No, hes utterly correct. They are traps, they should have cast times. Having an aoe that damages, dazes, and places a boon on you (and possibly stunbreaks) on an instant cast is just stupid.
Yes DH is trash teir, but thats because the entire ***********ing Guardian class is trash tier right now because anet hasnt shown it any love in forever.
Cast times on traps is a good idea. It needs to be done
I have spoken
They need to start by buffing our Virtues
As it stands other classes mechanics have a REAL impact on how they play. As it is right now virtues are basically an extra block, a heal that’s barely noticeable, and abit of burn for your allies that’s based off of THEIR condi damage (which is zilch if they aren’t condi built)
And Im sorry but I play a burn Guardian and there’s no chance in hell im touching my F1 unless I’m in the middle of Renewed Focus
Furthermore having our virtues apply to our downed state would be nice.
More than that we need the base power of virtues buffed along with the activates. DH did this quite well and I think it may be a pain to rebalance but hitting a virtue should be a tactical decision. Right now it really isn’t, the passives just don’t matter unless you’re a burn guardian or Battle Presence guardian(Which current trait choices gave the shaft) Really before the fights started its decided whether or not your gonna mash that button
Instead we should be milking as much as we can out of the passive effect and hitting it at an opportune moment, and then have some kind of special requirement for reducing the CD on that virtue and getting it back (which we actually do on Justice and Courage but having some major traits related to them would be nice. Right now its more of an after thought and mostly effects pve)
You’re certainly welcome to look for greener pasteurs. In my 11+ years of MMO gaming I’ve seen better than the current state, but not by much and I’ve certainly seen a lot worse.
Bro Ive seen alot better. Its called PvP pre HoT. And if you really wana compare it to other games look at stuff like TF2. Yes its technically a different genre, but they had no problem balancing utterly different classes against one another.
for crying out loud just look at our snowball minigame on wintersday. 3 classes. Good balance.
Tyler. Variety is the spice of life. Mix the borderlands.
6 months ago if you had told me anet would disbalance the game for financial reasons i woulda told you to shove a foot in your mouth. Now I’m at the point that I don’t think the game will even be relatively balanced IN 6 months.
And you’re right, PvPing when you don’t have all the stuff you should is torture. When you say something about it people either say “change class” or “just dodge”.
So at this point if I wanna play my character I just need to stick to PvE and WvW. I went up into ruby last season and in hindsight that almost give me a friggin stroke from pure rage. Nope, not worth it. Thank you for showing me that
P.S. If they bring elite specs down to guardian core level we might not be able to complete the new LS content thats coming
DH still needs more balance. The fact that 2 of their traps have no cast time and the other three at .5s and they can all daze, not to mention that auto trap on CC. Yeah it gets spammy. Add on the fact that they can place them before a fight, Are really hard to murder with ranged, and can place them again if the CD is off. Thats the part where it gets ridiculous
The fact that a tanky tempest or some jacked up time bending chronomancer can beat them isnt proper argument for their current balance. Those are the classes that themselves are currently being argued need a nerf
P.S. People said the same junk all of you did when DH first came out. “Oh you can just send in your pets/phantasms/ dodge into traps” The DH still had to get nerfed. Repeatedly. At this point it could still use abit of tweeking. Flat out nerfing it would be abit extreme though.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
So you agree with me since each class have a meta build? Look I am not talking about build diversity, the facts are each class has a meta build,and can perform quite well in high elo.
And about the xpac, if you haven’t switch to xpac then you are doing yourself a disfavor, the game and the community has moved on; and so should you.
@Fivedawg No…Im not playing an Xpac build. Same way Im not playing an ele, or an engi, or another game entirely. Im plaything this game. With my character.
It needs to get balanced instead of every tryhard metawanabee scrub thinking that having a game with overpowered builds for them to play is the only way for them to show how 1337 they are and acting like everybody playing something else that they’ve actually taken time to learn, get better at, and reach a higher degree of perfection, deserves to be underpowered.
