So, I’ll say this again. Easy mode raids aren’t a bad idea, but they are a training mode for a regular raid. Rewards should be less, because you’re doing less. Progress should be significantly slower (no full insights, and collection drops having a rare chance instead of a promised drop).
Anet does want people to play their way, but they’ve also made a decision that legendary needs to try to mean something. This is why they’ve taken away random weapon HOT drops, provided PvP and Fractal backpieces. I understand the feeling that is being expressed, I just don’t agree with it.
When someone shows off a legendary it should be a cool factor. Core legendaries don’t have that. Fractal ones do. Pvp do to some extent. Legendary armor should. It shouldn’t be impossible, but it should push players.
I like the direction Anet is going, but I also like the idea of an easy mode so player can, if they choose to, play a standard difficulty raid with confidence. I am not for giving easy mode players the same quality of rewards, drops, or prestige.
1. Players must be able to play the Forsaken Thicket bosses and other encounters, in a lower risk environment than the current raids offer.
2. Players must be able to progress towards earning Legendary Armor through some PvE method that does not involve having to clear the existing difficulty of raids.
3. The Easy mode raids should offer reduced rewards compared to hard mode, but should be rewarding enough that they would be competitive for players’ attention with content of equivalent time and effort investment, making them worth running on reset.
1. Sure, that sounds like easy mode. I can get behind that idea.
2. Truthfully, don’t care either way. I’m more on board with people who want to do raids, but find them too difficult and need an easier mode to focus on mechanics until they can get do the actual raid.
3. Sure as long as it is not exactly equal to normal raid mode. Example, they should not get insights, but maybe insight fragments that can be combined to make a single insight.
Remember this is true and actual end game content. Raids are meant to be challenging and rewarding. If there is an easy mode it should focus on helping players learn boss mechanics, but not on giving rewards. Easy mode should prepare people to be able to take on standard difficulty raid.
We can create a new MMR that is used during off season, but it’d have the same problems as unranked in that it is dormant 8 weeks at a time. If we continued to use ranked MMR, would that be a problem for when the new season begins? Would people try to tank their MMR in the off-season to try and get easier matches?
I mean, consider it as 3 separate modes with separate MMRs independent of each other. Unranked, Ranked, and Leagues.
During League seasons, disabled Ranked and freeze everyone’s MMR and start using Leagues matchmaking system. Replaced the "Ranked’ button with “Leagues”. After Leagues, re-enable “normal” Ranked queues with the frozen MMR from before.
It’d also give you data to compare the MMR of players who play ranked regularly and the MMR from Leagues.
It’s a fine idea, I’m just cautioning that the volatility in matchmaking that happens during off-season will still be there with a third off-season ranked arena. It just maintains the barrier to entry and split queues.
Matchmaking will perform better with more people, and only having one arena helps that. Is there anything that could create a shift in perception with unranked that would solve these problems?
The perceptions that exist are based on player choices. I think it is out of control of the game.
I have an additional question. Couldn’t you use the off season to test out any new matchmaking tweaks? This could make leagues, which I really want to like, feel less like an ongoing beta test. Data could be gathered and additional tweaks can be made. This would be better if there was the ranked arena with the above suggestions.
(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)
How many people are actually flat out against easy mode or difficulty settings in general? Looks like you are confusing people who are against your “ohoni mode” and people who are against “easy mode”.
This exactly. There’s nothing inherently bad with easy mode, it just shouldn’t allow you to earn the skill gated rewards from normal mode.
I agree with this. If there is an easy mode, great, but rewards should not be equal. Doesn’t fractals work this way right now? Higher fractal gives you a better chance at better rewards. If there is tiered difficulty in raids then it should work the same way (without AR).
What about Ranked do you enjoy more than Unranked during off-season?
Is it that you prefer climbing a ladder all the time? Or are there other particular reasons.
Ranked isn’t about ladder climbing for me. It is about quality opponents. Ranked is not equal to leagues. Leagues draw everyone in to chase the shiny and are basically unranked with a carrot. I want ranked where I can play without having to explain or worry about people not knowing mechanics or their build.
