Authenticator problem (expired code??)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
This would lock people out of their accounts completely if the clock on the 2FA server were running fast (you would not be provided the code in your app until after it had expired on the server). With the server clock running slow, you receive the active code before the server advances to it.
They really need to fix this.
The server that authenticates 2FA tokens is apparently running about 20-25 seconds slow (the clock). The active token is only accepted during the last few seconds it is valid (as indicated in the authenticator app) and for many seconds more after the token value has changed. This indicates that the server performing the authentication has a slow clock (as its idea of what the token should be lags what is actually current).
Can someone please check into this and make sure the system time is correct? Eventually, 2FA will stop working for people because there will never be agreement between the authenticator app on one’s phone and the 2FA server on Anet’s side.
Thank you!
Currently, you don’t. They are not obtainable. I’ve not heard of Anet making any plans to return any of the old PvP reward skins to the game.
It does this because it resets your AR to 0. It’s been happening since HoT release.
To clarify for the OP, while the end result is that you have 0 AR, the actual issue is that all benefit from gear is removed while “eaten.” You get 0 AR simply because it’s part of your gear. All of your other stats are also reduced to “naked” level.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
Welcome to play the game “your” way LMAO
That only ever applied to required vertical progression, leveling specifically. You’ve never been able to play however you wanted to acquire the extras.
There’s nothing you can do against latency, but adventures are a simple skill check. If the average player can’t handle silver, they’ll nerf it. For everyone else, find someone you trust and get carried.
That’s a heck of a business model.
Not sure if sarcastic or not … this is an MMO. It’s not all that unreasonable to ask someone better or more knowledgeable than you to help you out.
I think you missed what was being said. Mitch meant “find someone you trust” and give them your account information so they can do the adventure on your behalf. There is no other way to “help” someone in an adventure as they are solo activities.
They just fixed Leader of the Pact so it’s entirely possible they broke other forms of movement increase at the same time. I’ve not seen any issue myself, but I’ve only played human revenant and guardian since the patch. Swiftness is working fine on both for me, neither class has a 25% movement trait.
Wow, the customer support people said “gee, sorry, hope you can get it to fail”? Yeah, someone at Anet can look up my account and see how much I’ve spent on this game. That all stops. I’m not even interested in any more legendaries and don’t plan to do any of them. But this takes the cake. Your designers are stupid.
I’m out. Finding something else to play.
This community is weird. Since launch of the game, all i’ve heard is complaints about too many spell effects and begging Anet to reduce them. Now that they actually listened to the community and are trying to reduce them, all i hear is complaints for doing so. Seriously people, how can Anet possibly please you?
Because they’ve been nerfing spell effects that haven’t been problematic and haven’t nerfed spell effects that are. It’s like I go to the doctor with a broken arm and he puts my leg in a cast. I’d be pleased by Anet leaving alone things that are fine and fixing things that aren’t.
Well, to be fair, looking at all the patch notes as a whole, other than the PvP stuff, all the PvE looks like bug fixes. While the Ogre lane change isn’t specifically labeled as a bug fix, it may have been a bug. I’m hoping this big upcoming patch (Fractal changes, etc) addresses some of the concerns about TD (and hopefully “Adventures”).
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
You know, in trying to do this Sanctum Scramble I can just see an Anet dev leaning back in his chair with a smug grin on his face while flipping me the bird. I watched a video showing how to do a “successful” 2.5 minute Gold run (I only need Silver) and all I learned is that the only way to win is to cheat. Apparently the cheat used in this video (I am told) has been since nerfed.
I would definitely be interested in seeing some metrics on the level of success people are meeting in some of these “adventures” (granted some are trivially easy but … many are not). I’m just not seeing how an achievement that requires 2 minutes and 30 seconds is possible legitmately when a player who was cheating needed 2 minutes and 28 seconds to complete it.
As for the OP, I seriously expect that raids will be nothing but positive for the game. It’s just new content, so people who really aren’t suited for raids are trying them and worrying about them when they shouldn’t.
Rising I am sorry but this is a TERRIBLE statement.
Content should be available for everyone. That’s what games are about paying for the right to play everything in the game.
