Showing Posts For cmud.5689:

The Dawn of a New Age is Coming...

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


Enough cheap talk. How do you intend to fight the decap abilities of a thief? Someone from the team constantly sitting on close? because short bow+shadowstep will traverse a lot of distance, it will be hard to counter that. I expect this to be a major issue in the upcoming season.

banished from time and space

Another Legendary Bug

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


You are not supposed to be running around or under him. Stay in front of the shatterer and watch him breath out projectiles. They are breathed out roughly in the same perimeter or distance as the crystal pillars he raises in between the fight. Once you get hit, you got it. This worked for me on the 1st try.

banished from time and space

wings of glory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


“so pve players can get all the ingame stuff from pve. why arent pvp players able to get the ad infinium wings from pvp instead being forced to play those stupid unbalanced fractals”

banished from time and space

best legendary for a rev

in Revenant

Posted by: cmud.5689


Its hammer or sword. I personally went for Bolt because I wanted it for quite some time and it looks pretty amazing on the rev. I would not worry for the nerfs as they rather change the way the damage is distributed (worse autos, better precision strike) than actually making it a bad weapon choice. And I would not recommend going for a shield unless you dont mind it will screw your backpack item. I just cant stand the fact that my wings magically disappear when the shield sheathed….ughhh and I DO plan on getting the PvP wings.

banished from time and space

What did you play to get to diamond/legendary

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


- condition reaper / signet corruption; rune of aristocracy + carrion amulet with scepter+warhorn and staff. This carried me the most. Had problems with Ele’s but which condition class engages them anyway.

SoloQ diamond

banished from time and space

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


- price too high, 700g for one shared item is too much
- I feel bad for people whom bought multiple kits or tools, this invalidates their purchase
and they should get a refund option upon purchasing the extra slot

banished from time and space

Remove Stronghold from Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


I always go stronghold because conquest is the most useless ridiculous and boring gamemode ever.

The forced on point fights take away 90% of the strategic elements this game has to offer.

only people that run the OP meta bunker builds and want nothing else just camp points and spam boons and heals all day are the ones that are againts strongholds because their broken build not works there and they actualy need to look out for other stuff instead of just camping.

What game are you playing good sir? The OP meta bunkers are having a blast in stronghold, healing, buffing, protecting the NPCswhile riding to victory.
Nevertheless, the option to turn off q for this map is available and I unchecked it a long time ago, best decision made.

banished from time and space

Did we Over React to Leagues and SoloQ?

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


The issue in your line of thoughts is the fact you can lose tiers in ruby. Its not the same as sap. not at all. Unless you will keep your win/lose ration at say, 60% you wont make it. Winning streaks are less effective. I soloq’d ro ruby but I do not intend to climb further. Losing tiers is too painful

As for your question, my biggest issue is:

- premades that q almost exclusively stronghold. They rush you and despite your knowledge of the strategy, you cant outplay them. I recon to not q for this game mode. You increase your chances of winning.

banished from time and space

Sapphire easier than Emerald for solo quer

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


Wow, I am glad I see people having the same experience, I am not mad after all…. it took me almost 5 days if not a week to get through last 2 tiers of EME, especially tier 4. Games were random, no balance, was having crazy loss streaks (8 losses in a row izy). When I finally made it out EME, I blazed through SAP in 1-2 days. Games were super entertaining and much more balanced, people generally knew what to do. Now I am at ruby and I am looking forward to see what awaits.

banished from time and space

What happened to warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: cmud.5689


I player Warrior for 2+ years straight. It hurts, but I ditched him for a revenant. My biggest complaint on Warrior – save for what has been said in the thread, is that his elite spec is so bad. I couldnt find a single skill I would use in PvX, they basically became “physical 2.0”, also the trait line for berserker is incredibly unattractive.

banished from time and space

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cmud.5689


Broken Charr Ravenant story progression

mission: Time for Promotion
goal: defeat all enemy gladiators
status: no progress despite defeating all gladiators, waited, went around arena, stucked
additional info: re-loaded the mission 3x more times, same results, cant progress story


banished from time and space

(edited by cmud.5689)

Mystic Forge unfairness leads cause my leave

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I’m a logic person. After buying 3 precursors, I have done the math, using statistics and the experience of other people to persuade myself to use the mystic forge instead of buying the precursors. Basically, the odds of getting a pre is .2 % from rares. Using a cumulative binomial calculator, the odds of getting 1 or more pre from 350 attempts is 50%….
Well, after 1100 attempts, I’ve convinced myself to quit. I know.. 100 trolls will say good ridden. Whatever. I’ll never buy an Anet game or all other affiliates. You have wasted my time enough already…

Your logic is flawed because you disregard the fact that pre crafting is coming and you would rather spin the wheel with all your gold than be patient.

banished from time and space

Why was solo queue removed, again?

