For me last season too 13 lose in row because almost every game got AFK/Leaver/peoples what dont know what is cap/uncap or got team with premades with broken DH/Scrapper/Ele.
I have a lot of respect for you, more so than most people in GW2. A lot of players would of given up, raged and quit after 10. The fact you trudged on is quite remarkable.
The lopsided scores alone is enough to cause fist of rage.
haha I have seen much much worst, trust me this is not the worst ever made. That isn’t to say it’s great, but no this is not the worst ever made
“We’re not at a point where we’re able to discuss the changes we’ll be making to PvP Leagues for future seasons, but making rewards more accessible for casual players and making divisions prestigious and a more accurate indicator of skill are among our highest priorities.”
This is why I quit your game. GW2 developers are clueless to what made GW1 pvp great. As someone who has spent over $3000+ to support the development of GW2. (not because I am rich, but felt good to support a game I love); the continual disappointment is unreal. STOP PANDERING to casuals
- Good luck
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
This isn’t meant to bash PVE players. but ANET panders to PVE players over and over and over and over again. Although to be honest PVP was screwed from the beginning with the “All classes play every role, pandering more casuals”
- Exclusive Ranked PVP Gear (Gone) -
- Exclusive Rank Emotions (Gone, Basing it off GW1)
- PVP Paid Tournament (Gone)
And arguable the single worst PVP update in GW2 history since it nearly caused a lot of pvp players to quit
- Changed the required rank points needed to level for PvP ranks 40 through 80. Each of these ranks now requires 20,000 rank points.
- This changes the maximum required rank points needed to obtain a Dragon rank from 8.9 million down to 1.1 million. –
- Added PVE Rewards tracks to pander to casuals to try and build its PVP fallen population
- Added custom maps, along with unranking queue to grind ranks so everyone can have a Dragon emotion
The list goes on.
I cannot help, but find the irony in the fact that esports has taken the gaming industry by storm, and the best MMO PVP Game out there was Guild Wars 1. It is a shame GW2 came out when it did, because GW1 esports would be a big deal.
Taking true skill and team work to win HoH, and sloppy luck games didn’t happen, balance although fussy did exist, and the reward system in GW1 is nonparallel. A true midfinger to the players who made the guild wars series great. Even the GW1 PVE reward system was difficult. The launch of Nightfall + EotN should of been a sign of the things to come. (Lets reward players for doing nothing, and have them buy exclusive skins).
Yes I live in the past, because the past, at least required skill, and it is disappointment to see PVE concept in the PVP world.
Feels like this has been asked for since the game first came out, but I sometimes comeback to see if it has been addressed if they have address the particle effect situation.
Last time I left it was like a bunch of ravers dancing with glow sticks everywhere? Watching a match up on twitch felt like I was watching a cluster _ with out a clue on what was actually happening.
Anyways have they addressed this yet? I have been gone for about 6 months and debating on re-installing to play pvp again.
Expansion excluded, which honestly only upset whatever balance there was.
How is it there are less features in pvp now, then there were on GW2’s release?
- Tournament tokens gone, tournaments in general.
- I’ll consider rank emotions gone since ANET just ended up making them grindable.
– Underwater combat gone
- Mystic forge gone
- Unique PVP weapons gone
- Unique PVP Armor gone
And whether your a casual or not, the pandering to the PVE element of GW2 is truly what killed pvp in this game. Even the rewards system is a joke. Why not hand players a trophy, title, gems, gold, every other currency for tying their shoes too.
TL:DR (My QQ. GW1 glory pvp days are long gone, the future of GW2 is…. well sad)
What about Ranked do you want?
Is it standard models?
The type of matchmaking?
Is it the map selection? Now that the maps are updated, is this still an issue?
Do you want to climb the ladder until the the season resets?The ladder and match making would be nice.
I feel like 24/7 ladder would create a lot of burnout. Plus there wouldn’t be time for big balance patches to settle before the season starts.
Regarding matchmaking, it seems that two camps are developing. What about ranked matchmaking do you prefer over unranked?
What about internal tournaments again. Something that was available at the creation of GW2. 3 win streak that gave gems, better rewards and the time more glory. Those tournaments were only available to premades (something I know solo-que don’t like, but at least it provided a competitive side).
Unranked is basically the new glory pve farm. People do not care if they win or lose. MMR is already reset every season. To be honest if I was a dedicated pve player I’d farm unranked too.
