It’s funny b/c I got a normal fractal skin drop from a t3 chest the other day… and was like BOO, NO ONE CARES! What a change we have gone through from when those were like the rarest thing in the game…
But yeah, now that I’ve finished Ad Infinitum, have ascended rings on all characters, and have finished fractal weaps… will probably just convert into regular relics and buy bags.
My thoughts on the Nevermore quest (SPOILERS)
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: ZBeeblebrox.4928
Frankly, I think this is why they gave up on making more legendaries. The “scavenger hunt,” in development for years, turned out to be… really, really boring.
I pretty much agree with the OP, save that I’m only on Step 2. Step 1 was pretty cool. Got me to go back and do a lot of events I hadn’t done in a long time, and forced me to do some that, at the time, I didn’t know existed (Corpse Grove).
But Step 2 is just SO much… when I realized I needed 4,500 elder wood logs JUST for the Basic Staff Requisition… I pretty much instantly lost interest and haven’t worked seriously at it for months. No one is going to gather than many freaking logs on their own (it would take months, unless you’re super hardcore or are deliberately out just to chop trees). You’re basically forced to use BLTC… and I thought the whole point of this in the first place was to give you an alternative to being forced to use BLTC (i.e., buying a precursor).
Again, the whole point of this was to make the whole process feel exciting and meaningful. I don’t feel like they achieved that on the whole. Buying a billion elder wood (or spiritwood if you’re not processing yourself) is equally as boring as buying a precursor straightup… if not more so, because I have to click “buy” several times since the max stack you can buy at a time is 250.
As the OP suggested, I think just breaking up Step 2 into more incremental steps with more to do would help. Having to save up 250 Elder Staff Heads and 250 Elder Staff Shafts before you can make any progress is boring. Even “bring 10 staves to so-and-so on the frontlines in the Mists!” 25 times would be better… at least it would feel like incremental progress.
I’m still waiting for the tonic and then I can be done with this RNG.
Does the tonic even exist on the loot table (did it ever?). I remember it being announced but have literally never seen anyone get it or use it.
2 weeks later and I think I have a big enough of a sample size to dispel the whole “bad RNG” explanation. Definitely a nerf on loot. I’ve done about average of 2 t3 daily fractals per day since my initial post and loot is considerably worse than before the patch. Every single daily chest I open, regardless of tier, only gives me the minimum resonating sliver, fractal encryption key, agony infusions, and pristine fractal relic. Not that I need them, but i used to get 1 ascended ring per day on average. Now I don’t even get those. Really disappointing. Imo, considering you can’t just do 3 ezmode swamplands for a chest anymore, the rewards deserve a bit of a buff.
T4 is where the loot is at, bro. Working as intended. They want to make T4 meaningful (contrast with pre-patch, where NO ONE did it).
I tend to get good stuff frequently. Today, for example, I got four (not kidding) ascended boxes (boots, shoulder, chest, gloves) – one from T2, two from T3, one from T4. I also got a Deldrimor Steel Ingot and an Elonian Leather Square.
Obviously today was an INCREDIBLY lucky exception, but I generally get at least one good thing at least out of the 12 chests. The other day it was a x20 ascended salvage kit (20g saved). One day it was just an Elonian Square (15g). Another was a gold fractal weapon.
I think the loot is in quite a good position right now, especially considering you get 12 chests to open just for doing 3 fractals.
I also really enjoy your vids!
As someone who used to be good with thief wayyyy back when S/D was awesome (right when larcenous strike was introduced), but can’t seem to not suck at it nowadays, it’s much appreciated to watch someone doing it right and know it’s POSSIBLE.
Agreed! Love the new system.
I love the changes. I used to dread Cliffside because it was such a long, annoying slog (especially knowing that on any given day, your PUG grp might not be up to the task of doing Arms and you have to find new ppl). I only did it for daily recommended or progression (once). Now I quite enjoy it. Much faster, last boss is actually meaningful, telegraphs are good to where when I get hit with something I feel it was a fair screwup on my part. Arms is not annoying, chest is not an annoying stack. Well done, anet.
