On interrupt, as I said earlier, would delete the trait from the game.
If you can only stun on interrupt, then it literally turns the skill into a weak version of CI. A stun is a daze + an immobilize, that can be broken by a single stunbreak. CI applies an immobilize on interrupt, without removing the daze, which means it would be objectively stronger in every way (without even counting the additional condition and boons).
On interrupt is a hilariously awful suggestion that only shows how little people actually think about what they suggest.
LOL, “would delete the trait from the game” . CI is a grandmaster trait and in different trait line which means you dont always always pick these two together. You say the tier of the trait won’t matter, but rather with what two traits it competes with. Fine, let’s take a look at what other two traits you could pick instead of CS then: 1)15% illusion damage bonus or 2) 9s of vulnerability per illusion shattered.
Can you really tell me with a straight face that these two are better than my suggested CS (as a reminder: no icd, dazes stun on interrupts, daze & stun durations increased by 50%)?
I think “on interrupt” stipulation is the best solution with the most counterplay added into it. That way you can’t just mindlessly spam MoD into a roflstomp stealth burst. To compensate, the daze and stun duration increase could be raised to +50% and icd removed so you could (theoretically atleast) stun lock a group of players. Could be a lot more exciting to watch than now with the current iteration.
I dont know why am I even replying to this hyperbolic thread full of blatant lies….
The reason mesmer is considered a high skill class is because a) you’re usually on a paper thin glass build because that is the only way you can do any sort of mildly decent damage, which in turn requires constant kiting during which you cant do damage.
Which brings me to b) Mesmers damage is one the most telegraphed since it takes clones and phantasms to hit and shatter. The only instant thing is just now after patch the instant stun from traited MoD, which I do agree is a little on the stronger side and needs nerfing. But even that is just a set up for damage which again, is usually very hard to land with enemies moving, blocking, dodging and clones dying to random AoEs…
And yes our dodges did get cut due to vigor nerf…
Its not broken at all. (sarcasm Just in case) right?
Burn heretic, burn.
Unocleanse?(no I don’t think burning values are fine, but they already said they know that burning value is way too high)
That’s a little hyperbolic don’t you think? What they said was conditions are doing too much damage. Nowhere have I ever seen way too high. If they revert the burning back to the way it was then there is no reason to run any kind of condition build for a guardian again. Whatever they decide on it still has to be more then marginally better then it was pre-patch. Obviously it’s needs a nerf but damage like pre-patch? I think not.
Well I sure hope that by ‘conditions’ they meant burning, because almost every other condition got nerfed: the break even point for bleeding is like 2055 condition damage, not 700 like claimed in stream and even higher for torment. For example necros literally kill people only with their opponents tranferred conditions, otherwise they just suck.
Feline Grace: gain vigor and 10 endurance back on SUCCESSFUL evades (1s icd)
Merge Assassin’s Reward and Upper Hand and introduce new third GM “Fluid Strikes”.
Fluid Strikes: Gain a stacking damage buff (15s) on successful evades up to 5 stacks. (1s icd)
* damage bonus per stack: 3% (max +15% damage)
[Debatable] Replace Fleet Shadow with new Power of Inertia: gain 2 stacks of might (8s) on successful dodges (1s icd)
These should make acrobatics skillful and rewarding traitline without being too overpowered damage wise compared to crit strikes or attrition wise compared to shadow arts. New feline grace would give 15 endurance back (10+5 from vigor) which is the same as before, but only on successful evades. New GMs all have distinct advantages, do you want more sustain? pick Assassin’s reward. More damage? Fluid Strikes. Better CC management? Don’t Stop.
… that create illusions via other ways other than weapon skills and dodging (DE). And I’m not saying this because I think Mental Defense is a particularly good trait, but the mechanics of it are a breath of fresh air. It would make us a little bit less dependent on Deceptive Evasion.
Skillful play = more resources/power (illusions)!
I know that chronomancers will get a similar trait but I would like to see some more love for the core profession, maybe one for mantras like if you break out of stun with power break or interrupt with power lock etc you summon a clone… what do you think?
Here are my observations
Main problem is that there is very little reason to PvP
Example 1: channeling with pulsing stab makes interrupting them almost impossible
Solution: keep the CC requirement, but make you unable to receive self-stab while channeling.