HA won’t come back, mainly because of how lopsided the balance is and hybrid classes. You can see it now with leagues where teams can go 50-0 without any issues. In GW1 one slip-up could cost you the HoH streak. In this game, 1 slip up is a slap on the wrist.
You could actually see ANET gearing toward more of a PVE direction with each expansion release in GW1.
GW2 PvP was an after thought and I doubt anyone at ANET will tell us why.
- There was and STILL is no Guild vs Guild
- Hybrid classes, so team comps were sub-par in comparison to gw1
- Rank emotions were given to everybody under the sun including pve players.
- No HoH, and although they did have tournament play, they removed it.
ANET missed its mark not once but twice. GW2 took forever to release, and when it did the pvp was a joke. At the same time esports was starting to truly rise. If they had taken the GW2 combat mechanics, and the same class system as well as game types from GW1. This game would be thriving on levels ANET could only dream of.
As always, the problem with necros is fighting a coordinated team, cause smart rotations/focus will nullify most of what the necro brings to the table.
No no and again no. The reaper is over powered. If you really can’t see that, than I am not even going to waste my time explaining why they are.
And mad props the the original poster for actually calling it out. I don’t know why any necro would want their class to be god mode right now.
I miss my Ritualist. Oh wait, different definition of “outdated.”
Ironic I miss my paragon & MONK oh dear god I miss my monk
The problem is that it’s perfectly possible to grind your way to legendary with a flat 50% win ratio (or even less) just by playing lots of games. You can gain 2 pips from win streaks and losing streaks but there’s no way to lose 2 pips. This means that legendary is going to be full of people with ~50% win rate who simply have a huge amount of time on their hands.
That is ANET logic for ya. Lets pander to the low skill level so everyone can be legendary making its rank as useless as the rank emotion they destroyed few years back.
Let me real ANET doesn’t know what the **** they are doing. Balance, features or anything pvp related for that matter. God kitten what I wouldn’t give for GW1 HoH days again.
To PVP Devs (or should I say Pve devs, since I presume that GW2 now is moving towards to be a pve game…) I would like to ask if you guys are back from your vacations and if you intend to do something…
your buffs on necro are just stupid… now we have matches of PVP with 8 necros…
this scenario is very often and it kills the experience of pvp…
why dont you think about in only permiting 1 player of 1 profession for each team? think about it when you start working on pvp, because right now you guys must be occupied in launching some new wings for the gem store!! <3
Dev’s aren’t going to listen. They were warned of this weeks to almost a month before the patch went out. When the preview patch notes were posted. I actually couldn’t stop laughing. I don’t think any developer is a dedicated pvp player.
When you are in the downstate and in stealth and the enemy is 80%+ health, why do you insist on auto attacks? Stop. Get the res. I see that nonstop in Ruby more than in any other division. I swear all the bads are in Ruby.
Next thing for you Ruby nubs. Stop pushing in contested points 1 by 1. You aren’t “holding 3”. You are just getting farmed over and over again by running 1 by 1 into the same point repeatedly.
In fairness most people are blinded by all the particle effects.
how can they possibly prevent class stacking without making ques on average 20 mins long when there are 900 necros and only 200 non necros queing together at any given time?
highly unlikely and its not as if class stacking would weigh heavily on the queues. There is an algorithm they could put in play that would allow semi-class stacking if queue reaches a set time.
Also what is stopping players from rolling another class? No one is forcing players to play necro. Play the meta? Wait your turn to play the grim reaper donald trump.
Just tell them to switch class.
If they don’t, then just afk for the rest of the match.
ahhh this logic right here. God I don’t miss this game hahahaha back to BnS
Thankyou! a post that has common sense! what a rare sight on these forums.
Really did you read his post?
Actually after reading his post I couldn’t stop laughing. Eles one of the toughest classes to master doesn’t know how to adapt? Really?
The OP is either new to this game, or doesn’t understand that bunker meta didn’t last years. It lasted months. There is a reason why people call it power creep.
But to the OP original point. Yes good job ANET. How big of a drop did you see the PVP population?
Ps warrior is better at might stacks.
