Showing Posts For UnfairOphelia.9763:

Master of Misdirection trait+Continuum Split

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Definitely still happening.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Cadecus Fight Suggestions

in Living World

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I just finished the final battle on my Revenant, and I had my butt handed to me. I am well experienced, and have been able to solo all the other boss/story encounters in the game. I have the new downed skill, and am using the counter magic every time it pops. This isn’t the first time I’ve done this fight, but the first time soloing it.

I read the patch notes, and they said they replaced the Jade Bow with a Carnival Worker… nope. I was fighting a Jade Armor and Caudecus at the same time.

Can we address this bug?? I had to use a valuable repair canister to get through the final fight (and I completely agree, an anvil should be available in the instance if it’s going to be this rough intentionally).

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Guild Hall Decorations..flop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I agree 100% – was extremely disappointed by the new Wintersday scribing items. After the really good Hallowe’en items, I had great expectations. Sigh.

Why not big candy canes, or those floating circular peppermint candies? Regular snowmen? Piles of snowballs or presents? An NPC holding a bell that plays a Wintersday tune? How about big round snowballs we can make our own kitten snowmen with? Stars or snowflakes? A patch of ice even? See – lots of ideas, but we end up with big minecraft blocks.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Kicked Out of Exalted Armour

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I have been having this problem for a while now. I can get out of the competition zone (usually, but not always), but when I try to take the portal down in Tarir itself, I spawn in front of of the armor. I tried spamming my “s” key, to see if I’m being moved forward before the armor has spawned, and once it actually worked, other times it hasn’t worked. It’s not an inactivity thing as far as I can tell, but I do have long load times occasionally – perhaps that’s a clue? The problem happens whether I try the golden or the regular armors, and whether my loads are fast or slow.

I have never had problems like this before about a month ago or so (not sure of the actual time it started, because at first I thought it was just a weird lag-related bug), but since then it’s been happening every time but once.

This is a very frustrating problem, as it does have a real effect on the AB meta battle for Tarir.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

[Suggestion] Heritage armor in gemstore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I agree that Heritage Armor and Weapon Skins (and the HoM-exclusive pets, minis, and titles) should never be available for gold or gems in GW2, only through the player’s efforts in GW1.

I guess older folks like me sometimes severely underestimate how much video games/achievements matter to younger people.

I’m also an “older” gamer. I had wonderful times with my guild in GW1, and have fond memories of the hours spent earning those achievements. GW1 was my go-to game for many years, a place that felt like home (GW2 has taken over that role now). I would be incredibly sad if the HoM items were cheapened to simple credit-card purchases: when I use my Black Moa or Black Widow Spider pet on my Druid, or see that awesome Guild Warrior title, I get reminded of the past fun adventures.

You get out of a game what you put into it. For me, at least, achievements matter mostly because of the memories that come with achieving them.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

New Music from Uzolon's Orchestra??

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Update: Went back into my Guild Hall about a half-hour later, and heard the original music. Checked Divinity’s Reach, and it’s also the original music.

Is it randomly chosen when you enter the hall? Does it change every hour or so? Inquiring minds need to know!!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

New Music from Uzolon's Orchestra??

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I just noticed in our Guild Hall that our Uzolon’s Mechanical Orchestra is playing a different song than it was last time I checked. I checked the original in Divinity’s Reach, and it is also playing the new song.

Granted, it sounds very much like a song that would be played by a mechanical orchestra, but it’s not the same! I miss the old version/song. Was this an intended change? If so, can we have the option of choosing which song it plays?

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Fractal Decorations Needs to be Adjusted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I agree completely, the recipes really need to be adjusted for reality. As our Guild scribe, I was eagerly looking forward to making new things, and sorely disappointed when I saw the requirements.

I absolutely love the way Anet makes chunks of the jade sea, and really want to make a Jade Sanctum area in our Guild Hall, but that’s going to take forever. Plus a pair of dancing holograms for our karaoke/celebration lounge. Oh well, back to fractals for a long, long, long time I guess.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Ally NPCs stall during Story missions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I posted about this problem six days ago ( ). It’s very frustrating, and haven’t heard anything from Anet about the issue.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Guild Decoration Vendor is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Look in your inventory. I found that any time I purchased more than one at once, only one is automatically added to the guild storage. Just double click on the fragments in your inventory and they’ll be deposited.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

NPC Inactivity in Bloodstone Fen Missions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I am currently attempting to solo “Confessor’s Stronghold” – Marjory, Rytlock, and Canach are not fighting at all at the Justiciar Adrienne fight. At least Canach is somewhat rezzing me when I’m down… sometimes… maybe… if he feels like it. They all fought in the first battle, but then I was down to just Canach for the second battle. And now, just me.

