WSR server

Ghost thief exploit, working as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Dunno,i just think its pretty simple and would work if they add dmg to trap and trait which does 5 confu on steal.Ppl would still have problems with condie,which i understand but at least most of the grief from these sort of thieves would refocus back to condie hate in general.
If you look at WvW forum,these threads poping like mushrooms after rain,and i kinda agree its not healthy and its pretty ridiculous.Killing ppl while being stealthed,gosh,thats wrong.

OTAN guild,WSR server

DHs are so weak

in Guardian

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Sooo,you trying to say,your autoattack from stealth hits for more than DHs utility trap and elite trap on like 50-60sec CD?

Btw you understand that 10.5k BS with one aa,or sigil proc would kill berzerker DH instantly?and that all from stealth….,sounds fair,right?

OTAN guild,WSR server

Ghost thief exploit, working as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Just add dmg to traps and traited steal,and its done,tadaaaa.Dudes respec back to condie pew pew thieves,and we all happy again

OTAN guild,WSR server

WvW guys

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


WvW is as boring or as exciting as the person who enters it.

Ever been to a lame party? Its because the people are lame.

this,couldnt say it better

OTAN guild,WSR server

[SPVP] S/F is where it needs to be

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Am pretty surprised aswell someone saying you can solidly 1v1 6 of 9 classes.From my observing others need to be really bad,fail to hit you with most big hits and eat all your bursties,you need to interupt at best moment and still most classes will just outsustain your dps.Only thing good on ele is kitting and the fact you can dps while kitting or from mid range.So you can shine in fights where the other dude is just sitting on point and eating dmg,and only if he dies fast enough,before you get outnumbered.

Chewing through double endure pain,double shield of courage,blocks or cele form is pretty undoable.Only good fights are worse thieves and necros.Thou necro is one of worst 1v1 so not an achievment there

Can you post a video of you exceling in pvp,can be even unranked,i would love to see you 1v1 those 6/9 classes,and i mean it honestly,no salt.mara/demolisher/berzerker ele i want to see,thank you.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Please Add More Siege

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Sounds like “funn” everyone could have such mobile fortress with auto-treb turrets,weeeee,lets make WvW “great” again,more siege and more walls/gates.I wanna ram 24/7

OTAN guild,WSR server

Ele Patch Notes

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


PvP:Looks like slight microbuff for me.Was hoping for dragon tooth buff/rework and FGS CD reduction with insta cast on it.I had low expectations for me,but result is even worse than i was awaiting.Thou util skills CD reduction is nice,now just have to survive those 50sec for armor of earth to witness it

On other hand,reading guardian notes and “buff” to lithany of wrath,lol,CD reduced to 25sec….. more epic than shatterstone buff from previous balance.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Should Ele Get A Damage Build?

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Reduce cooldown of Phoenix
Reduce cast time and after cast of Dragon tooth.
Reduce cooldown of Fgs to 90sec.

This would be great for any scepter user. I pesonaly would realy have a 1/4 CT on Dragon tooth. More important then the aftercast. Of course if you lower the aftercast you have to be careful about the CT…. I prefer a very short cast time.
And 90s might make FSG actually pvp useful …. what? ELe and a useful elite ?

The aftercast on DT is fine, what’s not fine is how long it takes the tooth to drop. The skill is too powerful to have no counterplay, I think a 1s casting time, then it drops 1/4s after you finish casting, is fine. People should have some ability to dodge such a powerful attack and you should be vulnerable while using it, what you’re proposing is OP. Imagine if warrior was able to use other skills while Hundred Blades’ effect was occuring. I agree with your points on FGS and Phoenix, though maybe 15s CD for Phoenix would be enough

Ow yeah,i imagine a warrior,like if they would have arc divider on half second cast time “900 range around warr” or decapitate,uhm,wait…..Dragon tooth is terrible atm,you dont need even dodge,you can cripled and chilled walk from it,and still have time to /sleep emote.Heck,even droping it on downed one fails,cause ppl usually res faster,than you get it landed.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Necro soloq

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Yeah,that necro focus is reall in pvp.Stabil/stun break on entering RS/DS helps a lot in this case,but without support and under focus you need miracle or kite the second enemy team notice you

OTAN guild,WSR server

Glass Ele S/F Arcane Tempest Build {PvP}

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


How you guys deal with tankier sort in 1v1 situation,especially druids are causing me problem on point.Cant kill em,and given some time,they will get me usually.I simply dont have enough dps to get through usuall cele form reheal and repeat,they can stand there and eat all dmg,even fire 2 with 4,but it wooont die,while pet is eating me bit by bit.