Example 2: for people running supply there’s no motive to kill enemy supply runner…
Solution: make the supply depot area a capture point!
– neutral point: both teams can channel for supply, damage to interrupt
– captured point: only the point owning team can channel for supply, CC to interrupt channel
– 3-4 second to neutralize, 8 seconds to fully capture
– make treb shots able to neutralize the supply point if it hits all enemies, this grant more plays for this mechanic and gives potential for some clutch moments for spectators in high-end games
– This change will make sure there are alot of intense team fights in the middle since supply is the lifeblood for success in this game mode.
Example 3: hero buff is counter-intuitive to the PvP nature of the game mode.
The hero grants -50% dmg and -50% condi to the players and not the other way around. Why? It means the enemy team will focus the hero and not the enemy players escorting him since the players are the ones taking reduced damage, not the hero.
Solution: make the hero take reduced damage based on nearby allies (-15% dmg and condi duration/ player). This means that undefended heros will get rekt hard and in fights with players around the hero killing the players first will be a priority.
Example 4: killing players does almost nothing. In conquest killing a player is very good since you can instantly capitalize on it to outnumber in fights. But in SH with no capture points (although my suggestion above adds one) and the NPC heaviness, players respawn too fast to make a death matter.
Solution: increase respawn time to 30 seconds and 1 minute after the 10 minute mark at which point “Victory or Death!” kicks in. VoD means that both lords run out to the mid point with all the living NPCs. This is another solution to create more scenarios for PvP battles.
And finally… archers need a desperate buff in some way, a damage increase and possibly some super speed so they can get ahead of doorbreakers and thus actually able to defend them. Guards need to be alot tougher against players too to warrant an archer spawn, especially since after the aforementioned changes supply will be alot harder to gather.
No it is not, because as a squishy you need the defense that torch stealth or focus pull/cripple provides. Even on lockdown the off-hand sword struggles to compete against focus (AoE pull/disable) and pistol (stun/hard CC). The daze has low CD, which I think could come in handy when CS gets buffed, but the riposte is just too slow and the phant rushes in melee cleave and dies… -_______-
Here’s my suggestion to cleansing ire/ defense line in general
1) Keep cleansing ire where it is, but remove the ‘adrenaline on hit’ part.
2) Make a new GM trait instead to defense:
“whenever you block, reflect and evade an attack, gain adrenaline (1).”
This one changes places with the mace trait Sundering Mace, since that weapon is horrible with CI anyways, and synergizes well with the new GM trait above.
Even a warrior with high hp and armor should be encouraged to use active defenses instead of passively filling adrenaline. I didnt want it to be adrenaline on your hits, because against evasive classes like mes and thief you would be destroyed since you wouldn’t get many hits on them.
3) Change LB Combustive Shot (F1) functionality: baseline it now requires a target to hit. Bake the ground-targeting functionality into the longbow trait “Burning Arrows” and move that trait into Arms (otherwise it would synergize too well with current shoutbow, since it already goes into tactics, and Arms is about condition damage/hybrid just like the longbow)
Also that trait to reduce shouts cool-down on hit is not worth taking, the GS trait is good for the Life steal aspect but also hate the using Grave digger a 8sec cd skill to reduce other GS skills by 3% only are just as bad as the new Axe trait
Did you really think this through? Just one example. You are in a group of mobs, you need to hit only one foe with HP under 50% to reduce Gravedigger recharge by 100%. So you can basically spam it. And each time all other skills recharge by 3%. This is far from bad. It is potentially broken at least in PvE and possibly very strong in WvW zerg fights.
Pretty sure 100% cd reduction means halving the cooldown not bringing it off cd immediately. 4 sec cd is the same as the guard longbow #2.
Nope, 100% reduction means no cooldown. If it was 100% recharge rate, then it would mean 50% CD reduction (ie. halving the cooldown).
Keeping in mind that even if the GS is slow the Dagger isn’t and Dark Pact, Spinal Shivers on the focus by themselves will cause you to blow CD’s while we close in with GS or KS. .
