What i cant explain is why u playing in gold division, and ask such question.
I know the lack of tutorials is a problem, but really…. u cant see the timer 00:00 ?
Assassins are always the ones that people wants to nerf in any game, . But once you play that assassin class, you will know how to counter them. Assassin is suppose to be a killer, but usually they are easy to kill if you get to know the class first. Playing MMOs I’ve learned that you need 2 things to be good in pvp. Master your class and play other classes to know their strength.
Real life fights, MMA, etc. The ones who usually succeed learn and study about the oponent strength and weakeness to know how to defeat them. In a game shouldnt be different. Sometimes you also have to accept that someone is better than you or you are not good to fight against that class.
I am new to gw2, but I can tell, I really enjoy playing thief. I can kill many bosses without dying (soloing) only by using my mobility, stealth and healing at the right moment. It isn’t easy to do as people think, but since I am an old mmo player, it’s no biggie.
Amazing, u can kill a boss solo?
Nice man
And u guys are worried about thieves in this game?
Its possible yes, u just need to have a dedicated player healing u and rezzing u, in pvp at least.
They dont need to nerf their mobility, because they all die in big team fights,they cant rotate and are perma down.they dont make use of that mobility to plus one or anything, most play it like they play warrior.
Only 4 or 5 thievs in gw2 make use of that mobility.
So why nerf it right
What’s the problem with farming PIPs in pvp? Aren’t we all getting PIPs in pvp just from doing pvp? I don’t see the issue. If the issue is that you don’t think these people are trying to win, then worry not. They will move down and if you are a good player you will move up. You get the most PIPs for winning so it makes sense they are also trying to win. Maybe you assume they aren’t because you are looking for a reason for your losses? Someone to blame, maybe?
If you read the thread, it’s about people who afk in base from the start of game or after the first fight.
I don’t put people who PIP farm in the same category as people that AFK. AFKers are entirely toxic.
I assumed they are PIP farming, otherwise I don’t see any logical explanation as to why they would bother queuing.
I just did 3 straight matches with an engineer that went AFK. They first raged extremely hard at the team for not winning mid. Then they said they were going to afk because they didn’t care about the match anymore. And they put a smiley face up afterwards. I’m pretty sure that person cared about the match more than anyone because they were the only one raging, and raging very hard at that. And then tried to play it cool by saying they were just farming. She wasn’t just farming in the sense that she didn’t care about winning. She cared the most. She just was a bad player and tried to play it cool, but it was too late. SHe had already flipped out so putting up a front and tryign to be cool after that is pointless.
My point is, some people will try to act cool and say they don’t care about a match and that they are just farming as an excuse to AFK. They are actually going AFK, not because they are jsut farming pips, but because they are toxic, lack sportsmanship, and don’t know how to control their rage. So they attempt to frustrate the team because the team isn’t carrying them. So she defintely wanted to win, but was just putting up a front about farming.
I did 2 matches with her after those 3 matches. She was on the opposite team and she fought me very hard for a point. But she couldn’t take it, but she was fighting extremely hard like she wanted to win badly. She lost that match, and the one after. SHe was the reason all her teams were losing that night, but her rage was directed at her teams and not herself. So she went AFK and tried to be cool and said she was farming.
My point is that she was trying to masquerade as a farmer to play it cool that she didn’t care. SHe’s not a farmer. She’s just very toxic. And I think other people act the same. I’ve seen it in real life and ingame. People who try to be cool after raging, but they just look crazy lol.
I hear what you’re saying, but i’m telling you that PIP farmers are not the same as AFKers. Maybe some AFKers try to be cool and act like they are jsut farming. But they’re not. They’re really just very toxic and lack any kind sportsmanship-like qualities.
It’s a fair perspective but there really needs to be some sort of small dishonour for things like these… Even some sort of automatic system where 3 reports in a single game could mean 10 mins of dishonour.
The report feature in pvp doesn’t work.
With that said, I agree with you. People that go AFK, imo, should be banned for 3 days for their first offense. Then a week.
