They’ve already pretty much proven its gonna be tiny release by tiny release. Also not to be a negative nelly but can you imagine the server issue that oculd arive from that much new map at once? Nooooo thank you
Well dragons are essentially magical beings which have been around -forever-. Most magic/ magic artifacts are either directly created by something they pooped out, or an indirect creation (zypherite magic anybody?)
So I’m running around grabbing these buried chests since that’s whats hip these days (and its a nice break from the usual stuff) and i find a fossilized insect. Oh Happy day I’m just like John Hammond from Jurassic Park (btw are we going to be getting a cane in the gem store?). I think “Oh money Ima put this on the trading post!” ….er account bound, no money. Ok Ill figure out what to do with it later!… I go and find another one right after that. I have two of these things, is there any way to craft it into something to maybe give my guild mates? Or do something else with them? Don’t get me wrong the new weapons look awsome, they just clash with the phalanx gear I have and I’d really like to do something other than just destroy whats essentially a rare drop.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Oh look condi nukes getting nerfed. and your losing fire, but where did it go? Where did you lose it? Oh, looky there its here with US GUARDIANS WHERE IT BELONGS
Im cool with having boon duration nerfed. Yeah it bugs me but atleast how i have enough wiggle room to use hollowed ground without breaking the cap.
Edit. Wait thats a 15% reduction if i stick with the trinity of runes. If i go all monks liek they want me to do…yeah that bones. They need to fix the boon duration on armor and stuff, for reals
The HP difference is there to let us know which classes are the most powerful. Obviously this is warriors with the most HP and Armor.
2h master,y force of will, meditations, retal on heal. Congradulations Honor line can now be used for duelist builds
Light field cannot be used for condition removal on ones self.
That new guardian 30 virtue grandmaster trait thats supposed to come out. Purity of Body. Its supposed to give a 15% increase to allies endurance regen. GREAT idea(seriously)…just bad execution. Here are the issues with this trait
1. It requires another grandmaster trait to be even remotely effective. This is wrong, this is bad, this is the kinda thing that causes trait lines to go out of whack.
2.Energy increase caps at +50%. That means if ANYBODY in your party uses vigor, its ruining the synergy of this new trait
2.a.Seeing as the only reason to take this trait is battle presence, your going to have vigor on crit ANYWAYS from the honor line, so just by using this new trait your ensuring that it will be negated part of the time in its use
2.b. Most guardians use honor line. Id say one in every two. I run with guardians a lot. Useing this trait with them would be like saying “Heres some increased energy buuut im sure you wont notice”
3.Its another grandmaster trait in the Virtue line that barely at all benefits from Virtue Cooldown, and like the others doesn’t benefit from boon duration
What needs to be done to fix this
1. Have it not as a multiplier but as an addition to the energy gain (like what happens with sigils of energy but much much smaller)
2. Have it apply a second of vigor every 3 -5 seconds. Yes this would scale off boon duration. I can see that being very overpowered. I can also see it forcing support guardians again to make that decision being healing power and boon duration. And that’s the whole point of the traits system isn’kitten forcing decisions
-ALSO implementing it this way would ensure that it has some solo use(without being combod with battle presence), as many a shout guardian will be taking this line for the boon duration anyways. This sadly does nothing to increase its synergy with other lines but hey that’s what the other two grandmaster traits are for.
P.S. I play a battle presence guardian, I’m really excited about this trait coming out, I just don’t want to feel like i’m kneecapping myself whenever I use it
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
“Warriors aren’t OP, they are just a really good class” Yeaaaah, Im going to let that idiotic statement and all that it stands for speak for itself
People complain about a lot of things with warriors, but without a doubt (beside the Healing Signet) stances are the largest issue with them being overpowered. They are to exploitable by Berserker builds and require far…far to little skill.