What is this KS you keep mentioning? FYI, Reaper’s Shroud = RS
I’m a multiclasser with over 2k games on engineer (7k games total played). The reason why engineer is strong is actually very hard to pin down, since alot of the abilities have been the way they are since launch, but are now complained about due to unfair mechanics.
Grenades and toolkit have been engineer’s crutch for way too long, but are mandatory due to poor ranged options and active defense on other kits. The fact is then that engineer is actually very melee focused class, that is why slick shoes and magnet pull are insanely strong skills. You can grenade barrage, pry bar, jump shot, blunderbuss and then after that overcharged into net shot for ridiculous CC combos.
So the main problem is the amount of crowd control against melee like thieves. At the same time ranged classes like ranger and mesmer remain at advantage as long as they play cautiously. Some of the proposed trait changes are addressing these issues , so I’m not going to suggest too much, but here are few ones:
- Rifle:
* rifled barrels trait baseline, net shot velocity increase by 25%
* overcharged shot 3/4s cast time, 20s CD – no self CD
- Toolkit
* magnet pull now teleports enemy into you if in LoS (fixes most bugs), animation visible while engi is in stealth
* Gear shield 2s block now
Slick Shoes: duration reduced to 2 seconds
- Bomb Kit
* make bombs ground targetable with 600 range atleast
* same cast time as grenade throws, keep the fuse time on landing though
- Incendiary Powder
* move to arms line (proposed), give icon like doom on next weapon swap (avoidable), no crit requirement to encourage amulet and build variety
- Flame Thrower
* the AA burning application probably needs a buff/ rework after the condi changes ( will have to see how it pans out)
* skill 2 ground targeted 900 range now
* skill 4 fire field a bit wider and longer
The ready button should pop up right on the center of your screen just like the game mode instructions is showing up now.
Strong sigils (+ rune and amulet) are what makes the game more, not less balanced, because those are all things that every class can pick up. Spoiler alert: it’s traits that screw up balance the most! The sigil effects proccing passively versus them requiring some more skillful actions is a whole another problem that has nothing to do with the strength of their effects.
Now are all the sigils balanced in terms of power each one offers? Heck no, but there are enough choices to put all the other components of build theorycrafting to shame.
Whyy not go to Google or YouTube and find them yourself. Takes like 3 seconds to type “(Class X) Guild Wars 2 PvP Guide.”
“I think Mesmer has so many skills that rely on the opponent’s inability to read information to win it is not really possible to make it in line with others if we don’t change its nature.”
No, not any more so than other professions: ability to read information has to do more with when to dodge a phantasm attack or negate a shatter, and so has nothing to do with clone production. You said yourself the Ctrl+T mesmer focus fire is a TECHNICAL barrier, having 3 phantasms on the screen so readily available to spawn would just worsen it.
Cheese….I don’t think Medi guard is exactly cheese at all. I’ve played Medi Guard since near the beginning of launch, the only thing that was really ever changed is when they made Smite Condition instant cast, and Renewed Focus a Meditation(MI still doesn’t see much use even after the changes.) It’s hilarious to see it’s considered cheese because now everyone is using it. Truth is it’s a very fun and skill based spec(Shouts are pretty boring but helpful, Signets are very meh, SW are not skill based one bit) since you have to manage your cooldowns appropriately, as well as using active defenses right or you end up eating dirt against someone who knows their own class as well as yours. As for a different build if it’s for WVW try a Zealot/;Zerker/Calviers build with full honor. Spvp is either Bunker Shout Guardian, Medi Guardian, or AH Guardian.
Oh it’s by far the cheesiest zerker build in the game with high armor, instant damage and ports (JI & SC), powerful condi clears, group stability and multiple self heals as well as very strong CC with hammer – all this in one build.
(edited by Smirgel.9460)
Should be changed to: “restore 10 endurance and gain 1s vigor on successful evade.” So best of both versions: more skillful and potentially just as powerful as before.
Here’s a shout variant you could try, it’s not as effective as medi but is less “cheesy” and offers better party support.
The issue isn’t DE, but the fact it is competing with other GM traits that revolve around a playstyle that also needs that trait. If the other two options were, say, phantasm traits, no one would complain.
Jon Peters revealed in twitch chat during dragonhunter presentation that they are in the midst of changing the guardian tomes.