OTAN guild,WSR server

The broken "run away" warrior roamer

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Well zerorogue,every class has something,and even warriors aint the one and only best.You would see maaany more warriors otherwise.Being able to disengage is normal thing for every roamer,even reapers can get away if they dont venture too far into enemy teritory.

Your problem seem to be within some certain individuals you are facing,which as i understood are starting a fight,reseting and reengaging till you die or logout.This can be done by any class,really and warriors aint even the best in this.I believe you have 2 options,live with it,or build up to kill them specifically.If its a tankie troll,maybe get another angry guys and hunt it down if its important for you.

This whichhunt on warriors mobility is going nowhere,and even if you would succed by some miracle,you know in wvw there are loads of targets for such escapes.That total one leap on sword and you probally mean also 5 on gs could still be used to disengage.

OTAN guild,WSR server

[Video] S/F Roaming #3

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Great one.This made me wanna log in and retry my ele again

OTAN guild,WSR server

Elementalist rework Patchnotes

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Actually it wouldnt even be OP,considering the enviroment in which nowadays ele is.

Still no conjure shield buffs?!?!Maan that thing could be lovely with improved aoe pull,like instant aoe pull and some aoe root with moveable blocking skill and lower CD,hmmm.

EDIT:you ppl keep forgeting when comparing to druids staff and RTL,RTL aint EVADE/blast/heal.Thou 20sec/10sec if conected and another 20% off from air trait,hmmm.Still without evade frame it doesnt sound so scary nowadays

OTAN guild,WSR server

(edited by KaporHabakuk.6219)

Skill Lag Matchup FSP-BB-PIKEN BB Desert BL

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Doesnt this happen anywhere if 3 servers blobs clashes.I mean SM is pretty known for this,even before any linkings happened.

OTAN guild,WSR server

How is WvW now?

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Most said its good,so i just add myself to em.Linking despite some side effects is great.Balance is quite good aswell.Maps,we got desert back in rotation which i find nice,i got bored of alpine pretty fast.And most important at least for me,you dont need to worry about ppt anymore,thanks to linking,you wont end up in empty matchups,so gg to anet for solving so many problems with one fix.

I personally dont like siege wars or blob wars but thats part of wvw since i started to play it,so i guess i have to live with it.Other than that WvW is still great.I would say pve and pvp is funn aswell and its worth coming back and re-trying it all.

And yeah,if you read just forums it might look like its terrible,but am still having great time in gw2 in every game mode.

OTAN guild,WSR server

How do you kill druids?

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


You ve killed both pets?!?!alone?Hmmmmm,aint you condie scepter?BTW you know regen and heals on pet is filling druids cele form?Its so faked up,that i can unload 3 rapid fires and it fills like 1/3th of the bar,but one falling dmg with regen fills it by 50% within seconds.

They puting condies on you,and nothing else?

You cant solo a tankie druid even averagely played alone with elem.By averagely played i mean,he wont avoid your dmg,but he will act acordingly and just heal it back while semi-afk.

D/Ds are actually funn fights for scepter ele,i dare say its pretty much 50:50 chances,which is pretty ideal.

OTAN guild,WSR server

[Talk] Dragon's tooth/Tidal Surge/Dust Devil

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Dragon tooth aint only slow,its like world has stoped and everyone turns into NEO or agent smith while only you staying a usuall dude in matrix.4s for such undewhelming ability is unbelievable.Its like spit in face when whole fire atunement has only one useable ability!!

It doesnt work as cleave on downed aswell,cause in that time you usually res the downed!!And even if it hits,its wot dmg?It wouldnt be even good for ambient daily for killing chickens in BLs.

OTAN guild,WSR server

[Video] S/F Ele got worse

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Was a nice one.And yes,it aint easy,thou you fought and won,sooo gg.

And yeah,tempest doesnt offer much for s/f glassie play style and whole trailine is pretty useless appart of overload mechanic which is unfriendly to atunement swaping anyway.

Btw are you using earth signet trait?saw u using the heal a lot while u still had heals from its passive.I think at least

OTAN guild,WSR server

Bringing PvP stat combinations to WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219



I would love to make demolisher stats gear,would suit most my chars.

They could just add the recipe to crafting npcs and its done.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Cakewalk best guild in EU?

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I don’t think people are denying their skill. They know what they are doing but you can’t deny that they are also carried more then skill because of the builds they run, and the stats too, I thought 17k health on my thief was a it over bored but when you see druids and scrappers in the 20k mark it just seems a bit silly. I would love to see theres same people run thives/mesmers/eles/reapers as well but its always the same berskers/dh/druid and scrapper mintage. And yeah I agree about the esports comment lol

Thats cause ranger and engineer have higher base health pool,meaning if you sit on 17k hp on thief you have extra i think 400-500 vitality,if a ranger sits on 20k health means he got extra 4k health i think.My full zerker ranger “means every single piece is zerker” with just shout runes is around 18k health.Also you got to account those thingies put into ascended gear,which can mean extra health aswell.

