My response to people throwing shade about my IRL purple hair:
I’m 50 years old, I can do what I kitten well please with my hair. You don’t like it, don’t look at it. (mostly I get "OMG I LOVE YOUR HAIR! tho)My response to shade thrown at my choice of fashion in game:
I’m a kitten Pact Commander and I’ll wear what I kitten well please.
If you don’t like it, don’t look at it.
i <3 you Kitty!
If the ‘immersion breaking’ skins bother you so much, maybe you should consider switching to an immersive sim game. GW2 is after all a game set in a fantasy world with dragons and magic (and has never claimed to be realistic in any sense), what else you’d expect?
Edit: this is not a personal attack, I’m simply just tired of seeing people complain about immersion, which sounds really silly to me considering the game’s theme, lore and genre.
“realistic” to GW2’s universe not IRL
I think many (maybe most?) of us that really love / enjoy the game hoped Anet would keep things ‘realistic’ to the game universe (re: skins) and not go crazy on us. However, Anet is a business. Businesses are in business to make money. The best way to make money is to give your consumer what they desire. Sadly, what many (seemingly a great many) of our fellow players really like that wacky, seemingly out of place stuff. If the majority eats it up, and keeps spending money, their vote is going to weigh more than those of people who don’t spend because they don’t like. It boils down to not being able to please everyone all the time.
“More realistic”
Have you not taken a look around the real world at some of the outlandish kitten “real” people do?
I mean, I get your point. I understand that if you don’t care for a particular skin, or all the effects of some skins, it can be super annoying. However, that’s life. You can’t control what’s popular, what others like or don’t like, what others wear or don’t wear. Just like real life, other people make their own decisions. You don’t have to like it. You do sort of have to deal with it though.
I think your comparison with real life is incomplete. The characters we play are soldiers (or commanders) fighting dragons, gods and so on. The real life counterparts aren’t “normal” people but soldiers. And I’m not sure they wear what they want. So except in the capitals where you can find strange characters looking like they come from The Hunger Games movies, you should’nt wear bunny ears, useless wings or armor that don’t protecter your breast (for female).
You can’t do a complete comparison with real life even going that route either, because we don’t wield swords and magic. Our characters, while a commander in the Pact and yes we slew a couple dragons, aren’t soldiers. We aren’t in an army, and we technically never command one. Sure, we go on a few forays in the personal story , but we still aren’t a rank and file soldier. Not even technically special ops. We’re closer to a contractor of sorts. Mild tangent there, but the point is, there is no one to one comparison that’s possible.
Now, if we wanted to look backward in time to when soldiers did wield swords/ bows + arrows / etc…
1) Women typically weren’t warriors, so we’ve already broken immersion.
2) Some leaders wore some really goofy crap, have you seen some of the Roman headdresses? How about Native American chief headdresses?
i have 355 hps with my guardian, it would be kinda silly to have the full spec just at the beggining of the expansion, i’m assuming it will be 400 or probably 300
Proof of heroics.
Everybody could manage to have em Since the first login.According to the devs Proof of Heroics won’t work for unlocking PoF HPs; they will be introducing a new currency to WvW for that.
They won’t work to unlock the new PoF HPs, yes. But PoHs still work for core and HoT, so you can gather more than plenty to unlock the PoF elite at the start if it is indeed only another 250 points. There are (according to wiki) currently 600 points available from Hero Challenges.
“More realistic”
Have you not taken a look around the real world at some of the outlandish kitten “real” people do?
I mean, I get your point. I understand that if you don’t care for a particular skin, or all the effects of some skins, it can be super annoying. However, that’s life. You can’t control what’s popular, what others like or don’t like, what others wear or don’t wear. Just like real life, other people make their own decisions. You don’t have to like it. You do sort of have to deal with it though.
Even if they remove the cost (or just lower the cost, which I think would be sufficient) and put in a basic ident vendor so people don’t have to do hearts, people still won’t be happy until the unid’s are sorted by color. People don’t want to be bothered by blues and greens and the sigils / runes they’ll absolutely get from them after id-ing.