People that verbally abuse their team should be muted for a 3 days, then a week, then a month. Muted from all chat channels. I don’t think anet cares to punish the community for toxicity because the community is so small already. But I think it would actually be better for the game if they did.
U must be new to pvp, its impossible not to flame in this game’
First , players want to win, and its normal to get nervous or mad when u r competing
Second, with this match making its really impossible not to flame, i kid u not, just had a game that i was far 1vs 2 for over a minute, rest of my team wiped and lost all caps, then they have 5 men mid and we just have 4 cause our ranger is afk close
Its just impossible not to flame, and if they would ban players for days like u are saying, players would just leave, simple as that.
There is a lot if things that need to change, but imo there is better trait lines to pick from.
But u are right, they need to rework a bit those traits.
Before we as for nerfs, we need to ask a few questions
Do we have any blocks ?
Do we have any evades?
Do we have any imunites?
Do we have any steath ?
Do we have any reflects ?
No we dont, thats why its easy to lock a necro, hes just going to absorve the damage.
Any other class have a few skills, that they know they are ok for a few seconds , waiting for a heal or just for desingage, thats huge.
Now we even lost our " 2nd hp bar"
If u are dead u cant do any damage, and its super easy to just target a necro, we are ment to be an atrition class right?, well i dont feel that way, what i feel is that every one just focus necro, cause its too easy to lock him.
Necro is the only class that cant play zerk amulet, because we have no way to negate damage, we need constant peeling if we use a zerk amulet.
So ,no i dont agree in nerfing dps from necros, i even think they should buff barriers, cause 1 or 2 secs its not so great when we are beeing focused.
Yes, but it was problems from your side, a few minutes ago demo ended, and i got dc from game, i loged back in but couldnt join game cause my toon from demo is gone, and got 11 minutes dishonour, now this is not fair , but in your case yes , was all your fault.
Get better conection bud
I don’t think so – the equivalent of the shroud autoattack is the shade attack on ability use. You get less of those than you get autoattacks in shroud, but can activate them at all times, balancing things out.
We already have another trait that causes burn on shade spawn too, that overlap would be strange.
I just cant get my head round the design. It was always going to be too strong.
I think it’ll be fine. They might have to tone down the pulsing burn from F5, though.
I agree, lets take some dps from necros, because they have so many blocks and evades , stealth,imunes, and the other classes have none, so yes i agree take dps from necros and give it to , lets say….. thief, yes thief cause i think 15k+ its not enough for them
Anyone want to tell me why classes who also do ambient damage / support are able to get away with having great 1v1 potential as well?
Guards and Elementalists especially. Cuz all im seeing is class favoritism lol.
But no seriously. Explain to meh reasons.
The only class you can more or less win on a 1vs1 with out much problems is vs an engi , players of equal skill ofc, necro would have the upper hand. Against the other classes you should only win if they are much weaker than u, because all other classes can desingage better, or kite better, or dps better , or some imunity or blocks, reapers are stronger in teams fights, but in 1vs 1 they are weaker
There is a lot of basic things that should have been implemented years ago.
Why there isnt skill templates like in gw1? I have no patience anymore to change skills and traits every game
Why there is so much passive stuff in this game, there are a few builds that its just super annoying to play against, and those builds carry bad players very hard
Why there isnt a diferent que just for solo players? If u win while duoing , then u should be in a diferent lederboard
Verbal abuse ingame should be punished, if u report some one ingame, there should be something in place to look into it
Lack of comunication from anet, they just dont tell us anything, about of what they are doing , or want to do
Lack of updates, this is just crazy, that they take months and months to release updates
Etc etc etc, the list goes on and on…. i just can even be bothered to play anymore, i used to be one, if not the most active player in gw2, and atm i play a game every 5 days or so.
Im not happy with the game anymore.
(edited by Prince Vingador.8067)
With 30k pvp games i agree also.
I have been saying this forever, macth making is not working, there is a huge skill gap between players,in the same team.