This is not pvp. THIS IS NOT COMPETITION. This is having fun with the flavor of the week.
I would like to see and fight people who have actually played the same kind of character for a year. I used to do that before HoT. It was fun, it was exciting. Now its just a giant game of rock paper scissors. Where most people are beat by all three
Also since when do you speak for the developers? If i thought anet was gona permanently leave all base builds in the dust i woulda quit the kittening game by now. And if you think the “community has moved on” nah bro, plenty of people agree that this craps toxic. Its just people like you who are OK with it. Go back to whatever screwy balanced game you came from and please stop trying to convince people ours is the way it should be.
@gebrechen Ill agree that the players are kittens, but Arena Net should have seen this coming a mile away. They started pushing their game as an Esport and then blatantly dis-balanced it with HoT. Anybody who’s played any MOBAs or any competitive game should have been aware what kinda behavior comes along with it. They then made the game F2P and put heavy ingame monetary rewards with progressing along PvP. Add on how troublesome it is to report unsportsmanlike behavior and tada~
Its the perfect storm
@Fivedawgs nah bro. like 1/12 out of 9/9 classes are meta. Most all of which are elite spec. So much of the classes are not being used its ridiculous. So saying any of the classes are meta is bullocks because its really just a build or two
Guardian here. Used to like dueling people before HoT. I’d do ridiculous things to try to keep from getting back stabbed. Stand with my back to a wall. Turn frequently. Dodge at odd times.
…I don’t even worry about those in fights anymore. It’s the 10k Vault I watch out for
Sorry if that’s a buzz kill for ya, but yeah I literally don’t even think about BS when fighting theives now because of this crazy powercreep
It’s been awhile since I’ve fought an elementalist, and not just a regenerating scarecrow that poops out lightning storms. I support these changes. thumbs up
Anet. Please look at this thread. See what you’ve turned PvP into. The attitudes you see right here are basically what you have floating around an entire 1/3 of your games endgame content. TOXIC.
Please fix it
P.S. Vicky in LoL you switch out characters to either better support your team or because the enemy picked one that’s a really bad matchup for you. In Gw2 This isn’t the case, its just blatant disbalance with a handful of builds being better than the rest :c. LoL has a big roster and it frequently balances the game to keep them all, for the most part, viable. This is not the case we have in GW2s current state of PvP
To recap, bruisers and tanks compose of, thieves , elementalists, and engi…..
……Remember when heavy armor was a thing?
Congratulations Anet, the game is at the point that people will laugh at you, insult you, and call you a noob because you are not running an Xpac build. Playing a guardian instead of a dragonhunter now makes me an underpowered scrub. 2 people on my team shared that sentiment. Thats 50% of my team.
Back in my day only condi necros were that toxic
This game is supposed to pride itself on being built in a way that it encourages people treating each other kindly and not in a way that promotes aggression towards one another. Having builds that are clearly under powered is something that is cause for arguement
That being said
Please give us another balance patch
With Love,
The dude who’s been running the same build for over a year yet somehow seems to be getting worse.
P.S. I uninstalled LoL because of its toxic community. Haven’t played it in two years. We’re no wheres close to that yet but dear god is the game moving in that direction.(As far as the people I see in PvP. PvE is still great…unless you’re the tag doing DS meta)
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
When I saw the original artwork for guardian spirit weapons. It wasnt 3 funny shaped pets following a gaurdian along. It was a hammer and a sword, moving in tandem with a gaurdian. Why cant we get that. Revenants get that with their spinny hammers and their leechy crystal things.
