Dragon’s Watch is likely to win.
I didn’t vote for that one though. It’s too easy, and limits the team too much to dragons, and there’s other things out there like demons, margonites, mursaat, elonian undead, ascalonian ghosts…
And Eternity’s Guard sounds too military, and has a ring to it too similar to Destiny’s Edge.
And so it had to be The Unbroken by process of elimination.
I like most of the new content, but I don’t find any of the Heart of thorn maps difficult, I find them very annoying and not fun at all. Most 3 year vets I talk to think the same thing, cool looking maps but poor mechanics and annoying navigation, nothing hard about them.
Even with all masteries maxed out, it feels more like a choir to get around IMO.
Auric is a tad simpler, but not much. A lot of people seem to enjoy it the most whom I have spoken to.
Tangled Depths is many, many times worse. I am not exaggerating either. It’s kinda cool how it feels from a jungle perspective, but probably one of the most difficult to navigate zones I have ever seen in an mmo.
Dragons Stand is much simpler, but is essentially a giant meta map, made up of 3 lanes heading towards a boss fight. SOme areas remain inaccessible until after the final boss is dead.
So no, the areas do not get any easier overall.
yikes, just seems crazy how much more difficult it is to get around, compared to the non HoT content. Gliders are cool and all, but I seriously thought it would make it easier to get around, rather than harder lol
I don’t think I have ever had a zone so annoying in any game, taking forever to find paths up trees and gliding to other trees. Please tell me the other zones in HoT are more simple to navigate.
I have been trying to get to itzel scout ubek for an hour now, to complete “in their footsteps”, freaking frustrating.
(edited by Garock.2854)
Just use exotic gear, ascended isn’t required for raids anyways.
863 laurels here and 5+ loyalty chests in the bank.
Op remember to do winter daily for laurels every day when winters day arrive.
Old thread… but with the new login screen it lists crafts that I started on characters but completed on another. If the display included the level of craft they were at that would be great. Or otherwise I’d like to remove my level 2 tailor craft so I could remember which toon really has it.
I have purchased 2 crafting licenses and plan to keep all crafts/ recipes on my main (warrior). I am able to have 4 active crafts and would like the rest of my characters to have no crafts/ recipes available to them. It’s more of an OCD thing I guess.
I would like a feature that removes crafts from your character. I am aware that every character can learn all crafts and can even have up to 4 of them active with crafting licenses, but the option to completely unlearn or delete a craft is always welcome.
It might not be too easy to put in, but what is the advantage except to those who want an uncluttered log in screen? And what will ANet do about the people who inevitably accidently delete a level 500 crafting?
You know people will do that.
Well, since right now the current system allows you to switch to different crafting types without losing your progress, presumably you’d be able to restart any missing crafting disciplines without loss in the same way.
Basically, all I want is an additional “switching crafting disciplines” option where I switch to nothing instead of another discipline.
I was looking for something like this too. In my rush to use trainers as vendors, I’ve managed to grab 2 crafting disciplines on one of my characters I have no intention of ever crafting anything on. Would rather just ditch them. Seems like its not something there’s any way of accomplishing in the current system, though.
I’d definitely like them to add an option to do so, assuming it wouldn’t be too much work. Not really worth a whole lot of effort, but it seems like it’d be a pretty easy thing to implement.
“I’d like to get rid of them to keep my login screen accurate, but I can’t find any way to abandon a crafting discipline without learning another one.”
I don’t want to learn a different one. That’s not what I’m asking for.
So, now that the crafting disciplines known by each character are visible on the login screen (and thank you for that, that’s awesome!), I’d like to be able to unlearn some of the crafting disciplines. I have all of the disciplines at at least 400 across my characters, but I also have a bunch of characters with abandoned disciplines that I have no intention of continuing to train up.
I’d like to get rid of them to keep my login screen accurate, but I can’t find any way to abandon a crafting discipline without learning another one. Is there a way to do this? If not, Anet, would it be possible to add one please?