The problems:
1. Waaay to easy to be traited for. First thing a warrior does,, toss 30 they into whatever line they want. second thing a warrior does toss 30 into defence and 10 into discipline and grab their stances
2. All able to be used at once…..what? These are STANCES. You try standing two different ways at once, lemme know how that works out for you
3. Auto activation. This is what makes it so easy for so many warriors to just press 1 and win, they can just auto activate that Endure pain, WITHOUT EVEN HAVING THE SKILL
4. See number 3. Letting a trait use a skill that you don’t actualy have or worse letting you use it twice, good lord with an invulnerablity, Every other invulnerability in the game makes you unable to attack while using it, for obvious reasons. 10s of invulnerability on a Berserker is 10s of any players worst nightmare
5. More stunbreaks than necessary. I mean…seriously the stunbreak basicly says "Dont worry about strategic dodging, you always have me here to bail you out)
6. The power of these utilites has been attempted to be mitigated by giving them all long CDS. This is pointless, the fight will be over LONG before then in a dueling scenario. This is what makes it so exploitable by berserkers. Just go glass cannon because your going to be given a good buffer of time to take down that other guy.
The Solution: Rework the darn things
1. -Have one stance at a time-. No more CD. You get to pick one effect to use at a time, a skilled player will be able to take advantage of this. A meh player will take one stance, tack it on and use it in conjunction with some other stuff.
2. Have Endure pain apply to condition procs to.
3. Nerf the effect of Endure pain. Invulnerability while attacking is..a horrible easy mechanic.(Or just have the warrior curl up like a turtle)
3. Since Endure pain now also covers condition damage, have berserk apply to condition CC. Chill, fear, cripple, immobolise, nope they just plow right on through
4.Take the stun breaks off of everything
5. Instead of having balanced stance as a pure stability, make it a buffer like champions have, giving the person a freebie on their first CC and if they get hit again in a certain ammount of time than that one effects them.
6.Give ALL the stances drawbacks.
a. No moving in defiant stance
b.Reduced Damage during Endure Pain
c. Frenzy is fine
d. Reduced energy in berserker stance. Since you know, their so busy actin crazy
Edit: Also balanced stance needs to not be a stripable boon, srsly wtf.
And on that note, stance need not be in effect while a warrior is CCed. anything that knocks them on their butt should toss them out of their stance.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please post. And no “rawr nerf the warriors” please, aint nobody got time for that
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Warrior is fine it just needs some little tweeks…alot of little tweeks. like EVERYWHERE. Its not a SINGLE area that needs a nerf because their so, dare i say it, BALANCED (well compared to themselves, they are op compared to other classes). First things first, kneecap that healing regen, up the active of HS. Having the regen before you have to use the burst heal is the mechanic, but it should no way be as strong as a heal in itself seeing as your ALSO getting the burst heal(and jesus have it scale with healing power). Right after that, those darn stances. Auto immunity to anything is bad, combined with the mobility that they have its worse. Potential nerf, one stance at a time, a shame that it makes so much sense, means it wont get implemented(of course for that i would suggest combining berserk and endure pain, or changed the effects on them both so that u didnt have to choose one or another). Their support abilities to my knowledge are decently balanced. Check the block on that shield…seriously compare it to Renewed Focus. Conditions..a whole nother matter. That leaves their dps, which beleive it or not is actualy quite balanced in how well it forces them to choose between burst and sustain.
Ill agree with the passive being nerfed that much.
The tool tips on the spirit weapons aren’t that helpful. I have to go to the wiki to get information on it and even that isn’t as spot on as I would like. Its hard to use something if you don’t know exactly what it does. Please update the tooltips on these so that we know EXACTLY what they do. Also according to the wiki the bows HEALING does not scale with HEALING POWER. -.- I’m just going to assume that’s not true because that’s just SILLY.
Edit: After using these things a bit, oh look I have more to say
1. Bow of Truth..when I activate it it rains down the arrows on itself…I mean seriously? This would be ok if it followed me like a lost puppy but its usually more than a dodge away. Its a BOW, it should be able to launch its healing arrows wherever I aim, or atleast on an ally, but on itself? Sillyness.
2. Needing to have a target for the hammers activation. If the hammer can attack without having to have you target somebody, its activation should also be able to seek out a foe and attack him.
3. Same with the shield. it should go after whatevers closest, or maybe just not do anyhting, but for it to set off the cooldown without doing ANYTHING, thats just horrid, especialy when its a skill that attacks MULTIPLE TARGETS. Why should I have to have someone targeted for that?