I sort of feel that was mildly the purpose of unid’s to begin with – an answer to all the complaints about minor and major runes and sigils cluttering up inventories. (Because it’s so tedious to merch them) And this does address that. If you salvage w/o id-ing, you don’t go those items. Do you potentially salvage an exotic? Yes. The trade off is you get a bit more in materials and you don’t have the minor/major sigil/rune clutter. If you are worried about potentially missing out on that rare or exotic, then it’s your choice to id things. At which point, its your choice to deal with that clutter. Trade offs are not necessarily bad things.
The trade-off of getting more mats and not dealing with runes and sigils versus losing a chance to get a whatever ought to be sufficient. Why does the side that chooses the latter also get added cost and inconvenience?
I’m guessing they feel there needs to be another gold sink in the game. This seemed like the logical option to stick it on. Would you be fine if they dropped the cost completely, but still required you to do the heart grind? Or drop the heart and lower the cost? Or introduce a purchasable indent kit like gw1 that we need to lug around? It wasn’t free there either. Cheap, but not free.
If magic find does affect what can drop from the unid’s, maybe they have a better loot table which should result in better drops = potentially more money gained? As opposed to just salvaging the materials and selling them, since the glut of materials will likely drive those costs down. Its one theory behind the cost, but since I’m not in the dev’s head, I honestly don’t have an answer as to ‘why’
Either way, I don’t think their mind set was ‘how to we kitten over our players today?’ After all, they are players too. They get to deal with this the same as we do.
I like the idea since, from what I’ve heard, you can salvage without having to identify AND the unidentified gear will stack with itself. This will cut back on the “hurr, I killed 5 things and now my bags are full” problem. I don’t see the big deal.
The unid loot includes ALL loot drops including exotics. You right click, salvage all, and just salvaged a pre-cursor you didn’t know about.
As much as I despise the identification annoyance that is looming …
The loot in the UnID’d container is not going to be rolled until and unless you ID. What that means is that players will be salvaging chances to roll a precursor if they salvage. That’s also assuming that IDing uses the same loot tables as other containers and random drops from mobs throughout the game. If it’s a separate loot table, with Elona-themed items, for instance, the table may or may not include precursors.
The chance for a precursor is small enough that most people probably wouldn’t give two cruds if they salvaged it. I mean, we’re talking about a chance that is only SLIGHTLY better than winning a lotery. And you can get it from killing a freaking level 5 tuna.
I’d rather play than spend the time bashing through thousands of unid loot worrying about this being the one.
Unless they give higher chances of exotics, named exotics, precurssors, or interesting skins… I don’t see it being worth the effort if you’re going to get a massive heap of masterworks.
And this is the fundamental dichotomy, folks. This new system by ANet caters to the mindset that loot stinks. Identification aids and abets players who think the way this one does, while kittening anyone who dares to actually enjoy the loot aspect of play.
There’s a way to please both groups, though. All they’d have to do is remove the cost and the need to go to a heart vendor. That way, no one loses. People like Leo salvage to their hearts content. People who want to open the containers open them the same way they do bags now. No, but we can’t have a win/win, we have to have a win/lose.
Even if they remove the cost (or just lower the cost, which I think would be sufficient) and put in a basic ident vendor so people don’t have to do hearts, people still won’t be happy until the unid’s are sorted by color. People don’t want to be bothered by blues and greens and the sigils / runes they’ll absolutely get from them after id-ing.
I sort of feel that was mildly the purpose of unid’s to begin with – an answer to all the complaints about minor and major runes and sigils cluttering up inventories. (Because it’s so tedious to merch them) And this does address that. If you salvage w/o id-ing, you don’t go those items. Do you potentially salvage an exotic? Yes. The trade off is you get a bit more in materials and you don’t have the minor/major sigil/rune clutter. If you are worried about potentially missing out on that rare or exotic, then it’s your choice to id things. At which point, its your choice to deal with that clutter. Trade offs are not necessarily bad things.