And ofc the moment u say something like, " dont afk at close,they are all mid" or “go mid fast skipp svanir” etc ,,,
U get so many insults ,that i really believe ,its better to turn chat off.
I actually agree with what u wrote, so no point to write again.
I feel like the population has declined to alarming levels in PvP. This results in incredibly un-balanced and un-fun matches.
I was rank 21 on the EU leaderboards when I started playing today. (slightly above 1800 rating). I duod with a player that had ~1770 rating. We get put in games with 1320 mmr players.
I added them to friendslist after seeing them running core guard builds and farming bosses on Forests aswell as feeding into unfavorable matchups. (Thief Rev vs Ele Necro).I get that it’s hard maintaining a good matchmaking system when the population probably is at an all time low. However I’d prefer waiting 15 minutes a game for this NOT to happen.
There is a lack of interest in pvp from players atm, and its easy to see why.
*Duo que players 2-2-1 vs solo players 1-1-1-1-1
*patches only once every 4 months or so, and only to change a few recharge skills.
*players that duo que , shouldnt be in the same leaderbord as players that solo que.
- big gap in skill play from the players in the same team , its so annoying to see that u are playing with or vs players , that have 0 awereness of pvp
*still no skill templates to save builds( i change build almost every game)
imo poor skill balance between classes, some classes are much stronger ( mesmer/ warrior)
So ofc players start to care less and less.
I only played 10 games this season
(edited by Prince Vingador.8067)
Its easy to understand that he only plays ,when his girlfriend is online.
There should be just solo q , or soloq and duo q , not the 2 in the same que.
The rating shoud be from solo play.
But some only duo que.
Anyway, anet will understand this , they just need time.
(edited by Prince Vingador.8067)
Yes that is correct.
U need to be hit to proc it.
I can’t do screenshots but I hit 8k games a couple weeks ago.
3.6k on ranger
8k? Wow congrats man.
Well done
in pvp you’ll probably get about 2 hits in before they escape your range.
U thinking bad , thats why u think so, u should avoid chasing and 1v1, reason dhumfire is good , is because u cleave , down players and such.
Im sorry , if u cant make it work as a warrior , i dont know what to tell u, go and try necro, they have 2 hp bars , so maybe will be better for u.
Then come here again and tell me how it went.
As a necro I’d like to know if I’m going to be comp screwed ahead of time.
Solo queuing would be unplayable if your change went though.
Think about it this way
I would prefer, if they lock the class u join with, like this they could fix the staking problem.
Well i have 30 000 pvp games and i have seen everything.
Last game we are at canon we down them , i leave and mesmes and thief stayed behind, mesmer opens portal and leaves, AND THIEF FOLLOWS, giving the down players the canon.
I mean im atm 1800 rating i solo with necro, and i can say its a huge huge pain.
Players wipe in less than 10 seconds,they cant rotate or move,they afk at point, they cant even target.
My games are almost all 1 sided atm.
Its not fun to play pvp for me atm.
I ment u dont get to use it cause it gets interrompted
Life siphon should be better too I agree with people. But I think consume needs a lower cast time and honestly the shout heal needs more healing or something.
Compare the shout heal to thieves new heal.
Disclaimer: Everything below is without healing power, min HP vaule used is 19,212 and max is 24,812
They wont reduce CC below 1s because it is a very strong heal.
There are 14 unique conditions in the game and 12 can be made use of with this heal ( Taunt and fear are control effects ).
This gives CC a min of 5240 but a max of 13928. Working out at around 21.8%~72.5% HP. Even on average of 4~6 conditions ( very easy to get on you ) you are looking at 8136~9584 on a 20~30s cooldown, 32.8%~49.8% HP. Not to mention the skill removes ALL current condition damage pressure from you. Lastly the skill removes conditions before it heals therefore it will never be subject to -33% healing from poison like some other heals.Also the shout heal, again, is fine. It doesnt need to heal more since it heals pretty much the same as everything else in its bracket of 20s cooldowns, if not more.
- Mending heals for 6520 and cleans 3 conditions
- Healing turret combo heals for 6342 and cleans 2 conditions + 650 from 5s of regen.