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Wrathful Spirit. Gives retaliation on aegis removal. Not sure if this is just for yourself or for the aegis you apply, but either way, doesn’t really belong in the honor line. Either Valor or Virtue. Virtue it’ll scale off the boon duration and the reduced virtue CD. Also could go well with Virtue of courage traits. Valor line it would go with Altruistic Healing and the toughness from the line. Also right now its taking up the same space as Pure of heart. Its just a really bad spot for it. The Honor line is for healing, dodging, maybe some condition removal, not really the place for retaliation. Especialy when its reliant on aegis and nothing in that line gives aegis, besides protective reviver which is ALSO in the same spot.
Don’t have swift effect out of combat speed. Lets see how many people use it then. Would have a serious impact on wvw. This would
1. Let people use the skills they want to and not have to worry about keeping up with the zerg in wvw
2. Have it only used for combat applications, not used for saving time in other areas of the game.(which people do even with the waypoint system helping them cover most areas)
3. Not kitten people up who are doing jumping puzzles. (I myself have used Retreat! on somebody in midair before, it was both evil and hilarious)
The complaints about stealth is that theres no way to counter it. It basicly ruins the fight for whoevers playing and takes any resemblence of strategy out of the scenario. A thief goes stealth, hes either trying to run or backstab you. Hes trying to run, great your not goign to catch him. Hes trying to backstab you. Great you can run or swing wildly, neither of these are very proactive options. Its to one sided, to black and white, theres not enough back and forth to it
Edit: Now once that thief pops back up its another situation entirely, but while hes stealthed its like, why even bother fighting? The best strategy is just to run until it wears off and thats no fun
If he was a tank warrior, no this is a valid concern with the knockdowns and the HS. Ive seen a guildy of mine go 5 on 1 for abit. He should have gotten steamrolled but NOPE warrior hammer
The issue with stealth
Thief: Yay Im in stealth mode. Im gona backstab you
Guardian: I have Aegis on
Elementalist: Im sending a giant fireball at you
Warrior:Im doing a giant AoE knockdown
Mesmer: Im going to blur
Necromancer: Im going to have my minions swarm to defend me
Engineer: Ima firin my flamethrower
Thief again: I dont care, Im in stealth mode, Im going to backstab you now
Ranger : Sick em
Thief: **** my one counter!
Edit: I would also like to add that dodging to that list. What with the thief just getting to try to backstab you again
Double Edit: If stealth got balanced properly than Revealed debuff could be removed and thieves would be very very happy
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
The problems in the Stats ya see. A Power use and a Condi user walk up to each other. The Condi user says hes going to pick vitality as a sub stat so he’ll survive longer. The Power user says fine and does the same. The Condi user says he’ll also grab toughness to reduce the other guys damage. The Power user says fine and does the same. The Condi user laughs as hes just won.
A power user and a Condi user go picking their skills. The Condi user grabs some heals to stay alive longer. The Power user does the same. The Condi user laughs as hes just won
A Condi user and a Power user are deciding what traits to get. The Condi user grabs some traits to proc his conditions more. The power user in rebuttal grabs some traits to help him remove more conditions….you see where Im going with this right?
Revival gives larger groups an much higher advantage and is a hard stop to assasination style gameplay. Its stuff like this that makes wvw so zergy. If anything revival speed needs to be slowed down and healing moves need to be applicable to downed players, kills two birds with one patch
Edit: make that two patches, those birds are going to go into downed state and your going to have to stomp them
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Cleansing is a defensive measure, most defensive measures are assigned to support traits/skills applying them to multiple allies, making them useless in 1v1. Therefor condi>all in 1v1….yay condis
There’s plenty of changes…they just disappear in 2 weeks with no beneficial lasting effect
..Yeah if your gona go support, you cant half kitten it. And going healing power as a guardian almost demands you get boon duration to for the protection and regen time.
Guardian, Battle presence. Confuses the crum out of people in wvw when they see people with high regeneration after already popping out their burst heal.
