Showing Posts For Sir Mad.1092:

Which ascended weapons first?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Alrighty, thanks. I just leveled artificer in case you said that, lol.

Massive AoE damage is king in PvE (especially in open world PvE), and indeed, I would pick a staff first (and I actually did).

That being said, if you’re looking for a crafting discipline, I would strongly suggest Huntsman instead, since it lets you craft both Pistols and Shortbows (and Harpoon Guns), not to mention the best Nourishment for Power builds (Furious Maintenance Oil).

If I were you, I’d start working on the Bo collection and / or do world bosses such a Teq every day and / or WvW to get an ascended staff, and level Huntsman in the meantime to be able to craft your secondary weapons.

Additions to Material Storage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Fantastic job!

The only thing not on the list I can think of is the Strategic Defense Map of the Mists.

Best use of Karma?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Type /wiki psna IG. Go buy all pact scouting material every day, and hoard them. Every 2 months, when Frostgorge Sound has Powerful Blood, Giant Eyes, and Charged Lodestones as a map reward, use’em all.

As easy as it sounds.

What have you found that made you smile?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

You can’t beat GW1…

Kormir: We are too late. The corsairs have reached the village before us.
<Party leader>: There are a lot of them.
Koss the Boss: No. There are only two corsair ships, and three of us. We outnumber them!

Class builds guide pls help

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I wouldn’t recommand using metabattle for leveling (or using it at all for that matter ><). You’ll be forced into some very specific builds at level 80, and some weapon sets will be totally supbar. Thieves for instance have the choice between dagger / pistol and staves.

You should try the weapon sets out, and pick the one you have the most fun with, because there’s a good chance that set won’t be viable at level 80 and you will never play it again.

Just have fun. (Almost) anything works when leveling.

Scribe, decorations, and the market

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Interresting idea. The decoration system is amazing but underused. That would probably help. But if you were to do that, you would also have to increase the drop rate of the random components dropped around the world, or the prices will skyrocket (since more people will craft decorations, in order to sell them). Just one example: Giant Mushroom Spores. They cost 12g each at the moment, and there are only 61 available on the trading post. If you were able to sell Squat Shrooms, buy orders for them would spike, so would their price (and they would probably completely disappear from the TP).

So yeah, it may be a nice idea, but it would require a lot of work not to crash the market.

Another 4 hours spent wanting housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Well, I have a solo guild (a few mates helped me cap the hall), and I got into decorations… It’s definitely possible for a solo player, but that’s incredibly expensive. Do you want decorations or do you rather have a(nother) legendary. That’s about the same price.

Most guides are inaccurate when it comes to decorations, and tell you you need the Marketplace and the Guild Decoration Vendors to buy the basic ones (used to craft the fancy ones). You don’t. The scribe dude sells them too (for 50s instead of 24s). So in order to decorate, you only have to unlock the Scribing Station (which requires the Tavern, the Mine, and Aetherium Capacity). It’s still very expensive, but it’s nothing compared to the extra 600g or so you would have to spend just to unlock Decoration Vendor II.

You will also have to level a Scribe. If you follow online guides, that will cost around 350g. More if you level it through decorations only (which is the way to go if you do it just for decorating, since you will end up with a stock of nice assets instead of wasting your money).

And then there’s the price of the super fancy decorations you will craft at level 400… Realistically, as said above, it’s about the same price as a legendary. So it’s up to you. But if you’re into decorating and can afford, go for it, even as a solo player. It’s definitely doable.


Lunar New Year Festival Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Phew. Although I’m not sure anyone has ever really lusted after a statue of a chicken.

Are you serious? It’s on the Top 10 Most Requested Guild Hall Decoration Lis… Ok, ok, maybe not Top 10, but he’s adorable and some of us want him for sure!

The glorious chicken is the first thing my guests see in the guild hall. Kudos on the decorations, they’re great (and affordable!).

That being said, as the leader (and sole member) of the 10 years old GW 1 & 2 guild “Pigs Can Fly”, I can’t wait till the year of the pig in 2 years (please Anet, make it a pig, not a boar as in GW1, please…).