- Bandage Self heals for 4920
- Withdraw heals for 4766, removed movement impairing conditions and is a 3/4s evade
- Ether Renewal heals for a total of 5k and cleans 8 conditions over its long channel
- Ether Feast Heals for a maximum of 7480
- The thing you want it compared to Channeled Vigor heals for 5520 to 7320 depending on endurance.
- Etc etc
But when you look at YSIM it heals for kitten AND a max of 22% LF. This is a minimum of 662 ( no vit and no targets ) to a maximum of 4331 ( SR and at least 560 vit if we are talking usable pvp amulets ).
Its base healing and damage can be increased by traits and since its an attack it benefits from sigils ( air for damage, blood for more healing, strength etc etc ).
For the same reason its life fore “heal” can be increased by CV and BB. A max of 12%+2.2% from siphoned power ( 265 min to a max of 2795).So to compare to theives top end if 5520~7320 , “some endurance” ,10 endurance (trait) on a 20~18s cooldown
4555+0~625(shout trait) , 5%~36.2%(662~7131)LF, 0~7 stacks of might on a 20~13s cooldownTL;DR
CC wont go below 1s cast time because its very strong. Shout heal is fine.
Doesnt matter how strong it is, if u dont get to use it.
Same way focus doesnt see any gameplay
Same way gs doesnt see any gameplay either
Everything is very spammy,so having so long cast times is a big problem, specially vs mesmer and thievs
I think life transfer should pulse poison just like in reaper shroud, this would help a lot
This is not what happening when equal skill players face each other.
Those DH are VERY VERY bad, and u giving the wrong idea , this is really whats not happening.Yea, sometimes you’ll get owned and that’s a fact, but sometimes you will also LITERALLY 100 to 0 them. Even when they have their cooldowns and even if they are just as skilled as you.
Trust me, there’s been plenty of DHs that I’ve fought who type “what the heck” when I was done with them.
Are u playing in bronze cause i dont see any of those dh instadying in a 1vs 1
This is not what happening when equal skill players face each other.
Those DH are VERY VERY bad, and u giving the wrong idea , this is really whats not happening.
I remember necro in gw1 , man " playing a toucher" was nice and u could see damage and nice healing.
The healing and siphon in gw2 from necro is too low, its just doesnt matter almost, because of the insane damage going around.
So yes i agree , necros should get better healing and better sustain, so they dont need a babysiter 24/7.
Hey guys,
I need some help with necro in soloq.
I mained Mesmer when the old power build with Gs/Staff was meta.
I was pretty decent in pvp.So now I Came back to gw 2 but I can’t enjoy the new chronomes it is just no fun for me.
So i started playing necro atm with the power boonstrip build.
What are good matchups for this build ?And how the kitten do I survive ? If i get focused I have a hard time.
Most classes have way more movement I only have warhorn 5 and it’s pretty hard to disengage or to kite effectively.
If you get focused as a mes just blink away , that’s it.
But with necro I’m kittened there is no way I can get away against most classes.
Maybe it’s just a learn 2 play issue because I’m used to mes with way more utility in Defence and movement.
And i cant trust my teammates to peel for me in low elo.What utility skills should I use?
Atm i use spectral armor, corrupt boon and you are all weaklings for the extra stunbreak.
So i thought about using the flesh worm instead of you are all weaklings for better positioning if I mess up or for disengage.
Any tips here ?So are there any 1 v1 situation against certain classes I should go for ?
Or stick with a teammate and always try to +1?Are there better necro Builds for soloq ?
Appreciate every help I can get
Ah and are there any good nec streamer? Or Youtouber?