…make a third shade for potential condition damage, or just have it count max damage that way you can see worst case scenario. Comon we got brains lets use them
This same issue appears on many of the “On heal” rune effects. the runes are willing to proc every 10 seconds while only a few classes have heals that short of a CD, while others such as signet of resolve have a 40 second CD. This dissuades classes with higher CD’s from using these sorts of runes.
Sir…did you just say that color coding things is to complicated for you? Also no I wasn’t suggesting that far. I was simply suggesting a grayed out area in your hp letting your know, all that is about to drop.
Edit: Also speaking of drowning people in information, having 5 conditions pop up on your screen, some with multiple stacks, and not being able to see how long they last until you wait for them to damage you and gauge the time, or INDIVIDUALY run your mouse over each one…Id take the rainbow circle any day of the week
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
-Weapon traits needs a revision all around
-Some are single weapon and some are multi weapon, this creates a hard inequality
-Single weaponed traits needs to be removed, or made easier to take more than one. (Not being in the same slot on skill lines if its reasonable for a person to use the weapons togeather) Guardians mace/shield/hammer is painful example of this
-There need to be more traits with weapon characteristic ex. 2hmastery, Martial mastery, 1h strength things that apply to more than one weapon due to a characteristic they share. Blunt, sharp, 1h, 2h, magical, melee, fire arm, bow
Or these sort of traits need to be removed entirely. Because right now just having one or two lying around leaves players out in the cold who don’t want to use that sort of weapon set.
1,Nobodys going to use a single weapon, ever, it nerfs the character they are playing too hard. And nobodys going to trait for a single weapon they use half the time when they can get something else they can use all the time. unless they can get two weapon traits that synergize (like all the other traits)
2. Some weapon traits are clearly superior to others. Nobody uses shield mastery, like…ever
3 Some weapons don’t even have specific traits to boost them. (Guardian staff anybody?)
4. Many traits are specificly put into the same slot to force you to choose between them. Guardians have shield, mace, and hammer all in 20 points in the Valor line. We will never be able to trait for all of those weapons at once even if we wanted to spend three slots on it, meanwhile a 2h guardian can use a single trait to increase both of his weapon sets abilities, while a person who uses hammer/mace/shield would need to use THREE slots.
Edit-Commentary- I’ve helped alot of friends start off in this game, and alot of them ask “how should i build my character” and the first thing i tell them to do is figure out the weapon they like, build their stats, and then trait for the utilitys that complement that. Never, ever, ever have i told a buddy to start off by traiting for a weapon, not ever, because it just doesn’t work. All of these weapons traits are complementary of other traits but you cant use them for specialization. Never have i managed to help somebody build their character around a weapons trait. I would like to see that changed.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Well jee oZii your right, let me wait until after those conditions proc, i mean its not like its going to hurt or anything, and its not like there a difference between an enemy in soldiers or dire gear. And its not like an entire second can be a long time in a fight I mean most fights are decided by entire MINUTES of DPS.
Its also completely silly to think that having clarity added to the damage your taking could possibly promote skilled gameplay. Its not like anybody specs to nuke with conditions, and that having that information could be vital.
The fact that stealth has a debuff after it gets used is proof enough that it needs to get reworked
How come ? Stealth has no debuff after stealth has been used.
Yes it does, if you attack that is, it causes you to be -revealed- for a few seconds. It has a debuff built into it, forcing the thief into open combat no matter how heavily specced they are into the stealthy arts. This is bad mkay
Thats the point, knowing whether that burn u just got hit with is going to lightly fry you, or turn you into charcoal.
Yes lets complain about revival speed that doesn’t scale with healing and completely ignore how broken rally is
The fact that stealth has a debuff after it gets used is proof enough that it needs to get reworked
Keeping in the theme with many peoples recent posts Ill again be saying something about conditions (yay conditions). I want to see how much damage they do BEFORE they kill me. I can see how many stacks of bleed i have but that doesn’t do me nuthin if I don’t know what their condition damage is. And when you have multiple conditions on you, from different people, you have no idea how fast your going to die, or how much damage its going to do. And seeing as these things only tick once every SECOND (which is a LONG time in some fights) you have no idea how fast your hp is going to go down before its to late, because an entire seconds tick can be a hard chunk of my hp. so the second that conditions applied I would like to know how bad its going to wreck me, by some kind of indicator on my HP circle.