But yeah,he was tankier sort,more heals and those boons,oh boy,non stop protection,average of 15 might without elite,nonstop fury/swiftness even resistance poped few times and that quickness was kitten long.Pretty crazy stuff for a guy spaming aa on staff most of the time.Shame what has ranger become in last few months.

Still one of best roaming videos to be seen,and great editing.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I was just saying you dont need to take DPS stats to deal dmg on druid,thanks to pet.

As for RTL comparison,no matter how i disagree with comparing druids staff to ele offhand dagger air 4 “you cant compare ability with ability just so”,druids staff movement is also evade+heal+blast.Just saying.

Overall in nowadays pvp enviroment i dont find druids atm to be OP in PvP.With the amulet selection they cant go full tankie mode,it just takes time or focus and is quite annoying to kill.Still compared to condie mesmer,i would rather take druid fight.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Druid OP?

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


If a Druid builds for healing it will have ineffective damage. If a druid builds for damage they can’t stand on a point. Their best attribute is they can escape and with the right weapon set they are quite mobile. They are good at 1v1, but in team fights they can easily get locked down and killed. Their most important skills are slow casts, so against decent players they need to kite to get them off. Even 1v1 most professions should be able to decap them.

In your example it looks like the necro was incompetent, and the guardian was likely running a bunker build that couldn’t kill anything. The guardian should have been able to keep a full cap on the node by himself the entire time.

Would be true for any other class,but you know,pets got independent stats…. .Means you can have tons of toughness or healing but pet will still sit on solid dps stats,if you pick such pet,not even talking about how easy its to might stack those fellows.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Most skilled 1v1 roaming fight I've had

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Wasn that dull as u guys claim,at least not for me.Althou that thief vs warrior wasnt the best to watch,but afterwards with mesmer it was nice.Also condie warrior is still much better to watch than condie mesmer or some staff druid aaing for 200 and leting pet do the real dps.

OTAN guild,WSR server

(edited by KaporHabakuk.6219)

PvE - Which is the best weapon set?

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I like scepter focus most lately,thou for more dps and mobility i guess scepter dagger would be better.Staff is too slow,and in new maps npcs dont really sit in all those AOE,same as CC doesnt work that well on em.Dagger has that for my taste awfull burning speed “fire 3” which is annoying to aim and use.

So mainly overloading and filling dps gaps with fresh air and phoenix.ITs funn,its easy to use,its quite safe thanks to focus,and you can clear npcs fast if they dont bother moving much with other fire abilities.

Other way said,you have more freedom than just go melee with dagger or keep droping long cast aoe as staff.If you feel like u want melee you can still use conjured hammer or other weps,its quite funn to use.

OTAN guild,WSR server

The Herald - made to facetank your dmg....

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I have to practice a lot more, then

Depends on what you play,cause condie reaper is another beast than power reaper.Also if that herald is runing staff with sword there will be lot of blocks/evades and CC.And last if the fight starts with DS on your side is a huge factor.

OTAN guild,WSR server

lil scepter buff,pretty please

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Yes,the thing is,its not hiting hard enough for the squishiness you have to go.Outside of air atunement and air 2 with maybe phoenix you dont really damage anyone.Fire wall or tooth is a joke,it can miss even in pve,and even if you hit,it aint a killshot.Air AA takes like 3-4sec to get to a reasonable number,and we talking about 3-4k which is like one AA from warrior axe!!

Ofc it would be all ok,if i would be siting on 20k hp with 3k armor and regening 1k per second while having blocks/evades,but none of that is happening.So compared to dmg our sustain is a joke,or otherwise compared to sustain our dmg is joke.

s/f need to have faster and higher dmg on ele,especially scaling should go much higher if one goes glassie ooor our defensive tools have to be much better to become viable without rage quiting every 2nd match.

Seeing someone eating calmly all my dmg,and barely geting to 50-60% hp,while i miss one dodge on pull into traps and eat dirt,that aint much funn.

Ofc you can try tempest,but doing air overload in marauders,is a huge sign over your head for other 4-5 guys,saying hit me.And the tempest line is all about overloading,as a squishie s/f ele you dont sit in atunements for 5sec,and even if you do,you dont channel for another 2-3sec,or you are a downed ele very soon.

