We need an option for this in the menus just like the weapon sound options, let us make it so we only see players using the vanilla glider.
tnx to the Geo glider i need to +1 this.
or using a full stack of tomes of knowledge while I’m using the bank doesn’t bother me that much.
I reached a limit i guess, i can no longer tolerate the Tomes of Knoweledge animation/sound.
I just run away now when players start using these (or Recipees).
And it indeed seems more kittens place a char with a Toxic Hybrid mine near Bank or TP
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
The big issue with Sinister gear (and weapons) is getting the Recipe Books u need.
They are Accound Bound so u cant buy them on the TP.
She’s already planning to unlock the raptor once PoF hits (she’s played the demo where she unlocked the raptor in the first story instance), so her low levels will be able to ride, too
Mounts in core Tyria might not be implemented at launch of PoF, but added later.
(With HoT, Gliding in core Tyria was added later.)
oh yeah, that hideous green aura :-(
The main reason i will never use Soulbeast.
I was hoping for some kind of ghostly animal animation/aura, like u see with GS skill 2 and 3.
" Like a charr clearing his throat over and over again"
Thats what i kept thinking the sound was, being confused when i coudnt find any charr nearby.
But yes, very annoying sound.
Now i have to mute all sound when i stand at a Bank or TP :-(
“Either mute this stupid thing, or give us an option to turn off the sounds minis make in game.”
I gotta say it is pretty generous for just handing out a Profession originally locked unless you purchased HOT.
There is still a difference to me;
With HoT u get Herald Revenant
With PoF u get Renegade Revenant
I don’t see an issue.
Just try to not hold down spacebar and ur good.
Where as I loved HoT maps and they saved the game for me It was too easy before. It seems like the playerbase is quite split about if HoT was good or not. I expect a mix of content going forward.
there is a difference betwin something being Annoying or Hard….
Difficulty is not realy an issue for players… people love challenges…
but if the ONLY difficulty is that its being annoying as hell then thats trash…and hot maps are nothing else then annoying…
I do not love challenges, and difficulty CAN be an issue for me.
I play GW2 to have fun, be entertained and pass time.
I do not (want to) play GW2 to be challenged, be annoyed or waste time.
GW1 had two diffulty settings, Normal Mode and Hard Mode.
This was possible becos every map was an instance.
Since (most) Story missions are also an instance, an idea is to make a Normal and Hard Mode (for instanced Story parts).
Players who like more challenge can do the Hard Mode version then.
I got at least one key sofar, probably only one, from daily login chests.
I was surprised though it was even possbile.
i like;
- Crystal Desert, Elonians (refugees) living there.
The Crystal Desert in GW1 only had a few ghost npc’s.
Looking forward to exploring the other the new maps also.
- Two of the new ranger pets (Sand Lion and Fanged Iboga).
Ranger is my favorite class (i have two, a fem Norn and fem Sylvari).
- Mounts, has potential, seems fun. Movement needs strafing.
- My PC isnt good for GW2, have to run it on lowest quality settings.
But it seemed the Crystal Desert beta content looked a bit better.
Don’t like;
- Elite Specs.
i still dont like mandatory Elite Specs when using a new weapons.
For most Elite Specs i couldnt get a good impression, or it meant i didnt like them.
The new warrior elite spec, to me, feels completely wrong for a warrior.
Dual daggers, and anti-caster stuff. Seems better suited for Mesmer or Thief.
My Revenant char is a Charr, so Renegade looks interesting for my Revenant.
- new ID system as it seems to be now.
Enough suggestions have been made in another topic to change/improve this.
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
What i want is the new weapon not tied to the new Elite Spec, with the Elite Spec having traits that benefits the new weapon.
So, using the new weapon with the new Elite Spec would be preferred but not mandatory.
Its an important reason i never bothered with HoT’s Elite Specs, that the new weapon was tied to it.
If this is repeated in PoF, i wont try PoF’s Elite Specs either.
If i decide to get PoF anyway.
“hard and fun”
To often i get the impression that players who consider hard content to be fun, fail to understand that not everyone considers hard content fun.
’ you get a charge back every 15 seconds, and can fire once every 5 until you run out of ammo. ’
Still confusing.
After trying and examining these cooldowns this is how it seems to work to me.
When u have 2 charges, the skill recharge after the first charge is only 1 second.
After using both charges, and then after the skill recharge (5 or 7 secs) i have 1 throw/charge, THEN a second countdown starts for the second charge.
As for mesmer mantra’s, it seemd to me that only the skill recharge was working.
The mention count recharge time was longer, but i diddnt seem to hav to wait longer.
The combination of skill and count recharge is not an improvment to me…
It seems the count recharge on mesmer mantra’s is not working, only the skill recharge.
These skills mention a count recharge time, but these skills can be used again when skill has recharged, wich is faster.
There is a skill recharge AND a count recharge.
Both, seems less clear, and silly
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
Obviously, Junundu to travel through toxic/poison areas
The Rainbow Phoenix as a Skin for the Skimmer
A big sabre cat that is a Skin for either the Raptor or the Springer.
! The special gliding in Dwayna’s area also destroys necro minions.
First i thought that the Balthazar area, specially the fire golems, kill minions very fast.
But with another char i had more difficulty staying alive there.
So dmg in Balthazar area is higher in general.