Ep 4: Head of the Snake Feb. 7th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

The video is available now and… OMG – are they giving Divinity’s Reach the LA treatment? Oo

doubt about raids and stroy progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

There’s not much story content. Less than in dungeons for instance. But you can talk to the NPC at the beginning of the instance, do the easy side achievements, and (I believe – don’t quote me on that) rewatch the Lazarus cinematics.

doubt about raids and stroy progress

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Finished instances only reset once per week. You can therefore join someone’s instance and explore it at will (just ask on LFG).

Please fix this...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Please, don’t fix it, unless you give us an option to disable other player’s auras / infusions (which would be great). Not everybody is a Skritt and likes walking Christmas trees.

Guild Catapult Gizmo

in WvW

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

While browsing the TP, I found this item: Guild Catapult. It is listed as a gizmo on the wiki. I’ve tried asking IG if anyone knew what it was, bit I just got a “lolz” as an answer.

Is it really a gizmo or is it just a consumable that sends a guild catapult to the assembly? Does anyone know what it really does?

Episode 4, when?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Don’t expect to have another episode while the Canthan New Year festival is still running.

I wouldn’t mind to have to wait a bit longer to be honest. The last episode was clearly rushed to be released between Haloween and Wintersday. The mission in the North East corner was a joke – there is more text in your Hero Panel afterwards than during the whole mission, and it tells you about stuff you actually don’t see IG. There are some issues with the map itself due to a lack of alpha / beta testing (like the collision bugs on the Kodan ship, depending on your camera settings), etc. I’d rather have to wait a few more weeks and get a fully tested map, like the first 2.

City of Hope: Leave It To Me, Predator Prey

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I did it in about 35ish minutes without cheating or using consumables. You can learn the abilities or just spam auto attack while doing suicide runs. Of course the latter will take forever.

Pretty much that. You will definitely die if you try to solo it. Just lure the mobs next to the respawn point and you will be good.

I have solo’ed every single mission master reward in this game but Migraine (and actually that’s the only achievement I haven’t completed at all). Some of them are pretty hard, admitedly, but that’s what’s good about them.

Enable Outfit Creation from Unlocked Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Because you may want to wear different armors depending on the maps. Fur for the Shiverpeaks, light clothes for the jungle, etc, and that’s precisely where outfits are handy (there is NO WAY someone would change his armor / dyes manually whenever he WP to another region).

But that’s exactly what DOESN’T happen now! I create a female Norn elementalist and she’s NOT wearing furs or anything like her countrymen but instead it’s the same ridiculous outfit as her counterparts everywhere.

My point was… If you’re into roleplaying and want to change your look depending on the environment (basically whenever you go to a new region / encounter a new climate), at the moment, you have to transmute every single piece of equipment and eventually change the dye (which takes way too long to be realistically doable), and you must spent 6 TC (which is way too expensive, even for a PvPer or WvWer who has tons of them).

If we could turn our armors into outfits, then that would just be one click (open H panel, change your outfit), which would be much more doable. In a perfect world, you could even bring back some mechanics from the old town clothes, and let you pre-define one of those custom (or not custom) outfits for every region or part of the game (Tyria, Ascalon, cities, etc) so it would automatically change.

Kittens and censorship

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

My personal favourite remains the fifty-five hp monk. Admitedly, that build was for kittens, but still!

And as often, the censor list is the same for every language supported, so the French ain’t allowed to talk about showers, because the word for that is dou*** (fitting isn’t it?).

Enable Outfit Creation from Unlocked Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Because you may want to wear different armors depending on the maps. Fur for the Shiverpeaks, light clothes for the jungle, etc, and that’s precisely where outfits are handy (there is NO WAY someone would change his armor / dyes manually whenever he WP to another region).

I made the same suggestion a few months ago, but not many people seemed interested… It’s a shame. Anet could exchange those custom outfit slots for transmutation charges and finally start selling some…

GW1 Plagiarized?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Those skill names ain’t that original… And keep in mind GW also references to other games. The S/P Thief skills for instance come from Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (it’s a direct reference to the Witch Hunters main build).

