Showing Posts For barti.7685:

Where does the Axe fit in?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


I seriously doubt anyone has ever admitted axe as being a viable main weapon, because it’s not. If you think axe is trash you need to learn to use it properly.

as secondary it competes with the staf wich is a much better alternative even for power buiilds..

use properly ?

its like giving someone a wooden stick in a sword fight and say hey you just have to use the wooden stick properly then you can win.

imo the axe is a piece of trash.. and i never saw anyone utilizing the axe in a way where i thought wow thats amazing.. because its mostly impossible because of the lack of dps and real kiting ability because of the crappy range. like i said before 600 range to kite is nothing and the dps pales in comparion to dagger auto atk.. so whats left then ? its just a weak weapon in pvp .

Where does the Axe fit in?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


axe has always been pretty bad. the 2 get often dodged out of the 1 is weak and the 3 got its uses but doesnt warrent going for axe.. this is mainly from ap ure pvp focus tho not www and inflated numbers vs undergeared oponents.

in real pvp you should be happy to see 5k numbers and you probably only see those in fury stance dancing low armor oponents heavy stacked vuln on them or people on frenzy..

its the whole 600 range thing too wich might as well be 100 range for that matter its almost impossible to kite a half decent player in the 600 range there so many gapclosers and insane damage burst in the 600 range in this game that 600 range might as well be 0 range. 900 and 1200 maybe 600.. no way not against half decent players anyways.

show me a half decent pvp movie with axe as main not www or www duels and i will retract my statement untill then.. yea.. axe = trashheap.

Give me variety, and I'll play GW2 again:

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


i played a necromancer and for what its worth i dont logon anymore now for 6 weeks and counting. feel cheated in a way for a game thats supposed to be all that.. and didnt come through but ah well what can you do.. ?

[Video] Fly Away

in Community Creations

Posted by: barti.7685


i really like the sceneries i dont really understand the story behind it tho.. it really doesnt seem like theres any story in the video the whole 3 characters trying to escape is .. a bit far to seek for me personally.

5+ years/5 maps vs 4months-3holiday Games

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


This thread is inane.

Event maps require far less playtesting and balancing than PvP maps as they’re made for a short term appeal rather than competitive longevity.


what needs balancing in a pvp map ? you just create half a map then mirror it.. perfect balance.. maybe a bit boring but at least people cant complain about balance.. or lack of maps

Finishers - Unfair class advantages.

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


Necromancer – Foot in the Grave (3s Stability in DS)

So every class has access to this, some more effective than others.

except for the fact that you cant stomp in ds unless you abuse a mechanic and are left with 2 sec to stomp someone and only if you spec

here it comes

drum roffle

30 points into a tree that gives only real benefits to a melee necromancer

.. wich in turn is pretty much kittened in comparision to a bleed necromancer you are absolutely completely correct..

wow 2 seconds of stability and only if you use your defensive mechanic the tool thats supposed to be what defines necromancers.. and are forced to run around like a kitten for 10 seconds to get 1 measly stomp off.. or not.. 2 seconds.. might just not be long enough.. another cruel joke to a class with no stability from skills whatsoever..

hilarious really..

Pointless speculation on 14/12 necro changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


hmm pointless speculations

well deserved water combat buffs !

Getting one shot... okay?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


  • yawn *

i slept for a good week i was so tired of gw2.. but look at that another thread like this and basicly nothing has changed it seems why bother logging in..

time to hit the sack again.. puts waterbed on 30 degrees..


Not sure I have it in me anymore

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


rank 41 here and the last 5 days i didnt even care to log on or enter a game anymore i feel exactly the same way you do except i held on for 10 more ranks.. after that it really becomes grindcentral with 75k exp to rank up.. with games giving a paltry 150~300 points its not a thing im ooking forward too..

eventho the rank 50 armors look nice but they don’t look nice to the extent that i sit in front of my computer 6 hours a day to grind a quarter of a bar today x4 x 10.. 40 days to reach rank 50 with hardcore grinding or probably 20 if i care to exploit with somebody else trading points over and over..but i cba to do that.. im not that desperate.. altho i saw many doing it..

the whole grind aspect and the 4 maps oh wait we got 5 now.. 5 map rotation.. i mean im rank 41.. i saw those same 5 maps over 2500 times.. im sick and tired of it.. you know when you played tetris on your gameboy for hours and then when you turn of yoru gameboy and close your eyes you can still see the blocks falling ..

same thing repetivive zerg fest or steamrol.. its either one or the other..

