Kind of more of the same.
Axe skills need a range increase and buff either in damage or conditions.
Mantas need a range increase. Some of suggested an AOE, but even if it is just within the front arc that would be fine. The current cone is too narrow.
Tomes feel really important to the specialization and so should work more like elementalist attunements with a shorter cooldown. Maybe have pages charge in some way.
I like the idea of the class the abilities, just feels like it needs a small tweak with range and a decision on how tomes work.
Do we really need so many condition specific sigils? What if we had a flat condition boost which gave 1% damage boost for each unique condition on a foe.
I have noticed top 250 people with really low game numbers. At first I didn’t like the minimum game idea, but it is growing on me.
I have a suggestion: one boss 2-3 different forms each with the previous mechanics, but also additional add ons. A boss that focuses on mechanical precision over dps.
Those that say we should delete specializations, I really have to wonder if they played pvp prior to HoT. There was a time where only 2-3 of the classes were even considered viable to play at all. Now at least every class has build that can be fun and competitive within the realm of the game. I never count pro builds because that is a different branch of play then if you’re queuing ranked or unranked.
Note, progression is different, not non-existent. You’ll need to know rotations for optimal damage for content like raids. While Exotic and even ascended gear is easy to get, gear is not the end-game. Masteries are the end-game which can obtained by getting HoT.
Pop retaliation. Walk into traps. Block/Heal/Inv through traps. Laugh.
Soft or hard reset won’t make someone better overall. You might up or down a level within a tier, but people in bronze or silver won’t magically be gold or platinum.
Show me a pvp game where you dont have blowout matches at all tiers of play, but especially at the lower brackets.
What youre asking for has not been done in any other pvp game, in games much larger than gw2 with much more people crying, how can you expect the gw2 team to do it?
I think its an awesome step that we got this and not the fake ranking system of before.
I actually had several great matches that were very close while playing in gold 1. These matches were great, had no idea who was going to win throughout most of the match. Also had some blowout matches, but in most of those I could plainly see where mistakes were made.
Then I had a day off work and played on a Monday morning, and noticed an insane difference. You could tell when the match started who was going to win. There was a highly noticeable skill gap between the teams. Nobody enjoys these types of matches.
So you can’t tell me that every match is going to be blowout and nothing can be done about it. That simply is not true. People simply want to stay at the rank where they have great matches. A blowout here and there is to be expected, and people know that. But entire streaks of blowouts that launch you into divisions you don’t belong due to matchmaking creating bad match-ups is what people hate. And it happens, I’ve seen the mmr of all the players in these matches, so I know for a fact these matches were stacked in favor of one team.
This has been the best season so far, but it clearly still needs work. You people quickly dismissing and insulting people with legitimate complaints isn’t helping the game get any better.
I’ve had the same experience, in the same tier. I’ve noticed weekends are rough times (weekend warriors who are getting out of placement matches in high silver or low gold)but I’m guessing this week will also be rough as new players reach rank 20 and decide to try out ranked played with this new Christmas present.
However, overall this is a great season.
Low skill beats low skill players. I see no problem here that’s life.
True statements deserve to be repeated. ^^^^^^^^
No Devs play DH, and you comment made the troll thread obvious.
Karl Plays DH and he is the Guardian Dev… well as the head of the balance department. DH is his baby. Let that sink in.
Karl HAS a DH and he is the Guardian Dev, but all accounts is that he mains a thief. If any dev actually main’d a Guardian they would have fixed or at least addressed core Guardian issues. DH power is a Learn to Play issue. If you know 90% of guardians play traps and are blindly running toward the guardian and dying the traps isn’t the classes fault.
- 1) What Anet thinks works doesn’t actually work. Meaning, allowing a game mode that’s supposed to be competitive shouldn’t reward losing. You effectively have two different types of players being combined into the same game mode: Those who don’t care about the competition, and those that do. Rewarding losses keeps the players who don’t care about competition around, and that causes problems.
The reward is 3 pips on a secondary reward track with a possible 4th if you did well. You still lose ranking overall and can even drop tiers if you lose enough. Plus GW2 is marketed and has always been marketed as a casual friendly game. Complaining that it isn’t hardcore enough is just silly.
- 2) Matchmaking algorithm still doesn’t work well. There should be no reason why 3 or 4 of the same class should be randomly spawned on the same team. A proper team made of random Solo queuers should have some type of balance. No more than 2 heavy/medium/light classes, no more than 2 of the same class. Things like that.