I pretty much stopped playing about half way through the season. Didn’t reach my goals, was just so unfun that it wasn’t worth putting myself though. I found other things to do. Not even sure if I’ll go back at this point. Kind of turned off to the game mode.
I’ve done my fair share of complaining about season 2. I know some of it is I’m just not as good as I think and some of it could be the way things are set up. After playing a couple of games today I was feeling particularly salty and happened upon a dev online.
I have to say it was nothing but a positive experience. This dev listened, elicited feedback, and we had a great conversation during what should have been his/her down time to enjoy the game he/she is part of this dev took to the time listen.
So, a very public thank to that dev. Your time was appreciated.
Just pointing out that there are 23 days left in ranked season 2.
I know a lot are mad, but I’ve pretty much just given up. I log on and do play every couple of days, but this system and the lack of any substantial support from anet to fix the glaring issues has really just disillusioned me as to what this company will deliver in pvp. My hopes are still high for pve though
I think you’re right on. What makes the problem worse is the “win a game with X profession” dailies. Even by adding two to the description you can bet the 2-4 (I’ve seen it be the same 2 classes in a different order for both dailies) classes that day will be the move prevalent.
From my experience this season, I haven’t seen teams to be that much of an issue or at least for me personally. I’ve lost to some and I’ve beaten some. The thing that’s been an issue lately is terrible group comps.
One thing that I would like to see in relation to teams is that the class composition within that team is taken into consideration when matching.
Got to agree with this. Pre-mades haven’t been a big issue this season. It is more team comp and the unequal pairing of opponents. I was fine with the idea of letting the good get ahead with the understand that this eventually create even matches. That never happened and is clear it won’t happen.
A better queue system is one that pits equal teams against each other. Will it make progression harder overall, sure. Will it be more fun, probably. At least when you lose you’ll know it was all you and not some you and some matchmaking.
Tournaments disappeared because nobody ever took part in them. Just look at the turnout to the most recent AG cups.
I can remember a time when tournaments were played quite a bit, even though they implemented this weird necessity for tournament-tokens, which was totally counterproductive.
^ This was a weird barrier put up for tournaments that limited the amount you could play. If people who weren’t prepared wanted to team up and go in that truly hurts no one because it is a pre-made team of people who will go against another pre-made team and at the worst offer an easy win.
I like the idea of bringing back tournament. Would work well for off-season time.
For seasons, I do believe that winning teams should have the option to stay together and be put in queue together to face another winning team. If they’re constantly going to mess with pvp matchmaking get something like the random arena matchmaking in GW1.
Hi guys!
I seriously want Anet to add 2 Npc´s to the Heart of the Mist.
A Norn Warrior in Galdiator Armor named Nabba and
a Sylvari Thief named Veganta.They have the following conversation all 5 min or so:
Nabba: Are we Meta yet?
Veganta : No…
Please put them near the area where you can kill class npcs. Occasionally when you kill an npc one of them should yell “His power is over 9000!”
I enjoy Pvping and Raids, but I do have to admit the one thing I really love(d?) about GW2 was that my actions, or at least the collective actions of the world, made a difference. The destruction of Lion’s Arch, the fall of the Toxic Alliance Tower, the marionette battle remain the single coolest moments in my gaming history which not as long as others, but is still long enough to remember the joy of 8 bit systems. Are there better moments in games sure, but what mattered to me was that I did something that was unique and it wasn’t repeatable. The world was altered forever and every time I see that fallen tower I can say, “I was there.”
The focus on pvp, which has largely served to only make both non-pvp players and pvp players angry, feels like it is taking away from that. I love pvp, but I also want to feel like my character is making a difference. Raids right now fill that hole. The story being told is fun and each path has bits and pieces in it that show that my actions made a difference. However, I want something more global.