I don’t see anything wrong with that, as long as both games are completely different, by every other aspect. I would even go further and say it’s some mark of respect (I just wish S/P thieves were as good and enjoyable as W:AR Witch Hunters).

level 80 salvage or sell yellows?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I used to check the price on the TP and to sell it if it was worth more than an ecto (as said above, you get 0.8 ecto / rare on average, but don’t forget the 15% transaction fee on the TP too), but it was too much hassle and I now salvage everything (not to mention you will need tons of ectos if you go for legendaries anyways).

If that’s what you chose to do too, in case you don’t know, this Salvage Kit is extremely useful (I craft one every time there’s a MF daily, and I still have plenty in my bank).

EDIT – As for the Essences of Luck, they’re contained in Bags of Loot too.

(edited by Sir Mad.1092)

Invisible Shoes! What the?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

So you only have 3 chances a day.

There are 3 shrooms in DS and one in all 4 other HoT maps, so I guess you meant 7 chances a day…

Remove noob builds

in PvP

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

you dont really know what i mean.

I only think there are builds that are making ppls crying.

Imagine a condi thief Trapper trapped you (Ranger, no astral force collected) > knockdown, 2 needle traps + steal . Youre instantly dead.

Same with dragonhunters. you ever fought with a power mesmer against a dragonhunter? i think not.

I mean , why should you main a class and exactly learn how to Play it, if there are several other classes where you dont have to learn so much, and its way better?

I am a noob. Really. Even though I’ve played GW1 beta, I only joined WG2 when HoT was released. I main a thief, and I spend 95% of my (IG) time on that character. I’m bad with other professions. Really bad – as in, again, ’I’m a noob".

Yet, I have never lost to a perma-stealth thief trapper. Not only that, but I just don’t understand how someone could possibly get killed by a thief trapper. Unless of course he has no condi removal, and has yet to do the dodging tutorial. Or to learn how squishy thieves are. Or to discover AoE hit stealthed thieves as well.

Seriously, even the noob me understands he canbeat this cookie-cutter build because he knows the class mechanics. The noob me also understands the best way to learn how to beat a certain build or profession is to start playing it, to discover its weaknesses.

Don’t expect to be able to beat something you don’t really understand yourself. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not. But that’s not a reason to complain.

Remove noob builds

in PvP

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

trap thief


If you dont want to nerf the dmg, nerf survivability.


New Players should be NOT able to kill good Players just because of the build.

How could a good player get possibly killed by a thief trapper? All you need is 1) something to cure immobilize, 2) 50 endurance, 3) any form of AoE to see (or not since he’s stealthed) him bite the ground. Seriously, a perma-stealth trappers is possibly the easiest build to defeat, provided you know how it works (which was kinda implied by being a “good player”).

It’s like those players standing still against a staff thief and complaining thereafter Vault is OP…

(edited by Sir Mad.1092)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

@ Amaimon: I guess that’s the true Winter’s spirit… Or is it just bad tatste?

It’s getting out of control. Anet needs to implement some sort of aura wardrobe (including Nightfurry and Winter’s Presence) that would allow you to select ONE aura you’ve unlocked. Or to add an option in the client to disable auras for other characters (and backpacks – wings – while we’re at it).

Daily Checklist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

There are many other daily gated things to do, but the most important is probably the charged quartz crystal. It’s needed for crafting the best maintenance oils IG (by far), and you will need it in WvW or raids.

EDIT – Also, especially if you have a limited time to play, you don’t have to do all the daily stuff… It takes time, and it would be a shame if that was the only thing you’d do IG.

Using macros to remain active while AFK

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I’m speculating on the WvW case, though: WvW reward track points continue to trickle for 10 minutes or so after one finishes a marathon session. Some people like to brush their teeth or remind themselves what their kids look like, while their toon idles awaiting their justly-deserved riches.

If there aren’t any queues, I personally don’t see a problem with it (if that’s what was going on). However, neither would I discourage you from /reporting — it’s up to ANet to decide and we’ll never have all the facts anyhow.

Yeah, reward tracks are great but they also encourage that kind of behaviour. I would love to have a flat RT gain whenever you capture or kill something, just like XP, instead of participation, but it’s better than nothing I guess.