I did get one from a daily chest yesterday. Thanks for that, guys. 40 laurels and 50 ectos is really an exorbitant price (considering how easy it is for ppl in guilds). It’s nice that something you need for fotm can now be earned in fotm.
Please don’t listen to the OP, anet. The changes you made to FOTM in this patch were great, and I’m thankful for them.
Can finally finish Ad Infinitum (and without bad leaderboard idea)? Months late, but nice.
Cliffside playable and fun instead of a horrible grind? Awesome.
I can get all 12 (!!!) daily reward just by doing three high level fractals? GREAT! No more mindless lowbie grind, and I can finally find people to play beyond 84!
Daily reward chests can now include ascended crafting (got an Elonian Leather Square today) and ascended accessory (FINALLY! I was never gonna pay 40 laurel/50 ecto and I’m not in in a guild…)? Best change ever.
The mistlock instabilities are also less painfully aggravating, and are fun for me (as a necro) in that most center around condi/boon and I can really adapt to them.
So yeah, just start adding some new levels to fractals (really, it’s years overdue) and fotm is where it needs to be! Nice job, guys!
Fair enough, didn’t notice that. Though personally I don’t find color swatches very useful or accurate to what the dye actually looks like on certain armors… I ended up looking up the names of dyes in hero panel after looking at wiki chart and then actually previewing them.
Agree with a lot of people in this thread. Not afraid of raids – would actually probably like the challenge if I had 9 other friends I could rely on who played this game, sadly I only have one because the others quit years ago – but don’t find them fun.
Gave it a shot one day with PUG. Literally spent maybe 15 minutes attempting Vale Guardian and 2 hours looking for more party members, because every time we wiped, instead of learning from it, people would quit.
So yeah, it’s not fun wasting so much time standing around waiting for people. Liked dungeons because 5 man team was easy to put together, very casual. I don’t mind difficulty (I enjoy the harder fractals, got up to 84 before I had to quit because no one does them other than Swamp and I couldn’t find a group), but gameplay difficulty – I do mind the artificial difficulty of putting together the “right” group of people (realize I could get a guild, but that has its own difficulties I don’t want to deal with, like committing to be on at certain times or “having” to participate in guild missions or other such nonsense I don’t care about just to kill a raid boss).
I once had a problem where it wouldn’t let anyone in my map taxi ppl in after it had been flagged for closure. Like people would join my grp from LFG and not be allowed in. Has that been fixed? One time bug?
Don’t want to rain on your parade (sorry!) but wanted to point out that this chart alrdy exists on the wiki. And, on the wiki it’s also linked to the BLTC prices of each dye (which, for me, was very important in choosing, because I’d rather get the 300g dye, Blacklight, for free than one of the 7g ones).
Losing participation the second you leave a map (or when you move to another version of the same map) is problematic in general. D/C in the middle of MoM fight? Sucks, you get nothing…
I like the overall concept of being rewarded based on your participation. But when stuff like this happens with the “closing map” bug… as you said, it’s just wasted time. And these metas are LONG, so it’s a LOT of wasted time.
What annoys me, and what I haven’t seen anyone on the forum talking about yet, is that they have officially decided that they will NEVER release new content (i.e., the originally intended worlds 3 and 4) for SAB:
I’m glad it’s back. I love SAB. It was absolutely the most hilarious thing ever when it was first released. That said, only getting it for two weeks out of the year, and never doing anything more with it, is immensely disappointing.
And yes, the orange weapons are new, but really they are just a huge grind (I’m SO SICK of these daily-progress achieves guys, seriously, please stop. I did it with the FOTM pages to try to make Ad Infinitum, only to find out hey, you can’t make that, and then I did it for 60 days for the PvP legendary backpack. No way I’m doing it for this).
I was hoping that when SAB finally did make its return it would be with a hilarious new world to explore. Nope, just grind. Oh well, at least they’ve officially confirmed I don’t ever need to hope for or wait for more.
Is this necessarily bad, though? It creates an impetus in teams to carry both Power and Condi builds when that may not be a strong option in the meta. Of course, the current meta has room for both of those builds, but we have experienced metas when one of those two was not a viable option.