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
I like the idea of the option of extending player options, but being forced into anything other than pure Guard support would aggravate me. It would have to be made possible within the current 70 trait points. Also the professions werent really made with this in mind so it would require a total it probably wont happen
By that logic Valk build> Condi bunker
Strength bunker vs Condi bunker, condi bunker wins due to toughness. Its not that you cant have both, Its that you really only have one option, and that sucks
The point is the damage stats are multiplicative, and theres not a third stat that you can get to go along with Strength and Vitality to combat a condition bunker. If your a zerker that takes out either precision or critical damage for vitality your seriously kneecapping yourself. You CANT build defensively and get the same results. Strength Toughness Vitality would be fine against a zerker but against a condi bunker your wasting 1/3 your stats
At the price of what Drarnor? Crit damage? Precision? Then what do you do with your third stat? Toughness? Worthless against conditions, and sorry but Precision and Crit Damage don’t work solo
Its a small idea that would effect every class. As of right now we have a few traits/skills that effect Specific conditions, usually ones that are related to one another, like cripple and weakness(fleet of foot), or bleeding burning and poison( Pain Response). Well…why not all of them? Every ability has a purpose, why not designate which conditions it removes first to suit that purpose, or atleast its theme. Any skill used for survival should first target damaging conditions, and any skill aimed at preparing the character for an offensive measure should first get rid of anything hindering them from damaging their target.
Signet of agility: Prioritize Cripple
Purifying Ribbon: Prioritize Poison
Purging Flame: Prioritize Chill, then Burning, then Bleed,
Absolute Resolve: Prioritize fear, then Weakness
It doesn’t have to be every skill or trait, it doesn’t have to be more than one condition it prioritizes (or they could all have a list of priorities). But I believe this would add a serious degree of depth to condition removal that we do not currently have, and get it to work more often to the advantage of the player using it, rather than picking the last applied condition and just going with it.
Edit: I realize doing this in an attempt to balance conditions would be a massive undertaking, but im sure every player reading this probably has a skill/trait in mind and an optinion on what condition it should remove above all others. Im also fairly confident theyll be posting them by the time Im done typing this.
Double edit: The “intelligence” of a condition removal could also be factored into how strong it is. Having a move that randomly removes conditions would remove more than one that specifily targets something that would be deadly to your build (such as weakness). Or it could even be gone a step further and have skills that are reactive to your current state, taking out the condition that would do the most damage(like stacks of bleed), or maybe taking out ones that are most interfearing with what boons you have. (removing poison if you have regen, or weakness if you have might), making them more useful reguardless of the fact that they are removing less
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Conditions need to change. First of all the fact that we don’t have condition guardians when 1/3 of their abilities are Fire related is saddening. Secondly the way condition removal works needs to be changed. There’s absolutely no control over it. It could take away a second of cripple or a minute of 25 stack bleed. I’m alright with gambling, but not on a defensive option that’s going to be forced onto me.(also the removing conditions at 10s ticks when most of them last less than that ammount of time…yeah not so useful) Thirdly Condition Removal needs to be more scattered. Right now its all heavily clustered into certain skills and traits. It should not be possible to make a build that has 0 defense against conditions. It is as integral a part of the game as basic damage or healing or regular defensive measures.
TLDR: The concept of conditions themselves needs to be reworked, that will fix most of the issues. Then we can worry about nerfing the damage
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
The issue is condition duration and the fact that i can get 100% of it without even worrying about runes. Thats the first thing i tell guildies who play conditions is “Go grab a koicake”. Full duration doubles their damage, crowd control, and in some cases defensive abilities. It needs to be reworked just like crit damage is. If full critical damage and precision gets you x3 damage output, then you should need to apply that many stat points to get double in so many abilites. This would force people to take condition specific traits to empower them more.
