Showing Posts For Voltic.6912:
Can you give me gear suggestions? Hoping to find something with either vit or toughness so I still have some survivability.
I am looking for legendary gear and maybe slotting in the Superior Runes from CM
I’d also like to know what jewelry.
Do you go for all the MF possible where everything has +MF or do you use some pieces that don’t have MF at all just to help survive abit.
I am new to dungeons and trying to put together an elementalist heal build for my guild.
The question I have is regarding the rune slots on my armor. Is there any point to a lev 80 using magic find %. I am not sure if lev 80 gear drops in dungeons or if they just do it for the cash and tokens? Otherwise I’d add healing runes.
Guess I should also add what traits? Water is a given but what other traits will help heal the most.
I don’t know if I need to worry about my own surviveability as I’ve only done COF and it didn’t seem like I had to worry about being targetted by the mobs until the tanky guys had died
So I guess its kinda down to putting traits into fire or arcane?
Looking to put together a healing build to run dungeons with my guild. What stats are important?
Most likely am going to be a staff/water healer. I guess healing is a percentage of damage so I want more power?
And say I do 100 damage, any idea what base healing amount is and what +100 healing stat will do to that base?
awesome, thanks.
productivity at the office is going from 50% to ZERO, lol
I am interested in wasting some time at work researching items for my character. Anyone know of any websites that I could browse and hopefully search for light armor with so and so stat for lev #, etc?
This way when i get home I don’t have to waste time browsing the auction house and start playing
Mostly “Winged” with Whisper’s helm and Svanir boots
Oh my, now I wish I had made a male elementalist instead of a female. Male Winged model look so much better than the female winged model.
I’d like you to make the same comparison with a short skirt and stomach baring top
ps. my parts are green but I am taking anti-biotics for it.
ps. Sorry for sowing my wild oats
Glad I saw this post, I was about to ask what it cost to switch between crafts and if I should spread them out among alts instead of having them all on one character.
I would prefer to have them all on one char but based on this post, I’m gonna spread it out.
I started out soloing with mace and shield and loved it but after lev 20 or so the fights took longer and longer.
I then saw another guardian with scepter torch solo a champion lev mob after I died trying to mace/shield it with him. I tried the scepter torch combo myself afterwards and have never looked back. I alternate between that and the great sword and can easily solo champion mobs if they don’t do ranged attacks now. Warrior kites better than my elementalist which makes me sad now, lol
female norn because their legs go on forever
my norn is an elementalist as well but I left norn long ago for a more sensitive human who bathes daily.
what weapon do you have slotted and how do you heal up while getting chased or beat on. I’m a staff wielder myself so woud like to learn. in PVE, with a staff healing is too slow and I am looking to try other weaps. thanks
same happened when i tried a guardian. While severly underequipped I could solo stuff that as an elementalist I used to have to wait for a passerby for help.
there are enough bugs now that can be fixed by a daily reset I second this.
I really like the scale down feature. When your 80 and go to zones under the 75 – 80 range you have such a huge advantage as you may have lost hp’s but you have the skills and traits still so you can still get exp towards the skills and pretty much cake walk through everything else.
So 2-5 shotting instead of 1 shotting isn’t that big a deal to me and still gives the people in that level range a chance to get in on the kills. When I was in my 20’s and trying to figure out why another 20’s elementalist was killing stuff so easily and not coming close to dying I didn’t realize there was a scale down feature.
seems like the best way is to make a bunch of ranger bots with bear pets.
I use staff, if it’s a single mob or a vet+ mob with a few friends I go through my attunement rotation trying to end on fire. Earth – Air – Fire, repeat
If it’s alot of mobs, I start with fire and try to end on air. Fire – earth – air, try to stay alive and running around alot At this point everything is after me
I rarely go into water unless I really need to get a mob off my back and everything else is on cool downs
whats your equipment status? I was having the same problem but not dying, just having real close fights alot. Check the broker for master or rare armor for your level. You will be suprised how cheap it is. I am embarasssed to say until I hit the 60’s most of my gear was way under levelled by at least 10 levels. Thats when I checked the broker and had one of those moments when I saw how cheap the armor was. Once I upgraded my armor and weapon, it was night and day. I upgraded once more at 70 then waited till 80 for armor that would no longer be under levelled.
One good thing that came of it tho was I learned to take on mobs really underpowered so once I got into my 80 gear things are so easy and I am going the staff wielding glass cannon route.