It’s been stated that current matchmaking isn’t even looking for this right now. Should it… maybe. However, the goal has always been quick games because that is what the majority seems to have called for. What you’re asking for would slow that process down and would lead to more threads about terrible matchmaking.
- 3) Players are punished for things out of their control. You win as a team, and lose as a team. This motto would be true, if Ranked PvP were an actual team game. As it stands, being on a team with up to 4 random strangers of various skill level truly makes winning more of a coin flip than based on skill and strategy. Case in point, my last match had 3 Eles, so I swapped to my Ele, and fooled around. We won. But not because of my skill. I was just mashing buttons since I don’t know how to play Ele well. We won because the other team had players who aren’t experienced in PvP. Matchmaking punished someone on the other team who really tried hard to win, but couldn’t because his teammates couldn’t keep up. MMR should be based on individual skill, not the win/loss record.
If only the system took this into account and didn’t punish your rewards when losing… oh wait never mind that was a flaw in the system too. Truth is people are playing and people will make mistakes and mess up. It’s more likely you caught some teammate that were off their game, and probably thrown more off if they were yelled at.
- 4) No barriers to entry for Ranked. A lot of people will attest that there are players who don’t understand strategy of PvP maps. You can’t take what you learn from PvE or WvW, and expect to play out the same. Unless you can create a learning simulation for players new to PvP to practice on before entering Ranked queues, there needs to be stricter qualifications for entry.
You have to be level 20 to play ranked. If you want a higher barrier this casual friendly game probably isn’t for you. Try LoL.
- 5) PvP needs more reporting functions for AFKers and trolls. If someone is intentionally throwing Ranked matches, they shouldn’t be allowed to play anymore.
This I have not problem with.
- 6) High rated players treated differently than mid/low tier players. This is unintentional on Anet’s part, but their matchmaking system protects the higher rated players. They never have to worry about their teammates not understanding strategy, rotations, etc. Mid to low tier players are grouped together with new players, and they’re trapped on these tiers because getting out depends on the luck of the draw for teammates. Anet should be fair to all players, and have a hard reset of MMR.
I don’t think this is true. Bad players exist everywhere. Just as you get to higher tiers those “bad” players (relative to others playing) make fewer big mistakes than lower tier players.
Compared to previous seasons this one is amazing and doing a lot of things right. I don’t totally disagree with everything said here, but I understand the trade offs. The reward program will keep population high which helps with a lot. Does that mean you’ll have a lot of new players who make stupid choices. Yes. Is that a bad thing, in the long run, no. A lot of this season is what players have asked for and stays true to the casual philosophy of the game.
Core Guardian burn build is a great build. Go with it, enjoy it.
Placement: Great idea. Please continue, variations in these matches propel people too high or too low. They will climb which is fine. Those that end up too high though is a problem as it hurts others.
Matchmaking: solo/duo queue has greatly improved matchmaking. Teams and opponent seemy to have similar rankings. Matches feel more fair. I can see that we were outplayed or outplayed the other team. Not just vastly better.
Balance: pvp only splits are making balance better. Still some skills that push the limit of acceptable.
Rewards: lots of gold, promotes main game focus, pve. “New” skins seem lazy.
Suggestions: more ranked maps. More pvp skill splits. More unique skins.
I love the system.
I did notice weekend matches aren’t that great, but I’m guessing that is mainly due to weekend “warriors” logging on to try out the league. I played too much with these players and after having a 60% win rate, I now have a 40% win rate. Not really anyone’s fault but my own, but just throwing it out there that I played enough weekday games to stabilize my MMR (relatively), and now it is all out of wack again. If we could think of a way to further separate stable MMR and shakey MMR ratings that would be great.
High Silver
Warriors need some sustain taken away. They need to pick one high damage or high burst potential that fact that they have both is stupid. Also, Warriors ability to handle conditions just isn’t right. I’ve put 18 stacks of burning on a warrior and their life didn’t move, in fact they were able to heal back up.
@Evan Lesh: Love everything about this season, but class stacking is an issue. Don’t know if we need to bring it to one, but definitely no more than 2.
Right now, the OP’s stated behavior is actually fairly common. Suicide to speed up the match if they feel they are out classed early on. I hate getting stuck with team mates like that, when a little coordination and changing of strategy to adapt to the other team can give you a chance to turn the game around.
To be fair though I would rather suicide than AFK at spawn. At least then you’re finishing the game faster.
To the point, it would be interesting for the reward track at least to get an extra pip for being close or staging a good comeback. That would promote less suicide and afk behavior.