The only content in Guild Wars 2 I can think of that’s not readily available to me at my whim are the specific home instances of other players and other guilds’ guild halls.
What content isn’t available to you? Because if your answer is “raids” then, that’s not correct. Walk into VB, tag up, “LFM VG raid – all welcome” and you can be fighting Vale Guardian inside of 15 minutes.
Okay, so we got 5 paragraphs pointing out the single sentence in the OP’s post with a minor mistake in it…
Um, got something to say about whether or not it’d be nice to get some kibble for filling the exp bar again after Masteries are completed?
I have to say I agree with this. I’ve completed my Tyria masteries. I’m nearing completion of my HoT masteries. Karma continues to have value, experience should have some sort of value associated with it as well. Once the masteries are complete, then setting the experience bar pool back to 254,000 and and giving the player a ding, a leveling animation, and a spirit shard (or something) would be a welcome change.
Do you really want to raid in this game, with people like Harper, anyway?
Nope. Well, yes, if s/he isn’t being hardcore at the time.
Well, good, because I’m sure Harper doesn’t want to play with you, either. You see, Harper is interested in being successful, killing the boss, and winning the encounter. You’re not.
Ah, good point. No, the political leaders of the various races weren’t there (and at least humans should be, they’re the ones bearing the brunt of the Zhaitan’s pique). But all the one-off NPCs that you worked with from level 30 on up are all present.
I don’t know which story line your path followed but the asura thief from Timberline is there, the charr “we’re in love, no we’re really not” odd couple is there. Timmy Two Hands or whatever his name is, is there and some other gal you worked with (they talk about going out for drinks later — their parents are watching from a short distance away). Anyway, if you do the story again (or have the chance to do the party instance with someone who’s just completed it) definitely take the time to walk around and look for the familiar faces.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
You don’t need HoT masteries anywhere outside of HoT content.
And because of it I need to level them in those maps?
Yes. You level the relevant masteries doing the content that requires them.
The Pact is in HoT infact the entirety of HoT revolves around the Pact so if relevancy was important why can’t a person level Pact mastery while doing official Pact business while in HoT maps!? You are the Pact commander after all.
Relevant for the zone you play in not lorewise. There are no bouncing mushrooms in central tyria nor you can glide. HoT masteries are leveled in HoT maps because that’s where they are used.
^That, Jungle masteries shouldn’t affect your core gameplay nor other game modes.
I think Explorer Metella takes pains to note, during Torn from the Sky, “in case you hadn’t noticed, sir, there is no Pact.” And then later on, despite being the “Pact Commander” you can’t even promote someone to leader at the Pact Encampment. They vote on it! So, I’m skeptical that the Pact is really a going concern in Heart of Thorns…
but other people are just as allowed to avoid you and not play with you if they don’t want to.
It’s kind of amusing that you can’t see the irony in this. ANet built GW2 on the philosophy of “play how you want to play”. But, your statement screams “you can’t play your way, because you must play my way.”
I always figured that “play how you want” came with the unspoken assumption that “what you want” is “to be successful at the game.” That some people feel the stat spread on their gear (that no one else can even see) is more important to them than “success” just boggles the mind (or at least my mind!)
The way I avoid being killed by them (without even using my weapon) is to walk around them.
Condition caps have been greatly expanded making condition damage a lot more viable.
Before getting overly excited, please consider the following:
Several classes have competitive condition DPS. However the use of conditions depends on two main factors: duration of the fight and enemy’s toughness. Most classes have long ramp up times for their conditions, so if the fight is short, you will be performing sub-optimally. Most enemies have reasonable toughness at which point the power gear is (for most classes) on par or better.
With that said, certain content currently has long and/or high toughness encounters where condition builds shine. Most notable examples are high level fractals (where power gear became very ‘sub-optimal’, although this should change come December) and raids (some of the encounters there being immune to power based damage).
So yes. Viable, and even preferred under certain circumstances. Still, heavily imbalanced across classes (some classes have much better condition damage), and “to be used with care”.
Oh, good point! I forgot high level fractals. That said, Anet’s nerfing toughness in those with their December patch. It remains to be seen what impact that will have.