Tome of Courage will become a signet which passively heals in PBAoE every 10s. Active effect is Light of Deliverance (full heal on allies in area)
Tome of Wrath is becoming a shout Zealot’s Fervor (30s CD): fury and quickness to nearby allies.
Short answer: yes.
The hyperbole in OP’s post is through the roof. Now I’m not saying that the things he points out are problems Arenanet shouldn’t improve upon, but these are peanuts compared to some other MMOs on the market with much more glaring issues.
The thing about power builds right now is.. its just so much RNG now. At least the Quickness Meta required you to HIT your important things, but now its a matter of proc’ing fire/air. It’s literally hearthstone 2.0, specially on match ups much like Guardian vs. Guardian for example.
The quickness meta, as you refer to it, was not that great either. While yes, it promoted skill in a way, it also made all encounters ridiculously one-dimensional. It was always: you hit ability x and y on enemy or you die. There’s a plethora of skills for a reason, both defensive and offensive in nature, and reducing that to mere 1-shot combos undermines this whole concept.
Seconds would be disproportionately strong for low cd skills, and disproportionately strong for high cd skills.
If it’s strong for both low and high cd skills, then I don’t see your point.
IMO the tooltips are correct, you can do the recount of this using the growth formula http://pages.uoregon.edu/rgp/PPPM613/class8a.htm
so for instance 8 seconds of chill increases skill cooldowns the same amount as alacrity decreases it.
Here’s why:
Alacrity for 8 seconds: 8 x (-0.66%) = 2.72s (or rather 8 × 0.34)
recount using growth rate formula:
[present - past/past x 100 = growth/degrowth rate]
2.72-8/ 8 x 100 = -66(%)
This means that alacrity reduced the skill cooldown by (8-2.72) = 5.28 seconds
Now 8 seconds of chill:
8 × 1.66 = 13.28
13.28-8 /8 x100 = +66 (%)
This means that chill increased the skill cooldown by (13.28-8) = 5.28 seconds
the result is 5.28 decrease and increase in both cases so alacrity and chill do in fact cancel each other out.
This would only work, if the 2nd continuum shift skill does not interrupt your actions like blink does for instance.
blink does not interrupt your actions.
Taking away boons or heals/blasts from eles hurts their team-support capability and self-survival, forcing them further into tanky builds (hello earth line), which is also selfish. This means ele is now just a 1v1 tank.
But wait, if you liked the playstyle of sharing boons, supporting with some damage, giving heals etc, that STYLE is now embodied in engineer. Not only will you have a water-field (healing turret), and whatever other fields are on mortar (probably ice, another water, fire, and poison if I had to guess), you also have that blast on dodge, more weapon blasts, RANGE, higher mobility with super-swiftness, and all the other things current cele engies have on their kits (including OPAF block, way more cc, and zerker-levels of damage on a non-zerk).
My advice: reroll or enjoy 1v1’s.
Support ele will be embodied as auramancer, 4s frost aura and 3s prot on 10s cooldown, (both AoE)? Crazy strong. Not to mention all the other fields like fire for might and burning.
The Scoreboard is meaningless because it does not represent the value of your contribution to the match. For example a bunker holding mid for the complete match and ensuring his team the win has a major share in the win but has most probably the lowest score in the Scoreboard. So fix it or remove it, because it only give new players a false impression of their contribution to a match.
I think he meant info like damage dealt and received, healing done (self/allies), number of interrupts, rezzes and stomps etc.
1) two queues pop
2) map shows blank and no voting available
3) wrong map appears (in screenshot shows forest, but actually loads temple)
mes: deceptive evasion, blink
teef: trickery line, shortbow
ele: arcana line, water line
war: fast hands and cleansing ire, longbow
engi: healing turret, supply crate, backpack regenerator, IP
guardian: atleast one of these three always: pure of voice, altruistic healing and monk’s focus
necro: consume conditions, soulreaping line
ranger: wolf pet
they could make it apply .25s burn per strike, so if you hit with all 10 strikes of 1 AA chain (very unlikely), you will apply 2.5s burning in total.
If you were a biologist, would you rather want to clone rats or lions? There’s your answer.