They will likely do a large patch right after season 2 ends, possibly even before S2 finals like they did last time. Unfortunately that info has not been given to us directly and we must wait for them to unveil it. But, as you have said, we have given lots of feedback so as a playerbase we need to focus now on fixing what we can right now (attitudes, helping others get better) and such things that anet can’t fix with any sort of patching. Leave patching to them and start helping those who will be affected by it.
This is good advice
So plenty of feedback has been given about matchmaking and balance, but what is actually happening? I saw a post saying that Anet is reading the posts and that is great, but will there be a fix? Can we hope for some minor tweaks like we saw at the end of the Season 1 or has Anet just wiped their hands of the whole season and saying wait until season 3 for changes and the Spring patch for balance?
Pretty much what Casta said, on top of which i should add, required achievements like “play 3 different classes” really added to this disaster more then ppl give it credit.
Forcing someone to play classes he does not know or even want to play is one of the most terrible ideas i’ve heard. You can hands down imagine at least 8/10 people who did this achievement were terrible in their matches and cost a lot of losses for their team mates, which in turn contributes to this horrific mmr dependent system.
I’m torn about the class achievement. On one hand I agree it is pretty bad. On the other, it is the only achievement that in a small way contributed to me being a better pvp’r. I use to be a single class hero. I can now multi-class well on at least 2 out of 3 of my classes. My third class I only play in amber
We need a system more similar to the slow grow leaderboards before leagues and the test system.
I think these are good suggestions. I would be curious about the 10? MMR setting matches. Could people team quo in those? What would the affect be if players could only soloq? Better or worse or somewhere in the middle?
I would add that players should only lose divisions when they are in the first tier of a new division. If you can get to tier 2 or above you probably belong there, just bad things happened. Maybe not all of which is your fault.
[quote=6049568;Jourdelune.7456But… this was way better than the grinding of WINS that gave us RANK since january 2015. Test season 1 and 2 were bad. League season 1 and 2 as well.
I would agree that the test seasons and leagues aren’t as good. I like the original system. Not sure it was original, but I certainly felt like my ranking was closer to my skill. I could see my skill raise too.
The current system is too much about instant gratification and trying to judge some form of growth over a very short period of time. Or in season 2’s case it is about trying to get people to a certain point quickly based on a rating determine outside of the league.
Getting ‘stuck’ in ruby is a very important topic regarding how best league should operate. We changed matchmaking to make the ladder more prestigious and so far it has done that. Divisions are aligning with skill level much better than season 1. The product of this change is that the bulk of players who hover around the middle of the mmr curve should stay in sapphire and ruby. Win rate will level out at 50% because there are plentiful players of similar mmr in the same division.
Should average players be able to climb out of the middle divisions by grinding? This removes prestige and can make matchmaking worse within a division, but always allows a sense of progression.
Should average players stay in the middle divisions because that’s where they belong at their skill level? This retains prestige and only improving skill will allow climbing, but rewards and progression stop at some point through the season.
Is there an incentive that could be added to league games for players who have reached their appropriate division and can no longer climb?
Nobody should ever feel “stuck.” EVER. There is nothing positive about being stuck. If the goal is that it is intended for players to get into Ruby and get “stuck,” then you should just tell them that. Have a message pop up that says:
“You are in Ruby now, which is as far as you’re capable of going. You can stop now because any further effort will be futile.”
Then they can just stop rather than continuing to waste their time in a mode that will never be rewarding for them.
There are no limits, only plateaus. You must not stay there, you must go beyond them. Is it the matchmaking keeping you in Ruby or are you keeping yourself there?
The quote this person used was to express what he is feeling about ruby. You’re correct, but feeling like you can’t go any further is frustrating. Especially when you’re not evenly matched.
The point of this league, based on how matches are made, is not give fair matches or even help players get better. It is to move players that system’s numbers say are good. That doesn’t mean no personal skill is involved, but I would doubt anyone would say that everyone currently in a division deserves to be there based on skill alone.
Pvp should always, ALWAYS, be about challenging matches where everyone can leave feeling like they got better. At least that is my opinion. That is why I play. I always want to get better. It is hard to do that this season when I’m paired against people clearly not just a little better, but way better than I am. That is frustrating and demoralizing.