Hey comon guys, if we’re lucky we might get a lower CD on spirit weapons
Edit: and consecrations will now look like giant target marks. Ya know just incase people didnt know where to toss down the AoEs
Guardian is not OK in pvp. One or two builds are
That being said NO CLASS is ok in pvp. Just a handful of meta powercreep
If they wanted to do something to balance guardian they could just add VoJ or some basic burn to downstate so that we actually get some damage as a condi build. I mean it would be really useful seeing as I spend most my time on my back these days
Why people will still complain Moa is OP-
—Bird form is still death if the mesmer has a bursty build OR if the character presses any button besides #5
—Animation isn’t obvious as most moves of that power
Why people will complain MoA is useless
—Long freaking CD. I know I wouldnt wana use my elite every other fight
—Long cast time.
What this nerf essentialy did
—Moa still useful to negate enemies defenses in 1v1.
—Less time it takes an enemy out of the fight in a group fight
—Doesn’t give enemy as much time to set up a second volly of attacks while your in chicken form
Basically it decreased its teamfight power. Itll still be lethal in 1v1, but the chance of survivals gona go up alot more if you survive the mesmers initial burst after they moa you
If it actually is easier to survive in 1v1 yall should push for lower CD
Not trying to be a **** but moa got nerfed. I TOLD YOU SO
That being said its just a duration nerf. Pretty heavy too. Looks like its just ment to kneecap it and not actually balance it out. Hope it gets changed again at some point to a lower CD, Cheers
I use sanctuary more to break the defiance bars of PvE mobs than I do to shelter myself. Yup…
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Want a more focused Condi burst? Roll a Warrior. Want some where in between but more viable in higher tier? Roll a Mesmer.
Guardian has always been strong in AoE damage dealing… you’re wanting a change to something that has always been true. Worse yet, to a skill that’s already very balanced.
Just roll a warrior dude, their single target burn stacks doesn’t need a group and it’s exactly what you’re asking for.
If you’re wanting a more 1v1 oriented burn build, go Guardian runes, radiance & drop perneating wrath unless you can make it work without stability.
Ok usually i dont drag these threads out longer than is purposeful but you….
Dear Saiyan
1. If i want more condi burst ill trait for it, not roll another class
2. If i want to be more viable in a higher tier ill either get better at my class or ask that it —-— get balanced compared to other classes
3. Guardians ok in AoE damage. ELEs are strong in AoE, the only thing we have a leg up on most other classes with cleaving melee weapons is our symbols. Furthermore PW is a trait that causes AoE abilities that are across the board quirky and unaverage and in no way similar to any other abilities our class has (except I would say shattered aegis)
4. The whole point of this thread is suggesting a re-balancing of a skill I don’t believe is balanced. If you don’t believe that’s true provide some evidence to the contrary like some of the fine gentlemen before you but don’t just say it like its true
5. Again, I’m not rolling another class just because you’re too lazy to stop and consider the fact that ours might need some tweeking
6. Speccing for a single target build would not in any way shape or form rebalance PW. So thanks for that suggestion but its kinda not whats needed here
To everybody else, Thanks for the feedback
P.S. We have 4 traits that improve our burning. Oh sure we got some thatll tac it on like with spirit weapons or our symbols. But as far as improving burning and how we apply it we have Amplified Wrath, the torch trait, supreme justice, and permeating wrath. Seeing as those 4 are just in 2 traitlines I think its kinda important PW not just be some quirky niche trait when we don’t have that many other options available to us. It’s not like theres much choice there. You have to have Radiance, And then you either make some kind of block based burn build bunk or go with Virtues line.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
See that’s the thing about balance
It has NOTHING to do with a players skill
its the balance of THE GAME
And if you go through these forums, for every class, every time there’s been a complaint about something people jump on the bandwagon and say L2P. Aaaaand anet gives us a balance patch anyways
Its not that your words are harsh. It is that they are not well thought out, they are lazy, and they do nothing to contribute to the balance and overall health of the game.
If you truly think moa’s balanced please give me a reason other than “Its this way already just deal with it”
Does it make up for other flaws the class has?
Is it generaly as powerful or usefull as other elites the class has?
Is it less powerful or useful than skills other classes have such as Killshot on warrior?