Oh lord, no. Bouncing bunnies are pushing it as it is.
Unfortunately they did exactly what I was afraid they would do with the rabbit. It looks like someone lit a rocket under it’s butt when you power up its jump.
Additionally, no thank you on the Corgi. Its cute, but no.
I’d seen that too. It made me chuckle.
I’ve known since like Season 2 that Sunday is an awful day for ranked play. So are evenings after 8pm for me.
The best time slot (for me anyway) seems to be Saturday mornings between 8am and 10am. Usually get consistent quality games where (usually) no one gets completely hosed and my teammates aren’t complete kittenholes.
All maps have issues with people getting stuck.
Coliseum you can get pushed or pulled into the assorted stacked crates around the map
Temple – you can get pushed / pulled into the columns around mid point
Foefire you can get pulled into the walls between the mid point and steps (DH F1 manages this a lot from my observations)
Just to name a few more.
I do not anticipate that the developers are considering adding another vendor for this once-a-year item. I was looking at the options that we currently have at hand. I’m most interested in learning if the items can be put into the Mystic Forge. I have so many characters on so many accounts, I have to figure out who would be eligible for the birthday gift today.
There exists a ‘Birthday Vendor’ in LA already. The developers could potentially explore the feasibility of giving that existing vendor additional functionality for those that cannot use the dye kits they receive. I have no suggestions on what equivalent ‘thing’ they could trade them for, but it’s an idea to look at.
If they went that route, maybe they could include a way to deal with the multitudes of Queen Jennah minis too.
Guaranteed wardrobe unlock? That way it turns from something account bound to something account bound. And it’s an account unlock like dyes are. And you turn in the dye kit since those are unique to the birthday. That way players can’t just cheaply buy their way through the guaranteed wardrobe unlocks.
That’s not a bad thought, imo.
Additionally, there isn’t anything saying we won’t see these mounts come into the game later on. Like, Season 4 for instance. We may yet see them.
That would be great, a season 4 episode with a flying mount.
Somehow I just don’t see it as actually flying. For assorted reasons. But maybe it glides in a new way.
I do not anticipate that the developers are considering adding another vendor for this once-a-year item. I was looking at the options that we currently have at hand. I’m most interested in learning if the items can be put into the Mystic Forge. I have so many characters on so many accounts, I have to figure out who would be eligible for the birthday gift today.
There exists a ‘Birthday Vendor’ in LA already. The developers could potentially explore the feasibility of giving that existing vendor additional functionality for those that cannot use the dye kits they receive. I have no suggestions on what equivalent ‘thing’ they could trade them for, but it’s an idea to look at.
If they went that route, maybe they could include a way to deal with the multitudes of Queen Jennah minis too.
I’m going to add my Thank You to the list. I’ve only been on long enough to accept my gift from my mailbox, but I look forward to getting my skins and my new dye….
…just as soon as I figure out which ones I want.
Choices, choices.
I’m going to point out that the ‘just don’t use them’ argument is mildly invalid considering Anet has designed each mount with a specific purpose that is ‘necessary’ in some instances. Raptor’s long leap vs Rabbit’s high leap for example. They aren’t interchangeable if you need that functionality. Granted we don’t know what the Griffin or the Spider would have had, but given the design as it stands, that sort of makes the argument moot.
Additionally, there isn’t anything saying we won’t see these mounts come into the game later on. Like, Season 4 for instance. We may yet see them.
Which mount are you most excited for?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
I like the Jackal, personally. The raptor is nice too, but I’m partial to canines. The rabbit is just…smdh.
Those skins look beautiful. I can’t wait to go home and agonize over which two to pick! I’m just glad I get to pick two. Not sure if I’ll go with the staff or two one-handeds.
Why do you need to go home before you start agonizing over which two? I won’t be home for hours yet and am already pulling my hair out trying to decide.
I’m not seeing a Queen Jennah Devourer in the wiki entry. I will be very cross if that’s the case.
This so funny and oh so wrong on so many levels that I must leave you with a +10.
