Showing Posts For StrangerDanger.3496:

100% Representation and HoT.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Have your buddies join the bigger guild with you. Ask the leadership for a private TS channel to be made so you can hang out with them without being weird in common channels.

Problem solved.

I don’t see a point to mini guilds frankly.

The only thing I would question is how you are suppose to WvW with this this big guild. That might be your only out. I know I have a really small guild that I never rep in case I want to wvw.

Voice actors strike

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I’m sorry, this is sort of disgusting.

They want money that me, as someone who spends on these games they do voice acting, would rather have go to the code monkeys that actually make the game worth playing.

Good voice actors help, however I don’t require a famous and unionized voice actor to enjoy my game.

Give that money to someone trying to get into the industry, ill take the small hit in quality from the cutscene or voice over and live just fine, and still enjoy the game just as much.

They should be lucky that they get get paid for sitting in a room reading a bunch of lines over the course of a few hours. Yes I know real skill plays into it and they should get paid.

But royalties? GTFO….

Id love the gaming industry to say “alright well just hire some lesser quality actors instead, oh and we will give those royalties you wanted to the code monkies who spend 14 hours a day 6 days a week glued to a keyboard” because those guys are the ones that make the game fun to play, not some voice actor.

Gem Store: Seasonal Transition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I’m not upset, I just need to know if I absolutely must buy whatever I wanted or if it is possible that it will be back later on. ^^

If you simply must have the item, no sense not buying it now while its available.

I want to come back. . . But I can't seem to

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


This game seems to have a lot of content aimed at the leveling up process. Tons of stuff to do and you level super fast. This is great, however a key component seems to be totally missing.

Some unique and exciting game mode for when you hit level cap.

Right now ive taken one character to 80, very casually. I poked around a bit with him after 80, cleared a few maps, did SW, hated drt top but poked around that, haven’t done dungeons yet. Tons of spvp, a bit of wvw.

problem is, I can do just about all of that at any level. There no new exciting thing for a max level player to dig their heels into.

I’m still very new, but two months from now what will I be doing different from what I’m currently doing? I’m sure ill have a few more lv80, maybe even start to get some exotic or whatever gear for some. Maybe ill start doing fractals, with HOT theres that, raids which I’m only semi interested in…new content seems ok.

The game really needs something guild based, pvp and pve. Ive suggested some sort of competitive, pve/pvp guild based dungeon. Raid the other guilds dungeon, try to interfere with people raiding yours.

In most games the big driving force to stay on your max level character is that he might be max level, but isn’t nearly strong as he could be. Progression in this sense stops immediately at max level, for a few gold you can sort of be as good as anyone else, especially in modes where such a thing matters like pvp (lv1=lv80 in spvp)

So they need to create something, to involve meta gaming aspects (real meta not what people here call meta i.e. popular builds everyone uses) something involving politics, competition. Something that can be done only at max level, that includes vitally important components to the game mode for both pve and pvp.

Maybe its just me but I certainly remember playing another game during the GW2 hype launch. I remember just about every friend I had going there. I remember talks of never returning from Gw2. I remember them trickling back about a month later (one reason I never touched the game for three years)

What this game is missing is a vital aspect of any long term game. Something addicting, competitive, and exclusive for endgame.

I’m excited for HOT but it just seems more of the same only now heart quests are repeatable and with a leaderboard. Raids are just extensions of current game modes. I think HOT is missing a huge opportunity to add a vital aspect of the game currently missing from the equation.

I really hope Anet starts work on something to fill this void immediately after HOT.

Gem Store: Seasonal Transition

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I’m like a few weeks into this game and I already understand how it all works, so this level of confusion and anger over the fact that they rotate items in the shop to create rarity is very perplexing…I mean this isn’t something they just started doing a few weeks ago right?

call it artificial or not it creates rarity, and for people do buy outfits/skins rarity adds value. I don’t want to pay $15 on a set then a few months later see everyone and their mother using them, I’m actually happy when I get something decorative and I see its going to not be available, I know I’m not going to see everyone running around with it. Artificial rarity or not I’m not paying money to look like everyone else whos paying money.

This isn’t a new concept and Anet isn’t the first to do it. I’m way more inclined to buy something I like if I know its going to be rare, especially when I’m paying to look unique. I’m honestly not sure how many here cant understand this, and or hate the concept.

I mean bunny ears would be lame if anyone who wanted them could. The only reason people want them is because they are super rare.

I'm confused at the level of confusion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Well as someone who joined recently, the anniversary sale was pretty good. Might want to think of that sale as aimed right at new accounts. I picked up a lot of stuff on discount. I get that I had nothing so it was great, and to vets maybe the sale sucked.