I’ve never had all three NPCs quit on me. I think at this point I will choose to restart the mission instead of using a repair canister and continuing this fruitless battle. (Perhaps even drag a guildie along with me next time, so I have a chance to finish should this happen again.)

I have completed this mission thirteen times so far, and only ONCE have all NPCs participated in all the fights. There is obviously some sort of issue involved here, but I have no clue what it could be: other than it doesn’t appear to be something I’m doing/not doing.

To say this is frustrating is an understatement. I’m not saying the mission is too hard, just saying that the additional problems that show up when your team doesn’t have your back make a challenging mission ever so much more challenging.

Now, I have had inactive NPCs during all of the LS3 Chapter 1 instanced battle missions. Rytlock has refused to fight in “Research in Rata Novus”, and Caithe has done nothing during “A Shadow’s Deeds”. When that happened, I managed to complete those missions without their help. However, “Confessor’s Stronghold” is designed to be a group battle, with battle mechanics that, to my mind, require more than one fighter.

I know other people who have had similar problems with NPCs not doing their jobs during these missions, and other instanced missions as well. I admit, I’ve had it happen in other missions, but just shrugged and said “oh well” about it. It took a perfect storm scenario of all NPCs bugging out in a group battle to make me realize it’s a problem that has existed for a while, and hasn’t been directly addressed (to my knowledge).

Please, Anet, let us know you’re looking into the flaky behaviour of your NPCs.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Scribing wish list - new & existing items

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I like your suggestions! I put a large wishlist together a couple of months ago ( ), and have come up with a few more thoughts since posting it:

  • plants that aren’t in pots (trees with roots, floral ground cover, bed of green moss, etc)
  • little garden plots
  • water plants for fountains
  • hedge pillars that are the same height as the corners & hedge pieces
  • plain hedge pieces same thickness as the corners and pillars
  • more statues of all different sizes
  • a windsock for our heliport
  • piles of crates
  • a free-standing lectern/podium
  • scaffolding
  • flat wooden/metal/stone pieces to build stairways & platforms
  • more items from SAB (happy cloud, murderous cloud, rainbow)
  • gramophones that play music from SAB, Wintersday
  • more lighter-stained wood items (especially the library shelving – Gilded Hollow is so dark inside buildings already, adding the bookshelves makes it even darker)
  • in general, more ways to add colour to our guild halls

I’d also really like clarification on the 20 items within a given area rule: just how big is the area, and does that area include the entire height of the guild hall? We’ve built a rather large and complex jumping puzzle, and I’d like to know if I have to be mindful of where it is when planning what to do on the ground level for decoration.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Caithe inactive (Out of the Shadows quest)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I’ve had problems with Caithe not doing anything in that mission on a few alts, as well as Marjorie not doing anything during the final mission. I haven’t been able to find any pattern to it, just sometimes the NPCs don’t bother helping for no apparent reason whatsoever. It can be frustrating, for sure.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Nevemore III Collection Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I managed to get this Raven about 10 days ago, and it was a challenge. I tried several times, but always seemed to be in combat and unable to interact with the Raven. I went back again, brought a team of guildies with me, and killed everything in that room, including those annoying cannons. As soon as the last ghost-like thing died, I was able to get the Raven to interact easily.

So, from my experience, you have to completely clear the room and interact before anything respawns. Good luck!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Map Completion - Black Lion Keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I did some personal research on this topic, since I’m an altaholic and maintain an Excel spreadsheet of map/story completion. I discovered that on at least 5 different characters I got exactly one Black Lion Key for map completion per zone (Kryta, Ascalon, Orr, etc). The actual map awarding the key varied from character to character, but one key per zone seems to be all I get.

I’ll continue documenting as I continue working on map completion, because science!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

What happened to suggesting gaming breaks?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Yeah, I’ll admit that I do miss those messages and wouldn’t mind them making an appearance in GW2.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Unexpected Reaper-Gliding Interaction

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I discovered something interesting while fighting Justicar Hablion on my Reaper: if you are in Reaper form, and get thrown up in the air, you retain your Reaper skills, and do not get the regular gliding skills. I experimented afterwards (for science!) and found out that this is the case for gliding in general with Reaper form. However, anyone in this situation can easily F1 out of Reaper form and get their gliding skills back.