Yet, that wasn’t the case there. It was just dinner time for that local EU server, and since there are always queues after, one guild / squad / whatever had decided to bot it to remain in.

EDIT – And yes, I took a few screenies (I have 3 or 4 of them, with a 10 mins interval between on avergae), yet I really doubt Anet could do anything with that. It’s already a pita to have WvW trolls banned (you know, the kids trolling the team chat, proud to say they have 5 accounts and Anet never does anything against them), so a bunch of random people, including some of them who were there for a legitimate reason…

(edited by Sir Mad.1092)

Using macros to remain active while AFK

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

A couple of weeks ago, I came across 30-40 people afk during one hour in our WvW Borderland (WvW kicks you after 10 mins or so). There was no way to repport them all (not mention I had no time to stay and verify who was at the spawn because he had just arrived and who was afk). That kind of behaviour can be really toxic. It’s a shame the game kinda lets you do that.

[Rune of the Lynx] PvE and WvW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I would add: port all the skill changes to WvW and PvE as well. It makes sense they split the skills and make PvP and WvW versions when a skill is fine in PvE but overpowered in competitive modes, but I don’t understand why underused skills overall are buffed in PvP but not in the other game modes.

Oh and while we’re at it, the invulnerable state when downed needs to go in WvW, just like in PvP: the issues are the same (Impact Strike, I’m looking at you)…

Is Anet SJW?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

“Wintersday” really? So we’ve come to the point of hating our own culture so much that we can’t even call it Christmas anymore just to appease some minorities who don’t celebrate it?

You’ve probably missed that point, but it’s a fantasy world. And surprisingly, the Christian religion doesn’t exist in this world.

Please revert the bugfixes to wintersday jp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

it’s not about fun but presents per hour. other people lower my progress towards festive imbiber per time unit.

I think you don’t understand the spirit of the wintersday.

Nor the difference between a game and a job.

Stealth & Tiger Cubs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

More bugs with the cubs. When you play the mission City of Hope, the cub isn’t scaled nor hidden when turned into a rabbit, so you’re basically a tiny rabbit carrying a tiger 10 times your size.


"Ghost Thief" Exploit?

in WvW

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Anet removed the Direct damage on Thief traps to stop reveal as explained in the patch notes Devs wanted traps to apply while keeping Thief Stealthed…..

They removed the direct damage, so you wouldn’t be randomly revealed by someone stepping on your trap on the other side of the map. The problem is they made it “all or nothing”. They should change it to “traps when activated reveal whoever has placed them if and only if he’s in a range of 600 units”. Problem solved – no random revealing, and no more perma stealth.

Remove Casting Time of Theives

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Weak damage? Maybe you want to question your build…

Thief staff has been stealth nerfed

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Hmm that’s weird. I was underwater when I logged out before the patch. When I got out of the water, I got the message “You’ve learned a new skill: Debilitating Arc”. I guess it’s because they’ve changed it. However, I also got the same message for Dust Strike. Have they modified the skill too?

Official Ep 3 Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I’m not sure what to say about this episode… On the one had, I’m super happy with the new living world season, and I love the new maps (there is so much to explore in Tyria – or beyond! – yet, and it’s great to get a new map every episode), but on the other hand, I feel like this episode was rushed and could have used more testing and polishing.

I by no mean want to be negative – again, I love the new direction the game has taken. I’m just posting this so hopefully it can be fixed:

- There are big issues with the camera when the “collision sensitivity” option is set to the max in places like the first tunnel in the Kodan ship or in the mouth of the ice dragon (where the mastery point is). The camera should be zoomed in, but it’s not, and is placed inside the model above the character, turning it transparent (see the screens attached to see what I mean).

- There are a couple of places where you can get stuck (the bottom of the waterfall in Griffon Old if you fall between ice pillars).

- There are some terrain and elevation issues (your character can “walk” into a cliff).

- The shadows around the Kodan braziers are weird. Depending on your camera angle, they change from orange to black in a very weird way.

- The inventory should show the map currency (unbound magic) next to your gold instead of karma.

So yeah, I don’t know what to say… I’m super glad we have a new map, but on the other hand I could have waited a few more weeks to have something more polished (I know wintersday made the timing tricky, but still).