Hammer guard is better at protection application AND does 5k higher personal dps
You can maintain aclarity with sigil of concentration and runes of Chronomancers with the help of a DH In the group.Hence why I’m worried about revs
1. Alacrity is not a boon. It’s also been nerfed to 33% (see mesmer forums for all the complaints)
2. This thread , like many others on all the profession forums (not just revenant) , is super dramatic : unlike other professions unless you started with Heart of Thorns then revenant was not always your main character
3. Hammer guardian is not common compared to GS because it has a slow attack chain , guardian forums want it buffed
4. Perma fury is nothing to sneeze at ; roiling mists makes it so that a revenant can slot Valkyrie over Berserker’s
5. Herald stacking still gives additional might stacks even if you won’t get extra fury /swiftness/regen.
6. Heralds have hardening persistence ( + 40 armor per upkeep) as well so that means they can afford to put in more offensive gear yet remain more tanky than an equivalent specced warrior or guardian
7. For your Sabetha dps meter example, you did not specify what the revenant and hammer guardian were running and the party composition
7b. Eles and Thieves (in particular) deserve to be the highest DPS since they are the most fragile
8. The complaining and moaning about hammer nerf is unjustified, arenanet says the 0.5 second “cooldown” on damage from multiple revenants is an unintended bug
Instead of complaining about the “sky is falling” you ought to highlight what you feel is broken / needs fixing. See
I read through your list so now read through mine.
1. Why in the world do you think Ele and Theif deserve to the best DPS? I am actually curious. Because with that logic, D/D ele should never have been the tankiest class in the game for nearly a year.
2. Through all your points you fail to mention what the point of a revenant is. Because ANET doesn’t seem to know either. They nerf the two most used elites with out even adjusting the most unused one. I know crazy to think they’d BALANCE the class in a balance patch
3. Please post to the threads you are referencing. I’d love to read other classes complaints to get a better perspective. I can’t seem to find them.
4. My main was a revenant. I since quit the game because I got sick and tired of over nerfs & over buffs. I used to main as a Guardian, before that a Ranger. In all honesty my faith in ANET’s balancing skills are at all time low. A person with only 1 hour of playing time could see these patch notes as a disaster. (I’d know because the person I convinced playing; stopped when he saw the preview notes).
5. You can call threads like these super dramatic, but ANET is bleeding players.
TL : DR? Honestly doesn’t matter GG Anet
Not sure if every thread will get read, won’t be shocked if mine doesn’t (there are 400 replies after all)
However asking for community feedback AFTER you made these balance changes is the first mistake. You should be asking before it.
Before the patch was released people were posting their concerns many of which went addressed. I responded to josh on numerous occasions in the pvp forum about the necro buffs not once did myself or players who did have concerns get responses. I checked daily and said that a balance patch of this size on top off a amulet, rune re-vamp is a bad idea because to much change to quickly will cause in balance even with good intentions.
It has grown more and more apparent that pvp is an afterthought to the development team. The power creep was so blatantly obvious that even NECRO mains were calling it out.
I am not saying this as angry player, but as a disappointed one. I do not understand what fuels the decisions at ANET, I won’t make assumptions. I can only guess PVP is often a low priority because it doesn’t generate the income that PVE players bring in with Fashion Wars or Raids and Boss fights. But PVP should of been viewed as an investment not as a quick win. Which is exactly what leagues looked like from the MMR issues, to league manipulation, to straight up continual balance flaws. You have to BALANCE the game before you release a mass marketing pvp campaign and invest $400,000 to it.
I know this post is in reference to 12/26 patch, but I have to go further since I dedicated myself to PVP both in GW1 & 2.
There needs to be someone at ANET who is neck deep into the pvp community, understands every class and has a neutral opinion to everyone and understands stats. If there is one, I haven’t seen it.
I spent thousands supporting this game. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to support ANET and the DEV team. I was so pumped for leagues, but to have a balance patch like this followed by the disaster leagues turned out to be. I quit…. again.
Guild Wars 2 pvp is an embarrassment to what GW1 pvp was. Look at what made that a success and repeat it . I am just so kitten disappointed. I want this game to succeed in all levels WvW, PVE, PVP. Everyone will have complaints, but there comes a point where you have to cut your losses and move on. In this case I have. I saw the preview to this patch notes and my jaw dropped. A player can only take so many bad decisions.
Anyways so ends the pitty party.
TL:DR. Was fun while it lasted.
This game is not ‘Pay To Win’
It’s ‘Pay To Play’
The Baseline Game is ‘Free To Play’ now that the game has moved on.
Seriously: how can people complain that what they are getting for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING isn’t enough.