Was done in GW1. Think it is great idea, especially for soloq players.
Hey everyone,
Time for another recap and a few questions!
- Most of you like periodic secondary mechanics that remain “secondary” and don’t try to overtake the conquest part of the maps.
- We also would like the secondary to be more of a swing mechanic rather than a snowball mechanic
- Tons of awesome ideas for reworking the Skyhammer to be more of a periodic mechanic and some general ways to improve it.
So because of how the community answered I would like to ask some questions about the treb in Kyhlo. It has been in ranked/competitive rotation since the game has been out, but the treb goes against the answers I got for secondary mechanics on a conquest map.
- Kyhlo’s treb:
- Do we consider it a swing mechanic?
- What do we think of it being up all the time?
- Does it need to be reworked to make it fit “periodic secondary mechanics”, and if yes how would you change it?
- Is the treb fine as is, and why?
- Would we want to have secondary mechanics that are up all the time in future maps?
Treb in Kylo is really only good for blowing up the building so camera angles are decent enough to play.
My suggestion, keep trebs as they are, but remove the repair kits. Trebs are a secondary objective you can either play them or ignore them, but once that objective is gone the repair kits mess up the flow of the game.
The idea of making the game an esport, I think has done more to ruin the game than anything else. I enjoy, not right now, but have enjoyed pvp for the last 3 years. I felt matches were decent and it was just fun. The original MMR latter moved slow, but is reflected progress over a time. I felt rewarded that I was getting better because the matches were good. For me the reward has always been the ability for me to get better by being matched with people that are similar to my skill not so far below that I smash them or so far above me that I get smashed.
For tangible rewards my suggestions:
-provide more items to buy with tickets and tokens and make them pvp unique.
-Remove the gold sinks
-getting dyes as reward is something I really like
-provide a chance for black lion keys to drop from pvp chests like they do from pve monsters.
(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)
Wouldn’t mind seeing this map back with either a frozen lake or jaded water.
2. A lot of players gave up due to constant losing which leads to huge q times. Who in right mind would bother to continue play if they lose match after match. Pvp in this game is dead as Anet killed it by their horrible and most kittened matchmaking in the history of gaming.
Pretty much this. I’m sick of the lopsided matches. Over 2000 ranked games, a 51% win average. I am the definition of an average player, but I’ve never had losing streaks like I’ve had this season. I wouldn’t mind if the games were close, but when you lose by 200- 300 points almost every game. That isn’t fun.
To top this off the dev is asking what legendary players want, not what the vast majority want. Right there that tells you what is wrong with pvp. Catering to a small percentage of the population will only create more unbalanced systems.
Here is where I want. I want a system that I can be confident that where I’m placed is where I belong. I’m ruby right now. I am there because I was willing to play a ton or because I’m actually that good? I also want a system that will allow me to improve my play so I can eventually get to a higher tier. Neither season has provided that atmosphere.
I’m willing to sacrifice queue times if matches are quality. I should be teamed against people with similar MMR and have people with similar MMR on my team. Pips are not a show of skill.
In season 1 every match was trying to be even, but this allowed players to grind through the ladder. Season 2 is the opposite of this, but players are clearly experiencing matches that are too volatile. Once players reach a division relative to their skill, the only blowout matches that should be happening would be from people coming late to the season. I feel there may be balance between the two styles of matchmaking that maintain prestige, but avoid an abundance of blowouts.
Problem is I don’t think people are always reaching the division that is their skill level. Since there is no firm definition of what skill level each division truly means this statement doesn’t really fit.
Here’s my opinion. You have people with well established MMRs that no number of games really move. I think I figured once that I need to win 3-5 games to move my win percentage up .01%. I’m going to assume the same is true for my MMR ranking or something similar. Now we also have newer players, a good thing, with more malleable MMR scores. A win streak or losing streak will affect their overall value much greater. So a newer player with less games does well they can then be given better players. At what point is that new player truly that good or just fortunate to have teammate that are just that good?
