Showing Posts For Zid.4196:

New Meta??

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


1. Don’t even bring GW1 into this.

2. ANet has officially stated Ele is supposed to be the most powerful class, now and ever, get over it.

Economy Statistics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


Why is this even an issue? In other MMOs this was also true but GW2 is the first game where people ever complained about people playing the market.

In what other MMOs?

The most popular MMO in the West, WoW, keeps nearly all Best In Slot Epics and all Legendaries bound on acquire. You get them for playing the game, not the AH.

The second most popular MMO in the West, EVE Online, has full destruction/loot on death and pvp enables everywhere – so go ahead, play the market in Jita and buy an expensive ship before you know how to play the game itself – see what happens to your shiny.

So were you talking about Asian MMOs nobody cares about? Or perhaps MMOs nobody plays anymore?

The fact is GW2 is the only significant western MMO that allows for 1) buying the most prestigious items without being good at the game while also offering 2) full protection against losing these items because you don’t know how to play the game.

That’s why people complain. They were promised an epic fantasy MMO. They got Monopoly instead.

MF Precursor Rares or Exotics?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zid.4196


Look at it that way:

to produce a precursor chance you need to produce an exotic in the MF…so if you forge exotics, you get one such event for every four exotics thrown in. If you use rares, forging about 16-17 rares will end up in one exotic event on average. The rest is calculating prices.

Anti-ascended gear: What do you want?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


Lots more weapons, lots more skills.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


I saw someone with at least 3 legendaries lately (he switched from Sunrise to Rodgort and Frostfang)

I asked how he got them and his response was simply “I spend my time wisely.”

I can’t imagine how anyone, by simply playing the game legitimately, could have 3 legendaries at this point.

Um…I know at least two guys who had three legendaries each months ago. Both had made thousands of gold by market manipulations – that’s thousands of gold back then.

Time and again I’m convinced that the mass of players have no idea what’s going on in the top gold tier and how much it affects them. Heck, most people on this niche subforum are way more informed than the average player, yet still don’t grasp the magnitude of wealth redistribution going on in the game every single day.

In regards to a post by Mike Ferguson

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


Here’s the stats:

Most played class: Thief

K/D ratio: Mike is right, WvW is not about K/D

D/D Ele's the new Thief?!?1?2?/

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


Huh? At least in EU top tier thieves are still everywhere. The more Eles the better.

Economy Statistics

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


So what happened to publishing wealth distribution for the first time since beta?

Clear precursor price manipulation

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


Basically means the people trying to get their legendary are “gold farming” for the ultra rich (possibly gold sellers) who are manipulating the market. I have to say that this is very disconcerting.

Going for a legendary is directly competing with rich players who are there to buy their first, second, or even fifth legendary. Only if you win this direct competition (unlikely) you earn the dubious honor of filling the pockets of the legendary cartel.

Chasing down an elementallist!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


In WvW I can easily beat any Ele with gs permafrost build. However, I find it way more important to counter thieves and in fact I don’t bother to build against Eles at all, they are minor nuisance at most.

Spvp is trickier, but they also can’t run all over aimlessly, they have to be at points, etc.

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


If only Vizuna’s lapdogs Arborstone were strong enough to get back in T1…but they weren’t

5% of toughness to condition damage

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


1. Duration won’t affect conditions from clones and phantasms

2. Duration is best achieved with food (up to 40%)

3. To get over 2000 malice use gear with max malice stats (Rabid, Carrion), Runes of Undead and Sigil of Corruption

Need Advice; High Skilled Elementalists

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


  • Points in the direction of SAtaarcoeny *

Really, fighting rank 40+ elementalists is too specific a question. If you want a decent answer look up the best spvp mesmers for videos, posts, ask on a PM…

Why 1000+ Omnomberry Bars on the TP?

in Crafting

Posted by: Zid.4196


“I farmed the materials myself so they’re free!”