More like a +24. That’s how many I have. :\
I hear you, 23 mains and 9 more spots opened for PoF.
But I fear my mind is over imaginative in the image you have created. More coffee I think and back to work lol.
C-Can you really call them “mains” if you have 23 of them?
I’m, um, asking for a friend. >.>
If you play them all regularly…yes, yes you can.
You hit the nail on the head with the general statement that we just don’t know how much time or effort any particular feature would take to implement. Even for those of us that do development as a profession can’t say for certain because we don’t know the game’s code base.
We can make assumptions based on our own experience, but when a dev says its not on their radar due to time constraints, that’s an entirely valid (and often used) reason for why certain features just don’t happen right away (or ever).
There are only so many hours in a work day, and only so many people to do the work. As with all development, those features or suggestions we make have to be weighed against what Anet already has on their backlog / sprint calendar. Sometimes those things make it in, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they just get added to the list of things they’d like to do when they get ‘time’ to do them.
While I would have liked to work with the elite specs in PvE, I feel that maybe Anet limited them to pvp and wvw intentionally to gather data on how well they fare there. To perhaps do some additional skill and trait tweaking before the final release into the wild. Its just a thought. I’m super tired today so I could be totally off too.
/no thank you
Lets keep PvP in the mists please. Thank you.
A full map run gives me now (with 3 heart quest) 58-67 berries. In past it gave 70-85.
The difference comes PURELY from removing extra strikes that wvw panel gave. It has a huge impact on every kind of material farm, including elder wood log.
I dont think I’ve ever gotten 70 – 85. I think my best run (sans hearts and dailies), hitting every bush and chests I knew of, was 67. I’ll have to get back into doing these and see if I note the difference. I’ve never been on a ‘good’ wvw server, so perhaps I may not.
Id noticed that it was an old thread, but since the conversation seemed to simply pick up where it left off and kept going, I joined it.
It does make sense to simply reuse a relevant old thread rather than having 3 or 6 new ones made for the same topic.
Just finished three runs. 55/53/50. All spots, without hearts. The first run did the daily berry collector achievement that gave 3 (I think).
Looks normal to me, maybe other people here can confirm.
The dailies give 2 a piece (total of 8 for all 4)
42 available bushes
Icebound chests have a drop rate of 1-2 (excluding the Bitter Cold, those are 0-3) , and there’s 31 spawn locations for those
And then you have the ones you can buy from the hearts (which is 5 per heart)
right around 50 sounds about right. ive not done a run since last weekend.
I don’t feel elite specs are a failure in the least. Nor do I feel they can’t do much of what many of you have brought up – introducing new weapons, as well as improving existing archetypal weapons.
As we’ve seen, Anet is focusing on giving us elite specs that expand what our classes do. giving us elites for specific uses (ie – Druid and healing), which have been bringing with them new weapons. Thier next step may be introducing elite specs that bring entirely new weapons to the game, such as a two handed great axe, or to make water based weapons usable on land. After that I could seen them experimenting with making elites that use ‘core’ weapons, and giving us a ‘new’ set of attack skills on a core weapon when that elite is equipped. There are several things they ‘can’ do, it will just take time to do it all.
With the coming of Weaver, I can finally give my ele the same weapon her namesake wielded in GW1 – the Elemental Sword. I’ll have to pick up one of the scroll skins for her focus.
Now if they’d just bring back my kitten obsidian armor….
I disagree with the points about how they will be OP as a selling point. I think thats blatantly wrong. If it were true, Mirage would out DPS Chrono and provide as much party support. It does one of those things, sacrificing the other.
Soulbeast will never have party the support of Druid.
Spellbreaker will be inferior to Berserker.
Herald will out perform Renegade
These are all for end game pve content and NOT discussing PvP.
Take the Scourge trait that replaces Deathly Chill. It has a 3 second cool down for a reason. It will be strong, but not game breaking strong like Deathly Chill currently is.
In the open world thats different, since it doesn’t matter what you are running.