That’s true, but look at it this way: necro is hailed as the ideal 1v1 class. I almost never lose a 1v1. So I’m basically the ideal person to go and nail the treb guy quickly. But then I’m suddenly not, because it takes me like 30 seconds wailing on the thing in reaper shroud (wasting all my LF) to dps it down? When a mesmer can just port back and fix it up as soon as I leave? Doesn’t make sense.
I just think that any “damage-dealing” spec should be able to dps it down in a reasonably equal amount of time. The key thing should be winning the fight against the trebber, not dps’ing an object. If I can kill the guy trebbing in 10-15 seconds because I’m more skilled at 1v1, that should be it, I should be able to get back to the fight. If I’m bad and it takes me a minute to fight him, then that’s my fault and I should have let someone on my team who is better at 1v1 go take care of it.
Now I’m not asking for its health to be reduced. You wouldn’t send your support ele to kill the beasts in Forest, and you certainly shouldn’t be able to with treb in Kyhlo. I’m just asking to allow conditions to affect it, as has been done with other “objects” in the game (most “objects” in pve now take conditions). An alternative would be to make it in some way “Decappable” (like having to do a channel skill to destroy it), but I wouldn’t recommend that because then you really could have your support ele or really anyone go blow it up.
Related to your point, it’s also imbalanced amongst power classes. A power class with lots of cleave or aoe will likely destroy the thing before they even kill the trebber, whereas a more focused class (thief, though I’m thinking without Bound) will have to win the fight and then take care of the treb separately. And, frankly, building off that, a support ele probably could kill the thing faster than condi necro if they get off their overload aoes – so that’s what really doesn’t make sense to me.
And I guess finally getting back to your original point, I think it would actually be a bad thing if treb were seen as an impetus to bring a Power class in a meta where Power classes were bad. That would make treb into a “primary” mechanic, not secondary, and then if the other team doesn’t even try to use/repair treb at all, you’re stuck with a suboptimal Power class the whole game and are likely to lose because of lack of class balance in your team comp.
Minor gripe that mesmer portal with repair kit makes fighting against one using the treb a bit frustrating.
This. I don’t like the treb, and I never vote for Kyhlo because of that dislike. People in the thread have raised some great points about how it is balanced. I agree with a lot of those points.
However, as someone who has mained condi necro since launch (even when it was trash, before we were the op monsters we are today), I have always hated it for the reason I have always hated “objects” (doors, turrets, even some world bosses before they were changed) in this game: CONDIS DONT AFFECT IT. Oh, and did I mention half my cooldowns do nothing to it either, since staff marks are only triggered by players?
As such, it takes me forever and a day to destroy the thing (if that proves necessary because the other team has a good trebber and my team isn’t paying enough attention to go do it). And, as Exedore pointed out, a mesmer with portal can get the thing back up almost instantly.
A power class like rev, on the other hand, can destroy the thing super quickly and get right back into the fight.
That, to me, creates imbalance in the treb. Stopping the person on the treb should be entirely a matter of 1v1 skill (I’m assuming no team is dumb enough to send more than one person to stop the trebber). It shouldn’t be that I kill the person on the treb quickly, and yet take so long to dps down the stupid treb that said person respawns and comes and kills me because I haven’t been out of combat from our first fight (still “fighting” the treb) to get all my health back.
The treb is close to balanced. Again, people in the thread have raised great points about that and about how it’s better than the skyhammer. But there are a few points of imbalance that make me consistently vote for other maps instead.
If you are looking for model secondary mechanics, I would say the beasts in Forest of Niflhel or the buffs in Temple of the Silent Storm are ideal (the removal of Ferocity was an excellent choice, btw – map feels much more streamlined now). Temple’s mechanics especially fill that “swing” role you were talking about. I’ve won games where I was down 300-200 (and lost ones where I was ahead 300-200) because of the tranq/stillness pop at 8:30. They require a decent amount of strategy, which is great – send enough people to get the buff, but don’t get three capped while doing it and spend so much time on the buff that the other team overtakes you in points. Forest’s beasts… well, they are model just for being inobtrusive. They’re there, but rarely affect a match (except I guess in lower divisions, when people don’t know how to deal with the properly and let their team get murdered while they spend 30 seconds fighting an NPC). Though I have seen once or twice a close game (480-470, say) won by a last second beast kill.