I think this is widely a l2p issue in the sense that mantra mes and power necro are two entirely different playstyles. In gw2, most people would simply think that sustain is the only way to imitate the idea of tankyness you see in other games, but necro is simply tanky. It does not sustain, but it has 50k+ health with insane damage and should never be ignored on the battlefield. Think of it this way, as a good thief, you should really never die if you have good judgement. As a mantra mes, you should die when your cooldowns have all been expelled. You die more easily as a mes than you do as a thief. As a necro, you die when focused and stunlocked. These are simply how the classes are designed to be. As a necro, you are meant to be unseen, so you should arrive to the battlefield late and spam your aoes and let your team take the damage as you cleave the enemies down. (Or you can just have an ele with you to be your sustain for you). This is simply good design, in my opinion. Now, imbalance was created when they let war have perma 800 healing per second with a 10 sec stunbreak/adrenal gain with incredible resistance and 50%-perma 25% movement speed increase. But that’s a whole different story. I hope this helped.
I agree man, necros have 2 hp bars, and like u say they do a lot of damage, devs also said that necros are in a good place, so yes i agree its just a l2p issue.
Necros are tanky like u say , so i also dont understand why they die so fast.
Last couple of games i actually had players chasing me across the map, thats how dangerous necros are.
I really dont want to sound rude here, but if u get a thief on your team, vs a team with no thief , u probly gonna lose, not because thief suks, but because players cant play thief to the full pktential of the class.
Most thiefs, insta die, this is one big problem, because they cause a 4vs 5 on the map , and some thievs are perma down the whole game , others spends so much time 1vs 1 far to die, others dont have the awereness to +1 on time or rotate on time, or insted of just decaping they full cap , wasting so much time, just to get capped again afer 5 seconds.
A bad guard can still be usefull, or a warrior, but a bad thief is a big problem.
And before u say, just tell them what to do, i can assure they dont listen, and on top they insult u even.
They cant see they are making the team lose, so no point even to talk.
So yes its a big problem getting a bad thief or even a bad necro for that matter in the team.
I won games with thievs and even 2 thievs in team, but i bonestly think there is only 5 maybe 7 good thievs in gw2 that can play thief and dont mess up the team play.
So yes ,i think thief is not a class that any one can master ,just like u can with a warrior or guard.
Yeah,that necro focus is reall in pvp.Stabil/stun break on entering RS/DS helps a lot in this case,but without support and under focus you need miracle or kite the second enemy team notice you
Yes, thats because necros are so dangerous, they need to be put down fast.
That’s what I meant by stacked. The mm appears to be once again encouraging streaks by setting up one side to win.
That seems fine and dandy if you’re on the winning end. Kitten, if the matchmaker favored me I’d be sitting in platinum.
im really sorry but im actually folowing your treads every now and then, and u think anet is out to get u , every 1 goes thru the same thing, and if u are good enough u will win your games , i cant believe that a good player would be stuck in bronze cause he cant win games .
i solo que playing necro i got 1300 from start cause i lost 5 or 6 games out of the 10 and im now 1700+ easy nps .
dude just keep playing and u will be up theer if u are good enough to win games , just relax a bit man , no 1 is out to get u .
(edited by Prince Vingador.8067)
This is a serious problem, many , many players decide to rerrol 3 secs before game starts, making the rest of the team wipe, and causing a snowball efect.
Alowing the other team to take control of the map.
Players have 2 minutes to rerrol , but often they rerrol, just a few secs before game.
I think the game should be paused and the player that rerroled be giving penalty time towards dishonor, incase was longer than 2 minutes.
U understand its a game , and something can happen while u playing right?
About the situation to the other team mates , yes its very annoying, cause starting 4vs5 will make the map snowball.
I think to be honest 15 seconds of idle should kick the guy from the game.
First because, probly something happen to him, and second, to alow those 2 minutes of grace period to pass fast.
I also think 1 minute of grace period is more than enough, for some one to reconect.
I think d/p thf is fine. What needs a nerf is the d/d and vault evade spamming variants. Don’t know how though. I don’t think mesmer needs a nerf. It gets shut down by d/p thf and dh rather easily. What do people think about mesmer that is over performing right now?
As for war, i don’t think it’s op but i also don’t really know what class is supposed to counter it. I would imagine that necros counter warriors but my impression has been that necros hate facing stacked warrior teams, probably because of the cc spam and resistance uptime.