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
It has been around since the beginning…. when the game was different
And DPS was lower
and there was less CC
short version
Moa is not balanced for the current game
And you’re right the game is not balanced for 1v1 duels, It hasn’t been for a while. We should fix that
Also- A pretty powerful escape tool? Ok moa #5 flee. .75s of evade. Dodge a couple times, Your up to two and a half seconds tops that you’re not getting hit, mind to explain how you survive that other 7 seconds against a mesmer in pure zerker gear with a bottle of BBQ sauce with your name on it?
One more thing- Of course mesmers aren’t going to complain about moa, you’re the only ones that use it!
One more thing- you get out of moa unscathed half the time. REALLY? So your telling me that elite thats on a 180s CD is useless 1/2 the time? Jeez maybe we should give it instant cast and have it last 20 seconds :O
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Consecrations still only used for niche build/encounters
Spirit weapons NEVER USED
Signets? Almost never see the darn things
Shouts? Ok but mostly in zergs
Literally took us two years until our iconic weapon THE SHIELD was worth using, and even now the traits to support aegis are abit wonky, hard to make a build with.
I remember when Guardian was in a good spot
I remember when they SAID Guardian was in a good spot and people were beginning to call foul, that we were gonna need some balancing and improvements
AAAAAAND here we are
Dear Ross,
Every skill is meant to be game changing. No skill is meant to be instant game winning
If moa was supposed be an instant win it would simply be called “Kill enemy”
The INTENTION of Moa is to turn the person into a chicken for a few seconds so that they really cant do anything. Before the current bursty meta it was a more whimsical skill. You’d get turned into a chicken, dodge a couple times, maybe take a fireball in the tail feathers and then untransform and try to regain your lost ground.
This skill was created before all this CC, before pure zerker stats, and before all this power creep. It’s intention was not for you to die as a chicken but to maddly scramble around as one, that’s why 4 out of its 5 skills cause damage, because it wasn’t suicide to fight with the person while moa’d
Accept that the game has changed and needs balancing, Discuss it, -Play to have fun-, and please retort with something that isn’t an idealistic one liner with no actual argumentative point to it.
Those points do not balance each other out. That’s like saying a country with alot of rich people balances out having alot of poor people. You have one thing thats really good, and one thing thats really bad
As a guardian I accept that I’ll always be better in a team fight scenario but its to much of an extreme to have it like that
Also I never touch my F1 as a condi guard. Ironic right?
The entire reason Celestial D/D was taken out (Nerfhammered) was because classes like D/D ele had too much sustainability along with the ability to do damage. Thats why anet removed it
So I really think more amulets similar to celestial and making D/D more viable again would be nice. I kinda miss fighting those guys
Right now permeating wrath has 2 issues
1. It’s almost useless in 1v1 fights
2. It’s IDIOTICALLY powerful in group fights
lemme explain how this works
I go into the pvp lobby and I hit 1 heavy golem with Whirling Wrath. 3 stacks of burn. about 30-40% of its HP
I hit a group of 5 golems? Your looking at 4 dead golems. I usually leave one alive to tell the story.
I enjoy using this in WvW, I enjoy using this in PvP. I do not however enjoy the fact that due to the nature of this skill it will always be useless in 1v1s and it will always be op in big skirmishes. It’s functionality needs to change
First of all having it straight up multiply per the number of people hit needs to change. Most skills cleave for 3 but things like symbols and whirling wrath cleave for 5 an that gets outa hand quick. I think the simplest solution to this is lowering the number of targets the flameburst hits. I would suggest down to 3. So the person you hit and two other people
Secondly it should have some kind of other functionality added to it. This is supposed to be our big amazing Grandmaster burn trait so it should do at least a little something for 1v1. Id suggest that if there’s multiple stacks of burn on a person and they condi cleanse, it still leaves one.