You will see differing opinions, of course, but the fact is that nothing’s really changed from a PvE perspective. The only place you will see condi being required is a gimmick fight in the new raid (the red guardian split from Vale Guardian requires condi dps in order kill). In looking at the mechanics of the Goreseval fight (second raid boss) I can see condi damage being pretty much required only because you spend so much time during the event not actually killing Gorseval that you’d want strong condition damage ticking away during those periods.
The upshot of all this is that condi still isn’t much of “a thing” in PvE and the only damage condition that matters (where conditions matter) is Burning, which also isn’t a mesmer thing. So stick with your power gear.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
meta grinds and gutted wvw are leading to the early death of this game
No, they’re not.
That isn’t Anet’s fault. That’s players enforcing those rules (and the 15k AP requirement is LOL).
It was obvious from the start that once someone found a successful raid comp, everyone would start copying it and trying to enforce it. This was a given.
As for the TD meta, there was a guild helping with the meta last night I believe, people in my guild were talking about it. Its probably the hardest meta in the game at the moment, and people needed to learn it in order to beat it. I’m hoping the guilds that help get more pugs in to learn it will spread and it gets completed more.
It is anet’s fault. They put in timers on both raid content and world bosses, if you’re not pushing the envelope on DPS, you’re not going to make the timer on Garent or any of the raid bosses. In these 2 specific cases, it is anet’s fault.
I think that perhaps “fault” isn’t the right word here. That’s Anet’s design. To say it’s Anet’s “fault” is like me saying it’s my mother’s “fault” that her chili is so good — and that I want to eat lots of it.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
My thought was that these were supposed to be fun little mini-games. Like whipping out the smartphone and having some casual fun. I mean, that’s what I figured the intent was. That’s certainly not what got implemented.
For some reason this whole topic makes me laugh out loud.
If you are laughing at this topic then you are either insensitive or have partaken in actions that these poor folks are describing… either way I suggest you look up the definition of empathy.
you are exactly the type that make me laugh. prejudice and idiotic statements about people you NEVER (and never will) have met and know nothing about.
He’s right. Your comment was rude, insensitive, and totally unnecessary.
grow some skin, getting a comment without anything but a statement about something makes people feel attacked on a internet forum? that makes me laugh too. very much so. Instead of giving judgement about the post, one could wonder about the why how and what. But noooooo the kitten people of gw2 do not do that, instead they feel like snowflakes in an avalanche.
Yeah…I have no idea what you’re trying to say here.
The only thing I “wonder” is how someone can get their kicks and giggles out of laughing at someone else’s distress, even online.
But then, there are things in this world that I do NOT want to understand. This is basically one of them.
Don’t worry.
I have a feeling he won’t be doing that here, for much longer.
That is one thing I will say for Anet and this forum – they don’t tolerate trolling, if it’s reported.
If you called that trolling…. meh do not worry clearly I got reported and it is deleted now.
If it wasn’t trolling, all I can say is you have some pretty socially unacceptable views.
I really do not understand how you can make a statement like that if you have exactly 0% knowledge of my person and/or personality besides a few forum posts. Do not forget: I sit at home safely from behind my computer.
This is the context in which we interact with you. We don’t need to know anything about you outside of this context. Your comments here have despicable. That’s all we need to know know about you to form the only opinion of you we need in the context of Guild Wars 2. If you want us to draw some other conclusion about you (e.g.; “hey, he’s really an alright guy!”) then act like it.
I don’t know how old you are, but I can say that for myself, flaming and antagonizing people on the Internet on forums, on bulletin boards, and on mailing lists for laughs was a favored pastime of mine in my youth. As I grew up, I became a.) more interested in actual conversation than cheap laughs at someone else’s expense, and b.) more aware that my peers could see what I was writing online, people I actually know, and that the Internet never forgets.
Now, this advice you may shrug off with a laugh, but I can tell you that both online and off, the only truly valuable thing you have is your reputation. Your reputation is something you always want to keep positive. It it something you should always be striving not only to maintain, but to improve. These comments you’ve been making here are not maintaining or improving your reputation, quite the opposite. And remember that your account name, that follows you around with every character you play, is plastered at the top of every one of your posts.