It takes me 20 min to hop on my two 80’s and run around Orr. I usually end up with around 60 omnomberries

With few omnomberries available to farm, i simply can’t believe anyone can get 30-60 of them in 20 minutes. I would love to see a 20 minute video

Sounds about right for end of wvw cycle + guild bonus + the secret bonus + knowing where the nodes are

Abyss Dye from Unidentified Gray Dye(Rare)

in Crafting

Posted by: Zid.4196


Crafting Rare Grays is big league, randoms should steer clear.

Thank you ArenaNet

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


What? Have you ever seen a MMO support team? I have. It’s a job and the people working it rarely play the MMO they are supporting in any depth. They have been given a metric for the bans and that’s that. “Did he salvage more than 100 rares? Yes. Did he craft at least one snowflake item? Yes, ban, next.”

Once the crosshairs are on you, you are getting banned no matter circumstances. Maybe you could appeal successfully if you had unusual circumstances but don’t expect anyone to look into them prior to the ban.

Exploit at your own risk.

Viable builds without Deceptive Evasion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


ANet nerfed all the good builds that didn’t call for Deceptive Evasion. That’s all there is to say.

Haha slap in the face

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


@Tarvok – violence is a double edged blade. The arguments you listed are valid but one-sided. Violence can hurt the rich in just as many ways and the rich have vested interest in supporting peaceful and crime-free society.

But not in GW2. Here the rich get full security for them and their assets completely for free and can focus on the most profitable activities, which happen to be TP-related and perfect targets for maximum monopolization/cartelization.

Skale Venom Consumable in WvW. Intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


What a ridiculous thread. In my many, many hours in WvW I’ve never ever seen even one person (friend or enemy) use skale venom. Most people won’t even bother to buy a peach pie for 3 copper/90 min duration and run without any buffs.

WvW has a ton of legitimate problems that have to be addressed ASAP. Stop wasting your time on complete non-issues.

To anyone that is complaining about the bans:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


1. You don’t buy GW you license it

2. Yep, it’s completely fine to just ban you right now

3. Eventually, the gaming generations will take over lawmaking in USA/EU/etc and shoot down this kind of EULAs; for now they are legal

PS. “Fair” doesn’t matter. We don’t have courts of justice. We have courts of law.

Why do I pay a fee if I meet a buy order?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


The profit is met by the sale tax and it’s natural all of it is the seller’s responsibility.

Listing fee however is a different matter. In other games, whoever sets up the listing pays the fee. It may be the seller, but it may also be a buyer that has set up a buy order. In GW2, the seller has to always pay the fee, even when responding to an existing buy order. A lot of people find this strange.

Why do I pay a fee if I meet a buy order?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


The question is not “what” or “why”, but “who”; and ANet has decided that the buy order costs nothing and the seller pays both the listing fee and the sale tax.

Haha slap in the face

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


Sure it is. It’s also possible to make dollars working as a teacher or at McDonalds or Walmart.

Just don’t expect to ever have the money for a Ferrari/legendary with an average income.

Thank you ArenaNet

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


ANet needs lessons from CCP on how to handle the market. CCP isn’t perfect, things which allow unintended profit make it into EVE Online all the time and the people who get in trouble for it are the people who didn’t find it before releasing it, NOT the people who PAY CCP to develop things for them to play with.
Long and the short of this whole thing is someone at ANet dropped the ball and instead of fessing up and rolling back accounts and letting the market later stabilize on it’s own, ANet decided to pretend it was the player’s who screwed up…..
NOT handled well

ArenaNet certainly does not need lessons from CCP in this particular area. CCP botched horribly last year, way way worse than ANet did, and had to violate the long standing policy you describe to somewhat fix the tremendous damage to the economy; all the time despite the warnings of some of the most experienced players as early as the test server phase.

That being said, ANet shouldn’t introduce items that shortcut the traditional recipe ratios or the traditional tier availability as easily. There was nothing added in gameplay value in making snowflake jewelry require just one filigree jewel, and unsurprisingly there was a lot to exploit.

(edited by Zid.4196)

Haha slap in the face

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


Paranoia has reached new horizons

Yeah! Implying a shadowy elite controls the legendaries market is like saying that the average member of the top 1% wealthiest Americans is 80,000 more wealthy than the average member of the bottom 40% Americans. Can’t be true, right?