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


Tired of totally lopsided Team[player name] vs. Team [Guild Name]

Fact is, no algorithm is going to compensate for the coordination and potential voice coms on one side and not the other. Let’s stop pretending it can.

This 100×. It happens so often its not even funny. I am so tired of these stomps that inevitable happen once you see you are not against actual solo players but a coordinated team. It makes the whole match futile. A team q should exists.

It rarely happens. There are dozens of threads where one player starts by complaining he’s always matched against premades, while in reality it’s 3 out of 70 games, and it’s like 311 against 11111. They even made the size of team a stronger criteria in MM, and now queuing in full premade in ranked usually unbalanced matches: either you lose hard against a top team, or you stomp a team of noobs.

The thing is, there were two types of solo players in the old system. The one who played soloq, and the ones who went solo in teamq. The latter had more mechanical skill, more map awareness and better team play. These players are now matched against old soloq players, and they naturally outplay them. The old soloq was a noob queue, good riddance.

I do not have statistics (nobody in this forum except the stuff does) but I play little enough to keep track of my games. 3 of 70? Not even close baby. The number doesnt matter though, because there is no good, sensible or otherwise decent argument for having these Q’s merged.

banished from time and space

Why was solo queue removed, again?

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


Tired of totally lopsided Team[player name] vs. Team [Guild Name]

Fact is, no algorithm is going to compensate for the coordination and potential voice coms on one side and not the other. Let’s stop pretending it can.

This 100×. It happens so often its not even funny. I am so tired of these stomps that inevitable happen once you see you are not against actual solo players but a coordinated team. It makes the whole match futile. A team q should exists.

banished from time and space

Ranked PVP and People not knowing what to do

in PvP

Posted by: cmud.5689


Meh, I will trade a new guy any time and any day for an opposing team thats clearly coordinated on TS. Never understood the que / matchmaking system in this game.

banished from time and space

Nicest community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


This is a thorough joke I hope? this community’s pvp side is more toxic then any I’ve ever seen before, save for a few perhaps.

Game after game I meet name callers, general cussers people who think they are absolutely magnificent and feel the need to rub that in everyone’s faces galore(those are the worst.)

PvE maybe!

PvP not by a long shot, the amount of times I’ve reported people should be so many by now I should ask Anet to pay me for it. No wonder Anet doesn’t support this side of the community, I wouldn’t have either.

sorry had to post this, the claim just amuses me to no end.

I strongly suggest to create a League of Legends account (its free) and play a bit. Come here a couple hours afterwards and share your experience. People do not even fathom what “toxic” means before entering the actual cess pool of the worst the internet has to offer. People in PvP will pick on you but its nothing in comparison to actual death wishes, harrasment and borderline disgust you meet over the hill.

banished from time and space

Your picked races for your Revenant?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cmud.5689


Originally, I was locked on the idea of Asura because I have not yet played a Heavy Armor Asura, but with all that fuzz about sylvari, I might jump ship to them. If only I could play as an evil dragon minion Sylvari, oh god…. my body is not ready. Of course it wont happen :P

banished from time and space

would you like PVP in PVE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689




banished from time and space

Are you going to buy HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cmud.5689


I played a ton of GW2, got my baby twilight, explored the whole world, went for a couple full walkthroughs and eventually dropped the game because it was a bore at some point. Now its a couple of months since my last login and I am considering buying the expo. I kind of own it to the game, I had so much fun with this MMO. But I need to see more spoilers, I need incentive to replay

banished from time and space

Best mat to invest in for 500 jeweling patch?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


I personally went for blue and yellow orbs, shards, and its ilk. Reason is, they drop randomly and there is a chance anet will do a recipe that will require an unreasonable amount of some of these. But most important, it was possible to buy them for VENDOR prices for a long time. If they end up being a flop, I dont care, I literally wont lose out.

