Showing Posts For azuzephyr.7280:

Chrono/phantasm builds for pve

in Mesmer

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Hi, does anyone have links to some chrono/phantasm builds for pve or even pvp?

I really like the chrono line but I don’t like playing shatter, so ideally I’d like to use greatsword with chrono line + phantasm focused spec.

But I’m a little bit out of the loop with my mesmer and I’m finding choosing a build for this daunting as I don’t really know what I’m doing anymore, does anyone have suggestions?


Dh builds using longbow

in Guardian

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Hi, I want DH as one of my alts but before I do the hero point grind I want to make sure I can actually use the longbow.

Are there any pvp/pve builds which actually use that weapon? Most that I have read people are still using GS/SF with the typical medi build just with DH added on.

Would it be possible to use something like meditations with longbow and something like hammer? How would you build for something like that?

Any advice/builds welcome


Addressing the Grind! Read full!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Why are you putting words into people’s mouths.

Ive been a player since day 1, was rank 80 and with full PVE gear. I spent a huge amount of time in GW2 and despite many flaws I loved it. Coming back now I really wanted to play reaper through the PVE content and enjoy it, just like I did when GW2 launched – except now I can’t do that.

I’ve spent hours yesterday and today grinding the stupid boring masteries and then playing stupid boring jumping puzzles to get the hero points so that EVENTUALLY I might actually get to play the reaper through the PVE and wvw zones – like I wanted to. It’s been nothing but frustration since HoT launched and that’s not what I paid for.

I haven’t seen ANY of the new content because I’m skimming past it trying to do the hero points, its ridiculous.

You are equating a game to a job and saying you have to ‘earn it’ I already did earn it when I went out to work to buy the effing expansion, why am I expected to work again just to play it?

Going through the game at a leisurely pace was exactly what I wanted to do – with the new elite spec I’d have access to. Now because of the gating I’m either forced to grind and skim through the content or go through it at a leisurely pace using my old spec – which I have already done once in this game and had my fill.

(edited by azuzephyr.7280)

BWE2 Reaper feedback and GTAOE discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Shouts are too dependant on Augury trait, in addition the augury trait is too wildly useless 1v1/great against 5. Balancing around a flat reduction would be way better.

I want to use the shouts, but they aren’t there yet.

Dear League Developers

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I think these rules work for things like a round-robin tournament, where everyone involved must participate, everyone will face opponents of all experience levels and ‘extraneous circumstances’ such as disconnects/AFK will be taken into consideration.

Take a casual pvper who is a few standard deviations better than average, plays a few hours per week or sometimes more when work is light but never hardcore with a structured team; is it really fair to punish them with lower rewards because they happen to face a few other teams with low ranking when they play? They can’t help the matchmaking. Is it fair to punish them more harshly if they lose to a low rank team because one of their members disconnects, making their team outnumbered?

How are these rules going to effect the average player? They seem aimed at the top 1%

give warriors 5 more baseline traits

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Guys, some of you might be new here, but Deimos’ warrior threads are kinda a novelty, every couple of weeks there’s another one filled with demands for warrior buffs, senseless logic, complaining about everything other classes have and arguing over every post.

Don’t try and reason with it, you are only feeding.

OT: warriors do not need those traits made baseline

Dagger Auto Attack > Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I said dozen of time Gs dps will be far worse than dagger …. only deluded minds hoped for something

It doesn’t need to be more dmg than dagger, it just needs to fit a role, that role doesn’t necessarily have to be highest autoattack weapon as dagger already does that nicely. Filling life force/melee cc we actually need.

YSiM Buff?

in Necromancer

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I have loved the idea of some of the necro shouts, however they are very weak in their current form. Also I have noticed that without consume conditions you are super weak to getting condition bombed, you’d think this easily remedied by ‘suffer’ however being blinded = no suffer as emergency button, same with YSIM, super vulnerable to blinds [which are everywhere atm]

Dagger Auto Attack > Greatsword

in Necromancer

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Yeah I find it weird that the reaper is meant to be all about shroud and their unique weapon has absolutely terrible life force generation. The two skills that it does have a slow, easily avoided and one isn’t something you’d want to blow just for a teeny amount of life force.

