Imo, the main problem isn’t coverage, it’s the points system. The current points system rewards PvE more then PvP, as it is now. What should have been done from the start is simply another scoring system, something that rewards fighting other players more then taking structures, that way coverage has less impact since if there’s no enemy to kill, there’s no points to earn.
I think that any population issues would sort it self out this way, players who wants huge blob fights would end up in servers that has that playstyle and vice versa.
Kay’li Academy, You can shoot through the structure, I was up on the rampart on the sides of the outer front gate when i got hit through the structure by an enemy, I doubt it’s the way it’s supposed to be so pls fix asap.
Puz, yeah sure, tomorrow would be good, I’m aout to jump into bed, clock fires off at 05.00 and I need my beautysleep ^^,
I have it set to show everything, heals, direct damage and condition damage. Incoming damage and damage dealt.
Then I’m afraid that the individual I’ve been facing is a cheater, his damage didn’t show up in my combat log, no bleed ticks, nor poison ticks or any other condi damage at all.
Trap thief, I’ve never seen this before, except from the lowlifes who uses unf trainer n other hacks and cheats to play. What I’m refering to is simply this, damage from a source that doesn’t show up in my combat log. Every other condi tick damage show up in there, but not the damage from a certain individual playing a trap thief. So I’m just wondering if it’s just from this individual or is it something that all trap thieves do? So far I’ve just run in to one trap thief and I just can’t see how all that damage can not show up in my combat log. If he’s a legit player then by all means it’s ok but in that case I should see the damage from the conditions. So pls sort this out asap.
Oh, I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for a while now…. But OP has a point.
I remember when I complained about condi damage, how insane I thought it was and so on, ppl just told me to L2P, slot some cleanses, yadda yadda. Now this was a while back but it was basically the same reason.
cough Baruch Bay cough
This made me smile, thx Dui for doin this, and it’s so true I can only agree.
Some of those “trolls” are on a, more or less anyway, timer. So GM’s just have to ask and there’s plenty of players who can point you in the proper direction on when, where and so on.
There’s a spot on the east side you can jump right up. I wouldn’t really complain about people going into your citadel, they can’t do damage so it’s free bags.
Well that’s true when it comes to players but if you park any golems in citadel they’re still vulnerable to damage as they don’t get the invulnerability buff.
Their hamster went on a holiday!
So between the next ones:
6th Gandara
7th Far Shiverpeaks
1oth Piken Square
15th Gunnar’s HoldWich one is best for roaming and small scale fights, but is also not dead.
Gandara is probably full,
FSP is usually full,
Piken is definitely full++,
Gunnars hasnovery few, tiny queues and only at prime time
Piken has queue to EB in PT, but that’s it. No queues on either borderland unless there’s havoc and we want to defend/take stuff back.
Piken has roamers, I myself run mostly solo or in 2-4 player groups. Unfortunately we’ve been facing gold leagues servers ever since last season ended so basically we’re up against blobs, which sucks donkeycojones.
I’d gladly recommend Piken for you Hyperion.
I support a Points per kill system, the PPT race we have now is just to rewarding for servers with best coverage and doesn’t really say anything about fights. PvE in a PvP enviroment is just laughable imo. There’s always EOTM for that type of roleplay!
Best change would be if they boosted playerkills by 500% and decreased structure rewards with the same amount.
Fighting NPC’s shouldn’t be more rewarding then killing another player any day of the week. As it is now the focus is on NPC/Structure fights instead of finding the enemies to run em over.
So a new aim for WvW would be all about fighting players, not npc’s. Less fuss about imbalances 24/7.
15 power/crit rangers = Instawin.
afaik, dat’s teh truest!
I’m having connection issues, and lag issues for a few days now.
I ran a tracert and it’s all good and dandy up til the first two jumps of but after that they all time out. So what is goin on?
I have 5 characters with 100% WvW map completion and only ~20% PvE map completion.
Can I have my PvE map completion handed to me on a silver platter for zero effort please?
This made me Giggle!
To be fair how do you know that there aren’t in-game moderators?
Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.The main thing is that they can’t be at all places at all times. Simply report and hope that they manage to get the cheater before he stops.
Sure, but then you have to explain how to report someone who shows up as unknown in your combatlog and is invisible, when you can do that then I’ll file a report in 2 minutes.
Still waiting for my first weapon/armor chest to drop.
Rank 540!
Maybe this has been announced somewhere earlier but the lack of progress towards any improvements made me jump on the subject again.
One thing that really annoys me is the abscence of an in-game moderator, with such a person online who’s able to take measures into their hands when necessary, which is something this game really could use. There’s EULA and all that but there’s an abundance of players that don’t care, they do anything to “win”.
For me it’s all about having a good time when I’m online, being able to fight anyone, anywhere without, or with, disadvantages such as teleporting or whatever cheat the opponent might use. Another thing is the lack of support of how to easy send in a report of someone who’s obviously cheating.
Can we expect any changes to this matter in a near future or will it be the same as it has been the last year? I just feels that it’s a game breaker when nothing happens and the cheaters are getting more day by day.