Whether or not they are OP intentionally is an arguable point. On one hand, if its intentional, its a selling point for anet. If it’s not intentional, that’s sort of a mark against the balance team, is it not?
Regardless, new classes have always been overly strong when Anet’s released them, in GW1 and in HoT. It’s hard to believe it will be any other way after a decade of the same things. Yes, they do get toned down, so perhaps its not intentional. But if they let it remain too strong for an extended period of time, its hard to not see it as an “intentional” selling point.
NOW you get stacking unidentified gear that I assume stack to 250 and now you have:
1. Option to salvage
2. Option to have discover the gear then salvage.Of course it meets those things but you also forgot if you want to identify your loot you have to pay for it and go out of your way to visit a heart vendor, which is a heart you will have to do each day because they reset, if you want to identify your loot as it exits now. I think this is the major complaint from most people. Who wants to do a boring heart for the 100th day in a row to identify their loot and pay a tax on top of that? Maybe some people but not me. Like stated earlier I’m sure if Anet insists on this there will be an identify-o-matic in the gem store. That doesn’t make this better though.
I think paying for identification is fine. It creates a relatively small gold sink.
when the item in question is worth less then the ID part then it’s a horrible idea, in GW1 the gold paid for it is well worth it because most costs allot more then the ID costs with the added bonus that we can salvage with choice.
Most of the identified items in GW1 where junk, unless you got lucky and got a perfect mod. Most people didn’t even bother identifying “grapes” because it wasn’t worth it. A lot of people sold the golds unidentified because it was more lucrative to do so than to do the identification.
It was a gamble then, and it’s a gamble here. You might get junk, you might get something worth your investment. The majority of the time, it’s going to be junk.
Now that said, I’d be ok with them adjusting the cost some too. I tend to pinch my coppers, so I’m almost always game for things costing less.
As with any game that introduces ‘new’ skills / classes / etc with an expansion, I fully expect the new elite specs to be OP to begin with. It happened in GW1, it happened with HoT, I fully expect it in PoF. Its a new ‘shiny’ to help sell the expansion.
With time, I am hopeful that the elite specs from hot and pof will be correctly balanced against each other to make both useful / viable in specific instances. Which is sort of the whole point of them. But it will take time, and frustration. In the meantime, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Im going to have to concur with others that hearts have always been included as part of ‘mandatory’ game play. Its not the end of the world.
NOW you get stacking unidentified gear that I assume stack to 250 and now you have:
1. Option to salvage
2. Option to have discover the gear then salvage.Of course it meets those things but you also forgot if you want to identify your loot you have to pay for it and go out of your way to visit a heart vendor, which is a heart you will have to do each day because they reset, if you want to identify your loot as it exits now. I think this is the major complaint from most people. Who wants to do a boring heart for the 100th day in a row to identify their loot and pay a tax on top of that? Maybe some people but not me. Like stated earlier I’m sure if Anet insists on this there will be an identify-o-matic in the gem store. That doesn’t make this better though.
I think paying for identification is fine. It creates a relatively small gold sink.
However, I can understand the ‘have to redo the heart for the 100th’ time complaint. Perhaps they should add identification to normal merchants on the map after meeting a certain requirement (such as completing all the hearts once maybe?). I can understand that they want us to replay the content, and I can understand that some people just dont enjoy redoing hearts, but there should be some means of getting to a happy medium,.
Legendary Trinket questions/discussion
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189
I can understand the desire to “shut off” a legendary’s visuals. For weapons and armor, we can transmute them to other looks. Which effectively ‘shuts off’ their auras, animations, footfalls, etc. if we so choose while still retaining their legendary capabilities (ie – stat swapping). Perhaps a solution for those that want the ability to shut off the trinket’s affects is simply to allow transmuting of trinkets back to a ‘non-displayed’ skin.