I encourage you to continue participating in this discussion, but to do so civilly, by posting thoughtful and reasonable comments.
The celebration definitely should have at least included all the major characters you interacted with throughout your PS.
Dude, it did. Not only are most of them there when you cleanse Orr, they’re all there at Fort Trinity during the party. Just wander around. You can talk to all of them (and they all talk to each other). The only ones not there are from the level 10 and 20 story arcs which have nothing to do with Orr or Zhaitan or the Risen (so it makes sense that they’re not there).
This is simply bugging me, it is.
I am not one to run the Berserker build, I don’t like it, I have tried it many times in the last 3+ years and it just doesn’t mesh with me. Yet it never hindered my gameplay until… now… seemingly.
I run a tank build, so does my husband. If not Tank then Condition. This is my choice. This choice never seemed to affect how I far I got into the game until the release of the Raids.
It seems almost impossible for me to get into a raid party. I see people starting up Raid parties with the following demands:
15k+ AP, full set of Ascended Berserker Gear, that MUST be pinged to squad leader before he even CONSIDERS you to be apart of the party.
This to me is… absurd, I’m sorry.
Tangled Depths Meta. I still have yet to learn this event, and I WANT to, yet just the other night, no one doing it would take me in their squad because I wasn’t running berserker.
Listen, I understand completely why this build is strongly coveted, but… but not everyone can run that build successfully.
Is it really fair to punish those of us who are not Berserkers? Heck, even me and my husband last night set up out alternate account to have a Beserker Reverent. I ran her and kept dying left and right left and right, left and right…
Listen, playing the game of “Let’s see who dies first” may be for for you, but it isn’t to me. I’m allowed to partake in these events too, ya know. And I am hitting a point now where I am beginning to not even want to play at all cause people won’t let me join the events.
Don’t punish me…
It’s not absurd, it’s what’s required to be successful (the Berserker gear, that is — the other rubbish about ascended and AP is meaningless). Your tank gear will not be successful. It’s not punishment. It’s nothing personal. Your gear, from a raid perspective, is inadequate. If you’re not able to be successful in general Guild Wars 2 with Berserker gear, you will not be successful in raids with any gear.
Now, you may be thinking “well, I’m tanky, so at least I can fill that role.” Sadly, no. A fully outfitted “raid tank” in Guild Wars 2 is in full Berserker with the exception of wearing 1 or 2 Knight’s or Cavalier’s earrings. That’s it, that’s the full kit. This is why I hesitate to call the role “tank” but for lack of anything better…
Raids are intended for people willing to adapt and do what’s required to be successful. For some, that’s replacing all their Berserker gear with Viper gear. If success called for Soldier or Nomad or Sentinel or Cleric or Knight, then people would be replacing their gear with those stats. You say you want to get into raids, well, this is going to require replacing your gear with Berserker (or functional DPS equivalent for your role). Again, this is nothing personal and it’s not punishment.
If you’re not meeting with success outside of raids in Berserker (or like) gear, then you have 2 tasks ahead of you. You need to replace your gear with Berserker and you need to practice. Practice staying alive with it. Practice in fractals, practice in dungeons, practice and improve your game to the point where you’re successful with Berserker outside of raids. Once you reach that point, you can successfully fill a raid spot. Until then, you simply can’t.
(edited by Land of Cheese.2584)
I felt personal story was epic in every sense of the word and I’ve loved repeating it every chance I get. It had me shouting with joy, pumping my fist in triumph, and moved to tears more than once.
The story in HoT, while interesting, and certainly some good “Living Story Season 3” type stuff, was not (in my opinion) up to par with Personal Story. This is an expansion we’re talking about. There should (in my opinion) have been the same epic “into the heart of Maguuma” story arc there was moving “deeper into Orr.” Enlisting the aid of the orders to gather information, meetings (and adventures) with key heroes, finding the “weakness of Mordremoth” through blood, sweat, tears, and trial and error.
It wasn’t bad, by any means, but it was what I’d expect with a Living Story hotpack, not the central core story of the expansion.