The fact that most condi guardians only have two or three kinds of conditions, and the way condition cleanse works, is a big hendrence to making these builds viable. Always having a stack of burn on somebody would not only keep our bonuses available (increased damage, crit chance, gain fury) but also make it harder for certain classes COUGH ELEMENTALIST COUGH from being completely immortal against us with frequent condi cleanse. I find there’s to much of an inverse bell curve. People are either able to cleanse and live. Or they just burn really fast
Another way it could function would be like reapers chilling nova but that would be bringing critical hits into it and that’s a whole nother bag of roosters.
I expect there to be a few more condition guardians around here and yall should probably pipe up and say something. From where I’m standing I consider myself in a pretty good spot in the current meta. However there are a lot of guardians justifiably asking for changes to some of the stuff I use with my burn like my 1h Sword and some of the crummier trait choices. Any class is just two good patches away from being stupidly powerful and I think if that happens to us the first thing that’s gonna get the whistle blown on it is my favorite trait right here.
(Yes I’m saying if guardian gets anymore buffs my killcount will go so high anet will have to nerf condi guard in some way. No I’m not joking, please take this seriously.)
Yeah high CDs are always a hint somethings gonna be OP. If the devs think the CD should be so long you’re not able to use an ability every skirmish than that’s probably not the part of it that needs balance.
And even if there was a better telegraph mesmers love their stealth and clones. Right now I would compare this elite to killshot more than anything else. Except with warriors you see it coming and its part of a weapon skillset. Moa can come from any mesmer. ANY mesmer. Chornomancer? Suprise chicken attack. Sword pistol phantams user? SUPRISE CHICKEN. Support mesmer? WHAM chickened.
Just 1v1d a chrono in WvW. Not even gona say how it went. I am however gona Q.Q about moa abit
The issue- Moa is too powerful
In zergs or group fights its not a horrible but in 1v1 if it lands it’s an insta win
It was IMO OK before the specializations patch that took stats out of trait lines, but right now any mesmer that hits you with moa is going to have the DPS power to straight up murder you before your turn back.
I thought the original purpose of Moa was as a strong CC that couldn’t be stunbroken. Get the person out of the fight and keep them from doing anything for the next 3 seconds. Instead it just leaves them a sitting duck to be killed.
I know the move has a cast time, I’m sure its telegraphed. That being said. YOUR MESMERS! I CANT SEE KITTEN! XD between invis or clones most players aren’t going to see this coming.
Moa form-
1. Makes any sort of healing power skills or traits useless
2. Makes any sort of condi power or traits useless
3. Makes any sort of defensive skills or traits uselss
4. Wait a second I think I see why people are dieing so easily in Moa
Basically nothing but having more vitality is going to help you survive getting moa’d, and I was running carrion (vitality as a secondary stat) when it happened to me
Moa skills-
No, just no. I swear those things get me killed more than they actually do anything to the other player. And if you get moa’d you really should be dodge rolling (chicken rolling?)
Unless I’m mistaken these skills haven’t been updated since HoT. The games become far more heavily skill based and faster paced. peoples DPS has power crept but moas abilities haven’t
1. Make a more obvious telegraph. Like stupidly obvious. I want a giant neon chicken flapping its wings above my head while a purple stream of light teathers me to the mesmer casting the spell and words rise up from the ground saying “Get rekt scrub”
2. Make moa survivable. Redo the 1-5 skills to do things like dodge and heal and actually scale of stats a player has like healing power and boon duration. Right now it has a cripple, and a weakness. If cripple and weakness kept you alive thieves wouldn’t be +1s. There’s also the #5 skill but I feel that’s not nearly enough.