I was just wondering if this was intentional, or an oversight? It’s not a huge inconvenience, but it is an unexpected surprise for sure, and can prevent you from hitting enemies for the Daily Bloodstone Aerial Skill User achievement.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Guild Hall Decoration Increase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


This makes me very happy!!
(though I’d be even happier if we had new goodies to make for our Guild Halls )

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

How do you check out guilds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


When I was looking for a guild, I observed the people around me who were doing the same things I was enjoying doing, such as world bosses and map exploration. I noted the people/guilds who were helpful, either by rezzing people or responding positively to new players’ questions in map chat – because that’s the kind of player I am. Over time, I got to know people who I liked, who got to know me as well… and then I started talking to them about their guild. The same approach applies whether you prefer PvE, PvP, WvW, or raids.

Like Silmar Alech, above, I have seen a lot of out-of-the-blue guild invites from new players creating brand new guilds – and most of those don’t last, sadly. Most experienced guilds do not blindly send out invites, but start a conversation if they think you would be a good fit for their guild.

Finding the right guild for you is a wonderful thing in this game. It’s all about finding a group of people who like doing what you’re doing (and/or are willing to help you step out of your comfort zone and try something new, if you want). Take your time and look around you – your new guildies might be standing next to you right now!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)

Scribing wish list - new & existing items

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Hello all. I’m the Scribe for my Guild, and have been enjoying the changes to Scribing made a little while ago. I’m now drowning in Resonating Slivers and Lumber Cores, and am running out of things to make! So I sat down and, over the past couple of weeks, made a rather large Scribing Wish List. I’ve included examples for the items that already exist in-game, as well as suggestions for how to improve certain Scribing recipes.

Scribing in general:

  • more uses for lumber cores
  • ability to reuse Ceramic Planters
  • ability to put items under water
  • ability to tilt items (eg row of candles up sides of a staircase)
  • ability to mirror items ( \_ <-> _/ )

Increase availability of:

  • Evergreen Slivers / Lodestones
  • Maguuma Lily
  • Rare Flower Seeds
  • Jungle Grass Seeds
  • Giant Mushroom Spores
  • Pieces of Mother-of-Pearl
  • Lamp Finials
  • world boss trophies (currently a measure of luck, not kills)

New items for us to make (that already exist in the game):

  • guard rails (Vanguard Hospital, Salma District, Divinity’s Reach)
  • plain flags in colours other than “Red Flag” and “White Flag”
  • Large Guild Banner (as already listed in Wiki)
  • Gilded Banner (as already listed in Wiki)
  • gym equipment (Farhar of Young Heroes, Black Citadel)
  • training dummy (various types all over Tyria)
  • chalkboards (Farhar of Young Heroes, Black Citadel)
  • weapon racks (various types all over Tyria)
  • fabric room dividers (Oceanside Ordinance, Straits of Devastation)


  • norn chairs & furniture (Durgar’s Homestead, Snowden Drifts) (Gavbeorn’s WP, Cursed Shore)
  • charr chairs & furniture (home instance, Black Citadel)
  • picnic table (SAB)(NE of Town of Cathal WP, Caledon Forest)
  • desk (many regular ones throughout Tyria) (standing desk behind Willow in basement of The Maiden’s Whisper, Divinity’s Reach)


  • streetlight with hanging planters and banners (N of Minister Wi’s Mansion, Divinity’s Reach)
  • octopus wall sconce (Order of Whispers headquarters, LA)


  • more mid-sized flowers and plants (approx. Jungle Grass size) (large fern, Caledon Haven Waypoint, Caledon Forest) (orange shrubs beside Loreclaw WP, Plains of Ashford)
  • more mid-sized trees (with greenery near the ground) (weeping willow, Royal Terrace, Divinity’s Reach)
  • climbing plants like ivy that we can put on walls (already in guild hall)


  • more statues in general(medium & large sized)
  • Abbadon
  • golden dragon statues (inner chamber, Tarir, Auric Basin)
  • water bearer statue (beside Ossan WP, Divinity’s Reach)
  • armed angels (Ebonhawke Asura Gate, Divinity’s Reach)
  • golden water bearer wall plaques/statues (in tower at Plaza of Lyssa, Divinity’s Reach)
  • norn spirit totem statues (freestanding and/or wall mounted) (various locations in Hoelbrak)
  • other racial statues (to go with the “Charr Statue” we can already make; possibly other statues from Langmar Estate Guild Puzzle)