Flesh Golem: Charge!

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


charge is fine never had a problem with it. what’s not fine is that the flesh golem after a charge somehow needs like a solid 4 seconds to become usefull again.. get to the target and atk it.. also notice the pause after the charge for a good 1.5 seconds..

Reaper's Touch

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


How do you guys get this attack to hit reliably in PvP?

I got super excited by the numbers I was seeing in a pure power/toughness/vitality build by stacking vulnerability and might against the practice golems (25 stack of vulnerability + 16 stack of might + 3k power + Spite XII = OH MY!) but in practice against other players the reliability of the skill fell through the basement. More often than not I’d only get one hit in.

Just wondering if there are some tips to ensuring more hits with it. Need to make this work for my PvP Beastmancer™ build >:)


best tip imo would be to make sure they are immobilized first that way they will have a hard time evading the reapers touch. also make sure that you only hit 1 target for its maximum potential 3 hits.. oh and get spiteful talisman if possible to spam the kitten out of it when it gets out of cooldown. its kinda a must ability for any power necro imo.

The SPvP experience.

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


quite obvious a warrior whine thread,limping around helplessly ?

serious ? you do know some of the warrior skills right warriors are anything but helpless.. they get like 4 ways of obtaining stability and not even counting traits… you know how much necros get in stability 0 yea you heared me right the only way a necromancer can get stability if he specs 30 points into a bugged traitline and the stability only last for 3 seconds.. and there will be time off to actually switch into ds and out.. so its more like 2.5 seconds.. that adds hardly anything.. or go into a form thats only good for holding a node or another form that waves a red flag in anthing in the vicinity of 3000 yards and the best of it all these change forms kill off all our pets and are on a 3 minute cooldown.. and you cant stomp in em..

warriors helping around helplessly..

yea right..

lets make it into warriors into cookiespec cuter builds and all hundred blade bullrush frenzy spamfest. and yes in spvp frenzy bullrush hundred blade spamfest works flawlessly.. espcially since you’re to busy in a small map to constantly pay attention to another joker whos in your face in 0.5 seconds spamming the same old combo again.. or if thats not good enough for you grab a rifle and see you outshine the only true ranged class in the game in mere seconds.. or a hammer and deliver powerful aoe knockbacks knockdown or 2 sec aoe stun..

(edited by barti.7685)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: barti.7685


after you finished gw2 pve mode wich probably takes a nromal person about 3 to 4 weeks you can aim for better looking items legendary or try your luck in pvp 5 maps and 1 game mode.. so if you getting bored off pve already wich has like 5000 maps i wouldnt touch that one with a 10 feet pole.

Would you reccommend GW2 to a friend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: barti.7685


na i wouldnt recommend it to a friend. the game lost a lot of its shine already the past months its been out. i bought this game for one thing only and thats the pvp.. were 3 months further and theres still

5 maps and 1 game mode..and they keep pumping out new content for the pve crowd and leave the pvp crowd in the cold with minor bug fixes and 1 crappy map

if i knew it was gonne be like this the moment i stared at the box in the store i wouldnt have bought it.. pvp aspect and especially since they re advertising like true e sport and highly competetive and skillfull pff right competetive my kitten.. its basicly burst and bunker wars 2.. has nothing to do with skill at all.. i know i should ve stayed with my fps.. ah well what can you do..

PvP Seer Armor Boots Recipe

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


sounds like you need to use a crystal instead of a sliver pretty sure its a free tournament token + crystal crit ?

sPvP Build Questions

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


thiefs are hard for most necromancers espcially when they get the jump on you and you ate the big burst backstab cnd mug combo or half the pistol whip after that youre facing a hard battle imo.. greater mark helps but a lot of it is just pure reflex based. create distance fear them off pre emptive dodge if you know their comming.. further if one stays in combat and dont high tail it out of there the moment he start to loose hold on to dear life.

