time to move on to a different game guys, how many more chances are you going to give these developers? – It’s clear after 3 years they have NO idea what they are doing and each attempt the game gets progressively worse.
I’m a casual player with limited time, I needed to go to the bathroom tonight as I was queued for over 6 min without a pop, so I thought I’d run the gauntlet and take a slash, come back and banned for 30 mins, logged out.
I’ve missed around 1 game queue per day over the last 4 days due to RL reasons.
Tonight I missed 1 game, and I’ve got a dishonour buff of 30 mins.
Do you honestly think someone will stick around waiting for 30 minutes just to be able to queue again? I don’t want to play any other game mode as they don’t appeal to me.
Do you guys think this is a fair scenario? Should 1 match a day really be a 10 min stacking penalty?
This link says all you ever wanted to know about where the game is headed, its a must see, enjoy!
lol that is gold!
I have never, ever in my 3 years of playing GW2 opened a chest and got something that was even remotely useful or cool. It’s just the way it is, quantity over quality, it’s the GW2 moto.
I’ll just leave this here, yes it’s against noobs, yes it doesn’t reflect high level game play, yes it’s embarasment for the game developers.
Meta? – Run a class with stealth (thief or scrapper with gyro) – profit???
That was amazing, good summary of the current state of spvp imo.
lol great summary of gw2 pvp.
but but thieves have no defense remember!!!!!
honestly who cares? – This game is so far gone I’d be embarrased to call myself a “pro” player.
Shameful display of programming and game support this season. From saying “ok” to exploiters to atrocious balance. If I was an Anet employee of any rank, I’d be wanting to put this behind me as quick as possible.
This pvp league season was a complete mess. There were so many problems, ranging from cross division premade teams to immortal bunkers. There was nothing good about it. This forum is filled with pages upon pages complaining about the broken stupidity of league play, and not a single post praising it. This used to be my favorite mmo, but over the course of these months I’ve uninstalled the kitten game 3 times in frustration. And after every time, I come back hoping things will be different I find them worse off than before.
The worst part of this farce was the pip loss system. What kind of fool thought of punishing people for playing this game? This is the root of all the ill will, all the hatred directed at you pvp devs. I can spend days getting the pips to cross divisions, and lose it all in an afternoon with a 20 game loss streak. I wouldn’t give a flying kitten if I lost 65 games in a row if not for pip loss. But you chose to punish players that don’t play in a group, play one of the professionally mandated meta classes, or downright cheat. If the game takes away the work I put into it, then I wasted my time, my life, playing it.
You need to be sorry for your mistake, and you need to tell us that you’re sorry. People should never lose progress. Hours/days/months of time playing this game gone in an hour or less. If we don’t hear from you that this was a mistake that you’re sorry for, we can’t be sure you won’t use it elsewhere. Exp loss for not logging in regularly? Drop rate debuff for not playing enough hours per day? If this idea isn’t stopped now, we could potentially lose years of progress.
I don’t care if this post gets my account banned. If I get kicked out of the game, so be it. I’ve been playing since launch, but you don’t have my confidence anymore.
You were wrong to do this, to put progression loss into this game in any way shape or form. You needed to hear that you made a mistake that might ruin, and then inevitably tank the game. You should be sorry for what you’ve done.
They certainly took the “N” out of “FUN”.
Will still a CC spamfest with 90% of your time not in control of your character.
i’m from OCX, they simply…do…not…care
fire balance team re-hire
Working as intended.
OP: Totally agreed. There’s a sense of entitlement that’s kinda spun out of control. Here’s my theory:
So, when MMOs first really exploded and became mainstream, WoW was the big fish. Being the massive MMO that it was, it had a lot of different playerbases that it catered to. These players, who were initially amazed at what was possible in MMOs began to dream up of more stuff they wanted to see. As WoW expanded, players got more of this, but then more and more big companies started to give players what they wanted in different areas.
Was WoW’s story not done well enough? SWTOR swept in and did better.
Was WoW’s combat too slow and tab-targetted for your taste? Tera made amazing action combat.
Was WoW’s class and talent system to small and restrictive? Rift had you covered.
Was WoW’s competitive PvP too unbalanced and not esports enough? Check out League of Legends!
Was WoW’s grind for gear getting you down! Guild Wars 2 broke down that gear treadmill (mostly)!
Etc.The MMO market exploded with new games, but players expected that all these new titles would have the same level of support and degree of updates that the mega-profitable WoW had. Suddenly players started feeling like they could have their cake and eat it too, because look! That game over there has that feature I want! You should bring it to me in this game too!
And with all the competition, MMO companies have been pushing for more and more frequent updates. More balance patches! More new maps! More!
Players have gotten so much of what we want for so long, a lot of us have forgotten that all this magical entertainment is still put together by a team of human beings with limited time and a limited budget.
Isn’t this how products work in general though? – I mean, why would I buy a TV with less features then a newer model at a similar price point?
You either evolve your product, support it, or discontinue the product.. Isn’t that pretty much how it is?
I think everyone should CHILL out!
I agree, all hail our incoming thief overlords.
all hail our new thief overlords.
That’s cute, thinking thieves can kill us =)
Lol thieves hard counter Necros. Only class I never have a problem fighting. Our evades cure the chill u guys spit out. We can easily kite Necros too when they are in shroud form. And as soon as that shroud goes away, boom burst. Dont get me wrong, Necro is strong and will be in the next meta but It’s really a fight of fastest profession vs slowest profession.
Thieves don’t hard counter anyone right now. If you are losing to a thief, it is just how you play against them. On a positive note, necros will be even stronger after the next patch so you;ll have an even better chance
Thief is still strong 1v1 not sure what you’re talking about. I fear this new meta, this bunker meta is boring, the next one will be just plain unfun, when was the last time you fought a thief and actually enjoyed it??
all hail our thief overlords
No separate soloq = still not listening
yes this and the non-existent punishment for exploiters means care factor = zero for any subsequent seasons.