Jumping from: ‘You need the latest expansion to have the most powerful builds’ to ’It’s pay to win’ is BS.
If it was pay to win they’d be individual powerful items you could only get by spending real money – that’s Pay To Win.
I agree that Guild Wars 2 is NOT Free To Play – it’s just the baseline game that is – really is there anyone who cares about the game even a little bit that doesn’t understand that.
However Guild Wars 2 is most certainly not a Pay To Win game.
P2P would mean that f2p players can acquire HoT elites through grinding. They can’t so in all honstesty it is p2w. This is something that ANET faced the moment they went free to play. I am surprised people are even arguing the logic to be honest. The very definition of P2W is paying to have the upperhand.
Rev super OP? Oh I wish I could live in your world.
It sounds like you want profession-specific MMR? In order to do that, we would have to enforce a profession lock upon queuing. There is another thread advocating this idea with the benefit of removing profession stacking.
This would = Balance. For the love that is holy please at least test the idea.
VS the EU teams? I dont know how the playoffs work, i really hope there is more then 4 teams going because that its the worst finals ever but Rank 55 and Vermilion have always been there with TCG and ORNG but all of them are kids.
NA lost some players because of the age restriction and the fact every team trades players left and right like jock straps. Like Apex had there reasons to get rid of OE but Tarcis wasnt playing very well on necro and OE had his moments on it but NA teams have no stability.
lets not forget about the NA drama. Oh lord the drama.
rage quit anyone?
Anyone who plays PvP in this consistently already knows this deep down inside. The proof is right in front of us. It has been over 3 years since release and every attempt by the developers to reconcile and balance this game takes it further and further down the path of garbage. Esports? This game pulls 3k viewers at best during the official events. I would suggest anyone who reads this and feels the same way to abandon this piece of kitten.
Abandoned once and abandoned again.
It is kind of a shame to, they had pretty awesome setup with tournaments when it first came out. Not sure why they turned the corner on that. Also I know they read the forums, did they just ignore people’s response to the preview balance notes?
As someone who’s just made a revenant and is learning to play it, I have to ask….. can you shed some light on what exactly you don’t like about it? You don’t offer any details in your post.
Hopefully it was a serious question because I will provide an actual answer to it.
From a dedicated Revenant. And a truly honest response.
The concept behind Revenants was the focus around energy management and not on cool downs. It does require skill to play for this matter. The issue is they arived out the gate as OP….. and there begins the problem.
The bumpy road most traveled by….. ANET…. Overnerf.
Q: So why do revenants hate what anet is doing?
- Adding cooldowns to a class that already needs to micromanage their energy, their elites, their skill rotation and their surrounding. This also goes directly against what we were told about the revenant. That there would be very minimal cool downs.
- Nerfing boons/buffs that are directly related to a revenants elite. (Quickness, Energy)
- Nerfing the only elites the rev get use out of without looking into the most unused ones. And buffing those (Ventari & Jalace).
- This one is quite shocking: because this one alone has basically made the Rev Glint useless.
- Note: Revenants is one of the top classes to apply multiple boons both to themselves & teammates.
- Note: Revenants greatest weakness is the lack of condi removal. In fact they are the worst class to remove condis.
- Balance patch: Giving a condi heavy class (Necro) the ability to convert boons in to conditions
- Balance patch: Nerfing the strongest and only useful heal Revenants have.
Additional nerfs that actually hurt revenant without taking the class into account. (Quickness, Sigil of Energy, rune of durability)
Trying not make assumptions, but it was a overnerf based on stats alone.
I personally do not hate the Revenant, but I do hate having put my heart and soul into several classes just to watch them turn into mush based on a communities QQ level.
As a result I quit GW2. I was curious what this patch would bring.
My Rev works fine OP, maybe you can clarify what exactly they did to kill us?
If you read the last two balance patches you will understand.
Nobody likes it when their OP character’s profession gets adjusted to be not so OP.
Nobody likes it when a player makes assumptions.
Necromancer : Become Corruptomancers and people get upset I’m still doing good damage on my reaper so I don’t mind however I still want a little more buff to the GS for Reaper and a little more buff to the staff
Elementalist: Diamond Skin
Guardian : Mix feelings of good and bad no GS buff?
Revenant: nerfs and more nerfs
Thief: pistol buff?