Home Borderland. Visit from every place and return to every place. Crafting stations (plus bank), TP, merchant and saves WP costs.
Fight the queens
Home borderland for sure. Has everything I need plus I can knock out some dailies and help my server if needed.
Home Borderland.. am a nomad after all =x
I like the new layout. But yeah you need more diversity in options.
the fact they recognize it needed changing is a plus. and they do show more important stuff now. but it’s not complete. Ideally it would look like this:
sell [250] of xyz for [1g23s45c] each:
Total: 308g62s50c
Listing Fee: 15g43s13c
Final Sale Tax: 30g86s25c
Expected Profit: 262g33s12c
before, they had just the listing fee and expected return (total - final sale tax)
now they have all but the expected profit
maybe the next update they’ll have all of them?
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Indeed! This is a game, not real life. Basic math shouldn’t apply in a fantasy setting. So next time Evon’s name in on the ballot, be sure to vote for him!
Evon is best charr!
I agree. I think it’s a mistake for Anet to assume that people know how to add and subtract properly.
Its an outrage and wouldnt have happened with Evon on the Council.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
[i]"Net profit, also referred to as the bottom line, net income, or net earnings is a measure of the profitability of a venture after accounting for all costs. In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 91% responded that they found the "net profit" metric very useful. (1) In accounting, net profit is equal to the gross profit minus overheads minus interest payable for a given time period (usually: accounting period)"
"In simplistic terms, net profit is the money left over after paying all the expenses of an endeavor."[/i]
- taken from Wikipedia
So... Anet obviously didn’t talk to any of those 200 senior marketing managers when they decided to remove the net profit amount from the TP when selling an item.
Yay... we now get to see all the hidden fees... yes, that is a plus... but it really is poor design to show the profit BEFORE fees, and make the seller calculate the net profit themselves.
I know others have pointed it out before, but I was hoping there was just some information missing, and wanted to see it in action when the patch hit...
Sadly, they really did go with the bad decision to remove net profit.
Please give us the net profit and don’t make us have to calculate it ourselves.
17+ Characters and 19 slots currently.
Disclaimer: I am aware that most people likely do not own as many character slots as I currently do. But surely we could somehow receive a better sorting system for our characters.
Topic: Too many characters, why can’t I sort them better?
It can sometimes be very annoying, to have to scroll through to find my level 80’s amongst a sea of mules/alts that are normally holding things. (But are not something I would normally play.)
It would be very nice to be able to select even 1-3 characters that we play the most, or are our mains. Perhaps something like a “Favorites list” (like how the dye system works in the Wardrobe.)
Possible Solutions:
1. Favorites List: Check mark box on corner of character slots. (Check to favorite.)
2. Sort by hours played. (Most played characters always show up first.)
3. Remove scrolling – make icon’s smaller, turn it into a grid and allow them to be sorted manually.
(edited by Ashadow.6874)
- “I’m rich, you know”
- “My mother won’t be happy when she checks her credit card”
I like how two of the new Asura hairstyles had a blended effect with the accessory color. However, the range of accessory colors is too narrow to make this something that I would want to see utilized very often. I would prefer to see a second set of hair colors that are available for blending so that it can either be ignored by choosing the same color for both and also allow a more variety with color combinations.
Even with an expanded range of accessory colors, which I hope is coming soon even if it is just in the hair & makeover kits, it would be nice to have blended hair with a choice to color the accessory differently than either hair color choice.
More options are always better than fewer.
Trahearne is the first of the Pale Tree’s children- she tells you that in the level 4ish personal story, when you meet him.
He is literally the first of the Firstborn
I had hoped that the three new mini’s in the locker would be another 3 pack for 300 gems. Seemed like a perfect price. But like last year when we got the baby mini’s they are 400 a piece. I just don’t understand who makes these prices up? On top of that some of us are still waiting for some of the mini’s to be re-released.
Can we have these back now that they can be used in combat? Please? Pretty please?
Aviator and Sports Sunglasses? Hmm? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?