banished from time and space

Builds OP/not fun/noskill

in Profession Balance

Posted by: cmud.5689


OP, you literally called out 4 classes with some specific builds to be over-the-top. It doesnt even make sense, if these classes clash with each other, who wins lol? Since all of them are “OP”. Anyway, I am going to tell you the same thing each person posting on this forums should actually do. Take the class you complain about, go PvP (if thats where you coming from), play 50 games with the said build/class, and THEN come around posting. Your opinion is biased, based on no personal exp and leads nowhere.

banished from time and space

"buy gold with gems" appearing too so much?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


It’s no coincidence that pretty much every gold-making farm in the game has been nerfed.

I’ve gone from making 15g/h to nothing.

That’s funny you should say that since you were such a fan of the Queensdale train nerf.


As a former hardcore farmer, this is the best change Anet had made in a long time.
They should have done it sooner, but it’s done.

I am sure Vol is not refering to the Queensdale champ train in terms of his gold loss from farming. Go ahead and search the forum for his gold making guide, you are misinformed. He was doing his rounds at Orr.

banished from time and space

Wurm's Bane vs. The Blazing Light

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I would go for The Blazing Light because it sounds the best, stricktly from the aesthetics, roleplay, whatever point. IF you want a title that commands somewhat “respect” within at least some parts of the community, you need a WvW or PvP title.

banished from time and space

What is the highest DPS class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


Both ele and thief have the highest potential dps out there, this is due to multiple damage multipliers in their traits.
Despite what most of the community thinks warrior dps is mediocre and the only reason you have them in your party is because of their banners. More than 1 warrior in your party is already a dps loss for absolutely nothing in return and it would be better to replace them by one of the other 2 classes i mentioned or a ranger with spotter and a traited frost spirit.

You are wrong. Warriors are taken above Ele’s in dungeons or Thiefs for that matter, that the DPS is cleaving and still reasonable while they are able to effectively stack through the course of the dungeon. Add in, For Great Justice and banners and you are good to go. I am not saying you cant melee stack with Ele’s, but I can imagine it would be pretty bad.

banished from time and space

Jumping puzzle reward

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I could theoretically tell you:
- rewards in this game, be it puzzles, dungeons or LS are notoriously bad and many people raised such concerns on these forums.

But if I do it, somebody will come and say:
- you are not supposed to play for the reward, its the fun that counts

And the thread will continue to the point it gets closed and infractions are being handled out. So I wont answer with the “theoretically posed issue” forget it and move along, some people on these forums hate rewards

EDIT: lol, i just realized a thread called " Dungeon Rewards might be a little too good" exists on the same page. All is void.

banished from time and space

(edited by cmud.5689)

Loot = Why We Play (Stop the Nerf)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


Loot is an important (the most) important factor in any RPG game.

Loot does absolutely nothing for gameplay. Gameplay is absolutely the only thing that will ever matter in any video game. No amount of loot will make me do something that isn’t fun and no lack of loot will stop me from doing anything that is fun.

1.) Getting shinies is fun
2.) Continuous improvement of your character it stats or flair is fun
I believe I have summed up a lot examples that this is the way it is. Also, I never said anything about doing something that is not fun in order to obtain loot. ..please dont make up stuff. Anyway, would love to see a pic of your character, armor, weapon skins, quality of the gear, etc. If you arent dressed up in some random yellows cleric armor wielding a green weapon you submit to the fact that loot is important to you as well.

…Try not to use fallacies as arguments. The desire, and importance, to improve your character is not the same as loot being important. …..

So, what is it?

banished from time and space

Loot = Why We Play (Stop the Nerf)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


Loot is an important (the most) important factor in any RPG game.

Loot does absolutely nothing for gameplay. Gameplay is absolutely the only thing that will ever matter in any video game. No amount of loot will make me do something that isn’t fun and no lack of loot will stop me from doing anything that is fun.

1.) Getting shinies is fun
2.) Continuous improvement of your character it stats or flair is fun
I believe I have summed up a lot examples that this is the way it is. Also, I never said anything about doing something that is not fun in order to obtain loot. ..please dont make up stuff. Anyway, would love to see a pic of your character, armor, weapon skins, quality of the gear, etc. If you arent dressed up in some random yellows cleric armor wielding a green weapon you submit to the fact that loot is important to you as well.

banished from time and space

Loot = Why We Play (Stop the Nerf)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


….i play an mmo for the game, really don’t care about the loot at all……young players these days….