Gliding in Central Tyria is good would like some more gliding skins
Shatterer is good it draws a lot of people in for the fight
Lunar New Year: alright
I honestly cannot tell if you are being sarcastic.
You want to buff the reaper and nerf the revenant?
It is a serious question because I can’t tell if you are joking or not.
To Gaile
Nerf Necro’s chill ability only slightly. Remove some of the necro’s staff point of targeting. This alone is an issue because all a player has to do is spam 1-5.
Buff Revenants other elites *Jalace and Ventari) and make them viable.
As it stands right now those buffs for the necro should have never gone through at the same time you removed amulets and sigils. Necro should of gotten more mobility not more condi application.
The nerf on revenant was a triple nerf, and the worst I’ve seen since I started play Guildwars in general (including GW1).
1) Quickness nerf was a nerf on Revenant’ Shiro
2) Boon corruption buff for necro was a massive nerf to the Revenant’s hearld. Having boons hurts more than it helps.
3) Mallyx already got nerfed, but the additional nerf on the sword and on the durability rune practically destroyed their viability.
And with all these nerfs not 1 buff to the revenants other elites even though it is widely known they are rarely ever used…..?
It really isn’t that difficult to see what was going to happen just based on the preview notes. I am seriously not trying to be a jerk, but I have a hard time believing there are any dedicated pvp staff members at ANET. The necro buff was something straight out of a bad april fools joke.
Called it
Except I should change the title to necro the next epic meta :-D
+1 because Basically unrelenting assault right now Is the equivalent of a poor man’s version of the rangers auto attack.
“Let me use my last bit of energy to throw myself in the air to make sure your dodges and defense work before you finish me”
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
When Alacrity becomes a boon, then we’ll talk about chill being brought down to 33%. As it stands they’re entirely different effects and in real way comparable.
Tl;dr no
Why should it be a boon, that makes no sense. But agreed they are different skills.
Regardless necro have way to much access to chill. With the amount of conditions Necros can already apply… their chill needs to be toned down significantly.
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
Well, since Alacrity got nerf down to 33%, shouldn’t chill also get nerf down to 33%?
Not really only because Alacrity is used by one class where as every class has access to chill or at least almost every class. Plus we don’t want to nerf our necro overlords ANET
Having a paid expansion that unlocks all content is not pay-to-win. Ask for more allowance next month. Seriously though, when will these young gamers get it? Expansions are almost always paid content that people work overtime to push out. “Pay-to-win” means you can buy definite advantages over other people by spending more and more money. Games like Archeage are a perfect example of this. Seriously, go try AA and tell me how p2w this game is, please.
Ummm you contradicted yourself, because buying HoT gave you definite advantages over other people. Everyone knows all the meta builds were elite spec’d. Every one of them.
However to the OP. Understand that GW2 was not always f2p either. It is quite obvious ANET went f2p to upsell HoT. ANET logic right there. I could careless for HoT content myself, and just ended up paying for an overpriced expansion to get elite specs.
They should of just allowed players to buy individual elite specs with gems. Hilarious considering ANET may have made more $ that way. (You’re welcome ANET if you read this)
Also comparing this game to archeage….? haha really? That game is an insult to PvP everywhere.
Ha, ha, ha! This achievement was so painful. I waited to get to legendary before trying the 3rd class. I can really only play Ranger, and Mesmer well.
My first thought was to try tempest… Big mistake. One of my teammates got so mad after that match he asked everyone to report me. “No one can do THAT bad!” I beg to differ. Try playing a class you’ve never touched before, the first time in Legendary league.
Yeah, so after that, I rolled a DH. :-)
hahaha similar experience. It would explain why there so many bad diamonds at one point.
An apology isn’t necessary or even warranted. What is this, grade 3 at school? Leagues have been a success by any measure due to the amount of people playing them. I get sub 5 minute ques in off peak hours. Some class balance could be better, but it’s not gamebreaking at all.
So wait…. your personal queue times ate the evidence of a successful game? That’s great news! I’m gonna make a game designed around good queue times specifically for you so I can be an accomplished developer. Whew I’m pumped to be a success.
If there’s a lot of people playing, then it can’t be all that bad. These forums are like a pity party, I guess misery loves company after all. Whatever, keep sounding the trumpet for an apology no company in thier right mind would give.
