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A Note about the Next Raid Wing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Will legendary armors be released at the same time on the release of the 3rd raid wing or just the precursors?

I would imagine we’re just getting the precursors with this last wing and the rest of the armors will be finished with a new raid that has its own 3 wings. That or they’ll drag the acquisition of the various pieces across several raids(each getting 3 wings of their own), but that would be pretty annoying.

I hope they don’t go that far. My guess is that we’ll get the precursor this wing and probably collection II and III then the legendary armor will be released in the fall update.

A Note about the Next Raid Wing

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Cool, thanks for the heads up!

Predicting general thread theme this week

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I was right there season 1 and 2. I posted plenty of complaints. This season really isn’t that bad. I’ve only had 2 blow out games where I lost and 1 blow out where I won. The rest I could actually tell what I did or my team did wrong or right. I call that good.

I did complain about class stacking this season and might again in a few days

Predicting general thread theme this week

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Sweet a post complaining about complaining. I’m not complaining, just pointing it out. It would great if people posted complaining about this thread which is complaining about future threads. How far can we go!

Scholar vs Dragonhunter

in Guardian

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I usually use Scholar.

Tied game rulings needs a change.

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


A tie should be a wash no one wins a pip and no one loses a pip and/or there needs to be an overtime where the tie can be broken.

Devs plz let spvp players que from anywhere

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


They’ve already explained that since the initial ability to do this the game has changed in such a way that this would not work or take up more time than they want to give it.

Better solution would be add things to Hotm.

Matchmaking is BROKEN.

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I became frustrated with season 1 and actually quit season 2 because of matchmaking. This season doesn’t feel so bad. If you ended on a low note last season that seems to carry over with the experience. All but 2 of my 60 games felt winnable. For almost all my losses, I could point out things I did wrong or my teammates did wrong that cost us the game. This is a huge difference form season 2 and why I think it is better.

What is a bigger problem this season is the fact that you can have a full team of a single class. Class stacking is a bigger problem now than MM, in my opinion.

Help (tutorial, mentoring)

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I’ve found this website helpful.

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


There is truth to that, but we also have to live in the reality that there probably won’t be more than one viable competitive build per class anytime soon which does make class stacking either stupid OP or stupid weak.

And you think they’ll be able to implement a matchmaker which does well at combating class stacking any time soon?

They already have it for the “pro league”. Devs were on the forums during season 2 talking about it. It didn’t sound like it was that big of a deal. Something about changing the sensitivity of the system to take class type more into account.

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Class stacking can be easily prevented by playing more than one profession. I don’t know why Anet would do anything about it. In virtually any other team-based game, good players in soloq play more than one role, so they can adapt to their comp. Do the same.

Pvp is a game mode within a larger game. In a pure pvp game you have a point. Too many casuals in the game. Think about the “new player” experience which was completely unnecessary, but done because structure was needed for new players to mmos. Pvp needs the same, because people won’t change and it makes the rest of us suffer because of their choice.

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Class stacking is a symptom of bad balance. Nothing to do with the matchmaker.

If there was more than one viable build per class, class stacking wouldn’t matter that much.

There is truth to that, but we also have to live in the reality that there probably won’t be more than one viable competitive build per class anytime soon which does make class stacking either stupid OP or stupid weak.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Class stacking is a problem we created. Now that most professions are viable, there is no excuse not to switch if you are too many of one profession on your team.

That’s like in Overwatch: sure, you can play two Widowmaker if you want, but no team plays that because one of the player will switch. I don’t know why GW2 players are incapable of doing this.

Some people don’t have the other class. Others don’t feel comfortable on another class in pvp. Overwatch is designed for fluid class switching based on the conditions of the game. You can also switch classes mid-game, with little to no penalty to your team. Guilds Wars 2 is not designed that way. It is designed as a static team for the full 7- 15 minutes it takes to play a game.

Having the system search for unique classes to form a team should be a must in the game. Especially when they’ve done so much already to streamline things for casuals, you’d think this was a given.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Let’s face it, the idea of solo queuing into anything that resembles “balanced” is a pipe dream. Restricting the number of professions per team won’t fix anything (but it may wind up significantly increasing your queue times).

I would disagree. Class stacking either over emphasizes a classes strengths to an extreme level (see Season 2 necros) or creates a situation where a weakness is compounded (see Season 2 thieves/ warriors).

Class stacking needs to be fixed. It creates situations where skill isn’t the primary factor in a victory.

(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


lol guess that was easy, though not a good reason.