I don’t, for the life of me, understand this communities obsession with bunny ears ect. I get it you want it, and you only want it because you cant have it. This makes those who did decide to buy the ears have an incredible value on those items. Scarcity creates value, be it artificial or not. If they put them on the store immediately no one will want them because everyone who does will have them. I get that on the surface this seems to be stupid because, hey, they are turning down money. Maybe down the road another form of bunny ears (another color or effect) will appear, which will retain how incredibly valuable and or rare the origionals were.

As for the event. Couldn’t agree more. A total “swing and a miss” by anet. All the new players expecting an epic event because that’s what this games known for and has been doing for three years now…I expected something that would blow away the rift invasions, and it didn’t. Not even epic big bosses to fight…just a stationary plant and some weak mobs that were harder to tag than kill.

I think the event was bad but not the end of the world, they do need to redeem themselves. The sale was just fine as a new player. HOT is going to be the big test of this games longevity. Doing an expansion every three years isn’t good, so this expansion better be kitten near epic.

Odd things that break your immersion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


actually the biggest immersion breaker is when I’m running though maps. Lets say my minion decides to attack something because the AI is awesome. I now run slower for no reason.

I get if an archer sticks a slow on me as I pass by…but I don’t see how getting a glancing hit passing by should slow me down.

Odd things that break your immersion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Asura. I can’t believe the other races haven’t united to exterminate them.

My max hight norn guardian, with a 2h hammer…fighting an asura.

They need to get an animation based on what hitting a frog on a rock with a giant mallet would look like.

Whats the least played class / race combo.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I’m leveling a charr necro. Ive not once seen one running around. Figured it would be good for the GS wielding reaper come HOT.

I will say it sort of doesn’t matter in any way. I cant tell what class someone is just by looking at them…at least purely visual. I mean my necro charr is running around in a heavy armor outfit right now.

Outfits instead of armor skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I’m aware of the concept. That your conditioned to accept it speaks volumes about you, Godofmoney. Creating false scarcity is a predatory business practice. If Anet want to make money they should do it with the quality of their products not these marketing gimmicks.

I couldn’t disagree more. It adds value to those who do buy it. Even if its fake and just because they choose only to sell items at certain times for a short period of time.

For instance in world of tanks, I wouldn’t have bought half the tanks that I did if I knew they would always be available.

Has nothing to do with conditioning really, just understanding that if you see something you want, and its only available for a few days, you should probably pick it up…then enjoy the fact that not everyone will have it down the road.

If everything ever offered was always available…there wouldn’t be any sought after cash shop items, the “good stuff” everyone who wanted it would have it and it would be just mundane items they you either have or don’t.

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Outfits instead of armor skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I dunno, I would have thought that by now people in game whos cash shop plays the rarity card by making some stuff available on a schedule…this would have all been something people don’t get mad over.

Has anyone thought they might be taking stuff out now, then adding other stuff closer to HOT and when HOT launches?

btw I’m a huge fan of doing this in a free to play game, makes the purchases I make feel more valuable when you cant just pick it up any time you want.

Removal of Llama finisher from gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Llama is love. Llama is life.

that sir is an epic account name…that the game key?

Not enough time to test Scrapper and Druid

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I work as Games QA tester (not for ANET) and i can assure you, that the fact that both Druid and Scrapper will be only briefly available to the players DOES NOT mean that they have not been tested.

You may not know that, but most game content is designed produced AND tested months or even years before being showed to the public.

Us QA-s are gamers like YOU. We notice the same issues and we care about the same things. We DO care for the final product. We want to be proud of working on it once it hits the shelves.

Truth be told, “BETAS” are just a PR stunt. Usually, most bugs submitted by players have been found way earlier and taken care of (or not).

Keep in mind though, that the fact that something has been tested DOES NOT mean it is/will be fixed. Reasons are many.

Sorry for the vent. Stating that something will not be tested is an insult to all those testers out there.


Couldn’t agree more with mmorpg “betas” being nothing more than PR hype machines.

Agreed, all modern beta’s are nothing more than hype stunts. You would either have to be a broke indy dev, or stupid, to allow your customers to play a game that isn’t polished, at any phase of development.

All you would do is sow seeds of negativity and concern about your product, and hurt initial sales.

I see it more as a “get their reaction” and "make sure all the odd hardware/software builds people use work…you know the guy using some random Linux and running a voodoo gpu might have issues…but no one bothered to test that configuration.

F2P/P2W/Balance discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


The mind of a free to play player is complex and mysterious.