10 second CD instant condi removal! Great tool against blind spam from thieves and dps guards, immobs, fears from other necros, that constant burning from eles. The condi transfers we have are great, but they get dodged or otherwise miss alot, and then the only way to clear condis is our heal on 25s+ cd. Also having a condi removed in deathshroud is nice, because there’s no skills to remove them in DS.
Now if you prefer Staff Mastery, what makes you pick it over Shrouded Removal? I think it comes down to how much you value the cd reduction of the last two marks: Putrid Mark and Reaper’s Mark.
(edited by Smirgel.9460)
MoM = Master of Misdirection 33% longer duration on confusion
I use traveler runes so that’s extra 10% condi duration
Especially on Sword/Torch it’s great, since iMage’s confusion goes up to 7s (4 stacks). Then there’s Illusionary Retribution: 5.25s confusion per illusion shattered!
Some numbers:
I’m pretty sure the extra confusion damage will end up doing more damage than compounding power.
Okay I’m starting to see the merit of Carrion, especially since the fury scales better with lower base crit chances. But what is this -50% damage in DS thing? I see no mention of it in the wiki page. Source?
I dunno, we’re not in a condi meta so the extra vitality doesn’t really feel as useful as the toughness and precision (barbed precision) you get from rabid. Yea sure vitality increases life force pool too, but again, it depletes fast on someone who is essentially zerker level squishy. Also rabid allows me to use the new torment sigil on scepter, which is a nice cover condi. Here’s my build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fRAQNAW7Yjc0UebxN+1wfbighaqeI6DIAOXqTio4KA-TZhHABvs/AAXAAkKDEwTAA4DCAA
So please answer me, why carrion is the go-to amulet?
Might duration bonus runes aren’t that great on cele engi I find, because the only sources of might would be battle and whatever procs the runes may give (1 or 2). Sigil of intelligence is simply more damage because you only really have enough dps when you are able to crit with your key skills (pry bar, jump shot, shrapnel grenades)
Self-Regulating Defenses and Invetions 3 alone aren’t that great but together they synergize VERY well especially with the extra health and healing power from celestial stats as there’s quite a buffer on its proc, like 5.4k ish HP which is more than enough to survive while you heal. The invul will give you enough time to find a safer place out of line of sight. It has saved my kitten so many times during matches and I think it’s pretty underrated. The only time it wasn’t that good was when I was fighting condi ranger and necro and I had 12 bleeds and poison when it procced. Although at that point I would have been dead on any variation of the cele rifle build.
Ok so why not protection injection? Well, it’s nice on some occasions, like against mesmer dazes and knockback shatter combo or power necro fears, but those moments are few and far between. And in the end, the amount of damage mitigated will most likely be atleast the same if not more with self-regulating defenses equipped.
Yes you’re right that the value of energized armor is highly debatable, but I’ve found to have enough defense and lacking a bit on the damage part, so energized armor seemed like the right choice. That extra +110 power really helps quite a lot: in raw numbers it’s not much but if you do the math 1875/1765 = 1,062 so basically +6% more power damage .
(edited by Smirgel.9460)
Here’s the complete build I will be talking about: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fdAQFAUlUUpErlcxzLseNCbBFymeRROlq85IEgkC-TJBHwAFuAAAeAA+2fAZZAA
I’ve spent countless hours theorycrafting different variations of the popular celestial rifle build weighting each builds’s strengths and weaknesses, but I’ll just compare my build to the more popular 60044 variation
My build has:
- more power (1875>1840 [assumed power runes])
- more condition damage (613 > 438)
- more toughness and healing power (+200 each) – regen 185 -> 210; br 139->149
- more dodge potentiality (yes, even without vigor math below)*
- superior disengage and surviving mechanism with heal reset + elixir S @25%hp
Popular 60044 has:
- little bit more burst dps due to higher ferocity & power wrench
- little bit more CC with lower cd magnet
- 4 second lower cooldown block
- toolbelt recharge @25%
in regards to speedy kits vs power shoes: yes swiftness grants faster movement, but being a boon can also be ripped, corrupted or stolen. Also, dat Spirit Watch Orb Runner Pro
Now from my experience the strengths of my build far overweight those of the 60044 due to a number of reasons
- toolbelt skills have low cooldowns – no need to go tools or get the near useless recharge trait (yes I think it’s nearly useless, because @25% hp you most likely need to use some defensive CD to survive… which my build provides)
- lower cd on toolkit skills such as gearshield is nice, but our more dangerous opponents – necro and mesmer have unblockable attacks + it’s already on such low cooldown that -20% reduction grants only 4 seconds shave.