For the love of Dwayna! class stack

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Absolutely agree. It is stupid to see classes stacked. The fix has already been done for pro league. We should not have to wait until season 4 to see this fix. It needs to be patched and patched soon.

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


That’s probably true. So I have to ask, why does pro-league get it and we don’t?

MM still rigged

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I don’t think it is rigged. Matchmaking actually isn’t all that bad. I’m not feeling like one team is really hugely better than another. I do get upset with my teammate for some poor rotations, but I’m not the best at rotations either which is why I"m paired with them.

The real problem, is class stacking. We need one class per team.

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


You’re absolutely right, and I have no problem with that policy. Anet has made clear that they would need to do those things too, sometimes last season. It should be done, I personally think it is healthier for the game overall.

(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Evidence would seem to point the other way since they have prevented class stacking in the pro-league, I think.

If they stopped it there, then it must have been viewed as a problem. So why can’t the general pvp community get the same treatment?

S3 Theory and solution

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


So couple of things. I’ll complain in other topics, but I was thinking about S3 matchmaking and while it may not seem the best, I believe it is hard tell because of one thing… class stacking.

I honestly believe that matchmaking would be better all around if we were allowed one class per team. The best match’s I’ve had were ones with a varied comp. The worst are generally with or against comps with a stacked class.

Patch S3 so that it looks for unique classes on a team. I will wait longer for a quality match than be thrown into matches where I know the outcome before the game even starts.

Your Experience w/ S3 Division Placement

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


About 40% win rate. Beginning to think Emerald is where I’ll stay even though I hit ruby both seasons before. Oh well… I’m pretty much done expecting anything from pvp. It’s nothing but a disappointment. Can’t win team game with people who zerg, don’t read a mini-map, or decide to go for lord kills when you’re up 160-80 only to have them spend so much time trying to kill the lord for us to lose the lead and then blame me for dying in 2v1 and 3v1 situations while they got wiped in a 2v3 (they never did kill the lord and tried twice only to blow our lead twice and lose us the game).

suggstion spirt wepon replace!

in Guardian

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I think they should just make spirit weapons = conjured weapons.

Guild Wars 2 BEST MMORPG

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I do agree that GW2 model is more replayable. What is a big factor for me is the accessibility of all modes. Exotic gear is really easy to get and won’t even break your bank if get dungeon gear. Even ascended gear has become easier to get if you raid or do fractals regularly.

Did anyone lose respect for Argi?

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


For those of us who don’t watch, what happened?

[Suggestion] Guardian Balance

in Guardian

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Most basic change consolidate symbol traits to one trait line. Consolidate traits which deal with conditions to Radiance.

Hallowed Ground should provide stability and resistance.
Purging Flames should pulse condi removal in addition to removal on cast.
Sanctuary’s healing should be upped or at least provide regeneration
Signet of Resolve should give out stability or protection or swiftness (probably needs a long pulse time and short boon up time)
Signet of Mercy should give out regeneration to you and allies
Signet of Courage should give out resistance rather than heal
Merciful Intervention should drop a water field and not require an ally target
Ring of Warding also provides Protection
Detonating Orb of Light is a blast finisher and the orb moves faster
Empower gives 2 stacks of might
Line of Warding also absorbs projectiles
Smite is a symbol
Sword wave gives the fire condition
Zealot’s Defense- set yourself on fire, absorb projectiles, burn enemies close to you
Shield of Absorption detonation’s healing increased
Zealot’s Flame cures conditions on you, burns enemies around you

Just my 2 cents.

(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)

The Ley-line leaks and Dry Top's cavern

in Living World

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Maybe we’ll get new gods from it when people figure out how to absorb it.

ALL Mobs should use boons...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Agreed. Boons on enemies would be good. Letting enemies remove conditions would be a welcomed.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Future, imo, doesn’t look the brightest. Balance really has been lifting one class up that had been down and tearing another class down that had been up. Leagues are a good idea, but have yet to be executed well mainly because of matchmaking.

GW2 does a lot better with pve content. See raids or even the short events they just released. They need to put some serious focus into building a foundation of what pvp is and making sure all classes have more than just one viable build. They need to look at traits again and think about the passive procs and move toward a more active defense.