Necros counters wariors?
This is why devs should ever listen to players.
Its amazing u think that necros counter warriors.
And some of u ask me why i rage so much…….Necros do counter Warrors Prince. It’s just a matter of what skills you’re using and when.
We have to agree to disagree here.
Cause warrior can tank a necro , but a necro will melt if not carefull and rime the skills.
Im talking about 1v1, and ofc if i know hes build i can try to counter it, same to any other class.
But if u go into pvp with a necro and u see a warrior on point , chances are u going to lose .
U can say necro counter engies
And guards counter thievs
U cant say necros counter warriors
I think d/p thf is fine. What needs a nerf is the d/d and vault evade spamming variants. Don’t know how though. I don’t think mesmer needs a nerf. It gets shut down by d/p thf and dh rather easily. What do people think about mesmer that is over performing right now?
As for war, i don’t think it’s op but i also don’t really know what class is supposed to counter it. I would imagine that necros counter warriors but my impression has been that necros hate facing stacked warrior teams, probably because of the cc spam and resistance uptime.
Necros counters wariors?
This is why devs should ever listen to players.
Its amazing u think that necros counter warriors.
And some of u ask me why i rage so much…….
There are counters to certain classes and some might think its op certain classes,and others dont.
But there are a few skill that really need a nerf,and i think we all agree that moa and portal shouldnt work with continuum split, these 2 skill are op and carry the game hard.
I also think skull grinder needs a nerf, this skill does way too much .overal i think warrior is very safe to play cause of their sustain and good dps, they need to shave their sustain a bit.
About thievs i think their dps is ok , but the perma evades need a nerf, its ok to be able to dodge a few extra times, but its not ok to perma evade and on top apply loads of condi while perma evading.
Nerf dodges?
I think they need more actually, because 99 percent of the time when i get a thief in my games hes perma down.
during low population times, the game would rather allow you to play with people that may be outside your range (not horribly) than have you wait in a long long queue. This is done purposely since one of the biggest complaints in previous seasons was queue times. Its give or take. Would you rather a near perfect match OR have speedy queue times. Cant always have both.
One thing is having faster ques an other thing is:
I look at the map i see 3 of my team mates at close vs 1 warrior, they are 3vs1 and the point is neutral, after 30 seconds the warrior went mid AND MY 3 TEAM MATES FOLOWED HIM WITH OUT CAPPING CLOSE.
So whats the point of having faster ques?
For that?
Atm i can say that i dont care for pvp atm , cause only once every 10 games there is a denent games.
I cant believe that such players play in platinium, atm i droped to tier 3 gold cause its really impossible to win such games, i mean really impossible.
Its kust a matter wich team gets the most warriors and dhs, vs thievs and necros, thats all.
Well I thought silver is vs. silver, bronze vs brozne …. isnt it?
No its not
I get players 200+ and -200 in my games
Last 2 days i lost over 200 points cause players have 0 clue about basics i mean really basic stuff, even tho im still platinium i dont feel the joy to play pvp atm , because anet cant put 10 players of equal skill in the same game.
Through most of the season there have been around 12 people with a legendary skill rating.
In my opinion that number seems really low.
A global rating boost of +50 or +100 would result in 27 / 55 players in legendary. (at the time of writing)
Thats what i have been saying whole along, only 20- 30 players are really legendary in gw2, rest are average and bad players.
I know its hard for most of u to understand this but thats the truth
Every one knows everything in the forum , but some how i get players insta dying as warriors and guards or players that afk close.
Not possible to win such games.
God a couple of games ago i saw 1v1 close a warrior vs a warrior, they just started that 1v1, i go + 1 him, and he leaves me ro go kill chief…..
I asked him why u left me 1v1 a warriors as a necro, he said there was no point ro 2v1 a player in a point that belong to us.
And this crap is actually happening in platinium.
Its really crazy that in the same game there is such a huge gap in skill play
This last point is wrong. All you need to do is watch any Legendary players stream on twitch to know that it is wrong.