Greatsword definitely needs work; slightly better targeting on GS#5, tweaks to cast times, bump a few numbers and I don’t think asking for GS#3 to have a small leap effect or 600 range is asking too much really as having good uptime on your target is still a little hard even under good circumstances.

Some guy from ...

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Maylo, do you need a minute to yourself?

Some guy from ...

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Spent the entire game dying, BMing and then followed it up with this;

In a game of ranked solo. The battletag wasn’t one of the main members, but the guild name was 100% accurate.

Total chode and couldn’t play that turret engi to save their life.

(edited by azuzephyr.7280)

Rank Farmers - Question to ARENANET.

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


The old rank system was a cute token reward that did almost nothing to distinguish players beyond rank 10, nothing more. Now rank means less than nothing

Vee Wee's PvP Suggestions!

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


My problem with it in PvP is that it makes even a straight up 2v1 extremely lopsided in a way that has almost nothing to do with actual skill. Between the speed of rezzing and the delaying abilities in downed state, if you don’t drop both opponents at the same time, the downed one can be trivially rezzed before you could stomp them. Now they’re back to half HP and its a 2v1 again even though you rightfully outplayed both of them at least enough that you dropped one.

This is very frustrating, but as much as I too sometimes hate being fed this line, it’s one of those things which represent the team-based nature of the game. If you had a proper team behind you those 2/3v1 situations wouldn’t appear or your team would have more breathing room on the other points if you were just trying to stall the other team at far point.

It only really happens in hotjoins, so you can just smacktalk them to get the frustration out and BM to death when you win on even numbers.

Vee Wee's PvP Suggestions!

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


VeeWee has his sights set way high. Get used to how things are now, because change for the better is asking for too much.

That’s not being pessimistic, this is my favourite game and I still play, but facing facts; numbers are decent but certainly in decline, balance patches are getting smaller and less frequent, dev visibility is almost none-existent. There will continue to be updates to the game, but I’m honestly not hoping for actual improvements to the game.

New game mode = same old problems
Tiny ‘balance’ patches 6+ months apart = damage has already been done.

Your suggestions would certainly improve things, but lets get real, what you’re asking for is for GW2 to have a production/development team who both love what they do and both have the goal of making the best game possible, and that’s never going to happen. We’re a cash cow, and getting players to enjoy the game experience I’m assuming isn’t high on their priority list while they are still making enough money from recycling skins for gems.

What is balance team doing with their time?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Those are the same builds with different amulets, engi was in exactly the same place pre-patch, it didn’t change a thing

What is balance team doing with their time?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Can you give me one example of a build which is now viable in pvp which was not prior to the sigil changes?

Because my team and the teams we face can’t, it’s the same builds; now with 15 stacks of might and parrot.

What is balance team doing with their time?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


They are also willing to do as I said (make sweeping changes to particular champions (or classes)) when they see a broken mechanic or dynamic rather than trying to merely fix “low-hanging fruit” fixes first before even considering what needs to be reworked as ANet does.

But being honest, what low hanging fruit has been fixed by Anet?

There are numerous weaponsets and trait combos which give the implication of being dedicated toward certain builds that have been trash since release. Just look at power necro, interrupt Mesmer, hammer guard, ranged thieves – they barely exist in pvp, and for good reason; they are ineffective compared to the meta options.

There has only been one time when Anet has helped the ‘low hanging fruit’ and I can swear, I’m never usually one to throw out ‘the devs play warriors’ as a thing, even jokingly. But the fact is that two influential devs do play warrior as their main, and that class alone has been brought up from inviability into in absolute powerhouse in almost every way.

The balance patches are tiny tweaks at enormous intervals -except in the case of warriors – which just isn’t acceptable.