Edit: and right after that they can rework boon duration so that i stop capping out at 95% on my guardian
Double Edit: I would really like to hear people say “I use fire and cripple” or “I use poison and weakness” rather than"I use conditions"
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
And then have all CC’s effected by condition duration…100%+, yay
So in this post Ill be talking about the guardian consecration Sanctuary, and why nobody uses it. The fact that nobody uses it means it hasn’t been balanced and the fact that it hasn’t been balanced means nobody uses it. A Vicious cycle. But today I shall break that cycle by telling you all just what needs to be changed about it.
Disclaimer: This is a powerful utility, the issue is its not balanced so that the uses it does have can’t really be used properly.
First and foremost, it doesn’t block AoEs. This is the HORRIBLE DESIGN FLAW that keeps it from being useful. Its not balanced for one person, its balanced for a team of people, or ALOT of people, however many you can fit into it. And what attacks a lot of people? AoEs. and what are enemies going to throw when there’s a lot of people sitting like ducks in one place? AoEs. In conclusion Sanctuary needs to block AoEs, bad. A warrior should not be able to go “oh let me aim this exploding arrow a couple feet to the left so that the explosion hits, instead of it getting stopped by that bubble”. Not to mention necromancers practically laugh at this move as they lay down their marks and watch us all run in fear of death.
Secondly. It lasts to long. Now I know that may seem like a good thing but its not. It lasts 6 seconds. 8 if traited. Thats enough time for somebody to decide what kind of soup they’re going to put you in once they break through that bubble and tear you to pieces. There are plenty of attacks/players that can bypass this bubble. They will surely be there because again its made for multi player fights. One of the largest bonuses for this bubble is that it can be used as a rally point for high dps players to use ranged attacks from while they’re covered from the enemies. If they try staying in there for 8 seconds they are all going to die. Also this becomes an issue with its knockback effect. I actualy use this move as an OFFENSIVE measure in an attempt to pin enemies into corners or to box them into some places. 8 seconds is a long time to be stuck against a wall. Also such a high uptime gives players PLENTY of time to go “oh look a safety bubble, lemme run over there”. It lowers the necessary skill gap for strategetic positioning in fights
Third, it doesn’t scale with healing well enough. This is basicly covered in the previous paragraph. If you try to stay in the bubble and use it as a healing device…your gona die. When looked at from a party standpoint it does offer a fair bit of healing but again it requires everybody in one place, and with its CD it just doesn’t compare to Hold The Line!.
Fourth, its CD. Anything that cannot be used twice in the same fight just isn’t worth having. my ELITE has a lower cooldown than this does even with being traited for consecrations.
Fifth, this is a minor concern but its radius is so small that if your not EXACTLY in the center enemies with melee attacks can actualy cleave through and still hit you
Overall I think we need to have it protect the players from more kinds of moves(Barrage, exploding arrow, Marks, and yes even arrow carts). Reduce its cooldown, and increase its rate of healing. To balance it its uptime needs to be reduced. This will give less time for allied players to get to it and enjoy its benefits, and it won’t be useful in “Bunkering down” It’ll just give you enough time to get your brains togeather to figure out how your going to escape whatever you got yourself into. Its weakness will be (still) a high CD (not as high as before though). The fact that its a support move and will require coordination to be used to its best potential. and that fact that players can be removed from it by CC effects, and anybody with stability can just walk right on it.
Comments? Concerns? Crys of OP? Please post.
From a guardians standpoint, the issue with conditions isn’t that it bypasses armor and destroys people with low hp(Although that is what makes it my achillies heel). Its the fact that it trumps boons. Swift? Cripple, chill, immobilize. Regen? Poison. Stability? Who cares conditions doesn’t use knockdowns. Protections? Hah no direct damage. Fury? Might? Weakness. And then the fact that while alone these are all DoT, togeather they create a burst effect (necros). …So you can really do anything with conditions but heal yourself
(edited by Silhouette.5631)
Ill agree that better condi defence needs to be implemented, but a boon isnt the way to go. We need less ways to remove it and more ways to block it in the first place.
All I see on this topic is alot of necros that dont want to get nerfed
Blade shards available after March 4th?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Silhouette.5631
The more important question is will they be usable for anything else or should i just toss these things out?