For many, the goal is to never pay a single dime…ever…

Pay to win is a weapon that these people wield to attempt to bypass any need to support the game they play, for whatever motive or reason they have.

This game has a cash shop that makes me want to spend money, but isn’t one of those situations that most free to play (specifically Korean) games get me into where spending $50 gets me little and theres a never ending hole I can throw money into to gain some advantage, that I will need to have if I want relevance.

For instance most still use the upgrade/fail/break item system. Purchase for $40-$50 enough protect items to prevent item breakage when upgrading past +4. However it still fails…a lot…so that $40 might get me a +7 but spending another $100 might only result in a +8 or +9 and another $1000 might get me +10 which is the highest, now I need to do that for every piece of gear.

So there isn’t an endless hole here. I can spend $50 on the game and get more than id ever get with a free to play game spending the same….and I don’t see a reason to really spend more than $200…though you could….that leaves me feeling good about the money I do spend, knowing there isn’t this feeling that the money ive spent isn’t really going far so I need to spend more.

Removal of Llama finisher from gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I just want to point out that creating exclusivity via having items not available all the time really does create a buy frenzy as well as an “ooh I want that” feeling for people who don’t have.

It works extremely well in other games like WOT where they have rare tanks go on sale.

To be honest I’m a huge fan of the whole system. When I buy something my hope is that its not available shortly after for a long time, because down the road it will become rare and…I dunno…makes my purchase feel more valuable.

When I buy an outfit and its on the store and doesn’t leave, it sort of starts to feel generic.

Removal of Llama finisher from gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I didn’t like the llama finisher, other than the lights and music at the end.

I chose the robot beatdown+rocket take off instead. seems to fit in with the game much more than a random llama dancing.

I will say that I have never, ever…seen anyone use that llama finisher, so I don’t think its as highly sought after as you might assume.

Wacky Bnoo suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I’m curious what the dumbing down would look like. Ill take that please if you don’t mind.

Why are Swift Moa Feathers priced so high

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I had just one and so I figured it was better to just sell the thing that to stash it/use it given I only had one of the things.

I was kinda surprised to see them sell for so much, though I completely understand how some classes have little mobility and something like that is very handy.

luckily I take only swiftness booster for storyline rewards, they seem the most useful for power clearing maps.

Wacky Bnoo suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I don’t even know what I’m reading here. Is this Role Playing?

Not enough time to test Scrapper and Druid

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


anything balance wise tested in beta probably wont see a fix until long after the launch.

anyway balance is usually something that comes to light after extensive testing, relying on a small group of players usually results in “op builds” being kept quite at first as well, eventually everyone figures it out and it becomes something that needs to be looked at.

I think the beta is more or less aimed at fixing stuff broken and game breaking, something that would require an emergency fix prior to launch to ensure gameplay is fine.

balance is something that comes afterward, once everyone becomes familiar with the class and has had extensive time to get comfortable with what works best.

I’m not a developer but I doubt that druid is getting shoe horned in here, I don’t think it works like that, I think they chose to release certain classes to add to hype, but also to possibly test classes they were “unsure” about how they would be received. For instance the DH had a lot of changes, and that spec to me seems the most drastic of them all, being totally off the chart to what a guardian is and does normally.

Honestly druid and scrapper both seem to be in line to what I would expect a pet based class set up to be. They were probably finished long before the announcement, and most likely saved them for last because well, build the hype of the crazy stuff, test the strange specs to see reception, and save the “safe bets” for just before launch while hype is still strong.

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Elite Specs in 3 words

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


1. Warrior(Berserker) : a requirement
2. Guardian(DragonHunter) : no one will use it
3. Revenant(Herald) : a requirement

4. Ranger(Druid) : a requirement
5. Thief(DareDevil) : a requirement
6. Engineer(Scrapper) : a requirement

7. Necromancer(Reaper) :GS on necro? sold

8. Elementalist(Tempest) : disappointing because you cant make them any better as they are

9. Mesmer(Chronomancer): I don’t even know but Mesmer is already pretty kitten good at what it does.

Basically I see horizontal choices on only a few of the specs, mostly related to lackluster skill sets making them…ok or not interesting. I could see the reaper being a choice but gs on necro sounds far too fun to pass up. I think elementalist is pretty much the best class in game as is, so how can an espec improve on that? it cant, so people think it sucks.