I saved a bunch of chests and encryptions from before. I can say the encryptions definitely give more gold. Otherwise, I haven’t seen much buff in that department.
As for the actual rewards from the end chest of each fractal, there’s a good amount of xp (I got like 400k for doing a lvl 76). But otherwise loot doesnt seem to have changed… and people are gonna finish masteries fast (I’m alrdy at lvl 2 of Pact Com and done with the others), so idk if that’s really gonna do anything to keep people coming to fractals long term.
Frankly, I don’t think they did much of anything to solve the problem. As you said, people still basically just encouraged to just do dailies as fast as possible. Yeah, a dredge gives more xp than swamp (I only got 100k for lvl 77), but again, people aren’t gonna care about xp for long.
What I just don’t understand is why it’s not in the game. They’ve obviously designed the skin – it’s in the wardrobe and on Dessa! What could the holdup possibly be? All they have to do is create some item combos in mystic toilet.
I saved up 10 Adept chests, 9 Veteran, and 1 Champion. Not a single skin. So please don’t tell anet to nerf it… it’s obviously not that great given that these are time gated chests…
They’re still talking about putting in fractal leaderboard? Why…? I never liked that idea.
Back when these things first came out, I thought the idea was to add new fractals frequently… to date we’ve never gotten one other than Thaumanova, which is the worst designed (I don’t count living story rehash as new fractals b/c it’s recycled content). I would think their time would be much better spent adding a new level or two than putting a leaderboard… this is PvE, not PvP, we don’t need a leaderboard.
In any case, slightly off topic, but yes, it’s a little ridiculous for them to not even put the gifts in. Unless they’re tied to something like a system that’s not in game (like leaderboard) there’s no reason for them not to have added a mystic forge item combination in the last two months…
IDK what game some of you are playing. I’ve salvaged ascended rings extensively, and have consistently seen that I get the following results:
From a normal ascended ring (not infused), there’s a chance of dropping: 2, 3, 5, 10, or 20 stabilizing matrices.
From an infused ascended ring, you have the same drop chance, but there will be two separate drops (two groups that are each picked from that set of 2, 3, 5, 10, or 20).
Granted, the 20 drop is rare. I’ve only seen it once. But I frequently get the 5 or 10.
Even if all you get are 2 stabilizing matrices from a normal ascended ring, you are making about 1g and breaking even at current BLTC prices. If you get more matrices than that, you profit – often BIG. I’ve gotten 15 matrices (one stack of 10 and one of 5) from infused rings several times… that’s over 6g of profit at current prices.
I have never gotten agony resistance or dark energy from a ring.
So TL;DR: You are guaranteed to at least break even from salvaging a ring, and have a chance at huge profit. Will ascended salvaging ever be addressed? As far as I can tell, if BLTC prices remain consistent, I don’t see why it would ever need to be addressed…
Well, your own data seems to show that the patch notes are accurate. They said that ascended armor would drop more often, and it does seem to be doing that, and that it would drop more often than weapons, which also seems to be true.
Does that mean that the drop rates are good, or make it worthwhile to do fractals? No. But does seem to be working as intended…
Anyone else feel like there has long since ceased to be anything “special” about these special dyes? I don’t see anything extraordinary about these. At least with the original flame and frost ones, they tended to really reveal a lot more detail on your armor (thinking of like Deep Glacial Teal in particular). These look just like ordinary red/blue/green/yellow to me, honestly… with fancy names slapped on them.
Yeah I still have heirlooms, blade shards, lost goods. Would love for this vendor to show up so I can dump that junk…
But hey, at least they told us to save it, or I would’ve trashed it ages ago like all other LS junk (Marionette cyphers, for example).
Some of us players have real complaints with broken skills, trait system hampering alt leveling and some pvp changes. Not all of it is gloom and doom if it’s backed up by facts. Some of you need to look outside your own little fish bowl world.
Acknowledging legitimate complaints doesn’t mean that you can’t be positive about the things which are positive, either.
I may never want to level an alt again with the new trait system, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love things like the Wardrobe.