Do you think being condescending make you sound intelligent or enlightened? What exactly does ‘i (<- common ’I’) play an (<-MMO doesn’t start with a vowel) mmo for the game’ mean? That’s the most useless argument I’ve ever read-‘I watch Godzilla for the movie’ or ‘I read Lord of the Rings for the book’. This post would have actually possibly been valuable if you first dropped condescending tones at the door and second explain what ‘the game’ is. For instance:
“I play a mmorpg for the online community/story/lore-the mechanics/flair don’t interest me as much”…a fair point…but still utterly irrelevant to people who are interested in the things you aren’t interested in. Also…if you don’t care about mechanics/flair then any changes would mean nil to you…so why does it bother you again?

aw, you you feel offended because i say something like…i dunno…my opinion.
also, you’re pretty much proving my point, i don’t care about loot because as long as the game doesn’t screw me i am happy, you’re obviously playing the game for the loot…..

Nobody would be playing this game if it would be not fun, but apart of this, you dont seem to understand the point of this thread. Loot is an important (the most) important factor in any RPG game. It enhances your experience, it distinguishes you from the crowd and it is THE reason why things like precursors or legendaries in general are priced as high as they are. You can go ahead and install any RPG game there is and come back to this thread reporting how low of a factor the loot in that particular game was. Perhaps you need more? Loot was a thorn in the eye in Diablo 3 to such an extent, that it made Blizzard re-design the whole acquire, purchase, TP system…simply because of dissatisfaction of the crowd. Its fine to be that “white knight” of the thread, I know….but please… think about it in global measure. The only way to obtain something special is the gem store. The policy of this game is basically, earn gold, buy loot. The drops in the world are sad, the rewards for practically everything, be it www or a meta achievement are so much far from being adequate the effort. THIS is the point of this thread, but nooo.. lets have the “i liek thiz game for funnzies loot is lol i dont care ehrmagesh” attitude.

banished from time and space

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I will just quote myself.

So now it’s normal gameplay to give your gold to someone who just had a lucky drop ?
Is it that difficult to recognize that precursors are just a broken part of the game ?
Except in Diablo 3 when they had auction house, I’ve never seen a game where players were OK with being farmed by the luckiest.

A person who obtained a lucky precursor is still infinitaly further away to obtain a legendary as a whole than a person actively working towards it but having only half-of the money required to buy a precursor. I am not defending it, but I just wish people would stop thinking about Legendaries as “precursor=auto legendary in 1 week incoming.” I just consider precursors as a mandatory gold sink that is supposed to shoo away people. They could easily remove precursors from the game and instead say, from now…you will need 900 extra Icy runestones as part of the standard recepi.

banished from time and space

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


Man, there is nothing terribly wrong with the game at least not to an extent that would make you insta-leave. Like, why the hell would you quit playing the game in 2014 due to 1-shot mechanics when this mechanic is present since day1? If people quit, its just because lack of content / overdue expansions, this is true for anyone who plays for a long time.

banished from time and space

Active challenges in GW2 and in Wildstar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I am also trying the open beta of Wildstar and I am pretty much sold on it. I do not know if its worth it to compare the lack of challenge of GW2 combat to wildstar combat. Remember, with no trinity, there is also no reason to complain about lack of taunts, heals, etc. which automatically add towards the depth of the fight. GW2 just aint the place to look for this stuff. The actual problem which makes people even try new MMOs is simply lack of content. I think we can all agree that an expansion is long overdue, that being said, people jump ship…sadly, me included.

good for youu.. goodbye and have fun on wildstar.. were just here having fun..

I am honestly happy for you, and of course for the community you are speaking for. Oh wait…

banished from time and space

Active challenges in GW2 and in Wildstar

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I am also trying the open beta of Wildstar and I am pretty much sold on it. I do not know if its worth it to compare the lack of challenge of GW2 combat to wildstar combat. Remember, with no trinity, there is also no reason to complain about lack of taunts, heals, etc. which automatically add towards the depth of the fight. GW2 just aint the place to look for this stuff. The actual problem which makes people even try new MMOs is simply lack of content. I think we can all agree that an expansion is long overdue, that being said, people jump ship…sadly, me included.

banished from time and space

[EU] Gold League Predicted Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: cmud.5689


Deso came to gold league from 8th position and has been kicking kitten from the beginning of season 2. Everybody knows that we have done a god kitten good job and as a server community we can be proud of ourselves.