Southsun Cove Abandonment

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

  • The entire map is HIGHLY dependent on large group content. From the camp capture to the karka queen, there is very little you can do on your own or even with smaller groups. Unfortunately, there is also little incentive to do anything on Southsun, leading to a downward spiral where these days none of the events get done.

You can solo all the events, unless they spawn a champ. Maybe you should consider changing your build and / or learn the basics of this game (dodging, using combo fields, crowd controlling, etc).

  • Even moving around the map in general needs groups. The enemies and enemy distributions are tuned for large groups, meaning that single players, if they can survive at all, can’t actually engage or farm, but just have to run past everything.

You can pull ennemies. Or fight several of them at once (see the advice above). Or, indeed, run past them, just like in any other map.

  • Karka in particular are enemies that are designed for group engagements; a single person cannot in general reasonably engage a full-size Karka in a reasonable amount of time, and the density of them easily leads to inadvertently aggroing multiples. We even see this on Ember Bay, where the Karka beach is avoided completely except for events.

Indeed, the Karka vets are tough, but that’s what’s good about them. That being said, over-aggroing seems to be a recuring issue there – maybe you should work on that and start paying extra attention to the positionning of your character.

  • The map is perpetually contested, because no one is doing the events, meaning you can only reliably access 1 or 2 of the waypoints.

There are at least 3 WP that are never contested. 3 out of 6. 50%.

  • The guild content on the map, particularly the race, is considered so onerous (again, due to the lack of the map being populated and cleared) that most guilds won’t bother doing it, instead opting to forego the guild credit for that week. Not helped by all transportation being rerouted to the main encampment due, again, to the constant state of contestation of most of the waypoints.

Again, wrong. It doesn’t take long at all to go from Pearl Islet to the race starting point. Or you can also start from Lion Point (never contested either). And yes, this race is harder. That’s why the reward is larger.

  • The jumping puzzle is generally considered the worst in the game, and is often intentionally avoided, even when it is a daily.

That’s the only JP I used to do every day when I was still farming Blooming Parsifloras. Once you know it, it’s a really easy one (there’s even a big shortcut). Several times I have offered in chat to show people how to do it, no one took my offer except once. And I’m pretty sure I can teach anyone. It’s like your other critics – I’m pretty sure the main issue isn’t IG but between the keyboard and the chair.

  • There is absolutely no story connection to any other part of the game. No active story content has anything to do with it, nor will any likely have anything to do with it in the future, and none of the content on the island creates any compelling reason to visit or return.

Actually, at least one current event takes place in SC. And the consortium having an important role in the current story, maybe we will see more action there in the future.

  • The map has insufficient rewards for the level of effort it demands. Even karka trains, once a thing, have mostly fallen apart as the one reward that could attract people, Karka Shells, is just not sufficient.

Karka shells are required for legendary collections. That alone makes them good enough as a reward.

  • Southsun is not needed for world completion or Legendaries, and doesn’t even provide the possibility of a Black Lion Key, since it is the only map, other than cities, guaranteed to give a Transmutation Charge, and unlike cities you don’t need it for something else.

Southsun IS needed for legendaries. All the collections require 100 Karka shells, and several scavenger hunts take place in Southsun (Chuka and Champawat for instance).

Stealth & Tiger Cubs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Stealth isn’t applied to the tiger cubs you get from the Chuka and Champawat collection (see the pictures attached).

I yet have to check whether ennemy players in PvP/WvW can see them or not.


(edited by Sir Mad.1092)

Legendary collections extra goodies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Legendary collections extra goodies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I’ve just finished the Chuka and Champawat collection and I’m enjoying the clipping with the tiger cubs and the den. I know Kudzu III gives you access to a hidden garden too (by the way, do you get an item to teleport to the garden as well, or do you have to go to Dierdre’s Steps whenever you want to harvest the veggies?).

Is there any other legendary collection that gives you an extra something like C&C’s and Kudzu’s? I couldn’t find a list anywhere.

Nevermore Footprints -- Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Not everyone is a Skritt.