DH for the guardian might be the worst of the bunch, in no way does a guardian scream “big game hunter” the trap system seems boring…however I feel this is the most horizontal choice of all the specs. Guardian was pretty good as it is, and this seems to just add a strange trapper ranger to the mix, which to be honest would feel more in tune to class flavor of hunter/thief than guardian…so this I feel is the only real horizontal choice

on paper some especs are too string/interesting to pass up, which isn’t horizontal. Some classes as they are without the spec are too good at too many things making epecs something no one will take (elementalist) and some core classes are too weak at too many things making just about any spec a given, such as druid and daredevil.

elite is best?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I dunno I see a lot of the pre launch discussion along the lines of great specs that no one in their right mind wouldn’t choose, and the ones everyone dislikes.

To be honest specs like Dragon hunter for guardian, tempest for elementalist both seem like the horizontal choice that these epecs should be. On the other hand I see stuff like reaper, dare devil, scrapper as must haves.

at least on paper that’s how its appearing

I’m more worried its going to be more of a “if the espec is powerful everyone will take it, if its not powerful no one will” kind of situation, which is exactly the opposite of what they should be, as youll then have nerfs and buffs to try to make them all the only option for relevance.

Build Swap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Ive seen this asked multiple times over the course of the couple weeks ive been playing, I cant imagine how many times its been asked over the course of three years.

I think you have to assume that after this much time they probably cant do it without massive developer investment into creating it, otherwise it would have already been added.

Returning player..Elementalist or Thief?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I’m an Ele main, but I also really enjoy my Thief so I’m gonna try to make a case for it since everyone else is busy talking up the Ele.

First of all, ignore the haters. The Thief isn’t bad, at least not in PvE and WvW (I don’t play much PvP so maybe they’re terrible there, I dunno). It is probably weaker than the Ele overall, but PvE isn’t difficult enough for that to really matter and Thieves are still the kings of scouting in WvW; if you want to live behind enemy lines, no one does that better than the Thief. Thieves also have far more AoE stealth than another else, giving them a unique way to help their team in dungeons.

Something else the thief does better than almost anyone else is dish out huge, shiny numbers. Warriors can also dish out big numbers, sure, but not as consistently and easily as the Thief, and usually as the result of long channeled effects rather than single hits. Eles, by comparison, have lots of DPS but almost all of it is spread out across many small hits and all the big numbers have long cooldowns. Landing a cool 10k backstab while soloing a couple of Veterans is really satisfying, especially when you can turn around a few seconds later and do it again, or just spam Heartseeker for 6k 6k 6k 6k 6k. (I prefer D/D Thief, which isn’t exactly meta right now but whatever, I like it.)

Thieves also have one of the easiest times surviving rough encounters. You’re squishy as heck, don’t get me wrong, but as long as you aren’t one-hit KOed you can always choose to stealth, disengage, and try again when your cooldowns are back. If you die as a thief, it’s probably just because you stuck around too long or attempted something a bit too crazy.

If you’re interested in World Completion, I cannot recommend the Thief more highly. Even though I main Ele, I still did my World Completion on my Thief because stealthing past a bunch of mobs to grab another Hero Point or Vista is so much more satisfying than having to lay everything in my path to waste. Thieves also have better mobility than the Ele so not only will you only have to complete content when you choose to complete it but zipping around the map will also take you much less time.

If you’re planning to level up from scratch by completing content (rather than popping a level 20/level 30 scroll and crafting your way to 80), the Thief will get you there much more easily. The Ele’s survivability and damage are both tied up in their trait lines, making early levels extremely brutal for them, whereas the Thief has higher amounts of both in their weapons and skills. Don’t get me wrong: open world PvE is pretty easy and it’s totally possible to level to 80 as an Ele, but the Thief does it noticeably more smoothly than the Ele.

Tl;dr: Both the Ele and the Thief are very fun professions and you shouldn’t feel like there’s an objectively “better” choice. The Ele is more flexible, the Thief is trickier and more brutal.

For instance, I’m making a necro right now because I know the elite spec uses a greatsword and appears to be a blast. I’m really not digging necro right now as a dagger/staff set up (cant stand all the ground target skills on staff) but I know ill like the elite spec just from what ive seen of it.

The Reaper’s specialization is indeed pretty bamf. For the Staff, might I suggest trying out Instant cast? There’s a drop-down menu in settings that will fire off a ground-targeted effect exactly where your cursor is (or an intermediary option where it will show the targeter when you press the skill and fire it off when you release. I find that helps make the staff feel smoother. It’s actually a really versatile weapon if you can get around the targeting issues.

I do that, another thread here has my issue with the whole ground targeting system and the disappearing mouse cursor.

[Re-Suggestion] Linux / OpenGL 4.5+

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Creating a 64 bit dx12 client only cements the games viability in the future, DX12 is more developer friendly so creating new content could take less time.