Best thing for the system to work is to reset everyone’s MMR. Don’t rely on pips and rely on MMR. Make each division equal to an MMR ranking. This will require a revamp of the reward system, but let’s be hones the legendary backpack is really just a reward track requires rank points AND particular actions.
(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)
Panels only blow up when hit by skyhammer.
Remove the walkway above and pillars around middle point. They make for some very difficult camera angles.
If panels can only be blown up by skyhammer, add a few more panels to the map.
Only area you can be knocked off the map should be the skyhammer. The rest is danger panels exploding by skyhammer.
Owning skyhammer provides a point bonus on kills (+3)
Like many players, I came to GW2 because it was a very casual experience that didn’t require me to spend 10 hours a day playing to compete. I did that for almost 15 years split between WOW/DAoC, I’m tired.
I took breaks because I know coming back I wouldn’t miss much. I’ve even managed to craft quite a few legendaries casually playing the game. Now here we are, I come back after a year, and learn that you’re required to raid to get the stuff necessary to make this (hopefully awesome) armor.
I have a good job, 4 daughters, a wife, and 2 dogs. I don’t have 2-8 hrs a day to dedicate to setting up, forming groups, organizing voice chat, raiding et. I’ve been a solo roamer since beta, I have hardly any friends. And the ones I do have aren’t elitists.
I feel cheated and I miss my original GW2 experience. It worked, the formula was different and very welcomed. It was a wonderful experience and is what made GW2 enjoyable and unique.
Now I’m just kittened that I’m denied access because I can’t go full neckbeard status for pve in a game I was told I wouldn’t have to raid in to get the best gear.
I also have a family and a job, but I’ve completed the first set of collection for legendary armor. I believe I’ll be able to get the armor and the pvp back piece. Not saying this to brag just point out that it is possible.
I would also like to point out legendary is mainly cosmetic and convenient, not better than ascended stats.
…What bores me the most is the talk about 20 game loss streaks … the main problem imo is that everyone thinks they are a diamond or legendary quality player..
The last time I had a losing streak like I’m having now was when I first started playing pvp. I’m an average player, 51% win rate with over 2000 ranked games. I don’t believe I’ve some how gotten so bad that I only have a 30% win rate in ruby.
Some of the mistakes are on me in games. I make mistakes, but I’m not as bad as my current record indicates based on 2 years of prior experience.
Will I play out the season, probably. Though I am taking a short break. The meta is decent. The matchmaking not so much, but to fix that I’ve just cut down on how much I play.
(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)
Keep this season’s matching of similar MMR to create a roster, but put back in last season’s matching teams against similar MMR values (no averaging, that is what sucked last season).
I agree, mostly.
Sometimes it is fun when you lose a game and have that one guy raging about how much all the other players suck. Then you load into a new game find most of your previous team on your side and that one rage player on the other team. Then you go on to stomp him. I find that somewhat satisfying. Extra points when he says stupid stuff like I’d beat all of you 1v1 only for him to lose the 1v1 fights during that next game or even in the game he is bragging.
What S1 got right was it paired teams of similar rating. Where it went wrong was it created an average of an artificial value from an artificial value (MMR) paired people into teams. This created situations where one or two people were basically expected to carry the whole team. This was frustrating and led to people complaining (rightfully so).
What S2 is doing right is it is creating parties with a similar rating. What it is doing wrong is it is no longer looking for opponents with a similar value just opponents. This is leading to complete stomps. This is frustrating and is leading people to complain (rightfully so).
If it is possible, they should take the idea of looking for two teams with similar value and looking for teammate of a similar value and pairing them in a match. From what I have heard this will create longer queues and Anet is trying to make it so queues are short, but in doing so is sacrificing an experience where people can get better or even have fun. The result, very few people I imagine will improve in S2 and when season 3 comes without an MMR reset many will be put in a situation similar to now where getting out of amber or emerald will be nearly impossible.