I'm going to be a necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


1. support and healer a lill not as good as some others tho.. buffer sadly no we dont have any buffs we give to our party unless its a combofield, debuffs on the other hand…

2. we can get our own shadowstep with fleshwurm.. kinda anyways and sure necro got decent skills mostly its cc based tho necros can choose when they want to engage an enemy if their good in kiting.. at least.. against some classes.

3. sure we got some decent ones quite a few of em are useless tho.

4. yea corrupted orian armor.. from paid pvp.. you can probably get it in pve too but that one looks pretty evil. also the witch docter set looks kinda evil.

Guild Wars 2 and the Family Experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: barti.7685


awesome story it surely warmed my heart wish we had more stories like this

the pugclubbers

in Community Creations

Posted by: barti.7685


maybe more part 3 << to be continued >>

the pugclubbers

in Community Creations

Posted by: barti.7685


maybe more <<part 2 >>

the pugclubbers

in Community Creations

Posted by: barti.7685


Meanwhile burstie backstabbed the ranger and finished him off with 3 skillfull
heartseekers that each hit for 6k damage. Confusie yelled out a target and he turned the target into a bird. Needless to say we all focused fire the bird and it went down with a shriek and turned into a player !

after we disposed of their team we headed to there base to cap there close point. And after we set up tent at their base so the evil enemy team who dared to face off couldn’t get out anymore. Their ranger had the audicity to shoot one of our team member with his bow but i used spectral grasp to pull him from their base and into our meatgrinder.. confusie blasted we will rock you on the vent channel and we won 500-5 a glorious victory we laughed a bit because in their team was noone who was higher rank then 10..

pff what a noobs guardie said. but we shouldn’t celebrate yet.. there are still 2 tough matches ahead of us.. and we have to be standvast and keep our
eyes on the final goal this was just the first step to glory..

<< to be continued >>

the pugclubbers

in Community Creations

Posted by: barti.7685


The pugclubbers

Lately i’ve been involved into player versus player and sometimes i enjoy a random tournament.The tournaments i run are mostly with pugs and often times we face off against some stiff competition against guild teams. Now i dont mind guild teams per se but if you dare to make a comment after the match a lot of times you can be sure to be lectured by said person who just stomped your pug.

Now one of these individuals who gave me a tell afterwards said blatently i was a big noob and that his teamwon 70% of all the free tournaments he played. and being the great player he asked me where i got the audicity to talk back to such a great pvp-er and that i just should keep my noob mouth shut.

I must say his words kinda lingered on for a bit because that night when the rain ticked steadily on my window I thought to myself what it would be like to be in such a team. A team that never loses.. slowly but surely childhood memmories came dwindling in my head and the a-team tune started to play. and thinking of all those glorious matches I would have,I softly entered dreamland… and that night i dreamed of being such an illustrious 70% free tournament winner. where all the people in gw2 would know me and would shudder the moment i passed them by a true hero a true …pugclubber !

cast in alphabetic order :

burstie the thief
confusie the mesmer
ellie the elementalist
guardie the guardian
me as necro noob

It was a dreary morning when guardie the guardian said to the rest that they should come to a tournament.Since guardie was the toughest of us all and he had lots of buffs nobody dared to disobey so off we went to a tournament to get some well needed glory. Because glory was a fantastic thing it gave you rank and rank means bragging rights and ofcourse it showed skill to the other people ! so off we went on our cart
to go to a big forst to face of some stiff competition. Burstie was sharpening his daggers and guardie was polishing his shield and confusie was talking to one of his clones since nobody else wanted to talk to him.

when we finally arrived we had to wait 2 whole minutes for the otehr team to ready up. we told them countless time on /map to ready up and that we were in a hurry but they didnt oblige and for this insult we told eachother to make them pay.

our strategy was sound burstie with his now sharpened daggers was going for their boss to get the killing blow. Guardie was going to keep to make sure we got it and me who in my dream was a lot better then in reality had the task to solo our boss. Now in reality i never achieved such a feat i came close once where svanir had 10% health
left but in the end i failed and got 0 points for all my effort.