(edited by Voltic.6912)
drool. I’ll be trying to shoot for this. I love seeing the big numbers of crits and mobs melt.
‘Currently at 67% chance to crit with 103% crit damage.’
Also I can take vet mobs with 2 adds no problem. ie, skill challenge mob that has 2 helpers. I survive very well pve with my setup. If I am suprised by a respawn or a wanderer during a fight things can get dicey but if I initiate it 2-3 mobs is pretty easy. Always moving and swapping attunements during fights. Once I complete the map and venture into pvp I might change things around but for now, I am very happy.D/D Ele. I want to love this class and see it as a versatile build. I love the challenge too. But I find the lack of a weapon swap makes Ele the least versatile class in the game. Each encounter I find myself locked in one form of fighting based on the weapon I have equipped, because the attunements differ in effect but not playstyle in each weapon. Any tips for how to get some flexibility within a fight with the Ele?
I use staff and swap back and forth between the elements for extended fights. You have 4 different ways to use your weapon and there is something I like in each element that I will use. If I am soloing I will flip through all 4, often several passes if its a real long fight. Air is the most tricky if you are trying to avoid hitting non aggro adds in the area. I love the ability to slow/stun mobs while circling them putting out the dps. In groups I tend to cycle through fire, earth, and air.
Underwater I flip back and forth between earth, air, and water and swim alot in circles if I get back to one of the elements before the cool down is up.
i haven’t gone single weapon with an offhand since I got the skills so I might be missing out something but once I got used to switching between elements in a fight it’s been a load of fun. My build is glass cannon too
like the subject says ^^^^^
I’ll keep it to a melee mob as champions with ranged abilities can ruin my day. Not enough dodges and shields to absorb and avoid all the damage.
I am relatively new to 80 and only have rare gear and major runes of the eagle currently slotted. I have lots of room to grow precision.
I have a 54% chance to crit. Kinda curious how high it can get. I put a ton into precision and divided the rest between arcane and power and am considering taking the points out of arcane as I am clueless what this does other than I read others putting 20 points here, hehe. like WTF is a boon.
I love using air when there are 2-3 mobs and the bolt bounces back between em. Things die super fast. Things die pretty fast to with fire if I target the mob in the back and the other mobs take damage as my fireball passes through them.
btw this is the pve build, havent modified it much for pvp as usually its mob vs mob out there
So what's the reasoning behind nerfing us even further underwater?
in Elementalist
Posted by: Voltic.6912
I kite like crazy underwater and switch between air and earth. Underwater skill challenges take awhile but eventually they all die to me
not sure how seriously I can take him when he plays with dolls still
I bought a set of rare armor and have started trying to finish the nonpvp world maps. I have about 6 zones left to do. The difference in good gear vs the crap I levelled up with is amazing. Not sure what other things I can be doing. I do plan to get into WvW pvp once I have the pve content mapped out.
I guess what do I need to do to get legendary or exotic gear? What should I be trying to do in pvp, just get a massive kill count or is there other stuff?
I’ll agree just because I’m tired of jumping off cliffs following other players and dying when they don’t
and few extra words to reach the 15 char body length
I found a zone within a zone that had a single POI and it gave me a World Completion achievement for finding it.
There was a popup asking me if I wanted to enter. I am thinking Chantry of Secrets might be something like that.
how do you get to equipment preview and can you preview stuff on the broker?
Seems like if I group with npc’s or player guardian/warriors despite being underpowered in damage I seem to eventually draw aggro. Especially in the kill this big bad guy events. I see the warriors/guardians in there swinging and dodging away and at some point the boss starts chasing me around until I get far enough away that I leave the fight.
Same goes for multiple mob fights. Warriors are doing aoe damage, I start up air and the next thing I know most of the mobs are chasing after me and I end up kiting the mobs while other people do enough damage to make em forget me. I even wait a few moments before casting so that the warrior has done swung at least 2-3 times.
I want to clarify I am not saying my dps is good, just with my bad dps, how is this happening
I think we also can summon a bow? I just hit the 50’s I recall seeing it as something I could train for but haven’t bothered to yet as why would I use a bow when I would prefer to throw a fireball
if you do lot of harvesting you can also get a bunch of levels just trying to get to lev 75 in a few professions
with the script it’s almost like they want us to buy gold to get mats for crafting. I need 8 of a creature drop to make 1 itemA and I need a bunch of itemA to level and to get enough for 1 itemA the anti farming script is probably triggered.