What is balance team doing with their time?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280



What is balance team doing with their time?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


People are actually defending the ridiculously long balance cycle, that always changes NOTHING?

Some people are okay with the long cycle to allow time to make informed changes, yes. If you feel it never changes anything, then yes, I disagree with you. I do not always personally like the changes they make, but too many posters here are arguing from the perspective that their idea of balance is the only correct one.

And what has changed since the last update? Or the one before that, last dec?

are you really going to try and argue that the meta didn’t see a shift with the rune/sigil changes? really?

People certainly did change some runes, and they did open up new rune options, but what actually changed in the meta?

-Hambow/zerk thief/midbunker are still S tier
-The ‘decent builds that are pushed out by vastly better options’ crowd is still dps guard/Mesmer/necro/ranger
-the ‘lol how cute’ trash tiers are still power necro, power ranger/various other support options

It’s the exact same builds in the exact same places except now everyone has a parrot

What is balance team doing with their time?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


A veteran player should not be able to stomp a new comer all day.

The hell am I reading?

You actually want to create a game that is less reliant on skill?

Go to bed

warriors speak up please

in Profession Balance

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


rolling burst warrior was hardmode already




September 2014 Feature Pack

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


The limiting factor to the success of this is the balance team. They will need to step up their game and release updates as needed vs waiting for a big release.

This please, half a year for tiny damage shaves is pitiful. Totally puts me off playing because why bother if you aren’t a hambow/zerk thief/decap/midbunker.

They also need to do largescale reworks of many specs, equal to the level of the warrior buff patch over a year ago. Yes, it’s true, warriors were almost non-existent in pvp before this – but making them into the ridiculous master of all trades/ Jack of none was stupid. That aside, other classes need reworking to bring specs like power necro, Mesmer anything into the scene.

And please, when we want buffs – we don’t mean introduce more mechanics to the taste of;

Prismatic understanding
Zerker Stance
Healing signet
Lich form 1

Those were bad, they made the game experience much worse

Any chance to add more weapon skills?

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


You are setting your sights pretty high hoping for new weapon skills. You need to get as jaded and resentful as the rest of us, there hasn’t been a patch since spring and the upcoming feature preview is about how they added three new colours for a commander tag.

Discussion: Is Celestial OP in PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I’d certainly not say OP, it’s clearly BiS for some builds like DD/engi but that doesn’t make it broken. Other build types still want soldiers/clerics/zerk and celestial isn’t competing with those.

Why do 'pull' and 'push' skills fail?

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


PvP/WvW Quality Assurance guys.

Thanks I needed a laugh.

sPvP and Balance

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Balance has never been in a good state, not since day 1, but at least they used to care about it and had much more regular updates.

Now that updates are slowing down it appears that any goals for a desirable meta balance have died, the team are happy to give each class a minimum of 1 cheese spec which is some degree of viable in pvp and call it a job well done. Warriors have been around for a year now in an absolutely disgusting iteration of passive facerolling/Godmode but lets face facts; that’s where most of the viable specs are heading.

It wouldn’t shock me if there are no more significant balance updates ever tbh, maybe if they rebrand/relaunch as GW2 2015/2016 or something, but the sad truth is that nobody cares, the pvp population is now filled with people who view it as a minigame and aren’t really concerned with balance [especially not when you can just reroll to any fotm spec instantly].

GW2 could have easily easily been the best pvp in any MMO ever, the engine was there, the combat is immense and engaging, at it’s core very skill based…. but what the kitten are they doing with updates like healingsignet/stance, dumbfire, nature spirit – just…WHAT!? They ignored the stuff that made the combat cool and paved over it with passive gameplay, faceroll mechanics and general trashiness.

How, seriously, how do you take gold and turn it into crud, it’s beyond me.