Now before the match started we checked there set up and we noticed a strange class icon there. At first we thought it was a beast then someone said it was a gm and they were hacking but checking the gw2 wiki we found out it was a ranger. The moment we found out it was a ranger we all had a hearthy laugh.

The match start and burstie was gone in a flash. Thiefs are so fast i thought to myself guardie was already half way the keep and ellie the elementalist was going with guardie to support him confusie was capping our close point and mei was facing off against a huge bear of a giant the mighty svanir himself. now burstie was teleporting around the map and in no time he unloaded with a mighty 18k backstab followed by an 8k heartseeker to valiantly claim 25 points for us while disapearing in a puff of smoke afterwards.

Guardie was with ellie busy to claim the keep. Now it was a hard fight but guardie was very good and ellie supported guardie with his mighty buffs while meanwhile contributing with his awesome aoe damage. me i disposed of our boxss and claimed 25 points for our team and confusie was aleady heading to the keep. now by that time the whole other team was already at the keep and a ranger was shooting guardie with his bow ! and guardie started to bleed but no worries guardie had a skill that made bleeds useless and they vanished like snow from the sun every 10 seconds. there were 3 others beating on guardie but guardie just healed a few times popped a bubble and used his many mighty buffs..

(edited by barti.7685)


in Elementalist

Posted by: barti.7685


its not just elementalists its a lot of other clases too..

How is this acceptable?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


yea bunkers and burst. i experienced the same thing you experienced as an even more tanky fighter.. toughness does lill for true burst like that notice that his lightning strike hit also in between. problem is toughness scales poor in comparision to power.. so power always wins.. theres tons of scources for might and hardly any for toughness buffs..

I know there is protection, and every profession can take runes which will give you a chance on hit to gain it, in addition to professions which can utilize it themselves.

warriors to my knowledge dont have protection, only true bunker classes have protection. so we first need to roll a 20 sided dice to get a chance to get 5 sec protection on a 30 sec cooldown.

i ll roll with those runes and next time i get ambushed by a thief i will ask him nicely to please wait with his burst untill i hit him enough times for my protection to go off.

i’m sure he will oblige.

Spectral Grasp is back off of my toolbar.

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


spectral grasp is described as something that

“Pull your foe to you, chill them, and gain life force.”

while it should be

sometimes pulls your foe to you.. most of the times it will display an obstructed mssg and sporadicly throws yourself into the zerg meatmachine and turning you instantly into a tombstone.

How do you counter D/D elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: barti.7685


If your build is somewhere in the middle you should probably accept that a heavily specialized build played by someone who has to manage 23 skills, 20 of which have 2 cooldowns each, practically flawlessly, deserves to beat you. And even then you can probably still kill him, or get away safely.

right as a necromancer i got 21~26 skills

15 on bars where of 1 double so 16 or 2 opens up another 5 skills or 4 skills so 20 or 19 + deathsrhoud in and out 22 and 21 + 4 ds skills = 25~26 also why dont i deserve to win vs all those in between people then if i manage all those skills perfectly ? and half my trait tree is bugged ?

How is this acceptable?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


yea bunkers and burst. i experienced the same thing you experienced as an even more tanky fighter.. toughness does lill for true burst like that notice that his lightning strike hit also in between. problem is toughness scales poor in comparision to power.. so power always wins.. theres tons of scources for might and hardly any for toughness buffs..