Been asking for pants for years now. Still no dice. sigh
I don’t have an issue with the unidentified gear, per se. I hadn’t noticed that I got anything other than greens from them when I identified them, but maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention (or maybe I just had no luck). I enjoy the space saving that the stacking feature offers, and considering these are not bound in any way, I could choose to stick a stack on the trading post for someone that wants to play the identification gambling game. Which, might be an decent way to make a few silver when they xpac goes live.
I’m excited to check several of the new elites out.
I don’t know how anyone can claim to be ‘happy’ or ‘unhappy’ with something we haven’t gotten our hands on yet. I can understand the general ‘I don’t think I’ll like it’ or ‘It doesn’t look like it’ll suit my playstyle’ thought lines, but until people start using them (for more than just a preview weekend) it’s hard to tell if they are ‘good’ or not.
I got nothing for you. I suppose you’ll just have to do them all in one go if you cant recall which you did before. Sorta sucks, but not much we can do about it.
Open the map and mouse over the heart icon in the legend. Only the ones you’ve yet to do should glow for a moment, iirc.
Learned nothing? More like they follow the same path of every game expansion ever. If expansions didn’t offer exclusives there would be zero point in purchasing them.
And as Pyrate points out, you’ve already downloaded the xpac info. Its there in the dat file, you just cant access it.
Mounts are a component of the new expansion and require the purchase of it in order to access them.
yes its supposed to start at 9am Pacific today. So about an hour
See, this is what I mean. Even people I know of that aren’t having as hard a time as I am are saying they are working two, three, four hours just to get into a viable map. They talk about their play time getting eaten up trying to find that one map that can complete the event chain all the way through. Frustration, indeed. I figured that playing at U.S. prime time would be a sure thing, but it’s just not.
No, even prime time doesn’t seem to be a sure thing for many. Oddly it seems to be a 50/50 shot. Either you don’t seem to have much of an issue, or you struggle. Perhaps we’re just not in-tune with the ebb and flow of the ‘common’ times of the hot maps. shrug If I miss it, I generally have plenty of other things to do to keep me busy, and I just try again when it’s about time to refresh.
I don’t know what you mean about being in a squad and everyone loading into the same map because that doesn’t always seem to be the case. I’ve been in Dragon Stand squads of 50 people 10 minutes before map reset and when we all get booted into the new map, there are maybe 4 or 5 of us on the same map. Everyone else is on a different map or more than one different map. When that happened, I’ve tried to click on someone’s name in the group like the leader’s, and port immediately into their map, but it will say that the map is closed or full. This is just a minute or so after reset. Things like this keep happening to me.
I have that happen rarely, but you should be able to right-click and join the commander in their map without too much issue. It shouldn’t fill instantly. Most maps do take 5-10 minutes to fill, which is why people do ferries. But most of the squad does typically make it into the same map on reset.
My experience and the frustrations of others’ experiences make me think Anet would do well to consider changes to some of the jungle maps to make it easier for a smaller number of players to actually play and complete content that seems only designed for uber large groups at launch time. That kind of design is good for maybe a few months or a year or so at best. Then new content comes along, crowds thin, and suddenly champion level HCs and meta events for 150 people that completely block map completion don’t seem like such a great idea anymore.
The maps being (essentially) on just giant timers were one of the complaints many had, along with not being able to reach assorted components of exploration without doing the metas, and I’m sure Anet has taken it into consideration. There’s only so much they can do about HoT now, we’ll just have to live with it. It’s not like they can just ‘turn it off.’ They may eventually reduce the number of people required to complete the events (they do take a look at scaling periodically), but I’m sure they’ll keep the issues that many encountered and complained about in mind for future expansions. They’re talking about getting back to exploration more like it was in the core game with PoF, so we’ll see how they do.
I mainly play ele and necro, so Weaver and Scourge are the top two I’m looking at. After that, it’s Soulbeast and Mirage. And then…everything else. Although, Spellbreaker might make warrior mildly interesting to play. We’ll see.
I’m Central Time Zone, as in the Midwest of the U.S.A.
Generally the instance right around server roll over time, and the one just after are pretty easy to get into. Try to make sure you’re in a commander’s group before the map refreshes and everyone dies. Those in the squad will load together.