EDIT: my point about the topic is that balance just isn’t a priority. It seems to me that from the beginning there was no long-term vision of where they wanted balance to be and that has meant patches that are 2 steps forward 1 step back – and now that we are quite far into the lifecycle of this MMO the resources available to look at things like balance are dwindling. So I wouldn’t be surprised if they left things as they are, particularly since the PVE crowd that are now the lifeblood of pvp are less likely to care.

(edited by azuzephyr.7280)

Plz give us a carrot

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Genuinely do not want a carrot. Carrots bring people back for a week at the most.

Look at balance, look at game modes, look at diversity. There’s no point giving out shiny rewards if people aren’t having genuine fun right now.

I can tell you, it’s not fun playing in a meta with extremely narrow build diversity which is overrun by the trashiest specs and mechanics where your options are join the cheese or accept the fact that your preferred spec might be lightyears away from the strength of meta builds. Some gimmicky reward isn’t going to change that.

How do I carry?

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I agree with Emap, a good mid-bunker guard or roamer thief are the two main classes who can carry a group to a win that would have otherwise been a loss had you played a different class.

The state of solo Q atm is that people just zerg, very few games are played with tactical roaming/bunkering in mind. So if you can solidify one of those roles for your team by playing the correct class it’s a huge + 1 in your teams favour. Close second is signet/stance warrior, not really a bunker or a roamer but stacking faceroll tank+dmg specs works stupidly well in GW2.

So, what do you think of Warriors in sPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


For a second, I thought everybody was kittening crazy.

IKR; mesmers the most powerful class in pvp? warriors underpowered?

I almost spat out my Earl Grey and lost all of my tea time etiquette

Tourney PvP nowadays (solo queue)

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


If it makes you feel any better, 1 warrior could probably take the whole team blindfolded


Toxic behaviour in ranked games.

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Honestly, I can’t blame any experienced player for acting the way they do right now. These newbie players are incredibly frustrating and it is not because they suck, but they are so ignorant and don’t care at all. Some of them actually think they know better even though they know very little about sPvP at all. SoloQ has become absolutely unplayable at the moment.

Solo que is the new hotjoin, there’s now no options available for anyone who wants to actually try their hand at a more serious version of pvp without a full team.

Solo que wasn’t the greatest before patch, but solo que atm is beyond a joke, worse than hotjoin ever was.

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Because you’re logically wrong.

Game balance still as bad as pre patch

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Actually no, if you’re a Mesmer your stuff is hotfixed within a matter of hours [they fixed a bug where power block became viable]. If you mean warriors and stuff, yeah that’s obviously a case where we’ll be waiting nearly a year for 8%


Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


You could do a ton of hot joins and not know what a bunker, far capping, rotating or decapping is. It just doesn’t show up in Hot Join. It’s basically Death Match. How do you expect people to learn that?

Oh, I don’t know. Tbh I did a ton of leveling and didn’t know what might stacking/defiant/agony was but I didn’t really care, just joined a 50+ fractal group because the best skins drop there and the game didn’t tell me not to do it so it must be ok. I know there are vids and guides available absolutely everywhere and I probably could have told them I was new or asked what to do for the best but YOLO WHO GOT TIME FOR DAT, especially when they can’t kick me even if I do mess up. I mean, yeah the group died a lot and couldn’t get past the endboss but I’m new what do you expect, they typed some stuff into chat but meh, if I didn’t read it it’s just a game and they should get over it, at least I got my daily done and got more gold and stuff than if I just went to the stupid champ train in Orr. I should go back and do another!

And if anyone has something nasty to say to me, it’s anets fault, why should I care – I didn’t lose anything and the 4 other people can go swivel.

(edited by azuzephyr.7280)

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Because it isn’t the bridge, hotjoin is the bridge.

People just have no problem going for the self-centered reward at the cost of anyone actually trying.

And what you are saying is that it’s wrong for the people trying to be upset that they are getting jibbed in the situation. You are totally incorrect.

Path of Ventari [TPvP Build]

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Overall are you having more/less success than the typical 30/20/0/0/20?