Casual opinion: I never feel like I "won"

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


If you actually care about trying to win, try the free tournaments, hotjoins are a zergy mess for farming glory and don’t really offer proper competition.

yea free tournaments are def the way to go for casuals they’re gonna feel really usefull and heavily contributed to their team being mobbed up,steamrolled and spawncamped at base or primary node by 4 bunkers and a burst thief. some person made a movie about whats wrong with tpvp .. and its exactly that.. new players get tossed into a shark tank.

as it stands right now its pretty simple..

spvp – zergfest learn the trick of the trade gaining points the easy way or feel totally useless afterwards.

tpvp – good luck being stomped and farmed in round 1 if you ever happen to get by round 1 by sheer luck of facing another pug team gl in round 2 getting stomped. if you happen to get by that because of a pug team.. you re def not gonna win in round 3.. cause chances are it will be a premade/guild team for sure in the finals ah well you got 2nd place.. 2nd place aint bad.

sPVP not balanced-four players vs six players

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


yea thats normal that just means half of your team ran away because they dont like getting spawnkilled at primary base. in a short time someone of the team with the abundance of players are forced to join the losing team..

Leaving Game while Downed

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


yea i do it too. i always reckoned it must annoy someone this thread kinda confirms that.. main reason why i do it is zerg kills.. when im getting overrun by 5 or 6 people thats kinda me having the last laugh. secondary reason testing build.. wich obviouly failed and going back to the drawingboard to make something else.

How's the current state of PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


its basicly 4 bunkers and a thief mostly in tournaments seem to work best.. should rename this game to bunkerwars.. cause basicly thats what it is.. spec into toughness vit get stability and some heals and some super elites and youre basicly unkillable untill 4 people start beating on you.. its verry zzz..

nothing changed and nothing will change soon i think.. but who knows might be wrong..

How's the current state of PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


It’s funny that people can complain that there is no skill in PvP and yet simultaneously complain that good teams destroy PUGs.

Obviously, there is something there that makes them win. And I doubt it’s superior twitch reflexes.

I forgot to clarify that I was talking about sPVP (kitten, people barely res each other in sPVP). I don’t have a premade team for tPVP and don’t bother. Obviously, in tPVP, if a team is organized and know what points to cap and which caps need help and such, they function a lot better. They’re also used to playing with each other and know what to do.

TPvP is no better. Don’t let the students and dole-bludgers fool you into thinking they’re on another level because their only achievement is a pixelated star to their avatar. It’s just artificial fun having specific classes, in specific builds, stationed at specific places, doing one specific role; like an incredibly obsequious parent from Teen Cribs.

pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one.. its not often superiour skill altho maybe for a few teams it is skill but the majority just takes massive advantage of certain team set ups and fotm and easymode classes and communication wich requires no skill just a vent or mumble or ts channel to roll up pugs..

tpvp is no skill even paid tournaments arent that skillfull imo its still the same bs standard team setups with the same class specs and rng at work..

I will come back for open world pvp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: barti.7685


Yes there is SOME skill – as a thief I do enjoy my hit and runs but I just like having more skills to play with as it gives the advantage to the smart PvPer.

theres your problem right there roll a ranger and go spvp problem fixed.

What condition necro is this?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


sounds like a well based spec you might not notice but the dark ground under you thats pulsing is a well it gives conditons on you while you stay in it. most well specced necros are melee so once you are criplied frozen and can barely move they start to unload on you. you should be able to dodge tho unless he immobilized you first wich happens with dagger 3 it sounds like he immobilized you and then start the well process of giving you multiple conditions the criple part is probably from his pet the flesh golem or from axe 3

the be a power spec and have coniditon duration is mostly possible because of our spite trait wich gives power and condition duration that kinda explains the long conditions you see on you

to counter this watch out for the cast animation dark pact has a 1 sdec cast animation and isp retty clear to see when you see a necro dong nothing for 1 second.. you probably know its comming your way.. stability fixes this.

the main flaw in necro is that there very sensitve to cc.. its kidna funny no.. the class that ccs you has to do so because we’re very vulnerable to it.. we have no stability unless traited into soul reaping or qlite plague or lich form so the next time you see soemthing like that.. get out of the dark pulsing ground and knock back the necro a few times.. also net helps to get some distance engineers shouldnt have a big problem with necros in the first place because of there many knockbacks and immobilizes

How would YOU like your DeathShroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


shaken not stirred.