I’m really happy about how much bank space it’s freed up. I had one tab almost completely filled with Living Story skins and other freebies like the celebration hat which I’d probably never use but didn’t want to delete just in case I changed my mind.
Some I’ve actually used since it doesn’t matter now if I change my mind later on and want it on a different character. Others I’ve just added to the wardrobe and deleted the item. It means I’ll have to pay a transmutation charge if I ever do want to use them, but that’s ok I can create a new character and run them around their home city if I don’t want to pay.
But weirdly I think the thing that’s made me happiest is seeing other peoples reactions. Especially the number of people I’ve seen saying they were actually kind of tired of their ascended or T3 look but didn’t want to change it because they’d have to destroy another armor set and/or use a splitter to get it back later. Now it just costs 1 charge and you don’t lose anything.
I’m looking forward to experimenting more with traits too, and unlocking the new ones. I was kind of indifferent to the idea when it was announced, but I do actually think it will make me more inclined to experiment.
+1 to all of this. I was sooooo tired of my Asura Savant Cultural armor, but didn’t want to delete because omg that’s like 70 gold! Now I can change at a whim. The gem cost is insignificant (and I got so many charges from those previously useless 1-79 stones). This system is way better.
Yeah, I am enjoying it. New Wardrobe system rocks – I can finally use things like my LS rewards without fear of “omg, but if I replace that skin I can never use it again!” I spent like two hours just unlocking skins – skins from my Order, skins from crafting, etc. I also like dyes being account bound – I can finally use the rare dyes that I no longer like for my necro (Glacial Teal, Deep Glacial Teal) on other characters.
Haven’t had time to try much else out yet, but it seems cool. I see the validity of some complaints (people who used town clothes really got shafted, but I never gave a kitten about them), but all-in-all this has really refreshed my interest in the game. Can’t wait to try new builds with the new traits and with updated runes!
Congrats! I am deeply appreciating the irony that your “legendary” character is named “diapers” in Spanish. Lol’ing pretty hard.
Just noticed this tonight, dunno if it’s an isolated issue or if others have experienced it, but when I would equip a kit on my Engi in an SPvP match it would switch to my PvE weapons (checked on hero screen). When I switched out of the kit my PvP weapons would properly reappear, but every time I went into kit mode it was giving me my PvE weapons.
The issue with this is that my sigils were not applying their bonuses. I run a Superior Sigil of Perception on my pistol and was not getting stacks of the bonus when I got kills with a kit out. Damage and other functionality seemed normal, but no sigils.
Yeah, I had noticed this as well. I was wondering why I was never getting more than three hits on a mining node, even on a Thursday when the percentages were high. At first I thought they might’ve taken the bonuses out entirely, but I looked and they’re still listed there on the score screen.
Definitely think something is broken with them.
Thank you guys for changing the top-tier reward to be at 1200 rescues instead of 1500. 1500 just really seemed impossible given the overflow situation and time limit, and I was honestly about to give up on the event because rewards below that top-tier are so lackluster.
1200 is still hard (highest I’ve ever been is 1,000, and we really pulled that out last minute), but it feels attainable.
So again, thank you for responding to feedback!
Account Bound Ascended Spinal Blades
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: ZBeeblebrox.4928
What is it now, account bound until you equip it? Or until you choose stats?
Account bound till you choose stats in my case. Though Dulfy’s site claimed it remained Account Bound even after picking stats.
Maybe less effort than other backpieces in some respects, but those also don’t require 15 Damask.
Neither does this. Use the leatherworker recipe that takes 15 Elonian Leather. Like 15g. Compared to a full 250 stack of t6 mats that you need for the mystic forge backpieces… yeah, this is easier. And cheaper.
Yeah, I forgot that the recipe required the Thermocatalytic Reagents. So I guess it is a sink.
Which is ultimately just disappointing. I liked the new fractals and was planning to go farther (blocked at 39 right now due to only having 40 AR) with more AR from ascended armor, but if the only way to get it is by this crazy math “infinite-scaling” AR nonsense, then kitten it. I like the increased difficulty of fotm with the instabilities, but this AR nonsense is just a time waster.