  • rugs
  • piles of firewood (Wynchona Rally Point WP, Harathi Hinterlands)
  • bundle of all one colour balloons (especially white)
  • beer/water wagon with awning (south of Busted Flagon, Divinity’s Reach)
  • apple cart
  • more paintings for the walls
  • drums (Kyesjard, Timberline Falls)

New items for us to make (that don’t already exist in game):

  • picnic set (blanket with basket) (blanket on beach south of Farshore WP, LA)
  • beanbag chairs / large floor pillows (charr-sized)
  • piles of floor pillows (like in the Vabbi Library in GW1)
  • more topiaries
  • Potted Shrub that actually looks like the image in the icon for Potted Shrub

Recipe review requests:

  • mists statues (tiny, 100 badges of tribute each). Would suggest either much cheaper to make, or larger (like the dolyaks in LA).
  • guild chair/stool/barstool (20/40/50 resonating fragments to make). Would suggest significant reduction in number of resonating slivers needed to make these items.
  • square guild bar/guild bar (20 resonating fragments/20 resonating lodestones plus 60 resonating fragments to make). Would suggest a significant reduction in the number of resonating slivers needed to make these items.
  • summit banners (3 summit flags each (75 cotton bolts) / racial summit banners (50 linen bolts and 75 cotton bolts each)). Would suggest not requiring Summit Flags to create the Summit Banner.
    Also, why does the Summit Flag have 2 flags on the pole, but the racial Summit Flags have only one flag? Was originally expecting one Summit Flag and one Racial Flag per Racial Summit Flag pole.
  • hedge/hedge corner/hedge pillar (need 6 evergreen lodestones each). Would suggest removal of Spire Topiary intermediate step.
  • elegant square pillar (12 essence of elegance @50s each). Would suggest decreasing number of essences required to make it to perhaps half.
  • Maguuma Lily (Double and Triple Bloom) (single needs 1 maguuma lily, double needs 3 total, triple needs 6 total Maguuma Lilies). Would suggest double and triple bloom versions just use 1 new Maguuma Lily in addition to existing plant, instead of 2 or 3.
Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)

No Phantasm from Echo of Memory in PvE

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Since the May 17 patch, the mesmer shield 4 skill, Echo of Memory, no longer spawns a phantasm if it fully channels. This is the case whether you are in battle or not. I also did not see Deja Vu when my Echo of Memory blocked an attack. Without the phantasm, no slow or alacrity happen from that skill, thus making it useless.

A guildie just reported to me that the skill works fine in PvP, and doesn’t work in Fractals.

Update: the skill also works just fine in the Special Forces Training Area (raid practice area), and in the actual VG raid instance.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)

Hall Bug: Decorations Gone(Mastpole & Wagon)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I’ve been watching for mast poles for ages now, but they haven’t shown up. There were wagons available a couple of days ago if I remember correctly, but they’re rare.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

HoT - Hearts & Minds Priory Strap reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


You have to unlock the strap on the first character that chooses the Priory backpiece. Any other character will not get the item or unlock it in the collection (I found this out the hard way). Could this be why you didn’t get the item unlocked?

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

HoM Titles Gone for No Reason

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Also got the in-game message and lost all my achievements. Logged out and back in, and they were back. I guess we’ll see if they’re still there when I log back in again.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Scribing: Dwayna statue smaller than others

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Our guild has been working towards creating a serene corner in our Guild Hall, featuring the Six Gods. We now have four of the statues made, and I have noticed a glaring discrepancy in the statue sizes. The Melandru, Balthazar, and Kormir statues are all approximately the same size, but Dwayna’s statue is significantly smaller than the others. By approximately 25%. The cylindrical base is smaller than the others (see attached image for comparison of Dwayna and Kormir).

I am guessing that this is not intended, and is just a scaling issue. If the Dwayna statue was increased in size overall, it would be similar enough to the others to look fine in a grouping of all six statues.

Also, just a quick question as to why Dwayna has only one wing in her statue, instead of two. I know the statue in Divinity’s Reach (at Ministers Waypoint) has only one, but gives the appearance of her having two wings (because there is another copy of the statue facing the other way behind it).


Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)

Scribing Balancing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Thank you for putting this list together! Here’s hoping that Anet takes this seriously and reduces some of the costs.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Not So Secret Dive Not Counting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Sigh. Yeah, happened to me too. So unfair!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Scribing and SAB Anet Please Read

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Please tell me how I can exchange my furniture coins with the vendor for clouds if I have not done the furniture achievements? He doesn’t want to take the coins I’ve gotten from the daily….

You have to exchange the furniture coins with a guild hall NPC, Fion.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Vendor Unlock Requires Tribulation Mode???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I was wondering why Anet decided to put the unlock for purchasing Fancy Furniture Coins behind an achievement that requires you to basically complete World 1 Zone 1 in Tribulation Mode.

To be able to purchase Fancy Furniture Coins from Moto, you have to complete ‘Master of Decor, World 1’ and ‘Master of Decor, World 2’. Each achievement requires you to find 6 hidden furniture stores. This does not seem too onerous, until you realize that one of those furniture stores is only available when you are playing in Tribulation Mode.

According to GW2Wiki, Tribulation Mode ‘is a grueling difficulty intended for hardcore gamers and serves as a torture platformer… Torture platformers have been cited as a direct inspiration for the mode.’

All of the other 11 furniture stores are fully accessible in either Infantile or Normal Mode.

Now, again, can someone explain to me why unlocking a simple vendor tab would require enduring an intentionally torturous gaming experience?

Personally, I would never have considered venturing into Tribulation mode, except for the desire to unlock that merchant tab. I’m the scribe for my guild, and we want to be able to make that gorgeous solid gold King Frog statue, and possibly put together a SAB-inspired jumping puzzle area in our guild hall. What better way to get the Super Clouds to make those items than buying them with Fancy Furniture Coins purchased from the baubles we all get from dailies and SAB runs?

This single furniture store is likely blocking a lot of players from being able to
a) get that achievement,
b) help their guild scribes make decorations for the guild hall, and
c) fill their guild halls with snazzy Super Clouds.

It’s not fair to scribes, it’s not fair to average players, and it just plain makes no sense.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Suggestion: some useful Guild upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Oooh, I like the Belcher’s Bluff idea!

I think it would be awesome if they included something like tiny reward chests we could place in our Guild Hall, offering some sort of reward if found. We’d love to have guild scavenger hunts as a team building exercise (and an excuse to explore the nooks and crannies of these huge guild halls we have).

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Dragon stand pets.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


You can also use one of the “Teleport to Friend” stones – that’s how I got my DS pets on both my rangers, thanks to an awesome guild leader who took a bunch of us on field trips to get them.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Mouse Movement Problems post 3/8 Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Yes, I’ve been experiencing similar problems with starting to move by using the mouse, have also noticed random stops in movement for no apparent reason.

I don’t know if it’s coincidence, but I’ve noticed it most often in Diessa Plateau.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Uzolan Orchestra music option for Guild Hall?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


My guild just built the Uzolan Mechanical Orchestra for our guild hall, and I was wondering if it was possible to have that music as an option from the Guild Sound Technican npc upon building it. The music is awesome, and I know several of us would like to hear it throughout the hall, not just in the close proximity to the orchestra itself. Plus it would be an added reminder of all the teamwork that went into creating that legendary decoration!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Series of Disconnects From Game Server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


It’s 100% Level3, I was able to complete a tracert this last outage (now happening every 30ish minutes) – it’s dying between Chicago and Dallas Level3 servers. I can’t find anything online about this issue yet though.

Thank you for finding this info out – hopefully that will help them find the problem and fix it asap! I’ve been getting disconnects for over 6 hours now.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Series of Disconnects From Game Server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Over the past half hour or so, I’ve had 5 server disconnects, and some serious whisper/chat lag for the last hour or so. Has happened in multiple different map areas. Internet connection has been fine, with nice fast pings. Has anyone else noticed this problem?

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Gliding Inconsistency in Core Tyria vs HoT

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I have noticed a difference in gliding controls between core Tyria areas and the Heart of Thorns areas. If you’re gliding in core Tyria and hit “s” once you continually descend in the same spot (just as if you are holding down the “s” key), hitting “s” again makes you resume regular gliding. If you try this in HoT territory, you stay in one spot only as long as you hold down the key.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)

Guild Hall Decoration: Fancy Waggon

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Thank you for posting a picture of the fancy wagon! I’ve been thinking about making one, but now will reconsider it.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Uzolan's Mechanical Orchestra Collect help?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


It dropped in my first gold chest – after over a week of bronze and silver chests.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(Suggestion) add living animals to guild hall

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I miss our Guild Hall frog from GW1.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Scribing Costs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Thank you for making this thread, Gaile.