I disagree
The class balance was VERY much game breaking. The meta build was so extreme that if the team achieved just 2 caps they could win the game. Decapping was not possible. On certain maps all they needed to do was hold 1 cap and bunker the decaps. The infamous bunker meta will make gw2 history. Mainly because it caused top tier teams to even call it out and hell they used them too.
When a game can end in less than 1 minutes that is a problem.
Also Queue times doesn’t mean success.
Leagues was a massive failure. I don’t want to go into the list of why. Because enough thread speak to it and while yes I agree these forums usually spawn hatred. Even people on reddit were calling it out. Hell even top game streamers called it out on twitch.
The good news if there is some….. they are planning on fixing the issues for season 2
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
That is how much trust I have for the ANET team. I wish it was different. I truly do. I wanted to see this game thrive like GW1 pvp did. But I can’t from poor balance, to completely stupid decision making. Hell even the next balance patch speaks to that. I just don’t understand who is controlling the decisions over at ANET, but whether it be design/programming limitations; they need to step it up and at least let people know they are aware of the issues.
Diamond Skin Dire Tempest was the only thing that prevented Signet Condi Reaper from becoming meta.
Now with the new coming DS not preventing condi application, meaning a condi burst can now work against them, there will be nothing to stop the Signet Condi Reaper from marching on into META realm.
Actually the Revenant was another, but they nerfed that class twice. So ….. yeah it will be quite entertaining to watch 4 man team necros.
GW2 finally achieved a zombie version of their game.
You have 2 heals and with herald you have 3 essentially but lets not count it.
Facet of life is strong heal with not so obvious animation/effect and when you can pop it in mid of CC you got caught nicely and got outplayed and just regain all the health by the following opposition attacks it was stupid
There is a pretty clear indicator when that goes up. So I am not sure what you are talking about.
Regardless, given the upcoming patch this nerf on Facet of Life is a TERRIBLE idea.
Conditions do not work on Infuse Light only strikes which means the next patch, the one that buffs necro straight into god mode means running Hearld hurts a revenant more than it will help.
Converting boons into conditions is absolutely hilarious as the class with the worst condi removal (REV) is the same class with the highest boon upkeep. (REV)
So no, the nerf on infuse light doesn’t make any sense. Regardless of the blocks rev’s may have.
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
This is the worst proposed change. rev is already annoyingly vulnerable to CC, this will make it worse.
Um,..stability on roll+grandmaster bulwark that makes stability double in stacks+adept master traits that generate vigor.
revenant is the most immune to CC.
Because noone would ever think of boon stripping/corrupting before CC/bursting right?
Rev is the most immune to CC versus noobs, sure.
Please post a screenshot of your pvp rev games played. I am really curious to why and how you came to that conclusion.
Chain CC’s can decimate a revenant.
Power Herald destroys everything except Condi reaper. Even that i can hold until my teammate comes in to help. As for thief, unless you are bursting out of stealth from behind, you’re dead too.
When you pop facet of light in the middle of a team fight, someone ALWAYS hits you. Not everyone watches the opponent status icons. So even if you know not to attack me, your teammate doesn’t!! It’s insane to run into a 3v3, run my rotation, and see 3 downed enemy players in the wake of my destruction!!
I’ll be interested to see Herald after the patch. IMO even the upcoming nerfs won’t stop the REV TRAIN!!
ummmm yes it will. And I am going to roll over and laugh when it does. An enemy who can convert boons into condi’s quicker than boons going up will likely kill Hearld as a viable elite. Not Rev is left with 2…. mallyx and shiro.
The posted changes to take place on the 26th state that the sigil will change from giving the player 50% energy (one dodge roll) to 5 seconds of vigor (sigil loses its use for on demand dodge, plus many classes have plenty of vigor).
I dont understand why this sigil is being nerfed, and yes, it is definitely a nerf. There is nothing broken about it. Sure its strong; it allows glassy specs to stay alive a bit longer, but not by much if under heavy pressure. Nothing close to some of the OP passives. There is nothing passive about this sigil, you have to dodge to use it. That is active defense, which I thought should be encouraged. So why the nerf?
So necros have another thing to corrupt. ANET <3 Necros
I have reported roughly 7 people since league started.
- 5 AFKers – 4 of which called it out during a match
- 1 MMR Manipulation (he called it out during a match that he would run in circles)
0 Bans from ANET since I blocked them all and I see them every other day.
I think the report function directs reports to the garbage can.
Welcome back to the zerker meta that anet allegedly wanted to change. There will no longer be skilled gameplay. Just land your combo first and be the winner.