Just smh with this raiding community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


The only problem I’m having with the community is the amount of “kill exp required” groups with Matt. I got a really good hold of the boss in my training runs I did before, but I can’t find any squads who can help me to finish the job. Not asking to get carried, I could grind the boss for 4 hours more just to get the kill but those groups are nowhere to be found anymore

Obviously it’s understandable that people want super exp people for the runs to get it done quickly, but it’s really frustrating since I don’t find myself to be a noob for the boss either

Well tbh Matthias is the last boss most players start to practice one and if most organized guild or group already killed it, they are not pugging. It will take a bit more time before the pug population start to kill it on a regular basis.

I’ve pugged Matthias. It has a low success rate, but it is possible.

Just smh with this raiding community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Yea, right.

As if it’s really necessary and helpful to join a training group a 100 times, please…

Like that, I would have my first successful raid in about 4 months.
So that’s what those oh so dedicated people that now have 50+ LI have been through as well? I really doubt it.

I had a static group of people who were also new and we played through the content together. Worked on VG for almost 24 hours (not straight, but over several weeks). Then moved to Gors for another length of time and then Sab.

Raids take time to learn. It’s been pointed that there are people willing to train. If you just want the kill you can even pay for that.

I have limited time, but I’m one of those 50 LI people you’re referring too. I have a full time job and family. I’m plenty busy. I just made a choice to use what time I do spend in game learning and perfecting my abilities in raids and guess what I’m decent now.

infinite transmutation charge 10/10 would buy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Cool idea. Even if it were put in black lion chests as a drop, I would buy up keys for it.

Revenant needs revamp.

in Revenant

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


This is a bad post.
You cant say a class needs revamp based on your own opinion.
Stances are all used,i guess you didnt play rev eniugh to see that Mallyx is superior to Shiro and Dwarf is a lifesaver.
Weapon swap is needed for revenant as his base skills dont change with stances.
Revenant is a very unique class and his current state is why i main him.
You have no valid points and this is another whiny post.

Used doesn’t equal being good or complete. Mallyx is a decent legend, but his traits are still based on beta test 2. Ventari just isn’t viable even with the recent changes. There are really only 3 traits that make dwarf line worth it. Weapon swap or no the class doesn’t need a revamp, it needs to be finished.

There have also been some instances like crystal hibernation where we had one developer who had one belief in the skill and its function and another who reversed that philosophy.

Off season is killing pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I’m still debating if I want to come back to pvp when the season starts. I was really discouraged by season 2. I want to like it, but at the same time if we get Alpine boardlands back, and the changes to HoT pve maps I may just remain a pve hero and start up wvw again.

I won’t leave the game, because there is a lot I want to do, but that doesn’t mean I won’t abandon a game mode. I abandoned WvW for pvp and that almost 2 years ago.

(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)

a request please bring back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


hi could you please bring back the ghastly grinning shield so us new players can get it
id pay real money for that skin

I think it’s a drop from the mystic forge now? I could be mistaken.

Edit: rng was coming out kitten.

(edited by Mysticjedi.6053)

Do you think...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


exotic gear can be gotten with zero gold cost by through dungeon tokens and tokens have been increased, I got 100 for one path. So no.

Oh and exotics can be gotten for Karma.

What would it take to make DH competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


It’s not about buffing DH. It’s about buffing core Guardian. Our support role has been gutted over the years. We don’t need to be the boon bots like ele or rev, but we should provide a few specific boons for a long time (I’m thinking protection, regen, and resistance).

Condition wise I’m okay with just applying burning but the icd on burning on blocks should be taken away. The GM that increase burning damage should be brought back up.

Traits need to be rearranged too so actual builds can be made from the concepts.

I have seen some great supp guardian since the patch.. their carry potential is insane. I am pretty sure, supp guardian will be meta this season.

I have no problem being wrong. I don’t think I will be, but if I am than that would great. I would love to see Guardian in competitive meta.

Just remember that classes like ele can provide support and damage, and I think better than we can.

I’m not worried about DH so much as I am Guardians as a core. If core Guardian is improved upon it will help DH too. Anything done to DH specifically is too narrow and niche to make a real difference. IMO.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Better question in my mind is why are people so obsessed with raiding..

I’m not obsessed, but I like the battles so I’ll do the same boss multiple times in a week to either get shards or help others out. It think it is fun content and it can be short with the right group.

I’m excited for wing 3

Arbiter - Elite Specialization idea

in Guardian

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Fun idea. You and I are on the same page with traits. Each line and each choice 1, 2, 3, should represent a play style choice.

What would it take to make DH competitive?

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


It’s not about buffing DH. It’s about buffing core Guardian. Our support role has been gutted over the years. We don’t need to be the boon bots like ele or rev, but we should provide a few specific boons for a long time (I’m thinking protection, regen, and resistance).