Could we also look into getting pip for each category you were top in on your team?
I run Medi burn and it has plenty of sustain, you just can’t face roll the key board. It is great 1v1, but also does well kiting outside a team battle. It’s amazing how many people run in and out of purging flame. It’s like they just like seeing the stacks of burning pile up on them.
Against a good player I can maintain 6-10 stacks of burn. Against morons I’ve gotten as high as 20.
I’ve tried all the other Guard builds and they just bore me. I love my burn guard.
No, people expected their MMR to be higher than it actually is and they’re experiencing anxiety because current reality (as you said nothing is set in stone yet) isn’t matching their perception of themselves as players.
I might be with them later this season if I drop into low Silver. Right now I’m happy with low Gold and based on the adjustment numbers I’m seeing after a win or loss I’m guessing that is where I’ll stay until I improve or roll my face on the keyboard
Ill be honest, i enjoy this season much more even if i dont make the top 250. Though there is some balance issues with the ability to play certain classes against other classes.
That aside this totally feels like random MMR making. I mean the top players should be facing each other to see who is the best ranked players. I do not know if that happening but with the win/losses i would say no.
So to start the season i was 10-3. Today i logged in and went 3-7 to start. This was all solo que, 1 player from a match we won asked to team up and we went on to win our next 4.
There is obvious build set ups and match ups that are better and then skill comes in but i dont think we can say this is a true leader board since MM is playing a bigger factor.
It is possible that you did really well, so were matched up against others that were doing really well and you just didn’t size up to them and so you’re MMR is being adjusted.
My first 15 games after my initial 10 had my ranking being adjusted by around 30 points per win and 20 points per loss. Almost 40 games in the points are now in the low 20s/ upper teens for a win and low teens for a loss. I figure I’m stabilizing. I’m okay with that. My matches have been entertaining. More data in (i.e. games) the more accurate my ranking.
As someone who has skipped that last two seasons, I think this is a great system. You get rewarded well for time and effort, but time and effort don’t mean you get a higher rank, you actually have to be decent to move up. The previous system meant nothing. I feel this on at least can approximate skill and even if you end up way below where you believe you should be the double reward track of standard pvp swag and the liquid gold should be enough to make people happy (I’d think)
Guess I missed it…. like I said I might be stupid. Suppose I am :/
I can live with that. I suppose
They were never equipped. They were crafted. I did upgrade them, but do so in the inventory. They were never equipped.
I’m most likely stupid, or just feel really stupid right now.
I took the time to farm the Burl Orichalcum recipes. I have one level 400 Jeweler. I made the ring and earring to give to my Mesmer. I spend the time to get resources (which wasn’t all that long compared to the farming) craft the piece and then SOULBOUND. What the hell Anet! Where was the warning that the piece would be soulbound. I can deal with account bound all day long, but soulbound. This just stupid.
This will sound completely entitled, but I’m kind of ticked, I want time and any gold I spent back. It wasn’t much, but I’m kittened off that in order to gear my character it has to be gated behind crafting when I already have a character that can do the crafting. FIX THIS.
(yes, I am being a whiny entitled kitten, but that is what the forums are for )
I’m probably crazy here, but in my mind Legendries are about their stat change abilities. How they look is a matter of opinion. I know a good number of that make their legendries just so they can switch stats, but rarely show off the legendary skin. Don’t like Ascension, transmute the skin. Seems pretty simple. Can’t force your personal taste as the benchmark of what things should look like.
What additional reward tracks would you like to see?
I’d be interested in a T6 track. Even if it were a one shot or the reward was account bound. It would be nice to get 50-100 T6 mats reliably.
I’m bored, so I’ll feed the troll.
Not a lot of time is being put into raids. There is a small group doing it and it is not distracting from any other content being released. This has been stated multiple times.
Raids are not difficult. People have beaten VG with green armor and less than 10 people. They are mechanic based. Understand the mechanics and patterns and you win. What they require is time to learn those mechanics and you actually have to play the raid rather than watch to get a full feel for it.
My suggestion join one of the many raid guilds or find some finds and go at. If you don’t win the first or 100th time no biggie keep working. It took my group almost 3 months to beat VG. Now I consider a group awful if we don’t beat it the first pull. Has it gotten any easier? No. I put in the time. Do the same and you’ll find it is not hard content at all. It is just not mind numbing stand and hit 1 content.
What your real beef is with is legendary armor being available through raids. However, legendary armor should be based on some amount of skill and not who can farm the best which is what weapons really are about. Armor development and backpiece development are steps in the right direction.