Skill is dead, all hail the mighty faceroll.
So playing a chronobunker snoozefest is skillful? “Oh you got the chrono down. NP mate second chronocrap to the rescue. 3 guys cleaving NP. Thanks for the ress bro.”
But i do give props for the multitasking. I find it hard to play, eat a sandwhich and watch Friends at the same time.
Actually chronobunker does take some skill at least in terms of rotation. For a condi necro you could you could take a wireless keyboard with you to the kitchen and make a sandwich while hitting a bunch of keys and still win
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
I feel for you, I had to same exact problem 60%w/l to 40% for me and given the number of games I played it was a big drop. Issue is so many beginners either got ginny pigged up based on the old system, or managed to grind to emerald/ruby. Soloing after the patch is incredibly difficult.
Currently revenants wearing vipers ammy run around like they are wearing soldiers. It’s disgusting.
Good riddance.
Also, everybody overreacting about the auto boon strip. Itll probably be 1 boon on third attack. Not sure if you realize it but most necros already run very heavy boon strip, and revenants are very viable. Corrupt boon buff is actually more impactful than the scepter auto one imo
This logic right here is why I just bought blades of soul and left GW2 and likely not returning for any expansion here after.
95% of my guild, although PVX is also leaving as well. To make such a balance without community feedback or proper testing truly is a disappointment.
I must ask how many hours have you played rank PVP as a revenant? I can guess not many because you would know this patch is class breaking. So much so that a majority of those that main revenants will likely leave the game or role another class.
Personally I am tired of having to role another class every patch so I am done.
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
That’s cute, thinking thieves can kill us =)
Basing this on their evade and ability to stealth in and out in order to set up burst potential. Also their incoming buff. As far as I can tell they are the only class that will hold up.
I mean based on the buff and nerf to others can you think of any?
As a S/F fresh air elementalist main, ofcourse im extatic about the reveal.
But it goes beyond that.A few days ago i had a talk with some people about bunker amulet, celestial.
They did it.They not only buffed fresh air. But they removed the biggest blockades to a genuine skillfull game.
I thank you, guys at the balance desk for your hard work. This is utter brilliance.
I really am stoked and will be counting the days till it hits.Thank you arenanet. To be frank i didnt think id ever write this. But this is literally, to me, the best thing that has ever happened with a patch in any game ive played so far.
Keep up the good work!
While I will thank ANET for a balance patch.
I have to say this is one of the worst balance patches I’ve seen a very very very long time. It isn’t even based on the nerfs to my own class, but on the buffs of another.
Boon corruption on an auto attack? Are they serious?
Instead of asking for suggestions, taking suggestions into consideration or allowing for community feedback the next patch will hurt PVP immensely. I am really worried how many people will leave the game after the next patch.
+1 as outputting damage to a target that doesn’t fight back or a target that has the same rotation 1000 times can’t prepare you for much.
And hot joining for 1 v 1’s doesn’t help much since griefing happens more often than not.
I struggle to imagine how this is considered balancing the class. ANET while not trying to come off as being overly dramatic, but you are basically putting necro in a spot where only 1 class can kill it. The Theif.
Corrupt Boon – Reducing the amount of boons you can corrupt from 5 to 3. Recharge reduced from 40s to 15s. You can corrupt boons more frequently instead of corrupting a large swath of boons at once.
Putrid Curse (scepter autoattack chain 3) – Corrupt one boon with every attack. So every third autoattack you can corrupt one boon.
Anyone who is able to share boons, or is boon heavy, you will likely being hurting your team more so than helping.
Sounds counter intuitive right….. because it is.
In laymen terms having a boons on you is like walking into a fire while doused in gasoline.
I was all for fixing the bunker meta, but this is at a whole new level.
If you aren’t going to abuse this meta, then you may want to take a break for a while because condi wars 2.0 is coming to a face palm near you.
EDIT I can’t believe I have to make this suggestion, but if the above patch notes are going live give me the ability to strip my own buffs.
(edited by Wolfs Shadow.7234)
.. druids..? No nerf to sustain, buffs even. Even with the removal of cele ammy, cleric and wanderer druids are still incredibly good even in the current op meta. Anet plz?
Because you aren’t looking at the buffs the other classes are receiving in addition to the removal of many amulets and runes that the meta druid currently uses. Druids are technically getting nerfed.