I was having a hard time in the final HoT Story fight tonight figuring out where my wells were so I could stand in them while avoiding AEs (Chronomancer). This visual nerf hasn’t helped me “see the boss” better and it’s made it hard for me to see my own stuff. This is the pits. Terrible decision.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
Regular masteries can be lvled anywhere in central tyria. And its not hard to level maguuma masteries at all. Dragons stand is pretty great for XP.
Did you read his post? He CAN’T GET THERE because he’s been gated out. For crying out loud, read before you post something so stupid.
It takes 6 mastery points to get Updraft Use and Nuhoch Wallows. If someone’s unable to achieve that, I have no sympathy whatsoever.
Maybe I missed something but blocking someone puts you as invisible to them. How can they still find you?
What you missed is that blocking someone absolutely does not set you invisible to them.
The point being that the rune is poorly worded. This is definitely a candidate for a clearer tooltip. It should read “Incoming damage reduced 7% from foes within 600 range.” The way it’s worded implies “your damage against foes within 600 range is reduced 7%.”
The randoms I like least in groups are not the ones who make mistakes or don’t know what to do, it’s the ones who don’t talk. They join the group, everyone says “hi, how are you?” and they just stand there. And they don’t say a word the entire time. I want those people to go away. Give me more people who make mistakes, need help, whatever, but will actually engage in conversation. I’d much rather have those people.
There’s “challenging” and there’s “stupid.” This falls into the latter category.
Honest question about this “following” thing: A map is quite a big place. How are people “following you” around, when all they have is the map you are in? You could be at dozens of different locations/camps/events on that map and he has no means to find you. How long does it take until someone actually shows up, if he has to search the whole map? And if you just port to a different map when he shows up, how long will he keep up this ridiculous search that gets him nowhere at all?
I just don’t get how anyone technically would be able to find you again and again when all he can see is a map name – provided he even ends up on the same megaserver map as the person he tries to “follow”.
I think you’re perhaps not understanding the level of effort a stalker will go through to continue harassing their victims. Absolutely none of what you’ve suggested as an obstacle is, to them, an obstacle.
Bots don’t care about diminishing returns. If they’re after mats, they don’t care about experience. If they’re after experience, well, there’s no human sitting there to be inconvenienced. They’re either asleep, at work, or tending their other bots (so the bot can just be kept running indefinitely). DR does not impact bots in any meaningful way and bringing them into this argument is specious at best.
For an item you’re supposed to cherish for multiple YEARS, 62 days ain’t that long. But the real bottom line here is you can either put in the effort or stand around being jealous of the people who do.
You know what you need to do. Do you want it ENOUGH? Simple as that.
I think what you’re missing is that there’s not a lot of effort involved and lots of enforced “standing around.”
Is this really something that’s difficult to understand? I’d ask you, Nike, and others posting here… what are you not understanding?
Do any of you have experience with time gated crafting? I’ve not see a lot of that experience on display here. I see a lot of “it took me a long time to make my legendary.” Well, bully for you! That long time is gathering the gold and mats — actively working towards the completion of the item.
This isn’t “working towards” the completion of the item. It’s clicking a Craft button once a day for 62 days, and doing no other work whatsoever towards the final reward.
Do you, Nike, and the others posting here, do you feel that clicking a “Craft” button once a day for 62 days is a challenge worthy of your time investment? Do you feel that this is a “legendary” adventure? This clicking the “Craft” button once a day for 62 days? (Well, I suppose if you’re looking for extra “challenge” you can click it 87 times!)
Do you feel, in that moment, when you click that button, that you’re partaking in an epic quest to forge the ultimate weapon? What do you feel during the wait until you can click it again? Is there a building sense of anticipation, eagerness perhaps, to click the button again?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Land of Cheese.2584
It kinda blows my mind that Anet has intentionally created a situation that breeds trolling and customer support involvement. I mean the situation as Anet has created it both makes players unhappy and costs them money. A real winning combination.
I was hopeful due to the fixes provided the Monk Outfit. Well, at least I can say I tried!
The Bandit Sniper outfit clips the chin of Female Humans when using the Hammer/Melee Staff pose (I’m not sure on others). Please fix!