The unlimited AR slots aren’t really a gold sink. Yes, Black Lion trade fees are involved, but players are just sending money to other players (as opposed to Cultural Armor or something where it just disappears to a vendor).
Anyway, ascended armor will be pretty pointless if it doesn’t have infusion slots. The whole point of ascended armor, I thought, was to provide Agony Resist opportunities for fractal progression… just like the rest of ascended gear… I was planning to go for it, but if there are no infusion slots then screw it.
It was basically the star child (a.k.a. Catalyst) from Mass Effect.
If Ascended armor looks as bad as what has been datamined, I think you’re wrong that it will be the new “must have” look. Stats, maybe. Look, no. And that’s all cultural armor has ever been for anyway, as it isn’t even exotic.
But sure, if they wanna enhance my asura robo-arm, I’d be game.
I think it would be good for them to release a new set of cultural armors along with ascended armor. For some new looks. Heck, they just need to release more armor period that isn’t cruddy reskins.
Yeah, I was lucky that I tried the puzzle room first before getting to the ooze boss. Only lost 5-10 minutes total. And the knowledge helped when I did it with a group.
It sucked though. Most “story” elements of living story lately have been soloable.
You can’t solo it because the puzzle in the laser guns room requires 3 people to coordinate on switches.
I tried soloing it too. The mobs were easy enough, but I can’t be in 3 places at once.
I literally dread this fractal. It’s basically the main reason I stopped playing FOTM several months ago. I groan when I hear Dessa’s line about us being underground. It’s just painful and not fun.
Some of the instabilities are actually quite bad. For example…
1) Barbaric: Only two-handed weapons are effective.
——> a pure shortbow thief for all 4 fractals? I guess at that certain fractal level, we shouldn’t invite any thieves to the party.2) Finesse: Two-handed weapons are very ineffective
——> underwater fractal is gonna take foooooreeeeeeeeveeeeeeerKeep rolling until it’s not Underwater pls.
3) Doctor Death: Skills from the healing slot cause death
——> wtb AH Guardians/healing shouts Warriors/vampiric well Necros/water field Elementalist ONLY
Yeah, these are pretty ridiculous. I immediately thought of thieves also upon reading the Barbaric one. GG you can’t play, bye! Hope you have an alt!
Because of a bug, my group didn’t even have to do the coolant rod room. Didn’t even know there were three rods, to be honest with you. We just killed Subject 6 and then Scarlet was like “HAI GUYZ.”
So, into the repulsor lab. Things get explained okay…thankfully there are safety shields to guard against these repulsors that they put in a mini-labyrinth for some reason…Except they didn’t bother to mention that the console to disable the field around the collider is in another spot…and is timed, apparently.
Yes, you are screwed. Can’t do that puzzle without two other people.
I did the same, tried to solo the story. But you can’t, even though the mobs aren’t all that difficult, because of the puzzle.
The convo between the two inquest guys was interesting to see. I didn’t see that when I did it. I didn’t see a lot of what you posted, actually, because it’s buggy.
Yeah, the bright side is that they are tradeable. So even though it takes 512 for a +10, I bet that within two weeks the +1s will be selling for 1 or 2 silver due to the fact that they drop like candy. So 5 gold or so for a +10. Not a big deal.
It would be better if we could pull infusions out and use them to upgrade to the next one. As it is, let’s say you get a +10 (currently 450g on BLTC, though that will surely go down quickly) and put it in a ring. Sorry, can’t use that as part of your 11 upgrade, it’s just wasted and you have to trash/replace it later. Which just encourages NEVER actually using these things, but hoarding them in your bank endlessly. Very annoying.
The funny thing is, they literally took the most stereotypical looking “trenchcoat” medium armor and used it for their reskin. Take THAT, trenchcoat haters. Lol.
Best thread ever.
This is the fractal and the story which the developers had claimed to be at par with the Fall of Abaddon?
Its story is comparable with the story of the Fall of Abaddon …once you realize Scarlet caused his fall.
Lol yeah when my group complained that we should’ve picked Evon, I said “nah, then they just would’ve ruined that story with Scarlet too. You should be glad we picked this.”