I believe that most wvw players come from a background of previous mmo’s with their emphasis towards PvP, RvR or whatever. They/we have been around this kind of game style for years and possess a grand amount of experience which I think would blend into a really nice mix of thigs if they just listened to what was suggested, instead Anet declare that they just ignore anything They don’t see fit. If they had the same experience they’d know what the playerbase would like to see, all fluff with spelleffects n such is secondary to the experience of fighting your enemy on an equal level, be it on low end machines or high end.
A good fight isn’t decided on how many flares or gfx BS comes outta yer gun/weapon it’s much more simple then that. I have to say that the intention was good from the start but then the limitations set in and this is how it all ended up, fluff n bad fights.
They destroyed WvW early. WvW was fun up til the point they decided to implement wxp from taking structures from npc’s.
WvW could use a map without keeps and supp camps, I’d love to see a map that offers a terrain with elevations, chokepoints some odd ruins to be used in tactical manouvers. Anything but what ordinary WvW is all about today.
And to all those saying that this is war, I just want to say, No, it’s not a war, it’s a game and comparing this to war is just plain silly.
Less blobbing I hope. Other then that it should be just as 1 day before league started.
Day before League would mean that Servers on glicko-Rank 13-15 and 20-24 for NA and 15-18 and 23-27 for EU will have free transfer.
Well I sure don’t want that… Rather the opposite.
Personally I would retain much of the current system. I would revamp the REWARD system totally.
Rather then rewarding the top 3 servers with ever increasing rewards , I would remove that concept entirely. Finishing first would mean nothing more then bragging rights and no more in the way of rewards.
What I would base rewards on instead is the meta-achievement completed (it may need tweaking) along with a system that tracks WXP points earned while in WvW.
Thus if you were on Eredon Terrace and complete the meta achievement and earned 30000 wxp while in game or if you were on Jade Quarry and earned the same 30000 wxp while completing the meta-achievement you would get the same reward.
Now there an advantage here earning WXP on a more populated server. I would redo the outnumbered buff so as to make WXP earned by servers with a much lower population even greater.
I would keep the system that saw a cap on the number of players in game.
This would give lower populated servers a specific advantage in that they could always get into the game to earn WXP. The higher populated servers would likely see queues. This would mean less time in the game as those on the lower populated servers earn WXP.
Even simpler would be to remove the ppt tally for structures and just keep it for killing other players, how can it be any more fair then that? PvE elements in wvw and earning a shaiteload of ppt for it is just useless and bad design from the get go.
Siege lock I can agree with while guesting. Nice idea
Gandara should be disqualified due to free transfers and what not
Joking aside there are others who really have earned a disqualification, not server but players. Just sad to see how little has been done to eradicate them off the servers.
Server identity and server pride for example, some may agree and some not. Guesting could work and that without any real issues really, i.e You guest an alliance who play on D server, your home is B server, and enter wvw with your 30 man group. You all get wxp and karma n all but the only benefit for the D server comes from the players who reside on the D server, all other xp earned from the grp don’t add up D servers points.
My personal thoughts are simply, I keep server pride close at heart just for old times sake, being involved in mmo’s sine early 2000 where server pride meant just about everything. But that’s just my 2 cents.
Less blobbing I hope. Other then that it should be just as 1 day before league started.
I really only have 1 issue with the tournament and that is simply that you gain way to much points/wxp for taking stuff then actually fighting your enemies. It’s just more rewarding to PvE then to PvP.
So in short turn the boat around and make it more rewarding to fight other players, PvE grind is to be found outside of wvw.
Simple solution I think would be to have an emote in chat that says who is dropping what.
For example:
Trollforfun drops a treb on a gate and in chat his character says " Dropping Trebuchet!"That way we know who is doing it. Then we name and shame then report them. Just have to have an automated emote linked to siege equipment.
Either this
Depending on what siege you want to build there’s different scaling to it, the smaller the siege the smaller the platform is.
Make parts of what you want to build visible, i.e the headstock in a flameram, or the swing arm from a treb.
There can be certain areas where you simply can’t put anything else then rams at a door.
WvW glossary for Desolation…
An easy way to sort out the issue is the number of rams is restricted to what structure you’re up against.
Towers. 1 ram if not upgraded, 2 rams if upgraded (indicated by small circle’s on the ground)
Keeps. 2 rams if not upgraded, 3 rams if upgraded.
Garrison and Castle Stonemist. No restrictions
4 months gone without WxP goin account bound. We’re still waiting.
Since blobbing is A-net’s wet dream we’ll never see an end to that. And how they have managed to turn a WvW into a PvE or PvS (S for structure) enviroment is even worse.
So as long as they’ll keep the zerg mentality in the dev team, this is the product we’re up against. So what could we do other then cope with it, or go with the flow as some may say.
Restrictions in a game like this means they did something wrong from the beginning and instead of fixing it, they came up with another illusion of fix. So the game was broken from the start but as they didn’t care for the wvw community the never bothered to fix the issue from the get go. Restrictions is the way to go. I don’t think we’ve seen the end of bad wvw decisions yet, there’s still plenty of em around the corner, I can feel it. But I try to adapt, even if it makes me spend hours on end to fix my build, gear and what not.