Also getting on steam, while they lose a take of their sales (its not a flat rate it varies based on negotiation ect) having access to the multi million gamer base on steam imo would outweigh the small loss on sales.

Remember, people can access the game for free, try it forever, then decide if its worth kitten payment for more content…that type of model flourishes on steam, on top of the fact that cash shop purchases are extremely easy to do on steam.

I think this type of game on steam, youll see an immediate flow that could double the current playerbase (with the following decline as people who are not interested stop playing of course)

Keep in mind that no one is making high budget mmorpgs anymore, those days are over (for anyone suggesting a gw3). The key to keeping successful with mmorpgs is to keep them modern and pile on content ontop of content. Bringing this games engine into the “next gen” would be a smart idea to help them move forward into the future with the same game. (also they should consider console version, mmorpgs are sort of a new thing over there and even the ones that kinda flopped are doing quite well)

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Why on earth would they pull a trump card like SAB while the game is hyped for HOT and or after HOT is launched and that content is still fresh?

Would make more sense to do something like SAB during a sort of low point in game hype.

For instance if they continue this strange 3 year expansion cycle doing SAB 1.5 years after HOT has been out would make more sense.

HoT's plot 'selling points' make no sense

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


What would make the HOT story epic and far better than the prior GW2 story content would be the option to fight for the dragon, to embrace the change or whatever, and have that choice to fight for evil.

I’m really hoping the story is far better quality than the core personal story. I just got LS2 in the hopes that its a bit higher quality than the core story…haven’t touched it yet though.

The core story isn’t horrible, don’t get me wrong, just a lot of really cheesy and predictable outcomes and dialogue. Predictable story, even with the paths based on choices at character creation, as well as paths during all lead to the same outcome and conclusion, which does help at least I can vary the middle part of the personal story a bit.

I just think they need to get the writing, dialogue, and story on par to what SWTOR and ESO are doing and did….not that ESO if I can remember had a vastly varied story but it was high quality.

So I’m really hoping HOT takes it all up a notch and kinda sheds its b-movie storyline and dialogue.

*Un-Official Oceanic Server*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


its the server with the 400ms ping XD

What if we sylvari players changed too?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Hmm looks like all of this has cemented my decision to make a revenant slyvari for HOT.

Also I really think this game needs a guild based mixed mode pve/pvp system/mechanic/game mode

Can I get a complement, like systems?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


TBH, I don’t see any practical justification for such feature to be added. Why would you need someone to “like” your outfit? Are we on FB or something? Or you simply need to stroke your ego in some way? Sorry, I don’t want to sound rude, but that’s exactly how this topic sounds to me. There’s many more important things that must be looked, right now. I don’t see any reason for this to be added. If someone likes your outfit and style, he/she can simply PM you about it, and you can discuss it there.

I know it might come as a shock but mmorpgs have always been very social games. Some people play only because of the friends they have, and spend a lot of time in game not actually playing, but hanging around, socializing.

While its not something I would currently make good use of, you cant deny that a social game would have people who make use of enhancements to the social aspect.

I mean just look at lions arch. yeah I’m sure a lot of those afkers are actually afk but I bet a good amount are socializing same goes for the mists, tons of people clearly not in queue, running around showing off their stuff so to speak, popping boxes o fun and doing dance circles. All this stuff is in the same category of whatever it is the OP wants.

Also want to point out that in mmorpgs where there is a lot of non-game stuff to do, people tend to stick around longer. I remember in anarchy online there were tons of people that would go to random “dance club bars” that were around the world, and hang out. They even had an entertainment district that had really not much more to do than hang out. So that’s what people use to do in mmorpgs when they didn’t want to play 10-15 years ago, so why not something more modern in todays modern games?

I think games today sort of put this aspect of the game on the back burner, and focus mostly on people looking to burn through 500 hours of content in a month.

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Make the mouse pointer disappearing a toggle in options
Create a secondary “high visibility” mouse pointer, solid white would do, though I’m sure there are artistic options that would do just as well.
This is an issue in other games that is solved by not having the mouse pointer go missing while panning, other games have higher visibility mouse pointers.
Above mentioned resolutions to said issue are purely optional and wont effect people who like the current set up, and should be super easy fixes for the devs to implement.

That is all. In case you didn’t want to read my full post above.

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


actually I like it going invisible when using that way to rotate camera – its not obscuring the view :P

as for ground targeted skills….

who rotates camera while aiming them?