You from SFR call us pathetic? Look in to a mirror. Your server is just full of bandwagoners and chest bumping arrogant ego’s.

Deso will continue to fight till the end and stomp your arrogant kitten as much as it is humanely possible. We have done a helluva job to rise from ashes time after time and will be doing so in the future.

You are missing the point. I am from SFR and I enjoy the Deso performance, I personally am a Fan when it comes to Deso at WvW BUT…look at this pages. Tons of people that (maybe) come from deso and complain about the following: omg we got doubleteamed again, omg we so good but because of somebody else we got 2nd, etc. etc. This QQbabies just make sure that your server reputation suffers and thus, the “arrogance” you meet on the forums.

banished from time and space

Why sell broken armor?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


Please dont tell me this works as intended. Ridiculous issues with clipping are one thing, but this is just broken. I really like and would enjoy buying it, but can Anet pls confirm that the head covering 50% of the body will be normalized?


banished from time and space

Running away from duels

in WvW

Posted by: cmud.5689


who gives a frak about roamers feelings. They don’t contribute that much to anything but themselves.

They kill a few yaks and people trying to get back to their tag, but that is not much more respectable than trolling.

Whut? So someone who caps camps, prevents supply delivery, and stops reinforcements isn’t contributing? Roamers are absolutely essential for precisely these reasons.

+ scounting reports. Having people that are stationed off-zergs is super helpful.

banished from time and space

[EU] Gold League Predicted Rankings

in WvW

Posted by: cmud.5689


I’m enjoying reading the EU rants, it makes a nice changed to the NA ones

As an outsider I’m curious what happened to Viz. Most of you predicted them as #1, what happen?

they all trasnfered to SFR, we getting tones and tones on newcomers, bangwagoners and so on for months already…ER, underworld etc))

But i actually miss strong vizaguna square…y it’s only blobs, but we Seafarer’s Blob is blobbing too and viguna could put a nice fight to it.

Actually i wish JS and BB to become 2nd and 3rd.

JS for smart playing, BB for last running server ever)

Though I am not from VIZ I am from a different server, I transfered to SFR before the tourney as I was not happy with PvE + WvW on my old server. Also, I was scared that the gem price will be jacked up due to the transfer cost announcement. I can only imagine that a lot of people thought the same so I guess SFR had a healthy income of new players, while the megaservers helped as well? Basically, WvW is now the only reason to go from server A to B, pve is meaningless. Some servers lost, some gained.

banished from time and space

Running away from duels

in WvW

Posted by: cmud.5689


I like PvP and although I am not a roamer I charge in, whenever I spot someone on the map while on the way to the zerg or so. But running away from a duel is a fair. If anything else, this game is not balanced in 1v1s so staying in a fight you cant win is just noobish. As for running in PvP, yup..totally agree. Especially if, say a thief can reset the fight by going into deep stealh on his own leasure. (does that count as running away? nope) tactics

banished from time and space

Quick trait setup switching feature?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I was actually surprised anet did not implemented this together with the update. (I honestly assumed it would be in). Anyway, it would oh-so convenient to have the trait profiles implemented. This would be especially helpful for PvP when you play, say necro and skyhammer loads up. “Oh, better change to fear-omancer than”.

banished from time and space

Worst JP ever?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I did them all.

But it has to be the one in Malchor’s leap with the keys. This puzzle is unplayable without a guide and that alone defeats the whole purpose of the activity. I am specifically talking about the one key you have to pick, but it is hidden from sight, even when standing directly in front of it. You just literally have to pick it while its invisible. I mean…lol?

banished from time and space

Title for deaths and player kills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


And therein lies the problem with many aspects of this game. You reward defending in WvW and players just afk the day away for the achievement while a “friend” taps a gate occasionally. AFK title farming by taking off your armor in Orr and going for a coffee in RL would be the new in thing.