The “Trinity” of Guild Wars 2 is Control, Support, and DPS.
Also, the poster who said, “Warrior/Berserker is DPS Support and does both worse than other classes,” has no idea what he’s talking about, ignore that one. Warrior is one of the most indispensable support classes (Empowered Allies, Banner of Strength, Banner of Tactics).
I think it’s silly that Anet posted these as “on sale” when there is no “original price” to buy them at. There’s no “pay this much separately” and if you buy the bundle, the whole thing disappears from the store. And being unable to gift it really upsets me, even if I had to pay the “full” price.
Anet has always been about absurdly high numbers of mats being required for things. Look at the Mystic Forge, look at legendary weapons, look at any crafting for that matter. Since Guild Halls and Scribes are “guild level” activities, it’s only natural to expect that “haha let’s make the number stupid high” is going to get even dumber.
I’m my guild’s scribe. The mats requirements are so high we’ve been ignoring it. Just having a hall is enough of a grind already.
I logged in on HoT release day and had 50 Core Tyria points already. What were you folks doing with your game time prior to HoT?
I’ve no idea what the OP is even talking about and it seems other people do. What build is he talking about nerfing and what did Blizzard do in WoW?
According to the wiki, “Choice of one of the following ascended shoulderpieces (note that all skin weights are unlocked upon usage)”. Also, for future reference, two points: Firstly, when you have an armour box you open (assuming from your description this is how pick which Nightfury you want), they’re always listed in order of Heavy, Medium, Light (any of those armour boxes — Carapace, Bladed, Ley Line, etc). Also, you can mouse over each item while they’re still in the box and see their tooltips. This tooltip will tell you the weight.
I hope Anet is able to help you, and that this information is helpful to you in the future.
This is a point I think lots of players of Guild Wars 2 miss (as evidenced by a lot of the PHIW crowd). The goal of other MMOs is to mitigate damage via armour, then heal through that damage with — healing. That’s not the goal in Guild Wars 2. The goal here is to negate (avoid) damage entirely through active defenses (blinds, blocks, interrupts, reflections, dodging).
This design goal (avoid damage entirely) is why gear sets other than DPS are terrible (in PvE) and why all of the healing in the game is relatively anemic. This druid thing Anet has come up with is … interesting. I’m curious to see where they go with it.
No, meters didn’t cause it. Elitists did. And that DPS meter of yours promotes elitism for an online game that strives to balance the progression of casuals and hard core players.
[ . . . snip . . . ]
Have the last laugh, I’ve made my point and you guys understood it yet you still support toxic exclusion in the game. No more point in arguing.
No, there’s no more point in arguing because you’re wrong. If you want to wear trash gear and have a trash build, you’re not excluded from playing with other bads. You’re free to put up an LFG with “Recommended level, PHIW, inexperienced ONLY”. Then you and your friends can have fun playing how you want. People who play in meta gear with meta builds are also playing how they want.
There is nothing in this game, nothing, that prevents you from forming parties with like minded people. Stop whining about “elitists,” you don’t like them, they don’t like you. Cope.
Hell I only recently completed the Main Story line because of the Arah grouping wall.
I totally get enjoying playing alone (which is what I do a vast majority of time), but you’re saying that in 2 years of play, you hate grouping so much that you refused to group up for a mere half hour to finish a story mode dungeon?
I’m floored.
Dungeons are dead, intentionally killed by Anet (66% nerf to gold gain, a nerf to experience gain — not sure the % but I’d guess about the same). Fractals are a gold sink unless you are doing only the dailies, and plenty of people do those if you’d like to get in on them.
There should be an official LFG tab for Raids, OR make it a lobby, because all the people hanging around at the portal is also scaling up the Itzel hunt event to where we are getting Champs everywhere.
I absolutely agree with you but I wouldn’t use the word “or”. Even if a tab is added to the LFG tool, people will still naturally hang out right at the entrance. It’ll be no different than when people would hang out at the entrances to the dungeon they wanted to do. People looking for a pick-up raid need a place to go while waiting. And Verdant Brink should not be that place.
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