[also – last time I checked cursor itself was not moving while rotating camera – a.k.a. after releasing the button it was reappearing in exacly same spot as it where when you were pushing sayd button]

but then as long as these are OPTIONAL stuff I don’t mind them making so

I do, because I’m running out of other peoples ground effects in pvp and trying to line up a quick ground effect skill while on the move….rather than standing still absorbing condi stacks while I line up my own return fire so to speak. Also consider the people I want to hit are moving, so I need to adjust the camera to keep them on screen sometimes. Often the window of opportunity to lay down a ground effect skill and hit 3-5 enemy players is a very small window, stopping to line up often means they are no longer bunched up and the skill isn’t used as effectively.

For a game whos combat is so mobile, with ground target skills being everywhere, you would think there would be an option for people who care to stay mobile while lining up ground skills…but there isn’t.

I’m not suggesting they remove the disappearing mouse for people who like to stand still in combat, just give me an option to keep the mouse on screen even when I’m panning and moving.

being new to the game I honestly cant believe this hasn’t and isn’t a big issue for people.

I cant count how many times ive been on the move wanting to drop a quick ground skill and it ends up going off to the side, because I had to pan the camera just before and now my cursor isn’t where I left it.

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Returning player..Elementalist or Thief?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


One thing to consider is the upcoming elite specializations. You might for instance be more interested in thief and daredevil than elementalist with upcoming unknown nerfs and tempest.

Hard to know how the specializations will end up effecting any meta, I do know that daredevil on paper looks a lot more appealing and is well received while tempest has been more or less deemed one of the worst just above the guardians spec. Again this is based on people looking at skills and theorizing so it might end up vastly different.

If your not into map pve and more tuned towards pvp/wvw daredevil might be of interest if you like high mobility.

I would look into it and use that as the current baseline with your choice rather than the current standard spec meta.

For instance, I’m making a necro right now because I know the elite spec uses a greatsword and appears to be a blast. I’m really not digging necro right now as a dagger/staff set up (cant stand all the ground target skills on staff) but I know ill like the elite spec just from what ive seen of it.

Do I need to farm all the heropoints 9x now?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


As a new player with one character to 80 and another one in the works, all I can say is that I love the pve map, its casual, relaxing and fun. However I cant see myself wanting to do this 4-8 times over.

Something as simple as just getting all the waypoints everywhere is already getting a bit on the tedious side. Let alone completion, which I know is optional.

I am however hitting every challenge I see, or just about (a few cave maze ones I didn’t bother figuring out how to get to the challenge)

Something simple like having waypoint account based if they are intending us to farm up all these map hero challenges would be fantastic…hell I want that now, the only real advantage is that I can hop onto a newer character and join people wherever without going “give me a few hours I haven’t explored that area yet”, I don’t have every portal between maps memorized yet so some areas become a pain to just get to if I haven’t explored all the edges of the map next to it for example.

Anyway. I recall hearing youll be able to farm HP in WvW, which is fantasic, as that’s something I want to participate in but seems to be counter productive to someone trying to build an account up, at least ill get hero points when I’m sick of doing the pve map.

Stalking the Red Icon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Hey, I’m a new player. WTH is this with the red icons? What am I suppose to do when I see someone with it? What does all this mean?

New Weapons! (Ideas)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


yeah also on top of balancing issues, if they are to add weapons they better not make them something like available only for a new class, you know to shortcut the work on adding unique skills for several existing classes…

Basically no point to adding weapons if the current batch of classes wont be able to use them.

New Weapons! (Ideas)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I think the game needs whips. Far too few mmorpgs make use of a whip as a main weapon.

Other than whips id like to see a pike two hand, one handed or two handed flail, and throwing weapons. Maybe don’t make throwing weapons item count, but the idea of shurikens, knives, axes as throwing weapons is appealing imo.

why not crossbows? or, since we already have two gun types, a shotgun? Shotgun might make for some good close range combat.

In images: 10 Options we'd still like to see

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Here is one: Cash shop armor skins. Allow me to “send to the wardrobe” no matter the character please. I got a set of the flaming medium armor for when I start to level a medium armor character ect. Its a skin not an outfit. Right now its sitting in my bank whole, each piece…because I really don’t want to spend the charges putting them on a lv1 medium armor character before they get put in my bank of skins.

So why not just allow me to send them there on any character, even if I cant use them because I’m heavy armor.

I’m new so I don’t have a bank of level 80s already, but have plans to eventually.

I really don’t want a full set of skins sitting in my bank taking up space while I level my necro, then revenant when it comes out, then afterward ill hit a medium armor character up…

Not enough concern given to male characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


I never got the whole trend in making over sexualized eye candy female characters in mmorpgs. Yeah yeah I know, you would rather be staring at that all day than a dude but I never really understood why you would want to be doing that in a mmorpg anyway.