I have a few suggestions to add to the discussion.

- Reduce the price of basic items from 50s to something far more reasonable, like perhaps 10s. We’ll be spending a lot of time and materials upgrading these items, so it doesn’t make sense to have them so expensive. Plus, to make some higher-level items we need many of those basic items (for example, a single crooked thorny mushroom requires 6 basic shrubs to make).

- Suggestions concerning coarse sand: make it guaranteed that you’ll get anywhere from 1-3 coarse sand from sifting 10 silky sand, and reduce the amount of coarse sand needed to make all levels of sandpaper. I actually like the complexity of the scribing recipes, and wouldn’t want to see that reduced, but the costs of so much sand makes crafting items very expensive.

- Resonating slivers are So. Kittening. Expensive. Using 81 of the silly things to make a single GrandMaster Finishing Kit is, honestly, outrageous. The sand requirements at least go up an equal amount with each level, while the sliver requirements basically triple with each level. This does not make sense to me, why not make it an equal progression for slivers as well.

- As mentioned in a comment above, a reduction to the number of slivers required to make “guild” items would be greatly appreciated. I don’t understand why I have to spend an additional 20 resonating slivers to make something that i will be converting into something else as soon as it’s done. That’s a steep premium. Perhaps change the recipes requiring “guild” items to require plain versions instead? If you want the snazzy one with the fabric on it, make it instead.

- Can the Guild Commendation Vendor NPC have either more stock available all the time, and rotate it more frequently? I haven’t seen wagons available for a very long time, and my guild would like a Fancy Wagon eventually. Perhaps if the third tab (scribing items) would have, for example, two crafting materials and two basic items all the time?

- Is there any way the Guild Decoration NPC could have seasonal items available all year round? My guild is planning on making lots of Wintersday items next time, and would like to be able to use all those tiny snowflakes to make snow piles between now and then, as opposed to storing them in their banks for almost a year. Same thing with luck – if a guildie has some luck accumulated they should be able to purchase lanterns when they think of it, not just during Lunar New Year time. The seasonal NPC is available year-round in LA, so why not?

- A QoL suggestion I’ve mentioned on the forums before involves karma merchants and the food items required to make unidentified dyes (to salvage for pigment). Scribes currently use a lot of pigment, and usually you require 100 of a karma-purchased material to make a single dye. This can add up to a lot of clicking, between buying that material in bags of 25, opening up those bags, then making and salvaging the resulting dyes. If it was possible to either (a) have an “open all” option on karma-purchased items, or (b) have those items available in larger bags of 100 or even 250, it would be a wonderful thing and appreciated by all of us chef/scribes who want to save our hands.

- Pigments. Yes, scribing uses a lot of pigments. I don’t have a problem with the layers of complexity for high-end crafted items, but I do have a problem with the sheer amount of pigment required for each step. Ten of each colour, per step, is a bit steep. The requirements could be reduced, to perhaps 5 (or less)? Or, the amount of pigment obtained from salvaging dyes could be increased, and/or more pigment drops from harvesting plant nodes (preferably the colour related to what you’re harvesting).

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I leveled up my scribing as my guild needed me to, since the two are inextricably linked together. It was expensive, and I was already at 350 when Dulfy’s guide came out, but I spent nothing like thousands of gold on scribing. Definitely less than a thousand, but I had the full support of my guild.

I’d like to see how they could reduce the cost of some of the items you can craft at 400, for example the Mechanical Orchestra which is, in essence, a Legendary item for your guild hall.

The resonating slivers required for the Grandmaster Finishing Kit is insane – 81 slivers before you even start making the item?? Very tough for a small guild to get that many, so off to the Black Lion to buy them… sigh… 48 gold later you can start crafting.

I would love to see the cost of “basic items” purchased from the NPC reduced significantly – maybe down to 10s each instead of 50s each? That would be a step in the right direction.

I hope Anet will add a title like “Master Scribe” for people who got 400 before patch.

I quite like this idea, and hope they implement it somehow. I earned that title!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)

[Suggestion] Decorations and Scribe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


After looking at my huge scribe crafting list, I realized that one very important QoL change would be to separate the list into categories: Kits, Statues, Topiaries, Plants, Furniture, etc.