(Before haters say I’m just mad that I’m not out of amber. I’m in ruby and made it there under both systems. I am by all accounts a completely average player)
It’s poorly worded, yes. But it was confirmed by Anet on reddit, partial achievements don’t reset, so if you reach say 2 divisions crossed on 4 of the Part IV one during this season, in the next you’ll only need to cross 2 more divisions to complete it.
Wow, this was indeed very poorly written if it was what they wanted to say. In that case there is hope for these people.
In addition, from reading some are under the impression that the backpack can only achieved in 2016. That is wrong. The achievement and backpack are permanent. In 2017 a new backpack will be introduced, but you can still work on the old one. You could technically play 10 seasons only getting to emerald and get the backpack.
To the OP. I’m sorry for your situation. I wish there was a way out of it for you. On the plus side, maybe those people you are consistently playing with can begin to talk to each other and help each other.
The system has determined you are a stepping stone for others. This is how the system works. It creates winning teams and losing teams. Is there a chance for the system to be wrong, of course. Losing is not all the system’s fault. There is a lot of player input in there too, but we have to recognize that in order for some the rise others must fall— or stay “forever” in the same position.
I plan on it. I look at HoT as LS season 1. It was okay, some great moments, but was a learning experience for Anet. Season 2 felt much more smooth, provided some nice new content that was tied with the story. I feel the second expansion will be better.
I enjoy vertically designed maps. I wouldn’t mind seeing more maps with this design philosophy.
One of my favorite maps was Raid on Capricorn. I enjoyed the layout of the map.
Just because I think it would be funny, I’d love to see a map where the respawn is in the middle of the map and there are four cap points.
(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)
Rev is no where near what it was when HoT released. A lot of classes can survive Rev burst now or they just need to out sustain it. Will it wreck a player who doesn’t understand its strengths and weaknesses? Yes. Will it wreck a low health build that runs no support utilities? Yes. That doesn’t make it over powered.
In some ways the meta is a Rev nerf. The boon corruption on necros is a direct hard counter any viable rev build.
Still too good still needs to be adjusted more. Just because it isn’t as strong as it was is meaningless.
Maybe, but I would ask what is the perfect spot for the Rev?
Rev is no where near what it was when HoT released. A lot of classes can survive Rev burst now or they just need to out sustain it. Will it wreck a player who doesn’t understand its strengths and weaknesses? Yes. Will it wreck a low health build that runs no support utilities? Yes. That doesn’t make it over powered.
In some ways the meta is a Rev nerf. The boon corruption on necros is a direct hard counter any viable rev build.
I want to help the fight against mordrem, but these guys are never up, or when they do come around they aren’t around for long. Anyone else having a problem getting weapons and armor to help the fight?
I added my 5 already, but I saw an idea on this thread that I think would work really well. Can’t find it now, but I love it. Rather than starting season 3 with people in different divisions (which would mess up the achievement for the backpack) place people in different tiers of Amber to begin the season. That way diamond and legendary can get out of amber faster, because they start on the last tier. Sapphire and ruby players should be placed in the middle of the division. Amber and Emerald start from the beginning.
Then reduce the pip spread from 7 to 5.I doubt it would make a huge amount of difference. Given that people who placed highly last season tended to get “golden ticket” matchmaking preference, and the streak bonuses, a highly ranked player could get from zero to Emerald in what, 6-7 wins? That would be like half a day or less for a serious PvPer, so giving them a slight shortcut on that wouldn’t likely make much difference.
I see your point. It might provide a slight break for other players though. Especially if the pip spread is further reduced. Maybe more competitive matches earlier. Then again you are right in that the difference isn’t that big.
Edit: I don’t think we can talk about pvp without talking about balance. Both dev teams need to work very closely together.
(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)
I added my 5 already, but I saw an idea on this thread that I think would work really well. Can’t find it now, but I love it. Rather than starting season 3 with people in different divisions (which would mess up the achievement for the backpack) place people in different tiers of Amber to begin the season. That way diamond and legendary can get out of amber faster, because they start on the last tier. Sapphire and ruby players should be placed in the middle of the division. Amber and Emerald start from the beginning.