I always have, and always will choose the most gritty looking, angriest looking, dude character I can. To me that is what feels appropriate for a character in a game where I’m running around with cool weapons slaughtering all sorts of stuff.

I think this trend has really gotten out of control in the last couple of years. Games like Tera I cant even play certain classes because I just don’t want to be running around as a softcore cartoon porn character.

I dunno maybe I’m out of touch but I don’t want to be or get aroused in any way while playing a mmorpg….if that was my goal id just google image search something real and nice and look at that while I game…but again, pvp, clearing content, farming, these are things in a mmorpg I can do and I don’t need to have a “semi” during.

So yeah its all strange to me tbh. I would much rather have more interesting character creations than be in a game where (and it really is like this in most games) a majority of the player characters are over sexualized pieces of eye candy.

Update to Silverwaste Yes? No? Maybe?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Dry Top will need it a lot more than the Silverwastes, I think, though both will probably need to be adjusted after HoT comes out (since all of HoT’s maps will be competing with them, on top of the whole “people concentrating on the new stuff” aspects)

I absolutely hated Dry Top when I went there. Did some exploring ect, seemed to be one area people were active the rest was just a frustrating and boring jump puzzle of a map with gimmicky temp skills to get around. After going there I sort of cringed thinking HOT will be of similar design with a focus on vertical “how can we get the camera to bug out” style of play.

I’m all for expanding SW though, or adding another similar type of map on the other side of the world perhaps. I sort of like the continual event stuff that goes on there..however with both DT and SW the maps feel so tiny and constrained. I would much rather they open them up a bit.

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Hey, I have the exact same problem with this game. Ive brought it up in guild TS where people were just like “wow I never noticed that until you mentioned it” and it seemed like something that wasn’t a big deal.

However, with the abundance, and in some classes over abundance, of ground target aoe skills…

What ends up happening, especially in pvp and other high action moments…I lose my mouse, and have to spend time reorientating the skill, all because every time I move or look the mouse pointer goes missing. So it becomes difficult to keep track in high action environments because its hard to see when its there and it goes missing every time I pan the camera.

I know its a small thing for some, since I can light up where the skill is, however it really makes combat feel clunky that I cant have my mouse locked in place so to speak when running around because I cant keep track of where it is, because it goes missing and is really camouflaged when it is on screen.

I use the “on release” ground target aoe setting, so at least is quick when I’m on the move and need to drop one, without that I literally have to stop in place to use them, which really sucks.

My suggestion is: Create a high visibility mouse pointer option, create a never hide mouse pointer option. Two simple things that can go a long way in making the game play more fluid, especially if I’m say, a necro with a staff out, and need to dodge a lot, ill always know where my pointer is, and always be able to see it. Something simple like a solid white pointer would do.

If that’s too much effort to make happen, id honestly prefer a pboe setting, so at least my skills can hit where I’m standing rather than off to the side because that’s where it turns out my mouse pointer was.

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Blacklion Key Drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


After watching a youtube video on the contents of the BLC I’m not sure I’m all that interested like I was the first week of play.

90% of the stuff in that box I don’t care about, the tickets and scraps seem to be the only reason people want them….while i will say there are a lot of things in those boxes that could be very useful for new accounts, i don’t think they have much value for older accounts, beyond the scraps/tickets.

I think the BLC needs a rework. I mean the big driver for people opening them are weapon skins….and maybe some super rare items that no one every really gets anyway, even if they had key farmed like crazy in the past.

I had opened a few, having purchased them on sale, but also getting a few for map completion and the now nerfed leveling up experience. Most of the stuff i got was sent to my bank to pile up with what i got in game….boosters are worthless for the most part to me, most of the convenience items…backpack and minis didn’t interest me….i got a few tickets and some scrap, but asking me to choose a weapon that ill use across multiple characters for a long time to warrant spending the tickets on one skin…they are going to sit there for a while i think….and not get used…

The dyes were the biggest thing of interest, and i could have converted the gems to gold and gotten way better dyes, of my choice, than what i got from the keys.

These things are fun, i wont lie, but i don’t see much value in them…

So maybe anet can look into taking out the garbage from the BLC, putting in a selection of skins, dyes are fine, and i dunno…stuff people actually want….beyond the tickets and one in a million items.

Plea to remove bank space cap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Really if it isn’t a client based, sever based, reason for it, I see no point not to allow someone to spend $500 on bank space so they can lay out 4 different armor sets and a full compliment of weapons, for each character, have room for crafting overflows, collectables, fun stuff, food…you name it.

Some people like to have things ready to go in a neat orderly fashion, and would be willing to pay to do this…so why not.