Also, we could always use more topiaries (like rabbit, dolyak, cat golem)… and just a quick question: is the two-part topiary we can make supposed to be a moa with its’ neck underground like an ostrich?

Another suggestion would be to add other light standards, like the metalwork Norn ones you see in Dredgehaunt – they’re classy and would look awesome in our GH.

I just finished crafting the Immense Lion Statue, and it is truly amazing! Can we get more awesome statues like that??

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

[Suggestion] Decorations and Scribe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Thank you, Gaile, for linking that information!

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

[Suggestion] Decorations and Scribe

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I like the list.

I’d like to add:
Snack Bar / Snack Table
bunch of white balloons
beanbag chair / floor cushion
guild flag (similar to the guild flag finisher)

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

(edited by UnfairOphelia.9763)

Help Scribes By Saving Chefs' Hands

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I am a Scribe, but this post is not about how insanely expensive it is to level scribing. This post is concerning a Chef problem – the insane amount of clicking required to make dyes to turn into pigment for my scribe to use.

Most unidentified dyes require farmed items and karma-purchased items to create. The produce purchased with karma is bought in bags of 25. Earlier today, I purchased 1600 black beans, so I could make white and black bags of pigment. That’s 64 clicks to purchase, and an additional 64 double-clicks to open the bags. With one click, I can make all 16 unidentified grey dyes. Another 16 double-clicks later, I have 16 dyes that I click on once each to salvage into bags of pigment. That is a lot of clicking for 26 white and 28 black bags of pigment.

Now, I admit I tend to do dyes in weekly batches, to give myself enough time to farm the items I need. I’m sure other scribe/chefs do the same thing. I went from karma merchant to karma merchant, buying 5600 items (224 bags of 25) in a single run today. That’s a kitten amount of clicking. Even if you do it piecemeal, and buy ingredients only when you need them, that still ends up being the same amount of clicking, just spread out a bit.

Ask any scribe how many Nutmeg Seeds they go through making brown bags of pigment, at a rate of 100 seeds per unidentified brown dye (which give 2-5 bags of pigment each).

I realize that when the bags of 25 produce were created, there wasn’t a huge demand for many of those items – just for chef leveling mostly – and certainly not a huge demand in such large quantities as seen now for Scribe use.

Please, Anet, consider making karma produce items available in larger bundles, either a bag of 100 or 250. Scribing is not going away, and the demand will only increase over time.

Thank you

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Has... uh, has Taimi's face always done this?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I sent a bug report in about this last year. It’s just the one story instance, and it did make me laugh for a moment.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

please increase bank and bag slots limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I’d be happy if they allowed the materials storage maximum stack size to carry over to the regular bank storage slots. Stacks of 1500 bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, and empyrial fragments would open up many bank slots for me, let alone all those items I’m stockpiling for scribing.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

How get rid of auto attack when i use Retreat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


I ran into this problem when running Arah paths on my guardian. Using “Retreat” would break me out of stealth every single time, and put me into combat. The only solution I found that worked reliably was turning off autoattack.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

Why are we being measured?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


Oh mercy, if you’d asked that question before the dunegon nerf qq, you’d get all kinds of elitist responses about “it’s the only way to ensure good groups” even though the correlation between AP and “player skill” (whatever that’s supposed to mean) is stupidly low.

This. My experience doesn’t change just because I’m playing on my secondary account (4k AP) instead of my main account (21k AP). I’ve been kicked from dungeon and fractals groups before even fully loading in because my AP is “too low, noob”. Oh well, their loss.

In spite of my experiences, I do glance at peoples’ AP when in a pug group, simply to get an idea of whether I should ask if anyone is new to the path (I automatically ask if I see someone with <1k AP in the group). I sincerely enjoy helping other people, but would like to have some warning prior to our first oops situation

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.

HoT headscratchers/reactions[spoilers, lore]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: UnfairOphelia.9763


And a quick additional question, which should be able to be answered: What happens if you play through the Heart of Thorns story missions without choosing an Order? Who do you get as a surprise visitor during the final story mission?

Someone surely has done this, given how many people say how much they don’t like the core Tyria personal storyline (and how many people have tome-levelled Revenants to get to HoT directly). My guild leader mentioned this thought to me, and it’s been gnawing at me since then.

Scribe and Executive Officer of Sognatori di Tramonto [DRMS] on Fort Aspenwood.
A proud altaholic and cartographer.