2.a. Having the ability for some of that moa damage to scale off condition damage would be nice as well. Bleed stacks
I would rather see it be easier to survive in moa form than to have a shorter duration. As it is by the time you get your bearing straight and realize your fighting as a chicken you’re already dead. Ill take 10 seconds as a running chicken over 3 seconds as a dead one anyday
If Moa’s actually balanced to not be a insta kill skill than things like CD casttime and moa time can all be pumped without people coming to your forums and writing this about it. But as it is right now its just about as cheap as that GS spike skill you have…wait do yall still have that thing -.^
P.S. I know powerful skills are needed for any class. Etc. Etc. but nothing should be so advantageous in 1v1.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Remember every balance patch anet makes is simply a improvement on an already perfectly balanced playing field
If somebody one-shots you you just need to learn to play
If somebody can stand still and tank your entire damage rotation, you must just need to learn to play
If somebody has twice as much mobility as you and can beat you in conquest without ever actually getting into a fight. Must be a L2P issue
If you cannot dodge an instant attack you must need to learn to play
If you use a stunbreak and get CCd 5 times immediately after it must be a l2p issue
If you’re a guardian who’s been wanting to use spirit weapons since he started the game almost 3 years ago you must REALLY need to learn how to play.
P.S. I’m still waiting
P.P.S. We need a forum dedicated to balance where the words “lol just l2p” aren’t allowed, because those words are toxic, and are used for nothing but trolling and insulting people 90% of the time, and need to be reportable.
Elementalist condi removal sustain and defense still too strong.
Many Guardian traits/skills still need a good look at and rework because they just aren’t functional.
I can tell just by looking at the patch notes that Scrappers are still to tanky.
Nice that quickness and slow no longer affect revival and stomp but that was an issue with the downed system being disbalanced in the first place, not with the boon and the condi.
New Shatter fights great, Not hard but very interactive and its easy to get killed so even if you don’t have to worry about the event failing you do have to worry about you personally dieing and I think that’s great.
I like how gliding was put in. Hopefully in future expansions there will be other things put into the main world as well
Thank you for letting support finally count towards event completion. I remember raising a stink about that back during the attack on LA event when I healed dolyaks to no end and didn’t get credit. Glad that’s changed
Whats that? You can counter another player by playing good? Le Gasp
Sarcasm aside, Aegis aint gona block most spike dps in the game that are multi hit. Also the fact that you talked about it so nonchalantly right there tells us that yeah mesmers probably need an increase to overall dps. Nobodys class should be countered by “Simply playing smart” when the person working the toon is setting up combos as fast as that little hamster in their brain can run
The level of toxic players has probably tripled since i started playing this game a few years ago. Its still OK now as long as -everybody- blocks them, but its going to get to a point that the toxicity feeds off itself. And lemme tell ya, it aint just pvp
In a prolonged fight against a mesmer I’ve always worried about
1. Them bluring and evading all my attacks
2. Their shatter skills or GS burst
Never once have I been concerned about the pressure their damage is putting on me.
So i tried out the new assault rollers the other day. Claimed NN on my servers borderland…waited for 30 minutes. Slotted the tactic. Waited 3 more minutes. Then hopped in. After a bit of testing I realized a few things
1. Assault rollers feel cartoony and fun as heck (love the way they jump and move). Escaping theif ganks in one was fantastic fun
2. Being a mobile assault unit that gets to walls before other people, stands there, and blasts them on a hit and run basis all alone, is lonely. And for me lonely means boring (If I wanted to show how awsome I was solo Id just thrash newbs in pvp unranked solo que).
3. 33m is a long time to wait if you wanna have abit of fun in one of these things
4. Only one person can go at a time. 2 if you have somebody jump into the first one right before it despawns and spawn another one right after.
Theres alot of people in WvW. If somethings fun everybody should be able to do it. Its a game. It should be fun
5. Im completely aware that everything I just said is overshadowed by the fact that having even 5 people rolling around in these things would be OP. Way way to OP.
Hows everybody else liking them so far?
Grinding your butt off for 8 hours a day to keep upgrading your guild hall or making a legendary. Remember if you have to sleep you’ll only have the resources to do one.
That being said there’s plenty of pve content to play/explore. The new activities (minigames) in the HoT maps and then theres fractals. Yeah you’ll probably wana do fractals
So when a warrior has 5s weaponswap, are you guys able to double dip on weapon swap sigils? By this I mean if you have a sigil of battle on each weapon set, and you swap every 5 seconds, will you get that might every 5 seconds? Or do they share a 10s CD and you only get it every OTHER weapon swap.