Condition wise I’m okay with just applying burning but the icd on burning on blocks should be taken away. The GM that increase burning damage should be brought back up.

Traits need to be rearranged too so actual builds can be made from the concepts.

WTB Ranked Qs

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I’d assume off-season ranked would use unranked/pre-league matchmaking. There we be no pips or division matchmaking at all.

If we used the same mmr, we would know for sure if people’s rating are borked if they change drastically during the off-season.
If we used a different mmr, we could start fresh (bad matches for a while) or copy over the current ranked mmr and let it deviate from there.

If you’ll know for sure by using the same mmr. Please do it. I want to know if perception matches reality with firm numbers. Please.

I suppose what I said isn’t entirely true. We can compare split off-season mmr with on-season mmr just fine and probably much easier. It just may take longer to get another settled mmr that’s accurate opposed to letting a possible inaccurate mmr correct itself.

For any purpose is the league ranking system is accurate it should be similar. In honesty, I feel a lot of things in pvp are in beta. I see no problem with his live test to see ranked really is accurate. You get two benefits from this. First, you see if league is accurate. Second, you give people ranked, which they are asking for.

[TPvP] Displeased With Guardian...

in Guardian

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I agree, but I also think part of the problem is our specialization isn’t really specializing in something we weren’t already good at. Before trap burst builds we had medi-burst which was arguably better because it had some sustain.

I don’t agree that we’re balanced in support. We provide protection, which is great for long battles, but would love for us to provide better regen and maybe even resistance. It’s not just that some classes are overpowered, this has been the case for sometime. It is the norm and it is clear others won’t be dropped, so we need to raised a little.

The biggest problem with guardian competitiveness is our trait lines. They often times compete against each other.

WTB Ranked Qs

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I’d assume off-season ranked would use unranked/pre-league matchmaking. There we be no pips or division matchmaking at all.

If we used the same mmr, we would know for sure if people’s rating are borked if they change drastically during the off-season.
If we used a different mmr, we could start fresh (bad matches for a while) or copy over the current ranked mmr and let it deviate from there.

If you’ll know for sure by using the same mmr. Please do it. I want to know if perception matches reality with firm numbers. Please.

Why is it ok for Revs to be so OP?

in Revenant

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I don’t know if they’re underpowered. They’re definately not over the top powerful. They are very situational.

The nerf the crystal hiberation I’m still sore about.

Best profession for playing PvE content?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


I’ve always preferred my guardian in pve. Good survivability, decent damage, can help others (I like personally like doing that). The one con is that dirt moves faster than them.

WTB Ranked Qs

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


This —>||<-- close to having this thread closed for going off topic.

The core desire behind wanting ranked back sounds like expected player behavior is different in the two arenas. If we enabled ranked in the off-season, would players expect to have a separate mmr from league seasons, or the same?

The same MMR from the league season should carry over into the off season (note: this should also be an interesting way to see how the system would place people without the division safety nets, it may provide some useful metrics).

Ideally, you’d have a system that only manually resets MMR at the start of a new season, and then you’d have placement matches at the beginning of the season to establish an MMR starting point, but with the divisions limiting the portion of the population you can queue against by pip range, and the safety net system not offering any regression, it might just be an unnecessary perceived convenience until a true ranking system is developed (or if).

I like what this person is saying both the rationale and the idea.


in Guardian

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Please explain?

Hammer + quickness gives some of the best dps over time that a guardian has.

Do you want Mighty blow to have a longer distance? Banish to have a shorter CD? Auto-attack to have a faster attack rate (which would push the weapon over the top with quickness imo).

The only skill I’m not a fan of Ring of Warding. I would rather is provided a short reflect, because I rarely use it. I actually had to look up its name because I forget about the skill.

PVP League Vendor

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


Legendary-like PvP skins that match the wings and have the fiery effect. Maybe a matching armor set as well. Please! Pretty Please!


Could do with some other effects other than fire imo. How about a chaos armor skin! lol can you image a pvp match with everyone in chaos armor and the all the skill effects!


in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


When does season 3 begin?

What changes are being made to season 3?

Will you consider doing more balance patches during the season (I think I know the answer to this, but going to ask anyway)?

Any chance of a feedback session about the changes to season 3? Either through a preview or Reddit conversation?

PVP League Vendor

in PvP

Posted by: Mysticjedi.6053


- PvP exclusive skins would be awesome. Specifically armor skins.
- Dyes would be cool