Well hope is the last thing we want to lose so.
BLOB = Bunch of Losers Offering Bags
Note: We will disclose the ideas we do or don’t like as a group but we will not discuss schedules or timing around implementation. If there is still concern surrounding how seriously we take community collaboration then please do take the time to think about how much impact the community has had on the working of this game over the year.
We better make our efforts count guys.
The term “Karmatrain” is used to describe the actions of a blob moving as one taking towers, keeps, supp camps and sentries for easy rewards without any real effort more then time invested. To me that’s PvE and it has nothing to do with world vs. world.
Imo it should be about fighting others players, not npc’s, for those rewards. And the reward I’m talking about is Wxp, karma is just a bonus and it is fine as it is. Sure go ahead and flip stuff for easy karma if that’s what you want but Wxp shouldn’t be the reward for that.
That’s ofc my take on it all, and apparently there’s some others who think alike and some who disagree.
I’m curious to know what people think about the current situation and what they would suggest to change things up, to make it better for those who prefers fighting other players. Many have suggested rewards for defending and I agree on that, though as it is right now it’s way more rewarding to just wait until the attackers have left the map or logged off before they move in to grab the stuff back, rinse and repeat. I really don’t like that.
While you share my views on some points I still think that what needs to be adressed is the rewards for grabbing structures, karma, xp, loots, cash and wxp. Remove or lower the wxp reward and we’re fine, imo that is.
As topic says, is WvW really a war between worlds or what?
My personal take on what WvW has come to is how to get easy Wxp. And we all know the answer to that, karmatrains. Imo that’s the thing that has become the biggest threat to the whole WvW idea, or atleast the biggest flaw in the state of WvW.
I think it’s time for A-net Devs to take a serious look on how to improve battles, the risk vs. the reward for running as either a small group or a large group.
Some changes I’d love to see is:
Increased, or removed AoE cap
Backdoors to towers
Lower non siege damage to doors
Either remove wxp from taking structures or make it rewarding to put up a defence
Remove downed state completely in wvw
So what’s your opinion?
As title says wvw now is, what I’d say, not wvw. More like World vs. NPC’s.
Back at the start of GW2 there was a lot more fights between players then what it is today. GW2 has set the bar for wvw to a very low level, imo that is. Fighting over some random drops in a chest from a tower/keep lord seems to be what 90% of the players are looking for. Not mentioning the WxP you get from taking all them structures which is just plain silly as it is right now.
WvW should be more rewarding when it comes to fighting other players, isn’t that what most of the wvw people want at the end of the day? I know what I want and it’s simply fighting other players to test my abilities compared to other players. The fun in wvw should emphazise towards taking down your enemies, not their structures And get richly rewarded for doin so.
I had some hopes for Edge of the Mist as it was tested by other wvw’ers, maybe I’m to quick to judge EotM, I dunno but as it is now it’s just as sad as ordinary wvw, blobs moving as one taking structure after structure, the fights against npc’s in wvw has reached a dead end. It’s not wvw any more, it’s PvS (structures).
Some will agree and others will disagree, and the occasional, go sPvP or tPvP if you don’t like wvw in it’s current state. To that I can just say, No I won’t. I like the diversity wvw presented in the beginning, small scale 2-5 in a group or running as a guild group with 12-15 players. That is not happening these days, sure on some servers it might be like that but when I have to pay to move to another server then it’s just another nail in the coffin for many players.
What’s your thoughts on wvw in it’s current state?
Seen enuff of them Usain Bolt toons run around lately, and no I don’t mean warriors or someone carrying a Fiery GS of an elementalist.
I’d be happy to play it til the end instead of getting booted out due to an error when there’s 15-17 mins left of the matchup.
The only thing to do in it is zerg up. No point in running solo, unless you want to be killed.
Ehh.. it’s called PvP/WvW for a reason, kill other players.
I don’t understand why there has to be so many NPC’s and structures everywhere?
My hopes for EotM was simply less structures and less npc’s to worry about, well I guess my hopes just went out the window.
What I’d like to see is a map where the emphasis of it all is the fight against other players, and I think that this map would be just awesome for just that.
As it is now it’s just another blob infested show where size matters, and I doubt that was the dev’s intentions when creating this map. So I’d love to see an overhaul of it all and remove npc’s in every battlement/wall structure and remove the doors from them structures aswell. They still serve a purpouse as a bottleneck, which is needed to slow down movement of larger groups.
I’m so dissapointed at the state of world vs. world in it’s current state, my hopes for EotM gave just that hope but sadly it’s just as bad, or even worse in some cases.
Most simple solution is to lower the wxp rewards for structures and up them for playerkills. PvE in a wvw zone shouldn’t be rewarded at all imo.
Walk backwards the last steps to make sure you don’t lag off the ramp.
Are you the doorman or something?
CC’s should never stack in any form or shape, and the same goes for chain CC, get them immunity goin or make the crap supershort.