Though if I’m not mistaken I recall blizzard talking about having too much inventory and bank space in diablo 3 having negative repercussions on how the game ran, could be they don’t want people lagging in bank or could be something more.

Think its all determined by how the game is structured.

Stuck on racials skills Help!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Recently realized that race skills exist, since you know they make no mention of it at character creation. So there I was on my charr necro at low level wonderin wtf this pistol jump back skill and war cry was all about.

Made me hesitate on continuing thinking “I’m sure there are better races for this”

then I realized on my norn guardian, who is 80, that I had racial skills, and never noticed them, and never…ever..once…saw a proper build choosing the race skill over their class skills.

They really should just flat out remove the skills, I see no point in even having racial skills UNLESS…they are deco skills. Like in SWTOR a sith race had a skill where you back hand slap your follower “friend” and that’s all it did.

So maybe remove the race skills as combat skills, have some sort of lore based “action” skill something to use in town or for fun….which wouldn’t be worth the dev time to create mind you.

My disappointment with guilds :/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


From my limited experience, and from talking with others, it seems most guilds, while high in numbers of members, are very inactive by normal mmorpg standards.

Even with a lot of people online the game seems to lack a good reason to go serious with things. Like the OP stated when I played Rift back in the day, I bounced around a few guilds, they all were extremely active all times of day and very organized. The key to that was that endgame pve was actually quite hard, and required that level of coordination to run smoothly. Same goes for a lot of other games.

This game lacks that difficulty, since there are no roles and just about everything with the game is done casually, which is both a positive and negative.

WvW can require more organization, however that seems to include jumping onto the server based teamspeak and more or less rolling with a totally different crew in most cases….and not everyone wants to do WvW. I would more but I’m new and WvW doesn’t seem to get you much more than broke and in lame gear.

For pve “endgame” it seems just about anything goes, so when people do want to run fractals, its more of a guild based pug…basically “hey who wants to do it?” because it can be done like that.

Schedules include mostly guild runs/quests which are fun, but don’t really require much coordination for the most part.

I really hope they look to including some sort of mixed mode pve/pvp guild vs guild content that would require more “activity” from a guild beyond running a few guild related activites, and that some serious rewards be included in WvW to make it more enticing. Also the requirement of being on the right server for good WvW activity really limits the guilds you can join if you want WvW, since most of the big active guilds are multi server, making Wvwing with people you like difficult.

On the one hand the super serious, highly organized, guilds of past games are fun, but they do burn me out, I like the casual nature of the game honestly, though I wish there was something that required it in game for when I want it.

Not enough variation in clothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Agreed, there will never be enough.

Also you have to sort of factor in, theres a lot of uber common gear that is 100% ignored because…well you unlock heavy armor of ripped up cloth and metal at lv5, you tend to want to use stuff to show off, and well, showing off rarely involves using stuff everyone gets in the starter zone.

A Matter of Buttflaps.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


are buttflapps included to not be racist towards Charr characters?


Captain Airship Pass - Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


If the airship pass was activated account wide by a hotkey I would buy one right now.

I don’t feel that the pass is really all that good of a deal if I have to micro-manage an inventory item across characters.

I really like the concept of a “VIP” area and an area with condensed convenience.

That’s what this purchase is, its buying convenience, however the convenience is countered with the inconvenience of managing the inventory ticket item. To me its a wash and not worth paying for.

Returning Player - Expansion Question

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


on the bright side, that game you bought for $80 three years ago, its still populated and you can still play it free of charge….imo wasn’t all that bad of a deal in hindsight.

but yeah if you want all the new stuff its going to be $50

GW2 needs a new graphics engine!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


“For the few people who refuse to get rid of their pirated windows xp OS its been possible before to give the option to stick with the dated and old 32 bit / dx9 and have a 64 bit dx12 option.”

Since you bring up XP a good way for Microsoft to practically have a license to print money is offering an XP or 7 GUI because Metro and its overly simplistic color scheme suck.

“I would really look into this, DX12 is suppose to be super dev friendly, might make future expansions a hell of a lot less “dev resource intensive” and save you money in the long run.”

If I were in charge that would be my very first priority for that very reason.

Like the guy who saved black lion chest exclusive skins for when they’d (you know it was going to happen someday) patch the key farm you just have to see far ahead. Anything that improves efficiency and ease of use should be given top priority so the other priorities fall into place much faster and more smoothly. Why is a 2015 Honda better than a 70’s muscle car? Because it is far more fuel efficient and far less expensive especially relative to performance.


your a really sick person to suggest that a modern bloated Honda is better than any classic muscle car. we should fight in real life over this.