I may be a noob,but i thought this game is casual friendly,so why it always means play meta class/builds or dont even bother playing.If am fighting other noob,which is throwing CC on me,while am siting on 5stacks of stabil,hard hiting me while blinded,pew pewing while i reflect,i await i can beat that guy,but it doesnt work.Even noob wars need to obey almighty meta.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Stronghold, Long Hour Queues

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Had quite few SH pops yesterday,i always queve for both,at least in unranked.I love it aswell,am so sick of those sit on point pvp…

OTAN guild,WSR server

Skillcap Professions Rating 2016

in PvP

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


You can’t do a perfect rotation of skills with that class without over 2k hours experience.

I hope you’re talking about Scepter or something because both D/D and Staff are easy as hell to rotate optimally and reactively with.

Engi is a lot harder because there’s a kittenload more of stuff you have to aim and lead.

I guess it depends on build,cause d/d zerker ele is probally the hardest thing to pull off.It aint the kind i do my rotation no matter what,cause i can tank anything they throw at me.Engie always felt easier to play than ele,but again you would have to compare stats aswell,zerker SD engie is surely harder than some cele/cleric ele.But cele/cleric engie…. u got the point.

Glassie classes i would vote for ele and engie and necro to be hardest.Than ranger “not druid”,stealth+ports helps glass builds a looot,than guard/warr and only than the rest.

OTAN guild,WSR server

Thief P/P.. Any solution please?

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


You will get salty answers in here,maybe try your class subforum.You will get some normal advices/answers there.In here ppl are more sensitive to these kinds of questions

OTAN guild,WSR server

lil scepter buff,pretty please

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I dont agree in this.Dragon tooth animation makes it barely useable in any 1v1,which could be ok as not every skill might have its uses everywhere.Thou overall i feel 2-3 sec time needed to land such a dmg in such small circle is unjustified.
For me,only fire skill on scepter/focus funn to use and rewarding in pvp enviroment is phoenix and even there it aint easy to land the multiple hiting component!!

As for aa,i dont think anyone is using scepter AA for dps,its just gap filler,still its very bad dmg wise.Looking at air AA combat log is like watching necro passive life leech trait,on a zerker ele,mind you.Only water AA doesnt look so embarasing,still no reason to be happy.

Healing,200 per skill,on such slow skills class with 12k hp and less than 2k armor class.I believe that in nowadays comparison,it could get a buff.

FGS 3min,man,3 minutes!!like why?

OTAN guild,WSR server

lil scepter buff,pretty please

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


It seems scepter would be okish if there wouldnt be HOT and some recent buffs to other classes.Like am doing quite well against some classes and terrible against others.

Btw yes,i forgot about focus fire shield,almost never use it,thou might on being hit and burn on enemies doesnt sound like totaly useless.Packed with blinding ashes you could get some random blind if the CD is per person and not generaly.

lil rant inc,off topic,dont read if not interested.

Was in PvP yesterday,and fighting some things was just a no chance for me.I land every big hit,i dodge enemies big hits “in cases of ranger,not much to dodge” but i cant win.Warrior eats all the dmg,but regens so much,i cant simply get through it.Ranger aswell,no matter what i do.Druid eaten 4 phoenix hits including the explosion,all air multiple times,but the crap didnt died while my health went lower and lower.

Honestly its pretty frustrating that instead of rewarding one with a victory if you manage CDs and dodges well,while landing all the important hits i end up eating dirt.

OTAN guild,WSR server

lil scepter buff,pretty please

in Elementalist

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


Hello folks,was runing lately with scepter/focus in WvW and while its kitten funn i feel it could get some small buffies.

Scepter fire 1,AA dmg is very low,think its even lower than necro axe or ranger shortbow.

Scepter fire 2,it has 1s cast time and another over 1 second hovering animation with quite laughable dmg if you account all this.It could keep the 1s cast time,but should instantly drop the fire thingie once the cast is done without delay.

Scepter air 1,AA again as fire,its just too low,at least until u get to last chain,but who on earth is autoattacking with an zerker ele anyway.I ve seen some 130crits on this,on almost full zerker ele with might buffs and bloodlust stacks vs a thief. “thief hit me for 10k afterwards”Thats not even funny,its simply embarasing

Healing signet,it does uhm,i think 200 healing per skill or like 3k on activating,dont remmember exactly cause the active is even bigger joke than passive.Either active or passive could use lil buffing.

And most important for me,and my gameplay fiery greatsword elite,its 3min CD!!!threee minutes!!!thats just unbelievable.Pls this should go to 90sec max,i believe.

Last thing would be burning ashes trait,its been buffed,than nerfed and i think,since most tanktards eles are history “in pvp for sure”,this could get a CD reduction again.

OTAN guild,WSR server

WvW issues

in WvW

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


You have to be in earth atunement for the trait to work

OTAN guild,WSR server