Until you either:
1. Split SoloQ and TeamQ or;
2. Make it so you can’t lose PIPS against premades as a full solo team
these changes are pointless.
the real root of the problem is arrogance on the part of Anet, they seem to have this baffling view that they are right and everyone else is wrong, including peers in their own industry, it’s costing them big time and they need a massive shift in top level management.
The bottom line is, they are simply NOT as good as they THINK they are.
this game is a snoozefest, double tempest double chronobunkers it’s a just a cluster kitten of immunes and cc’s with heals back to 100%, anyone who feels different either plays one of those classes or is a sadist.
The fact that 2 tempests can easily heal door breakers through treb fire is deadset broken game design. Can you please disable this mode as you have done previously when unforseen advantages where found with regards to stealthing the npc’s, because it’s pretty much the same thing.
Fire the balance team and re-recruit.
-Best player won’t run a meta build
I have to disagree here. The reason meta builds exist is because a top player will do well with that build and people will start copy-pasting it. The best players run a meta build because they’re the one who made that build meta.
I think what you mean is that meta builds don’t make you the best player.
You’re right!
And another thing about the downfalls of meta copy/paste : those builds are made with team synergy in mind, meaning the build is not the “best” for your case at every turn…like why wars insist in using gs/axe when they could exploit the lack of stab of many meta builds?I bet no war gave berseker hammer/mace/shield or hammer/LB-hammer/gs a try this meta..too bad as wars don’t need marauder/zerker amulet to deal decent dmg and be useful to the team
Ke? Mesmer bunk has much stab on shatter.
Had a warrior on the enemy team today, he did an “Earthshaker” and all of my teams monitors fell off our desks ’cause of the earthquake it caused IRL. Needless to say we insta lost all pips and could not reconnect.
most common mistake, hitting the queue button, srsly, all of the above is moot until they split the queues.
Quality gameplay from a quality game…
different games, different level of programming ability, pretty much all there is to it.
I don’t have HoT and still do alright in ranked, half way through Saphire solo-qing doing a max of 5-10 games per day, positioning, rotation, just be good as those things and you can be a great addition to any team.
give us more boon stripping so there is strategy involved, don’t overnerf the bunkers they have their place, but currently, the boon stripping is so weak and far between that the balance is off.
Try playing as a necro and downing 2, stomping one, and it ressing the other guy cause you transferred conditions…
Just gonna get it out of the way before some “pro” comes in and says it.
“DH are fine – L2P” – Quoted, some ESL playa 2015, never PUGS.
Er, I got a 3 minute punishment for not clicking accept once. Can you not wait 3 minutes?
When you start punishing the consumer for your own shoddy development, it’ll never end well.
Ignoring queue pops negatively impacts the other 9 players who would have been a part of your match.
Jeez, how can you defend this when every single other matchmaking system in all other games are smart enough to find replacements for missing players, there’s no excuse for incompetent development.
Another great implemented system, punish a player for an action PRIOR TO EVEN PLAYING THE GAME..
Seriously, this is getting old. I down 3 players, stomp one, 2 get up because of transferred conditions. How did this make it past QA for SO long?
Par for the course unfortunately cause Esports and stuff.
to popular and logical, must remove.
The core problem is Anet’s arrogance to not listen to it’s players, then not communicate, leaving a foul taste in everybody’s mouth which leads to a lower playerbase. I’m not sure there is a better example of how to squander an opportunity with a product EVER.
any class I’m not playing that kills me.
moa -> then auto = dead
they even stated themselves they want to “Shake up the meta” frequently, I guess this is their way of doing it.
Removing people from queue on map travel is a decent middle ground and should be easier than temporarily removing them from the queue. However, even teleporting within a map can have decent load times and hooking up warnings to every way you can leave a map, like Elwinson listed, is still a moderate feat.
The new player argument is obviously not an ideal one, but at the time was decent. I’d argue its more important now that we’ve removed the tutorial, but ideally should not affect where you can queue from once you know how PvP works.
The WvW queue behaves much differently from the PvP queue and cannot be used as an example or launching point unfortunately.
Increasing match accept times I don’t think is an effective or fun solution to this problem.
Hi, software engineer of 14+ years. With a masters degree in the subject. While your current implementation of WvW queuing may work much differently, technically I would love to hear the argument for why you can not retool the sPvP queueing system to behave very similar. Although I don’t have privilege to your source code, I have a deep understanding of how such systems work and queuing is an arbitrary pattern for software engineers. I imagine the reason is because your queuing for sPvP is based on current instance of Heart of the Mist and perhaps you are doing some load balancing with how players are placed into instance? I don’t expect ANet to disclose proprietary design, but I do think you should be honest. Given enough effort the retooling for sPvP queuing to allow players to queue from outside Heart of the Mist is absolutely possible, it’s just right now certain powers that be do not want to devote resources to this retooling.
I think it absolutely is worth the effort if you will finally give us a premed vs solo queue. If it’s a difficult technical undertaking, make it worth it. If pre-mades have to wait 5-10 minutes to get a match at least they can be in world outside Heart of the Mist doing something else. I don’t think they would mind those long queues then.
I don’t understand why ArenaNet doesn’t invest in this. I think those responsible for leading the sPvP effort should really consider how damaging it is to continue to have pre-made vs pug groups. I imagine the general thinking is that league division play will take care of this, but I seriously doubt that it will. You’ll still have pugs vs pre-mades.
Nice post, but using the powers of deduction, they don’t care, or CBF.