Love it!
7:56 EST
So much for my down time after kids go to bed. Going to watch a movie :/
The cool thing about living story is not only the surprises at the end, but the scavenger hunt of journals which talk about some of the raid content, tying it into the current arc, but not making it central, and also making it clear that Lazurus was the ultimate goal. Tie that with after magic image and Lazurus’s return was pretty easy to guess and didn’t feel random at all. Primodus coming back was just icing on the cake. Great start. I can’t wait to see where it goes next.
Yes, and keep exploring branches of lore. Maybe a Raid dealing with Tengu would be cool! Or something dealing with that crazy zombie king in the desert. Neither do I think should be direct interactions, but just giving us a glimpse at what is happening or that there are other threats beside dragons is really cool. There is so much story and play possibilities. It is exciting.
I’m excited for wing 3, but also really looking forward to the next Raid which I hope will be released during the Winter quarterly update of 2017.
A Herald minor could remove either 1/2 condis on block use (shield/sword offhand/staff), or it could remove movement impairing effects since both of those groups absolutely wreck Revs after the nerfs.
Herald is a boon bot, not a utility legend. If we get condi removal it should be in dwarf or centaur, and those would be buffing what already exists. We need ways to encourage legend combos that don’t rely on Herald as it is almost a must play to get the most efficiency out of Rev.
Energy needs to stay. CD needs to be adjusted or gotten rid of. Legend Swapping is essential and creates interesting interactions. The larger issue is that not all the legends are viable.
Neither Frigid precision nor diabolic inferno are okay. Frigid precision is completely useless and not worth to pick up above the other two.
Diabolic on the other hand missed the powercreep which other classes have received. For gm trait its kind of lackluster. Pretty much all burn traits also increases duration or damage. See; closer one to diabolic is Incendiary powder. Diabolic is lacking here and +33% dura would bring it on par with rest. You picking it up atm bc the other 2 traits are a joke.
Maniacal would be fine if it increased crit chance based on the amount of condi your target has (3% per unique condi). Pair that with bolstered, condi copy from Mallyx elite and you have a nice toy to play with.
I agree, I only say okay because I don’t have any idea on to tweak without making op. I
Because I have time:
This is one of my favorite legends, but feels so unfinished trait wise. I like the skills and the ideas.
Rampant Vex- okay
Opportune Extraction- rng boon removal, cool
Yearning Empowerment- Conditions last 15% longer
Tier I
Replenishing Despair is based off an model where Mallyx put conditions on himself. Present day Mallyx feels like a legend who is all about increasing pain to others not taking it on himself to get strong. This should be a boon conversation trait
50% chance on a critical to convert one boon into a condition.
Demonic Defiance- okay
Venom Enchancement- When you apply a condition you also apply poison.
Tier II
Bolstered Anguish- With no way to keep resistance up all the time and no real condition removal this trait feels like death. I suggest flipping it. Deal % increased damage for X number of conditions on an opponent.
Frigid Precision- okay
Banish Enchantment- okay
Tier III
Diabolic Inferno- okay
Maniacal Persistance- I think this should increase condition damage and provide a crit bonus?
Pulsating Perstilience: okay, I suppose
The initial poster’s idea of Momentary Pacification generating water fields I think should be looked into. Ventri does need some more love.
Some ideas. First Ventri’s base healing should be increased, think Druid. Also the line itself requires too much to be put in healing power (base of 0), so it limits it’s overall usefulness if you’re not specifically in that spec. Instead it should work with more commonly used stats.
Disarming Riposte- keep 20 icd but now reads: striking a foe blinds them (4s)
Hardened Foundation- Gain healing power based on a percentage of your toughness
Serene Rejuvenation- keep
Tier 1
Nourishing Roots- increase radius (360?)
Blinding Truth- Replace: Allies healed by you gain Protections (1s), radius increased equal to Nourishing Roots
Tranquil Balance- Fine
Tier II
Tranquil Benediction- Fine
Eluding Nullification- increase conditions removed from 1 to 2. Make clear it removed from you too.
Invoking Harmony- thematically fine, usefulness is dubious without increase to base healing of the legend
Tier III
Selfless Amplification- Again this requires you to very specifically spec into healing which limits the usefulness of the build. Instead it should read: Increase healing power based on a percentage of your power. (10%)
Natural Abundance- Feels redundant to what the staff naturally does. Be interested if it were changed, maby proc Purfying Essence?