My initial observational concerns;
-Lots of points centered around DS#2, can be dodged/lost in the zoo
-less damage to non boon abusers
-shorter fear duration is a super big hit
-less condition coverage against auto-cleansers

It’s always nice seeing something different nonetheless.

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Who is good the first time they do a new game mode? You have to start somewhere!

That somewhere is hotjoin. Period.

Please explain to me in a clear format why your view is that it’s fine/forgivable to selfishly join ranked matches knowingly or not with not enough experience/unwillingness to try to play efficiently but not forgivable to be upset by those people’s selfish actions, I’m still waiting for the logic to hit me.

Most people actually do not berate new players, but instead come to the forums [here] to bring it up as a community point. You might not like it, that doesn’t make the OP’s point wrong, it’s a perfect analogy.

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Gates, you are just bashing out the same argument, putting the blame on the victim in the situation.

If the game does nothing to point people in the right direction, then how can people be surprised when people are irate over having their time wasted?

You are just assuming that because people are irate over a matter you can demonize them to cover the fact that you have nothing with any logic to say. Then to top it off, you get ad hominem [again, you have no argument so no big shock] so if you don’t like my English then take it to the next forum, but don’t come in here trying to silence people who have every right to be irate by selfish actions at their expense. I suggest maybe you take some of your own advice and ‘assume good faith’ anytime you see someone getting riled up about getting their game wrecked, they probably just assumed people were trolling by deliberately ignoring tactics that were spelled out for them in clear writing.

You also need to source any claims that the minority of people are falling into that new & innocent/doesn’t know any better category, as currently the boards are flooded with complaints from long standing pvpers that the exact opposite is true, and given the fact that servers in game are currently packed to capacity, I’m highly doubting your claim given the evidence tbh.

You’re all concerned about the game being ruined for a select crowd, ignoring the fact that that crowd are the root cause of the game being ruined for another crowd because of their self-centered actions, you just don’t seem too concerned about that for whatever reason.

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


If I join a solo que match, please enlighten me, in what way did I just “Force” my way in?

Nobody can kick you no matter what you do, we’re forced to put up with you.

And no, he isn’t just saying take it easy, he’s saying ‘be nice to me but ignore me being selfish towards you!’ That’s the point, his argument is be nice to people not being nice to you that’s thinly veiled with a happy tone, it’s founded in nothingness.

You need to stop trying to blame the victim, people becoming irritated by people deliberately being a selfish irritant – there’s nothing out of line with that whatsoever, so I suggest you take the silk gloves approach to the source itself tbh.

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


There’s still no argument in what you’re saying.

Every point you’ve made is basically based on… nothing.

‘Blame anet’ – you blame them

’don’t be a kitten’ you don’t be one by selfishly joining a ranked team game that you can’t/wont contribute to just for the reward

’it’s a nice thing to do’ so is considering other people in ranked before you join

‘not all casuals want hotjoin’ not all high level pvpers have 4 guildies on/available at any given opportunity

’there’s a person on the end of the character’ too kitten right, why are people screwing over 4 others behind their character by messing up their ranked game?

All your points are just what you want. Again; have cake and eat it.

That’s basically it. Please stop trying with the Mother Theresa attitude trying to cover up the fact that people are deliberately messing up part of the game and trying to get away with it by acting innocent and trying to demonize the enemy.

Inexperience isn’t a crime, far from it. But forcing yourself into a ranked game when there is a clear alternative more appropriate for your experience just because you selfishly want the better reward, that is.

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


There’s a reason good schools and good teachers don’t just throw you a text book and go afk. They teach. If you can’t teach, then just don’t be a kitten and encourage them.

This is quite an ironic tbh.

I’m a teacher as a profession, I get paid. How much am I getting paid to teach people who can’t pvp but want to join the ranked ques regardless?