Anet can add some of these shrine waypoints to Bitterfrost.
Cant answer your direct question.
However, if u got one of those Siren’s Landings god back items, they cost alot of karma (300k).
The special gliding in the Dwayna area also destroys your minions.
And the elementals in the Balthazar area seem to kill your minions rather fast.
imo, the best and easiest way to go for Anet, is to make some changes to items like the riding broom, sonic tunneling tool and flying carpet.
The most important change being the speed.
No creatures that have body movements, but more static items, or maybe machines.
Like a steam engined car for Charr, for Asura something that looks like those flying bikes from Star Wars, etc.
1. Options to disable/enable what is shown in the top right corner.
Most of the time (in PvE) i dont wanna see info about dailies, personal/living story, dynamic events and heart quests.
2. Tengu as a new race.
3. Crystal Desert
4. A new Elite spec and a new weapon for every class. But this time use of the new weapon is not tied to the Elite spec.
I know with HoT it was a way for Anet to force players using the new weapon AND the new Elite spec. For me it did the opposite, i couldnt be bothered by either this way.
5. Remove ‘Not So Secret’ diving goggles from the the Dive Mastery.
Give that one a seperate award/achievement.
Sorry for those who did get it the hard way.
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
Getting loot u need to salvage into some materials for crafting is neither exiting.
I don’t care much for the crafting system, so for me thats even more underwhelming.
The quality of the loot is very underwhelming.
As said, to much low quality loot.
Only times i get exited by loot is when i get a very rare more valuable item, like a Silver Doubloon or a Maguuma Lily.
The loot system is to connected to the crafting system and the TP, to properly improve quality of loot i fear.
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
This topic is pointless, there will NEVER be mounts in GW2.
There’s a bigger chance that i’ll get an Asura as a Pet for my Norn ranger…
For PvE solo playing i found Ranger and Necro (with minions) easiest for doing dmg and surviability.
The Labyrinthine Cliffs is a very nice little map, it should be accessable permanently imo.
Wayfarer Foothills
Lornar’s Pass
(for the looks of both snow/frost and green/vegitated areas in these maps)
Metrica Province
(i like the Asure look and feel)
Verdant Brink
(when i had gliding and mushroom jumping i really started to like navigating this map)
Divinity Reach
(structured and easy to navigate. Larger city look/feel with all those houses and buildings)
Tangled Depths
Draconis Mons
(navigation/exploring is horrid)
Dragon’s Stand
(when the map is quiet, navigation/exploring is also horrid)
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
Those trebuchet blasts have to stop.
Tried getting the Tower Shard with a small group.
Constantly interupted and KD’ed by those blasts, trying to survive the (very) high amount of centaurs.
Those blast are not a solution, Anet, they r a nail in a coffin.
The problems were scaling issues due to the high number of engi farmers, and Anet intended a different leather farm.
Tnx to the mail carry version;
Hound of Balthazar mini
“100g you earn in a few days of casual play.”
That is utter kitten.
“100G is indeed a few days of playing the game.”
Perhaps, but not with casual play.
From his post, OP is genuinely confused about the name of the patch, and not concerned with the price of the mats.
THANK YOU! People around here seem to be so obsessed with finding flaw in another persons opinion that it completely blinds them to what is being stated in the first place.
Well, the OP did say in his title
Why do Silk Patches Cost Mostly Leather?
Which implies he was asking about cost and not name of the item.
To me the title does not imply to any gold value, but indeed why Silk Patches are mostly made of Leather.
i as good as never use Barrage (ranger longbow 5) cos it gets canceled when i move during combat.
So, i dunno, perhaps some of those skills could be altered imo.
Races are a launch feature, not an expansion feature.
Not for WoW apparently.
Personally, i’d rather have a new race than Legendary weapons and armour.
And a new race is more fitting for an expansion pack.
When will it be in the gem store ?!
Then the mini jungle stalker cub can also be added.
Ok, i also prefer Tengu as a playable race.
However, an endless tengu tonic sounds very good aswell to me.
I would recommend Ranger, and Necromancer with minions.
For melee, Guardian can be more survivable (tradeoff being doing less dmg).
“Try mesmer, can easily solo so many champs.”
The mesmer’s strength is (stronger) fewer targets.
Its weakness is more (weaker) targets.
For me the mother and cub (shown in that screenshot) died when unfrozen.
As Blude.6812 said, there is another frozen cub.
That one stayed alive when i unfroze it.
And that one i presumed was the needed to get the cub in the home instance.
Talk to the Sovereign Weapon Vendor, not the Festival Rewards Vendor.
(both merchants are located very close to the WP)
- Not enough WP’s, or usefull Ley Lines and Tubes.
- Daily reset of Cold resistance is irritating.
- Running around with a big torch is silly.
- If u drop under water, that torch is gone, annoying.
- Solo unfriendly in places (to many foes close together), really annoying.
I’m about to make it rain with 25 ones
If players complain about a slow unresponsive Support, its becos of people like u.
That prolly is the ruined Eye of the North outpost and the Hall of Monuments.
Have u not and yer wife has visited the Hall of Monuments ?!
(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)
For me, i also cant stand the animation anymore.
Now i immediatly leave the Bank (NPC) when someone starts with ToK’s
I deliberately avoid PvP and WvW becos i dont like/want to fight other players.
I would really prefer leaving that out of PvE !