Momentary Pacfication: When activating an elite skill drop a water field and provide regen (2s) to yourself and 3 other allies within 360 radius
Ventari’s will- summoning the tablet is a blast finisher (thematically makes sense you’re creating a rock out of nothing)
Protective Solace is a water field not a light field
Natural Harmonly is a blast finisher
Purfying Essence: reduce cost to 25
Energy Explusion- radius is 360
the next spec will NEED to be ranged too, stop saying melee spear, guardians simply can’t rely on scepter as the long ranged pressure weapon anymore.
unless you somehow expect anet to fix scepter or staff.
Truthfully, the next spec NEEDS to be melee because Guardian is designed as almost an exclusive melee class. All of our utilities require us to be in the thick of things because of their small radius of effect. My personal opinion LB was given because of popular demand for a range, but was a mistake since no changes were made any utilities to reflect a ranged class.
Most likely we’ll get an off-hand for our next elite either sword, dagger, or axe. Unless it is two-handed a lot of the elite specs got off-hand weapons.
We need another sink? :p
What is the point of the provisioner tokens being so specific? I get the desire for particular stats, but why does it have to be a krait weapon. Can’t it just be any lvl 80 rare with those stats? Feels overly complicated to me. I’d think they’d be happy with any weapon that was usable.
I like this season. Win enough and hit a good team, but not so good that they blow you out. Learn from the lose and repeat. Only need at 40% win rate to make it to Ruby.
Good morning,
This is not a complaint thread. I’m actually enjoying the matchmaking this season. I have close matches that I’m learning from, improving, and then progressing. There are just a few things I think for quality of life we could add.
1. Putting a limit on class stacking
2. Game wide stats. I would love to see all the stats I see about my own character and all my teammates and opponents. Other games have this and I feel this is a basic thing for any pvp.
3. In-game emotes/ commands like home, mid, far, incoming # this can make soloq communication more simple. typing and fighting can be a pain. Clicking and fighting, a little easier.
Other ideas? What things would you like to see, beside matchmaking (I’m pretty sure everyone will not ever be happy with that)
Stomping should be encouraged, when safe.
When not to stomp
- The middle of a fight with 2 or more enemies around you
-At the end of the fight when your team has clearly won
-Any location where you can manage your cap and watch the enemy slowly die
- If you’re trying to take and keep far
When to stomp
- You are in a situation where it is 1v1 and you have an ally downed another enemy is incoming (use stability first) (even this is situational, because you could just go for the rez, but then risk the other person rezzing)
- When you’re just sick of that person
- When it will put your team ahead for the quick points
- If, and this requires you to pay attention, a quick kill can give your team a needed “power play” situation
There are probably more and there are probably more knowledgeable people than me who can add to this.
I do know that knowing when to stomp and cleave or cleave instead of stomping can change the course of major encounters, which can swing the game.
Just have seen a lot of primordial legends and s2 legends in sapphire recently. I guess skill doesn’t matter if there’s a premade 50/50 w/l ratio.
Or… maybe… they didn’t belong at legendary in the first place.
This season has good matchmaking compared the steamroll version of season 2 and the true 50/50 system of season 1.
Truthfully, while I’m only in Sapphire, I really like the matchmaking this season. I have between a 40- 50% win rate, but only a handful of matches have been blow-outs. The vast majority are close, or could have been close if not for human error. This is way better than last season where you knew in the first 3 minutes who was going to win or season 1 where it felt really random.
Season 3 is getting it right, imo.
problem isn’t dragonhunter (which is fairly bad – especially F2 and F3) problem is that core guardian sucks pretty bad, no trait synergies outdated weapon skills and only 1 viable mediocre build (valor+virtues+DH) = the “good spot” is ours, pls try to take it over if you can. We will fight for it!
Here is the actual problem. Core Guardian has some issues that if fixed, like their illogical trait line choices or just flat out awful traits, would make them pretty competitive.
in organized groups, you should already have a constant 25 stacks of might from PS War and Rev, the extra might from traps you get from DH runes are inconsequential.
That’s a good point. But how about the extra ferocity. Does it make a difference over the extra power you get assuming you’re critting pretty hard?
Rev is giving you the extra ferocity (150 boost) per their Shiro (Devastation) trait line.
(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)
What if it were to grant players in the instance provisional status for those masteries, and only while in the instance? That would make it more accessible.
Don’t see why that needs to happen. Just need to do a few meta events. There are guides all over the place on how to get the required mastery points. I don’t think this is a barrier at all.
Already announced that those stats will be available in LS3.