There is no argument in what you’re saying, people just seem to want their cake and eat it

‘I know I’m kittening up your game by joining solo que when I could join hotjoin but I don’t care stop being mean’

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Check the screenie… there is not even point in teaching them…
Ofcourse thief went far, i had to stay back on close and help other guy cap it, so our guys got outnumbered on mid and died, even tho we went from close to mid and wiped 2 of them we still died in the end because our pro thief was dpsing enemy bases door and then got killed by the guys we wiped on mid.

I stopped trying the ‘mentoring’ approach, some don’t read, some read but ignore, some just don’t want to be told what to do whether they think it’s good or not. There’s no point in trying.

pvp The TRUE analysis

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Moral of the story: Be a decent human being to the other human beings you surround yourself with, even when they don’t fulfill all your expectations.

I agree completely, I think many could start by coming into pvp with the right attitude and not joining ranked with no idea what to do/no inclination to take a passive role for the better of the team you forced yourself into.

Why would a decent human being ever do otherwise?

Toxic attitude? Go PvE with wrong gear

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


This is my stance on the matter.

Force your way into a pve 50+ fractal group and tell people to stop the toxic attitude when you ignore party chat, don’t know any of the tactics, make no effort to learn or ask for help, cause your group to fail and /rofl because they can’t kick you or do anything about it.

That junk would be hotfixed quicker than power block, the reality of the situation is that pvp players don’t matter, just make way for the pve crowd, soon there’ll be a skyhammer cannon on every map

Hard Counters

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Honestly dude no one gives a kitten about gw1. Give specific examples of hard counters in gw2 so we can all laugh at you.

Zerker stance? Diamond skin?It doesn’t get much more hard counter than that

pvp The TRUE analysis

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


What Bhag said, also just to pique my curiosity – who are you to tell people the ‘truth’ on pvp?

Hostility in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Too many people obsess over their rating as if their next job or the cure for cancer is tied to it. We have different goals in the game, but that is okay. With the influx of new players, as well as potentially more coming, the matchmaking system will begin to find you matches of similar skill, and you can play with you fellow people in the top tiers, valuing each match with your life. I will be content along the bottom, doing stupid things, with the rest of the stupid people. Like having /dance parties with the opposing team on a cap point instead of fighting.

Nobody – nobody obsesses over their rating using glicko. What people want is fair & engaging games that aren’t as frustrating as they are now.

What people don’t [or rather choose] not to take into account is that there is a place for people who want dance parties, it’s called hotjoin. You can be content dancing at the low ranks in hotjoin, you can zerg points/leave mid undefended as much as you want, nobody will care. Of course people don’t do that, they flood into solo que. Why? Because having your cake and eating it is totally possible.

You can skive as much as you want in tpvp without punishment, ignore tactics, do whatever you want nobody can kick you, nobody can do a thing. And then at the end, still pick up the track rewards and higher exp.

Right now it’s more punishing to be the person actually trying your best to win, and that is absolutely toxic. So don’t act shocked if anyone is hostile to you while you are doing that in tpvp, it’s most certainly you.

My opinion how to balance wariors in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


Necros can’t stack spectral skills, warriors can stack stances.


Hostility in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


The problem was that PvP offered next to no rewards previously, so mainly attracted the competitive types, whose only desire is to flex their internet muscles. With the addition of reward tracks, lots of regular players (myself included) are joining the PvP scene, making those competitive people feel threatened. When you take someone who cares about their K/D or Win ratio more than having fun, you get the xbox live behavior.

What is fun about trying hard all game while your team is unwittingly unraveling your hard work?

Do you think it would be acceptable for people to force themselves into a high level fractal group where people didn’t have the option to remove them, ignore chat, deliberately not follow tactics – all because they care more about fun than their dungeon completion ratio?

Your opinion on the patch as a pvper

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


I think its unfair that Pvers are walking with legendaries in PvP and the pure PvPers have nothing.. Just a bunch of skins which you can also get easy in pve.. I vote for a better reward to the PvPers for spending their time in PvP.