What do you LIKE about Necros?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685



Seems like most of your “likes” are about concept or visual, I think it says something about the class mecanism.

also probaly says something about the gender i reckon its a girl girls like visual things at least the girls i met in the last decade of mmorpgs. man tend to have more agressive goals like killing stuf and as fast as possible and to reach that you need a class wich works good without a lot of buggs..

could be very wrong tho.. but sometimes when i see someone just walking around in game i can see or its a girl asking it to confirm it often confirms my hunch.

Necro minions need some serious love.

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


One more i liked to added to minion list would be:
- ability to pick up flesh wurm for faster reuse.

same way like engys pick up their sentries.

that would be awesome theres one but tho.. if you play around with flesh wurms a lot you see that half of there body is kinda done.. the other half is just a simple round tail thing based on a few polygons verry crude so they have to fix that first lol also the tail portrudes out pretty ar so that will mean you basicly hurling a lot of dirt with it to move it around.

Rangers being OP against thiefs

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


what probably happened here is that the ranger used his knockback after the thiefs intial 20k burst and somehow stopped it it could be by sheer skill or just a panic reaction to be able to hit the invisible man

now this so flabbergasted the thief that he stood still for 15 seconds checking or his mouse was still connected.. meanwhile the ranger kept dpsing him for 10 seconds and thus the thief died.

why plague form sucks for spvp/tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


default scepter attack applies an 2,200 bleed that lasts 11 seconds .5 second cast time. very easy to load bleeds up.

its also very easy to remove bleeds by healing or other means. its quite obvious you are just craving for attention.

now lets put in simple terms because 20+ people have explained it already to you how strong plague form is and you still fail to comprehend the logic behind it.

3 people on you you plague 20 seconds you endure and hold out for team to help you

3 people on you you stay in your superdps mode and die 2 sec later.. + 15 sec downtime from spawntimer.. and you lose the node

now wich solution is better for your team.

case closed

Are Necromancers good for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


they are ok but you got to manage the class with the tools you have.

necros lack :

stability = huge deal even for support
knockback would be nice since our fear kinda sucks
only stuck with 1 good dps condition only bleeds.. wich is easily removed and never will reach its full potential.
real good burst on a constant base and its highest atk is dagger #3 wich requires you to hit a target 2 times and hope the target stays around for hit 3

and quite a few things more but you can make it work if you want it too even as a power necro you can be a great asset in lich form by quickly clearing up a big battlefield.. or help with immobilizeing focused targets to burst them down fast with multiple people and a lot more.

why plague form sucks for spvp/tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


im probably a bed necro but here goes,

plagueform in its current state is prob one of the strongest bunker elite there is. i mean double the hp increased toughness and vit pretty sure it gives near immunity to crits… or maybe people crit and the toughness boost is so high you wont even notice anymore or maybe its just the blindness spam that makes you mis s anything directed at the green mist.. and a game often exceeds the 5 min mark making it probably be usuable more then once.. more often the case twice and in rare cases 3 times..

i dont know or you ever fought the green cloud yourself but i’ve played necros a lot(1000+ games) and i played against necros a lot and the green cloud.. is pretty much gg for the comming 20 seconds even with 4 people beating on it.. who cares about the dps plague form is often picked by condition mancers. in a game that is still all about bunkering. you think the other 2 elites are better nobody is stopping you to not pick one of those.

i can tell you one thing tho going lich makes you an instant target because of the growth you experience and stability sometimes dont function at all in this form so you get tossed around like a ragdoll even in form and its dps aint that hot.. unless you go full berserker or stack blood is power and multiple mights..

and flesh golem can die in aoe in mere seconds and after it uses its charge its gone for 5 sec from the fight.. and its ai is close to that of a muppet so half the time it doesnt attack anything or it attacks the completely wrong target making is near useless in critical moments.

so none of the other 2 elites does half the job plagueform does as tanking is concerned, and the only game mode we have is conquest wich is all about tanking theres a good reason necros are put on nodes.. and the moment you see one on a node you just know 99% sure the necro has plagueform.

you cant be near invulnerable and be able to do super dps as any class that will seriously break balance wich is already near the point of broken anyways but thats another story all together.