And if so does that mean a warrior with 5s should just use 4 different weapon swap sigils ??
….now i see why Pvpers get mad when guardians complain about the disbalance of teh DH spec. Theres bigger fish for the devs to fry
If you are losing to DH, you aren’t playing the right classes to counter them.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the root of the kitten problem!
10$ says the build being used in that video is currently meta kuz its op itself.
(Ya know im just assuming that because he took ALL those traps TO THE FACE and just shrugged it off)
Also gona note that you obviously have a more tanky build as a dagger ele. Resist burst + out sustain = kill burst damage user. Well duh. Doesnt change the fact that the DH is disbalanced and in more situations than it should be is overpowered. Just because you had a build that was a great counter to it doesn’t change that
Just use X to kill Y logic doesn’t work. Not everybody runs X. Not everybody wants to run X. That’s the point of balance.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
In any teamfight DH is the first target and the easiest to take down, running a DH feels almost like having a teef or warrior these days.
Yes, DH is so weak you need to target it first in a teamfight so you don’t die (otherwise itll hit you in the face with its LB just like a ranger)
Also you don’t see DH in meta because there’s other builds that are COMPLETELY broken. Just because its less broken doesn’t mean it doesn’t still need a tweeking and that it isn’t ruining gameplay
So it almost like DH is far too powerful in one aspect, but has glaring weaknesses in another that make it not viable for high tier pvp. And they cant fix one without nerfing the other because it would make it invincible
My god, could this mean IT ACTUALLY NEEDS A BALANCE?!~
People have cried foul on the forums about literally everything. And guess what? Literally EVERYTHING has been balanced since this game was launched. The games constantly been re-balanced for a reason! Any person here acting like Dragonhunter isn’t going to get a good balancing after its traps were improved three different ways from the beta is outa their minds. Their powerful enough to fight darn near anything and their basically a hardcounter when it comes to a class with projectiles(RIP LB rangers). Yes it can be dodged. But so can Judges Intervention and Whirling Wrath. And you know what? Ive played long enough that Ive probably hit half the people in this thread with that.
So hush up :P
Also elitist min maxers might not realize this, but ease of use is a power in itself. Its half the reason Guardians such a popular class. You can screw up horribly and still have a heavy impact for your team. This is extremely powerful when it comes to dragonhunter that can drop lethal traps that will hang around after they’re dead, and you cant see them. Ya go ahead and dodge those traps that you don’t know are there when your in a fight with somebody else.
Nerfs. Many classes currently have insane sustain to the point that nothing short of a glass cannon can kill them. Its ridiculous. The sustain is real
Also as usual the classes with stupid ez button power moves probably need a good balancing. Ya Dragonhunters I’m looking at you.
Buffs at this point are a bad idea. That would just lead to more builds getting outa hand. I mean, medi guard isn’t meta but could you imagine us getting a buff? HAH
Yaaaa im gona have to call shinanigans on people saying “l2p”. I kick more kitten with traps than I do meditations. Guys I have 3.5k hours on my guardian. I should not be anywheres near as good with traps as I am with meditations. Traps OP. Initial damage is to much, the fact that they bearly have a cast time basicly makes them a suped up version of smite condition. Also to all that talk about dodging. 4 traps, 2 dodges. ~math~
I remember people saying l2p about Healing signet. D/D ele. Rampage. Mesmers stealth. etc etc. all got nerfed.
When I go into a pvp match and theres nothing but guardians playing traps, needs a nerf.
When I pvp a buddy who’s been playing thief since I last fought and beat him, and he tries out traps and kills me. Needs a nerf.
They need their sustain reduced that’s for dang sure. Waaaay to much evade when using the swordxsword/hammer. No other class gets to hit you with its burst attack while evading whatever you might retaliate with.