Unfortunately until there is a way to prevent this kind of behavior then it will happen; and many years as a player has taught me that will not happen soon. Why is it, do you think, ANet just gave the supply use achievements to WvW players (may as well give it with the requirements) because players would not only use the supply in keeps and towers to make endless rams, but also repair still being trebbed walls. This behavior grieves the server they are on by using supply better spent elsewhere.

I know you would like new titles, as do many of us, but because they give AP’s the ability to exploit has to be removed before they will have any meaning in the game.

Sooo, the idea is to run 5minutes to hills from your borderspawn, get afk behind a gate, than die, and than do it anew? Do you plan to “abuse it” with revive orbs? Really, it does not seem like it is convenient to die at any given point at www unless you enjoy wasting your time.

banished from time and space

Advice for Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


I have 400 gold….

To use toilet….


Save 500 more gold for it??

Almost got twilight… Been a frickin nightmare, T6 so hard to get…

You need less gold for dusk. You have 400 but the highest buy order is 880. Undercut it for approx. 90-100g and it will be fulfilled if its still in the top 10 buy orders. So you are just 370g away for your legendary, dont blow it.

As for me, got my dusk for 670g while highest buy order was 760g. My order was the 10th from top and it got fulfilled withn 24h. I also had a lucky drop for zap from a edge of the mist kodan sentry. That baby got sold and paid for my T6 which I was missing to finish my twilight.

banished from time and space

Will You Be Playing GW2 Less Post Patch ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


Already playing less OP. Not because of the champ train etc. but because there is nothing for me to do. The patch provided polish and features, some of them should be already available in the first place (acc bound dyes) and fixed the nonsetical way transmuting worked. Thats all cool and fine, but what about it? Am I going to enjoy a dungeon run I did a million times already more because of a new shiny dye? How much content can I expect for having now twilight on my www guard, not just pve warrior? Than we have the nerfs, all that anet achieved was decreasing overall damage output b x% and thats it…oh god how much i love this new and fresh meta while the freaking inabillity to use condition damage in pve is completely unanswered AGAIN.
Yes, I will play a lot less, yesterday I actually missed my dailies because because I got caught in a different game.

banished from time and space

Frozen Maw issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


First of all, sorry if I failed an event you were in :P

And now seriously, I do not know if this is a bug or actual pre-disposition in order to correctly fulfill the event (which would be silly…) But I was hitting it, no warning popped up, nobody screamed that I am a dumbo, a couple of us just bursted it down and the event was over. I had no idea what happened….

banished from time and space

Rune of ice seems decent why so cheap?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


Yeah, not so easy to apply chill at all. Its so limiting I dont see it being all that expensive. But hey, the dust did not settled yet, people do not know what is the new hit going to be. I also checked the reworked krait rune. I think it previously gave a bonus to power while underwater but now they look like the god of bleeds runes. Yet, they are cheap.

banished from time and space

[Suggestion] 15% tax on loot rewards

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


Fear not penguin, I am happy to announce my gold sink services. If you feel at any given time to have an abundant amount of skins, dyes or high-end loot such as precursors, just send them to me! They will be properly taken over and your issues with abundant gold will be solved. But the BEST aspect of this service is, ITS COMPLETELY FREE! whaaaaat? Yes folks, you heard me right, for free.

Be sure to tell your friends about me!

banished from time and space

I like making money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


The forums are not a market.

these forums are not a forums.

These forums are not a grey market.
(edited about a year ago by John Smith.4610)

banished from time and space

First time in WvW since the last tournament

in WvW

Posted by: cmud.5689


I do www daily but the repetitiveness is felt hard. How many times did I say to myself…if only there would be an actual reward for all of this….

banished from time and space

I like making money

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: cmud.5689


0/10 attempt to boost buy orders for an item you stockpiled on.

banished from time and space

Server Choice.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689



if you are running a personal guild for the stash, make sure you take everything out of the stash and put in into an alts inventory. Your new world will not feature any guild upgrades and your stash with all its items will remain in the old world. The only option to access it ever again is to transfer back, guesting is pointless.

banished from time and space

Legendaries Now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cmud.5689


Every other person has a legendary or three now-a-days anyways.

They aren’t too hard to get.

People are terrible at statistics arent they? Go PvE or WvW and post a screenshot of a pack of people, say 30+ and we can count them. And they are hard to get, if it would be easy the max buy order for eternity wouldnt be 3.4k gold, right?

banished from time and space