I bought the game a week after it came out. I didn’t play it in beta and didnt do much research other than the guildwars 2 website.
This is what they say an elementalist is
Elementalists are multi-faceted spellcasters that channel elemental forces, making fire, air, earth, and water do their bidding. What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack
No where in there does it mention anything about support and this is what I expected after putting in the hours I have into the game. The ability to inflict massive damage with each element doing it in a different way.
Hrmm, I just realized I can still dispute my credit card purchase as not getting the product I was promised
thanks! I’ll check out the logitech one as well
trying to figure out if it can be used with a keyboard or if it replaces a keyboard altogether. if it’s the later bleh as I can’t type chat and am looking for other suggestions for a decent gaming keyboard.
I discovered this by accident. I was getting my backsided spanked big time in one of those private class instances by a boss mob. I started running in ovals and went into staff/water mode and threw the big ice chuck in front of me so the boss would run through it and it worked like a charm but the fight took forever. Tried it again later on out of necessity and the fight actually timed out on me twice because it took so long. I switched to earth and smoked the sucker.
kiting doesnt work well on mobs that range but melee classes work great. I am not sure if there is a max number of mobs an aoe will damage but it would be a piece of cake to kite a train of melee mobs with earth spec.
i think ele got hard to play for me around lev 25ish. all of a sudden things started hitting me real hard. I don’t know if it was a patch but suddenly I started trying to take on only one mob at a time and veteran stuff smacked the heck out of me but thats what made it fun and why I left warrior.
thanks, ill check it out tonight!
I looked in the trading post for upgrades etc and didnt find anything. Im lev 42 and if slots opened by level, id have expected a few more by now
I agree!. I found the pvp link when I was 38 and had a blast but had to stop because of death and needing the cash for my level 40 book. Make it free for people under 80 as we are undergeared, undertraited fodder anyways.
I wont go back in until I have the cash for my next book saved up with a little to spare for reparing
Trying to find guild adverts for my server and am not seeing a servers list forum.
problem is lack of funds, world pvp is fun but expensive for repairs and I always forget to pick up little bags of loot. Jumping off of castles in pvp world also doesn’t carry over to pve world and have accidentally died due to that as well, lol. Can’t wait till I hit 80 for real and have all the skill/trait slots available.
I saved just enough to buy my skill books.
is there any healing that isn’t on a really long cool down to make it worth while? or is there something at higher levels that decreases the cool downs.
I’m a lev 40 that uses the staff. On rare occasions and only in long fight situatuons I switch to water to throw the two heals on my area after some boss mob hurts me but then immediately switch out as there is no sense in staying in water afterwards. In dual wield mode I don’t recall there being a quick heal skill either.
I think ele is harder to pve than other warrior but I am having a blast and just broke 40.
Sure my warrior could take out veteran stuff while my ele can’t but I just wait for someone else who needs the same skill challenge and then help out. I rarely have to wait more than a few mins.
Some of it may have to do with this being my highest lev toon and everything I do is new. It is way underequipped for it’s level as I am just not getting light armor drops but part of what got boring as a warrior was mowing everything down. Ele makes me think abit more.
Stumbled across pvp the other night and had a blast there as well. Doubt I’d ever find myself in a 1v1 situation. It’s either a mob v 1 or mob v mob, hehe. TBH, I know I damaged a ton of opponents but I couldnt say if I had the killing blows or if that even matters in pvp. I haven’t seen any statistical boxes yet of kills vs deaths. I wish we didnt suffer armor damage in pvp but I had to leave after my repair bills started dipping into my level 40 training skill book fund
I’d say viable yes, strong solo not so much but add in anyone else and stuff dies very fast
(edited by Voltic.6912)
thanks, ill try these out
I got a warrior to 22 but it was kinda boring so I started an elementalist and am having alot of fun. My biggest problem is learning how to turn around quickly.
Say I am in a zone event where all the mobs come from the north. They get mowed down and then a new batch of mobs come from the south. It’s such a pain turning around trying to drag my mouse to get me pointed in the right direction. Am I missing something? I literally have to stand there while pivoting. Straffing/running doesn’t seem that much faster.
Same happens if I fight a thief based mob that tries to get behind me. Backing up takes forever and trying to use my mouse to turn me around is just as aggravating.