Then reduce the pip spread from 7 to 5.
1. Scrapper survival sustain and Necro boon corruption needs to be toned down.
2. New players should not start with average MMR.
3. Match people with similar MMR within a team AND against each other (queue times have already gotten longer, the added time would be worth it for a quality match. I get that under the current system this will eventually be true, but queue time length is increasing, I’m assuming, because people are getting sick of being a stepping stone so someone else can get to even matches.)
4. Smarter team comps. Have matchmaking look to have more than two classes of the same type on a team.
5. Class lock players once in a RANKED match
IG: PanZielony.2843
Other party members: noneEnjoy
You sir win as the best troll thread ever. I love the comments your post is getting.
So what I’m seeing from the dev response is that they recognize things aren’t working that well for season 2, but they don’t plan to do anything for about 10- 12 weeks. Are numbers supporting that people are sticking with pvp? Cause from what I see my queue times are getting longer and longer I don’t think it is because I’m some godly player, I think it is because no one is queuing.
What makes them confident that people will try a season 3?
Leagues are not a reward track. Not everyone is entitled to progress.
But if it’s not a REWARD track why is there a REWARD at the end?
It is a good thing to make something not everyone can reach. Like I said before, as far as I’m concerned the problem isn’t there.
I can totally live with people just being way better than me at something. However, I want something I deserve for good or bad.
Don’t really care about this part of the argument, but I have to add that Anet has said EVERYONE gets a legendary backpack since the Year of Ascension achievement line is not limited to this year. It may take some people longer, but everyone will get the backpack eventually… so it is kind of like a reward track. Just saying.
Oh, and people who complain aren’t always sore losers, sometimes they’re just sore from losing. Maybe the system will all balance out in two more weeks, but then the question has to be asked, why did we have to wait 3 weeks to get balanced match-ups?
My feedback: Don’t give new players or players with not enough games to have consistent data an average MMR. That is what is screwing everything up. Put them below average This let’s the good players get to Diamond and Legendary, average players in sapphire and Ruby and everyone else can fight it out in amber and emerald and as they improve move up.
It is funny how ANET hasn’t commented at all.
I can just imagine their internal meetings. “Wow, we really messed up.” “Ok, let’s ignore it and hope the players forget” “Good idea. Let’s hope leadership is clueless and we’ll just tell them that everything is going great”
I think they look at numbers more than feedback. As long as number queuing ranked stay within a limit that they consider healthy the system is good. With that said, they have to be seeing a decline. In just week the mists have gone from packed (initial launch) to just about standard or below standard for the off season. Though that is only based on my when I queue and my perception.
System is great as long as you’re on the side of the equation that thinks you’re a winner. I’ve been on both sides. Truthfully the system eh.
I think they’re getting at the right idea. Where they screwed everyone is when they gave new players an average MMR that skews everything because as those “average” players enter games with are truly average players, and guess what… they aren’t average. They run around do very little or zerg. As a result they end up messing up the truly average players and sinking everyone.
1) Day 1 (Tuesday 2/23)
2) Tier 2 Sapphire
3) between 49%- 51%?
4) Currently stuck
5) Upon reaching Sapphire started huge loss streaks
6) I have been ordered to cut back by my wife. Mainly because of my answers to 4 and 5. I will continue to play 3 matches a day, but no more.
4 minutes is completly fine I had average q-times of 25 minutes this evening
I’m sorry that is rough. Hope the game was at least close.
I’m truly curious to if the queue increase is due to lack of population, lack suitable opponents, or changes made to matchmaking that they are trying out.
I would guess either the first or the last, since I am by all accounts an average player so it can’t be that hard to find me a matching player especially since I’m only an Emerald.
Noticed that queue times have gone up. Beginning of the week they were 30 seconds to minute average with me waiting less than that. Now they 2:30 minute average and will pop anywhere from a 30 seconds to up to 4 minutes. What’s going on?