Additionally, just because a group is small in the LFG doesn’t mean its not a full or near full map. A lot of people will ferry for the larger squads.
Still, I can understand the frustration. I’ve had stretches where getting into a DS map with enough ppl to complete it was nigh impossible. I’ve given up trying early mornings on weekends, which is (sadly) typically when I play.
I don’t particularly like this addition to the store, and I’ve always felt this away about such ‘instant leveling’ kind of items. We already have too many people that level the ‘normal’ way(s) to 80 and have no fricking clue what they are doing, or what to do next. How many threads have we had with people asking “what do I do now?” I feel we may see more of those with this item available for purchase.
As a vet, and an alt-a-holic, I don’t welcome the change. I know some will, and thats fine. Not everyone likes or enjoys the leveling process; I can understand that. But tomes of knowledge are ludicrously easy to obtain. Not to mention birthday gift scrolls. Any vet should have a very easy time of swiftly leveling an alt without this item.
For newer players, like my son, this could be potentially detrimental to their long term enjoyment of the game. For some, it won’t make much of a difference, they’ll pop the level boost and go about their day. It allows them to get bored that much quicker because they’ve “done everything” and move on. For others, they’ll pop the boost and end up having no clue what to do. How should they go about getting armor? Where should they go next? How do they access ‘x’ part of the story. Etc, etc. We’ve seen this with people without the darn level boosts.
My greatest fear is that we’re going to see a lot more people (as we did with the lvl 80 boost that came with HoT) that haven’t a clue how to play their class or how basic mechanics work.
Agree, I think if new players use these they will end up with a quicker burn out. The counter problem though is if new players are drawn in and PoF is there first entry point they will not want to start in base GW2 if they re-roll since everyone else will be off on the new maps so its a catch 22. But I agree I think new players that go this route will be “where/what now” potentials. That’s also why I favor a higher price tag on these from the gem store.
Agreed, there is a catch 22 there. Newbies will want to jump right into the xpac, so they’ll get the boosts. Unfortunately they then run the potential of just getting their butt kicked repeatedly. Depends on what the foes are like (remember the complaints from hot?) which may just burn them out just as quickly. Just no win scenario here I suppose.
I don’t particularly like this addition to the store, and I’ve always felt this away about such ‘instant leveling’ kind of items. We already have too many people that level the ‘normal’ way(s) to 80 and have no fricking clue what they are doing, or what to do next. How many threads have we had with people asking “what do I do now?” I feel we may see more of those with this item available for purchase.
As a vet, and an alt-a-holic, I don’t welcome the change. I know some will, and thats fine. Not everyone likes or enjoys the leveling process; I can understand that. But tomes of knowledge are ludicrously easy to obtain. Not to mention birthday gift scrolls. Any vet should have a very easy time of swiftly leveling an alt without this item.
For newer players, like my son, this could be potentially detrimental to their long term enjoyment of the game. For some, it won’t make much of a difference, they’ll pop the level boost and go about their day. It allows them to get bored that much quicker because they’ve “done everything” and move on. For others, they’ll pop the boost and end up having no clue what to do. How should they go about getting armor? Where should they go next? How do they access ‘x’ part of the story. Etc, etc. We’ve seen this with people without the darn level boosts.
My greatest fear is that we’re going to see a lot more people (as we did with the lvl 80 boost that came with HoT) that haven’t a clue how to play their class or how basic mechanics work.
I suppose it will depend on whether or not they get the EU servers back online. I’m guessing with the power outage for one of the data centers, they are holding off on the patch until everything has been restored. Which, I can understand, even if it does bum me out. If that comes back online prior to Anets EoBD, we may see the patch pushed. Otherwise, my guess is no.
I always wondered why we never had Legendary base defenders like pvp did in GW1. Instant 1-shot if you got within range. Something like that would be nice, if feasible.
Except at least 40% of the hype is already ruined by the leaks.
Not everyone has seen or gone looking for those.
And then there are those like me who have the information and are still hyped.