GW2 is well on its way following. In fact, USA at least has some mechanisms to tax the rich and offer food stamps to the poor. GW2 has none.

How good condition build for mesmer is?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


Confusion in pvp is very overrated. Without additional pressure to force the enemy to use skills, it fails exactly when you are most in danger: against experienced opponents.

See, GW1 Mesmer could create real lose-lose situations for the enemy. We, not so much. Sure, we get to occasionally melt newbies and baddies with confusion stacks, but these guys were dead anyway. To defeat a good player with confusion you have to make sure he must activate several abilities after you confuse him (which in itself has to happen after his condition removal is on cd)…and that’s actually very hard to do, because:
- dodge doesn’t trigger confusion
- there are plenty of defenses that are just a single activation
- our confusion, particularly CoF, doesn’t last that long
- our condition gear lessens the impact of the abilities we have that require an immediate defensive answer

While I’m looking into some creative ways to setup lose-lose situations; the crux of the matter is that confusion will forever be most useful against the most inexperienced players and least useful against the most experienced players, unlike all other condition that affect everyone equally (even if the experienced players know better when to remove and when not to). I’d trade confusion for a condition that acts the opposite way any day.

Skale Venom Consumable in WvW. Intended?

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


Been asked before.

Not a big deal.

Omnoberry Pie +100% crit chance = hilarity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


Nothing to nerf here. You don’t need this for any sensible fractal level (and frankly none of the lvl 50+ runs I’ve seen employ such foods despite they are well-known).

As for WvW, everyone has equal access to these foods, yet they don’t get used much despite being well-researched and tested as well. In fact, most people don’t bother with foods at all despite there are plenty of cheap foods with good effects.

In sPvP, you can’t use these.

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


Still no reason to use this over a proper bunker in sPvP.

How do you all handle being so slow?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


After playing shortbow thief some, all I have to say on this thread is:


Pre-Cursors never been so expencive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


They’ll be more expensive tomorrow.

Forums full of negative-non in game? Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


I find a lot of negativity in my guild rosters. 90% gone inactive. People on the forum still care about the game.

Black Peppercorn

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


People still inflating basic gather at the end of the WvW week? LOL.

How good condition build for mesmer is?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


Carrion and Rampager are hybrid, not condition. Carrion has 1,000 Power which more than doubles your base direct damage. Rampager has more than 700 Power for 80ish % increase of base direct damage. The correct way to play hybrid is vastly different from the correct way to play condition.

Nerfing mesmers. Good or bad?

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


Good for thieves.

Advice needed on gold to gems.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


Gems buy you too little at the moment.

Thank you ArenaNet

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


As a jeweler and salvager, it was nice to see so many of my competitors banned. Thank you!

Got a ecto from a green item?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196



. . . .

Undercutting - Seller's Informal agreement

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zid.4196


I agree that this simply won’t work, but that doesn’t mean something doesn’t need to be done. having a free market is a good thing, but many people don’t have the common sense needed to make it work. Currently on my server, almost every item in the TP that I’ve come across, except for high demands such as crafting items, have dozens of sellers that are pricing at 1 c above the vendor value. Now think about this for a second. The TP charges a percentage of the sale so these people are actually selling their items for LESS than they would get than just dumping their junk at an npc. I’ve actually found that in many cases i make more profit dumping into npc’s than trying to sell to other players and that’s just sad.

You can list items from anywhere. Selling to vendor requires going to vendor. End result: those who haven’t invested in bags and inventory increase are better off listing and moving on. All the time they would waste on going back to vendors is time wasted from leveling to 80 or 80 activities, and those pay well per hour.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


I am kind of wondering if Sigil of Accuracy is better than Sigil of Force.

Sigil of Accuracy is the 5% flat crit, Sigil of Perception is the 25-stacks of Precision. AFAIK there’s a 70% crit cap that can only be improved by Fury so it’s possible to overdo it with Rampagers.

Accuracy vs Force = you have to calculate it for yourself, however there’s one very important element you shouldn’t overlook: Force stacks additively with other damage % modifiers like Compounding Force. The more you have of those, the less is Force worth as a % increase. If both get you about the same result, choose reliability (Force).