The rest of the stuff you’ve got should definitely be considered but that last one…. nope. Just wrong.
After watching some streams, I believe those bad teammates are just trolling and losing on purpose. No one in Gold tier and above is clueless.
U are wrong, i get players that afk at close , when u can clearly see they have 3 far and 2 mid, still they just dont move from close.
Others insta die , i mean really insta die in 5 secs , and then every 30 seconds.
Others leave mid to go +1 a 2vs 1 vs a thief, means i look at the map and i see 3vs 1 a thief.
Ofc other times anet just puts 3 thievs vs 2 guads and a warrior.
If u join solo its just a lotary, it really is.
Tbh with bunch of dh in ranked I find mesmers are one of the top priority focus classes. I feel like mesmers are more squishy now.
Wow, really?
With the amount of blocks , distortion, blink, portal, stealth…. u call it a priority focus?
What u call it a necro then? Or an ele ?
Ill be honest and say i struggle against the condi mesmer 1 vs 1 but if a mesmer goes into a team fight.
I target it first before the necro. When i had a team who actually targeted the mesmer in team fights, wow that guy would die in seconds.
So for me mesmer isnt too bad, it loses to DH in 1 vs 1 and is quickly targeted in team fights.
U target the mesmer first?
U must be that guy that is chasing the mesmer across the map, while the rest of your team is focusing the necro.
Moa and portal are the strongest skills in the game
And on too they have continuum split
Mesmer is also the best class to 1vs1
But wtv
Problem is not that the guard is op or easy to play.
Problem is when u get in 1 team 3 thievs vs 3 guards, class staking is a problem, lost 2 games in a row because of this, its just impossible to win with such conditions
Last night I played a couple of matches – all were losses. In most of them the reality was: if I’m not at a base – it is taken by enemy! In my last game at the start I went and capped home, enemy capped mid and far. I went and killed 2 ppl at mid and capped it, by that time home was getting capped. I went home, killed 1 person and capped it again. And that repeated trough all the game, my teammates were fighting at all the wrong places or just died at the second an enemy saw them. How am I suppose to go up in rating? I have to be able to cap and defend home, mid and far at the same time all by myself, attack the lord at the same time and bake a cake with my free arm while I play a piano.
Its hard to see the big picture, but maybe u had to stay mid and let your team mates that respwn to go home?
Over ritating is not good, and if u pay atention there is 1 or 2 very important team fights during the game that can make the map snowball, and somtimes players dont realize this and are full capping home , and there is a huge fight at mid like 3v3 or 4v4 and wining that fight is super important, cause then u can go home and full cappe it or pressure far, u can see what imsaying usually in the foefire.
And after that fight its easy win cause u always +1 or +2 in the map.
Dont worry u will get there.
If only 20-30 ppl should belong to legendary, that means that even all ESL players shouldn’t be there. And I would love to practice with those legendary players, letting them teach rotations, knowing could I 1v1 them, could I sustain long enough… But all is vain. You can watch hours and hours of videos how they play. That won’t make you better player.
So just sit back, relax and let those TOP 50 players fight each other their meaningless matches. They are already in lehendary. They don’t have any goals to achieve anymore.
If this post is towards me , let me tell u that yes , only 20 to 30 players are really legendarys, i know most of the players that play at top lvl and i played with them and vs them, and ofc im not saying they play bad, what im saying is only around 30 players have perfect awereness and rotations, reactions, calling targets ….and such
Its the same in a football team , u have players like ronaldo and messi that are the real starts and carry the game, and ofc the others help, buts its not hard when u have such a good players by your side.
So again i say , there is a lot of good players in gw2 , but real starts that can solo or team que with no problems and really carry then not so many.
There are players in top teams that are always perma down in solo que and cant 1vs 1 or not great awereness and others that can single kite 1vs 3 or win any 1vs 1 , im talking about players like ROM , he loses games but having him inthe team is almost garanteed a win , cause he carries hard .
There is still a long way to go for the end of the season, but dont worry if u are good enough u will get your place up there