Deathly invigoration

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


it does heal you but the trait is a lot worse then life transfer and ritual of lie imo.. the fact it doesnt scale with healing power and only heals for around 600 makes it like 3 times worse then life transfer in pvp at least.. cant comment on pve.. no experience with pve nor do i want to have any experience in that.

Hitler reacts to the Nov Patch.

in Ranger

Posted by: barti.7685


i played a ranger for a few games but now im really into my warrior and its true yea.. kill shot is incredible powerful.. i can only imagine what goes through a rangers mind when i hit him with it even in spvp it can crit to 12k on squishies.. hits for al ot less on other toons who do have toughness tho. but yea the 1200 range and the big damage makes it a lot of fun ranger i rpobably just shelve now i mean i dont like bleed stacking and longbow doesnt seem like a viable option ah well spot on this video ^^

Does anyone actually enjoy Conquest?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


rank 40 here so played over 2000+ games i think the game mode is ok.. irather have capture the flag tho now that would be awesome in this game.

Why is dagger so strong?

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


you are misinformed checked it myself it doesnt do more damage.. you might have the impression because sometimes the crits are higher but in reality you attack slower. all the auto atks thiefs do are double strikes. in all fairness ti should be higher because thats where necros get there burst from that and maybe reapers touch spam.. but it sadly it isn’t.

Constantly imply this game is free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: barti.7685


Am I missing something here? I personally remember paying £60/$60/60 Euros.

That’s half a years EvE online or WoW subscription.
That’s two top titled pc/console games.
That for many people is a new graphics card / sound card.

1. paid 50 euros for my copy dunno where you got ripped off.
2. nope 5 months
3. nope payed 50 euros for diablo 3 also most top titles vary between 40~60 euros
4. soundcard probably nothing very audiophile tho, graphic card no way.. 50 euros dont buy no graphic card not anything remotely usefull anyways

now lets take youre reasoning and add a lill to it..

60 euros for a game ok i give you that.

other popular mmorpg we will not mention 50 euro game when it was first released 50 euro every expension every 2 years and then 144 anual year fee lets say you played this game from the start so 10 years

game 50 euro
1st expansion 50 euro
2nd expension 50 euro
3rd expansion 50 euro
4th expansion 50 euro

anual year fee : 144 euro x10

= a total of 169 euros a year you paid on that particular game..just to log on in one of their servers.

i think we are pretty cheap off with 60 euros for this game. sure we might not have the support they have there.. or the millions of people.. but we got a dev team that does listen a lill bit.. to the comunity and have just as much heart for the game as those others have and the art department simply blows theirs away altho i have to give story and pure cinematics to the other people.

just my $0.02

My humble advice to A.N. for necromancer's SPvP

in Necromancer

Posted by: barti.7685


i dont mind watching the hour video you got a good way of explaining things altho with some things i don’t agree. personally think that a staff is a much better weapon for a power necro even the 10% in axe 2 isnt gonna change anything in that. about the burst and necros not lacking dps i do agree tho but there are some ways for necros to close the gap its not always running around a building altho combat does get quite claustrophobic in this game.. maybe thats why rangers are strugling too.. theres just not that many use for 1200 range in this game mode the maps are mostly to small for it.

i do think you highly contribute to the necromancer community tho and you should continue making more movies oh yea i like the intro song.

Infinite Dodge?

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


this is also possible on land for quite a bit a thief spamming deathblossom roll for initiative and withdraw can keep up a pretty hefty time on evade on him.

Does anyone else see DAoC all over again?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: barti.7685


i bought this game mainly for the pvp. i made it to rank 40 but seriously i cba to rank anymore… its what 500k till lvl 50 500k on a server that only has 5 maps and 1 gamemode.. i already saw those 5 maps and that same game mode over 400 times (2000+ games played) i’m sick and tired of it..

i thought this game had some meaningfull pvp… esports big pvp community now when i log in the mist most of the day theres like 2 people around.. and the 80+ pvp servers that used to be full has now degraded to 20.. if i wanted pve.. there were other alternatives out there..

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: barti.7685


well i don’t think the thiefs were the problem they have champion titles afterall.