- I don’t have any proof on this, but considering my build has more power and condition damage and since on cele rifle most attacks (even with int sigil) are not crits, I’m pretty sure that my build has atleast the same if not more dps as the 60044 one.
Also one more note about the rune and sigil choices: I choce adventure runes and didnt go for example scavenging for a few reasons:
1) they’re bugged
2) leeching sigil is better even if 4 bonus worked (every 9s 974dmg + heal OP)
3) I needed the extra dodge and usually right before heal you’re in need of that
4) if I used both scavenging and leeching there would be overlaps, If I used energy sigil there would be times where it goes on cd when I’m with full endurance
From my personal experience I prefer 60440, it suits my playstyle better, which is nade focused, but on the other hand I’m not a top tier engi _
Maybe there is some secret why 4 in tools is better that I’m not getting so I’m gonna ask from you guys: what do you think?
60044 has 60% vigor uptime, this means 1 dodge every 7 seconds or 4.28 dodges over 30 seconds
60440 has no vigor, this means 1 dodge every 10 seconds or 3 dodges over 30 seconds, HOWEVER you get+2 extra dodges, because healing turret can be used twice in 30 seconds => 5 dodges total in 30 seconds!
Adrenaline Pump will put this math closer to even, however usage of toolbelt skills is mostly situational and some times used when with full endurance.
One more note: vigor being a boon can be ripped or corrupted, while endurance gained from runes cannot be negated.
(edited by Smirgel.9460)
thanks for the answer, but i didnt understood yet xD
with quickness, u do the attack faster, and the opposite should be slow, but with chill u will attack slower too :S
No you don’t. You attack at the same rate chilled as not chilled.
Alot of statement here presume that there is a dichotomy between leveling and “end game”. I don’t think that’s the case at all. I mean look at RuneScape. As much as you may hate it mechanically/graphically/functionally, it has millions of players because it gathers interests of a lot of different types of players in its perfect mix of exploration, leveling, questing and hardcore content.
It succeeds because leveling IS the the endgame. It just proves how wrong WS’s design philosophy (complete opposite of RS) was when they neglected the importance of leveling as a core part of an MMO. You don’t retent players by putting everything at the end or as Colin said in Pax “until you reach some mythical goal, where everything comes available to you”. The journey should be the goal, and hearing Anet acknowledging this makes me excited about their upcoming expansion.
Lore answer: minions are creatures from dark magic that follow their master. When their master turns to a bird, he’s unable to control them. Turrets on the other hand are internally coded to attack enemies within their range. There’s no magical tie to their creator, but are independent entities.
there is no point to play ranked atm imo, unless you want to farm leaderboard.
So far living story updates have been free for everyone who logs in during each episode. But once the expansion hits and the story starts taking place in the maguuma jungle, this may no longer be the case, which is worrying.
Will they lock LS updates behind expansion paywall when the story takes place in the maguuma jungle? Or will they charge a 200 gem fee instead of requiring you to own the full xpac?
Bear in mind that at this point LS updates take huge majority of live PvE updates. Owners of the core game won’t get almost any content updates, just because an expansion is being added if this is the case.
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Smirgel.9460
Point me to the source where they state that they will do free expansions. Then we’ll talk.
I recently started playing ranger and created this build:
I don’t know how meta or otherwise orthodox it is, but it feels really strong. I have the legendary torch so I wanted to make a build that uses it on ranger now that it got buffed. I would like comments if there’s something I should take instead. For example I have the healing spring on downed trait,‘coz I didn’t find anything better on that tier of traits, but maybe I’m wrong.
Yeah, torch is very very strong now. Already got PM rage from sd thief complaining he can’t just poke me outside of bonfire.
Eles are probably getting MH sword and spellsword specialization! http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Spellsword_%28Class%29