At any rate Night is always better than Force and pretty much always better than Accuracy. That is, at nighttime.

Any rhyme or reason to condition removal?

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


They should scrap it and let players configure their own personal settings for priority.

Any rhyme or reason to condition removal?

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


I’ve heard immobilize is always the last to be removed, which is hilarious.

Why is the wvw loot so bad?

in WvW

Posted by: Zid.4196


Because we get money when upgrading keeps.

Oh, wait…

Legendary weapons stats same as exotics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


ANet has officially stated that Legendary stats will be bumped to Ascended when Ascended weapons are introduced.

No Carrion Ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196



You have it easy with Carrion, bud. Full exotic armor craftable; Full exotic trinks (but the back) craftable. Compared to that, Rabid is a freaking nightmare.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


A couple of sigil pointers for those rich enough to afford duplicate exotics:

the 25-stack type sigils offer the bonus even when unequipped; an effective way to use them is to have two one-handers with the sigil you need, any kill you do with this set nets 2 charges; by killing 13 mobs (say at ogre/dredge/etc to be useful) the stacks charge and you can swap the harvesting set for a normal set; it’s reasonable to get lvl 79 exotics for the harvesting set if you cannot afford 80s

Sigil of the Night is more effective than Force or Accuracy; buy an extra weapon (obviously 80 exotic) with this sigil and swap at nighttime for a significant bonus

How Much Stronger? New Shattered Strength

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


Just remember: the one who wins is the one to stomp first, not the one to stack 25 might first.

PS. I wager the upcoming nerf will be a terrible debacle. A month ago when we said phantasms shouldn’t have been nerfed and shatter is good as it is Mr. Sharp thought he knew better. The moment I read about the Shattered Strength change I was convinced ANet will backpedal in days. And now, expect the nerf to be handled in the worst possible fashion. Of course, other ways of playing the Mesmer won’t get buffed so it may as well put our class out of balance for months.

(edited by Zid.4196)

MMO pvp veteran with questions

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196



1. Deso EU

2. Thief

3. Pretty much immediately. Click on the swords top left and choose go to the mists.

4. No leveling in PvP

5. Obviously lots but starting with the very basics, get runes and sigils for your weapons/armor. Spend your trait points.

The Real problem with Thief Class

in PvP

Posted by: Zid.4196


The head designer obviously plays this class and is totally out of touch with reality, because I’ve never seen a class this insanely over the top in any game.

I’ve seen classes that can get away from just about anything.

I’ve seen classes run faster than anything.

I’ve seen classes 1-2 shot people.

Just never seen a class in a game that could do all of these at the same time, and a design team absolutely unwilling to address the fact that it’s this out of control. So lets all stop pretending this is a mistake or balancing issue when we all know exactly what’s going on here, blatant favoritism towards a guys preffered class.

Most players call the game Thief Wars you really gonna tank your own game pvp wise to keep your class on easy mode pvp.

just do like most pvpers do and move on LOL has given me a whole new appreciation for pvp

See how you are biased towards the minority of the game? The top pvpers will stay no matter what challenge.

Quit trying to be elitist bringing up LOL.

who are these “top players” we speak of ?? vid’s s/s or it never happened

“top pvpers”

You can look them up yourself, it’s the first post in “Structured PvP” forum. Don’t know how you missed it.

That handwritten list?

I’ve seen MUDs in 1993 with better technology.

Ascended gear: Thinking ahead...(1-2 yrs)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zid.4196


Very far-far-far-fetched assumptions here.

Anet never said they will increase the level cap, and judging by how the game is structured it wouldn’t make sense to raise the cap.

On the contrary, ANet has confirmed raising level cap in expansions.

All exotics will be straight out obsoleted by higher item level exotics. Ascended gear will most likely be obsoleted as well to make room for new fractals/etc in the expansion. I doubt ANet will obsolete Legendaries. It’s more likely Legendaries will require expensive (think 250 ectos + 250 another rare mat) process for upgrading the item level to the new max item level.