I’ve crafted Nevermore precisely because it doesn’t leave behind a huge trail like some 1st gen legendaries. And actually, the main reason why I don’t have H.O.P.E. yet is because I’m unsure about its flashy red / blue footsteps, even though I love the skin of the weapon itself.

Now, don’t get me wrong: if Anet wanna go back to the 1st gen legendaries way with the upcoming weapons, why not, but I would be kittened if they changed a weapon I have already crafted, precisely because of its overall look. I may also add you also knew what Nevermore looked like before crafting it (if ou have), so you also knew what to expect.

Poll to remove Daily Achivement Cap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I’d say: first, do a poll to know if we should have a poll about daily AP cap.

I vote no.

When does halloween end? answering is OK...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Reddit, we are getting this info from reddit. Lol Anet


Reading the forum is overrated I guess…

Kudzu really need more love.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

so far i have Eternity, Nevermore and Kudzu as my legendary weapons.

Kudzu is just.. so ordinary , and i dont really want to use it : (

To be honest, i think a lot of long bow skins are much better than Kudzu.

Then why don’t you use one of those skins you like better? I don’t understand… You’ve spent 1000s of gold in a weapon you don’t like simply to show off you have a legendary. Maybe Kudzu isn’t the problem here, is it?

The Silverwastes Purple Infusion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Yeah, that was kinda my point. The reason doesn’t really matter actually. I’ve had the same feeling about wings too. It’s so silly I feel like switching a couple of files in the client to shortcut those visual effects.

This game is beautiful even for a Vet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

I’ve recently purchased a new “high end” laptop and I can finally play with max settings (shaders, shadows, reflections, etc) and I’m really rediscovering GW2. I had no idea some parts of the game were so beautiful. Special mention to Queensdale’s Swamp, the Chak underground lake in Tangled Depths, and Mordremoth in DS (who looks silly with low settings and gorgeous with all effects on).

Really, that’s a whole new experience for me, and I run low level worldbosses just for the sake of seeing how they look with a good GPU.

Home instance nodes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

You’ve deliberately taken the one worthless pack to prove your point instead of talking about the more profitable ones (all the rest).

That being said, the point of home instance nodes is not to save money on mats, just like Airship Passes are not there to make you save money on WP: they’re convenience items. They’re simply here to give you a little bit of mats every day, you wouldn’t farm otherwise.

I didn’t buy Snow or Orrian Truffle nodes because they were cheaper in the long run than buying stacks of them for my crafting. I bought them because I know I can now craft an extra one or two Trufle Steaks every day, which is exactly what I need. Without them, I wouldn’t craft any at all since I rarely go to Orr / FS to farm them.

So no. Not signed. Home instance nodes are fine as they are.

EDIT – One more reason not to want that: that would cheapen even more the price of deldrimor / spritwood.

(edited by Sir Mad.1092)

Troll players on Octovine

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

If you see it happening again, take screen shots and submit a report to ANet. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s trolls or if it’s people who don’t understand the mechanic. Although the content is old by MMO standards (> 1 year), it’s new to new players and even some veterans who never bothered with it before.

Part of the problem is the veterans never explain the strategy in any type of content where it’s required (Tarir, VW, dungeons, fractals, etc), but call people noobs or trolls or kick them from the party when they don’t know it, actually wasting more time than what briefly explaining the mechanics would have taken.

As for reporting them if they’re really doing it on purpose… I’m wondering… Is role-playing a corrupted Sylvari trying to work for Mordry in world events against the tos (honest question).

The Silverwastes Purple Infusion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Could we have an option to disable (other players’) infusion visual effects instead?

You realize this effect is akin to the Halloween effects? And that’s it’s just a different hue placed on your character rather than a full animated effect? It is so very minimal…

Yes, and I find all those infusions ugly and immersion breaking. Now, if players like them, good for them, but please, also realize others don’t (and that’s an euphemism).

The Silverwastes Purple Infusion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

Could we have an option to disable (other players’) infusion visual effects instead?

Rumored: Rifle elite spec

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Mad.1092

Sir Mad.1092

If they copy-pasted my idea, that’s about the only way it’ll work.

I truly admire your modesty, mate.